Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.IO Imports System.Management Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Imports System.Net Imports EventLogLoaderService Public Class Form1 Dim ArrayServices() As ServiceDescriptionClass Dim PathConfigFile = Path.Combine(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "config.json") Dim GroupExtraPath As ListViewGroup Dim ConfigSetting As ConfigSetting = New ConfigSetting Sub LoadConfigSetting() ConfigSetting = ConfigSettingsModule.LoadConfigSettingFromFile(PathConfigFile) If ConfigSetting.RepeatTime = 0 Then ConfigSetting.RepeatTime = 60 End If If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigSetting.ESIndexName) Then ConfigSetting.ESIndexName = "event-log" End If If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigSetting.DBType) Then ConfigSetting.DBType = "ElasticSearch" If String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigSetting.ConnectionString) Then ConfigSetting.ConnectionString = "http://localhost:9200/" End If End If ConnectionStringBox.Text = ConfigSetting.ConnectionString DBType.Text = ConfigSetting.DBType RepeatTime.Text = ConfigSetting.RepeatTime.ToString ESIndexNameTextBox.Text = ConfigSetting.ESIndexName End Sub Function FindInfobase(Guid As String) As ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases FindInfobase = New ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases For Each Srv In ArrayServices If Not Srv.ArrayInfobases Is Nothing Then For Each IB In Srv.ArrayInfobases If IB.GUID = Guid Then Return IB End If Next End If Next End Function Function FindInfobaseInSavedParams(Guid As String) As InfobaseSetting For Each IB In ConfigSetting.Infobases If IB.DatabaseID = Guid Then IB.Found = True Return IB End If Next Return New InfobaseSetting End Function Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim ConfigSetting = New ConfigSetting ConfigSetting.ConnectionString = ConnectionStringBox.Text.Trim ConfigSetting.DBType = DBType.Text.Trim For Each Item As ListViewItem In ListView.Items If Item.Checked Then Dim IBSetting = New ConfigSettingsModule.InfobaseSetting IBSetting.DatabaseID = Item.SubItems(1).Text IBSetting.DatabaseName = Item.SubItems(0).Text IBSetting.DatabaseCatalog = Item.SubItems(4).Text IBSetting.ESServerName = Item.SubItems(5).Text ConfigSetting.Infobases.Add(IBSetting) End If Next Dim Rep = Convert.ToInt32(RepeatTime.Text) ConfigSetting.RepeatTime = IIf(Rep = 0, 60, Rep) ConfigSettingsModule.SaveConfigSettingToFile(ConfigSetting, PathConfigFile) Dim sc = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("EventLog loader service") Try If sc.Status = ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running Then If MsgBox("Параметры успешно изменены, но служба в настоящий момент работает." + vbNewLine + "Перезапустить службу для применения изменений?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, Text) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then sc.Stop() sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) sc.Start() sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running) End If Else MsgBox("Параметры успешно изменены.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, Text) End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Параметры успешно изменены.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, Text) End Try End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim PathName = Path.Combine(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "EventLogLoaderService.exe") Dim ServName = "EventLog loader service" Dim DisplayName = "EventLog loader service" Dim lpDependencies = "Tcpip" Dim User = "LocalSystem" Dim Pwd = "" If Not ObjTec.Services.ServiceInstaller.InstallService(PathName, ServName, DisplayName, lpDependencies, User, Pwd) Then Dim ErrorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() MsgBox("Ошибка установки службы Windows: " + ObjTec.Services.ServiceInstaller.GetErrorDescription(ErrorCode), , Text) Else MsgBox("Служба Windows успешно установлена!") End If End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim ServName = "EventLog loader service" If Not ObjTec.Services.ServiceInstaller.UninstallService(ServName) Then Dim ErrorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() MsgBox("Ошибка