diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0f4fa672..e22bc86c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ OBJS = src/backup.o src/catalog.o src/configure.o src/data.o \
src/pg_probackup.o src/restore.o src/show.o src/status.o \
src/util.o src/validate.o src/datapagemap.o src/parsexlog.o \
src/xlogreader.o src/streamutil.o src/receivelog.o \
- src/archive.o src/utils/parray.o src/utils/pgut.o src/utils/logger.o
+ src/archive.o src/utils/parray.o src/utils/pgut.o src/utils/logger.o \
+ src/utils/json.o src/utils/thread.o src/merge.o
EXTRA_CLEAN = src/datapagemap.c src/datapagemap.h src/xlogreader.c \
src/receivelog.c src/receivelog.h src/streamutil.c src/streamutil.h src/logging.h
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ src/streamutil.c: $(top_srcdir)/src/bin/pg_basebackup/streamutil.c
src/streamutil.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/bin/pg_basebackup/streamutil.h
rm -f $@ && $(LN_S) $(srchome)/src/bin/pg_basebackup/streamutil.h $@
ifeq ($(MAJORVERSION),10)
src/walmethods.c: $(top_srcdir)/src/bin/pg_basebackup/walmethods.c
rm -f $@ && $(LN_S) $(srchome)/src/bin/pg_basebackup/walmethods.c $@
diff --git a/doit.cmd b/doit.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b46e3b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doit.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+perl win32build.pl "C:\PgProject\pgwininstall-ee\builddir\distr_X64_10.4.1\postgresql" "C:\PgProject\pgwininstall-ee\builddir\postgresql\postgrespro-enterprise-10.4.1\src"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doit96.cmd b/doit96.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94d242c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doit96.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+perl win32build96.pl "C:\PgPro96" "C:\PgProject\pg96ee\postgrespro\src"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gen_probackup_project.pl b/gen_probackup_project.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ea79e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen_probackup_project.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# -*-perl-*- hey - emacs - this is a perl file
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+my $pgsrc="";
+if (@ARGV==1)
+ $pgsrc = shift @ARGV;
+ if($pgsrc == "--help"){
+ print STDERR "Usage $0 pg-source-dir \n";
+ print STDERR "Like this: \n";
+ print STDERR "$0 C:/PgProject/postgresql.10dev/postgrespro \n";
+ print STDERR "May be need input this before: \n";
+ print STDERR "CALL \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\VC\\vcvarsall\" amd64\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+ my $path = dirname(abs_path($0));
+ chdir($path);
+ chdir("../..");
+ $pgsrc = cwd();
+push(@INC, "$pgsrc/src/tools/msvc");
+chdir("../../..") if (-d "../msvc" && -d "../../../src");
+use Win32;
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Project;
+use Solution;
+use File::Copy;
+use Config;
+use VSObjectFactory;
+use List::Util qw(first);
+use Exporter;
+our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(Mkvcbuild);
+my $solution;
+my $libpgport;
+my $libpgcommon;
+my $libpgfeutils;
+my $postgres;
+my $libpq;
+my @unlink_on_exit;
+use lib "src/tools/msvc";
+use Mkvcbuild;
+# if (-e "src/tools/msvc/buildenv.pl")
+# {
+# do "src/tools/msvc/buildenv.pl";
+# }
+# elsif (-e "./buildenv.pl")
+# {
+# do "./buildenv.pl";
+# }
+# set up the project
+our $config;
+do "config_default.pl";
+do "config.pl" if (-f "src/tools/msvc/config.pl");
+# my $vcver = Mkvcbuild::mkvcbuild($config);
+my $vcver = build_pgprobackup($config);
+# check what sort of build we are doing
+my $bconf = $ENV{CONFIG} || "Release";
+my $msbflags = $ENV{MSBFLAGS} || "";
+my $buildwhat = $ARGV[1] || "";
+if (uc($ARGV[0]) eq 'DEBUG')
+ $bconf = "Debug";
+elsif (uc($ARGV[0]) ne "RELEASE")
+ $buildwhat = $ARGV[0] || "";
+# ... and do it
+system("msbuild pg_probackup.vcxproj /verbosity:normal $msbflags /p:Configuration=$bconf" );
+# report status
+my $status = $? >> 8;
+exit $status;
+sub build_pgprobackup
+ our $config = shift;
+ chdir('../../..') if (-d '../msvc' && -d '../../../src');
+ die 'Must run from root or msvc directory'
+ unless (-d 'src/tools/msvc' && -d 'src');
+ # my $vsVersion = DetermineVisualStudioVersion();
+ my $vsVersion = '12.00';
+ $solution = CreateSolution($vsVersion, $config);
+ $libpq = $solution->AddProject('libpq', 'dll', 'interfaces',
+ 'src/interfaces/libpq');
+ $libpgfeutils = $solution->AddProject('libpgfeutils', 'lib', 'misc');
+ $libpgcommon = $solution->AddProject('libpgcommon', 'lib', 'misc');
+ $libpgport = $solution->AddProject('libpgport', 'lib', 'misc');
+ #vvs test
+ my $probackup =
+ $solution->AddProject('pg_probackup', 'exe', 'pg_probackup'); #, 'contrib/pg_probackup'
+ $probackup->AddFiles(
+ 'contrib/pg_probackup/src',
+ 'archive.c',
+ 'backup.c',
+ 'catalog.c',
+ 'configure.c',
+ 'data.c',
+ 'delete.c',
+ 'dir.c',
+ 'fetch.c',
+ 'help.c',
+ 'init.c',
+ 'parsexlog.c',
+ 'pg_probackup.c',
+ 'restore.c',
+ 'show.c',
+ 'status.c',
+ 'util.c',
+ 'validate.c'
+ );
+ $probackup->AddFiles(
+ 'contrib/pg_probackup/src/utils',
+ 'json.c',
+ 'logger.c',
+ 'parray.c',
+ 'pgut.c',
+ 'thread.c'
+ );
+ $probackup->AddFile('src/backend/access/transam/xlogreader.c');
+ $probackup->AddFiles(
+ 'src/bin/pg_basebackup',
+ 'receivelog.c',
+ 'streamutil.c'
+ );
+ if (-e 'src/bin/pg_basebackup/walmethods.c')
+ {
+ $probackup->AddFile('src/bin/pg_basebackup/walmethods.c');
+ }
+ $probackup->AddFile('src/bin/pg_rewind/datapagemap.c');
+ $probackup->AddFile('src/interfaces/libpq/pthread-win32.c');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('src/bin/pg_basebackup');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('src/bin/pg_rewind');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('src/interfaces/libpq');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('src');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('src/port');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('contrib/pg_probackup');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('contrib/pg_probackup/src');
+ $probackup->AddIncludeDir('contrib/pg_probackup/src/utils');
+ $probackup->AddReference($libpq, $libpgfeutils, $libpgcommon, $libpgport);
+ $probackup->AddLibrary('ws2_32.lib');
+ $probackup->Save();
+ return $solution->{vcver};
diff --git a/msvs/pg_probackup.sln b/msvs/pg_probackup.sln
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2df4b404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvs/pg_probackup.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
+VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.31101.0
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pg_probackup", "pg_probackup.vcxproj", "{4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
+ Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
+ Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
+ Release|x64 = Release|x64
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/msvs/template.pg_probackup.vcxproj b/msvs/template.pg_probackup.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46a7b2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvs/template.pg_probackup.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Release
+ x64
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}
+ Win32Proj
+ pg_probackup
+ Application
+ true
+ v120
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ true
+ v120
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v120
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v120
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ true
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ true
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ false
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ false
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS32@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS32@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
+ libc;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
+ libc;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msvs/template.pg_probackup96.vcxproj b/msvs/template.pg_probackup96.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46e019ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvs/template.pg_probackup96.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Release
+ x64
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}
+ Win32Proj
+ pg_probackup
+ Application
+ true
+ v120
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ true
+ v120
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v120
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v120
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ true
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ true
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ false
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ false
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;@PGSRC@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;$(LibraryPath)
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS32@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS32@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
+ libc;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ %(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)
+ libc;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msvs/template.pg_probackup_2.vcxproj b/msvs/template.pg_probackup_2.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fc101a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvs/template.pg_probackup_2.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Debug
+ x64
+ Release
+ Win32
+ Release
+ x64
+ {4886B21A-D8CA-4A03-BADF-743B24C88327}
+ Win32Proj
+ pg_probackup
+ Application
+ true
+ v120
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ true
+ v120
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v120
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Application
+ false
+ v120
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ true
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;@$(LibraryPath)
+ true
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;@$(LibraryPath)
+ false
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;@$(LibraryPath)
+ false
+ ../;@PGSRC@\include;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_basebackup;@PGSRC@\bin\pg_rewind;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32_msvc;@PGSRC@\interfaces\libpq;@PGSRC@\include\port\win32;@PGSRC@\port;@ADDINCLUDE@;$(IncludePath)
+ @PGROOT@\lib;@$(LibraryPath)
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ libc;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Console
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ @ADDLIBS@;libpgfeutils.lib;libpgcommon.lib;libpgport.lib;libpq.lib;ws2_32.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
+ libc;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/backup.c b/src/backup.c
index a0b02fcf..9a4c7005 100644
--- a/src/backup.c
+++ b/src/backup.c
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
-#include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
-#include "storage/bufpage.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "datapagemap.h"
-#include "receivelog.h"
-#include "streamutil.h"
+#include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
#include "pgtar.h"
+#include "receivelog.h"
+#include "storage/bufpage.h"
+#include "streamutil.h"
+#include "utils/thread.h"
static int standby_message_timeout = 10 * 1000; /* 10 sec = default */
static XLogRecPtr stop_backup_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ const char *progname = "pg_probackup";
/* list of files contained in backup */
static parray *backup_files_list = NULL;
+/* We need critical section for datapagemap_add() in case of using threads */
+static pthread_mutex_t backup_pagemap_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
* We need to wait end of WAL streaming before execute pg_stop_backup().
@@ -89,8 +92,8 @@ static bool pg_stop_backup_is_sent = false;
static void backup_cleanup(bool fatal, void *userdata);
static void backup_disconnect(bool fatal, void *userdata);
-static void backup_files(void *arg);
-static void remote_backup_files(void *arg);
+static void *backup_files(void *arg);
+static void *remote_backup_files(void *arg);
static void do_backup_instance(void);
@@ -101,11 +104,10 @@ static int checkpoint_timeout(void);
//static void backup_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, )
static void parse_backup_filelist_filenames(parray *files, const char *root);
-static void write_backup_file_list(parray *files, const char *root);
static void wait_wal_lsn(XLogRecPtr lsn, bool wait_prev_segment);
static void wait_replica_wal_lsn(XLogRecPtr lsn, bool is_start_backup);
static void make_pagemap_from_ptrack(parray *files);
-static void StreamLog(void *arg);
+static void *StreamLog(void *arg);
static void get_remote_pgdata_filelist(parray *files);
static void ReceiveFileList(parray* files, PGconn *conn, PGresult *res, int rownum);
@@ -130,7 +132,6 @@ static void check_system_identifiers(void);
static void confirm_block_size(const char *name, int blcksz);
static void set_cfs_datafiles(parray *files, const char *root, char *relative, size_t i);
#define disconnect_and_exit(code) \
{ \
if (conn != NULL) PQfinish(conn); \
@@ -253,7 +254,11 @@ ReceiveFileList(parray* files, PGconn *conn, PGresult *res, int rownum)
else if (copybuf[156] == '2')
/* Symlink */
+#ifndef WIN32
pgfile->mode |= S_IFLNK;
+ pgfile->mode |= S_IFDIR;
elog(ERROR, "Unrecognized link indicator \"%c\"\n",
@@ -289,7 +294,7 @@ remote_copy_file(PGconn *conn, pgFile* file)
join_path_components(to_path, database_path, file->path);
- out = fopen(to_path, "w");
+ out = fopen(to_path, PG_BINARY_W);
if (out == NULL)
int errno_tmp = errno;
@@ -323,7 +328,7 @@ remote_copy_file(PGconn *conn, pgFile* file)
write_buffer_size = Min(row_length, sizeof(buf));
memcpy(buf, copybuf, write_buffer_size);
- COMP_CRC32C(file->crc, &buf, write_buffer_size);
+ COMP_CRC32C(file->crc, buf, write_buffer_size);
/* TODO calc checksum*/
if (fwrite(buf, 1, write_buffer_size, out) != write_buffer_size)
@@ -353,7 +358,7 @@ remote_copy_file(PGconn *conn, pgFile* file)
elog(ERROR, "final receive failed: status %d ; %s",PQresultStatus(res), PQerrorMessage(conn));
- file->write_size = file->read_size;
+ file->write_size = (int64) file->read_size;
@@ -363,13 +368,13 @@ remote_copy_file(PGconn *conn, pgFile* file)
* Take a remote backup of the PGDATA at a file level.
* Copy all directories and files listed in backup_files_list.
-static void
+static void *
remote_backup_files(void *arg)
- int i;
- backup_files_args *arguments = (backup_files_args *) arg;
- int n_backup_files_list = parray_num(arguments->backup_files_list);
- PGconn *file_backup_conn = NULL;
+ int i;
+ backup_files_arg *arguments = (backup_files_arg *) arg;
+ int n_backup_files_list = parray_num(arguments->files_list);
+ PGconn *file_backup_conn = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < n_backup_files_list; i++)
@@ -379,13 +384,13 @@ remote_backup_files(void *arg)
pgFile *file;
int row_length;
- file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->backup_files_list, i);
+ file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->files_list, i);
/* We have already copied all directories */
if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
- if (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&file->lock, 1) != 0)
+ if (!pg_atomic_test_set_flag(&file->lock))
file_backup_conn = pgut_connect_replication(pgut_dbname);
@@ -434,13 +439,15 @@ remote_backup_files(void *arg)
/* receive the data from stream and write to backup file */
remote_copy_file(file_backup_conn, file);
- elog(VERBOSE, "File \"%s\". Copied %lu bytes",
- file->path, (unsigned long) file->write_size);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "File \"%s\". Copied " INT64_FORMAT " bytes",
+ file->path, file->write_size);
/* Data files transferring is successful */
arguments->ret = 0;
+ return NULL;
@@ -456,12 +463,12 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
char label[1024];
XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
- pthread_t backup_threads[num_threads];
- backup_files_args *backup_threads_args[num_threads];
+ /* arrays with meta info for multi threaded backup */
+ pthread_t *threads;
+ backup_files_arg *threads_args;
bool backup_isok = true;
pgBackup *prev_backup = NULL;
- char prev_backup_filelist_path[MAXPGPATH];
parray *prev_backup_filelist = NULL;
elog(LOG, "Database backup start");
@@ -493,6 +500,7 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
current.tli = get_current_timeline(false);
* In incremental backup mode ensure that already-validated
* backup on current timeline exists and get its filelist.
@@ -502,10 +510,10 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA)
parray *backup_list;
+ char prev_backup_filelist_path[MAXPGPATH];
/* get list of backups already taken */
backup_list = catalog_get_backup_list(INVALID_BACKUP_ID);
- if (backup_list == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Failed to get backup list.");
prev_backup = catalog_get_last_data_backup(backup_list, current.tli);
if (prev_backup == NULL)
@@ -513,8 +521,8 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
"Create new FULL backup before an incremental one.");
- pgBackupGetPath(prev_backup, prev_backup_filelist_path, lengthof(prev_backup_filelist_path),
+ pgBackupGetPath(prev_backup, prev_backup_filelist_path,
+ lengthof(prev_backup_filelist_path), DATABASE_FILE_LIST);
/* Files of previous backup needed by DELTA backup */
prev_backup_filelist = dir_read_file_list(NULL, prev_backup_filelist_path);
@@ -592,8 +600,7 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
/* By default there are some error */
stream_thread_arg.ret = 1;
- pthread_create(&stream_thread, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) StreamLog,
- &stream_thread_arg);
+ pthread_create(&stream_thread, NULL, StreamLog, &stream_thread_arg);
/* initialize backup list */
@@ -605,6 +612,19 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
dir_list_file(backup_files_list, pgdata, true, true, false);
+ /*
+ * Sort pathname ascending. It is necessary to create intermediate
+ * directories sequentially.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ * 1 - create 'base'
+ * 2 - create 'base/1'
+ *
+ * Sorted array is used at least in parse_backup_filelist_filenames(),
+ * extractPageMap(), make_pagemap_from_ptrack().
+ */
+ parray_qsort(backup_files_list, pgFileComparePath);
/* Extract information about files in backup_list parsing their names:*/
parse_backup_filelist_filenames(backup_files_list, pgdata);
@@ -633,28 +653,18 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
* For backup from master wait for previous segment.
* For backup from replica wait for current segment.
- !from_replica, backup_files_list);
+ !current.from_replica, backup_files_list);
- if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK)
+ else if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK)
- parray_qsort(backup_files_list, pgFileComparePath);
+ /*
+ * Build the page map from ptrack information.
+ */
- * Sort pathname ascending. It is necessary to create intermediate
- * directories sequentially.
- *
- * For example:
- * 1 - create 'base'
- * 2 - create 'base/1'
- */
- parray_qsort(backup_files_list, pgFileComparePath);
- /*
- * Make directories before backup
- * and setup threads at the same time
+ * Make directories before backup and setup threads at the same time
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backup_files_list); i++)
@@ -681,53 +691,54 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
/* setup threads */
- __sync_lock_release(&file->lock);
+ pg_atomic_clear_flag(&file->lock);
- /* sort by size for load balancing */
+ /* Sort by size for load balancing */
parray_qsort(backup_files_list, pgFileCompareSize);
+ /* Sort the array for binary search */
+ if (prev_backup_filelist)
+ parray_qsort(prev_backup_filelist, pgFileComparePath);
/* init thread args with own file lists */
+ threads = (pthread_t *) palloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * num_threads);
+ threads_args = (backup_files_arg *) palloc(sizeof(backup_files_arg)*num_threads);
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- backup_files_args *arg = pg_malloc(sizeof(backup_files_args));
+ backup_files_arg *arg = &(threads_args[i]);
arg->from_root = pgdata;
arg->to_root = database_path;
- arg->backup_files_list = backup_files_list;
- arg->prev_backup_filelist = prev_backup_filelist;
- arg->prev_backup_start_lsn = prev_backup_start_lsn;
- arg->thread_backup_conn = NULL;
- arg->thread_cancel_conn = NULL;
+ arg->files_list = backup_files_list;
+ arg->prev_filelist = prev_backup_filelist;
+ arg->prev_start_lsn = prev_backup_start_lsn;
+ arg->backup_conn = NULL;
+ arg->cancel_conn = NULL;
/* By default there are some error */
arg->ret = 1;
- backup_threads_args[i] = arg;
/* Run threads */
elog(LOG, "Start transfering data files");
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
+ backup_files_arg *arg = &(threads_args[i]);
elog(VERBOSE, "Start thread num: %i", i);
if (!is_remote_backup)
- pthread_create(&backup_threads[i], NULL,
- (void *(*)(void *)) backup_files,
- backup_threads_args[i]);
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, backup_files, arg);
- pthread_create(&backup_threads[i], NULL,
- (void *(*)(void *)) remote_backup_files,
- backup_threads_args[i]);
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, remote_backup_files, arg);
/* Wait threads */
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- pthread_join(backup_threads[i], NULL);
- if (backup_threads_args[i]->ret == 1)
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ if (threads_args[i].ret == 1)
backup_isok = false;
- pg_free(backup_threads_args[i]);
if (backup_isok)
elog(LOG, "Data files are transfered");
@@ -758,12 +769,14 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(xlog_files_list); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(xlog_files_list, i);
if (S_ISREG(file->mode))
/* Remove file path root prefix*/
if (strstr(file->path, database_path) == file->path)
char *ptr = file->path;
file->path = pstrdup(GetRelativePath(ptr, database_path));
@@ -775,7 +788,7 @@ do_backup_instance(void)
/* Print the list of files to backup catalog */
- write_backup_file_list(backup_files_list, pgdata);
+ pgBackupWriteFileList(¤t, backup_files_list, pgdata);
/* Compute summary of size of regular files in the backup */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backup_files_list); i++)
@@ -815,11 +828,15 @@ do_backup(time_t start_time)
pgut_atexit_push(backup_disconnect, NULL);
current.primary_conninfo = pgut_get_conninfo_string(backup_conn);
+ current.compress_alg = compress_alg;
+ current.compress_level = compress_level;
/* Confirm data block size and xlog block size are compatible */
confirm_block_size("block_size", BLCKSZ);
confirm_block_size("wal_block_size", XLOG_BLCKSZ);
- from_replica = pg_is_in_recovery();
+ current.from_replica = pg_is_in_recovery();
/* Confirm that this server version is supported */
@@ -837,7 +854,7 @@ do_backup(time_t start_time)
elog(WARNING, "This PostgreSQL instance was initialized without data block checksums. "
"pg_probackup have no way to detect data block corruption without them. "
"Reinitialize PGDATA with option '--data-checksums'.");
StrNCpy(current.server_version, server_version_str,
current.stream = stream_wal;
@@ -859,7 +876,7 @@ do_backup(time_t start_time)
- if (from_replica)
+ if (current.from_replica)
/* Check master connection options */
if (master_host == NULL)
@@ -956,7 +973,7 @@ check_server_version(void)
"server version is %s, must be %s or higher",
server_version_str, "9.5");
- if (from_replica && server_version < 90600)
+ if (current.from_replica && server_version < 90600)
"server version is %s, must be %s or higher for backup from replica",
server_version_str, "9.6");
@@ -972,23 +989,23 @@ check_server_version(void)
if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
/* It seems we connected to PostgreSQL (not Postgres Pro) */
elog(ERROR, "%s was built with Postgres Pro %s %s, "
- "but connection made with PostgreSQL %s",
+ "but connection is made with PostgreSQL %s",
else if (strcmp(server_version_str, PG_MAJORVERSION) != 0 &&
strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), PGPRO_EDITION) != 0)
elog(ERROR, "%s was built with Postgres Pro %s %s, "
- "but connection made with Postgres Pro %s %s",
+ "but connection is made with Postgres Pro %s %s",
server_version_str, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)
/* It seems we connected to Postgres Pro (not PostgreSQL) */
elog(ERROR, "%s was built with PostgreSQL %s, "
- "but connection made with Postgres Pro %s %s",
+ "but connection is made with Postgres Pro %s %s",
server_version_str, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
else if (strcmp(server_version_str, PG_MAJORVERSION) != 0)
- elog(ERROR, "%s was built with PostgreSQL %s, but connection made with %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "%s was built with PostgreSQL %s, but connection is made with %s",
PROGRAM_NAME, PG_MAJORVERSION, server_version_str);
@@ -1038,12 +1055,12 @@ confirm_block_size(const char *name, int blcksz)
elog(ERROR, "cannot get %s: %s", name, PQerrorMessage(backup_conn));
block_size = strtol(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), &endp, 10);
- PQclear(res);
if ((endp && *endp) || block_size != blcksz)
"%s(%d) is not compatible(%d expected)",
name, block_size, blcksz);
+ PQclear(res);
@@ -1061,7 +1078,7 @@ pg_start_backup(const char *label, bool smooth, pgBackup *backup)
params[0] = label;
/* For replica we call pg_start_backup() on master */
- conn = (from_replica) ? master_conn : backup_conn;
+ conn = (backup->from_replica) ? master_conn : backup_conn;
/* 2nd argument is 'fast'*/
params[1] = smooth ? "false" : "true";
@@ -1076,6 +1093,12 @@ pg_start_backup(const char *label, bool smooth, pgBackup *backup)
+ /*
+ * Set flag that pg_start_backup() was called. If an error will happen it
+ * is necessary to call pg_stop_backup() in backup_cleanup().
+ */
+ backup_in_progress = true;
/* Extract timeline and LSN from results of pg_start_backup() */
XLogDataFromLSN(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), &xlogid, &xrecoff);
/* Calculate LSN */
@@ -1106,14 +1129,8 @@ pg_start_backup(const char *label, bool smooth, pgBackup *backup)
/* Wait for start_lsn to be replayed by replica */
- if (from_replica)
+ if (backup->from_replica)
wait_replica_wal_lsn(backup->start_lsn, true);
- /*
- * Set flag that pg_start_backup() was called. If an error will happen it
- * is necessary to call pg_stop_backup() in backup_cleanup().
- */
- backup_in_progress = true;
@@ -1555,8 +1572,6 @@ wait_replica_wal_lsn(XLogRecPtr lsn, bool is_start_backup)
uint32 try_count = 0;
- Assert(from_replica);
while (true)
PGresult *res;
@@ -1651,7 +1666,7 @@ pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
elog(FATAL, "backup is not in progress");
/* For replica we call pg_stop_backup() on master */
- conn = (from_replica) ? master_conn : backup_conn;
+ conn = (current.from_replica) ? master_conn : backup_conn;
/* Remove annoying NOTICE messages generated by backend */
res = pgut_execute(conn, "SET client_min_messages = warning;",
@@ -1664,7 +1679,7 @@ pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
const char *params[1];
char name[1024];
- if (!from_replica)
+ if (!current.from_replica)
snprintf(name, lengthof(name), "pg_probackup, backup_id %s",
@@ -1800,7 +1815,7 @@ pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
/* Write backup_label */
join_path_components(backup_label, path, PG_BACKUP_LABEL_FILE);
- fp = fopen(backup_label, "w");
+ fp = fopen(backup_label, PG_BINARY_W);
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "can't open backup label file \"%s\": %s",
backup_label, strerror(errno));
@@ -1831,7 +1846,7 @@ pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
"result of txid_snapshot_xmax() is invalid: %s",
PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
- if (!parse_time(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), &recovery_time))
+ if (!parse_time(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), &recovery_time, true))
"result of current_timestamp is invalid: %s",
PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1));
@@ -1848,7 +1863,7 @@ pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
char tablespace_map[MAXPGPATH];
join_path_components(tablespace_map, path, PG_TABLESPACE_MAP_FILE);
- fp = fopen(tablespace_map, "w");
+ fp = fopen(tablespace_map, PG_BINARY_W);
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "can't open tablespace map file \"%s\": %s",
tablespace_map, strerror(errno));
@@ -1892,7 +1907,7 @@ pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
/* Wait for stop_lsn to be received by replica */
- if (from_replica)
+ if (backup->from_replica)
wait_replica_wal_lsn(stop_backup_lsn, false);
* Wait for stop_lsn to be archived or streamed.
@@ -2004,22 +2019,22 @@ backup_disconnect(bool fatal, void *userdata)
* In incremental backup mode, copy only files or datafiles' pages changed after
* previous backup.
-static void
+static void *
backup_files(void *arg)
- int i;
- backup_files_args *arguments = (backup_files_args *) arg;
- int n_backup_files_list = parray_num(arguments->backup_files_list);
+ int i;
+ backup_files_arg *arguments = (backup_files_arg *) arg;
+ int n_backup_files_list = parray_num(arguments->files_list);
/* backup a file */
for (i = 0; i < n_backup_files_list; i++)
int ret;
struct stat buf;
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->files_list, i);
- pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->backup_files_list, i);
elog(VERBOSE, "Copying file: \"%s\" ", file->path);
- if (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&file->lock, 1) != 0)
+ if (!pg_atomic_test_set_flag(&file->lock))
/* check for interrupt */
@@ -2061,69 +2076,69 @@ backup_files(void *arg)
/* Check that file exist in previous backup */
if (current.backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
- int p;
char *relative;
- int n_prev_backup_files_list = parray_num(arguments->prev_backup_filelist);
+ pgFile key;
+ pgFile **prev_file;
relative = GetRelativePath(file->path, arguments->from_root);
- for (p = 0; p < n_prev_backup_files_list; p++)
- {
- pgFile *prev_file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->prev_backup_filelist, p);
- if (strcmp(relative, prev_file->path) == 0)
- {
- /* File exists in previous backup */
- file->exists_in_prev = true;
- // elog(VERBOSE, "File exists at the time of previous backup %s", relative);
- break;
- }
- }
+ key.path = relative;
+ prev_file = (pgFile **) parray_bsearch(arguments->prev_filelist,
+ &key, pgFileComparePath);
+ if (prev_file)
+ /* File exists in previous backup */
+ file->exists_in_prev = true;
/* copy the file into backup */
if (file->is_datafile && !file->is_cfs)
+ char to_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ join_path_components(to_path, arguments->to_root,
+ file->path + strlen(arguments->from_root) + 1);
/* backup block by block if datafile AND not compressed by cfs*/
- if (!backup_data_file(arguments,
- arguments->from_root,
- arguments->to_root, file,
- arguments->prev_backup_start_lsn,
- current.backup_mode))
+ if (!backup_data_file(arguments, to_path, file,
+ arguments->prev_start_lsn,
+ current.backup_mode,
+ compress_alg, compress_level))
file->write_size = BYTES_INVALID;
elog(VERBOSE, "File \"%s\" was not copied to backup", file->path);
- else
- /* TODO:
- * Check if file exists in previous backup
- * If exists:
- * if mtime > start_backup_time of parent backup,
- * copy file to backup
- * if mtime < start_backup_time
- * calculate crc, compare crc to old file
- * if crc is the same -> skip file
- */
- if (!copy_file(arguments->from_root,
- arguments->to_root,
- file))
+ /* TODO:
+ * Check if file exists in previous backup
+ * If exists:
+ * if mtime > start_backup_time of parent backup,
+ * copy file to backup
+ * if mtime < start_backup_time
+ * calculate crc, compare crc to old file
+ * if crc is the same -> skip file
+ */
+ else if (!copy_file(arguments->from_root, arguments->to_root, file))
file->write_size = BYTES_INVALID;
elog(VERBOSE, "File \"%s\" was not copied to backup", file->path);
- elog(VERBOSE, "File \"%s\". Copied %lu bytes",
- file->path, (unsigned long) file->write_size);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "File \"%s\". Copied "INT64_FORMAT " bytes",
+ file->path, file->write_size);
elog(LOG, "unexpected file type %d", buf.st_mode);
/* Close connection */
- if (arguments->thread_backup_conn)
- pgut_disconnect(arguments->thread_backup_conn);
+ if (arguments->backup_conn)
+ pgut_disconnect(arguments->backup_conn);
/* Data files transferring is successful */
arguments->ret = 0;
+ return NULL;
@@ -2261,52 +2276,6 @@ set_cfs_datafiles(parray *files, const char *root, char *relative, size_t i)
- * Output the list of files to backup catalog DATABASE_FILE_LIST
- */
-static void
-write_backup_file_list(parray *files, const char *root)
- FILE *fp;
- char path[MAXPGPATH];
- pgBackupGetPath(¤t, path, lengthof(path), DATABASE_FILE_LIST);
- fp = fopen(path, "wt");
- if (fp == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "cannot open file list \"%s\": %s", path,
- strerror(errno));
- print_file_list(fp, files, root);
- if (fflush(fp) != 0 ||
- fsync(fileno(fp)) != 0 ||
- fclose(fp))
- elog(ERROR, "cannot write file list \"%s\": %s", path, strerror(errno));
- * A helper function to create the path of a relation file and segment.
- * The returned path is palloc'd
- */
-static char *
-datasegpath(RelFileNode rnode, ForkNumber forknum, BlockNumber segno)
- char *path;
- char *segpath;
- path = relpathperm(rnode, forknum);
- if (segno > 0)
- {
- segpath = psprintf("%s.%u", path, segno);
- pfree(path);
- return segpath;
- }
- else
- return path;
* Find pgfile by given rnode in the backup_files_list
* and add given blkno to its pagemap.
@@ -2314,30 +2283,28 @@ datasegpath(RelFileNode rnode, ForkNumber forknum, BlockNumber segno)
process_block_change(ForkNumber forknum, RelFileNode rnode, BlockNumber blkno)
- char *path;
- char *rel_path;
+ char *path;
+ char *rel_path;
BlockNumber blkno_inseg;
int segno;
- pgFile *file_item = NULL;
- int j;
+ pgFile **file_item;
+ pgFile f;
segno = blkno / RELSEG_SIZE;
blkno_inseg = blkno % RELSEG_SIZE;
- rel_path = datasegpath(rnode, forknum, segno);
- path = pg_malloc(strlen(rel_path) + strlen(pgdata) + 2);
- sprintf(path, "%s/%s", pgdata, rel_path);
+ rel_path = relpathperm(rnode, forknum);
+ if (segno > 0)
+ path = psprintf("%s/%s.%u", pgdata, rel_path, segno);
+ else
+ path = psprintf("%s/%s", pgdata, rel_path);
- for (j = 0; j < parray_num(backup_files_list); j++)
- {
- pgFile *p = (pgFile *) parray_get(backup_files_list, j);
+ pg_free(rel_path);
- if (strcmp(p->path, path) == 0)
- {
- file_item = p;
- break;
- }
- }
+ f.path = path;
+ /* backup_files_list should be sorted before */
+ file_item = (pgFile **) parray_bsearch(backup_files_list, &f,
+ pgFileComparePath);
* If we don't have any record of this file in the file map, it means
@@ -2346,10 +2313,18 @@ process_block_change(ForkNumber forknum, RelFileNode rnode, BlockNumber blkno)
* backup would simply copy it as-is.
if (file_item)
- datapagemap_add(&file_item->pagemap, blkno_inseg);
+ {
+ /* We need critical section only we use more than one threads */
+ if (num_threads > 1)
+ pthread_lock(&backup_pagemap_mutex);
+ datapagemap_add(&(*file_item)->pagemap, blkno_inseg);
+ if (num_threads > 1)
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_pagemap_mutex);
+ }
- pg_free(rel_path);
@@ -2399,12 +2374,12 @@ make_pagemap_from_ptrack(parray *files)
if (file->is_datafile)
- if (file->tblspcOid == tblspcOid_with_ptrack_init
- && file->dbOid == dbOid_with_ptrack_init)
+ if (file->tblspcOid == tblspcOid_with_ptrack_init &&
+ file->dbOid == dbOid_with_ptrack_init)
/* ignore ptrack if ptrack_init exists */
elog(VERBOSE, "Ignoring ptrack because of ptrack_init for file: %s", file->path);
- file->pagemap.bitmapsize = PageBitmapIsAbsent;
+ file->pagemap_isabsent = true;
@@ -2432,19 +2407,32 @@ make_pagemap_from_ptrack(parray *files)
start_addr = (RELSEG_SIZE/HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE)*file->segno;
- if (start_addr + RELSEG_SIZE/HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE > ptrack_nonparsed_size)
+ /*
+ * If file segment was created after we have read ptrack,
+ * we won't have a bitmap for this segment.
+ */
+ if (start_addr > ptrack_nonparsed_size)
- file->pagemap.bitmapsize = ptrack_nonparsed_size - start_addr;
- elog(VERBOSE, "pagemap size: %i", file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Ptrack is missing for file: %s", file->path);
+ file->pagemap_isabsent = true;
- file->pagemap.bitmapsize = RELSEG_SIZE/HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE;
- elog(VERBOSE, "pagemap size: %i", file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
- }
- file->pagemap.bitmap = pg_malloc(file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
- memcpy(file->pagemap.bitmap, ptrack_nonparsed+start_addr, file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
+ if (start_addr + RELSEG_SIZE/HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE > ptrack_nonparsed_size)
+ {
+ file->pagemap.bitmapsize = ptrack_nonparsed_size - start_addr;
+ elog(VERBOSE, "pagemap size: %i", file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ file->pagemap.bitmapsize = RELSEG_SIZE/HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE;
+ elog(VERBOSE, "pagemap size: %i", file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
+ }
+ file->pagemap.bitmap = pg_malloc(file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
+ memcpy(file->pagemap.bitmap, ptrack_nonparsed+start_addr, file->pagemap.bitmapsize);
+ }
@@ -2457,7 +2445,7 @@ make_pagemap_from_ptrack(parray *files)
* - target relation was deleted.
elog(VERBOSE, "Ptrack is missing for file: %s", file->path);
- file->pagemap.bitmapsize = PageBitmapIsAbsent;
+ file->pagemap_isabsent = true;
@@ -2533,7 +2521,7 @@ stop_streaming(XLogRecPtr xlogpos, uint32 timeline, bool segment_finished)
* Start the log streaming
-static void
+static void *
StreamLog(void *arg)
XLogRecPtr startpos;
@@ -2607,6 +2595,8 @@ StreamLog(void *arg)
stream_arg->conn = NULL;
+ return NULL;
@@ -2633,7 +2623,7 @@ get_last_ptrack_lsn(void)
char *
-pg_ptrack_get_block(backup_files_args *arguments,
+pg_ptrack_get_block(backup_files_arg *arguments,
Oid dbOid,
Oid tblsOid,
Oid relOid,
@@ -2658,17 +2648,17 @@ pg_ptrack_get_block(backup_files_args *arguments,
sprintf(params[2], "%i", relOid);
sprintf(params[3], "%u", blknum);
- if (arguments->thread_backup_conn == NULL)
+ if (arguments->backup_conn == NULL)
- arguments->thread_backup_conn = pgut_connect(pgut_dbname);
+ arguments->backup_conn = pgut_connect(pgut_dbname);
- if (arguments->thread_cancel_conn == NULL)
- arguments->thread_cancel_conn = PQgetCancel(arguments->thread_backup_conn);
+ if (arguments->cancel_conn == NULL)
+ arguments->cancel_conn = PQgetCancel(arguments->backup_conn);
//elog(LOG, "db %i pg_ptrack_get_block(%i, %i, %u)",dbOid, tblsOid, relOid, blknum);
- res = pgut_execute_parallel(arguments->thread_backup_conn,
- arguments->thread_cancel_conn,
+ res = pgut_execute_parallel(arguments->backup_conn,
+ arguments->cancel_conn,
"SELECT pg_catalog.pg_ptrack_get_block_2($1, $2, $3, $4)",
4, (const char **)params, true);
diff --git a/src/catalog.c b/src/catalog.c
index f5884f01..51d791a7 100644
--- a/src/catalog.c
+++ b/src/catalog.c
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
@@ -251,14 +250,15 @@ IsDir(const char *dirpath, const char *entry)
parray *
catalog_get_backup_list(time_t requested_backup_id)
- DIR *date_dir = NULL;
- struct dirent *date_ent = NULL;
+ DIR *data_dir = NULL;
+ struct dirent *data_ent = NULL;
parray *backups = NULL;
pgBackup *backup = NULL;
+ int i;
/* open backup instance backups directory */
- date_dir = opendir(backup_instance_path);
- if (date_dir == NULL)
+ data_dir = opendir(backup_instance_path);
+ if (data_dir == NULL)
elog(WARNING, "cannot open directory \"%s\": %s", backup_instance_path,
@@ -267,22 +267,23 @@ catalog_get_backup_list(time_t requested_backup_id)
/* scan the directory and list backups */
backups = parray_new();
- for (; (date_ent = readdir(date_dir)) != NULL; errno = 0)
+ for (; (data_ent = readdir(data_dir)) != NULL; errno = 0)
char backup_conf_path[MAXPGPATH];
- char date_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ char data_path[MAXPGPATH];
/* skip not-directory entries and hidden entries */
- if (!IsDir(backup_instance_path, date_ent->d_name)
- || date_ent->d_name[0] == '.')
+ if (!IsDir(backup_instance_path, data_ent->d_name)
+ || data_ent->d_name[0] == '.')
/* open subdirectory of specific backup */
- join_path_components(date_path, backup_instance_path, date_ent->d_name);
+ join_path_components(data_path, backup_instance_path, data_ent->d_name);
/* read backup information from BACKUP_CONTROL_FILE */
- snprintf(backup_conf_path, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s", date_path, BACKUP_CONTROL_FILE);
+ snprintf(backup_conf_path, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s", data_path, BACKUP_CONTROL_FILE);
backup = readBackupControlFile(backup_conf_path);
+ backup->backup_id = backup->start_time;
/* ignore corrupted backups */
if (backup)
@@ -299,8 +300,8 @@ catalog_get_backup_list(time_t requested_backup_id)
if (errno && errno != ENOENT)
- elog(WARNING, "cannot read date directory \"%s\": %s",
- date_ent->d_name, strerror(errno));
+ elog(WARNING, "cannot read data directory \"%s\": %s",
+ data_ent->d_name, strerror(errno));
goto err_proc;
@@ -311,21 +312,48 @@ catalog_get_backup_list(time_t requested_backup_id)
goto err_proc;
- closedir(date_dir);
- date_dir = NULL;
+ closedir(data_dir);
+ data_dir = NULL;
parray_qsort(backups, pgBackupCompareIdDesc);
+ /* Link incremental backups with their ancestors.*/
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backups); i++)
+ {
+ pgBackup *curr = parray_get(backups, i);
+ int j;
+ if (curr->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ continue;
+ for (j = i+1; j < parray_num(backups); j++)
+ {
+ pgBackup *ancestor = parray_get(backups, j);
+ if (ancestor->start_time == curr->parent_backup)
+ {
+ curr->parent_backup_link = ancestor;
+ /* elog(INFO, "curr %s, ancestor %s j=%d", base36enc_dup(curr->start_time),
+ base36enc_dup(ancestor->start_time), j); */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
return backups;
- if (date_dir)
- closedir(date_dir);
+ if (data_dir)
+ closedir(data_dir);
if (backup)
if (backups)
parray_walk(backups, pgBackupFree);
+ elog(ERROR, "Failed to get backup list");
return NULL;
@@ -385,15 +413,17 @@ pgBackupWriteControl(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup)
fprintf(out, "#Configuration\n");
fprintf(out, "backup-mode = %s\n", pgBackupGetBackupMode(backup));
- fprintf(out, "stream = %s\n", backup->stream?"true":"false");
- fprintf(out, "compress-alg = %s\n", deparse_compress_alg(compress_alg));
- fprintf(out, "compress-level = %d\n", compress_level);
- fprintf(out, "from-replica = %s\n", from_replica?"true":"false");
+ fprintf(out, "stream = %s\n", backup->stream ? "true" : "false");
+ fprintf(out, "compress-alg = %s\n",
+ deparse_compress_alg(backup->compress_alg));
+ fprintf(out, "compress-level = %d\n", backup->compress_level);
+ fprintf(out, "from-replica = %s\n", backup->from_replica ? "true" : "false");
fprintf(out, "\n#Compatibility\n");
fprintf(out, "block-size = %u\n", backup->block_size);
fprintf(out, "xlog-block-size = %u\n", backup->wal_block_size);
fprintf(out, "checksum-version = %u\n", backup->checksum_version);
+ fprintf(out, "program-version = %s\n", PROGRAM_VERSION);
if (backup->server_version[0] != '\0')
fprintf(out, "server-version = %s\n", backup->server_version);
@@ -429,7 +459,7 @@ pgBackupWriteControl(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup)
if (backup->data_bytes != BYTES_INVALID)
fprintf(out, "data-bytes = " INT64_FORMAT "\n", backup->data_bytes);
- if (backup->data_bytes != BYTES_INVALID)
+ if (backup->wal_bytes != BYTES_INVALID)
fprintf(out, "wal-bytes = " INT64_FORMAT "\n", backup->wal_bytes);
fprintf(out, "status = %s\n", status2str(backup->status));
@@ -461,6 +491,30 @@ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(pgBackup *backup)
+ * Output the list of files to backup catalog DATABASE_FILE_LIST
+ */
+pgBackupWriteFileList(pgBackup *backup, parray *files, const char *root)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char path[MAXPGPATH];
+ pgBackupGetPath(backup, path, lengthof(path), DATABASE_FILE_LIST);
+ fp = fopen(path, "wt");
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "cannot open file list \"%s\": %s", path,
+ strerror(errno));
+ print_file_list(fp, files, root);
+ if (fflush(fp) != 0 ||
+ fsync(fileno(fp)) != 0 ||
+ fclose(fp))
+ elog(ERROR, "cannot write file list \"%s\": %s", path, strerror(errno));
* Read BACKUP_CONTROL_FILE and create pgBackup.
* - Comment starts with ';'.
@@ -475,10 +529,10 @@ readBackupControlFile(const char *path)
char *stop_lsn = NULL;
char *status = NULL;
char *parent_backup = NULL;
- char *compress_alg = NULL;
+ char *program_version = NULL;
char *server_version = NULL;
- int *compress_level;
- bool *from_replica;
+ char *compress_alg = NULL;
+ int parsed_options;
pgut_option options[] =
@@ -495,22 +549,41 @@ readBackupControlFile(const char *path)
{'u', 0, "block-size", &backup->block_size, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'u', 0, "xlog-block-size", &backup->wal_block_size, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'u', 0, "checksum-version", &backup->checksum_version, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
+ {'s', 0, "program-version", &program_version, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'s', 0, "server-version", &server_version, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'b', 0, "stream", &backup->stream, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'s', 0, "status", &status, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'s', 0, "parent-backup-id", &parent_backup, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'s', 0, "compress-alg", &compress_alg, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
- {'u', 0, "compress-level", &compress_level, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
- {'b', 0, "from-replica", &from_replica, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
+ {'u', 0, "compress-level", &backup->compress_level, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
+ {'b', 0, "from-replica", &backup->from_replica, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
{'s', 0, "primary-conninfo", &backup->primary_conninfo, SOURCE_FILE_STRICT},
if (access(path, F_OK) != 0)
+ {
+ elog(WARNING, "control file \"%s\" doesn't exist", path);
+ pgBackupFree(backup);
return NULL;
+ }
- pgBackup_init(backup);
- pgut_readopt(path, options, ERROR);
+ pgBackupInit(backup);
+ parsed_options = pgut_readopt(path, options, WARNING);
+ if (parsed_options == 0)
+ {
+ elog(WARNING, "control file \"%s\" is empty", path);
+ pgBackupFree(backup);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (backup->start_time == 0)
+ {
+ elog(WARNING, "invalid ID/start-time, control file \"%s\" is corrupted", path);
+ pgBackupFree(backup);
+ return NULL;
+ }
if (backup_mode)
@@ -546,10 +619,12 @@ readBackupControlFile(const char *path)
if (strcmp(status, "OK") == 0)
backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_OK;
- else if (strcmp(status, "RUNNING") == 0)
- backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING;
else if (strcmp(status, "ERROR") == 0)
backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR;
+ else if (strcmp(status, "RUNNING") == 0)
+ backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING;
+ else if (strcmp(status, "MERGING") == 0)
+ backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_MERGING;
else if (strcmp(status, "DELETING") == 0)
backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_DELETING;
else if (strcmp(status, "DELETED") == 0)
@@ -571,6 +646,13 @@ readBackupControlFile(const char *path)
+ if (program_version)
+ {
+ StrNCpy(backup->program_version, program_version,
+ sizeof(backup->program_version));
+ pfree(program_version);
+ }
if (server_version)
StrNCpy(backup->server_version, server_version,
@@ -578,6 +660,9 @@ readBackupControlFile(const char *path)
+ if (compress_alg)
+ backup->compress_alg = parse_compress_alg(compress_alg);
return backup;
@@ -626,11 +711,106 @@ deparse_backup_mode(BackupMode mode)
return NULL;
+parse_compress_alg(const char *arg)
+ size_t len;
+ /* Skip all spaces detected */
+ while (isspace((unsigned char)*arg))
+ arg++;
+ len = strlen(arg);
+ if (len == 0)
+ elog(ERROR, "compress algrorithm is empty");
+ if (pg_strncasecmp("zlib", arg, len) == 0)
+ else if (pg_strncasecmp("pglz", arg, len) == 0)
+ else if (pg_strncasecmp("none", arg, len) == 0)
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid compress algorithm value \"%s\"", arg);
+const char*
+deparse_compress_alg(int alg)
+ switch (alg)
+ {
+ return "none";
+ return "zlib";
+ return "pglz";
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Fill pgBackup struct with default values.
+ */
+pgBackupInit(pgBackup *backup)
+ backup->backup_id = INVALID_BACKUP_ID;
+ backup->backup_mode = BACKUP_MODE_INVALID;
+ backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_INVALID;
+ backup->tli = 0;
+ backup->start_lsn = 0;
+ backup->stop_lsn = 0;
+ backup->start_time = (time_t) 0;
+ backup->end_time = (time_t) 0;
+ backup->recovery_xid = 0;
+ backup->recovery_time = (time_t) 0;
+ backup->data_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
+ backup->wal_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
+ backup->compress_alg = COMPRESS_ALG_DEFAULT;
+ backup->compress_level = COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
+ backup->block_size = BLCKSZ;
+ backup->wal_block_size = XLOG_BLCKSZ;
+ backup->checksum_version = 0;
+ backup->stream = false;
+ backup->from_replica = false;
+ backup->parent_backup = INVALID_BACKUP_ID;
+ backup->parent_backup_link = NULL;
+ backup->primary_conninfo = NULL;
+ backup->program_version[0] = '\0';
+ backup->server_version[0] = '\0';
+ * Copy backup metadata from **src** into **dst**.
