--- sidebar_position: 2 --- # Get token Gets the token by the code obtained during authorization via the link from GetAuthorizationLink *Function GetToken(Val Code, Val Parameters = "") Export* | Parameter | CLI option | Type | Destination | |-|-|-|-| | Code | --code | String | Code obtained from authorization See GetAuthorizationLink | | Parameters | --auth | Structure Of String | Authorization JSON or path to .json | Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from Twitter ```bsl title="Code example" Response = OPI_Twitter.GetToken(Code, Parameters); Response = OPI_Tools.JSONString(Response); ``` ```sh title="CLI command example" oint twitter GetToken --code %code% --auth %auth% ``` ```json title="Result" { "refresh_token": "TmttM11111111111111111MY2dkNy1EZklLNmxIT1111111111111111xNTg2ODI6MTowOnJ0OjE", "access_token": "UTBtWXd11111111111111111111113TkRxWEdxdF9hVlQzOjE3MDUwNTMxNTg2ODE6MTowOmF0OjE", "scope": "mute.write tweet.moderate.write block.read follows.read offline.access list.write bookmark.read list.read tweet.write space.read block.write like.write like.read users.read tweet.read bookmark.write mute.read follows.write", "expires_in": 7200, "token_type": "bearer" } ```