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synced 2024-12-02 09:11:50 +02:00
Thanks to this anonymization will stop breaking when given plans with accents.
189 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
189 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
package Explain::Controller;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use English -no_match_vars;
use Pg::Explain;
use Encode;
use Email::Valid;
sub index {
my $self = shift;
# plan
my $plan = encode( 'UTF-8', $self->req->param( 'plan' ) );
# nothing to do...
return $self->render unless $plan;
# request entity too large
return $self->render( message => 'Your plan is too long.', status => 413 )
if 10_000_000 < length $plan;
# public
my $is_public = $self->req->param( 'is_public' ) ? 1 : 0;
# anonymization
my $is_anon = $self->req->param( 'is_anon' ) ? 1 : 0;
# plan title
my $title = $self->req->param( 'title' );
$title = '' unless defined $title;
$title = '' if 'Optional title' eq $title;
# try
eval {
# make "explain"
my $explain = Pg::Explain->new( source => $plan );
# something goes wrong...
die q|Can't create explain! Explain "top_node" is undef!|
unless defined $explain->top_node;
# Anonymize plan, when requested.
if ( $is_anon ) {
$plan = $explain->as_text();
# catch
if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
# log message
$self->app->log->info( $EVAL_ERROR );
# leave...
return $self->render( message => q|Failed to parse your plan| );
# save to database
my $id = $self->database->save_with_random_name( $title, $plan, $is_public, $is_anon, );
# redirect to /show/:id
return $self->redirect_to( 'show', id => $id );
sub show {
my $self = shift;
# value of "/:id" param
my $id = defined $self->stash->{ id } ? $self->stash->{ id } : '';
# missing or invalid
return $self->redirect_to( 'new-explain' ) unless $id =~ m{\A[a-zA-Z0-9]+\z};
# get plan source from database
my ( $plan, $title ) = $self->database->get_plan( $id );
# not found in database
return $self->redirect_to( 'new-explain', status => 404 ) unless $plan;
# make explanation
my $explain = eval { Pg::Explain->new( source => $plan ); };
# plans are validated before save, so this should never happen
if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
$self->app->log->error( $EVAL_ERROR );
return $self->redirect_to( 'new-explain' );
# validate explain
eval { $explain->top_node; };
# as above, should never happen
if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
$self->app->log->error( $EVAL_ERROR );
return $self->redirect_to( 'new-explain' );
# Get stats from plan
my $stats = { 'tables' => {} };
my @elements = ( $explain->top_node );
while ( my $e = shift @elements ) {
push @elements, values %{ $e->ctes } if $e->ctes;
push @elements, @{ $e->sub_nodes } if $e->sub_nodes;
push @elements, @{ $e->initplans } if $e->initplans;
push @elements, @{ $e->subplans } if $e->subplans;
$stats->{'nodes'}->{ $e->type }->{'count'}++;
$stats->{'nodes'}->{ $e->type }->{'time'}+=$e->total_exclusive_time if $e->total_exclusive_time;
next unless $e->scan_on;
next unless $e->scan_on->{ 'table_name' };
$stats->{ 'tables' }->{ $e->scan_on->{ 'table_name' } } ||= {};
my $S = $stats->{ 'tables' }->{ $e->scan_on->{ 'table_name' } };
$S->{ $e->{ 'type' } }->{ 'count' }++;
$S->{ ':total' }->{ 'count' }++;
if ( defined( my $t = $e->total_exclusive_time ) ) {
$S->{ $e->type }->{ 'time' } += $t;
$S->{ ':total' }->{ 'time' } += $t;
# put explain and title to stash
$self->stash->{ explain } = $explain;
$self->stash->{ title } = $title;
$self->stash->{ stats } = $stats;
# render will be called automatically
sub history {
my $self = shift;
# date
my $date = $self->param( 'date' );
# get result set from database
my $rs = $self->database->get_public_list_paged( $date );
# put result set to stash
$self->stash( rs => $rs );
sub contact {
my $self = shift;
# nothing to do...
return unless $self->req->param( 'message' );
# invalid email address
return $self->render( error => 'Invalid email address' )
unless Email::Valid->address( $self->req->param( 'email' ) || '' );
# send
msg => sprintf(
"\nMessage from: %s <%s>" . "\nPosted from: %s with %s" . "\n****************************************\n\n" . "%s",
$self->req->param( 'name' ) || '',
$self->req->param( 'email' ),
$self->req->param( 'message' )
# mail sent message
$self->flash( message => 'Mail sent' );
# get after post
$self->redirect_to( 'contact' );
sub help {
# direct to template
return ( shift )->render;