+ */
+pgBackupCopy(pgBackup *dst, pgBackup *src)
+ pfree(dst->primary_conninfo);
+ memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(pgBackup));
+ if (src->primary_conninfo)
+ dst->primary_conninfo = pstrdup(src->primary_conninfo);
/* free pgBackup object */
pgBackupFree(void *backup)
- free(backup);
+ pgBackup *b = (pgBackup *) backup;
+ pfree(b->primary_conninfo);
+ pfree(backup);
/* Compare two pgBackup with their IDs (start time) in ascending order */
@@ -687,3 +867,48 @@ pgBackupGetPath2(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len,
+/* Find parent base FULL backup for current backup using parent_backup_link,
+ * return NULL if not found
+ */
+find_parent_backup(pgBackup *current_backup)
+ pgBackup *base_full_backup = NULL;
+ base_full_backup = current_backup;
+ while (base_full_backup->backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ {
+ /*
+ * If we haven't found parent for incremental backup,
+ * mark it and all depending backups as orphaned
+ */
+ if (base_full_backup->parent_backup_link == NULL
+ || (base_full_backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK
+ && base_full_backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_DONE))
+ {
+ pgBackup *orphaned_backup = current_backup;
+ while (orphaned_backup != NULL)
+ {
+ orphaned_backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_ORPHAN;
+ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(orphaned_backup);
+ if (base_full_backup->parent_backup_link == NULL)
+ elog(WARNING, "Backup %s is orphaned because its parent backup is not found",
+ base36enc(orphaned_backup->start_time));
+ else
+ elog(WARNING, "Backup %s is orphaned because its parent backup is corrupted",
+ base36enc(orphaned_backup->start_time));
+ orphaned_backup = orphaned_backup->parent_backup_link;
+ }
+ base_full_backup = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ base_full_backup = base_full_backup->parent_backup_link;
+ }
+ return base_full_backup;
diff --git a/src/configure.c b/src/configure.c
index 55d2bbc5..bb67ec5f 100644
--- a/src/configure.c
+++ b/src/configure.c
@@ -2,19 +2,38 @@
* configure.c: - manage backup catalog.
- * Copyright (c) 2017-2017, Postgres Professional
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Postgres Professional
#include "pg_probackup.h"
+#include "utils/logger.h"
+#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
+#include "utils/json.h"
static void opt_log_level_console(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
static void opt_log_level_file(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
static void opt_compress_alg(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
+static void show_configure_start(void);
+static void show_configure_end(void);
+static void show_configure(pgBackupConfig *config);
+static void show_configure_json(pgBackupConfig *config);
static pgBackupConfig *cur_config = NULL;
+static PQExpBufferData show_buf;
+static int32 json_level = 0;
+ * All this code needs refactoring.
+ */
/* Set configure options */
do_configure(bool show_only)
@@ -39,13 +58,17 @@ do_configure(bool show_only)
config->master_db = master_db;
if (master_user)
config->master_user = master_user;
- if (replica_timeout != 300) /* 300 is default value */
+ if (replica_timeout)
config->replica_timeout = replica_timeout;
- if (log_level_console != LOG_NONE)
- config->log_level_console = LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE;
- if (log_level_file != LOG_NONE)
- config->log_level_file = LOG_LEVEL_FILE;
+ if (archive_timeout)
+ config->archive_timeout = archive_timeout;
+ if (log_level_console)
+ config->log_level_console = log_level_console;
+ if (log_level_file)
+ config->log_level_file = log_level_file;
if (log_filename)
config->log_filename = log_filename;
if (error_log_filename)
@@ -62,13 +85,13 @@ do_configure(bool show_only)
if (retention_window)
config->retention_window = retention_window;
- if (compress_alg != NOT_DEFINED_COMPRESS)
+ if (compress_alg)
config->compress_alg = compress_alg;
- if (compress_level != DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL)
+ if (compress_level)
config->compress_level = compress_level;
if (show_only)
- writeBackupCatalogConfig(stderr, config);
+ show_configure(config);
@@ -89,21 +112,23 @@ pgBackupConfigInit(pgBackupConfig *config)
config->master_port = NULL;
config->master_db = NULL;
config->master_user = NULL;
- config->replica_timeout = INT_MIN; /* INT_MIN means "undefined" */
+ config->replica_timeout = REPLICA_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
- config->log_level_console = INT_MIN; /* INT_MIN means "undefined" */
- config->log_level_file = INT_MIN; /* INT_MIN means "undefined" */
- config->log_filename = NULL;
+ config->archive_timeout = ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
+ config->log_level_console = LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE_DEFAULT;
+ config->log_level_file = LOG_LEVEL_FILE_DEFAULT;
+ config->log_filename = LOG_FILENAME_DEFAULT;
config->error_log_filename = NULL;
- config->log_directory = NULL;
- config->log_rotation_size = 0;
- config->log_rotation_age = 0;
+ config->log_directory = LOG_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT;
+ config->log_rotation_size = LOG_ROTATION_SIZE_DEFAULT;
+ config->log_rotation_age = LOG_ROTATION_AGE_DEFAULT;
- config->retention_redundancy = 0;
- config->retention_window = 0;
+ config->retention_redundancy = RETENTION_REDUNDANCY_DEFAULT;
+ config->retention_window = RETENTION_WINDOW_DEFAULT;
- config->compress_alg = NOT_DEFINED_COMPRESS;
- config->compress_level = DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL;
+ config->compress_alg = COMPRESS_ALG_DEFAULT;
+ config->compress_level = COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
@@ -114,7 +139,7 @@ writeBackupCatalogConfig(FILE *out, pgBackupConfig *config)
fprintf(out, "#Backup instance info\n");
fprintf(out, "PGDATA = %s\n", config->pgdata);
- fprintf(out, "system-identifier = %li\n", config->system_identifier);
+ fprintf(out, "system-identifier = " UINT64_FORMAT "\n", config->system_identifier);
fprintf(out, "#Connection parameters:\n");
if (config->pgdatabase)
@@ -136,55 +161,43 @@ writeBackupCatalogConfig(FILE *out, pgBackupConfig *config)
if (config->master_user)
fprintf(out, "master-user = %s\n", config->master_user);
- if (config->replica_timeout != INT_MIN)
- {
- convert_from_base_unit_u(config->replica_timeout, OPTION_UNIT_S,
- &res, &unit);
- fprintf(out, "replica-timeout = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, unit);
- }
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->replica_timeout, OPTION_UNIT_S,
+ &res, &unit);
+ fprintf(out, "replica-timeout = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, unit);
+ fprintf(out, "#Archive parameters:\n");
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->archive_timeout, OPTION_UNIT_S,
+ &res, &unit);
+ fprintf(out, "archive-timeout = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, unit);
fprintf(out, "#Logging parameters:\n");
- if (config->log_level_console != INT_MIN)
- fprintf(out, "log-level-console = %s\n", deparse_log_level(config->log_level_console));
- if (config->log_level_file != INT_MIN)
- fprintf(out, "log-level-file = %s\n", deparse_log_level(config->log_level_file));
- if (config->log_filename)
- fprintf(out, "log-filename = %s\n", config->log_filename);
+ fprintf(out, "log-level-console = %s\n", deparse_log_level(config->log_level_console));
+ fprintf(out, "log-level-file = %s\n", deparse_log_level(config->log_level_file));
+ fprintf(out, "log-filename = %s\n", config->log_filename);
if (config->error_log_filename)
fprintf(out, "error-log-filename = %s\n", config->error_log_filename);
- if (config->log_directory)
- fprintf(out, "log-directory = %s\n", config->log_directory);
- /*
- * Convert values from base unit
- */
- if (config->log_rotation_size)
- {
- convert_from_base_unit_u(config->log_rotation_size, OPTION_UNIT_KB,
- &res, &unit);
- fprintf(out, "log-rotation-size = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, unit);
- }
- if (config->log_rotation_age)
- {
- convert_from_base_unit_u(config->log_rotation_age, OPTION_UNIT_S,
- &res, &unit);
- fprintf(out, "log-rotation-age = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, unit);
- }
+ if (strcmp(config->log_directory, LOG_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT) == 0)
+ fprintf(out, "log-directory = %s/%s\n", backup_path, config->log_directory);
+ else
+ fprintf(out, "log-directory = %s\n", config->log_directory);
+ /* Convert values from base unit */
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->log_rotation_size, OPTION_UNIT_KB,
+ &res, &unit);
+ fprintf(out, "log-rotation-size = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, (res)?unit:"KB");
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->log_rotation_age, OPTION_UNIT_S,
+ &res, &unit);
+ fprintf(out, "log-rotation-age = " UINT64_FORMAT "%s\n", res, (res)?unit:"min");
fprintf(out, "#Retention parameters:\n");
- if (config->retention_redundancy)
- fprintf(out, "retention-redundancy = %u\n", config->retention_redundancy);
- if (config->retention_window)
- fprintf(out, "retention-window = %u\n", config->retention_window);
+ fprintf(out, "retention-redundancy = %u\n", config->retention_redundancy);
+ fprintf(out, "retention-window = %u\n", config->retention_window);
fprintf(out, "#Compression parameters:\n");
fprintf(out, "compress-algorithm = %s\n", deparse_compress_alg(config->compress_alg));
- if (compress_level != config->compress_level)
- fprintf(out, "compress-level = %d\n", compress_level);
- else
- fprintf(out, "compress-level = %d\n", config->compress_level);
+ fprintf(out, "compress-level = %d\n", config->compress_level);
@@ -240,6 +253,8 @@ readBackupCatalogConfigFile(void)
{ 'u', 0, "replica-timeout", &(config->replica_timeout), SOURCE_CMDLINE, SOURCE_DEFAULT, OPTION_UNIT_S },
/* other options */
{ 'U', 0, "system-identifier", &(config->system_identifier), SOURCE_FILE_STRICT },
+ /* archive options */
+ { 'u', 0, "archive-timeout", &(config->archive_timeout), SOURCE_CMDLINE, SOURCE_DEFAULT, OPTION_UNIT_S },
@@ -251,7 +266,6 @@ readBackupCatalogConfigFile(void)
pgut_readopt(path, options, ERROR);
return config;
static void
@@ -271,3 +285,155 @@ opt_compress_alg(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
cur_config->compress_alg = parse_compress_alg(arg);
+ * Initialize configure visualization.
+ */
+static void
+ if (show_format == SHOW_PLAIN)
+ return;
+ /* For now we need buffer only for JSON format */
+ json_level = 0;
+ initPQExpBuffer(&show_buf);
+ * Finalize configure visualization.
+ */
+static void
+ if (show_format == SHOW_PLAIN)
+ return;
+ else
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(&show_buf, '\n');
+ fputs(show_buf.data, stdout);
+ termPQExpBuffer(&show_buf);
+ * Show configure information of pg_probackup.
+ */
+static void
+show_configure(pgBackupConfig *config)
+ show_configure_start();
+ if (show_format == SHOW_PLAIN)
+ writeBackupCatalogConfig(stdout, config);
+ else
+ show_configure_json(config);
+ show_configure_end();
+ * Json output.
+ */
+static void
+show_configure_json(pgBackupConfig *config)
+ PQExpBuffer buf = &show_buf;
+ uint64 res;
+ const char *unit;
+ json_add(buf, JT_BEGIN_OBJECT, &json_level);
+ json_add_value(buf, "pgdata", config->pgdata, json_level, false);
+ json_add_key(buf, "system-identifier", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, UINT64_FORMAT, config->system_identifier);
+ /* Connection parameters */
+ if (config->pgdatabase)
+ json_add_value(buf, "pgdatabase", config->pgdatabase, json_level, true);
+ if (config->pghost)
+ json_add_value(buf, "pghost", config->pghost, json_level, true);
+ if (config->pgport)
+ json_add_value(buf, "pgport", config->pgport, json_level, true);
+ if (config->pguser)
+ json_add_value(buf, "pguser", config->pguser, json_level, true);
+ /* Replica parameters */
+ if (config->master_host)
+ json_add_value(buf, "master-host", config->master_host, json_level,
+ true);
+ if (config->master_port)
+ json_add_value(buf, "master-port", config->master_port, json_level,
+ true);
+ if (config->master_db)
+ json_add_value(buf, "master-db", config->master_db, json_level, true);
+ if (config->master_user)
+ json_add_value(buf, "master-user", config->master_user, json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add_key(buf, "replica-timeout", json_level, true);
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->replica_timeout, OPTION_UNIT_S,
+ &res, &unit);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, UINT64_FORMAT "%s", res, unit);
+ /* Archive parameters */
+ json_add_key(buf, "archive-timeout", json_level, true);
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->archive_timeout, OPTION_UNIT_S,
+ &res, &unit);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, UINT64_FORMAT "%s", res, unit);
+ /* Logging parameters */
+ json_add_value(buf, "log-level-console",
+ deparse_log_level(config->log_level_console), json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "log-level-file",
+ deparse_log_level(config->log_level_file), json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "log-filename", config->log_filename, json_level,
+ true);
+ if (config->error_log_filename)
+ json_add_value(buf, "error-log-filename", config->error_log_filename,
+ json_level, true);
+ if (strcmp(config->log_directory, LOG_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT) == 0)
+ {
+ char log_directory_fullpath[MAXPGPATH];
+ sprintf(log_directory_fullpath, "%s/%s",
+ backup_path, config->log_directory);
+ json_add_value(buf, "log-directory", log_directory_fullpath,
+ json_level, true);
+ }
+ else
+ json_add_value(buf, "log-directory", config->log_directory,
+ json_level, true);
+ json_add_key(buf, "log-rotation-size", json_level, true);
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->log_rotation_size, OPTION_UNIT_KB,
+ &res, &unit);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, UINT64_FORMAT "%s", res, (res)?unit:"KB");
+ json_add_key(buf, "log-rotation-age", json_level, true);
+ convert_from_base_unit_u(config->log_rotation_age, OPTION_UNIT_S,
+ &res, &unit);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, UINT64_FORMAT "%s", res, (res)?unit:"min");
+ /* Retention parameters */
+ json_add_key(buf, "retention-redundancy", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%u", config->retention_redundancy);
+ json_add_key(buf, "retention-window", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%u", config->retention_window);
+ /* Compression parameters */
+ json_add_value(buf, "compress-algorithm",
+ deparse_compress_alg(config->compress_alg), json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add_key(buf, "compress-level", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%d", config->compress_level);
+ json_add(buf, JT_END_OBJECT, &json_level);
diff --git a/src/data.c b/src/data.c
index a1bdb91a..a66770bc 100644
--- a/src/data.c
+++ b/src/data.c
@@ -27,18 +27,24 @@
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
/* Implementation of zlib compression method */
-static size_t zlib_compress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size)
+static int32
+zlib_compress(void *dst, size_t dst_size, void const *src, size_t src_size,
+ int level)
- uLongf compressed_size = dst_size;
- int rc = compress2(dst, &compressed_size, src, src_size, compress_level);
+ uLongf compressed_size = dst_size;
+ int rc = compress2(dst, &compressed_size, src, src_size,
+ level);
return rc == Z_OK ? compressed_size : rc;
/* Implementation of zlib compression method */
-static size_t zlib_decompress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size)
+static int32
+zlib_decompress(void *dst, size_t dst_size, void const *src, size_t src_size)
- uLongf dest_len = dst_size;
- int rc = uncompress(dst, &dest_len, src, src_size);
+ uLongf dest_len = dst_size;
+ int rc = uncompress(dst, &dest_len, src, src_size);
return rc == Z_OK ? dest_len : rc;
@@ -47,8 +53,9 @@ static size_t zlib_decompress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_
* Compresses source into dest using algorithm. Returns the number of bytes
* written in the destination buffer, or -1 if compression fails.
-static size_t
-do_compress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size, CompressAlg alg)
+static int32
+do_compress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size,
+ CompressAlg alg, int level)
switch (alg)
@@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ do_compress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size, Compre
return -1;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
- return zlib_compress(dst, dst_size, src, src_size);
+ return zlib_compress(dst, dst_size, src, src_size, level);
return pglz_compress(src, src_size, dst, PGLZ_strategy_always);
@@ -70,8 +77,9 @@ do_compress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size, Compre
* Decompresses source into dest using algorithm. Returns the number of bytes
* decompressed in the destination buffer, or -1 if decompression fails.
-static size_t
-do_decompress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size, CompressAlg alg)
+static int32
+do_decompress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size,
+ CompressAlg alg)
switch (alg)
@@ -101,6 +109,7 @@ typedef struct BackupPageHeader
/* Special value for compressed_size field */
#define PageIsTruncated -2
+#define SkipCurrentPage -3
/* Verify page's header */
static bool
@@ -134,8 +143,8 @@ static int
read_page_from_file(pgFile *file, BlockNumber blknum,
FILE *in, Page page, XLogRecPtr *page_lsn)
- off_t offset = blknum*BLCKSZ;
- size_t read_len = 0;
+ off_t offset = blknum * BLCKSZ;
+ size_t read_len = 0;
/* read the block */
if (fseek(in, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
@@ -216,31 +225,32 @@ read_page_from_file(pgFile *file, BlockNumber blknum,
- * Backup the specified block from a file of a relation.
- * Verify page header and checksum of the page and write it
- * to the backup file.
+ * Retrieves a page taking the backup mode into account
+ * and writes it into argument "page". Argument "page"
+ * should be a pointer to allocated BLCKSZ of bytes.
+ *
+ * Prints appropriate warnings/errors/etc into log.
+ * Returns 0 if page was successfully retrieved
+ * SkipCurrentPage(-3) if we need to skip this page
+ * PageIsTruncated(-2) if the page was truncated
-static void
-backup_data_page(backup_files_args *arguments,
- pgFile *file, XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn,
- BlockNumber blknum, BlockNumber nblocks,
- FILE *in, FILE *out,
- pg_crc32 *crc, int *n_skipped,
- BackupMode backup_mode)
+static int32
+prepare_page(backup_files_arg *arguments,
+ pgFile *file, XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn,
+ BlockNumber blknum, BlockNumber nblocks,
+ FILE *in, int *n_skipped,
+ BackupMode backup_mode,
+ Page page)
- BackupPageHeader header;
- Page page = malloc(BLCKSZ);
- Page compressed_page = NULL;
- XLogRecPtr page_lsn = 0;
- size_t write_buffer_size;
- char write_buffer[BLCKSZ+sizeof(header)];
- int try_again = 100;
- bool page_is_valid = false;
+ XLogRecPtr page_lsn = 0;
+ int try_again = 100;
+ bool page_is_valid = false;
+ bool page_is_truncated = false;
BlockNumber absolute_blknum = file->segno * RELSEG_SIZE + blknum;
- header.block = blknum;
- header.compressed_size = 0;
+ /* check for interrupt */
+ if (interrupted)
+ elog(ERROR, "Interrupted during backup");
* Read the page and verify its header and checksum.
@@ -258,7 +268,7 @@ backup_data_page(backup_files_args *arguments,
if (result == 0)
/* This block was truncated.*/
- header.compressed_size = PageIsTruncated;
+ page_is_truncated = true;
/* Page is not actually valid, but it is absent
* and we're not going to reread it or validate */
page_is_valid = true;
@@ -291,35 +301,38 @@ backup_data_page(backup_files_args *arguments,
if (backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK || (!page_is_valid && is_ptrack_support))
size_t page_size = 0;
- free(page);
- page = NULL;
- page = (Page) pg_ptrack_get_block(arguments, file->dbOid, file->tblspcOid,
+ Page ptrack_page = NULL;
+ ptrack_page = (Page) pg_ptrack_get_block(arguments, file->dbOid, file->tblspcOid,
file->relOid, absolute_blknum, &page_size);
- if (page == NULL)
+ if (ptrack_page == NULL)
/* This block was truncated.*/
- header.compressed_size = PageIsTruncated;
+ page_is_truncated = true;
else if (page_size != BLCKSZ)
+ free(ptrack_page);
elog(ERROR, "File: %s, block %u, expected block size %d, but read %lu",
file->path, absolute_blknum, BLCKSZ, page_size);
+ * We need to copy the page that was successfully
+ * retreieved from ptrack into our output "page" parameter.
* We must set checksum here, because it is outdated
* in the block recieved from shared buffers.
+ memcpy(page, ptrack_page, BLCKSZ);
+ free(ptrack_page);
if (is_checksum_enabled)
((PageHeader) page)->pd_checksum = pg_checksum_page(page, absolute_blknum);
/* get lsn from page, provided by pg_ptrack_get_block() */
if (backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA &&
file->exists_in_prev &&
- header.compressed_size != PageIsTruncated &&
+ !page_is_truncated &&
!parse_page(page, &page_lsn))
elog(ERROR, "Cannot parse page after pg_ptrack_get_block. "
"Possible risk of a memory corruption");
@@ -328,76 +341,91 @@ backup_data_page(backup_files_args *arguments,
if (backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA &&
file->exists_in_prev &&
- header.compressed_size != PageIsTruncated &&
+ !page_is_truncated &&
page_lsn < prev_backup_start_lsn)
elog(VERBOSE, "Skipping blknum: %u in file: %s", blknum, file->path);
- free(page);
+ return SkipCurrentPage;
+ }
+ if (page_is_truncated)
+ return PageIsTruncated;
+ return 0;
+static void
+compress_and_backup_page(pgFile *file, BlockNumber blknum,
+ FILE *in, FILE *out, pg_crc32 *crc,
+ int page_state, Page page,
+ CompressAlg calg, int clevel)
+ BackupPageHeader header;
+ size_t write_buffer_size = sizeof(header);
+ char write_buffer[BLCKSZ+sizeof(header)];
+ char compressed_page[BLCKSZ];
+ if(page_state == SkipCurrentPage)
- }
- if (header.compressed_size != PageIsTruncated)
+ header.block = blknum;
+ header.compressed_size = page_state;
+ if(page_state == PageIsTruncated)
- file->read_size += BLCKSZ;
- compressed_page = malloc(BLCKSZ);
+ /*
+ * The page was truncated. Write only header
+ * to know that we must truncate restored file
+ */
+ memcpy(write_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The page was not truncated, so we need to compress it */
header.compressed_size = do_compress(compressed_page, BLCKSZ,
- page, BLCKSZ, compress_alg);
- file->compress_alg = compress_alg;
+ page, BLCKSZ, calg, clevel);
+ file->compress_alg = calg;
+ file->read_size += BLCKSZ;
Assert (header.compressed_size <= BLCKSZ);
- }
- write_buffer_size = sizeof(header);
- /*
- * The page was truncated. Write only header
- * to know that we must truncate restored file
- */
- if (header.compressed_size == PageIsTruncated)
- {
- memcpy(write_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
- }
- /* The page compression failed. Write it as is. */
- else if (header.compressed_size == -1)
- {
- header.compressed_size = BLCKSZ;
- memcpy(write_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
- memcpy(write_buffer + sizeof(header), page, BLCKSZ);
- write_buffer_size += header.compressed_size;
- }
- /* The page was successfully compressed */
- else if (header.compressed_size > 0)
- {
- memcpy(write_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
- memcpy(write_buffer + sizeof(header), compressed_page, header.compressed_size);
- write_buffer_size += MAXALIGN(header.compressed_size);
+ /* The page was successfully compressed. */
+ if (header.compressed_size > 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(write_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
+ memcpy(write_buffer + sizeof(header),
+ compressed_page, header.compressed_size);
+ write_buffer_size += MAXALIGN(header.compressed_size);
+ }
+ /* Nonpositive value means that compression failed. Write it as is. */
+ else
+ {
+ header.compressed_size = BLCKSZ;
+ memcpy(write_buffer, &header, sizeof(header));
+ memcpy(write_buffer + sizeof(header), page, BLCKSZ);
+ write_buffer_size += header.compressed_size;
+ }
/* elog(VERBOSE, "backup blkno %u, compressed_size %d write_buffer_size %ld",
blknum, header.compressed_size, write_buffer_size); */
/* Update CRC */
- COMP_CRC32C(*crc, &write_buffer, write_buffer_size);
+ COMP_CRC32C(*crc, write_buffer, write_buffer_size);
/* write data page */
if(fwrite(write_buffer, 1, write_buffer_size, out) != write_buffer_size)
- int errno_tmp = errno;
+ int errno_tmp = errno;
elog(ERROR, "File: %s, cannot write backup at block %u : %s",
- file->path, blknum, strerror(errno_tmp));
+ file->path, blknum, strerror(errno_tmp));
file->write_size += write_buffer_size;
- if (page != NULL)
- free(page);
- if (compressed_page != NULL)
- free(compressed_page);
@@ -409,18 +437,19 @@ backup_data_page(backup_files_args *arguments,
* backup with special header.
-backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
- const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
- pgFile *file, XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn,
- BackupMode backup_mode)
+backup_data_file(backup_files_arg* arguments,
+ const char *to_path, pgFile *file,
+ XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn, BackupMode backup_mode,
+ CompressAlg calg, int clevel)
- char to_path[MAXPGPATH];
- FILE *in;
- FILE *out;
- BlockNumber blknum = 0;
- BlockNumber nblocks = 0;
- int n_blocks_skipped = 0;
- int n_blocks_read = 0;
+ FILE *in;
+ FILE *out;
+ BlockNumber blknum = 0;
+ BlockNumber nblocks = 0;
+ int n_blocks_skipped = 0;
+ int n_blocks_read = 0;
+ int page_state;
+ char curr_page[BLCKSZ];
* Skip unchanged file only if it exists in previous backup.
@@ -430,7 +459,7 @@ backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
if ((backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PAGE ||
backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK) &&
file->pagemap.bitmapsize == PageBitmapIsEmpty &&
- file->exists_in_prev)
+ file->exists_in_prev && !file->pagemap_isabsent)
* There are no changed blocks since last backup. We want make
@@ -446,7 +475,7 @@ backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
/* open backup mode file for read */
- in = fopen(file->path, "r");
+ in = fopen(file->path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (in == NULL)
@@ -479,8 +508,7 @@ backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
nblocks = file->size/BLCKSZ;
/* open backup file for write */
- join_path_components(to_path, to_root, file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
- out = fopen(to_path, "w");
+ out = fopen(to_path, PG_BINARY_W);
if (out == NULL)
int errno_tmp = errno;
@@ -493,32 +521,45 @@ backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
* Read each page, verify checksum and write it to backup.
* If page map is empty or file is not present in previous backup
* backup all pages of the relation.
+ *
+ * We will enter here if backup_mode is FULL or DELTA.
- if (file->pagemap.bitmapsize == PageBitmapIsEmpty
- || file->pagemap.bitmapsize == PageBitmapIsAbsent
- || !file->exists_in_prev)
+ if (file->pagemap.bitmapsize == PageBitmapIsEmpty ||
+ file->pagemap_isabsent || !file->exists_in_prev)
for (blknum = 0; blknum < nblocks; blknum++)
- backup_data_page(arguments, file, prev_backup_start_lsn, blknum,
- nblocks, in, out, &(file->crc),
- &n_blocks_skipped, backup_mode);
+ page_state = prepare_page(arguments, file, prev_backup_start_lsn,
+ blknum, nblocks, in, &n_blocks_skipped,
+ backup_mode, curr_page);
+ compress_and_backup_page(file, blknum, in, out, &(file->crc),
+ page_state, curr_page, calg, clevel);
+ if (page_state == PageIsTruncated)
+ break;
if (backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA)
file->n_blocks = n_blocks_read;
- /* If page map is not empty we scan only changed blocks, */
+ /*
+ * If page map is not empty we scan only changed blocks.
+ *
+ * We will enter here if backup_mode is PAGE or PTRACK.
+ */
datapagemap_iterator_t *iter;
iter = datapagemap_iterate(&file->pagemap);
while (datapagemap_next(iter, &blknum))
- backup_data_page(arguments, file, prev_backup_start_lsn, blknum,
- nblocks, in, out, &(file->crc),
- &n_blocks_skipped, backup_mode);
+ page_state = prepare_page(arguments, file, prev_backup_start_lsn,
+ blknum, nblocks, in, &n_blocks_skipped,
+ backup_mode, curr_page);
+ compress_and_backup_page(file, blknum, in, out, &(file->crc),
+ page_state, curr_page, calg, clevel);
+ if (page_state == PageIsTruncated)
+ break;
@@ -562,25 +603,26 @@ backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
* Restore files in the from_root directory to the to_root directory with
* same relative path.
+ *
+ * If write_header is true then we add header to each restored block, currently
+ * it is used for MERGE command.
-restore_data_file(const char *from_root,
- const char *to_root,
- pgFile *file,
- pgBackup *backup)
+restore_data_file(const char *to_path, pgFile *file, bool allow_truncate,
+ bool write_header)
- char to_path[MAXPGPATH];
- FILE *in = NULL;
- FILE *out = NULL;
- BackupPageHeader header;
- BlockNumber blknum;
- size_t file_size;
+ FILE *in = NULL;
+ FILE *out = NULL;
+ BackupPageHeader header;
+ BlockNumber blknum = 0,
+ truncate_from = 0;
+ bool need_truncate = false;
/* BYTES_INVALID allowed only in case of restoring file from DELTA backup */
if (file->write_size != BYTES_INVALID)
/* open backup mode file for read */
- in = fopen(file->path, "r");
+ in = fopen(file->path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (in == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "cannot open backup file \"%s\": %s", file->path,
@@ -593,10 +635,9 @@ restore_data_file(const char *from_root,
* modified pages for differential restore. If the file does not exist,
* re-open it with "w" to create an empty file.
- join_path_components(to_path, to_root, file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
- out = fopen(to_path, "r+");
+ out = fopen(to_path, PG_BINARY_R "+");
if (out == NULL && errno == ENOENT)
- out = fopen(to_path, "w");
+ out = fopen(to_path, PG_BINARY_W);
if (out == NULL)
int errno_tmp = errno;
@@ -605,8 +646,9 @@ restore_data_file(const char *from_root,
to_path, strerror(errno_tmp));
- for (blknum = 0; ; blknum++)
+ while (true)
+ off_t write_pos;
size_t read_len;
DataPage compressed_page; /* used as read buffer */
DataPage page;
@@ -615,6 +657,21 @@ restore_data_file(const char *from_root,
if (file->write_size == BYTES_INVALID)
+ /*
+ * We need to truncate result file if data file in a incremental backup
+ * less than data file in a full backup. We know it thanks to n_blocks.
+ *
+ * It may be equal to -1, then we don't want to truncate the result
+ * file.
+ */
+ if (file->n_blocks != BLOCKNUM_INVALID &&
+ (blknum + 1) > file->n_blocks)
+ {
+ truncate_from = blknum;
+ need_truncate = true;
+ break;
+ }
/* read BackupPageHeader */
read_len = fread(&header, 1, sizeof(header), in);
if (read_len != sizeof(header))
@@ -632,18 +689,19 @@ restore_data_file(const char *from_root,
if (header.block < blknum)
- elog(ERROR, "backup is broken at file->path %s block %u",file->path, blknum);
+ elog(ERROR, "backup is broken at file->path %s block %u",
+ file->path, blknum);
+ blknum = header.block;
if (header.compressed_size == PageIsTruncated)
* Backup contains information that this block was truncated.
- * Truncate file to this length.
+ * We need to truncate file to this length.
- if (ftruncate(fileno(out), header.block * BLCKSZ) != 0)
- elog(ERROR, "cannot truncate \"%s\": %s",
- file->path, strerror(errno));
- elog(VERBOSE, "truncate file %s to block %u", file->path, header.block);
+ truncate_from = blknum;
+ need_truncate = true;
@@ -657,64 +715,89 @@ restore_data_file(const char *from_root,
if (header.compressed_size != BLCKSZ)
- size_t uncompressed_size = 0;
+ int32 uncompressed_size = 0;
uncompressed_size = do_decompress(page.data, BLCKSZ,
- compressed_page.data,
- header.compressed_size, file->compress_alg);
+ compressed_page.data,
+ MAXALIGN(header.compressed_size),
+ file->compress_alg);
if (uncompressed_size != BLCKSZ)
- elog(ERROR, "page uncompressed to %ld bytes. != BLCKSZ", uncompressed_size);
+ elog(ERROR, "page of file \"%s\" uncompressed to %d bytes. != BLCKSZ",
+ file->path, uncompressed_size);
+ write_pos = (write_header) ? blknum * (BLCKSZ + sizeof(header)) :
+ blknum * BLCKSZ;
* Seek and write the restored page.
- blknum = header.block;
- if (fseek(out, blknum * BLCKSZ, SEEK_SET) < 0)
+ if (fseek(out, write_pos, SEEK_SET) < 0)
elog(ERROR, "cannot seek block %u of \"%s\": %s",
blknum, to_path, strerror(errno));
+ if (write_header)
+ {
+ if (fwrite(&header, 1, sizeof(header), out) != sizeof(header))
+ elog(ERROR, "cannot write header of block %u of \"%s\": %s",
+ blknum, file->path, strerror(errno));
+ }
if (header.compressed_size < BLCKSZ)
if (fwrite(page.data, 1, BLCKSZ, out) != BLCKSZ)
elog(ERROR, "cannot write block %u of \"%s\": %s",
- blknum, file->path, strerror(errno));
+ blknum, file->path, strerror(errno));
/* if page wasn't compressed, we've read full block */
if (fwrite(compressed_page.data, 1, BLCKSZ, out) != BLCKSZ)
elog(ERROR, "cannot write block %u of \"%s\": %s",
- blknum, file->path, strerror(errno));
+ blknum, file->path, strerror(errno));
- /*
- * DELTA backup have no knowledge about truncated blocks as PAGE or PTRACK do
- * But during DELTA backup we read every file in PGDATA and thus DELTA backup
- * knows exact size of every file at the time of backup.
- * So when restoring file from DELTA backup we, knowning it`s size at
- * a time of a backup, can truncate file to this size.
- */
- if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA)
+ /*
+ * DELTA backup have no knowledge about truncated blocks as PAGE or PTRACK do
+ * But during DELTA backup we read every file in PGDATA and thus DELTA backup
+ * knows exact size of every file at the time of backup.
+ * So when restoring file from DELTA backup we, knowning it`s size at
+ * a time of a backup, can truncate file to this size.
+ */
+ if (allow_truncate && file->n_blocks != BLOCKNUM_INVALID && !need_truncate)
+ size_t file_size = 0;
/* get file current size */
fseek(out, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(out);
if (file_size > file->n_blocks * BLCKSZ)
- /*
- * Truncate file to this length.
- */
- if (ftruncate(fileno(out), file->n_blocks * BLCKSZ) != 0)
- elog(ERROR, "cannot truncate \"%s\": %s",
- file->path, strerror(errno));
- elog(INFO, "Delta truncate file %s to block %u", file->path, file->n_blocks);
+ truncate_from = file->n_blocks;
+ need_truncate = true;
+ if (need_truncate)
+ {
+ off_t write_pos;
+ write_pos = (write_header) ? truncate_from * (BLCKSZ + sizeof(header)) :
+ truncate_from * BLCKSZ;
+ /*
+ * Truncate file to this length.
+ */
+ if (ftruncate(fileno(out), write_pos) != 0)
+ elog(ERROR, "cannot truncate \"%s\": %s",
+ file->path, strerror(errno));
+ elog(INFO, "Delta truncate file %s to block %u",
+ file->path, truncate_from);
+ }
/* update file permission */
if (chmod(to_path, file->mode) == -1)
@@ -759,7 +842,7 @@ copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file)
file->write_size = 0;
/* open backup mode file for read */
- in = fopen(file->path, "r");
+ in = fopen(file->path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (in == NULL)
@@ -775,7 +858,7 @@ copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file)
/* open backup file for write */
join_path_components(to_path, to_root, file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
- out = fopen(to_path, "w");
+ out = fopen(to_path, PG_BINARY_W);
if (out == NULL)
int errno_tmp = errno;
@@ -843,7 +926,7 @@ copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file)
file->read_size += read_len;
- file->write_size = file->read_size;
+ file->write_size = (int64) file->read_size;
/* finish CRC calculation and store into pgFile */
file->crc = crc;
@@ -867,6 +950,22 @@ copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file)
return true;
+ * Move file from one backup to another.
+ * We do not apply compression to these files, because
+ * it is either small control file or already compressed cfs file.
+ */
+move_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file)
+ char to_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ join_path_components(to_path, to_root, file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
+ if (rename(file->path, to_path) == -1)
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot move file \"%s\" to path \"%s\": %s",
+ file->path, to_path, strerror(errno));
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
* Show error during work with compressed file
@@ -918,7 +1017,7 @@ push_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path, bool is_compress,
bool overwrite)
FILE *in = NULL;
- FILE *out;
+ FILE *out=NULL;
char buf[XLOG_BLCKSZ];
const char *to_path_p = to_path;
char to_path_temp[MAXPGPATH];
@@ -930,7 +1029,7 @@ push_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path, bool is_compress,
/* open file for read */
- in = fopen(from_path, "r");
+ in = fopen(from_path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (in == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "Cannot open source WAL file \"%s\": %s", from_path,
@@ -946,7 +1045,7 @@ push_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path, bool is_compress,
snprintf(to_path_temp, sizeof(to_path_temp), "%s.partial", gz_to_path);
- gz_out = gzopen(to_path_temp, "wb");
+ gz_out = gzopen(to_path_temp, PG_BINARY_W);
if (gzsetparams(gz_out, compress_level, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) != Z_OK)
elog(ERROR, "Cannot set compression level %d to file \"%s\": %s",
compress_level, to_path_temp, get_gz_error(gz_out, errno));
@@ -961,7 +1060,7 @@ push_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path, bool is_compress,
snprintf(to_path_temp, sizeof(to_path_temp), "%s.partial", to_path);
- out = fopen(to_path_temp, "w");
+ out = fopen(to_path_temp, PG_BINARY_W);
if (out == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "Cannot open destination WAL file \"%s\": %s",
to_path_temp, strerror(errno));
@@ -1083,7 +1182,7 @@ get_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path)
/* open file for read */
- in = fopen(from_path, "r");
+ in = fopen(from_path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (in == NULL)
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
@@ -1092,7 +1191,7 @@ get_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path)
* extension.
snprintf(gz_from_path, sizeof(gz_from_path), "%s.gz", from_path);
- gz_in = gzopen(gz_from_path, "rb");
+ gz_in = gzopen(gz_from_path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (gz_in == NULL)
if (errno == ENOENT)
@@ -1120,7 +1219,7 @@ get_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path)
/* open backup file for write */
snprintf(to_path_temp, sizeof(to_path_temp), "%s.partial", to_path);
- out = fopen(to_path_temp, "w");
+ out = fopen(to_path_temp, PG_BINARY_W);
if (out == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "Cannot open destination WAL file \"%s\": %s",
to_path_temp, strerror(errno));
@@ -1254,7 +1353,7 @@ calc_file_checksum(pgFile *file)
file->write_size = 0;
/* open backup mode file for read */
- in = fopen(file->path, "r");
+ in = fopen(file->path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (in == NULL)
diff --git a/src/delete.c b/src/delete.c
index f81fe70d..0829e725 100644
--- a/src/delete.c
+++ b/src/delete.c
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ do_delete(time_t backup_id)
/* Get complete list of backups */
backup_list = catalog_get_backup_list(INVALID_BACKUP_ID);
- if (backup_list == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Failed to get backup list.");
if (backup_id != 0)
@@ -141,7 +139,8 @@ do_retention_purge(void)
if (retention_window > 0)
elog(LOG, "WINDOW=%u", retention_window);
- if (retention_redundancy == 0 && retention_window == 0)
+ if (retention_redundancy == 0
+ && retention_window == 0)
elog(WARNING, "Retention policy is not set");
if (!delete_wal)
@@ -161,7 +160,8 @@ do_retention_purge(void)
/* Find target backups to be deleted */
- if (delete_expired && (retention_redundancy > 0 || retention_window > 0))
+ if (delete_expired &&
+ (retention_redundancy > 0 || retention_window > 0))
backup_num = 0;
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backup_list); i++)
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ do_retention_purge(void)
if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
- * When a validate full backup was found, we can delete the
+ * When a valid full backup was found, we can delete the
* backup that is older than it using the number of generations.
if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
- /* Evaluateretention_redundancy if this backup is eligible for removal */
+ /* Evaluate retention_redundancy if this backup is eligible for removal */
if (keep_next_backup ||
retention_redundancy >= backup_num_evaluate + 1 ||
(retention_window > 0 && backup->recovery_time >= days_threshold))
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ do_retention_purge(void)
/* Delete backup and update status to DELETED */
backup_deleted = true;
@@ -259,7 +260,8 @@ pgBackupDeleteFiles(pgBackup *backup)
time2iso(timestamp, lengthof(timestamp), backup->recovery_time);
- elog(INFO, "delete: %s %s", base36enc(backup->start_time), timestamp);
+ elog(INFO, "delete: %s %s",
+ base36enc(backup->start_time), timestamp);
* Update STATUS to BACKUP_STATUS_DELETING in preparation for the case which
@@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ pgBackupDeleteFiles(pgBackup *backup)
/* print progress */
elog(VERBOSE, "delete file(%zd/%lu) \"%s\"", i + 1,
- (unsigned long) parray_num(files), file->path);
+ (unsigned long) parray_num(files), file->path);
if (remove(file->path))
diff --git a/src/dir.c b/src/dir.c
index 8df3da3f..a08bd934 100644
--- a/src/dir.c
+++ b/src/dir.c
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
#include "pg_probackup.h"
@@ -88,6 +87,34 @@ static char *pgdata_exclude_files_non_exclusive[] =
+/* Tablespace mapping structures */
+typedef struct TablespaceListCell
+ struct TablespaceListCell *next;
+ char old_dir[MAXPGPATH];
+ char new_dir[MAXPGPATH];
+} TablespaceListCell;
+typedef struct TablespaceList
+ TablespaceListCell *head;
+ TablespaceListCell *tail;
+} TablespaceList;
+typedef struct TablespaceCreatedListCell
+ struct TablespaceCreatedListCell *next;
+ char link_name[MAXPGPATH];
+ char linked_dir[MAXPGPATH];
+} TablespaceCreatedListCell;
+typedef struct TablespaceCreatedList
+ TablespaceCreatedListCell *head;
+ TablespaceCreatedListCell *tail;
+} TablespaceCreatedList;
static int BlackListCompare(const void *str1, const void *str2);
static bool dir_check_file(const char *root, pgFile *file);
@@ -95,17 +122,23 @@ static void dir_list_file_internal(parray *files, const char *root,
pgFile *parent, bool exclude,
bool omit_symlink, parray *black_list);
+static void list_data_directories(parray *files, const char *path, bool is_root,
+ bool exclude);
+/* Tablespace mapping */
+static TablespaceList tablespace_dirs = {NULL, NULL};
+static TablespaceCreatedList tablespace_created_dirs = {NULL, NULL};
* Create directory, also create parent directories if necessary.
dir_create_dir(const char *dir, mode_t mode)
- char copy[MAXPGPATH];
char parent[MAXPGPATH];
- strncpy(copy, dir, MAXPGPATH);
- strncpy(parent, dirname(copy), MAXPGPATH);
+ strncpy(parent, dir, MAXPGPATH);
+ get_parent_directory(parent);
/* Create parent first */
if (access(parent, F_OK) == -1)
@@ -153,6 +186,8 @@ pgFileInit(const char *path)
file = (pgFile *) pgut_malloc(sizeof(pgFile));
+ file->name = NULL;
file->size = 0;
file->mode = 0;
file->read_size = 0;
@@ -161,7 +196,8 @@ pgFileInit(const char *path)
file->is_datafile = false;
file->linked = NULL;
file->pagemap.bitmap = NULL;
- file->pagemap.bitmapsize = PageBitmapIsAbsent;
+ file->pagemap.bitmapsize = PageBitmapIsEmpty;
+ file->pagemap_isabsent = false;
file->tblspcOid = 0;
file->dbOid = 0;
file->relOid = 0;
@@ -185,7 +221,8 @@ pgFileInit(const char *path)
file->is_cfs = false;
file->exists_in_prev = false; /* can change only in Incremental backup. */
- file->n_blocks = -1; /* can change only in DELTA backup. Number of blocks readed during backup */
+ /* Number of blocks readed during backup */
+ file->n_blocks = BLOCKNUM_INVALID;
file->compress_alg = NOT_DEFINED_COMPRESS;
return file;
@@ -223,7 +260,7 @@ delete_file:
-pgFileGetCRC(pgFile *file)
+pgFileGetCRC(const char *file_path)
FILE *fp;
pg_crc32 crc = 0;
@@ -232,10 +269,10 @@ pgFileGetCRC(pgFile *file)
int errno_tmp;
/* open file in binary read mode */
- fp = fopen(file->path, "r");
+ fp = fopen(file_path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "cannot open file \"%s\": %s",
- file->path, strerror(errno));
+ file_path, strerror(errno));
/* calc CRC of backup file */
@@ -247,7 +284,7 @@ pgFileGetCRC(pgFile *file)
errno_tmp = errno;
if (!feof(fp))
- elog(WARNING, "cannot read \"%s\": %s", file->path,
+ elog(WARNING, "cannot read \"%s\": %s", file_path,
if (len > 0)
COMP_CRC32C(crc, buf, len);
@@ -350,7 +387,7 @@ dir_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, bool exclude, bool omit_symlink,
char black_item[MAXPGPATH * 2];
black_list = parray_new();
- black_list_file = fopen(path, "r");
+ black_list_file = fopen(path, PG_BINARY_R);
if (black_list_file == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "cannot open black_list: %s", strerror(errno));
@@ -385,7 +422,6 @@ dir_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, bool exclude, bool omit_symlink,
parray_append(files, file);
dir_list_file_internal(files, root, file, exclude, omit_symlink, black_list);
- parray_qsort(files, pgFileComparePath);
@@ -676,7 +712,7 @@ dir_list_file_internal(parray *files, const char *root, pgFile *parent,
* **is_root** is a little bit hack. We exclude only first level of directories
* and on the first level we check all files and directories.
+static void
list_data_directories(parray *files, const char *path, bool is_root,
bool exclude)
@@ -748,6 +784,277 @@ list_data_directories(parray *files, const char *path, bool is_root,
path, strerror(prev_errno));
+ * Save create directory path into memory. We can use it in next page restore to
+ * not raise the error "restore tablespace destination is not empty" in
+ * create_data_directories().
+ */
+static void
+set_tablespace_created(const char *link, const char *dir)
+ TablespaceCreatedListCell *cell = pgut_new(TablespaceCreatedListCell);
+ strcpy(cell->link_name, link);
+ strcpy(cell->linked_dir, dir);
+ cell->next = NULL;
+ if (tablespace_created_dirs.tail)
+ tablespace_created_dirs.tail->next = cell;
+ else
+ tablespace_created_dirs.head = cell;
+ tablespace_created_dirs.tail = cell;
+ * Retrieve tablespace path, either relocated or original depending on whether
+ * -T was passed or not.
+ *
+ * Copy of function get_tablespace_mapping() from pg_basebackup.c.
+ */
+static const char *
+get_tablespace_mapping(const char *dir)
+ TablespaceListCell *cell;
+ for (cell = tablespace_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
+ if (strcmp(dir, cell->old_dir) == 0)
+ return cell->new_dir;
+ return dir;
+ * Is directory was created when symlink was created in restore_directories().
+ */
+static const char *
+get_tablespace_created(const char *link)
+ TablespaceCreatedListCell *cell;
+ for (cell = tablespace_created_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
+ if (strcmp(link, cell->link_name) == 0)
+ return cell->linked_dir;
+ return NULL;
+ * Split argument into old_dir and new_dir and append to tablespace mapping
+ * list.
+ *
+ * Copy of function tablespace_list_append() from pg_basebackup.c.
+ */
+opt_tablespace_map(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
+ TablespaceListCell *cell = pgut_new(TablespaceListCell);
+ char *dst;
+ char *dst_ptr;
+ const char *arg_ptr;
+ dst_ptr = dst = cell->old_dir;
+ for (arg_ptr = arg; *arg_ptr; arg_ptr++)
+ {
+ if (dst_ptr - dst >= MAXPGPATH)
+ elog(ERROR, "directory name too long");
+ if (*arg_ptr == '\\' && *(arg_ptr + 1) == '=')
+ ; /* skip backslash escaping = */
+ else if (*arg_ptr == '=' && (arg_ptr == arg || *(arg_ptr - 1) != '\\'))
+ {
+ if (*cell->new_dir)
+ elog(ERROR, "multiple \"=\" signs in tablespace mapping\n");
+ else
+ dst = dst_ptr = cell->new_dir;
+ }
+ else
+ *dst_ptr++ = *arg_ptr;
+ }
+ if (!*cell->old_dir || !*cell->new_dir)
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid tablespace mapping format \"%s\", "
+ "must be \"OLDDIR=NEWDIR\"", arg);
+ /*
+ * This check isn't absolutely necessary. But all tablespaces are created
+ * with absolute directories, so specifying a non-absolute path here would
+ * just never match, possibly confusing users. It's also good to be
+ * consistent with the new_dir check.
