BEGIN; --- This patch migrates plans database to native partitions with hash partitioning (available since Pg 11). -- Move old data aside ALTER TABLE plans RENAME TO old_plans; ALTER SCHEMA plans rename to old_plans; -- Make new master TABLE CREATE TABLE public.plans ( like old_plans including all ) PARTITION BY HASH (id); CREATE SCHEMA plans; -- Make new partitions do $$ declare v_i INT4; v_sql TEXT; BEGIN for v_i in 0..49 LOOP v_sql := format('CREATE TABLE plans.%I partition OF public.plans FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 50, REMAINDER %s);', 'part_' || v_i, v_i); raise notice '%', v_sql; execute v_sql; END loop; END; $$ language plpgsql; -- Copy data FROM old partitions to new do $$ declare v_source TEXT; v_sql TEXT; v_start timestamptz; v_count INT4; v_i INT4 := 0; BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = 'old_plans'::regnamespace AND relkind = 'r' AND relname ~ '^part_.$'; for v_source IN SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = 'old_plans'::regnamespace AND relkind = 'r' AND relname ~ '^part_.$' ORDER BY relname LOOP v_i := v_i + 1; raise notice 'Starting transfer from % (% of %).', v_source, v_i, v_count; v_sql := format('INSERT INTO plans SELECT * FROM old_plans.%I', v_source); v_start := clock_timestamp(); execute v_sql; raise notice 'Transfer from % finished in % seconds.', v_source, extract(epoch FROM (clock_timestamp() - v_start))::numeric(5,2); END loop; END; $$ language plpgsql; -- Simplify register_plan that is not optiomization. DROP function public.register_plan(in_title text, in_plan text, in_is_public boolean, in_is_anonymized boolean, in_username text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.register_plan(in_title text, in_plan text, in_is_public boolean, in_is_anonymized boolean, in_username text) RETURNS register_plan_return LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT public.register_plan(in_title, in_plan, in_is_public, in_is_anonymized, in_username, NULL); $function$; -- Make new register_plan, so that it doesn't touch partitions. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.register_plan(in_title text, in_plan text, in_is_public boolean, in_is_anonymized boolean, in_username text, in_optimization_for text) RETURNS register_plan_return LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $function$ DECLARE use_hash_length int4 := 2; reply register_plan_return; insert_sql TEXT; BEGIN insert_sql := 'INSERT INTO public.plans (id, title, plan, is_public, entered_on, is_anonymized, delete_key, added_by, optimization_for) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, now(), $5, $6, $7, $8 )'; reply.delete_key := get_random_string( 50 ); LOOP := get_random_string(use_hash_length); BEGIN execute insert_sql using, in_title, in_plan, in_is_public, in_is_anonymized, reply.delete_key, in_username, in_optimization_for; RETURN reply; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- do nothing END; use_hash_length := use_hash_length + 1; IF use_hash_length >= 30 THEN raise exception 'Random string of length == 30 requested. something''s wrong.'; END IF; END LOOP; END; $function$; commit; \echo Vacuuming new plans... vacuum analyze plans; \echo Re-creating views \ir patch-008.sql \echo Remember to remove old_plans schema, and public.old_plans table. \echo To do it, you can run: \echo DROP SCHEMA old_plans CASCADE; \echo DROP TABLE public.old_plans; --- vim: set filetype=sql textwidth=132: