global { perm_cache=16384; cache_dir="/var/cache/pdnsd"; run_as="pdnsd"; server_ip =; status_ctl = on; query_method=udp_tcp; min_ttl=15m; # Retain cached entries at least 15 minutes. max_ttl=1w; # One week. timeout=10; # Global timeout option (10 seconds). neg_domain_pol=on; udpbufsize=1024; # Upper limit on the size of UDP messages. } server { label = "dnscrypt-proxy"; ip =; port = 2053; timeout = 4; uptest = query; interval = 15m; proxy_only=on; } source { owner=localhost; file="/etc/hosts"; } rr { name=localhost; reverse=on; a=; owner=localhost; soa=localhost,root.localhost,42,86400,900,86400,86400; }