ProxyHub ======== ## About `ProxyHub` is powered by: - `shadowsocks`: A secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your Internet traffic. - `haproxy`: A free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. - `dnscrypt`: A protocol for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver. - `pdnsd`: A DNS server designed for local caching of DNS information. - `polipo`: A lightweight forwarding and caching web proxy server. - `nginx`: An open source reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load balancer, caching and SSL offload. ## Fig proxyhub: image: vimagick/proxyhub ports: - "1080:1080" - "8123:8123" restart: always ## Run fig up -d ## Test # socks5 proxy curl -x socks5h://localhost:1080 # http(s) proxy curl -x http://localhost:8123 ## Todo - add proxy.pac via nginx - add transparent socks5 proxy via redsocks