# This file is used to configure the "ghizmo assemble-authors" command. header: | This work is the result of the effort of many people around the world. Contributors are listed in alphabetical order by GitHub login. footer: | Numbers link to commits/issues. For simplicity, this file is maintained only in English. If you see inaccuracies or omissions, please file an issue, or edit the authors-info.yml file, regenerate, and file a PR. exclude: gitter-badger roles: jlevy: original author and maintainer ceoaliongroo: translator and maintainer (es) aaossa: translator (es) BishopWolf: translator (es) doublemarket: translator and maintainer (ja) Ungsik-Yun: translator and maintainer (ko) Snowcat8436: translator (ko) ujuc: translator (ko) hunkim: translator (ko) niltonvasques : translator and maintainer (pt) vcvpaiva: translator (pt) olegberman: translator and maintainer (ru) spmbt: translator (ru) osmero: translator (ru) grigory-rechistov: translator (ru) kastian: translator (ru) githubashto: translator (ru) peterkokot: translator and maintainer (sl) Psycho7: translator and maintainer (zh) xuchunyang: translator (zh) stevenlordiam: translator (zh) Armour: translator (zh) stepan0904: translator and maintaner (uk)