2021-09-10 23:26:22 +03:00
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2021-09-13 21:04:32 +03:00
# Connector: handy HTTP-client for 1C:Enterprise 8 platform
2021-09-10 23:26:22 +03:00
Python world has a very popular library working with HTTP requests - [Requests ](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master ) (author: Kenneth Reitz).
The library allows you to send HTTP requests extremely easily.
Literally a single line of your code can receive or send data, not caring about making URL, encoding data etc.
**Connector** is "Requests" for 1C world.
The original of the library in Russian is [here ](./README.md )
## Features
Main library features:
- Passing parameters in URLs
- Working with requests and responses in `JSON` format
- Submitting form data (form fields), `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
- Submitting form data (form fields and files), `multipart/form-data`
- `GZip` compressed response support
- `GZip` request body compression
- `Basic` , `Digest` and `AWS4-HMAC-SHA256` authentification
- Auto resolution of redirections
- Cookies setting and getting
- Session with state persistance across requests (cookies, authentification и пр.)
- Reusing `HTTPConnection` in the session
- Configurable retries of connection/sending request with exponential latency
- Mobile platform support
- And much more
## Requirements
2021-09-13 21:04:32 +03:00
- 1C:Enterprise platform version **8.3.10** and higher.
2021-09-10 23:26:22 +03:00
- Mobile platform (tested version **8.3.15** only)
## How to use
To use the library in your code simply copy the `HTTPConnector` common module to your configuration.
## Library's power example
*What is so good about the library? Let’s show you an example.*
Let's get `JSON` data using `GET` request:
This is how it's done using built-in programming language
SecureConnection = New OpenSSLSecureConnection(Undefined, New OSCertificationAuthorityCertificates);
Connection = New HTTPConnection("api.github.com", 443,,,, 30, SecureConnection);
Query = New HTTPRequest("/events");
Response = Connection.Get(Query);
Stream = Response.GetBodyAsStream();
Encoding = "utf-8"; // suppose we know that there is such encoding
Reader = New JSONReader;
Reader.OpenStream(Stream, Encoding); // Encoding in response header
Result = ReadJSON(Reader);
This is how it's done using **Connector**
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("https://api.github.com/events");
That's all! You will get in `Result` a deserialized server response from `JSON` .
At the same time:
- Connector parsed the URL
- Established secured connection
- Defined response encoding from headers
- Deserialized `JSON`
And this is a simple example enough. All the library's power follows further.
## Passing parameters in URLs
Working with request parameters is very easy:
RequestParameters = New Structure;
RequestParameters.Insert("name", StrSplit("John,Doe", ","));
RequestParameters.Insert("salary", Format(100000, "ЧГ="));
Response = HTTPConnector.GetJson("https://httpbin.org/anything/params", RequestParameters);
You can also pass an `Array` of values for a parameter (see. `name` ).
Request parameters can be set:
- In URL by hand
- In `RequestParameters` parameter
- Combined both
The result will be the same:
- Connector will add parameters as key/value pairs in the URL after a question mark
- Encode URL, using `URLEncoding`
- Execute request
You can see that the URL has been correctly encoded by checking the reponse property `URL`
Response = HTTPConnector.Get("https://httpbin.org/anything/params", RequestParameters);
`Response.URL` - https://httpbin.org/anything/params?name=%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2& name=%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2& salary=100000
## Custom HTTP headers
In the main scenarios of using the library, headers are generated automatically.
Custom headers can be set using `AdditionalParameters` parameter, property `Headers` .
Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("X-My-Header", "Hello!!!");
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("http://httpbin.org/headers", Undefined, New Structure("Headers", Headers));
## Working with JSON
To make it easier to work with JSON, there are methods:
`GetJson` , `PostJson` , `PutJson` , `DeleteJson` .
Requests are sent in JSON format, responses are converted into `Map` /`Structure` from JSON.
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("http://httpbin.org/get");
Result = HTTPConnector.PostJson("http://httpbin.org/post", New Structure("Title", "HTTPConnector"));
Result = HTTPConnector.PutJson("http://httpbin.org/put", New Structure("Title", "HTTPConnector"));
Result = HTTPConnector.DeleteJson("http://httpbin.org/delete", New Structure("Title", "HTTPConnector"));
Serialization to JSON and deserialization from JSON are configured in parameters of `AdditionalParameters.JSONConversionParameters` .
