* [go-humanize](https://github.com/dustin/go-humanize) - Formatters for time, numbers, and memory size to human readable format.
* [go-nmea](https://github.com/adrianmo/go-nmea) - NMEA parser library for the Go language.
* [go-runewidth](https://github.com/mattn/go-runewidth) - Functions to get fixed width of the character or string.
* [go-slugify](https://github.com/mozillazg/go-slugify) - Make pretty slug with multiple languages support.
* [go-vcard](https://github.com/emersion/go-vcard) - Parse and format vCard
* [gofeed](https://github.com/mmcdole/gofeed) - Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Go
* [gographviz](https://github.com/awalterschulze/gographviz) - Parses the Graphviz DOT language.
* [gommon/bytes](https://github.com/labstack/gommon/tree/master/bytes) - Format bytes to string.
* [gonameparts](https://github.com/polera/gonameparts) - Parses human names into individual name parts
* [GoQuery](https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery) - GoQuery brings a syntax and a set of features similar to jQuery to the Go language.
* [goregen](https://github.com/zach-klippenstein/goregen) - A library for generating random strings from regular expressions.
* [gotext](https://github.com/leonelquinteros/gotext) - GNU gettext utilities for Go.
* [guesslanguage](https://github.com/endeveit/guesslanguage) - Functions to determine the natural language of a unicode text.
* [inject](https://github.com/facebookgo/inject) - Package inject provides a reflect based injector.
* [mxj](https://github.com/clbanning/mxj) - Encode / decode XML as JSON or map[string]interface{}; extract values with dot-notation paths and wildcards. Replaces x2j and j2x packages.
* [sh](https://github.com/mvdan/sh) - A shell parser and formatter
* [slug](https://github.com/gosimple/slug) - URL-friendly slugify with multiple languages support.
* [Slugify](https://github.com/avelino/slugify) - A Go slugify application that handles string.
* [toml](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml) - TOML configuration format (encoder/decoder with reflection).
* [xpath](https://github.com/antchfx/xpath) - XPath package for Go.
* [xquery](https://github.com/antchfx/xquery) - XQuery lets you extract data from HTML/XML documents using XPath expression.
* [go-nlp](https://github.com/nuance/go-nlp) - Utilities for working with discrete probability distributions and other tools useful for doing NLP work.
* [go-stem](https://github.com/agonopol/go-stem) - Implementation of the porter stemming algorithm.
* [go-unidecode](https://github.com/mozillazg/go-unidecode) - ASCII transliterations of Unicode text.
* [go2vec](https://github.com/danieldk/go2vec) - Reader and utility functions for word2vec embeddings.
* [gojieba](https://github.com/yanyiwu/gojieba) - This is a Go implementation of [jieba](https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba) which a Chinese word splitting algorithm.
* [golibstemmer](https://github.com/rjohnsondev/golibstemmer) - Go bindings for the snowball libstemmer library including porter 2
* [gounidecode](https://github.com/fiam/gounidecode) - Unicode transliterator (also known as unidecode) for Go
* [icu](https://github.com/goodsign/icu) - Cgo binding for icu4c C library detection and conversion functions. Guaranteed compatibility with version 50.1.
* [libtextcat](https://github.com/goodsign/libtextcat) - Cgo binding for libtextcat C library. Guaranteed compatibility with version 2.2.
* [MMSEGO](https://github.com/awsong/MMSEGO) - This is a GO implementation of [MMSEG](http://technology.chtsai.org/mmseg/) which a Chinese word splitting algorithm.
* [paicehusk](https://github.com/rookii/paicehusk) - Golang implementation of the Paice/Husk Stemming Algorithm
* [porter](https://github.com/a2800276/porter) - This is a fairly straightforward port of Martin Porter's C implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm.
* [porter2](https://github.com/zhenjl/porter2) - Really fast Porter 2 stemmer.
* [prose](https://github.com/jdkato/prose) - A library for text processing that supports tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named-entity extraction, and more.
