mirror of https://github.com/Bayselonarrend/OpenIntegrations.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:24 +02:00

Main build (Jenkins)

This commit is contained in:
Vitaly the Alpaca (bot) 2024-10-21 21:57:16 +03:00
parent ab41fddd6a
commit 420a55f106
64 changed files with 7611 additions and 5265 deletions

View File

@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ Method at API documentation: [Cashbox check information](https://api-docs.cdek.r
```json title="Result"

View File

@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ Method at API documentation: [Cash on delivery registry information](https://api
```json title="Result"

View File

@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ Method at API documentation: [Cash on delivery transfer information](https://api
```json title="Result"

View File

@ -37,5 +37,27 @@ Required fields may depend on the type of order or nesting. Be sure to read the
```json title="Result"
"postal_code": "<Postal code of the city for which the list of offices is required>",
"city_code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"type": "<Office type: PVZ, POSTAMAT, ALL>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region_code": "<Region code according to CDEK database>",
"have_cashless": "<Availability of payment terminal>",
"have_cash": "<There is cash intake>",
"allowed_cod": "<Cash on delivery allowed>",
"is_dressing_room": "<Availability of fitting room>",
"weight_max": "<Maximum weight in kg that the office can accept>",
"weight_min": "<Minimum weight in kg that the office accepts>",
"lang": "<Localization of the office>",
"take_only": "<Is the office only a delivery point>",
"is_handout": "<Its a shipping point>",
"is_reception": "<Is there an office to take orders>",
"fias_guid": "<FIAS city code>",
"code": "<POZ code>",
"is_ltl": "<Does the office work with LTL>",
"fulfillment": "<Does the office work with Fullfilment.Arrival>",
"size": "<Limiting the result selection>",
"page": "<Result selection page number>"

View File

@ -43,5 +43,155 @@ Method at API documentation: [List of pickup points](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/36
```json title="Result"
"code": "NSK1",
"name": "NSK1, Новосибирск, ул. Кривощековская",
"uuid": "b9ddb29e-2a11-406e-8d34-4763dff0cc86",
"work_time": "Пн-Пт 08:00-22:00, Сб-Вс 10:00-18:00",
"phones": [
"number": "+73832022250"
"email": "nsk@cdek.ru",
"type": "PVZ",
"owner_code": "CDEK",
"take_only": false,
"is_handout": true,
"is_reception": true,
"is_dressing_room": true,
"is_ltl": false,
"have_cashless": true,
"have_cash": true,
"have_fast_payment_system": false,
"allowed_cod": true,
"site": "https://www.cdek.ru/contacts/g_novosibirsk_ul_krivoshchekovskaya_15_korp_5_1_et.html",
"work_time_list": [
"day": 1,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 2,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 3,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 4,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 5,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 6,
"time": "10:00/18:00"
"day": 7,
"time": "10:00/18:00"
"work_time_exception_list": [],
"location": {
"country_code": "RU",
"region_code": 23,
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"city_code": 270,
"city": "Новосибирск",
"postal_code": "630007",
"longitude": 82.92912,
"latitude": 55.01591,
"address": "ул. Кривощековская, 15, корп.1",
"address_full": "630007, Россия, Новосибирская область, Новосибирск, ул. Кривощековская, 15, корп.1",
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2"
"fulfillment": false
"code": "NSK5",
"name": "NSK5, Новосибирск, пр-т Красный",
"uuid": "a3964112-40b4-4da5-ae87-315bab7469ad",
"work_time": "Пн-Пт 10:00-20:00, Сб 10:00-16:00, Вс 10:00-16:00",
"phones": [
"number": "+79833004613"
"email": "ks.biryukova@cdek.ru",
"type": "PVZ",
"owner_code": "CDEK",
"take_only": false,
"is_handout": true,
"is_reception": true,
"is_dressing_room": true,
"is_ltl": false,
"have_cashless": true,
"have_cash": true,
"have_fast_payment_system": false,
"allowed_cod": true,
"site": "https://www.cdek.ru/contacts/g_novosibirsk_krasnyy_prospekt_d_99.html",
"work_time_list": [
"day": 1,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 2,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 3,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 4,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 5,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 6,
"time": "10:00/16:00"
"day": 7,
"time": "10:00/16:00"
"work_time_exception_list": [],
"location": {
"country_code": "RU",
"region_code": 23,
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"city_code": 270,
"city": "Новосибирск",
"postal_code": "630049",
"longitude": 82.91155,
"latitude": 55.054855,
"address": "пр-т Красный, 99",
"address_full": "630049, Россия, Новосибирская область, Новосибирск, пр-т Красный, 99",
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2"
"fulfillment": false
"code": "NSK7",
"name": "NSK7, Новосибирск, ул. Зорге",
"uuid": "f16cc208-e1cf-4253-982b-22b30c62d18d",
"work_time": "Пн-Пт 10:00-20:00, Сб 10:00-16:00, Вс 10:00-16:00",
"phones": [
"number": "+79231555992"
"email": "A.Raevskiy@cdek.ru",

View File

@ -60,5 +60,11 @@ Method at API documentation: [Client authorization](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/338
```json title="Result"
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.Cx_UeuBb-Pj-AcByzdVqaSMnsT97JX7KCxWUZUjIjntFqwGvGLkzvWq1MHfx8V3tn7RTSiy13xi6rHb_lTNQkUiETLJCE3ko2qusJKqX9STtAw5vkfaof2_2YfF3b1xz1AeR41NBr0PSCuBGgzRmHnLKJme2um6MY9tLVZHu7k8K_MHqmIH-E9BGe-Icu_Q46j4oHkuE2kHcwC7fUh-8tz71o3FW3yrD714NMuKUbPfplZ5_RmmH_qiBKrvDyq9l__Xv0KbR-xyjejndhfcYJD5tM2mBjPg5DQHHdWqVOKg7enoLArJyKJzFi7__uKubPnfSO8oKCgxqMzyHBtkZdw",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "location:all order:all payment:all",
"jti": "4Moo6qzO9AcuXGzsW81h-Hl-U3U"

