neo4j ===== [Neo4j][1] is a highly scalable native graph database that leverages data relationships as first-class entities, helping enterprises build intelligent applications to meet today’s evolving data challenges. ## docker-compose ```yaml neo4j: image: neo4j ports: - "7474:7474" - "7687:7687" volumes: - ./data:/data environment: - NEO4J_CACHE_MEMORY=4G ulimits: nofile: soft: 65535 hard: 65535 restart: always ``` ## up and running ``` $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose exec neo4j bin/neo4j-shell >>> man >>> export person_id="123" >>> env >>> create index on :Person(id); >>> create (p:Person {id: {person_id}}) return p; >>> match (p:Person {id: {person_id}}) return p; >>> exit ``` [1]: