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synced 2024-11-30 09:06:42 +02:00
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58 lines
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export PGDATA="/etc/postgresql/10/main"
export APP_USER="explain"
export APP_PASS="explain"
export BASEDIR="/vagrant"
### This script *can* be run on a Docker Ubuntu VM if desired.
### To do so, additional commands need to be run:
# apt-get update
# apt-get -y -qq install make curl libclone-perl lsb-release sudo
# sed -i "s/exit.*/exit 0/" /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
# export BASEDIR="/explain"
# Set username in explain.json
sed -i "s/\"username\" : \"explain\"/\"username\" : \"${APP_USER}\"/" ${BASEDIR}/explain.json
sed -i "s/\"password\" : \"explain\"/\"password\" : \"${APP_PASS}\"/" ${BASEDIR}/explain.json
# Install dependencies
curl -s -L cpanmin.us | perl - -n Mojolicious
apt-get -y -qq install wget ca-certificates cpanminus libmojolicious-perl libmail-sender-perl libdate-simple-perl libemail-valid-perl libxml-simple-perl libdbd-pg-perl
# Install Pg::Explain
cpanm -q Pg::Explain
# Install Postgres
echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get -y -qq update
sudo apt-get -y -qq upgrade
sudo apt-get -y -qq install postgresql-10
sed -i -e "s/peer/trust/" ${PGDATA}/pg_hba.conf
sudo -u postgres psql -tc "select pg_reload_conf()"
# Create database
createdb -U postgres explain
# Create user
psql -qU postgres explain -c "CREATE USER ${APP_USER} WITH PASSWORD '${APP_PASS}'"
# Apply patches
psql -q -f ${BASEDIR}/sql/create.sql -U postgres explain
for i in `seq -f "%03g" 1 10`
psql -q -f ${BASEDIR}/sql/patch-${i}.sql -U postgres explain
# Apply grants
psql -qU postgres explain -c "GRANT ALL ON plans, users TO ${APP_USER}"
psql -qU postgres explain -c "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA plans TO ${APP_USER}"
for x in `echo {0..9} {A..Z} {a..z}`
psql -qU postgres explain -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON plans.\"part_${x}\" TO ${APP_USER}"
# Done
echo "Your Vagrant box is all set up. Use 'vagrant ssh' to log in, then call '/vagrant/explain.pl daemon' to start the service"