sidebar_position: 3

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

# Read binary data 
 Reads data from the specified connection

`Function ReadBinaryData(Val Connection, Val MaxSize = 0, Val Marker = "", Val Timeout = 5000) Export`

  | Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
  | Connection | - | Arbitrary | ✔ | Connection, see. CreateConnection |
  | MaxSize | - | Number | ✖ | Maximum data size (bytes). 0 > no limit |
  | Marker | - | String, BinaryData | ✖ | End of message marker. Empty > without marker |
  | Timeout | - | Number | ✖ | Data waiting timeout (ms). 0 > no limit |

  Returns:  BinaryData - Received data


When working with an infinite stream of incoming data, it is obligatory to specify the MaxSize parameter, because endless data retrieval can cause hang-ups

If the connection is closed, an error occurs, or EOF is detected, the read is terminated in either case

Parameters with Binary data type can also accept file paths on disk and URLs

**NOCLI:** данный метод недоступен для использования в CLI версии

```bsl title="1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example"
    Address    = "";
    Connection = OPI_TCP.CreateConnection(Address);
    Message    = "Hello server!" + Chars.LF;
    Data       = ПолучитьДвоичныеДанныеИзСтроки(Message);

    OPI_TCP.SendBinaryData(Connection, Data);

    // End of message marker to avoid waiting for the end of timeout
    Marker = Chars.LF;
    Result = OPI_TCP.ReadBinaryData(Connection, , Marker);
    // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