View File

@ -103,5 +103,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Registration of refusal](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-e8e5-4454-b51a-643dbacc9e2d"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "c034b699-b211-4c90-bfee-f8203cadb95b",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:16+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Deleting a courier invitation](https://api-docs.cd
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-e8e5-4454-b51a-643dbacc9e2d"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "2f041c20-6903-45a6-8543-81766ad2d051",
"type": "DELETE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:16+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -54,5 +54,27 @@ Required fields may depend on the type of order or nesting. Be sure to read the
```json title="Result"
"date": "<Delivery date agreed with the recipient>",
"cdek_number": "<CDEK order number>",
"order_uuid": "<Order identifier in CDEK system>",
"time_from": "<Delivery time FROM agreed with the recipient>",
"time_to": "<Delivery time TO agreed with the recipient>",
"comment": "<Comment>",
"delivery_point": "<Alphanumeric code of CDEK POZ>",
"to_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region": "<Region name>",
"region_code": "<Region code>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the area of the region>",
"city": "<City name>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code>",
"address": "<Address string>"

View File

@ -40,5 +40,134 @@ Method at API documentation: [Getting delivery intervals (RU)](https://api-docs.
```json title="Result"
"date_intervals": [
"date": "2024-10-23",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-10-30",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-06",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-13",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-20",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-27",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"

View File

@ -62,5 +62,61 @@ The invitation must be previously created. See CreateCourierInvitation
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-e8e5-4454-b51a-643dbacc9e2d",
"intake_date": "2024-10-22",
"intake_time_from": "10:00",
"intake_time_to": "17:00",
"name": "Consolidated cargo",
"weight": 1000,
"length": 10,
"width": 10,
"height": 10,
"comment": "Comment to courier",
"sender": {
"company": "Company",
"name": "Ivaniv Ivan",
"phones": [
"number": "+79589441654"
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"from_location": {
"code": 44,
"city_uuid": "7e8f36ba-d937-4ce4-8d53-e44177db6469",
"city": "Москва",
"fias_guid": "0c5b2444-70a0-4932-980c-b4dc0d3f02b5",
"kladr_code": "7700000000000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Москва",
"region_code": 81,
"sub_region": "Москва",
"longitude": 37.61556,
"latitude": 55.75222,
"address": "st. Bluchera, 32"
"need_call": false,
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:16+03:00"
"contragent_uuid": "ed75ecf4-30ed-4153-afe9-eb80bb512f22"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "c034b699-b211-4c90-bfee-f8203cadb95b",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:16+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -54,5 +54,47 @@ Required fields may depend on the type of order or nesting. Be sure to read the
```json title="Result"
"intake_date": "<Courier waiting date>",
"intake_time_from": "<Start time of waiting for the courier>",
"intake_time_to": "<End time of waiting for the courier>",
"cdek_number": "<CDEK order number>",
"order_uuid": "<Order identifier in CDEK system>",
"lunch_time_from": "<Lunch start time>",
"lunch_time_to": "<Lunch finish time>",
"name": "<Goods description>",
"weight": "<Total weight (grams)>",
"length": "<Package Dimensions. Length (cm)>",
"width": "<Package Dimensions. Width (cm)>",
"height": "<Package Dimensions. Height (cm)>",
"comment": "<Comment to the request for courier>",
"need_call": "<Need to call the sender>",
"courier_power_of_attorney": "<The courier needs a letter of attorney>",
"courier_identity_card": "<The courier needs an identity document>",
"sender": {
"company": "<Name of senders company>",
"name": "<Full name of contact person>",
"contragent_type": "<Sender type: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL>",
"phones": [
"number": "<Phone number>",
"additional": "<Additional information (extension number)>"
"from_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code>",
"region": "<Region name, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"region_code": "<CDEK region code, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the region's district, specifying parameter for the region field>",
"city": "<City name, specifying parameter for postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code. Deprecated field>",
"address": "<Address string>"

View File

@ -62,5 +62,50 @@ The appointment must be previously created. See RegisterDeliveryAppointment
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"cdek_number": "1106094898",
"order_uuid": "35597722-0c5e-4988-8e2b-57ea3ede7e5f",
"date": "2024-10-23",
"time_from": "10:00",
"time_to": "17:00",
"comment": "Group office",
"to_location": {
"code": 270,
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2",
"city": "Новосибирск",
"kladr_code": "5400000100000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"region_code": 23,
"sub_region": "городской округ Новосибирск",
"longitude": 82.906928,
"latitude": 55.028739,
"address": "st. Bluchera, 33"
"uuid": "72753031-4031-40bd-88e4-8e0b920aa014",
"statuses": [
"code": "REGISTERED",
"name": "Зарегистрирована",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:29+03:00"
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принята",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:17+03:00"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "b250e29b-f5cb-4054-8f74-998ba95e11d6",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:17+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -89,5 +89,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Registration of delivery appointment](https://api-
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-4031-40bd-88e4-8e0b920aa014"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "b250e29b-f5cb-4054-8f74-998ba95e11d6",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:28:17+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -69,5 +69,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Creating barcode CP for the order](https://api-doc
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-9cab-476e-b091-50d4c511afd2"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "42c93f2b-bfe5-40eb-8927-04dcfb72457d",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -68,5 +68,18 @@ This method is used if the direct order was delivered by CDEK and the recipient
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "25763491-0de1-4290-bd12-13079abb6223",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:52+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -141,5 +141,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Order registration](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/33828
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "8c00117e-f6f9-462c-8479-b3ad0ec25bfa",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:08+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -68,5 +68,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Registration of Prealert document](https://api-doc
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-8222-4d75-9c04-8a14035cbe80"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "d20f73ba-1277-4933-b559-241c4948e8d0",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -72,5 +72,18 @@ Available receipt types (languages): tpl_china, tpl_armenia, tpl_russia, tpl_eng
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-318f-4249-ab65-4c7e08244c6d"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "8f0331c9-6bbc-4ec9-9357-ecc9af47342b",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Registration of refusal](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "03eabc69-d543-4094-9fe5-dbff7e89ceb7",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:53+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Deleting an order](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/338288
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "8450c6a5-900e-4f2c-96d0-92bc5cd64a89",
"type": "DELETE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:53+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -74,5 +74,44 @@ The barcode must be previously created. See CreateBarcode
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-9cab-476e-b091-50d4c511afd2",
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"copy_count": 1,
"format": "A5",
"url": "https://api.edu.cdek.ru/v2/print/barcodes/72753031-9cab-476e-b091-50d4c511afd2.pdf",
"lang": "RUS",
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"code": "PROCESSING",
"name": "Формируется",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"code": "READY",
"name": "Сформирован",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "42c93f2b-bfe5-40eb-8927-04dcfb72457d",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ Method at API documentation: [Cashbox check information](https://api-docs.cdek.r
```json title="Result"