## Submitting form data
Submitting form data is easy.
We transfer (`Structure` or `Map` ) in `POST` method and that's all.
Data = New Structure;
Data.Insert("comments", "Knock to the door");
Data.Insert("custemail", "vasya@mail .ru");
Data.Insert("custname", "Вася");
Data.Insert("custtel", "112");
Data.Insert("delivery", "20:20");
Data.Insert("size", "medium");
Data.Insert("topping", StrSplit("bacon,mushroom", ","));
Response = HTTPConnector.Post("http://httpbin.org/post", Data);
The `Data` will be encoded, `Content-Type` header value will be set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` .
## Submitting file
To send a file you should create its description and put it to `AdditionalParameters.Files` parameter.
Files = New Structure;
Files.Insert("Name", "f1");
Files.Insert("FileName", "file1.txt");
Files.Insert("Data", Base64Value("0J/RgNC40LLQtdGCINCc0LjRgCE="));
Files.Insert("Type", "text/plain");
Result = HTTPConnector.Post("https://httpbin.org/post", Undefined, New Structure("Files", Files));
The file will be encoded in a request body, `Content-Type` header value will be set to `multipart/form-data` .
## Submitting files and form data
For submitting form data and files in a single request you should create a description of files and from data and transfer them to `AdditionalParameters.Files` , `AdditionalParameters.Data` parameters.
Files = New Array;
Files.Add(New Structure("Name,Data,FileName", "f1", Base64Value("ZmlsZTE="), "file1.txt"));
Files.Add(New Structure("Name,Data,FileName", "f2", Base64Value("ZmlsZTI="), "file2.txt"));
Data = New Structure("field1,field2", "value1", "Значение2");
Result = HTTPConnector.Post("https://httpbin.org/post", Undefined, New Structure("Files,Data", Files, Data));
Files and form data will be encoded in a request body, `Content-Type` header value will be set to `multipart/form-data` .
## Sending arbitrary data
Arbitrary data (`String` , `BinaryData` ) should be put to `Data` parameter.
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
|< soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi = "" http: / / www . w3 . org / 2001 / XMLSchema-instance " " xmlns:xsd = "" http: / / www . w3 . org / 2001 / XMLSchema " " xmlns:soap = "" http: / / schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / envelope / " " >
| < soap:Body >
| < GetCursOnDate xmlns = "" http: / / web . cbr . ru / " " >
| < On_date > 2019-07-05< / On_date >
| < / GetCursOnDate >
| < / soap:Body >
|< / soap:Envelope > ";
Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
Headers.Insert("SOAPAction", "http://web.cbr.ru/GetCursOnDate");
Response = HTTPConnector.Post(
New Structure("Headers", Headers));
## Response content
Methods that do not end with Json, return response as `Structure` :
- `ExecutionTime` - Number - execution response duration in milliseconds
- `Cookies` - cookies received from host
- `Headers` - HTTP response headers
- `IsPermanentRedirect` - permanent redirect flag
- `IsRedirect` - redirect flag
- `Encoding` - response text encoding
- `Body` - response body
- `StatusCode` - response status code
- `URL` - final request URL
You can get the data from the response in JSON, text or binary data using methods described below.
### Reading response as JSON
Method `AsJson` returns deserialized JSON data of a response.
Result = HTTPConnector.AsJson(HTTPConnector.Get("http://httpbin.org/get"));
### Reading response as Text
Method `AsText` returns response data as text.
Result = HTTPConnector.AsText(HTTPConnector.Get("http://httpbin.org/encoding/utf8"));
You can set the encoding as an argument.
If the encoding argument is undefined, **Connector** will get its value from response headers.
### Reading response as BinaryData
Method `AsBinaryData` converts response into `BinaryData` .
Result = HTTPConnector.AsBinaryData(HTTPConnector.Get("http://httpbin.org/image/png"));
### Reading XML response as XDTO
Method `КакXDTO` converts XML response into `XDTOObject` .
