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synced 2025-03-03 14:52:59 +02:00
Add Slovenian translation of system debugging and one-liners sections
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@ -226,79 +226,79 @@ Opombe:
## Sistemsko razhroščevanje
- For web debugging, `curl` and `curl -I` are handy, or their `wget` equivalents, or the more modern [`httpie`](https://github.com/jakubroztocil/httpie).
- Za spletno razhroščevanje, `curl` in `curl -I` sta priročna ali pa njun `wget` ekvivalent, ali bolj moderen [`httpie`](https://github.com/jakubroztocil/httpie).
- To know disk/cpu/network status, use `iostat`, `netstat`, `top` (or the better `htop`), and (especially) `dstat`. Good for getting a quick idea of what's happening on a system.
- Da izveste status diska/procesorja/omrežja, uporabite `iostat`, `netstat`, `top` (ali bolje `htop`) in (posebno) `dstat`. Dobro za dobiti hitro idejo, kaj se dogaja na sistemu.
- For a more in-depth system overview, use [`glances`](https://github.com/nicolargo/glances). It presents you with several system level statistics in one terminal window. Very helpful for quickly checking on various subsystems.
- Za hiter podrobnejši pregled sistema uporabite [`glances`](https://github.com/nicolargo/glances). Predstavi vam nekaj statistik nivoja sistema v enem oknu terminala. Zelo uporabno za hitro preverjanje na različnih podsistemih.
- To know memory status, run and understand the output of `free` and `vmstat`. In particular, be aware the "cached" value is memory held by the Linux kernel as file cache, so effectively counts toward the "free" value.
- Da izveste status spomina, poženite in razumite izpis `free` in `vmstat`. Še posebej bodite pozorni, da je vrednost "cached" držana v spominu s strani jedra Linux-a kot datoteka predpomnilnika, tako da efektivno šteje proti vrednosti "free".
- Java system debugging is a different kettle of fish, but a simple trick on Oracle's and some other JVMs is that you can run `kill -3 <pid>` and a full stack trace and heap summary (including generational garbage collection details, which can be highly informative) will be dumped to stderr/logs.
- Sistemsko razhroščevanje Java je drugačen tip, vendar enostaven trik na JVM-jih Oracle-a in nekaterih ostalih je, da lahko poženete `kill -3 <pid>` in sledite celotnemu stack-u in povzetku kopic (vključno s podbrobnostmi zbirke splošnih smeti, ki so lahko zelo informativne), ki bodo oddane v stderr/logs.
- Use `mtr` as a better traceroute, to identify network issues.
- Uporabite `mtr` kot boljši usmerjevalnik sledenja za identifikacijo težav omrežja.
- For looking at why a disk is full, `ncdu` saves time over the usual commands like `du -sh *`.
- Za iskanje, zakaj je disk poln, vam `ncdu` prihrani čas preko običajnih ukazov kot je `du -sh *`.
- To find which socket or process is using bandwidth, try `iftop` or `nethogs`.
- Da najdete katera vtičnica ali proces uporablja pasovno širino, poskusite `iftop` ali `nethogs`.
- The `ab` tool (comes with Apache) is helpful for quick-and-dirty checking of web server performance. For more complex load testing, try `siege`.
- Orodje `ab` (prihaja z Apache-jem) je v pomoč za hitro in nečisto preverjanje uspešnosti spletnega strežnika. Za bolj kompleksno testiranje nalaganja poskusite `siege`.
- For more serious network debugging, `wireshark`, `tshark`, or `ngrep`.
- Za bolj resno razhroščevanje omrežja, `wireshark`, `tshark` ali `ngrep`.
- Know about `strace` and `ltrace`. These can be helpful if a program is failing, hanging, or crashing, and you don't know why, or if you want to get a general idea of performance. Note the profiling option (`-c`), and the ability to attach to a running process (`-p`).
- Poznajte `strace` in `ltrace`. Ta sta v pomoč, če program ni uspešen, se ustavlja ali poruši in ne veste zakaj ali če želite dobiti splošno idejo o uspešnosti. Bodite pozorni, saj opcija profiliranja (`-c`) in zmožnost dodajanja k procesu, ki se poganja (`-p`).
- Know about `ldd` to check shared libraries etc.
- Pozanjte o `ldd`, da preverite deljene knjižnice itd.
- Know how to connect to a running process with `gdb` and get its stack traces.
- Vedite, kako se povezati k procesu v pogonu z `gdb` in dobiti njegove sledi skladovnice.
- Use `/proc`. It's amazingly helpful sometimes when debugging live problems. Examples: `/proc/cpuinfo`, `/proc/xxx/cwd`, `/proc/xxx/exe`, `/proc/xxx/fd/`, `/proc/xxx/smaps`.
- Uporabite `/proc`. Je včasih izjemno v pomoč, ko se razhroščuje probleme v živo. Primeri: `/proc/cpuinfo`, `/proc/xxx/cwd`, `/proc/xxx/exe`, `/proc/xxx/fd/`, `/proc/xxx/smaps`.
- When debugging why something went wrong in the past, `sar` can be very helpful. It shows historic statistics on CPU, memory, network, etc.
- Ko se razhroščuje, zakaj je šlo nekaj narobe v preteklosti, `sar` je lahko zelo uporaben. Prikazuje statistiko zgodovine na procesorju, spominu, omrežju itd.
- For deeper systems and performance analyses, look at `stap` ([SystemTap](https://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki)), [`perf`](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perf_(Linux)), and [`sysdig`](https://github.com/draios/sysdig).
- Za globlje analize sistema in uspešnosti, poglejte `stap` ([SystemTap](https://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki)), [`perf`](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perf_(Linux)) in [`sysdig`](https://github.com/draios/sysdig).
- Check what OS you're on with `uname` or `uname -a` (general Unix/kernel info) or `lsb_release -a` (Linux distro info).
- Preverite na katerem operacijskem sistemu ste z `uname` ali `uname -a` (splošne informacije Unix-a/jedra) ali `lsb_release -a` (informacije distribucuje Linux).
- Use `dmesg` whenever something's acting really funny (it could be hardware or driver issues).
- Uporabite `dmesg` kadarkoli gre nekaj dejansko čudno (lahko je težava strojne opreme ali gonilnika).
## V eni vrstici
A few examples of piecing together commands:
Nekaj primerov sestavljanja ukazov skupaj:
- It is remarkably helpful sometimes that you can do set intersection, union, and difference of text files via `sort`/`uniq`. Suppose `a` and `b` are text files that are already uniqued. This is fast, and works on files of arbitrary size, up to many gigabytes. (Sort is not limited by memory, though you may need to use the `-T` option if `/tmp` is on a small root partition.) See also the note about `LC_ALL` above and `sort`'s `-u` option (left out for clarity below).
- Včasih je izredno v pomoč, da lahko nastavite presek, unijo in razliko tekstovnih datotek preko `sort`/`uniq`. Predpostavimo `a` in `b` sta tekstovni datoteki, ki sta že unikatni. To je hitro in deluje na datotekah arbitrarne velikosti, do nekaj gigabajtov. (Urejanje ni omejeno glede na spomin, čeprav morda potrebujete uporabiti opcijo `-T` če je `/tmp` na majhni root particiji.) Glejte tudi pombo o `LC_ALL` zgoraj in `sort`-ovo opcijo `-u` (puščeno zaradi jasnosti spodaj).
cat a b | sort | uniq > c # c is a union b
cat a b | sort | uniq -d > c # c is a intersect b
cat a b b | sort | uniq -u > c # c is set difference a - b
- Use `grep . *` to visually examine all contents of all files in a directory, e.g. for directories filled with config settings, like `/sys`, `/proc`, `/etc`.
- Uporabite `grep . *`, da vizualno preučite vse vsebine vseh datotek v direktoriju, npr. za direktorije napolnjene s konfiguracijskimi nastavitvami, kot so `/sys`, `/proc`, `/etc`.
- Summing all numbers in the third column of a text file (this is probably 3X faster and 3X less code than equivalent Python):
- Povzetje vseh številk v tretjem stolpcu tekstovne datoteke (to je verjetno 3X hitrejše in 3X manj kode kot Python-ov ekvivalent):
awk '{ x += $3 } END { print x }' myfile
- If want to see sizes/dates on a tree of files, this is like a recursive `ls -l` but is easier to read than `ls -lR`:
- Če želite videti velikost/datume v drevesu datotek, je to kot rekurzivni `ls -l` vendar enostavnejše za branje kot `ls -lR`:
find . -type f -ls
- Use `xargs` or `parallel` whenever you can. Note you can control how many items execute per line (`-L`) as well as parallelism (`-P`). If you're not sure if it'll do the right thing, use xargs echo first. Also, `-I{}` is handy. Examples:
- Uporabite `xargs` ali `parallel` kadarkoli lahko. Bodite pozorni, saj lahko kontrolirate kolikokrat izvršite na vrstico (`-L`) kot tudi paralelnost (`-P`). Če niste prepričani, da bo naredilo pravilno stvar, uporabite najprej xargs echo. Priročen je tudi `-I{}`. Primeri:
find . -name '*.py' | xargs grep some_function
cat hosts | xargs -I{} ssh root@{} hostname
- Say you have a text file, like a web server log, and a certain value that appears on some lines, such as an `acct_id` parameter that is present in the URL. If you want a tally of how many requests for each `acct_id`:
- Recimo, da imate tekstovno datoteko, kot dnevnik spletnega strežnika in določena vrednost se pojavi na nekaterih vrsticah, kot parameter `acct_id`, ki je prisoten v URL-ju. Če želite ujemanja, koliko je zahtevkov za vsak `acct_id`:
cat access.log | egrep -o 'acct_id=[0-9]+' | cut -d= -f2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
- Run this function to get a random tip from this document (parses Markdown and extracts an item):
- Poženite to funkcijo, da dobite naključni nasvet iz tega dokumenta (razčleni Markdown in izvleče element):
function taocl() {
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line/master/README.md |
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