View File

@ -63,5 +63,155 @@ Method at API documentation: [Order details](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/33828849.h
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469",
"type": 1,
"is_return": false,
"is_reverse": false,
"cdek_number": "1106094897",
"number": "3d2378de-8718-4041-b89a-33e6058810c8",
"tariff_code": 139,
"comment": "New order",
"items_cost_currency": "RUB",
"recipient_currency": "RUB",
"delivery_recipient_cost": {
"value": 50,
"vat_sum": 0
"delivery_recipient_cost_adv": [
"threshold": 200,
"sum": 3000,
"vat_sum": 0
"sender": {
"company": "Тестирование Интеграции ИМ",
"name": "Petrov Petr",
"contragent_type": "LEGAL_ENTITY",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"seller": {
"name": "Тестирование Интеграции ИМ"
"recipient": {
"company": "Ivaniv Ivan",
"name": "Ivaniv Ivan",
"phones": [
"number": "79134637228"
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"from_location": {
"code": 44,
"city_uuid": "7e8f36ba-d937-4ce4-8d53-e44177db6469",
"city": "Москва",
"fias_guid": "0c5b2444-70a0-4932-980c-b4dc0d3f02b5",
"kladr_code": "7700000000000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Москва",
"region_code": 81,
"sub_region": "Москва",
"longitude": 37.61556,
"latitude": 55.75222,
"address": "Ave. Leningradsky, 4"
"to_location": {
"code": 270,
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2",
"city": "Новосибирск",
"kladr_code": "5400000100000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"region_code": 23,
"sub_region": "городской округ Новосибирск",
"longitude": 82.906928,
"latitude": 55.028739,
"address": "st. Bluchera, 32"
"services": [
"code": "INSURANCE",
"parameter": "600.00",
"sum": 4.5,
"total_sum": 5.4,
"discount_percent": 0,
"discount_sum": 0,
"vat_rate": 20,
"vat_sum": 0.9
"code": "SECURE_PACKAGE_A2",
"parameter": "10",
"sum": 500,
"total_sum": 600,
"discount_percent": 0,
"discount_sum": 0,
"vat_rate": 20,
"vat_sum": 100
"packages": [
"number": "bar-001",
"barcode": "000000536893",
"weight": 4000,
"length": 10,
"width": 10,
"weight_volume": 200,
"weight_calc": 4000,
"height": 10,
"comment": "приложена опись",
"items": [
"name": "Product",
"ware_key": "00055",
"payment": {
"value": 3000,
"vat_sum": 0
"weight": 700,
"weight_gross": 700,
"amount": 2,
"delivery_amount": 0,
"url": "www.item.ru",
"return_item_detail": {},
"excise": false,
"cost": 300
"package_id": "9c103199-2372-4807-9682-184e10288b38"
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:08+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
"code": "CREATED",
"name": "Создан",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:26:59+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
"is_client_return": false,
"delivery_mode": "1",
"delivery_detail": {
"delivery_sum": 1315,
"total_sum": 2183.4,
"payment_info": [],
"delivery_vat_rate": 20,
"delivery_vat_sum": 263,
"delivery_discount_percent": 0,
"delivery_discount_sum": 0