удаления службы Windows: " + ObjTec.Services.ServiceInstaller.GetErrorDescription(ErrorCode), , Text) Else MsgBox("Служба Windows успешно удалена") End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Text = My.Application.Info.ProductName + " / " + My.Application.Info.Copyright LoadConfigSetting() RefreshInfobaseList() End Sub Sub RefreshInfobaseList() ListView.Items.Clear() Dim search As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE PathName like '%ragent.exe%'") 'Dim info Dim i = 0 For Each info As ManagementObject In search.Get() Dim PathName As String = info("PathName") Dim DisplayName As String = info("DisplayName") Dim Serv = New ServiceDescriptionClass Serv.Name = info("Name") Serv.DisplayName = info("DisplayName") Serv.Description = info("Description") Serv.PathName = info("PathName") Serv.ParsePath() Serv.GetInfobases() ReDim Preserve ArrayServices(i) ArrayServices(i) = Serv i = i + 1 Dim Group = New ListViewGroup(Serv.DisplayName + " (порт " + Serv.PortAgent.ToString + ")") ListView.Groups.Add(Group) If Not Serv.ArrayInfobases Is Nothing Then For Each a In Serv.ArrayInfobases Dim SavedIB As InfobaseSetting = FindInfobaseInSavedParams(a.GUID) Dim item1 = New ListViewItem(a.Name, Group) item1.Checked = (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(SavedIB.DatabaseID)) item1.SubItems.Add(a.GUID) item1.SubItems.Add(a.Description) item1.SubItems.Add(a.SizeEventLog.ToString) item1.SubItems.Add(a.CatalogEventLog) item1.SubItems.Add(SavedIB.ESServerName) 'ESServerName ListView.Items.Add(item1) Next End If Next 'Загрузим файловые базы Dim FileIbases = LoadFileInfobasesList() If Not FileIbases Is Nothing Then Dim Group = New ListViewGroup("Файловые базы данных текущего пользователя") ListView.Groups.Add(Group) For Each a In FileIbases Dim SavedIB As InfobaseSetting = FindInfobaseInSavedParams(a.GUID) Dim item1 = New ListViewItem(a.Name, Group) item1.Checked = (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(SavedIB.DatabaseID)) item1.SubItems.Add(a.GUID) item1.SubItems.Add(a.Description) item1.SubItems.Add(a.SizeEventLog.ToString) item1.SubItems.Add(a.CatalogEventLog) item1.SubItems.Add(SavedIB.ESServerName) 'ESServerName ListView.Items.Add(item1) Next End If GroupExtraPath = New ListViewGroup("Дополнительные пути для загрузки событий из ЖР") ListView.Groups.Add(GroupExtraPath) For Each IB In ConfigSetting.Infobases If Not IB.Found Then Dim item1 = New ListViewItem(IB.DatabaseName, GroupExtraPath) item1.Checked = True item1.SubItems.Add(IB.DatabaseID) item1.SubItems.Add("") item1.SubItems.Add(CalcullateFolderSize(IB.DatabaseCatalog)) item1.SubItems.Add(IB.DatabaseCatalog) item1.SubItems.Add(IB.ESServerName) ListView.Items.Add(item1) End If Next End Sub Private Function LoadFileInfobasesList() As List(Of ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases) Dim Result As List(Of ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases) = New List(Of ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases) 'Try Dim IbasesListPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "1C\1CEStart\ibases.v8i") If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(IbasesListPath) Then Dim reader As StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(IbasesListPath) Dim aa As String = "" Dim Infobase As ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases = Nothing Try Do Dim a = aa.Trim Try If a.StartsWith("[") And a.EndsWith("]") Then If Not Infobase.GUID = Nothing And Not Infobase.CatalogEventLog Is Nothing Then Result.Add(Infobase) End If Infobase = New ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases Infobase.Name = a.Substring(1, a.Length - 2) ElseIf a.StartsWith("Connect=File=") Then 'Connect=File="C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AS"; Dim BaseDir = a.Substring(14, a.Length - 16) If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(BaseDir) Then Infobase.CatalogEventLog = Path.Combine(BaseDir, "1Cv8Log") Try Dim SizeLog As UInt64 = 0 If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(Infobase.CatalogEventLog) Then For Each File In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Infobase.CatalogEventLog) Dim FI = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(File) SizeLog = SizeLog + FI.Length Next Infobase.SizeEventLog = Math.Round(SizeLog / 1024 / 1024, 2) End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End If ElseIf a.StartsWith("ID=") Then 'ID=f3e16c18-e4ff-4ac9-9ee7-2f0a37d196d9 Infobase.GUID = a.Substring(3) End If Catch ex As Exception Infobase = New ServiceDescriptionClass.Infobases End Try aa = reader.ReadLine Loop Until aa Is Nothing Catch ex As Exception Dim aaa = ex.Message End Try If Not Infobase.GUID = Nothing And Not Infobase.CatalogEventLog Is Nothing Then Result.Add(Infobase) End If reader.Close() End If Return Result End Function Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Try If DBType.Text = "MySQL" Then Dim objConn As New MySqlConnection(ConnectionStringBox.Text.Trim) objConn.Open() Dim command As New MySqlCommand("SELECT 1", objConn) command.ExecuteReader() ElseIf DBType.Text = "MSSQL" Then Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionStringBox.Text.Trim) objConn.Open() Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT 1", objConn) command.ExecuteReader() ElseIf DBType.Text = "ElasticSearch" Then Dim _WebRequest As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(ConnectionStringBox.Text.Trim) Dim Resp As HttpWebResponse = _WebRequest.GetResponse() If Not Resp.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK Then Throw New System.Exception("Expected responce code 200. Status code returned: " + Resp.StatusCode.ToString) End If End If MsgBox("Подключение выполнено успешно!", , Text) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Ошибка при подключении: " + ex.Message, , Text) End Try End Sub Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click Dim About = New AboutBox About.ShowDialog() End Sub Private Sub Label2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label2.Click End Sub Private Sub RepeatTime_Leave(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RepeatTime.Leave Try Dim a = Convert.ToInt32(RepeatTime.Text) Catch ex As Exception RepeatTime.Text = "60" MsgBox("Было указано неправильное значение паузы." + vbNewLine + "Установлено значение по умолчанию - 60 секунд.", , Text) End Try End Sub Function CalcullateFolderSize(CatalogEventLog) As String Try Dim SizeLog As UInt64 = 0 If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(CatalogEventLog) Then For Each File In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(CatalogEventLog) Dim FI = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(File) SizeLog = SizeLog + FI.Length Next Return Math.Round(SizeLog / 1024 / 1024, 2).ToString End If Catch ex As Exception End Try Return "" End Function Private Sub ButtonAddPath_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonAddPath.Click Dim AddPath = New AddPath AddPath.ShowDialog() If AddPath.Success Then Dim item1 = New ListViewItem(AddPath.IBName.Text, GroupExtraPath) item1.Checked = True item1.SubItems.Add(AddPath.IBGUID.Text) item1.SubItems.Add(AddPath.Description.Text) item1.SubItems.Add(CalcullateFolderSize(AddPath.Path.Text)) item1.SubItems.Add(AddPath.Path.Text) item1.SubItems.Add(AddPath.ESServerNameTextBox.Text) ListView.Items.Add(item1) End If End Sub Private Sub ListView_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListView.DoubleClick Dim item As ListViewItem = sender.SelectedItems(0) 'If item.Group Is GroupExtraPath Then Dim AddPath = New AddPath AddPath.IBName.Text = item.Text AddPath.IBGUID.Text = item.SubItems(1).Text AddPath.ESServerNameTextBox.Text = item.SubItems(5).Text AddPath.Description.Text = item.SubItems(2).Text AddPath.Path.Text = item.SubItems(4).Text AddPath.ExistedRow = True AddPath.ShowDialog() If AddPath.Success Then item.SubItems.Clear() item.Text = AddPath.IBName.Text item.SubItems.Add(AddPath.IBGUID.Text) item.SubItems.Add(AddPath.Description.Text) item.SubItems.Add(CalcullateFolderSize(AddPath.Path.Text)) item.SubItems.Add(AddPath.Path.Text) item.SubItems.Add(AddPath.ESServerNameTextBox.Text) End If 'End If End Sub Private Sub LinkLabel2_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel2.LinkClicked Process.Start("") End Sub Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked Process.Start("") End Sub Private Sub LinkLabel3_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel3.LinkClicked Process.Start("") End Sub End Class