GITHUB_TOKEN:${{ secrets.TOKEN }} # Needed to get PR information
SONAR_TOKEN:${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }} # Generate a token on SonarQube, add it to the secrets of this repo with the name SONAR_TOKEN (Settings > Secrets > Actions > add new repository secret)
SONAR_HOST_URL:${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }} # add the URL of your instance to the secrets of this repo with the name SONAR_HOST_URL (Settings > Secrets > Actions > add new repository secret)
# Comma-separated paths to directories containing test source files.
#-Dsonar.tests= # optional. For more info about Code Coverage, please refer to
# Adds more detail to both client and server-side analysis logs, activating DEBUG mode for the scanner, and adding client-side environment variables and system properties to the server-side log of analysis report processing.