fteproxy ========  [fteproxy][1] provides transport-layer protection to resist keyword filtering, censorship and discriminatory routing policies. Its job is to relay datastreams, such as web browsing traffic, by encoding streams as messages that match a user-specified regular expression. fteproxy is fast, free, open source, and cross platform. It works very well with [vimagick/openvpn][2](TCP mode). In the following example, I will setup a server/client pair to connect www.google.com:80. ## Internet Censorship ### The problem  ### The solution  ## Create a docker-compose.yml ```yaml server: image: vimagick/fteproxy ports: - "80" environment: - "MODE=server" - "SERVER_IP=" - "SERVER_PORT=80" - "PROXY_IP=www.google.com" - "PROXY_PORT=80" - "KEY=CB2FBA2BC70490526E749E01BB050F6B555964290DFF58CF24785B4A093F7B18" client: image: vimagick/fteproxy ports: - "9009:80" links: - server environment: - "MODE=client" - "SERVER_IP=server" - "SERVER_PORT=80" - "CLIENT_IP=" - "CLIENT_PORT=80" - "KEY=CB2FBA2BC70490526E749E01BB050F6B555964290DFF58CF24785B4A093F7B18" ``` > To generate random key: > `xxd -u -p -c32 /dev/urandom | head -n1` ## Run fteproxy server/client ```bash $ docker-compose up -d Creating fteproxy_server_1... Creating fteproxy_client_1... $ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fteproxy_client_1 /bin/sh -c /fteproxy/ftepr ... Up>80/tcp fteproxy_server_1 /bin/sh -c /fteproxy/ftepr ... Up>80/tcp ``` ## Test with curl ```html $ curl http://localhost:9009/