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# Copy file
Copy file from one destination to another
2024-07-10 12:58:29 +02:00
`Function MakeFileCopy(Val URL, Val FileID, Val FolderID, Val Token = "") Export`
| Parameter | CLI option | Type | Destination |
| URL | --url | String | URL of webhook or a Bitrix24 domain, when token used |
| FileID | --fileid | String, Number | Original file ID |
| FolderID | --folderid | String, Number | ID of copy destination folder |
| Token | --token | String | Access token, when not-webhook method used |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON of answer from Bitrix24 API
2024-07-10 13:05:58 +02:00
2024-07-10 12:58:29 +02:00
```bsl title="Code example"
2024-07-10 13:24:11 +02:00
FolderID = "2488";
FileID = "2484";
URL = "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/rest/1/4swokunb3tk7h7dt/";
Result = OPI_Bitrix24.MakeFileCopy(URL, FileID, FolderID);
FolderID = "2490";
URL = "b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by";
Token = "56898d66006e9f06006b12e400000001000...";
Result = OPI_Bitrix24.MakeFileCopy(URL, FileID, FolderID, Token);
```sh title="CLI command example"
oint bitrix24 MakeFileCopy --url "b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by" --fileid "2484" --folderid "2490" --token "56898d66006e9f06006b12e400000001000..."
```json title="Result"
2024-07-10 13:11:17 +02:00
"result": {
"ID": 1744,
"NAME": "New file name.jpg",
"CODE": null,
"STORAGE_ID": "3",
"TYPE": "file",
"PARENT_ID": "1722",
"FILE_ID": 1146,
"SIZE": "805189",
"CREATE_TIME": "2024-07-03T14:42:54+00:00",
"UPDATE_TIME": "2024-07-03T14:42:54+00:00",
"DELETE_TIME": null,
"CREATED_BY": "1",
"UPDATED_BY": "1",
"DELETED_BY": null,
"DOWNLOAD_URL": "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/rest/download.json?auth=fe708566006e9f06006b12e4000000010000076fcba303ea853529aed2cefade1444b3&token=disk%7CaWQ9MTc0NCZfPWphdFBTRXpUdHI2anZKbDNxMDBwVTdRRVZ4aDdGVTMy%7CImRvd25sb2FkfGRpc2t8YVdROU1UYzBOQ1pmUFdwaGRGQlRSWHBVZEhJMmFuWktiRE54TURCd1ZUZFJSVlo0YURkR1ZUTXl8ZmU3MDg1NjYwMDZlOWYwNjAwNmIxMmU0MDAwMDAwMDEwMDAwMDc2ZmNiYTMwM2VhODUzNTI5YWVkMmNlZmFkZTE0NDRiMyI%3D.uOKd1v3hEnu7vsep0NhRk3RzXtyT21DBrrwPl3DxLG8%3D",
"DETAIL_URL": "https://b24-ar17wx.bitrix24.by/docs/file/New catalog/New file name.jpg"
"time": {
"start": 1720017774.37632,
"finish": 1720017774.44715,
"duration": 0.07082200050354,
"processing": 0.0407531261444092,
"date_start": "2024-07-03T14:42:54+00:00",
"date_finish": "2024-07-03T14:42:54+00:00",
"operating_reset_at": 1720018374,
"operating": 0