View File

@ -55,5 +55,119 @@ Required fields may depend on the type of order or nesting. Be sure to read the
```json title="Result"
"tariff_code": "<Tariff code)>",
"recipient": {
"company": "<Company name>",
"name": "<Full name of contact person>",
"passport_series": "<Passport series>",
"passport_number": "<Passport number>",
"passport_date_of_issue": "<Date of issue of passport>",
"passport_organization": "<Passport issuing authority>",
"tin": "<TIN>",
"passport_date_of_birth": "<Birth date>",
"email": "<Email as RFC 2822>",
"contragent_type": "<Sender type: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL >",
"phones": [
"number": "<Phone number>",
"additional": "<Additional information (extension number)>"
"packages": [
"number": "<Package number>",
"weight": "<Total weight (grams)>",
"length": "<Package Dimensions. Length (cm)>",
"width": "<Package Dimensions. Width (cm)>",
"height": "<Package Dimensions. Height (cm)>",
"comment": "<Package withommentary>",
"items": [
"name": "<Product name>",
"ware_key": "<Product ID/article>",
"marking": "<Product marking>",
"payment": {
"value": "<Amount of cash on delivery, including VAT>",
"vat_sum": "<VAT amount>",
"vat_rate": "<VAT rate (value - 0, 10, 12, 20, null - no VAT)>"
"cost": "<Declared product price>",
"weight": "<Weight (per unit, grams)>",
"weight_gross": "<Gross weight>",
"amount": "<Number of units (pcs)>",
"name_i18n": "<Foreign language name>",
"brand": "<Brand in a foreign language>",
"country_code": "<Country code of the product manufacturer as ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"material": "<Material code>",
"wifi_gsm": "<Contains wifi or gsm>",
"url": "<Link to the website of the online store with the description of the product>"
"additional_order_types": "<Additional order type>",
"comment": "<Order comment>",
"developer_key": "<Developer key (for module developers)>",
"shipment_point": "<Code of CDEK POZ for self carriage by the customer>",
"delivery_point": "<Code of CDEK office to which the package will be delivered>",
"date_invoice": "<Invoice date>",
"shipper_name": "<Shipper>",
"shipper_address": "<Shippers address>",
"sender": {
"company": "<Company name>",
"name": "<Full name of contact person>",
"email": "<Email for alerts as RFC 2822>",
"passport_series": "<Passport series>",
"passport_number": "<Passport number>",
"passport_date_of_issue": "<Date of issue of passport>",
"passport_organization": "<Passport issuing authority>",
"tin": "<TIN>",
"passport_date_of_birth": "<Birth date>",
"contragent_type": "<Sender type: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL>",
"phones": [
"number": "<Phone number>",
"additional": "<Additional information (extension number)>"
"from_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region": "<Region name, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"region_code": "<CDEK region code, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the region's district, specifying parameter for the region field>",
"city": "<City name, specifying parameter for postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code>",
"address": "<Address string >"
"to_location": {
"code": "<CDEC locality code>",
"fias_guid": "<Unique FIAS identifier>",
"postal_code": "<Postal code>",
"longitude": "<Longitude>",
"latitude": "<Latitude>",
"country_code": "<Country code in ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format>",
"region": "<Region name, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"region_code": "<CDEK region code, specifying parameter for the city field>",
"sub_region": "<Name of the region's district, specifying parameter for the region field>",
"city": "<City name, specifying parameter for postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<CLADR code>",
"address": "<Address string >"
"services": {
"code": "<Type of additional service>",
"parameter": "<Additional service parameter>"
"print": "<Need to generate a document>",
"is_client_return": "<Customer refund>",
"accompanying_number": "<Number of the accompanying consignment note>",
"widget_token": "<Token received from widget.cdek.ru>"

View File

@ -60,5 +60,155 @@ Method at API documentation: [Order details](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/33828849.h
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469",
"type": 1,
"is_return": false,
"is_reverse": false,
"cdek_number": "1106094897",
"number": "3d2378de-8718-4041-b89a-33e6058810c8",
"tariff_code": 139,
"comment": "New order",
"items_cost_currency": "RUB",
"recipient_currency": "RUB",
"delivery_recipient_cost": {
"value": 50,
"vat_sum": 0
"delivery_recipient_cost_adv": [
"threshold": 200,
"sum": 3000,
"vat_sum": 0
"sender": {
"company": "Тестирование Интеграции ИМ",
"name": "Petrov Petr",
"contragent_type": "LEGAL_ENTITY",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"seller": {
"name": "Тестирование Интеграции ИМ"
"recipient": {
"company": "Ivaniv Ivan",
"name": "Ivaniv Ivan",
"phones": [
"number": "79134637228"
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"from_location": {
"code": 44,
"city_uuid": "7e8f36ba-d937-4ce4-8d53-e44177db6469",
"city": "Москва",
"fias_guid": "0c5b2444-70a0-4932-980c-b4dc0d3f02b5",
"kladr_code": "7700000000000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Москва",
"region_code": 81,
"sub_region": "Москва",
"longitude": 37.61556,
"latitude": 55.75222,
"address": "Ave. Leningradsky, 4"
"to_location": {
"code": 270,
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2",
"city": "Новосибирск",
"kladr_code": "5400000100000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"region_code": 23,
"sub_region": "городской округ Новосибирск",
"longitude": 82.906928,
"latitude": 55.028739,
"address": "st. Bluchera, 32"
"services": [
"code": "INSURANCE",
"parameter": "600.00",
"sum": 4.5,
"total_sum": 5.4,
"discount_percent": 0,
"discount_sum": 0,
"vat_rate": 20,
"vat_sum": 0.9
"code": "SECURE_PACKAGE_A2",
"parameter": "10",
"sum": 500,
"total_sum": 600,
"discount_percent": 0,
"discount_sum": 0,
"vat_rate": 20,
"vat_sum": 100
"packages": [
"number": "bar-001",
"barcode": "000000536893",
"weight": 4000,
"length": 10,
"width": 10,
"weight_volume": 200,
"weight_calc": 4000,
"height": 10,
"comment": "приложена опись",
"items": [
"name": "Product",
"ware_key": "00055",
"payment": {
"value": 3000,
"vat_sum": 0
"weight": 700,
"weight_gross": 700,
"amount": 2,
"delivery_amount": 0,
"url": "www.item.ru",
"return_item_detail": {},
"excise": false,
"cost": 300
"package_id": "9c103199-2372-4807-9682-184e10288b38"
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:08+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
"code": "CREATED",
"name": "Создан",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:26:59+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
"is_client_return": false,
"delivery_mode": "1",
"delivery_detail": {
"delivery_sum": 1315,
"total_sum": 2183.4,
"payment_info": [],
"delivery_vat_rate": 20,
"delivery_vat_sum": 263,
"delivery_discount_percent": 0,
"delivery_discount_sum": 0

View File

@ -60,5 +60,22 @@ Method at API documentation: [Passport data information](https://api-docs.cdek.r
```json title="Result"
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469",
"cdek_number": 1106094897,
"passport": [
"client": "SENDER",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"client": "RECEIVER",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false

View File

@ -62,5 +62,28 @@ The prealert must be previously created. See CreatePrealert
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-8222-4d75-9c04-8a14035cbe80",
"prealert_number": "PA/1305/27",
"planned_date": "2024-10-23T00:27:30+03:00",
"shipment_point": "NSK27",
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469",
"cdek_number": 1106094897,
"im_number": "3d2378de-8718-4041-b89a-33e6058810c8"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "d20f73ba-1277-4933-b559-241c4948e8d0",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -74,5 +74,43 @@ The receipt must be previously created. See CreateReceipt
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-318f-4249-ab65-4c7e08244c6d",
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"copy_count": 1,
"type": "tpl_russia",
"url": "https://api.edu.cdek.ru/v2/print/orders/72753031-318f-4249-ab65-4c7e08244c6d.pdf",
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"code": "PROCESSING",
"name": "Формируется",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00"
"code": "READY",
"name": "Сформирован",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:31+03:00"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "8f0331c9-6bbc-4ec9-9357-ecc9af47342b",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -69,5 +69,18 @@ Method at API documentation: [Update an order](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/36989543
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "a93fd1b1-55b3-4033-a52a-d2df7bb6b469"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "7492bd86-fb08-4d14-95fe-64d51a823d66",
"type": "UPDATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:52+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"