Result = HTTPConnector.КакXDTO(Response);
## Request body GZip-encoding
**Connector** can automatically compress the request body into `GZip` .
To do this you should add the header `Content-Encoding` = `gzip` .
**Note**: the server must be configured appropriately to decompress incoming requests.
Json = New Structure;
Json.Insert("field", "value");
Json.Insert("field2", "value2");
Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
Result = HTTPConnector.PostJson("http://httpbin.org/anything", Json, New Structure("Headers", Headers));
## Response body GZip-decoding
**Connector** by default asks the host to encode responses into `GZip` format.
**Note**: any response body encoding can be turned off by setting the header `Accept-Encoding` = `identity` .
Decoding is perfomed in methods `GetJson` , `PostJson` , `PutJson` , `DeleteJson` , `AsJson` , `AsText` , `AsBinaryData` .
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("http://httpbin.org/gzip");
## Timeout
Timeout can be set in `AdditionalParameters.Timeout` parameter.
Response = HTTPConnector.Get("https://httpbin.org/delay/10", Undefined, New Structure("Timeout", 1));
Value by default - 30 sec.
## Basic-authentification
Basic-authentification parameters can be set in `AdditionalParameters.authentification` parameter.
Authentication = New Structure("User, Password", "user", "pass");
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson(
New Structure("Authentication", Authentication));
or in `URL`
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("https://user:pass@httpbin .org/basic-auth/user/pass");
## Digest-authentification
Digest-authentification parameters can be set in `AdditionalParameters.authentification` parameter.
In this case `Type` must be set to the value `Digest` .
Authentication = New Structure("User, Password, Type", "user", "pass", "Digest");
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson(
New Structure("Authentication", Authentication));
## AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-authentification
AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-authentification parameters can be set in `AdditionalParameters.authentification` parameter.
In this case `Type` must be set to the value `AWS4-HMAC-SHA256` and properties `AccessKeyID` , `SecretKey` , `Service` , `Region` must be filled.
Authentication = New Structure;
Authentication.Insert("Type", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256");
Authentication.Insert("AccessKeyID", "AKIAU00002SQ4MT");
Authentication.Insert("SecretKey", "MySecretKey");
Authentication.Insert("Region", "ru-central1");
Authentication.Insert("Service", "s3");
File = New BinaryData("my_file.txt");
Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("Content-Type", "text/plain");
Headers.Insert("x-amz-meta-author", "Vladimir Bondarevskiy");
Headers.Insert("Expect", "100-continue");
AdditionalParameters = New Structure;
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Headers", Headers);
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Authentication", Authentication);
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Timeout", 300);
Response = HTTPConnector.Put("https://test.storage.yandexcloud.net/my_file.txt", File, AdditionalParameters);
## Proxies
Proxy settings can be set in the `AdditionalParameters.Proxy` parameter.
Proxy = New InternetProxy;
Proxy.Set("http", "", 8192);
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("http://httpbin.org/headers", Undefined, New Structure("Proxy", Proxy));
If your configuration based on `SSL` , proxy settings will be taken from `SSL` by default.
## Supported HTTP verbs
Such HTTP verbs as `GET` , `OPTIONS` , `HEAD` , `POST` , `PUT` , `PATCH` , `DELETE` have their corresponding methods in Connector.
You can send request for any of HTTP verbs calling `CallMethod` method.
## Redirections
**Connector** automatically allows redirections by default.
Let's try to get a search result from Yandex (http://ya.ru).
Result = HTTPConnector.Get("http://ya.ru/", New Structure("q", "how to delete metadata cache infostart"));
What will happen actually while executing this code line:
- **Connector** will perform the request to URL `http://ya.ru/`
- Host will require to perform a request with `https` scheme, i.e. will return the status code `302` and the header `Location` =`https://ya.ru/?q=...`
- **Connector** will perform the redirect using `https` scheme
- Host will require to perform a request with another URL, i.e. will return the status code `302` and the header `Location` =`https://yandex.ru/search/?text=...`
- **Connector** will perform the redirect to URL `https://yandex.ru/search/?text=...`
- Finally, the host will response with `html` result
Auto redirection can be turned off in the parameter of argument `AdditionalParameters.AllowRedirect` .