* [RAKE.go](https://github.com/Obaied/RAKE.go) - A Go port of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction Algorithm (RAKE)
* [segment](https://github.com/blevesearch/segment) - A Go library for performing Unicode Text Segmentation as described in [Unicode Standard Annex #29](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/)
* [sentences](https://github.com/neurosnap/sentences) - A sentence tokenizer: converts text into a list of sentences.
* [snowball](https://github.com/goodsign/snowball) - Snowball stemmer port (cgo wrapper) for Go. Provides word stem extraction functionality [Snowball native](http://snowball.tartarus.org/).
* [stemmer](https://github.com/dchest/stemmer) - Stemmer packages for Go programming language. Includes English and German stemmers.
* [textcat](https://github.com/pebbe/textcat) - A Go package for n-gram based text categorization, with support for utf-8 and raw text
* [whatlanggo](https://github.com/abadojack/whatlanggo) - A natural language detection package for Go. Supports 84 languages and 24 scripts (writing systems e.g. Latin, Cyrillic, etc).
* [when](https://github.com/olebedev/when) - A natural EN and RU language date/time parser with pluggable rules
* [Caddy](https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy) - Fast, cross-platform HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS, also can serve as a reverse proxy server.
* [go-nlp](https://github.com/nuance/go-nlp) - Utilities for working with discrete probability distributions and other tools useful for doing NLP work.
* [go-stem](https://github.com/agonopol/go-stem) - Implementation of the porter stemming algorithm.
* [go-unidecode](https://github.com/mozillazg/go-unidecode) - ASCII transliterations of Unicode text.
* [go2vec](https://github.com/danieldk/go2vec) - Reader and utility functions for word2vec embeddings.
* [gojieba](https://github.com/yanyiwu/gojieba) - This is a Go implementation of [jieba](https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba) which a Chinese word splitting algorithm.
* [golibstemmer](https://github.com/rjohnsondev/golibstemmer) - Go bindings for the snowball libstemmer library including porter 2
* [gounidecode](https://github.com/fiam/gounidecode) - Unicode transliterator (also known as unidecode) for Go
* [icu](https://github.com/goodsign/icu) - Cgo binding for icu4c C library detection and conversion functions. Guaranteed compatibility with version 50.1.
* [libtextcat](https://github.com/goodsign/libtextcat) - Cgo binding for libtextcat C library. Guaranteed compatibility with version 2.2.
* [MMSEGO](https://github.com/awsong/MMSEGO) - This is a GO implementation of [MMSEG](http://technology.chtsai.org/mmseg/) which a Chinese word splitting algorithm.
* [paicehusk](https://github.com/rookii/paicehusk) - Golang implementation of the Paice/Husk Stemming Algorithm
* [porter](https://github.com/a2800276/porter) - This is a fairly straightforward port of Martin Porter's C implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm.
* [porter2](https://github.com/zhenjl/porter2) - Really fast Porter 2 stemmer.
* [prose](https://github.com/jdkato/prose) - A library for text processing that supports tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named-entity extraction, and more.
* [RAKE.go](https://github.com/Obaied/RAKE.go) - A Go port of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction Algorithm (RAKE)
* [segment](https://github.com/blevesearch/segment) - A Go library for performing Unicode Text Segmentation as described in [Unicode Standard Annex #29](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/)
* [sentences](https://github.com/neurosnap/sentences) - A sentence tokenizer: converts text into a list of sentences.
* [snowball](https://github.com/goodsign/snowball) - Snowball stemmer port (cgo wrapper) for Go. Provides word stem extraction functionality [Snowball native](http://snowball.tartarus.org/).
* [stemmer](https://github.com/dchest/stemmer) - Stemmer packages for Go programming language. Includes English and German stemmers.
* [textcat](https://github.com/pebbe/textcat) - A Go package for n-gram based text categorization, with support for utf-8 and raw text
* [whatlanggo](https://github.com/abadojack/whatlanggo) - A natural language detection package for Go. Supports 84 languages and 24 scripts (writing systems e.g. Latin, Cyrillic, etc).
* [when](https://github.com/olebedev/when) - A natural EN and RU language date/time parser with pluggable rules