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#ifndef __COMPONENT_BASE_H__
#define __COMPONENT_BASE_H__
#include "types.h"
* The given interface is intended for initialization and
* uninitialization of component and its adjustments
/// Interface of component initialization.
class IInitDoneBase
virtual ~IInitDoneBase() {}
/// Initializes component
* @param disp - 1C:Enterpise interface
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API Init(void* disp) = 0;
/// Sets the memory manager
* @param mem - pointer to memory manager interface.
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API setMemManager(void* mem) = 0;
/// Returns component version
* @return - component version (2000 - version 2)
virtual long ADDIN_API GetInfo() = 0;
/// Uninitializes component
* Component here should release all consumed resources.
virtual void ADDIN_API Done() = 0;
* The given interface defines methods that are intented to be used by the Platform
/// Interface describing extension of language.
class ILanguageExtenderBase
virtual ~ILanguageExtenderBase(){}
/// Registers language extension
* @param wsExtensionName - extension name
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API RegisterExtensionAs(WCHAR_T** wsExtensionName) = 0;
/// Returns number of component properties
* @return number of properties
virtual long ADDIN_API GetNProps() = 0;
/// Finds property by name
* @param wsPropName - property name
* @return property index or -1, if it is not found
virtual long ADDIN_API FindProp(const WCHAR_T* wsPropName) = 0;
/// Returns property name
* @param lPropNum - property index (starting with 0)
* @param lPropAlias - 0 - international alias,
* 1 - russian alias. (International alias is required)
* @return proeprty name or 0 if it is not found
virtual const WCHAR_T* ADDIN_API GetPropName(long lPropNum,
long lPropAlias) = 0;
/// Returns property value
* @param lPropNum - property index (starting with 0)
* @param pvarPropVal - the pointer to a variable for property value
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API GetPropVal(const long lPropNum,
tVariant* pvarPropVal) = 0;
/// Sets the property value
* @param lPropNum - property index (starting with 0)
* @param varPropVal - the pointer to a variable for property value
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API SetPropVal(const long lPropNum,
tVariant* varPropVal) = 0;
/// Is property readable?
* @param lPropNum - property index (starting with 0)
* @return true if property is readable
virtual bool ADDIN_API IsPropReadable(const long lPropNum) = 0;
/// Is property writable?
* @param lPropNum - property index (starting with 0)
* @return true if property is writable
virtual bool ADDIN_API IsPropWritable(const long lPropNum) = 0;
/// Returns number of component methods
* @return number of component methods
virtual long ADDIN_API GetNMethods() = 0;
/// Finds a method by name
* @param wsMethodName - method name
* @return - method index
virtual long ADDIN_API FindMethod(const WCHAR_T* wsMethodName) = 0;
/// Returns method name
* @param lMethodNum - method index(starting with 0)
* @param lMethodAlias - 0 - international alias,
* 1 - russian alias. (International alias is required)
* @return method name or 0 if method is not found
virtual const WCHAR_T* ADDIN_API GetMethodName(const long lMethodNum,
const long lMethodAlias) = 0;
/// Returns number of method parameters
* @param lMethodNum - method index (starting with 0)
* @return number of parameters
virtual long ADDIN_API GetNParams(const long lMethodNum) = 0;
/// Returns default value of method parameter
* @param lMethodNum - method index(starting with 0)
* @param lParamNum - parameter index (starting with 0)
* @param pvarParamDefValue - the pointer to a variable for default value
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API GetParamDefValue(const long lMethodNum,
const long lParamNum,
tVariant *pvarParamDefValue) = 0;
/// Does the method have a return value?
* @param lMethodNum - method index (starting with 0)
* @return true if the method has a return value
virtual bool ADDIN_API HasRetVal(const long lMethodNum) = 0;
/// Calls the method as a procedure
* @param lMethodNum - method index (starting with 0)
* @param paParams - the pointer to array of method parameters
* @param lSizeArray - the size of array
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API CallAsProc(const long lMethodNum,
tVariant* paParams,
const long lSizeArray) = 0;
/// Calls the method as a function
* @param lMethodNum - method index (starting with 0)
* @param pvarRetValue - the pointer to returned value
* @param paParams - the pointer to array of method parameters
* @param lSizeArray - the size of array
* @return the result of
virtual bool ADDIN_API CallAsFunc(const long lMethodNum,
tVariant* pvarRetValue,
tVariant* paParams,
const long lSizeArray) = 0;
* This interface is used to change component locale
/// Base interface for component localization.
class LocaleBase
virtual ~LocaleBase(){}
/// Changes component locale
* @param loc - new locale (for Windows - rus_RUS,
* for Linux - ru_RU, etc...)
virtual void ADDIN_API SetLocale(const WCHAR_T* loc) = 0;
* The given interface is generalized, for its obligatory inheritance
* in implementing components.
/// Base interface describing object as a set of properties and methods.
class IComponentBase :
public IInitDoneBase,
public ILanguageExtenderBase,
public LocaleBase
virtual ~IComponentBase(){}
enum AppCapabilities
eAppCapabilitiesInvalid = -1,
eAppCapabilities1 = 1,
eAppCapabilitiesLast = eAppCapabilities1,
/// Announcements of exported functions
* These functions should be implemented that component can be loaded and created.
extern "C" long GetClassObject(const WCHAR_T*, IComponentBase** pIntf);
extern "C" long DestroyObject(IComponentBase** pIntf);
extern "C" const WCHAR_T* GetClassNames();
extern "C" AppCapabilities SetPlatformCapabilities(const AppCapabilities capabilities);
typedef long (*GetClassObjectPtr)(const WCHAR_T* wsName, IComponentBase** pIntf);
typedef long (*DestroyObjectPtr)(IComponentBase** pIntf);
typedef const WCHAR_T* (*GetClassNamesPtr)();
typedef AppCapabilities (*SetPlatformCapabilitiesPtr)(const AppCapabilities capabilities);
#endif //__COMPONENT_BASE_H__