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2025-01-05 19:22:09 +03:00

91 lines
3.1 KiB

sidebar_position: 8
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
# Create receipt
Generates pdf receipts for orders
`Function CreateReceipt(Val Token, Val UUIDArray, Val Type = "tpl_russia", Val CopiesPerSheet = 2, Val TestAPI = False) Export`
| Parameter | CLI option | Type | Required | Description |
| Token | --token | String | ✔ | Auth token |
| UUIDArray | --uuids | String, Array of String | ✔ | One or an array of order UUIDs |
| Type | --type | String | ✖ | Receipt type (language) |
| CopiesPerSheet | --count | Number | ✖ | Number of copies of one receipt per sheet |
| TestAPI | --testapi | Boolean | ✖ | Flag to use test API for requests |
Returns: Map Of KeyAndValue - serialized JSON response from CDEK
Available receipt types (languages): tpl_china, tpl_armenia, tpl_russia, tpl_english, tpl_italian, tpl_korean, tpl_latvian, tpl_lithuanian, tpl_german, tpl_turkish, tpl_czech, tpl_thailand, tpl_invoice
It is recommended to specify at least 2 copies per sheet (parameter CopiesPerSheet): one to be glued on the shipment, the other to be kept by the sender
Method at API documentation: [Creating order receipt](https://api-docs.cdek.ru/36969649.html)
```bsl title="1C:Enterprise/OneScript code example"
Token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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...";
UUID = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\v8_226A_67.sqlite";
Type = "tpl_russia";
Copies = 1;
Result = OPI_CDEK.CreateReceipt(Token, UUID, Type, Copies, True);
<TabItem value="bash" label="Bash" default>
oint cdek CreateReceipt \
--token "***" \
--uuids "d8ca93f8-cb36-4e93-a3a1-c28db9af4e19" \
--type "tpl_russia" \
--count 1 \
--testapi "***"
<TabItem value="bat" label="CMD/Bat" default>
oint cdek CreateReceipt ^
--token "***" ^
--uuids "d8ca93f8-cb36-4e93-a3a1-c28db9af4e19" ^
--type "tpl_russia" ^
--count 1 ^
--testapi "***"
```json title="Result"
"entity": {
"uuid": "72753031-318f-4249-ab65-4c7e08244c6d"
"requests": [
"request_uuid": "8f0331c9-6bbc-4ec9-9357-ecc9af47342b",
"type": "CREATE",
"date_time": "2024-10-21T21:27:30+03:00",
"state": "ACCEPTED"
"related_entities": []