View File

@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"

View File

@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"

View File

@ -37,5 +37,27 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"postal_code": "<Почтовый индекс города, для которого необходим список офисов>",
"city_code": "<Код населенного пункта СДЭК>",
"type": "<Тип офиса: PVZ, POSTAMAT, ALL>",
"country_code": "<Код страны в формате ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"region_code": "<Код региона по базе СДЭК>",
"have_cashless": "<Наличие терминала оплаты>",
"have_cash": "<Есть прием наличных>",
"allowed_cod": "<Разрешен наложенный платеж>",
"is_dressing_room": "<Наличие примерочной>",
"weight_max": "<Максимальный вес в кг, который может принять офис>",
"weight_min": "<Минимальный вес в кг, который принимает офис>",
"lang": "<Локализация офиса>",
"take_only": "<Является ли офис только пунктом выдачи>",
"is_handout": "<Является пунктом выдачи>",
"is_reception": "<Есть ли в офисе приём заказов>",
"fias_guid": "<Код города ФИАС>",
"code": "<Код ПВЗ>",
"is_ltl": "<Работает ли офис с LTL>",
"fulfillment": "<Работает ли офис с Фулфилмент.Приход>",
"size": "<Ограничение выборки результата>",
"page": "<Номер страницы выборки результата>"

View File

@ -43,5 +43,155 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"code": "NSK1",
"name": "NSK1, Новосибирск, ул. Кривощековская",
"uuid": "b9ddb29e-2a11-406e-8d34-4763dff0cc86",
"work_time": "Пн-Пт 08:00-22:00, Сб-Вс 10:00-18:00",
"phones": [
"number": "+73832022250"
"email": "nsk@cdek.ru",
"type": "PVZ",
"owner_code": "CDEK",
"take_only": false,
"is_handout": true,
"is_reception": true,
"is_dressing_room": true,
"is_ltl": false,
"have_cashless": true,
"have_cash": true,
"have_fast_payment_system": false,
"allowed_cod": true,
"site": "https://www.cdek.ru/contacts/g_novosibirsk_ul_krivoshchekovskaya_15_korp_5_1_et.html",
"work_time_list": [
"day": 1,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 2,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 3,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 4,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 5,
"time": "08:00/22:00"
"day": 6,
"time": "10:00/18:00"
"day": 7,
"time": "10:00/18:00"
"work_time_exception_list": [],
"location": {
"country_code": "RU",
"region_code": 23,
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"city_code": 270,
"city": "Новосибирск",
"postal_code": "630007",
"longitude": 82.92912,
"latitude": 55.01591,
"address": "ул. Кривощековская, 15, корп.1",
"address_full": "630007, Россия, Новосибирская область, Новосибирск, ул. Кривощековская, 15, корп.1",
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2"
"fulfillment": false
"code": "NSK5",
"name": "NSK5, Новосибирск, пр-т Красный",
"uuid": "a3964112-40b4-4da5-ae87-315bab7469ad",
"work_time": "Пн-Пт 10:00-20:00, Сб 10:00-16:00, Вс 10:00-16:00",
"phones": [
"number": "+79833004613"
"email": "ks.biryukova@cdek.ru",
"type": "PVZ",
"owner_code": "CDEK",
"take_only": false,
"is_handout": true,
"is_reception": true,
"is_dressing_room": true,
"is_ltl": false,
"have_cashless": true,
"have_cash": true,
"have_fast_payment_system": false,
"allowed_cod": true,
"site": "https://www.cdek.ru/contacts/g_novosibirsk_krasnyy_prospekt_d_99.html",
"work_time_list": [
"day": 1,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 2,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 3,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 4,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 5,
"time": "10:00/20:00"
"day": 6,
"time": "10:00/16:00"
"day": 7,
"time": "10:00/16:00"
"work_time_exception_list": [],
"location": {
"country_code": "RU",
"region_code": 23,
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"city_code": 270,
"city": "Новосибирск",
"postal_code": "630049",
"longitude": 82.91155,
"latitude": 55.054855,
"address": "пр-т Красный, 99",
"address_full": "630049, Россия, Новосибирская область, Новосибирск, пр-т Красный, 99",
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2"
"fulfillment": false
"code": "NSK7",
"name": "NSK7, Новосибирск, ул. Зорге",
"uuid": "f16cc208-e1cf-4253-982b-22b30c62d18d",
"work_time": "Пн-Пт 10:00-20:00, Сб 10:00-16:00, Вс 10:00-16:00",
"phones": [
"number": "+79231555992"
"email": "A.Raevskiy@cdek.ru",

View File

@ -60,5 +60,11 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.fmg1VWF0pGz8ZUwe01GKT706pnxQIStAo78UDr1pvOYYbhE4QODkJEf0Stby3jql2zx4Nq8rb8oM3WsFOspQ2pBVqdxNkXh80lMag_U01d0bSVjHzGM9hYiKdvFqf21skCXdYu827-2zbzLdu9qFj4HiwlQv5eKiOAe-Ijlyz7cowPgvaWRZcfnzk3n8KUK2FQfq5iPQmJseX_2D3c_9ZNm4NFgORmcyWzDkF2Et4wCX61dVX8kbzN20HCQ7zo4h8yQGwVx_8VFWyPpc3l8I_Q4OJciCdlv70cGH_FxGf9MlpJ_Dqo60FPYGzHMSn8Aq7_WXq43FVINPfHFA8rOjFA",
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"jti": "F5XN-qvexn04D3LAWZ5CwdzbyTQ"

View File

@ -103,5 +103,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-4b12-4b4f-ae6b-388db53199a9"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "0b726355-bbe5-4b52-9972-c66e4ee3f457",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:31+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
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"requests": [
"request_uuid": "5d9fafe5-38c1-49d6-9780-c033184fbdb5",
"type": "DELETE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:32+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -54,5 +54,27 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"date": "<Дата доставки, согласованная с получателем>",
"cdek_number": "<Номер заказа СДЭК>",
"order_uuid": "<Идентификатор заказа в ИС СДЭК>",
"time_from": "<Время доставки С, согласованное с получателем>",
"time_to": "<Время доставки ПО, согласованное с получателем>",
"comment": "<Комментарий>",
"delivery_point": "<Буквенно-цифровой код ПВЗ СДЭК>",
"to_location": {
"code": "<Код населенного пункта СДЭК>",
"fias_guid": "<Уникальный идентификатор ФИАС>",
"postal_code": "<Почтовый индекс>",
"longitude": "<Долгота>",
"latitude": "<Широта>",
"country_code": "<Код страны в формате ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"region": "<Название региона>",
"region_code": "<Код региона>",
"sub_region": "<Название района региона>",
"city": "<Название города>",
"kladr_code": "<Код КЛАДР>",
"address": "<Строка адреса>"

View File

@ -40,5 +40,134 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"date_intervals": [
"date": "2024-10-23",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-10-30",
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"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-06",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-13",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-20",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"
"date": "2024-11-27",
"time_intervals": [
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "09:00:00",
"end_time": "14:00:00"
"start_time": "14:00:00",
"end_time": "18:00:00"
"start_time": "18:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"

View File

@ -62,5 +62,61 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-4b12-4b4f-ae6b-388db53199a9",
"intake_date": "2024-10-22",
"intake_time_from": "10:00",
"intake_time_to": "17:00",
"name": "Консолидированный груз",
"weight": 1000,
"length": 10,
"width": 10,
"height": 10,
"comment": "Комментарий курьеру",
"sender": {
"company": "Компания",
"name": "Иванов Иван",
"phones": [
"number": "+79589441654"
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"from_location": {
"code": 44,
"city_uuid": "7e8f36ba-d937-4ce4-8d53-e44177db6469",
"city": "Москва",
"fias_guid": "0c5b2444-70a0-4932-980c-b4dc0d3f02b5",
"kladr_code": "7700000000000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Москва",
"region_code": 81,
"sub_region": "Москва",
"longitude": 37.61556,
"latitude": 55.75222,
"address": "ул. Блюхера, 32"
"need_call": false,
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:31+03:00"
"contragent_uuid": "ed75ecf4-30ed-4153-afe9-eb80bb512f22"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "0b726355-bbe5-4b52-9972-c66e4ee3f457",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:31+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -54,5 +54,47 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"intake_date": "<Дата ожидания курьера>",
"intake_time_from": "<Время начала ожидания курьера>",
"intake_time_to": "<Время окончания ожидания курьера>",
"cdek_number": "<Номер заказа СДЭК>",
"order_uuid": "<Идентификатор заказа в ИС СДЭК>",
"lunch_time_from": "<Время начала обеда>",
"lunch_time_to": "<Время окончания обеда>",
"name": "<Описание груза>",
"weight": "<Общий вес (в граммах)>",
"length": "<Габариты упаковки. Длина (в сантиметрах)>",
"width": "<Габариты упаковки. Ширина (в сантиметрах)>",
"height": "<Габариты упаковки. Высота (в сантиметрах)>",
"comment": "<Комментарий к заявке для курьера>",
"need_call": "<Необходим прозвон отправителя>",
"courier_power_of_attorney": "<Курьеру необходима доверенность>",
"courier_identity_card": "<Курьеру необходим документ удостоверяющий личность>",
"sender": {
"company": "<Название компании отправителя>",
"name": "<ФИО контактного лица>",
"contragent_type": "<Тип отправителя: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL>",
"phones": [
"number": "<Номер телефона>",
"additional": "<Дополнительная информация (добавочный номер)>"
"from_location": {
"code": "<Код населенного пункта СДЭК>",
"fias_guid": "<Уникальный идентификатор ФИАС>",
"postal_code": "<Почтовый индекс>",
"longitude": "<Долгота>",
"latitude": "<Широта>",
"country_code": "<Код страны>",
"region": "<Название региона, уточняющий параметр для поля city>",
"region_code": "<Код региона СДЭК, уточняющий параметр для поля city>",
"sub_region": "<Название района региона, уточняющий параметр для поля region>",
"city": "<Название города, уточняющий параметр для postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<Код КЛАДР. Устаревшее поле>",
"address": "<Строка адреса>"

View File

@ -42,5 +42,50 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
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"time_from": "10:00",
"time_to": "17:00",
"comment": "Офис группы компаний",
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"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"region_code": 23,
"sub_region": "городской округ Новосибирск",
"longitude": 82.906928,
"latitude": 55.028739,
"address": "ул. Блюхера, 33"
"uuid": "72753031-6834-4a3e-9dc1-c0e367a9fdf7",
"statuses": [
"code": "REGISTERED",
"name": "Зарегистрирована",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:44+03:00"
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принята",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:32+03:00"
"requests": [
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"type": "CREATE",
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"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
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View File

@ -65,5 +65,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
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"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -69,5 +69,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-aae5-495d-b063-ddffc813948d"
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View File

@ -68,5 +68,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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View File

@ -141,5 +141,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
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"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -68,5 +68,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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"entity": {
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"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -72,5 +72,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
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"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -60,5 +60,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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"entity": {
"uuid": "f1647903-ff8f-4460-bfb2-0df32616250c"
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View File

@ -74,5 +74,44 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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"code": "PROCESSING",
"name": "Формируется",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:43+03:00"
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View File

@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"

View File

@ -63,5 +63,155 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:21+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
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"name": "Создан",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:12+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
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View File

