# The minimum job interval is 1 minute The minimum job interval is 1 minute. ## Noncompliant Code Example ## Compliant Solution - A scheduled job must be executed just frequently enough to properly serve its objectives. - For optimal server performance, the default scheduled job interval is 24 hours. - Some job can be executed more often to keep important data up-to-date. - The minimum job interval is 1 minute. - The interval of a scheduled job has to be reasonably balanced with the job run time. For example, if the run time is 20 seconds, running the job every minute is unreasonably often. - Whenever possible, schedule resource-intensive scheduled jobs during the server low-load hours. For example, during off-hours or off days. - Schedule resource-intensive jobs in sequence. Consider the expected run time to avoid the job overlap. ## See [Configuring scheduled job schedules](https://support.1ci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011001440-Configuring-scheduled-job-schedules)