## Server SSL certificate verification
The `AdditionalParameters.VerifySSL` parameter is responsible for server SSL certificate verification and which root certificates to use.
Result = HTTPConnector.Get("https://my_super_secret_server.ru/", New Structure("VerifySSL", False));
## Client certificates
Client certificate can be set in the parameter `AdditionalParameters.ClientSSLCertificate` .
ClientSSLCertificate = New FileClientCertificate("my_cert.p12", "123");
Result = HTTPConnector.Get("https://my_super_secret_server.ru/", New Structure("ClientSSLCertificate", ClientSSLCertificate));
## Cookies
**Connector** extracts cookies from response headers `Set-Cookie` for future use.
Received cookies can be found in a response property `Cookies` .
You can send custom cookies to the server using the parameter `AdditionalParameters.Cookies` .
Cookies = New Array;
Cookies.Add(New Structure("Description,Value", "k1", String(New UUID)));
Cookies.Add(New Structure("Description,Value", "k2", String(New UUID)));
Response = HTTPConnector.Get("http://httpbin.org/cookies", Undefined, New Structure("Cookies", Cookies));
## Session object
**Connector** allows you to persist certain parameters across requests using Session object.
For this you need:
- To create a `Session` object with `NewSession` method
- To use the created `Session` object in every request method
For example, let's try to get a list of updates from the releases.1c.ru website.
Session = HTTPConnector.NewSession();
Response = HTTPConnector.Get("https://releases.1c.ru/total", Undefined, Undefined, Session);
Data = New Structure;
Data.Insert("execution", ExtractExecution(Response));
Data.Insert("username", Login);
Data.Insert("password", Password);
Data.Insert("_eventId", "submit");
Data.Insert("geolocation", "");
Data.Insert("submit", "Login");
Data.Insert("rememberMe", "on");
Response = HTTPConnector.Post(Response.URL, Data, Undefined, Session);
What will happen:
- **Connector** will perform `GET` request to URL `https://releases.1c.ru/total`
- Host will require to perform request to URL `https://login.1c.ru/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Freleases.1c.ru%2Fpublic%2Fsecurity_check`
- **Connector** will save received cookies and perform `GET` request to URL `https://releases.1c.ru/total`
- Host will return the authorization form
- We will extract the data from the form and send them to the host together with our login and password
- **Connector** will perform `POST` request and send the form data with previously received cookies
- Host will verify form parameters and if everything is ok issue a ticket and require to perform the request to `https://releases.1c.ru/total`
- **Connector** will perform `GET` request to URL `https://releases.1c.ru/total` and transfer previously received cookies
- Host will response with `html` result
Then using `Session` you can make requests to the server and download updates.
## Retry attempts of connection/sending request
**Connector** can automatically retry connection/request sending attempts with delay.
This is useful if:
- Connection is unstable
- Host is overloaded and returns 500th codes
- Host is under maintenance (reboot, configs change, update etc)
- Host limits the number of requests from the client
You can enable retries using the parameter `AdditionalParameters.MaximumNumberOfRetries` , setting a value > 0.
Parameter `AdditionalParameters.MaximumTimeOfRetries` allows you to limit the total time (timeouts + delays between retries).
Value by default: 10 min.
Delay duration between attempts:
- Grows exponentially (1 sec, 2 sec, 4 sec, 8 sec, 16 sec, ...). Can be adjusted by the parameter
- For staus codes `413` , `429` or `503` delay duration value is taken from the header `Retry-After` (duration in seconds or the exact date).
The parameter `AdditionalParameters.ToRetryForStatusesCodes` allows to set status codes, for which retry attempt should be run.
If this parameter is empty, retry attempt will run for all status codes >=`500` .
AdditionalParameters = New Structure;
AdditionalParameters.Insert("MaximumNumberOfRetries", 5);
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Headers", Headers);
URL = "";
Response = HTTPConnector.Get(URL, Undefined, AdditionalParameters);