@ -55,5 +55,119 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
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"tariff_code": "<Код тарифа (подробнее см. приложение 1)>",
"recipient": {
"company": "<Название компании>",
"name": "<ФИО контактного лица>",
"passport_series": "<Серия паспорта>",
"passport_number": "<Номер паспорта>",
"passport_date_of_issue": "<Дата выдачи паспорта>",
"passport_organization": "<Орган выдачи паспорта>",
"tin": "<ИНН>",
"passport_date_of_birth": "<Дата рождения>",
"email": "<Email как RFC 2822>",
"contragent_type": "<Тип отправителя: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL >",
"phones": [
"number": "<Номер телефона>",
"additional": "<Дополнительная информация (добавочный номер)>"
"packages": [
"number": "<Номер упаковки>",
"weight": "<Общий вес (в граммах)>",
"length": "<Габариты упаковки. Длина (в сантиметрах)>",
"width": "<Габариты упаковки. Ширина (в сантиметрах)>",
"height": "<Габариты упаковки. Высота (в сантиметрах)>",
"comment": "<Комментарий к упаковке>",
"items": [
"name": "<Наименование товара>",
"ware_key": "<Идентификатор/артикул товара>",
"marking": "<Маркировка товара>",
"payment": {
"value": "<Сумма наложенного платежа, в том числе и НДС>",
"vat_sum": "<Сумма НДС>",
"vat_rate": "<Ставка НДС (значение - 0, 10, 12, 20, null - нет НДС)>"
"cost": "<Объявленная стоимость товара>",
"weight": "<Вес (за единицу товара, в граммах)>",
"weight_gross": "<Вес брутто>",
"amount": "<Количество единиц товара (в штуках)>",
"name_i18n": "<Наименование на иностранном языке>",
"brand": "<Бренд на иностранном языке>",
"country_code": "<Код страны производителя товара ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"material": "<Код материала>",
"wifi_gsm": "<Содержит wifi или gsm>",
"url": "<Ссылка на сайт интернет-магазина с описанием товара>"
"additional_order_types": "<Дополнительный тип заказа>",
"comment": "<Комментарий к заказу>",
"developer_key": "<Ключ разработчика (для разработчиков модулей)>",
"shipment_point": "<Код ПВЗ СДЭК для самостоятельного привоза клиентом>",
"delivery_point": "<Код офиса СДЭК, на который будет доставлена посылка>",
"date_invoice": "<Дата инвойса>",
"shipper_name": "<Грузоотправитель>",
"shipper_address": "<Адрес грузоотправителя>",
"sender": {
"company": "<Название компании>",
"name": "<ФИО контактного лица>",
"email": "<Email для оповещений RFC 2822>",
"passport_series": "<Серия паспорта>",
"passport_number": "<Номер паспорта>",
"passport_date_of_issue": "<Дата выдачи паспорта>",
"passport_organization": "<Орган выдачи паспорта>",
"tin": "<ИНН>",
"passport_date_of_birth": "<Дата рождения>",
"contragent_type": "<Тип отправителя: LEGAL_ENTITY, INDIVIDUAL>",
"phones": [
"number": "<Номер телефона>",
"additional": "<Дополнительная информация (добавочный номер)>"
"from_location": {
"code": "<Код населенного пункта СДЭК>",
"fias_guid": "<Уникальный идентификатор ФИАС>",
"postal_code": "<Почтовый индекс>",
"longitude": "<Долгота>",
"latitude": "<Широта>",
"country_code": "<Код страны в формате ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"region": "<Название региона, уточняющий параметр для поля city>",
"region_code": "<Код региона СДЭК, уточняющий параметр для поля city>",
"sub_region": "<Название района региона, уточняющий параметр для поля region>",
"city": "<Название города, уточняющий параметр для postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<Код КЛАДР>",
"address": "<Строка адреса >"
"to_location": {
"code": "<Код населенного пункта СДЭК>",
"fias_guid": "<Уникальный идентификатор ФИАС>",
"postal_code": "<Почтовый индекс>",
"longitude": "<Долгота>",
"latitude": "<Широта>",
"country_code": "<Код страны в формате ISO_3166-1_alpha-2>",
"region": "<Название региона, уточняющий параметр для поля city>",
"region_code": "<Код региона СДЭК, уточняющий параметр для поля city>",
"sub_region": "<Название района региона, уточняющий параметр для поля region>",
"city": "<Название города, уточняющий параметр для postal_code>",
"kladr_code": "<Код КЛАДР>",
"address": "<Строка адреса >"
"services": {
"code": "<Тип дополнительной услуги>",
"parameter": "<Параметр дополнительной услуги>"
"print": "<Необходимость сформировать печатную форму>",
"is_client_return": "<Клиентский возврат>",
"accompanying_number": "<Номер сопроводительной накладной>",
"widget_token": "<Токен, полученный от widget.cdek.ru>"

View File

@ -60,5 +60,155 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "f1647903-ff8f-4460-bfb2-0df32616250c",
"type": 1,
"is_return": false,
"is_reverse": false,
"cdek_number": "1106094895",
"number": "849fe48e-2108-4864-9ad4-085b2b0be131",
"tariff_code": 139,
"comment": "Новый заказ",
"items_cost_currency": "RUB",
"recipient_currency": "RUB",
"delivery_recipient_cost": {
"value": 50,
"vat_sum": 0
"delivery_recipient_cost_adv": [
"threshold": 200,
"sum": 3000,
"vat_sum": 0
"sender": {
"company": "Тестирование Интеграции ИМ",
"name": "Петров Петр",
"contragent_type": "LEGAL_ENTITY",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"seller": {
"name": "Тестирование Интеграции ИМ"
"recipient": {
"company": "Иванов Иван",
"name": "Иванов Иван",
"phones": [
"number": "79134637228"
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"from_location": {
"code": 44,
"city_uuid": "7e8f36ba-d937-4ce4-8d53-e44177db6469",
"city": "Москва",
"fias_guid": "0c5b2444-70a0-4932-980c-b4dc0d3f02b5",
"kladr_code": "7700000000000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Москва",
"region_code": 81,
"sub_region": "Москва",
"longitude": 37.61556,
"latitude": 55.75222,
"address": "пр. Ленинградский, д.4"
"to_location": {
"code": 270,
"city_uuid": "4e938d63-e189-454d-bb5c-54bfb2f1e4e2",
"city": "Новосибирск",
"kladr_code": "5400000100000",
"country_code": "RU",
"country": "Россия",
"region": "Новосибирская область",
"region_code": 23,
"sub_region": "городской округ Новосибирск",
"longitude": 82.906928,
"latitude": 55.028739,
"address": "ул. Блюхера, 32"
"services": [
"code": "INSURANCE",
"parameter": "600.00",
"sum": 4.5,
"total_sum": 5.4,
"discount_percent": 0,
"discount_sum": 0,
"vat_rate": 20,
"vat_sum": 0.9
"code": "SECURE_PACKAGE_A2",
"parameter": "10",
"sum": 500,
"total_sum": 600,
"discount_percent": 0,
"discount_sum": 0,
"vat_rate": 20,
"vat_sum": 100
"packages": [
"number": "bar-001",
"barcode": "000000536891",
"weight": 4000,
"length": 10,
"width": 10,
"weight_volume": 200,
"weight_calc": 4000,
"height": 10,
"comment": "приложена опись",
"items": [
"name": "Товар",
"ware_key": "00055",
"payment": {
"value": 3000,
"vat_sum": 0
"weight": 700,
"weight_gross": 700,
"amount": 2,
"delivery_amount": 0,
"url": "www.item.ru",
"return_item_detail": {},
"excise": false,
"cost": 300
"package_id": "ee6390c4-c059-4765-9cfb-597be1f4547f"
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:21+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
"code": "CREATED",
"name": "Создан",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:12+03:00",
"city": "Офис СДЭК"
"is_client_return": false,
"delivery_mode": "1",
"delivery_detail": {
"delivery_sum": 1315,
"total_sum": 2183.4,
"payment_info": [],
"delivery_vat_rate": 20,
"delivery_vat_sum": 263,
"delivery_discount_percent": 0,
"delivery_discount_sum": 0

View File

@ -40,5 +40,22 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "f1647903-ff8f-4460-bfb2-0df32616250c",
"cdek_number": 1106094895,
"passport": [
"client": "SENDER",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false
"client": "RECEIVER",
"passport_requirements_satisfied": false

View File

@ -62,5 +62,28 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-94b1-47a5-b67c-1a6a7ca544e9",
"prealert_number": "PA/1305/26",
"planned_date": "2024-10-22T23:41:44+03:00",
"shipment_point": "NSK27",
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "f1647903-ff8f-4460-bfb2-0df32616250c",
"cdek_number": 1106094895,
"im_number": "849fe48e-2108-4864-9ad4-085b2b0be131"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "5981866b-31d4-493d-9236-c6efc0b5c7eb",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:44+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -74,5 +74,43 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-57df-40c5-8453-790e984f7a0f",
"orders": [
"order_uuid": "f1647903-ff8f-4460-bfb2-0df32616250c"
"copy_count": 1,
"type": "tpl_russia",
"url": "https://api.edu.cdek.ru/v2/print/orders/72753031-57df-40c5-8453-790e984f7a0f.pdf",
"statuses": [
"code": "ACCEPTED",
"name": "Принят",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:43+03:00"
"code": "PROCESSING",
"name": "Формируется",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:43+03:00"
"code": "READY",
"name": "Сформирован",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:44+03:00"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "a3ac101e-b1cf-4cb9-8f2c-a2f702e8761b",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:41:43+03:00",
"state": "SUCCESSFUL"
"related_entities": []

View File

@ -69,5 +69,18 @@ import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
```json title="Результат"
"entity": {
"uuid": "f1647903-ff8f-4460-bfb2-0df32616250c"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "2e80fd9f-582a-4a66-a3ad-c5571a05b436",
"type": "UPDATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T20:42:07+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2041,6 +2041,7 @@ Procedure CLI_CdekAPI_CourierInvitationsManagment() Export
@ -15996,6 +15997,23 @@ Procedure CLI_CDEK_GetBarcode(FunctionParameters)
Procedure CLI_CDEK_GetAvailableDeliveryIntervals(FunctionParameters)
Token = FunctionParameters["CDEK_Token"];
UUID = FunctionParameters["CDEK_OrderUUID"];
Options = New Structure;
Options.Insert("token" , Token);
Options.Insert("uuid" , UUID);
Options.Insert("testapi", True);
Result = OPI_TestDataRetrieval.ExecuteTestCLI("cdek", "GetAvailableDeliveryIntervals", Options);
OPI_TestDataRetrieval.WriteLog(Result, "GetAvailableDeliveryIntervals", "CDEK");
Procedure CLI_CDEK_GetAppointmentDescription(FunctionParameters)
Options = New Structure;

View File

@ -2041,6 +2041,7 @@ Procedure CLI_CdekAPI_CourierInvitationsManagment() Export
@ -15996,6 +15997,23 @@ Procedure CLI_CDEK_GetBarcode(FunctionParameters)
Procedure CLI_CDEK_GetAvailableDeliveryIntervals(FunctionParameters)
Token = FunctionParameters["CDEK_Token"];
UUID = FunctionParameters["CDEK_OrderUUID"];
Options = New Structure;
Options.Insert("token" , Token);
Options.Insert("uuid" , UUID);
Options.Insert("testapi", True);
Result = OPI_TestDataRetrieval.ExecuteTestCLI("cdek", "GetAvailableDeliveryIntervals", Options);
OPI_TestDataRetrieval.WriteLog(Result, "GetAvailableDeliveryIntervals", "CDEK");
Procedure CLI_CDEK_GetAppointmentDescription(FunctionParameters)
Options = New Structure;

View File

@ -2041,6 +2041,7 @@
@ -15996,6 +15997,23 @@
Процедура CLI_CDEK_ПолучитьДоступныеИнтервалыДоставки(ПараметрыФункции)
Токен = ПараметрыФункции["CDEK_Token"];
UUID = ПараметрыФункции["CDEK_OrderUUID"];
Опции = Новый Структура;
Опции.Вставить("token" , Токен);
Опции.Вставить("uuid" , UUID);
Опции.Вставить("testapi", Истина);
Результат = OPI_ПолучениеДанныхТестов.ВыполнитьТестCLI("cdek", "ПолучитьДоступныеИнтервалыДоставки", Опции);
OPI_ПолучениеДанныхТестов.ЗаписатьЛог(Результат, "ПолучитьДоступныеИнтервалыДоставки", "CDEK");
Процедура CLI_CDEK_ПолучитьОписаниеДоговоренности(ПараметрыФункции)
Опции = Новый Структура;