@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL echo Convert 1C external data processors ^& reports to 1C:Designer XML format set ERROR_CODE=0 IF not defined V8_VERSION set V8_VERSION= IF not defined V8_TEMP set V8_TEMP=%TEMP%\1c set V8_TOOL="C:\Program Files\1cv8\%V8_VERSION%\bin\1cv8.exe" IF not defined V8_RING_TOOL ( FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=" %%i IN (`where ring`) DO ( set V8_RING_TOOL="%%i" ) ) set LOCAL_TEMP=%V8_TEMP%\%~n0 set IB_PATH=%LOCAL_TEMP%\tmp_db set WS_PATH=%LOCAL_TEMP%\edt_ws IF "%1" neq "" set V8_SRC_PATH=%1 IF defined V8_SRC_PATH set V8_SRC_PATH=%V8_SRC_PATH:"=% set V8_SRC_FOLDER=%~dp1 set V8_SRC_FOLDER=%V8_SRC_FOLDER:~0,-1% IF "%2" neq "" set V8_DST_PATH=%2 IF defined V8_DST_PATH set V8_DST_PATH=%V8_DST_PATH:"=% IF "%3" neq "" set V8_BASE_CONFIG=%3 IF defined V8_BASE_CONFIG set V8_BASE_CONFIG=%V8_BASE_CONFIG:"=% IF not defined V8_SRC_PATH ( echo [ERROR] Missed parameter 1 - "path to folder containing data processors (*.epf) & reports (*.erf) in binary or EDT project or path to binary data processor (*.epf) or report (*.erf)" set ERROR_CODE=1 ) ELSE ( IF not exist "%V8_SRC_PATH%" ( echo [ERROR] Path "%V8_SRC_PATH%" doesn't exist ^(parameter 1^). set ERROR_CODE=1 ) ) IF not defined V8_DST_PATH ( echo [ERROR] Missed parameter 2 - "path to folder to save 1C data processors & reports in 1C:Designer XML format" set ERROR_CODE=1 ) IF not exist "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%" ( echo [INFO] Path "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%" doesn't exist ^(parameter 3^), empty infobase will be used. set V8_BASE_CONFIG= ) IF %ERROR_CODE% neq 0 ( echo === echo [ERROR] Input parameters error. Expected: echo %%1 - path to folder containing data processors ^(*.epf^) ^& reports ^(*.erf^) in binary or EDT project echo or path to binary data processor ^(*.epf^) or report ^(*.erf^) echo %%2 - path to folder to save 1C data processors ^& reports in 1C:Designer XML format echo %%3 - ^(optional^) path to 1C configuration ^(binary ^(*.cf^), 1C:Designer XML format or 1C:EDT project^) echo or folder contains 1C infobase used for convertion echo. exit /b %ERROR_CODE% ) echo [INFO] Clear temporary files... IF exist "%LOCAL_TEMP%" rd /S /Q "%LOCAL_TEMP%" md "%LOCAL_TEMP%" IF not exist "%V8_DST_PATH%" md "%V8_DST_PATH%" echo [INFO] Set infobase for export data processor/report... set BASE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION=configuration from "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%" IF "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%" equ "" ( md "%IB_PATH%" echo [INFO] Creating infobase "%IB_PATH%"... set BASE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION=empty configuration %V8_TOOL% CREATEINFOBASE File=%IB_PATH%; /DisableStartupDialogs goto export ) IF exist "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%\1cv8.1cd" ( echo [INFO] Basic config source type: Infobase set BASE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION=existed configuration set IB_PATH=%V8_BASE_CONFIG% goto export ) md "%IB_PATH%" call %~dp0conf2ib.cmd "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%" "%IB_PATH%" IF ERRORLEVEL 0 goto export echo [ERROR] Error cheking type of basic configuration "%V8_BASE_CONFIG%"! echo Infobase, configuration file ^(*.cf^), 1C:Designer XML, 1C:EDT project or no configuration expected. exit /b 1 :export echo [INFO] Checking data processord ^& reports source type... set V8_SRC_IS_EDT=0 IF exist "%V8_SRC_PATH%\DT-INF\" ( IF exist "%V8_SRC_PATH%\src\ExternalDataProcessors\" set V8_SRC_IS_EDT=1 IF exist "%V8_SRC_PATH%\src\ExternalReports\" set V8_SRC_IS_EDT=1 ) IF "%V8_SRC_IS_EDT%" equ "1" ( echo [INFO] Source type: 1C:EDT project goto end ) FOR /f %%f IN ('dir /b /a-d "%V8_SRC_PATH%\*.epf" "%V8_SRC_PATH%\*.erf"') DO ( echo [INFO] Source type: External data processors ^(epf^) ^& reports ^(erf^) binary files set V8_SRC_FOLDER=%V8_SRC_PATH% set V8_SRC_MASK="%V8_SRC_PATH%\*.epf" "%V8_SRC_PATH%\*.erf" goto export_epf ) set V8_SRC_MASK="%V8_SRC_PATH%" IF /i "%V8_SRC_PATH:~-4%" equ ".epf" ( echo [INFO] Source type: External data processor binary file ^(epf^) goto export_epf ) IF /i "%V8_SRC_PATH:~-4%" equ ".erf" ( echo [INFO] Source type: External report binary file ^(erf^) goto export_epf ) echo [ERROR] Wrong path "%V8_SRC_PATH%"! echo Folder containing external data processors ^& reports in binary or EDT project, data processor binary ^(*.epf^) or report binary ^(*.erf^) expected. exit /b 1 :export_epf echo [INFO] Export data processors ^& reports from folder "%V8_SRC_PATH%" to 1C:Designer XML format "%V8_DST_PATH%" using infobase "%IB_PATH%" with %BASE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION%... FOR /f %%f IN ('dir /b /a-d %V8_SRC_MASK%') DO ( echo [INFO] Building %%~nf... %V8_TOOL% DESIGNER /IBConnectionString File="%IB_PATH%"; /DisableStartupDialogs /DumpExternalDataProcessorOrReportToFiles "%V8_DST_PATH%" "%V8_SRC_FOLDER%\%%~nxf" ) goto end :export_xml echo [INFO] Export dataprocessors ^& reports from 1C:EDT project "%V8_SRC_PATH%" to 1C:Designer XML format "%V8_DST_PATH%"... md "%WS_PATH%" call %V8_RING_TOOL% edt workspace export --project "%V8_SRC_PATH%" --configuration-files "%V8_DST_PATH%" --workspace-location "%WS_PATH%" :end echo [INFO] Clear temporary files... IF exist "%LOCAL_TEMP%" rd /S /Q "%LOCAL_TEMP%"