diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index afe1aaf..0fffaf2 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ If you want to add an entry to the `README.md` please consider this: - is the entry valuable to people trying to get things done in Rust? * In order to make this objective, the entry needs to either have at least 50 stars on Github, 2000 downloads on crates.io, or an equivalent level of other popularity metrics (which should be specified in the PR). The maintainers of this repo are not responsible for making your project popular, only for making more people aware of those projects. We don't want to have to pick and choose favourites, and so are using metrics like this to make our lives easier as maintainers. -- if you want to add something, please use the template `[ACCOUNT/REPO](https://github.com/ACCOUNT/REPO) [[CRATE](https://crates.io/crates/CRATE)] — DESCRIPTION` +- if you want to add something, please use the template `[ACCOUNT/REPO](https://github.com/ACCOUNT/REPO) [![CRATE](https://crates.io/crates/CRATE)] — DESCRIPTION` * if you've not published your crate to `crates.io` remove the `[[CRATE](...)]` part. * if you have a CI build, please add the build badge. Put the image after the description, separated by a space. Please make sure to add the branch information to the image: * example for Travis: `[![build badge](https://api.travis-ci.com/XXX/CRATE.svg?branch=master)](https://app.travis-ci.org/github/XXX/CRATE)` diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e0a84ca..b3a2c42 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ See also [Rust — Production](https://www.rust-lang.org/production) organizatio * [CITA](https://github.com/citahub/cita) — A high performance blockchain kernel for enterprise users. * [coinbase-pro-rs](https://github.com/inv2004/coinbase-pro-rs) — Coinbase pro client in Rust, supports sync/async/websocket [![build badge](https://api.travis-ci.org/inv2004/coinbase-pro-rs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/inv2004/coinbase-pro-rs) * [Diem](https://github.com/diem/diem) — Diem’s mission is to enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people. +* [electrumrs](https://github.com/romanz/electrs) — An efficient re-implementation of Electrum Server in Rust. * [ethaddrgen](https://github.com/Limeth/ethaddrgen) — Custom Ethereum vanity address generator made in Rust [![build badge](https://api.travis-ci.org/Limeth/ethaddrgen.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Limeth/ethaddrgen) * [Forest](https://github.com/ChainSafe/forest) - Rust Filecoin implementation [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/circleci/build/gh/ChainSafe/forest/main?branch=master)](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/ChainSafe/forest?branch=main) * [Grin](https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/) — Evolution of the MimbleWimble protocol @@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ See also [Rust — Production](https://www.rust-lang.org/production) organizatio * [Polkadot](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot) — Heterogeneous multi‑chain technology with pooled security * [rust-bitcoin](https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-bitcoin) — Library with support for de/serialization, parsing and executing on data structures and network messages related to Bitcoin. * [rust-cardano](https://github.com/input-output-hk/rust-cardano) — Rust implementation of Cardano primitives, helpers, and related applications +* [rust-lightning](https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning) [![Crate](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/lightning.svg?logo=rust)](https://crates.io/crates/lightning) — Bitcoin Lightning library written in Rust. The main crate,`lightning`, does not handle networking, persistence, or any other I/O. Thus,it is runtime-agnostic, but users must implement basic networking logic, chain interactions, and disk storage.po on linking crate. * [Solana](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana) — Incredibly fast, highly scalable blockchain using Proof-of-History. * [Substrate](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate) — Generic modular blockchain template written in Rust * [tendermint-rs](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs) - Rust implementation of Tendermint blockchain data structures and clients