+ */
+ if (!is_absolute_path(cell->old_dir))
+ elog(ERROR, "old directory is not an absolute path in tablespace mapping: %s\n",
+ cell->old_dir);
+ if (!is_absolute_path(cell->new_dir))
+ elog(ERROR, "new directory is not an absolute path in tablespace mapping: %s\n",
+ cell->new_dir);
+ if (tablespace_dirs.tail)
+ tablespace_dirs.tail->next = cell;
+ else
+ tablespace_dirs.head = cell;
+ tablespace_dirs.tail = cell;
+ * Create backup directories from **backup_dir** to **data_dir**. Doesn't raise
+ * an error if target directories exist.
+ *
+ * If **extract_tablespaces** is true then try to extract tablespace data
+ * directories into their initial path using tablespace_map file.
+ */
+create_data_directories(const char *data_dir, const char *backup_dir,
+ bool extract_tablespaces)
+ parray *dirs,
+ *links = NULL;
+ size_t i;
+ char backup_database_dir[MAXPGPATH],
+ to_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ dirs = parray_new();
+ if (extract_tablespaces)
+ {
+ links = parray_new();
+ read_tablespace_map(links, backup_dir);
+ }
+ join_path_components(backup_database_dir, backup_dir, DATABASE_DIR);
+ list_data_directories(dirs, backup_database_dir, true, false);
+ elog(LOG, "restore directories and symlinks...");
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(dirs); i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *dir = (pgFile *) parray_get(dirs, i);
+ char *relative_ptr = GetRelativePath(dir->path, backup_database_dir);
+ Assert(S_ISDIR(dir->mode));
+ /* Try to create symlink and linked directory if necessary */
+ if (extract_tablespaces &&
+ path_is_prefix_of_path(PG_TBLSPC_DIR, relative_ptr))
+ {
+ char *link_ptr = GetRelativePath(relative_ptr, PG_TBLSPC_DIR),
+ *link_sep,
+ *tmp_ptr;
+ char link_name[MAXPGPATH];
+ pgFile **link;
+ /* Extract link name from relative path */
+ link_sep = first_dir_separator(link_ptr);
+ if (link_sep != NULL)
+ {
+ int len = link_sep - link_ptr;
+ strncpy(link_name, link_ptr, len);
+ link_name[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ goto create_directory;
+ tmp_ptr = dir->path;
+ dir->path = link_name;
+ /* Search only by symlink name without path */
+ link = (pgFile **) parray_bsearch(links, dir, pgFileComparePath);
+ dir->path = tmp_ptr;
+ if (link)
+ {
+ const char *linked_path = get_tablespace_mapping((*link)->linked);
+ const char *dir_created;
+ if (!is_absolute_path(linked_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "tablespace directory is not an absolute path: %s\n",
+ linked_path);
+ /* Check if linked directory was created earlier */
+ dir_created = get_tablespace_created(link_name);
+ if (dir_created)
+ {
+ /*
+ * If symlink and linked directory were created do not
+ * create it second time.
+ */
+ if (strcmp(dir_created, linked_path) == 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Create rest of directories.
+ * First check is there any directory name after
+ * separator.
+ */
+ if (link_sep != NULL && *(link_sep + 1) != '\0')
+ goto create_directory;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "tablespace directory \"%s\" of page backup does not "
+ "match with previous created tablespace directory \"%s\" of symlink \"%s\"",
+ linked_path, dir_created, link_name);
+ }
+ /*
+ * This check was done in check_tablespace_mapping(). But do
+ * it again.
+ */
+ if (!dir_is_empty(linked_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "restore tablespace destination is not empty: \"%s\"",
+ linked_path);
+ if (link_sep)
+ elog(LOG, "create directory \"%s\" and symbolic link \"%.*s\"",
+ linked_path,
+ (int) (link_sep - relative_ptr), relative_ptr);
+ else
+ elog(LOG, "create directory \"%s\" and symbolic link \"%s\"",
+ linked_path, relative_ptr);
+ /* Firstly, create linked directory */
+ dir_create_dir(linked_path, DIR_PERMISSION);
+ join_path_components(to_path, data_dir, PG_TBLSPC_DIR);
+ /* Create pg_tblspc directory just in case */
+ dir_create_dir(to_path, DIR_PERMISSION);
+ /* Secondly, create link */
+ join_path_components(to_path, to_path, link_name);
+ if (symlink(linked_path, to_path) < 0)
+ elog(ERROR, "could not create symbolic link \"%s\": %s",
+ to_path, strerror(errno));
+ /* Save linked directory */
+ set_tablespace_created(link_name, linked_path);
+ /*
+ * Create rest of directories.
+ * First check is there any directory name after separator.
+ */
+ if (link_sep != NULL && *(link_sep + 1) != '\0')
+ goto create_directory;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ elog(LOG, "create directory \"%s\"", relative_ptr);
+ /* This is not symlink, create directory */
+ join_path_components(to_path, data_dir, relative_ptr);
+ dir_create_dir(to_path, DIR_PERMISSION);
+ }
+ if (extract_tablespaces)
+ {
+ parray_walk(links, pgFileFree);
+ parray_free(links);
+ }
+ parray_walk(dirs, pgFileFree);
+ parray_free(dirs);
* Read names of symbolik names of tablespaces with links to directories from
* tablespace_map or tablespace_map.txt.
@@ -799,6 +1106,70 @@ read_tablespace_map(parray *files, const char *backup_dir)
+ * Check that all tablespace mapping entries have correct linked directory
+ * paths. Linked directories must be empty or do not exist.
+ *
+ * If tablespace-mapping option is supplied, all OLDDIR entries must have
+ * entries in tablespace_map file.
+ */
+check_tablespace_mapping(pgBackup *backup)
+ char this_backup_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ parray *links;
+ size_t i;
+ TablespaceListCell *cell;
+ pgFile *tmp_file = pgut_new(pgFile);
+ links = parray_new();
+ pgBackupGetPath(backup, this_backup_path, lengthof(this_backup_path), NULL);
+ read_tablespace_map(links, this_backup_path);
+ if (log_level_console <= LOG || log_level_file <= LOG)
+ elog(LOG, "check tablespace directories of backup %s",
+ base36enc(backup->start_time));
+ /* 1 - each OLDDIR must have an entry in tablespace_map file (links) */
+ for (cell = tablespace_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
+ {
+ tmp_file->linked = cell->old_dir;
+ if (parray_bsearch(links, tmp_file, pgFileCompareLinked) == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "--tablespace-mapping option's old directory "
+ "doesn't have an entry in tablespace_map file: \"%s\"",
+ cell->old_dir);
+ }
+ /* 2 - all linked directories must be empty */
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(links); i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *link = (pgFile *) parray_get(links, i);
+ const char *linked_path = link->linked;
+ TablespaceListCell *cell;
+ for (cell = tablespace_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
+ if (strcmp(link->linked, cell->old_dir) == 0)
+ {
+ linked_path = cell->new_dir;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!is_absolute_path(linked_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "tablespace directory is not an absolute path: %s\n",
+ linked_path);
+ if (!dir_is_empty(linked_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "restore tablespace destination is not empty: \"%s\"",
+ linked_path);
+ }
+ free(tmp_file);
+ parray_walk(links, pgFileFree);
+ parray_free(links);
* Print backup content list.
@@ -817,20 +1188,25 @@ print_file_list(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root)
if (root && strstr(path, root) == path)
path = GetRelativePath(path, root);
- fprintf(out, "{\"path\":\"%s\", \"size\":\"%lu\",\"mode\":\"%u\","
- "\"is_datafile\":\"%u\", \"is_cfs\":\"%u\", \"crc\":\"%u\","
+ fprintf(out, "{\"path\":\"%s\", \"size\":\"" INT64_FORMAT "\", "
+ "\"mode\":\"%u\", \"is_datafile\":\"%u\", "
+ "\"is_cfs\":\"%u\", \"crc\":\"%u\", "
- path, (unsigned long) file->write_size, file->mode,
- file->is_datafile?1:0, file->is_cfs?1:0, file->crc,
+ path, file->write_size, file->mode,
+ file->is_datafile ? 1 : 0, file->is_cfs ? 1 : 0, file->crc,
if (file->is_datafile)
fprintf(out, ",\"segno\":\"%d\"", file->segno);
+#ifndef WIN32
if (S_ISLNK(file->mode))
+ if (pgwin32_is_junction(file->path))
fprintf(out, ",\"linked\":\"%s\"", file->linked);
- if (file->n_blocks != -1)
+ if (file->n_blocks != BLOCKNUM_INVALID)
fprintf(out, ",\"n_blocks\":\"%i\"", file->n_blocks);
fprintf(out, "}\n");
@@ -852,23 +1228,25 @@ print_file_list(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root)
* {"name1":"value1", "name2":"value2"}
* The value will be returned to "value_str" as string if it is not NULL. If it
- * is NULL the value will be returned to "value_ulong" as unsigned long.
+ * is NULL the value will be returned to "value_int64" as int64.
+ *
+ * Returns true if the value was found in the line.
-static void
+static bool
get_control_value(const char *str, const char *name,
- char *value_str, uint64 *value_uint64, bool is_mandatory)
+ char *value_str, int64 *value_int64, bool is_mandatory)
int state = CONTROL_WAIT_NAME;
char *name_ptr = (char *) name;
char *buf = (char *) str;
- char buf_uint64[32], /* Buffer for "value_uint64" */
- *buf_uint64_ptr = buf_uint64;
+ char buf_int64[32], /* Buffer for "value_int64" */
+ *buf_int64_ptr = buf_int64;
/* Set default values */
if (value_str)
*value_str = '\0';
- else if (value_uint64)
- *value_uint64 = 0;
+ else if (value_int64)
+ *value_int64 = 0;
while (*buf)
@@ -903,7 +1281,7 @@ get_control_value(const char *str, const char *name,
if (*buf == '"')
- buf_uint64_ptr = buf_uint64;
+ buf_int64_ptr = buf_int64;
else if (IsAlpha(*buf))
goto bad_format;
@@ -916,19 +1294,19 @@ get_control_value(const char *str, const char *name,
*value_str = '\0';
- else if (value_uint64)
+ else if (value_int64)
/* Length of buf_uint64 should not be greater than 31 */
- if (buf_uint64_ptr - buf_uint64 >= 32)
+ if (buf_int64_ptr - buf_int64 >= 32)
elog(ERROR, "field \"%s\" is out of range in the line %s of the file %s",
- *buf_uint64_ptr = '\0';
- if (!parse_uint64(buf_uint64, value_uint64, 0))
+ *buf_int64_ptr = '\0';
+ if (!parse_int64(buf_int64, value_int64, 0))
goto bad_format;
- return;
+ return true;
@@ -939,8 +1317,8 @@ get_control_value(const char *str, const char *name,
- *buf_uint64_ptr = *buf;
- buf_uint64_ptr++;
+ *buf_int64_ptr = *buf;
+ buf_int64_ptr++;
@@ -964,11 +1342,12 @@ get_control_value(const char *str, const char *name,
if (is_mandatory)
elog(ERROR, "field \"%s\" is not found in the line %s of the file %s",
- return;
+ return false;
elog(ERROR, "%s file has invalid format in line %s",
+ return false; /* Make compiler happy */
@@ -995,7 +1374,7 @@ dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt)
char filepath[MAXPGPATH];
char linked[MAXPGPATH];
char compress_alg_string[MAXPGPATH];
- uint64 write_size,
+ int64 write_size,
mode, /* bit length of mode_t depends on platforms */
@@ -1010,12 +1389,7 @@ dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt)
get_control_value(buf, "is_datafile", NULL, &is_datafile, true);
get_control_value(buf, "is_cfs", NULL, &is_cfs, false);
get_control_value(buf, "crc", NULL, &crc, true);
- /* optional fields */
- get_control_value(buf, "linked", linked, NULL, false);
- get_control_value(buf, "segno", NULL, &segno, false);
get_control_value(buf, "compress_alg", compress_alg_string, NULL, false);
- get_control_value(buf, "n_blocks", NULL, &n_blocks, false);
if (root)
join_path_components(filepath, root, path);
@@ -1024,16 +1398,25 @@ dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt)
file = pgFileInit(filepath);
- file->write_size = (size_t) write_size;
+ file->write_size = (int64) write_size;
file->mode = (mode_t) mode;
file->is_datafile = is_datafile ? true : false;
file->is_cfs = is_cfs ? true : false;
file->crc = (pg_crc32) crc;
file->compress_alg = parse_compress_alg(compress_alg_string);
- if (linked[0])
+ /*
+ * Optional fields
+ */
+ if (get_control_value(buf, "linked", linked, NULL, false) && linked[0])
file->linked = pgut_strdup(linked);
- file->segno = (int) segno;
- file->n_blocks = (int) n_blocks;
+ if (get_control_value(buf, "segno", NULL, &segno, false))
+ file->segno = (int) segno;
+ if (get_control_value(buf, "n_blocks", NULL, &n_blocks, false))
+ file->n_blocks = (int) n_blocks;
parray_append(files, file);
@@ -1095,3 +1478,14 @@ fileExists(const char *path)
return true;
+pgFileSize(const char *path)
+ struct stat buf;
+ if (stat(path, &buf) == -1)
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot stat file \"%s\": %s", path, strerror(errno));
+ return buf.st_size;
diff --git a/src/help.c b/src/help.c
index 2f84b225..9ad6cc2e 100644
--- a/src/help.c
+++ b/src/help.c
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ static void help_restore(void);
static void help_validate(void);
static void help_show(void);
static void help_delete(void);
+static void help_merge(void);
static void help_set_config(void);
static void help_show_config(void);
static void help_add_instance(void);
@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ help_command(char *command)
else if (strcmp(command, "delete") == 0)
+ else if (strcmp(command, "merge") == 0)
+ help_merge();
else if (strcmp(command, "set-config") == 0)
else if (strcmp(command, "show-config") == 0)
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ help_command(char *command)
|| strcmp(command, "-V") == 0)
printf(_("No help page for \"%s\" command. Try pg_probackup help\n"), command);
- printf(_("Unknown command. Try pg_probackup help\n"));
+ printf(_("Unknown command \"%s\". Try pg_probackup help\n"), command);
@@ -87,8 +90,10 @@ help_pg_probackup(void)
printf(_(" [--master-db=db_name] [--master-host=host_name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--master-port=port] [--master-user=user_name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--replica-timeout=timeout]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--archive-timeout=timeout]\n"));
printf(_("\n %s show-config -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
+ printf(_(" [--format=format]\n"));
printf(_("\n %s backup -B backup-path -b backup-mode --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [-C] [--stream [-S slot-name]] [--backup-pg-log]\n"));
@@ -111,26 +116,31 @@ help_pg_probackup(void)
printf(_(" [-w --no-password] [-W --password]\n"));
printf(_(" [--master-db=db_name] [--master-host=host_name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--master-port=port] [--master-user=user_name]\n"));
- printf(_(" [--replica-timeout=timeout]\n\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--replica-timeout=timeout]\n"));
printf(_("\n %s restore -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [-D pgdata-dir] [-i backup-id] [--progress]\n"));
- printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid|--lsn=lsn [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
printf(_(" [--timeline=timeline] [-T OLDDIR=NEWDIR]\n"));
printf(_(" [--immediate] [--recovery-target-name=target-name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--recovery-target-action=pause|promote|shutdown]\n"));
printf(_(" [--restore-as-replica]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--no-validate]\n"));
printf(_("\n %s validate -B backup-dir [--instance=instance_name]\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [-i backup-id] [--progress]\n"));
- printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid|--lsn=lsn [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--recovery-target-name=target-name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--timeline=timeline]\n"));
printf(_("\n %s show -B backup-dir\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [--instance=instance_name [-i backup-id]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--format=format]\n"));
printf(_("\n %s delete -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [--wal] [-i backup-id | --expired]\n"));
+ printf(_("\n %s merge -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
+ printf(_(" -i backup-id\n"));
printf(_("\n %s add-instance -B backup-dir -D pgdata-dir\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" --instance=instance_name\n"));
@@ -253,7 +263,7 @@ help_backup(void)
printf(_(" --master-db=db_name database to connect to master\n"));
printf(_(" --master-host=host_name database server host of master\n"));
printf(_(" --master-port=port database server port of master\n"));
- printf(_(" --replica-timeout=timeout wait timeout for WAL segment streaming through replication in seconds\n"));
+ printf(_(" --replica-timeout=timeout wait timeout for WAL segment streaming through replication (default: 5min)\n"));
static void
@@ -261,11 +271,11 @@ help_restore(void)
printf(_("%s restore -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [-D pgdata-dir] [-i backup-id] [--progress]\n"));
- printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid|--lsn=lsn [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
printf(_(" [--timeline=timeline] [-T OLDDIR=NEWDIR]\n"));
printf(_(" [--immediate] [--recovery-target-name=target-name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--recovery-target-action=pause|promote|shutdown]\n"));
- printf(_(" [--restore-as-replica]\n\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--restore-as-replica] [--no-validate]\n\n"));
printf(_(" -B, --backup-path=backup-path location of the backup storage area\n"));
printf(_(" --instance=instance_name name of the instance\n"));
@@ -276,6 +286,7 @@ help_restore(void)
printf(_(" --progress show progress\n"));
printf(_(" --time=time time stamp up to which recovery will proceed\n"));
printf(_(" --xid=xid transaction ID up to which recovery will proceed\n"));
+ printf(_(" --lsn=lsn LSN of the write-ahead log location up to which recovery will proceed\n"));
printf(_(" --inclusive=boolean whether we stop just after the recovery target\n"));
printf(_(" --timeline=timeline recovering into a particular timeline\n"));
printf(_(" -T, --tablespace-mapping=OLDDIR=NEWDIR\n"));
@@ -290,6 +301,7 @@ help_restore(void)
printf(_(" -R, --restore-as-replica write a minimal recovery.conf in the output directory\n"));
printf(_(" to ease setting up a standby server\n"));
+ printf(_(" --no-validate disable backup validation during restore\n"));
printf(_("\n Logging options:\n"));
printf(_(" --log-level-console=log-level-console\n"));
@@ -318,7 +330,7 @@ help_validate(void)
printf(_("%s validate -B backup-dir [--instance=instance_name]\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
printf(_(" [-i backup-id] [--progress]\n"));
- printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--time=time|--xid=xid|--lsn=lsn [--inclusive=boolean]]\n"));
printf(_(" [--timeline=timeline]\n\n"));
printf(_(" -B, --backup-path=backup-path location of the backup storage area\n"));
@@ -328,8 +340,11 @@ help_validate(void)
printf(_(" --progress show progress\n"));
printf(_(" --time=time time stamp up to which recovery will proceed\n"));
printf(_(" --xid=xid transaction ID up to which recovery will proceed\n"));
+ printf(_(" --lsn=lsn LSN of the write-ahead log location up to which recovery will proceed\n"));
printf(_(" --inclusive=boolean whether we stop just after the recovery target\n"));
printf(_(" --timeline=timeline recovering into a particular timeline\n"));
+ printf(_(" --recovery-target-name=target-name\n"));
+ printf(_(" the named restore point to which recovery will proceed\n"));
printf(_("\n Logging options:\n"));
printf(_(" --log-level-console=log-level-console\n"));
@@ -357,11 +372,13 @@ static void
printf(_("%s show -B backup-dir\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
- printf(_(" [--instance=instance_name [-i backup-id]]\n\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--instance=instance_name [-i backup-id]]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--format=format]\n\n"));
printf(_(" -B, --backup-path=backup-path location of the backup storage area\n"));
printf(_(" --instance=instance_name show info about specific intstance\n"));
printf(_(" -i, --backup-id=backup-id show info about specific backups\n"));
+ printf(_(" --format=format show format=PLAIN|JSON\n"));
static void
@@ -399,6 +416,48 @@ help_delete(void)
printf(_(" available units: 'ms', 's', 'min', 'h', 'd' (default: min)\n"));
+static void
+ printf(_("%s merge -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
+ printf(_(" -i backup-id [-j num-threads] [--progress]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--log-level-console=log-level-console]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--log-level-file=log-level-file]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--log-filename=log-filename]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--error-log-filename=error-log-filename]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--log-directory=log-directory]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--log-rotation-size=log-rotation-size]\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--log-rotation-age=log-rotation-age]\n\n"));
+ printf(_(" -B, --backup-path=backup-path location of the backup storage area\n"));
+ printf(_(" --instance=instance_name name of the instance\n"));
+ printf(_(" -i, --backup-id=backup-id backup to merge\n"));
+ printf(_(" -j, --threads=NUM number of parallel threads\n"));
+ printf(_(" --progress show progress\n"));
+ printf(_("\n Logging options:\n"));
+ printf(_(" --log-level-console=log-level-console\n"));
+ printf(_(" level for console logging (default: info)\n"));
+ printf(_(" available options: 'off', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'log', 'verbose'\n"));
+ printf(_(" --log-level-file=log-level-file\n"));
+ printf(_(" level for file logging (default: off)\n"));
+ printf(_(" available options: 'off', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'log', 'verbose'\n"));
+ printf(_(" --log-filename=log-filename\n"));
+ printf(_(" filename for file logging (default: 'pg_probackup.log')\n"));
+ printf(_(" support strftime format (example: pg_probackup-%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H%%M%%S.log\n"));
+ printf(_(" --error-log-filename=error-log-filename\n"));
+ printf(_(" filename for error logging (default: none)\n"));
+ printf(_(" --log-directory=log-directory\n"));
+ printf(_(" directory for file logging (default: BACKUP_PATH/log)\n"));
+ printf(_(" --log-rotation-size=log-rotation-size\n"));
+ printf(_(" rotate logfile if its size exceed this value; 0 disables; (default: 0)\n"));
+ printf(_(" available units: 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' (default: KB)\n"));
+ printf(_(" --log-rotation-age=log-rotation-age\n"));
+ printf(_(" rotate logfile if its age exceed this value; 0 disables; (default: 0)\n"));
+ printf(_(" available units: 'ms', 's', 'min', 'h', 'd' (default: min)\n"));
static void
@@ -418,6 +477,7 @@ help_set_config(void)
printf(_(" [--master-db=db_name] [--master-host=host_name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--master-port=port] [--master-user=user_name]\n"));
printf(_(" [--replica-timeout=timeout]\n\n"));
+ printf(_(" [--archive-timeout=timeout]\n\n"));
printf(_(" -B, --backup-path=backup-path location of the backup storage area\n"));
printf(_(" --instance=instance_name name of the instance\n"));
@@ -466,16 +526,20 @@ help_set_config(void)
printf(_(" --master-db=db_name database to connect to master\n"));
printf(_(" --master-host=host_name database server host of master\n"));
printf(_(" --master-port=port database server port of master\n"));
- printf(_(" --replica-timeout=timeout wait timeout for WAL segment streaming through replication\n"));
+ printf(_(" --replica-timeout=timeout wait timeout for WAL segment streaming through replication (default: 5min)\n"));
+ printf(_("\n Archive options:\n"));
+ printf(_(" --archive-timeout=timeout wait timeout for WAL segment archiving (default: 5min)\n"));
static void
- printf(_("%s show-config -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
+ printf(_("%s show-config -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name\n"), PROGRAM_NAME);
+ printf(_(" [--format=format]\n\n"));
printf(_(" -B, --backup-path=backup-path location of the backup storage area\n"));
printf(_(" --instance=instance_name name of the instance\n"));
+ printf(_(" --format=format show format=PLAIN|JSON\n"));
static void
diff --git a/src/merge.c b/src/merge.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b149ef5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/merge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+ *
+ * merge.c: merge FULL and incremental backups
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Postgres Professional
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "pg_probackup.h"
+#include "utils/thread.h"
+typedef struct
+ parray *to_files;
+ parray *files;
+ pgBackup *to_backup;
+ pgBackup *from_backup;
+ const char *to_root;
+ const char *from_root;
+ /*
+ * Return value from the thread.
+ * 0 means there is no error, 1 - there is an error.
+ */
+ int ret;
+} merge_files_arg;
+static void merge_backups(pgBackup *backup, pgBackup *next_backup);
+static void *merge_files(void *arg);
+ * Implementation of MERGE command.
