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synced 2025-03-21 21:27:27 +02:00
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# VHS documentation
# Output:
# Output <path>.gif Create a GIF output at the given <path>
# Output <path>.mp4 Create an MP4 output at the given <path>
# Output <path>.webm Create a WebM output at the given <path>
# Require:
# Require <string> Ensure a program is on the $PATH to proceed
# Settings:
# Set FontSize <number> Set the font size of the terminal
Set FontFamily "Consolas"
# Set Height <number> Set the height of the terminal
# Set Width <number> Set the width of the terminal
# Set LetterSpacing <float> Set the font letter spacing (tracking)
# Set LineHeight <float> Set the font line height
# Set LoopOffset <float>% Set the starting frame offset for the GIF loop
# Set Theme <json|string> Set the theme of the terminal
# Set Padding <number> Set the padding of the terminal
# Set Framerate <number> Set the framerate of the recording
# Set PlaybackSpeed <float> Set the playback speed of the recording
# Set MarginFill <file|#000000> Set the file or color the margin will be filled with.
# Set Margin <number> Set the size of the margin. Has no effect if MarginFill isn't set.
# Set BorderRadius <number> Set terminal border radius, in pixels.
# Set WindowBar <string> Set window bar type. (one of: Rings, RingsRight, Colorful, ColorfulRight)
# Set WindowBarSize <number> Set window bar size, in pixels. Default is 40.
# Set TypingSpeed <time> Set the typing speed of the terminal. Default is 50ms.
# Sleep:
# Sleep <time> Sleep for a set amount of <time> in seconds
# Type:
# Type[@<time>] "<characters>" Type <characters> into the terminal with a
# <time> delay between each character
# Keys:
# Escape[@<time>] [number] Press the Escape key
# Backspace[@<time>] [number] Press the Backspace key
# Delete[@<time>] [number] Press the Delete key
# Insert[@<time>] [number] Press the Insert key
# Down[@<time>] [number] Press the Down key
# Enter[@<time>] [number] Press the Enter key
# Space[@<time>] [number] Press the Space key
# Tab[@<time>] [number] Press the Tab key
# Left[@<time>] [number] Press the Left Arrow key
# Right[@<time>] [number] Press the Right Arrow key
# Up[@<time>] [number] Press the Up Arrow key
# Down[@<time>] [number] Press the Down Arrow key
# PageUp[@<time>] [number] Press the Page Up key
# PageDown[@<time>] [number] Press the Page Down key
# Ctrl+<key> Press the Control key + <key> (e.g. Ctrl+C)
# Display:
# Hide Hide the subsequent commands from the output
# Show Show the subsequent commands in the output
Output demo1.gif
# Require echo
Set Shell "cmd"
Set FontSize 16
Set Width 768
Set Height 512
Type "set refresh=" Enter
Type "set clientid=" Enter
Type "set clientsecret=" Enter
Type "cls" Enter
Type "oint google ОбновитьТокен --id %clientid% --secret %clientsecret% --refresh %refresh%" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 5s
Type "oint google ОбновитьТокен --id %clientid% --secret %clientsecret% --refresh %refresh% --out newtoken.json" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 5s
Type "oint tools РазложитьJSON --json ./newtoken.json --enc CP866" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 5s
Type "oint tools РазложитьJSON --json ./newtoken.json --enc CP866 --name access_token" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 5s
Type "oint tools РазложитьJSON --json ./newtoken.json --enc CP866 --name access_token > token.tmp" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 2s
Type "set /p token=<token.tmp" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 2s
Type "echo %token%" Sleep 200ms Enter
Sleep 15s