+ *
+ * - Find target and its parent full backup
+ * - Merge data files of target, parent and and intermediate backups
+ * - Remove unnecessary files, which doesn't exist in the target backup anymore
+ */
+do_merge(time_t backup_id)
+ parray *backups;
+ pgBackup *dest_backup = NULL;
+ pgBackup *full_backup = NULL;
+ time_t prev_parent = INVALID_BACKUP_ID;
+ int i;
+ int dest_backup_idx = 0;
+ int full_backup_idx = 0;
+ if (backup_id == INVALID_BACKUP_ID)
+ elog(ERROR, "required parameter is not specified: --backup-id");
+ if (instance_name == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "required parameter is not specified: --instance");
+ elog(LOG, "Merge started");
+ catalog_lock();
+ /* Get list of all backups sorted in order of descending start time */
+ backups = catalog_get_backup_list(INVALID_BACKUP_ID);
+ /* Find destination and parent backups */
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backups); i++)
+ {
+ pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
+ if (backup->start_time > backup_id)
+ continue;
+ else if (backup->start_time == backup_id && !dest_backup)
+ {
+ if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
+ elog(ERROR, "Backup %s has status: %s",
+ base36enc(backup->start_time), status2str(backup->status));
+ if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "Backup %s if full backup",
+ base36enc(backup->start_time));
+ dest_backup = backup;
+ dest_backup_idx = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(dest_backup);
+ if (backup->start_time != prev_parent)
+ continue;
+ if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
+ elog(ERROR, "Skipping backup %s, because it has non-valid status: %s",
+ base36enc(backup->start_time), status2str(backup->status));
+ /* If we already found dest_backup, look for full backup */
+ if (dest_backup && backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ {
+ if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
+ elog(ERROR, "Parent full backup %s for the given backup %s has status: %s",
+ base36enc_dup(backup->start_time),
+ base36enc_dup(dest_backup->start_time),
+ status2str(backup->status));
+ full_backup = backup;
+ full_backup_idx = i;
+ /* Found target and full backups, so break the loop */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ prev_parent = backup->parent_backup;
+ }
+ if (dest_backup == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "Target backup %s was not found", base36enc(backup_id));
+ if (full_backup == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "Parent full backup for the given backup %s was not found",
+ base36enc(backup_id));
+ Assert(full_backup_idx != dest_backup_idx);
+ /*
+ * Found target and full backups, merge them and intermediate backups
+ */
+ for (i = full_backup_idx; i > dest_backup_idx; i--)
+ {
+ pgBackup *to_backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
+ pgBackup *from_backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i - 1);
+ merge_backups(to_backup, from_backup);
+ }
+ /* cleanup */
+ parray_walk(backups, pgBackupFree);
+ parray_free(backups);
+ elog(LOG, "Merge completed");
+ * Merge two backups data files using threads.
+ * - move instance files from from_backup to to_backup
+ * - remove unnecessary directories and files from to_backup
+ * - update metadata of from_backup, it becames FULL backup
+ */
+static void
+merge_backups(pgBackup *to_backup, pgBackup *from_backup)
+ char *to_backup_id = base36enc_dup(to_backup->start_time),
+ *from_backup_id = base36enc_dup(from_backup->start_time);
+ char to_backup_path[MAXPGPATH],
+ to_database_path[MAXPGPATH],
+ from_backup_path[MAXPGPATH],
+ from_database_path[MAXPGPATH],
+ control_file[MAXPGPATH];
+ parray *files,
+ *to_files;
+ pthread_t *threads;
+ merge_files_arg *threads_args;
+ int i;
+ bool merge_isok = true;
+ elog(LOG, "Merging backup %s with backup %s", from_backup_id, to_backup_id);
+ to_backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_MERGING;
+ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(to_backup);
+ from_backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_MERGING;
+ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(from_backup);
+ /*
+ * Make backup paths.
+ */
+ pgBackupGetPath(to_backup, to_backup_path, lengthof(to_backup_path), NULL);
+ pgBackupGetPath(to_backup, to_database_path, lengthof(to_database_path),
+ pgBackupGetPath(from_backup, from_backup_path, lengthof(from_backup_path), NULL);
+ pgBackupGetPath(from_backup, from_database_path, lengthof(from_database_path),
+ create_data_directories(to_database_path, from_backup_path, false);
+ /*
+ * Get list of files which will be modified or removed.
+ */
+ pgBackupGetPath(to_backup, control_file, lengthof(control_file),
+ to_files = dir_read_file_list(from_database_path, /* Use from_database_path
+ * so root path will be
+ * equal with 'files' */
+ control_file);
+ /* To delete from leaf, sort in reversed order */
+ parray_qsort(to_files, pgFileComparePathDesc);
+ /*
+ * Get list of files which need to be moved.
+ */
+ pgBackupGetPath(from_backup, control_file, lengthof(control_file),
+ files = dir_read_file_list(from_database_path, control_file);
+ /* sort by size for load balancing */
+ parray_qsort(files, pgFileCompareSize);
+ threads = (pthread_t *) palloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * num_threads);
+ threads_args = (merge_files_arg *) palloc(sizeof(merge_files_arg) * num_threads);
+ /* Setup threads */
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
+ pg_atomic_init_flag(&file->lock);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
+ {
+ merge_files_arg *arg = &(threads_args[i]);
+ arg->to_files = to_files;
+ arg->files = files;
+ arg->to_backup = to_backup;
+ arg->from_backup = from_backup;
+ arg->to_root = to_database_path;
+ arg->from_root = from_database_path;
+ /* By default there are some error */
+ arg->ret = 1;
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Start thread: %d", i);
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, merge_files, arg);
+ }
+ /* Wait threads */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
+ {
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ if (threads_args[i].ret == 1)
+ merge_isok = false;
+ }
+ if (!merge_isok)
+ elog(ERROR, "Data files merging failed");
+ /*
+ * Files were copied into to_backup and deleted from from_backup. Remove
+ * remaining directories from from_backup.
+ */
+ parray_qsort(files, pgFileComparePathDesc);
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
+ if (!S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ continue;
+ if (rmdir(file->path))
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not remove directory \"%s\": %s",
+ file->path, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ if (rmdir(from_database_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not remove directory \"%s\": %s",
+ from_database_path, strerror(errno));
+ if (unlink(control_file))
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not remove file \"%s\": %s",
+ control_file, strerror(errno));
+ pgBackupGetPath(from_backup, control_file, lengthof(control_file),
+ if (unlink(control_file))
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not remove file \"%s\": %s",
+ control_file, strerror(errno));
+ if (rmdir(from_backup_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not remove directory \"%s\": %s",
+ from_backup_path, strerror(errno));
+ /*
+ * Delete files which are not in from_backup file list.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(to_files); i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(to_files, i);
+ if (parray_bsearch(files, file, pgFileComparePathDesc) == NULL)
+ {
+ pgFileDelete(file);
+ elog(LOG, "Deleted \"%s\"", file->path);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Rename FULL backup directory.
+ */
+ if (rename(to_backup_path, from_backup_path) == -1)
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not rename directory \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s",
+ to_backup_path, from_backup_path, strerror(errno));
+ /*
+ * Update to_backup metadata.
+ */
+ pgBackupCopy(to_backup, from_backup);
+ /* Correct metadata */
+ to_backup->backup_mode = BACKUP_MODE_FULL;
+ to_backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_OK;
+ to_backup->parent_backup = INVALID_BACKUP_ID;
+ /* Compute summary of size of regular files in the backup */
+ to_backup->data_bytes = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ to_backup->data_bytes += 4096;
+ /* Count the amount of the data actually copied */
+ else if (S_ISREG(file->mode))
+ to_backup->data_bytes += file->write_size;
+ }
+ /* compute size of wal files of this backup stored in the archive */
+ if (!current.stream)
+ to_backup->wal_bytes = XLOG_SEG_SIZE *
+ (to_backup->stop_lsn / XLogSegSize - to_backup->start_lsn / XLogSegSize + 1);
+ else
+ to_backup->wal_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
+ pgBackupWriteFileList(to_backup, files, from_database_path);
+ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(to_backup);
+ /* Cleanup */
+ pfree(threads_args);
+ pfree(threads);
+ parray_walk(to_files, pgFileFree);
+ parray_free(to_files);
+ parray_walk(files, pgFileFree);
+ parray_free(files);
+ pfree(to_backup_id);
+ pfree(from_backup_id);
+ * Thread worker of merge_backups().
+ */
+static void *
+merge_files(void *arg)
+ merge_files_arg *argument = (merge_files_arg *) arg;
+ pgBackup *to_backup = argument->to_backup;
+ pgBackup *from_backup = argument->from_backup;
+ char tmp_file_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ int i,
+ num_files = parray_num(argument->files);
+ int to_root_len = strlen(argument->to_root);
+ if (to_backup->compress_alg == PGLZ_COMPRESS ||
+ to_backup->compress_alg == ZLIB_COMPRESS)
+ join_path_components(tmp_file_path, argument->to_root, "tmp");
+ for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++)
+ {
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(argument->files, i);
+ if (!pg_atomic_test_set_flag(&file->lock))
+ continue;
+ /* check for interrupt */
+ if (interrupted)
+ elog(ERROR, "Interrupted during merging backups");
+ if (progress)
+ elog(LOG, "Progress: (%d/%d). Process file \"%s\"",
+ i + 1, num_files, file->path);
+ /*
+ * Skip files which haven't changed since previous backup. But in case
+ * of DELTA backup we should consider n_blocks to truncate the target
+ * backup.
+ */
+ if (file->write_size == BYTES_INVALID &&
+ file->n_blocks == -1)
+ {
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Skip merging file \"%s\", the file didn't change",
+ file->path);
+ /*
+ * If the file wasn't changed in PAGE backup, retreive its
+ * write_size from previous FULL backup.
+ */
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode))
+ {
+ pgFile **res_file;
+ res_file = parray_bsearch(argument->to_files, file,
+ pgFileComparePathDesc);
+ if (res_file && *res_file)
+ {
+ file->compress_alg = (*res_file)->compress_alg;
+ file->write_size = (*res_file)->write_size;
+ file->crc = (*res_file)->crc;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Directories were created before */
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Move the file. We need to decompress it and compress again if
+ * necessary.
+ */
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Moving file \"%s\", is_datafile %d, is_cfs %d",
+ file->path, file->is_database, file->is_cfs);
+ if (file->is_datafile && !file->is_cfs)
+ {
+ char to_path_tmp[MAXPGPATH]; /* Path of target file */
+ join_path_components(to_path_tmp, argument->to_root,
+ file->path + to_root_len + 1);
+ /*
+ * We need more complicate algorithm if target file exists and it is
+ * compressed.
+ */
+ if (to_backup->compress_alg == PGLZ_COMPRESS ||
+ to_backup->compress_alg == ZLIB_COMPRESS)
+ {
+ char *prev_path;
+ /* Start the magic */
+ /*
+ * Merge files:
+ * - decompress first file
+ * - decompress second file and merge with first decompressed file
+ * - compress result file
+ */
+ elog(VERBOSE, "File is compressed, decompress to the temporary file \"%s\"",
+ tmp_file_path);
+ prev_path = file->path;
+ /*
+ * We need to decompress target file only if it exists.
+ */
+ if (fileExists(to_path_tmp))
+ {
+ /*
+ * file->path points to the file in from_root directory. But we
+ * need the file in directory to_root.
+ */
+ file->path = to_path_tmp;
+ /* Decompress first/target file */
+ restore_data_file(tmp_file_path, file, false, false);
+ file->path = prev_path;
+ }
+ /* Merge second/source file with first/target file */
+ restore_data_file(tmp_file_path, file,
+ from_backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA,
+ false);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Compress file and save it to the directory \"%s\"",
+ argument->to_root);
+ /* Again we need change path */
+ file->path = tmp_file_path;
+ /* backup_data_file() requires file size to calculate nblocks */
+ file->size = pgFileSize(file->path);
+ /* Now we can compress the file */
+ backup_data_file(NULL, /* We shouldn't need 'arguments' here */
+ to_path_tmp, file,
+ to_backup->start_lsn,
+ to_backup->backup_mode,
+ to_backup->compress_alg,
+ to_backup->compress_level);
+ file->path = prev_path;
+ /* We can remove temporary file now */
+ if (unlink(tmp_file_path))
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not remove temporary file \"%s\": %s",
+ tmp_file_path, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Otherwise merging algorithm is simpler.
+ */
+ else
+ {
+ /* We can merge in-place here */
+ restore_data_file(to_path_tmp, file,
+ from_backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA,
+ true);
+ /*
+ * We need to calculate write_size, restore_data_file() doesn't
+ * do that.
+ */
+ file->write_size = pgFileSize(to_path_tmp);
+ file->crc = pgFileGetCRC(to_path_tmp);
+ }
+ pgFileDelete(file);
+ }
+ else
+ move_file(argument->from_root, argument->to_root, file);
+ if (file->write_size != BYTES_INVALID)
+ elog(LOG, "Moved file \"%s\": " INT64_FORMAT " bytes",
+ file->path, file->write_size);
+ }
+ /* Data files merging is successful */
+ argument->ret = 0;
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/src/parsexlog.c b/src/parsexlog.c
index a0079b42..3e5e8790 100644
--- a/src/parsexlog.c
+++ b/src/parsexlog.c
@@ -5,24 +5,23 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- * Portions Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Postgres Professional
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Postgres Professional
-#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include "pg_probackup.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
#include "commands/dbcommands_xlog.h"
#include "catalog/storage_xlog.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
-#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
+#include "utils/thread.h"
* RmgrNames is an array of resource manager names, to make error messages
@@ -85,74 +84,134 @@ typedef struct xl_xact_abort
static void extractPageInfo(XLogReaderState *record);
static bool getRecordTimestamp(XLogReaderState *record, TimestampTz *recordXtime);
-static int xlogreadfd = -1;
-static XLogSegNo xlogreadsegno = -1;
-static char xlogfpath[MAXPGPATH];
-static bool xlogexists = false;
-#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
-static gzFile gz_xlogread = NULL;
-static char gz_xlogfpath[MAXPGPATH];
typedef struct XLogPageReadPrivate
const char *archivedir;
TimeLineID tli;
+ bool manual_switch;
+ bool need_switch;
+ int xlogfile;
+ XLogSegNo xlogsegno;
+ char xlogpath[MAXPGPATH];
+ bool xlogexists;
+#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
+ gzFile gz_xlogfile;
+ char gz_xlogpath[MAXPGPATH];
} XLogPageReadPrivate;
+/* An argument for a thread function */
+typedef struct
+ int thread_num;
+ XLogPageReadPrivate private_data;
+ XLogRecPtr startpoint;
+ XLogRecPtr endpoint;
+ XLogSegNo endSegNo;
+ /*
+ * Return value from the thread.
+ * 0 means there is no error, 1 - there is an error.
+ */
+ int ret;
+} xlog_thread_arg;
static int SimpleXLogPageRead(XLogReaderState *xlogreader,
XLogRecPtr targetPagePtr,
int reqLen, XLogRecPtr targetRecPtr, char *readBuf,
TimeLineID *pageTLI);
+static XLogReaderState *InitXLogPageRead(XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data,
+ const char *archivedir,
+ TimeLineID tli, bool allocate_reader);
+static void CleanupXLogPageRead(XLogReaderState *xlogreader);
+static void PrintXLogCorruptionMsg(XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data,
+ int elevel);
+static XLogSegNo nextSegNoToRead = 0;
+static pthread_mutex_t wal_segment_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
- * Read WAL from the archive directory, from 'startpoint' to 'endpoint' on the
- * given timeline. Collect data blocks touched by the WAL records into a page map.
- *
- * If **prev_segno** is true then read all segments up to **endpoint** segment
- * minus one. Else read all segments up to **endpoint** segment.
+ * extractPageMap() worker.
-extractPageMap(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr startpoint, TimeLineID tli,
- XLogRecPtr endpoint, bool prev_segno, parray *files)
+static void *
+doExtractPageMap(void *arg)
- size_t i;
- XLogRecord *record;
+ xlog_thread_arg *extract_arg = (xlog_thread_arg *) arg;
+ XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data;
XLogReaderState *xlogreader;
+ XLogSegNo nextSegNo = 0;
char *errormsg;
- XLogPageReadPrivate private;
- XLogSegNo endSegNo,
- nextSegNo = 0;
- elog(LOG, "Compiling pagemap");
- if (!XRecOffIsValid(startpoint))
- elog(ERROR, "Invalid startpoint value %X/%X",
- (uint32) (startpoint >> 32), (uint32) (startpoint));
- if (!XRecOffIsValid(endpoint))
- elog(ERROR, "Invalid endpoint value %X/%X",
- (uint32) (endpoint >> 32), (uint32) (endpoint));
- private.archivedir = archivedir;
- private.tli = tli;
- xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, &private);
+ private_data = &extract_arg->private_data;
+ xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, private_data);
if (xlogreader == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "out of memory");
- XLByteToSeg(endpoint, endSegNo);
- if (prev_segno)
- endSegNo--;
+ extract_arg->startpoint = XLogFindNextRecord(xlogreader,
+ extract_arg->startpoint);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Start LSN of thread %d: %X/%X",
+ extract_arg->thread_num,
+ (uint32) (extract_arg->startpoint >> 32),
+ (uint32) (extract_arg->startpoint));
+ /* Switch WAL segment manually below without using SimpleXLogPageRead() */
+ private_data->manual_switch = true;
- record = XLogReadRecord(xlogreader, startpoint, &errormsg);
+ XLogRecord *record;
+ if (interrupted)
+ elog(ERROR, "Interrupted during WAL reading");
+ record = XLogReadRecord(xlogreader, extract_arg->startpoint, &errormsg);
if (record == NULL)
XLogRecPtr errptr;
- errptr = startpoint ? startpoint : xlogreader->EndRecPtr;
+ /*
+ * Try to switch to the next WAL segment. Usually
+ * SimpleXLogPageRead() does it by itself. But here we need to do it
+ * manually to support threads.
+ */
+ if (private_data->need_switch)
+ {
+ private_data->need_switch = false;
+ /* Critical section */
+ pthread_lock(&wal_segment_mutex);
+ Assert(nextSegNoToRead);
+ private_data->xlogsegno = nextSegNoToRead;
+ nextSegNoToRead++;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&wal_segment_mutex);
+ /* We reach the end */
+ if (private_data->xlogsegno > extract_arg->endSegNo)
+ break;
+ /* Adjust next record position */
+ XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(private_data->xlogsegno, 0,
+ extract_arg->startpoint);
+ /* Skip over the page header */
+ extract_arg->startpoint = XLogFindNextRecord(xlogreader,
+ extract_arg->startpoint);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Thread %d switched to LSN %X/%X",
+ extract_arg->thread_num,
+ (uint32) (extract_arg->startpoint >> 32),
+ (uint32) (extract_arg->startpoint));
+ continue;
+ }
+ errptr = extract_arg->startpoint ?
+ extract_arg->startpoint : xlogreader->EndRecPtr;
if (errormsg)
elog(WARNING, "could not read WAL record at %X/%X: %s",
@@ -167,37 +226,127 @@ extractPageMap(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr startpoint, TimeLineID tli,
* start_lsn, we won't be able to build page map and PAGE backup will
* be incorrect. Stop it and throw an error.
- if (!xlogexists)
- elog(ERROR, "WAL segment \"%s\" is absent", xlogfpath);
- else if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- elog(ERROR, "Possible WAL CORRUPTION."
- "Error has occured during reading WAL segment \"%s\"", xlogfpath);
+ PrintXLogCorruptionMsg(private_data, ERROR);
- startpoint = InvalidXLogRecPtr; /* continue reading at next record */
+ /* continue reading at next record */
+ extract_arg->startpoint = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
XLByteToSeg(xlogreader->EndRecPtr, nextSegNo);
- } while (nextSegNo <= endSegNo && xlogreader->EndRecPtr != endpoint);
+ } while (nextSegNo <= extract_arg->endSegNo &&
+ xlogreader->EndRecPtr < extract_arg->endpoint);
+ CleanupXLogPageRead(xlogreader);
- if (xlogreadfd != -1)
+ /* Extracting is successful */
+ extract_arg->ret = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ * Read WAL from the archive directory, from 'startpoint' to 'endpoint' on the
+ * given timeline. Collect data blocks touched by the WAL records into a page map.
+ *
+ * If **prev_segno** is true then read all segments up to **endpoint** segment
+ * minus one. Else read all segments up to **endpoint** segment.
+ *
+ * Pagemap extracting is processed using threads. Eeach thread reads single WAL
+ * file.
+ */
+extractPageMap(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr startpoint, TimeLineID tli,
+ XLogRecPtr endpoint, bool prev_seg, parray *files)
+ int i;
+ int threads_need = 0;
+ XLogSegNo endSegNo;
+ bool extract_isok = true;
+ pthread_t *threads;
+ xlog_thread_arg *thread_args;
+ time_t start_time,
+ end_time;
+ elog(LOG, "Compiling pagemap");
+ if (!XRecOffIsValid(startpoint))
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid startpoint value %X/%X",
+ (uint32) (startpoint >> 32), (uint32) (startpoint));
+ if (!XRecOffIsValid(endpoint))
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid endpoint value %X/%X",
+ (uint32) (endpoint >> 32), (uint32) (endpoint));
+ XLByteToSeg(endpoint, endSegNo);
+ if (prev_seg)
+ endSegNo--;
+ nextSegNoToRead = 0;
+ time(&start_time);
+ threads = (pthread_t *) palloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * num_threads);
+ thread_args = (xlog_thread_arg *) palloc(sizeof(xlog_thread_arg)*num_threads);
+ /*
+ * Initialize thread args.
+ *
+ * Each thread works with its own WAL segment and we need to adjust
+ * startpoint value for each thread.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- close(xlogreadfd);
- xlogreadfd = -1;
- xlogexists = false;
+ InitXLogPageRead(&thread_args[i].private_data, archivedir, tli, false);
+ thread_args[i].thread_num = i;
+ thread_args[i].startpoint = startpoint;
+ thread_args[i].endpoint = endpoint;
+ thread_args[i].endSegNo = endSegNo;
+ /* By default there is some error */
+ thread_args[i].ret = 1;
+ /* Adjust startpoint to the next thread */
+ if (nextSegNoToRead == 0)
+ XLByteToSeg(startpoint, nextSegNoToRead);
+ nextSegNoToRead++;
+ /*
+ * If we need to read less WAL segments than num_threads, create less
+ * threads.
+ */
+ if (nextSegNoToRead > endSegNo)
+ break;
+ XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(nextSegNoToRead, 0, startpoint);
+ /* Skip over the page header */
+ startpoint += SizeOfXLogLongPHD;
+ threads_need++;
- /* Mark every datafile with empty pagemap as unchanged */
- for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
+ /* Run threads */
+ for (i = 0; i < threads_need; i++)
- pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
- if (file->is_datafile && file->pagemap.bitmap == NULL)
- file->pagemap.bitmapsize = PageBitmapIsEmpty;
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Start WAL reader thread: %d", i);
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, doExtractPageMap, &thread_args[i]);
- elog(LOG, "Pagemap compiled");
+ /* Wait for threads */
+ for (i = 0; i < threads_need; i++)
+ {
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ if (thread_args[i].ret == 1)
+ extract_isok = false;
+ }
+ pfree(threads);
+ pfree(thread_args);
+ time(&end_time);
+ if (extract_isok)
+ elog(LOG, "Pagemap compiled, time elapsed %.0f sec",
+ difftime(end_time, start_time));
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Pagemap compiling failed");
@@ -205,8 +354,7 @@ extractPageMap(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr startpoint, TimeLineID tli,
static void
validate_backup_wal_from_start_to_stop(pgBackup *backup,
- char *backup_xlog_path,
- TimeLineID tli)
+ char *backup_xlog_path, TimeLineID tli)
XLogRecPtr startpoint = backup->start_lsn;
XLogRecord *record;
@@ -215,15 +363,7 @@ validate_backup_wal_from_start_to_stop(pgBackup *backup,
XLogPageReadPrivate private;
bool got_endpoint = false;
- private.archivedir = backup_xlog_path;
- private.tli = tli;
- /* We will check it in the end */
- xlogfpath[0] = '\0';
- xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, &private);
- if (xlogreader == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "out of memory");
+ xlogreader = InitXLogPageRead(&private, backup_xlog_path, tli, true);
while (true)
@@ -248,45 +388,27 @@ validate_backup_wal_from_start_to_stop(pgBackup *backup,
if (!got_endpoint)
- if (xlogfpath[0] != 0)
- {
- /* XLOG reader couldn't read WAL segment.
- * We throw a WARNING here to be able to update backup status below.
- */
- if (!xlogexists)
- {
- elog(WARNING, "WAL segment \"%s\" is absent", xlogfpath);
- }
- else if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- {
- elog(WARNING, "Possible WAL CORRUPTION."
- "Error has occured during reading WAL segment \"%s\"", xlogfpath);
- }
- }
+ PrintXLogCorruptionMsg(&private, WARNING);
* If we don't have WAL between start_lsn and stop_lsn,
* the backup is definitely corrupted. Update its status.
- backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT;
- pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(backup);
- elog(WARNING, "There are not enough WAL records to consistenly restore "
- "backup %s from START LSN: %X/%X to STOP LSN: %X/%X",
- base36enc(backup->start_time),
- (uint32) (backup->start_lsn >> 32),
- (uint32) (backup->start_lsn),
- (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn >> 32),
- (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn));
+ backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT;
+ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(backup);
+ elog(WARNING, "There are not enough WAL records to consistenly restore "
+ "backup %s from START LSN: %X/%X to STOP LSN: %X/%X",
+ base36enc(backup->start_time),
+ (uint32) (backup->start_lsn >> 32),
+ (uint32) (backup->start_lsn),
+ (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn >> 32),
+ (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn));
/* clean */
+ CleanupXLogPageRead(xlogreader);
- if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- {
- close(xlogreadfd);
- xlogreadfd = -1;
- xlogexists = false;
- }
@@ -299,6 +421,7 @@ validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
const char *archivedir,
time_t target_time,
TransactionId target_xid,
+ XLogRecPtr target_lsn,
TimeLineID tli)
XLogRecPtr startpoint = backup->start_lsn;
@@ -350,7 +473,7 @@ validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
* If recovery target is provided check that we can restore backup to a
* recovery target time or xid.
- if (!TransactionIdIsValid(target_xid) && target_time == 0)
+ if (!TransactionIdIsValid(target_xid) && target_time == 0 && !XRecOffIsValid(target_lsn))
/* Recovery target is not given so exit */
elog(INFO, "Backup %s WAL segments are valid", backup_id);
@@ -369,22 +492,15 @@ validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
* up to the given recovery target.
* In any case we cannot restore to the point before stop_lsn.
- private.archivedir = archivedir;
- private.tli = tli;
- xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, &private);
- if (xlogreader == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "out of memory");
- /* We will check it in the end */
- xlogfpath[0] = '\0';
+ xlogreader = InitXLogPageRead(&private, archivedir, tli, true);
/* We can restore at least up to the backup end */
time2iso(last_timestamp, lengthof(last_timestamp), backup->recovery_time);
last_xid = backup->recovery_xid;
if ((TransactionIdIsValid(target_xid) && target_xid == last_xid)
- || (target_time != 0 && backup->recovery_time >= target_time))
+ || (target_time != 0 && backup->recovery_time >= target_time)
+ || (XRecOffIsValid(target_lsn) && backup->stop_lsn >= target_lsn))
all_wal = true;
startpoint = backup->stop_lsn;
@@ -439,21 +555,7 @@ validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
/* Some needed WAL records are absent */
- if (xlogfpath[0] != 0)
- {
- /* XLOG reader couldn't read WAL segment.
- * We throw a WARNING here to be able to update backup status below.
- */
- if (!xlogexists)
- {
- elog(WARNING, "WAL segment \"%s\" is absent", xlogfpath);
- }
- else if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- {
- elog(WARNING, "Possible WAL CORRUPTION."
- "Error has occured during reading WAL segment \"%s\"", xlogfpath);
- }
- }
+ PrintXLogCorruptionMsg(&private, WARNING);
elog(WARNING, "recovery can be done up to time %s and xid " XID_FMT,
last_timestamp, last_xid);
@@ -470,16 +572,14 @@ validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
else if (target_time != 0)
elog(ERROR, "not enough WAL records to time %s",
+ else if (XRecOffIsValid(target_lsn))
+ elog(ERROR, "not enough WAL records to lsn %X/%X",
+ (uint32) (target_lsn >> 32), (uint32) (target_lsn));
/* clean */
+ CleanupXLogPageRead(xlogreader);
- if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- {
- close(xlogreadfd);
- xlogreadfd = -1;
- xlogexists = false;
- }
@@ -505,12 +605,7 @@ read_recovery_info(const char *archivedir, TimeLineID tli,
elog(ERROR, "Invalid stop_lsn value %X/%X",
(uint32) (stop_lsn >> 32), (uint32) (stop_lsn));
- private.archivedir = archivedir;
- private.tli = tli;
- xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, &private);
- if (xlogreader == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "out of memory");
+ xlogreader = InitXLogPageRead(&private, archivedir, tli, true);
/* Read records from stop_lsn down to start_lsn */
@@ -553,13 +648,8 @@ read_recovery_info(const char *archivedir, TimeLineID tli,
res = false;
+ CleanupXLogPageRead(xlogreader);
- if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- {
- close(xlogreadfd);
- xlogreadfd = -1;
- xlogexists = false;
- }
return res;
@@ -581,23 +671,13 @@ wal_contains_lsn(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr target_lsn,
elog(ERROR, "Invalid target_lsn value %X/%X",
(uint32) (target_lsn >> 32), (uint32) (target_lsn));
- private.archivedir = archivedir;
- private.tli = target_tli;
- xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, &private);
- if (xlogreader == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "out of memory");
+ xlogreader = InitXLogPageRead(&private, archivedir, target_tli, true);
res = XLogReadRecord(xlogreader, target_lsn, &errormsg) != NULL;
/* Didn't find 'target_lsn' and there is no error, return false */
+ CleanupXLogPageRead(xlogreader);
- if (xlogreadfd != -1)
- {
- close(xlogreadfd);
- xlogreadfd = -1;
- xlogexists = false;
- }
return res;
@@ -626,54 +706,53 @@ SimpleXLogPageRead(XLogReaderState *xlogreader, XLogRecPtr targetPagePtr,
int reqLen, XLogRecPtr targetRecPtr, char *readBuf,
TimeLineID *pageTLI)
- XLogPageReadPrivate *private = (XLogPageReadPrivate *) xlogreader->private_data;
+ XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data;
uint32 targetPageOff;
+ private_data = (XLogPageReadPrivate *) xlogreader->private_data;
targetPageOff = targetPagePtr % XLogSegSize;
* See if we need to switch to a new segment because the requested record
* is not in the currently open one.
- if (!XLByteInSeg(targetPagePtr, xlogreadsegno))
+ if (!XLByteInSeg(targetPagePtr, private_data->xlogsegno))
- if (xlogreadfd >= 0)
+ CleanupXLogPageRead(xlogreader);
+ /*
+ * Do not switch to next WAL segment in this function. Currently it is
+ * manually switched only in doExtractPageMap().
+ */
+ if (private_data->manual_switch)
- close(xlogreadfd);
- xlogreadfd = -1;
- xlogexists = false;
+ private_data->need_switch = true;
+ return -1;
-#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
- else if (gz_xlogread != NULL)
- {
- gzclose(gz_xlogread);
- gz_xlogread = NULL;
- xlogexists = false;
- }
- XLByteToSeg(targetPagePtr, xlogreadsegno);
+ XLByteToSeg(targetPagePtr, private_data->xlogsegno);
- if (!xlogexists)
+ /* Try to switch to the next WAL segment */
+ if (!private_data->xlogexists)
char xlogfname[MAXFNAMELEN];
- XLogFileName(xlogfname, private->tli, xlogreadsegno);
- snprintf(xlogfpath, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s", private->archivedir,
- xlogfname);
+ XLogFileName(xlogfname, private_data->tli, private_data->xlogsegno);
+ snprintf(private_data->xlogpath, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s",
+ private_data->archivedir, xlogfname);
- if (fileExists(xlogfpath))
+ if (fileExists(private_data->xlogpath))
- elog(LOG, "Opening WAL segment \"%s\"", xlogfpath);
+ elog(LOG, "Opening WAL segment \"%s\"", private_data->xlogpath);
- xlogexists = true;
- xlogreadfd = open(xlogfpath, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY, 0);
+ private_data->xlogexists = true;
+ private_data->xlogfile = open(private_data->xlogpath,
- if (xlogreadfd < 0)
+ if (private_data->xlogfile < 0)
elog(WARNING, "Could not open WAL segment \"%s\": %s",
- xlogfpath, strerror(errno));
+ private_data->xlogpath, strerror(errno));
return -1;
@@ -681,17 +760,21 @@ SimpleXLogPageRead(XLogReaderState *xlogreader, XLogRecPtr targetPagePtr,
/* Try to open compressed WAL segment */
- snprintf(gz_xlogfpath, sizeof(gz_xlogfpath), "%s.gz", xlogfpath);
- if (fileExists(gz_xlogfpath))
+ snprintf(private_data->gz_xlogpath,
+ sizeof(private_data->gz_xlogpath), "%s.gz",
+ private_data->xlogpath);
+ if (fileExists(private_data->gz_xlogpath))
- elog(LOG, "Opening compressed WAL segment \"%s\"", gz_xlogfpath);
+ elog(LOG, "Opening compressed WAL segment \"%s\"",
+ private_data->gz_xlogpath);
- xlogexists = true;
- gz_xlogread = gzopen(gz_xlogfpath, "rb");
- if (gz_xlogread == NULL)
+ private_data->xlogexists = true;
+ private_data->gz_xlogfile = gzopen(private_data->gz_xlogpath,
+ "rb");
+ if (private_data->gz_xlogfile == NULL)
elog(WARNING, "Could not open compressed WAL segment \"%s\": %s",
- gz_xlogfpath, strerror(errno));
+ private_data->gz_xlogpath, strerror(errno));
return -1;
@@ -699,55 +782,129 @@ SimpleXLogPageRead(XLogReaderState *xlogreader, XLogRecPtr targetPagePtr,
/* Exit without error if WAL segment doesn't exist */
- if (!xlogexists)
+ if (!private_data->xlogexists)
return -1;
* At this point, we have the right segment open.
- Assert(xlogexists);
+ Assert(private_data->xlogexists);
/* Read the requested page */
- if (xlogreadfd != -1)
+ if (private_data->xlogfile != -1)
- if (lseek(xlogreadfd, (off_t) targetPageOff, SEEK_SET) < 0)
+ if (lseek(private_data->xlogfile, (off_t) targetPageOff, SEEK_SET) < 0)
elog(WARNING, "Could not seek in WAL segment \"%s\": %s",
- xlogfpath, strerror(errno));
+ private_data->xlogpath, strerror(errno));
return -1;
- if (read(xlogreadfd, readBuf, XLOG_BLCKSZ) != XLOG_BLCKSZ)
+ if (read(private_data->xlogfile, readBuf, XLOG_BLCKSZ) != XLOG_BLCKSZ)
elog(WARNING, "Could not read from WAL segment \"%s\": %s",
- xlogfpath, strerror(errno));
+ private_data->xlogpath, strerror(errno));
return -1;
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
- if (gzseek(gz_xlogread, (z_off_t) targetPageOff, SEEK_SET) == -1)
+ if (gzseek(private_data->gz_xlogfile, (z_off_t) targetPageOff, SEEK_SET) == -1)
elog(WARNING, "Could not seek in compressed WAL segment \"%s\": %s",
- gz_xlogfpath, get_gz_error(gz_xlogread));
+ private_data->gz_xlogpath,
+ get_gz_error(private_data->gz_xlogfile));
return -1;
- if (gzread(gz_xlogread, readBuf, XLOG_BLCKSZ) != XLOG_BLCKSZ)
+ if (gzread(private_data->gz_xlogfile, readBuf, XLOG_BLCKSZ) != XLOG_BLCKSZ)
elog(WARNING, "Could not read from compressed WAL segment \"%s\": %s",
- gz_xlogfpath, get_gz_error(gz_xlogread));
+ private_data->gz_xlogpath,
+ get_gz_error(private_data->gz_xlogfile));
return -1;
- *pageTLI = private->tli;
+ *pageTLI = private_data->tli;
+ * Initialize WAL segments reading.
+ */
+static XLogReaderState *
+InitXLogPageRead(XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data, const char *archivedir,
+ TimeLineID tli, bool allocate_reader)
+ XLogReaderState *xlogreader = NULL;
+ MemSet(private_data, 0, sizeof(XLogPageReadPrivate));
+ private_data->archivedir = archivedir;
+ private_data->tli = tli;
+ private_data->xlogfile = -1;
+ if (allocate_reader)
+ {
+ xlogreader = XLogReaderAllocate(&SimpleXLogPageRead, private_data);
+ if (xlogreader == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "out of memory");
+ }
+ return xlogreader;
+ * Cleanup after WAL segment reading.
+ */
+static void
+CleanupXLogPageRead(XLogReaderState *xlogreader)
+ XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data;
+ private_data = (XLogPageReadPrivate *) xlogreader->private_data;
+ if (private_data->xlogfile >= 0)
+ {
+ close(private_data->xlogfile);
+ private_data->xlogfile = -1;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
+ else if (private_data->gz_xlogfile != NULL)
+ {
+ gzclose(private_data->gz_xlogfile);
+ private_data->gz_xlogfile = NULL;
+ }
+ private_data->xlogexists = false;
+static void
+PrintXLogCorruptionMsg(XLogPageReadPrivate *private_data, int elevel)
+ if (private_data->xlogpath[0] != 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * XLOG reader couldn't read WAL segment.
+ * We throw a WARNING here to be able to update backup status.
+ */
+ if (!private_data->xlogexists)
+ elog(elevel, "WAL segment \"%s\" is absent", private_data->xlogpath);
+ else if (private_data->xlogfile != -1)
+ elog(elevel, "Possible WAL corruption. "
+ "Error has occured during reading WAL segment \"%s\"",
+ private_data->xlogpath);
+#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
+ else if (private_data->gz_xlogpath != NULL)
+ elog(elevel, "Possible WAL corruption. "
+ "Error has occured during reading WAL segment \"%s\"",
+ private_data->gz_xlogpath);
+ }
* Extract information about blocks modified in this record.
diff --git a/src/pg_probackup.c b/src/pg_probackup.c
index 5d464171..a18ee5c3 100644
--- a/src/pg_probackup.c
+++ b/src/pg_probackup.c
@@ -10,14 +10,16 @@
#include "pg_probackup.h"
#include "streamutil.h"
+#include "utils/thread.h"
+#include "pg_getopt.h"
-const char *PROGRAM_VERSION = "2.0.17";
+const char *PROGRAM_VERSION = "2.0.18";
const char *PROGRAM_URL = "https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_probackup";
const char *PROGRAM_EMAIL = "https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_probackup/issues";
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ char backup_instance_path[MAXPGPATH];
char arclog_path[MAXPGPATH] = "";
/* common options */
-char *backup_id_string_param = NULL;
+static char *backup_id_string = NULL;
int num_threads = 1;
bool stream_wal = false;
bool progress = false;
@@ -47,28 +49,29 @@ char *replication_slot = NULL;
/* backup options */
bool backup_logs = false;
bool smooth_checkpoint;
-bool from_replica = false;
bool is_remote_backup = false;
/* Wait timeout for WAL segment archiving */
-uint32 archive_timeout = 300; /* default is 300 seconds */
+uint32 archive_timeout = ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
const char *master_db = NULL;
const char *master_host = NULL;
const char *master_port= NULL;
const char *master_user = NULL;
-uint32 replica_timeout = 300; /* default is 300 seconds */
+uint32 replica_timeout = REPLICA_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
/* restore options */
static char *target_time;
static char *target_xid;
+static char *target_lsn;
static char *target_inclusive;
static TimeLineID target_tli;
static bool target_immediate;
static char *target_name = NULL;
-static char *target_action = NULL;;
+static char *target_action = NULL;
static pgRecoveryTarget *recovery_target_options = NULL;
bool restore_as_replica = false;
+bool restore_no_validate = false;
/* delete options */
bool delete_wal = false;
@@ -81,10 +84,11 @@ uint32 retention_redundancy = 0;
uint32 retention_window = 0;
/* compression options */
-CompressAlg compress_alg = NOT_DEFINED_COMPRESS;
-int compress_level = DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL;
+CompressAlg compress_alg = COMPRESS_ALG_DEFAULT;
+int compress_level = COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
bool compress_shortcut = false;
/* other options */
char *instance_name;
uint64 system_identifier = 0;
@@ -94,30 +98,34 @@ static char *wal_file_path;
static char *wal_file_name;
static bool file_overwrite = false;
+/* show options */
+ShowFormat show_format = SHOW_PLAIN;
/* current settings */
pgBackup current;
-ProbackupSubcmd backup_subcmd;
+ProbackupSubcmd backup_subcmd = NO_CMD;
-bool help = false;
+static bool help_opt = false;
static void opt_backup_mode(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
static void opt_log_level_console(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
static void opt_log_level_file(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
static void opt_compress_alg(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
+static void opt_show_format(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
static void compress_init(void);
static pgut_option options[] =
/* directory options */
- { 'b', 1, "help", &help, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
+ { 'b', 1, "help", &help_opt, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 's', 'D', "pgdata", &pgdata, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 's', 'B', "backup-path", &backup_path, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
/* common options */
{ 'u', 'j', "threads", &num_threads, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'b', 2, "stream", &stream_wal, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'b', 3, "progress", &progress, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
- { 's', 'i', "backup-id", &backup_id_string_param, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
+ { 's', 'i', "backup-id", &backup_id_string, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
/* backup options */
{ 'b', 10, "backup-pg-log", &backup_logs, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'f', 'b', "backup-mode", opt_backup_mode, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
@@ -143,12 +151,14 @@ static pgut_option options[] =
{ 's', 25, "recovery-target-name", &target_name, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 's', 26, "recovery-target-action", &target_action, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'b', 'R', "restore-as-replica", &restore_as_replica, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
+ { 'b', 27, "no-validate", &restore_no_validate, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
+ { 's', 28, "lsn", &target_lsn, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
/* delete options */
{ 'b', 130, "wal", &delete_wal, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'b', 131, "expired", &delete_expired, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'b', 132, "all", &apply_to_all, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
/* TODO not implemented yet */
- { 'b', 133, "force", &force_delete, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
+ { 'b', 133, "force", &force_delete, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
/* retention options */
{ 'u', 134, "retention-redundancy", &retention_redundancy, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'u', 135, "retention-window", &retention_window, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
@@ -178,6 +188,8 @@ static pgut_option options[] =
{ 's', 160, "wal-file-path", &wal_file_path, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 's', 161, "wal-file-name", &wal_file_name, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 'b', 162, "overwrite", &file_overwrite, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
+ /* show options */
+ { 'f', 170, "format", opt_show_format, SOURCE_CMDLINE },
{ 0 }
@@ -187,14 +199,14 @@ static pgut_option options[] =
main(int argc, char *argv[])
- char *command = NULL;
- char path[MAXPGPATH];
+ char *command = NULL,
+ *command_name;
/* Check if backup_path is directory. */
struct stat stat_buf;
int rc;
/* initialize configuration */
- pgBackup_init(¤t);
+ pgBackupInit(¤t);
PROGRAM_NAME = get_progname(argv[0]);
set_pglocale_pgservice(argv[0], "pgscripts");
@@ -202,42 +214,40 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
* Save main thread's tid. It is used call exit() in case of errors.
-#ifdef WIN32
- main_tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
main_tid = pthread_self();
/* Parse subcommands and non-subcommand options */
if (argc > 1)
if (strcmp(argv[1], "archive-push") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = ARCHIVE_PUSH;
+ backup_subcmd = ARCHIVE_PUSH_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "archive-get") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = ARCHIVE_GET;
+ backup_subcmd = ARCHIVE_GET_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "add-instance") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = ADD_INSTANCE;
+ backup_subcmd = ADD_INSTANCE_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "del-instance") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = DELETE_INSTANCE;
+ backup_subcmd = DELETE_INSTANCE_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "init") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = INIT;
+ backup_subcmd = INIT_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "backup") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = BACKUP;
+ backup_subcmd = BACKUP_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "restore") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = RESTORE;
+ backup_subcmd = RESTORE_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "validate") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = VALIDATE;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "show") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = SHOW;
+ backup_subcmd = VALIDATE_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "delete") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = DELETE;
+ backup_subcmd = DELETE_CMD;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1], "merge") == 0)
+ backup_subcmd = MERGE_CMD;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1], "show") == 0)
+ backup_subcmd = SHOW_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "set-config") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = SET_CONFIG;
+ backup_subcmd = SET_CONFIG_CMD;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "show-config") == 0)
- backup_subcmd = SHOW_CONFIG;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0
- || strcmp(argv[1], "help") == 0
- || strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)
+ backup_subcmd = SHOW_CONFIG_CMD;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(argv[1], "help") == 0)
if (argc > 2)
@@ -248,35 +258,33 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
|| strcmp(argv[1], "version") == 0
|| strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0)
- if (argc == 2)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (Postgres Pro %s %s)\n",
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (Postgres Pro %s %s)\n",
- fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (PostgreSQL %s)\n",
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (PostgreSQL %s)\n",
- exit(0);
- }
- else if (strcmp(argv[2], "--help") == 0)
- help_command(argv[1]);
- else
- elog(ERROR, "Invalid arguments for \"%s\" subcommand", argv[1]);
+ exit(0);
- elog(ERROR, "Unknown subcommand");
+ elog(ERROR, "Unknown subcommand \"%s\"", argv[1]);
+ if (backup_subcmd == NO_CMD)
+ elog(ERROR, "No subcommand specified");
* Make command string before getopt_long() will call. It permutes the
* content of argv.
- if (backup_subcmd == BACKUP ||
- backup_subcmd == RESTORE ||
- backup_subcmd == VALIDATE ||
- backup_subcmd == DELETE)
+ command_name = pstrdup(argv[1]);
+ if (backup_subcmd == BACKUP_CMD ||
+ backup_subcmd == RESTORE_CMD ||
+ backup_subcmd == VALIDATE_CMD ||
+ backup_subcmd == DELETE_CMD ||
+ backup_subcmd == MERGE_CMD)
int i,
len = 0,
@@ -303,11 +311,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
command[len] = '\0';
+ optind += 1;
/* Parse command line arguments */
pgut_getopt(argc, argv, options);
- if (help)
- help_command(argv[2]);
+ if (help_opt)
+ help_command(command_name);
/* backup_path is required for all pg_probackup commands except help */
if (backup_path == NULL)
@@ -320,6 +329,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (backup_path == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "required parameter not specified: BACKUP_PATH (-B, --backup-path)");
+ canonicalize_path(backup_path);
/* Ensure that backup_path is an absolute path */
if (!is_absolute_path(backup_path))
@@ -340,7 +350,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Option --instance is required for all commands except init and show */
- if (backup_subcmd != INIT && backup_subcmd != SHOW && backup_subcmd != VALIDATE)
+ if (backup_subcmd != INIT_CMD && backup_subcmd != SHOW_CMD &&
+ backup_subcmd != VALIDATE_CMD)
if (instance_name == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "required parameter not specified: --instance");
@@ -352,7 +363,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (instance_name)
- sprintf(backup_instance_path, "%s/%s/%s", backup_path, BACKUPS_DIR, instance_name);
+ sprintf(backup_instance_path, "%s/%s/%s",
+ backup_path, BACKUPS_DIR, instance_name);
sprintf(arclog_path, "%s/%s/%s", backup_path, "wal", instance_name);
@@ -360,7 +372,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
* for all commands except init, which doesn't take this parameter
* and add-instance which creates new instance.
- if (backup_subcmd != INIT && backup_subcmd != ADD_INSTANCE)
+ if (backup_subcmd != INIT_CMD && backup_subcmd != ADD_INSTANCE_CMD)
if (access(backup_instance_path, F_OK) != 0)
elog(ERROR, "Instance '%s' does not exist in this backup catalog",
@@ -372,8 +384,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
* Read options from env variables or from config file,
* unless we're going to set them via set-config.
- if (instance_name && backup_subcmd != SET_CONFIG)
+ if (instance_name && backup_subcmd != SET_CONFIG_CMD)
+ char path[MAXPGPATH];
/* Read environment variables */
@@ -393,18 +407,19 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
elog(ERROR, "-D, --pgdata must be an absolute path");
/* Sanity check of --backup-id option */
- if (backup_id_string_param != NULL)
+ if (backup_id_string != NULL)
- if (backup_subcmd != RESTORE
- && backup_subcmd != VALIDATE
- && backup_subcmd != DELETE
- && backup_subcmd != SHOW)
- elog(ERROR, "Cannot use -i (--backup-id) option together with the '%s' command",
- argv[1]);
+ if (backup_subcmd != RESTORE_CMD &&
+ backup_subcmd != VALIDATE_CMD &&
+ backup_subcmd != DELETE_CMD &&
+ backup_subcmd != MERGE_CMD &&
+ backup_subcmd != SHOW_CMD)
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot use -i (--backup-id) option together with the \"%s\" command",
+ command_name);
- current.backup_id = base36dec(backup_id_string_param);
+ current.backup_id = base36dec(backup_id_string);
if (current.backup_id == 0)
- elog(ERROR, "Invalid backup-id");
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid backup-id \"%s\"", backup_id_string);
/* Setup stream options. They are used in streamutil.c. */
@@ -426,12 +441,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
pgdata_exclude_dir[i] = "pg_log";
- if (backup_subcmd == VALIDATE || backup_subcmd == RESTORE)
+ if (backup_subcmd == VALIDATE_CMD || backup_subcmd == RESTORE_CMD)
/* parse all recovery target options into recovery_target_options structure */
recovery_target_options = parseRecoveryTargetOptions(target_time, target_xid,
- target_inclusive, target_tli, target_immediate,
- target_name, target_action);
+ target_inclusive, target_tli, target_lsn, target_immediate,
+ target_name, target_action, restore_no_validate);
if (num_threads < 1)
@@ -442,23 +457,24 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* do actual operation */
switch (backup_subcmd)
return do_archive_push(wal_file_path, wal_file_name, file_overwrite);
return do_archive_get(wal_file_path, wal_file_name);
return do_add_instance();
return do_delete_instance();
- case INIT:
+ case INIT_CMD:
return do_init();
- case BACKUP:
+ case BACKUP_CMD:
const char *backup_mode;
time_t start_time;
start_time = time(NULL);
backup_mode = deparse_backup_mode(current.backup_mode);
+ current.stream = stream_wal;
elog(INFO, "Backup start, pg_probackup version: %s, backup ID: %s, backup mode: %s, instance: %s, stream: %s, remote: %s",
PROGRAM_VERSION, base36enc(start_time), backup_mode, instance_name,
@@ -466,34 +482,40 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
return do_backup(start_time);
- case RESTORE:
return do_restore_or_validate(current.backup_id,
- case VALIDATE:
if (current.backup_id == 0 && target_time == 0 && target_xid == 0)
return do_validate_all();
return do_restore_or_validate(current.backup_id,
- case SHOW:
+ case SHOW_CMD:
return do_show(current.backup_id);
- case DELETE:
- if (delete_expired && backup_id_string_param)
+ case DELETE_CMD:
+ if (delete_expired && backup_id_string)
elog(ERROR, "You cannot specify --delete-expired and --backup-id options together");
- if (!delete_expired && !delete_wal && !backup_id_string_param)
+ if (!delete_expired && !delete_wal && !backup_id_string)
elog(ERROR, "You must specify at least one of the delete options: --expired |--wal |--backup_id");
- if (delete_wal && !delete_expired && !backup_id_string_param)
+ if (delete_wal && !delete_expired && !backup_id_string)
return do_retention_purge();
if (delete_expired)
return do_retention_purge();
return do_delete(current.backup_id);
+ case MERGE_CMD:
+ do_merge(current.backup_id);
+ break;
return do_configure(true);
- case SET_CONFIG:
return do_configure(false);
+ case NO_CMD:
+ /* Should not happen */
+ elog(ERROR, "Unknown subcommand");
return 0;
@@ -517,49 +539,31 @@ opt_log_level_file(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
log_level_file = parse_log_level(arg);
-parse_compress_alg(const char *arg)
+static void
+opt_show_format(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
+ const char *v = arg;
size_t len;
/* Skip all spaces detected */
- while (isspace((unsigned char)*arg))
- arg++;
- len = strlen(arg);
+ while (IsSpace(*v))
+ v++;
+ len = strlen(v);
- if (len == 0)
- elog(ERROR, "compress algrorithm is empty");
- if (pg_strncasecmp("zlib", arg, len) == 0)
- else if (pg_strncasecmp("pglz", arg, len) == 0)
- else if (pg_strncasecmp("none", arg, len) == 0)
- else
- elog(ERROR, "invalid compress algorithm value \"%s\"", arg);
-const char*
-deparse_compress_alg(int alg)
- switch (alg)
+ if (len > 0)
- return "none";
- return "zlib";
- return "pglz";
+ if (pg_strncasecmp("plain", v, len) == 0)
+ show_format = SHOW_PLAIN;
+ else if (pg_strncasecmp("json", v, len) == 0)
+ show_format = SHOW_JSON;
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid show format \"%s\"", arg);
- return NULL;
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid show format \"%s\"", arg);
+static void
opt_compress_alg(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
compress_alg = parse_compress_alg(arg);
@@ -568,17 +572,17 @@ opt_compress_alg(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
* Initialize compress and sanity checks for compress.
-void compress_init(void)
+static void
/* Default algorithm is zlib */
if (compress_shortcut)
compress_alg = ZLIB_COMPRESS;
- if (backup_subcmd != SET_CONFIG)
+ if (backup_subcmd != SET_CONFIG_CMD)
- if (compress_level != DEFAULT_COMPRESS_LEVEL
- && compress_alg == NONE_COMPRESS)
+ if (compress_level != COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT
+ && compress_alg == NOT_DEFINED_COMPRESS)
elog(ERROR, "Cannot specify compress-level option without compress-alg option");
@@ -588,7 +592,7 @@ void compress_init(void)
if (compress_level == 0)
compress_alg = NOT_DEFINED_COMPRESS;
- if (backup_subcmd == BACKUP || backup_subcmd == ARCHIVE_PUSH)
+ if (backup_subcmd == BACKUP_CMD || backup_subcmd == ARCHIVE_PUSH_CMD)
#ifndef HAVE_LIBZ
if (compress_alg == ZLIB_COMPRESS)
diff --git a/src/pg_probackup.h b/src/pg_probackup.h
index 30df34ce..9da22ad6 100644
--- a/src/pg_probackup.h
+++ b/src/pg_probackup.h
@@ -15,10 +15,6 @@
-#ifndef WIN32
#include "access/timeline.h"
#include "access/xlogdefs.h"
#include "access/xlog_internal.h"
@@ -28,6 +24,13 @@
#include "storage/checksum.h"
#include "utils/pg_crc.h"
#include "common/relpath.h"
+#include "port.h"
+#ifdef FRONTEND
+#undef FRONTEND
+ #include "port/atomics.h"
+#define FRONTEND
#include "utils/parray.h"
#include "utils/pgut.h"
@@ -60,6 +63,8 @@
#define PG_BLACK_LIST "black_list"
#define PG_TABLESPACE_MAP_FILE "tablespace_map"
+#define LOG_FILENAME_DEFAULT "pg_probackup.log"
/* Direcotry/File permission */
#define DIR_PERMISSION (0700)
#define FILE_PERMISSION (0600)
@@ -85,9 +90,10 @@ typedef struct pgFile
size_t size; /* size of the file */
size_t read_size; /* size of the portion read (if only some pages are
backed up, it's different from size) */
- size_t write_size; /* size of the backed-up file. BYTES_INVALID means
+ int64 write_size; /* size of the backed-up file. BYTES_INVALID means
that the file existed but was not backed up
because not modified since last backup. */
+ /* we need int64 here to store '-1' value */
pg_crc32 crc; /* CRC value of the file, regular file only */
char *linked; /* path of the linked file */
bool is_datafile; /* true if the file is PostgreSQL data file */
@@ -102,21 +108,23 @@ typedef struct pgFile
bool is_database;
bool exists_in_prev; /* Mark files, both data and regular, that exists in previous backup */
CompressAlg compress_alg; /* compression algorithm applied to the file */
- volatile uint32 lock; /* lock for synchronization of parallel threads */
+ volatile pg_atomic_flag lock; /* lock for synchronization of parallel threads */
datapagemap_t pagemap; /* bitmap of pages updated since previous backup */
+ bool pagemap_isabsent; /* Used to mark files with unknown state of pagemap,
+ * i.e. datafiles without _ptrack */
} pgFile;
/* Special values of datapagemap_t bitmapsize */
#define PageBitmapIsEmpty 0 /* Used to mark unchanged datafiles */
-#define PageBitmapIsAbsent -1 /* Used to mark files with unknown state of pagemap, i.e. datafiles without _ptrack */
/* Current state of backup */
typedef enum BackupStatus
BACKUP_STATUS_INVALID, /* the pgBackup is invalid */
BACKUP_STATUS_OK, /* completed backup */
- BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING, /* running backup */
BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, /* aborted because of unexpected error */
+ BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING, /* running backup */
+ BACKUP_STATUS_MERGING, /* merging backups */
BACKUP_STATUS_DELETING, /* data files are being deleted */
BACKUP_STATUS_DELETED, /* data files have been deleted */
BACKUP_STATUS_DONE, /* completed but not validated yet */
@@ -135,24 +143,33 @@ typedef enum BackupMode
typedef enum ProbackupSubcmd
- INIT = 0,
+ NO_CMD = 0,
} ProbackupSubcmd;
+typedef enum ShowFormat
+} ShowFormat;
/* special values of pgBackup fields */
-#define INVALID_BACKUP_ID 0 /* backup ID is not provided by user */
+#define INVALID_BACKUP_ID 0 /* backup ID is not provided by user */
#define BYTES_INVALID (-1)
+#define BLOCKNUM_INVALID (-1)
typedef struct pgBackupConfig
@@ -169,6 +186,8 @@ typedef struct pgBackupConfig
const char *master_user;
int replica_timeout;
+ int archive_timeout;
int log_level_console;
int log_level_file;
char *log_filename;
@@ -184,6 +203,8 @@ typedef struct pgBackupConfig
int compress_level;
} pgBackupConfig;
+typedef struct pgBackup pgBackup;
/* Information about single backup stored in backup.conf */
typedef struct pgBackup
@@ -214,18 +235,24 @@ typedef struct pgBackup
/* Size of WAL files in archive needed to restore this backup */
int64 wal_bytes;
+ CompressAlg compress_alg;
+ int compress_level;
/* Fields needed for compatibility check */
uint32 block_size;
uint32 wal_block_size;
uint32 checksum_version;
+ char program_version[100];
char server_version[100];
- bool stream; /* Was this backup taken in stream mode?
+ bool stream; /* Was this backup taken in stream mode?
* i.e. does it include all needed WAL files? */
+ bool from_replica; /* Was this backup taken from replica */
time_t parent_backup; /* Identifier of the previous backup.
* Which is basic backup for this
* incremental backup. */
+ pgBackup *parent_backup_link;
char *primary_conninfo; /* Connection parameters of the backup
* in the format suitable for recovery.conf */
} pgBackup;
@@ -241,12 +268,17 @@ typedef struct pgRecoveryTarget
TransactionId recovery_target_xid;
/* add one more field in order to avoid deparsing recovery_target_xid back */
const char *target_xid_string;
+ bool lsn_specified;
+ XLogRecPtr recovery_target_lsn;
+ /* add one more field in order to avoid deparsing recovery_target_lsn back */
+ const char *target_lsn_string;
TimeLineID recovery_target_tli;
bool recovery_target_inclusive;
bool inclusive_specified;
bool recovery_target_immediate;
const char *recovery_target_name;
const char *recovery_target_action;
+ bool restore_no_validate;
} pgRecoveryTarget;
/* Union to ease operations on relation pages */
@@ -260,18 +292,20 @@ typedef struct
const char *from_root;
const char *to_root;
- parray *backup_files_list;
- parray *prev_backup_filelist;
- XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn;
- PGconn *thread_backup_conn;
- PGcancel *thread_cancel_conn;
+ parray *files_list;
+ parray *prev_filelist;
+ XLogRecPtr prev_start_lsn;
+ PGconn *backup_conn;
+ PGcancel *cancel_conn;
* Return value from the thread.
* 0 means there is no error, 1 - there is an error.
int ret;
-} backup_files_args;
+} backup_files_arg;
* return pointer that exceeds the length of prefix from character string.
@@ -309,13 +343,14 @@ extern char *replication_slot;
/* backup options */
extern bool smooth_checkpoint;
extern uint32 archive_timeout;
-extern bool from_replica;
extern bool is_remote_backup;
extern const char *master_db;
extern const char *master_host;
extern const char *master_port;
extern const char *master_user;
extern uint32 replica_timeout;
extern bool is_ptrack_support;
@@ -331,7 +366,10 @@ extern bool delete_expired;
extern bool apply_to_all;
extern bool force_delete;
-/* retention options */
+/* retention options. 0 disables the option */
extern uint32 retention_redundancy;
extern uint32 retention_window;
@@ -340,7 +378,8 @@ extern CompressAlg compress_alg;
extern int compress_level;
extern bool compress_shortcut;
extern CompressAlg parse_compress_alg(const char *arg);
extern const char* deparse_compress_alg(int alg);
@@ -348,9 +387,12 @@ extern const char* deparse_compress_alg(int alg);
extern char *instance_name;
extern uint64 system_identifier;
+/* show options */
+extern ShowFormat show_format;
/* current settings */
extern pgBackup current;
-extern ProbackupSubcmd backup_subcmd;
+extern ProbackupSubcmd backup_subcmd;
/* in dir.c */
/* exclude directory list for $PGDATA file listing */
@@ -363,7 +405,7 @@ extern const char *deparse_backup_mode(BackupMode mode);
extern void process_block_change(ForkNumber forknum, RelFileNode rnode,
BlockNumber blkno);
-extern char *pg_ptrack_get_block(backup_files_args *arguments,
+extern char *pg_ptrack_get_block(backup_files_arg *arguments,
Oid dbOid, Oid tblsOid, Oid relOid,
BlockNumber blknum,
size_t *result_size);
@@ -377,10 +419,12 @@ extern bool satisfy_recovery_target(const pgBackup *backup,
extern parray * readTimeLineHistory_probackup(TimeLineID targetTLI);
extern pgRecoveryTarget *parseRecoveryTargetOptions(
const char *target_time, const char *target_xid,
- const char *target_inclusive, TimeLineID target_tli, bool target_immediate,
- const char *target_name, const char *target_action);
+ const char *target_inclusive, TimeLineID target_tli, const char* target_lsn,
+ bool target_immediate, const char *target_name,
+ const char *target_action, bool restore_no_validate);
-extern void opt_tablespace_map(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
+/* in merge.c */
+extern void do_merge(time_t backup_id);
/* in init.c */
extern int do_init(void);
@@ -432,21 +476,31 @@ extern pgBackup *catalog_get_last_data_backup(parray *backup_list,
extern void catalog_lock(void);
extern void pgBackupWriteControl(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(pgBackup *backup);
+extern void pgBackupWriteFileList(pgBackup *backup, parray *files,
+ const char *root);
extern void pgBackupGetPath(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len, const char *subdir);
extern void pgBackupGetPath2(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len,
const char *subdir1, const char *subdir2);
extern int pgBackupCreateDir(pgBackup *backup);
+extern void pgBackupInit(pgBackup *backup);
+extern void pgBackupCopy(pgBackup *dst, pgBackup *src);
extern void pgBackupFree(void *backup);
extern int pgBackupCompareId(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgBackupCompareIdDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
+extern pgBackup* find_parent_backup(pgBackup *current_backup);
/* in dir.c */
extern void dir_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, bool exclude,
bool omit_symlink, bool add_root);
-extern void list_data_directories(parray *files, const char *path,
- bool is_root, bool exclude);
+extern void create_data_directories(const char *data_dir,
+ const char *backup_dir,
+ bool extract_tablespaces);
extern void read_tablespace_map(parray *files, const char *backup_dir);
+extern void opt_tablespace_map(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg);
+extern void check_tablespace_mapping(pgBackup *backup);
extern void print_file_list(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root);
extern parray *dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt);
@@ -455,26 +509,29 @@ extern int dir_create_dir(const char *path, mode_t mode);
extern bool dir_is_empty(const char *path);
extern bool fileExists(const char *path);
+extern size_t pgFileSize(const char *path);
extern pgFile *pgFileNew(const char *path, bool omit_symlink);
extern pgFile *pgFileInit(const char *path);
extern void pgFileDelete(pgFile *file);
extern void pgFileFree(void *file);
-extern pg_crc32 pgFileGetCRC(pgFile *file);
+extern pg_crc32 pgFileGetCRC(const char *file_path);
extern int pgFileComparePath(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileComparePathDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileCompareLinked(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileCompareSize(const void *f1, const void *f2);
/* in data.c */
-extern bool backup_data_file(backup_files_args* arguments,
- const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
- pgFile *file, XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn,
- BackupMode backup_mode);
-extern void restore_data_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
- pgFile *file, pgBackup *backup);
-extern bool copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
- pgFile *file);
+extern bool backup_data_file(backup_files_arg* arguments,
+ const char *to_path, pgFile *file,
+ XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn,
+ BackupMode backup_mode,
+ CompressAlg calg, int clevel);
+extern void restore_data_file(const char *to_path,
+ pgFile *file, bool allow_truncate,
+ bool write_header);
+extern bool copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file);
+extern void move_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file);
extern void push_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path,
bool is_compress, bool overwrite);
extern void get_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path);
@@ -485,12 +542,13 @@ extern bool calc_file_checksum(pgFile *file);
extern void extractPageMap(const char *datadir,
XLogRecPtr startpoint,
TimeLineID tli,
- XLogRecPtr endpoint, bool prev_segno,
+ XLogRecPtr endpoint, bool prev_seg,
parray *backup_files_list);
extern void validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
const char *archivedir,
time_t target_time,
TransactionId target_xid,
+ XLogRecPtr target_lsn,
TimeLineID tli);
extern bool read_recovery_info(const char *archivedir, TimeLineID tli,
XLogRecPtr start_lsn, XLogRecPtr stop_lsn,
@@ -513,9 +571,21 @@ extern long unsigned int base36dec(const char *text);
extern uint64 get_system_identifier(char *pgdata);
extern uint64 get_remote_system_identifier(PGconn *conn);
extern pg_time_t timestamptz_to_time_t(TimestampTz t);
-extern void pgBackup_init(pgBackup *backup);
+extern int parse_server_version(char *server_version_str);
/* in status.c */
extern bool is_pg_running(void);
+#ifdef WIN32
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define lseek _lseek
+#define open _open
+#define fstat _fstat
+#define read _read
+#define close _close
+#define write _write
+#define mkdir(dir,mode) _mkdir(dir)
#endif /* PG_PROBACKUP_H */
diff --git a/src/restore.c b/src/restore.c
index 69bac841..3fa8f09f 100644
--- a/src/restore.c
+++ b/src/restore.c
@@ -17,76 +17,38 @@
#include "catalog/pg_control.h"
+#include "utils/logger.h"
+#include "utils/thread.h"
typedef struct
- parray *files;
- pgBackup *backup;
+ parray *files;
+ pgBackup *backup;
* Return value from the thread.
* 0 means there is no error, 1 - there is an error.
int ret;
-} restore_files_args;
-/* Tablespace mapping structures */
-typedef struct TablespaceListCell
- struct TablespaceListCell *next;
- char old_dir[MAXPGPATH];
- char new_dir[MAXPGPATH];
-} TablespaceListCell;
-typedef struct TablespaceList
- TablespaceListCell *head;
- TablespaceListCell *tail;
-} TablespaceList;
-typedef struct TablespaceCreatedListCell
- struct TablespaceCreatedListCell *next;
- char link_name[MAXPGPATH];
- char linked_dir[MAXPGPATH];
-} TablespaceCreatedListCell;
-typedef struct TablespaceCreatedList
- TablespaceCreatedListCell *head;
- TablespaceCreatedListCell *tail;
-} TablespaceCreatedList;
+} restore_files_arg;
static void restore_backup(pgBackup *backup);
-static void restore_directories(const char *pg_data_dir,
- const char *backup_dir);
-static void check_tablespace_mapping(pgBackup *backup);
static void create_recovery_conf(time_t backup_id,
pgRecoveryTarget *rt,
pgBackup *backup);
-static void restore_files(void *arg);
+static void *restore_files(void *arg);
static void remove_deleted_files(pgBackup *backup);
-static const char *get_tablespace_mapping(const char *dir);
-static void set_tablespace_created(const char *link, const char *dir);
-static const char *get_tablespace_created(const char *link);
-/* Tablespace mapping */
-static TablespaceList tablespace_dirs = {NULL, NULL};
-static TablespaceCreatedList tablespace_created_dirs = {NULL, NULL};
* Entry point of pg_probackup RESTORE and VALIDATE subcommands.
-do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
- pgRecoveryTarget *rt,
- bool is_restore)
+do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id, pgRecoveryTarget *rt,
+ bool is_restore)
- int i;
+ int i = 0;
parray *backups;
- parray *timelines;
pgBackup *current_backup = NULL;
pgBackup *dest_backup = NULL;
pgBackup *base_full_backup = NULL;
@@ -94,7 +56,7 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
int dest_backup_index = 0;
int base_full_backup_index = 0;
int corrupted_backup_index = 0;
- char *action = is_restore ? "Restore":"Validate";
+ char *action = is_restore ? "Restore":"Validate";
if (is_restore)
@@ -115,13 +77,12 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
/* Get list of all backups sorted in order of descending start time */
backups = catalog_get_backup_list(INVALID_BACKUP_ID);
- if (backups == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Failed to get backup list.");
/* Find backup range we should restore or validate. */
- for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backups); i++)
+ while ((i < parray_num(backups)) && !dest_backup)
current_backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
+ i++;
/* Skip all backups which started after target backup */
if (target_backup_id && current_backup->start_time > target_backup_id)
@@ -133,7 +94,6 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
if (is_restore &&
- !dest_backup &&
target_backup_id == INVALID_BACKUP_ID &&
current_backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
@@ -147,8 +107,7 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
* ensure that it satisfies recovery target.
if ((target_backup_id == current_backup->start_time
- || target_backup_id == INVALID_BACKUP_ID)
- && !dest_backup)
+ || target_backup_id == INVALID_BACKUP_ID))
/* backup is not ok,
@@ -169,6 +128,8 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
if (rt->recovery_target_tli)
+ parray *timelines;
elog(LOG, "target timeline ID = %u", rt->recovery_target_tli);
/* Read timeline history files from archives */
timelines = readTimeLineHistory_probackup(rt->recovery_target_tli);
@@ -199,37 +160,42 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
* Save it as dest_backup
dest_backup = current_backup;
- dest_backup_index = i;
+ dest_backup_index = i-1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dest_backup == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "Backup satisfying target options is not found.");
+ /* If we already found dest_backup, look for full backup. */
+ if (dest_backup)
+ {
+ base_full_backup = current_backup;
+ if (current_backup->backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ {
+ base_full_backup = find_parent_backup(current_backup);
+ if (base_full_backup == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "Valid full backup for backup %s is not found.",
+ base36enc(current_backup->start_time));
- /* If we already found dest_backup, look for full backup. */
- if (dest_backup)
+ /*
+ * We have found full backup by link,
+ * now we need to walk the list to find its index.
+ *
+ * TODO I think we should rewrite it someday to use double linked list
+ * and avoid relying on sort order anymore.
+ */
+ for (i = dest_backup_index; i < parray_num(backups); i++)
- if (current_backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ pgBackup * temp_backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
+ if (temp_backup->start_time == base_full_backup->start_time)
- if (current_backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
- {
- /* Full backup revalidation can be done only for DONE and CORRUPT */
- if (current_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_DONE ||
- current_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT)
- elog(WARNING, "base backup %s for given backup %s is in %s status, trying to revalidate",
- base36enc_dup(current_backup->start_time),
- base36enc_dup(dest_backup->start_time),
- status2str(current_backup->status));
- else
- elog(ERROR, "base backup %s for given backup %s is in %s status",
- base36enc_dup(current_backup->start_time),
- base36enc_dup(dest_backup->start_time),
- status2str(current_backup->status));
- }
- /* We found both dest and base backups. */
- base_full_backup = current_backup;
base_full_backup_index = i;
- else
- /* It`s ok to skip incremental backup */
- continue;
@@ -243,66 +209,71 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
if (is_restore)
- if (dest_backup->backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
- elog(INFO, "Validating parents for backup %s", base36enc(dest_backup->start_time));
- /*
- * Validate backups from base_full_backup to dest_backup.
- */
- for (i = base_full_backup_index; i >= dest_backup_index; i--)
+ if (!is_restore || !rt->restore_no_validate)
- pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
- pgBackupValidate(backup);
- /* Maybe we should be more paranoid and check for !BACKUP_STATUS_OK? */
- if (backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT)
- {
- corrupted_backup = backup;
- corrupted_backup_index = i;
- break;
- }
- /* We do not validate WAL files of intermediate backups
- * It`s done to speed up restore
- */
- }
- /* There is no point in wal validation
- * if there is corrupted backup between base_backup and dest_backup
- */
- if (!corrupted_backup)
+ if (dest_backup->backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ elog(INFO, "Validating parents for backup %s", base36enc(dest_backup->start_time));
- * Validate corresponding WAL files.
- * We pass base_full_backup timeline as last argument to this function,
- * because it's needed to form the name of xlog file.
+ * Validate backups from base_full_backup to dest_backup.
- validate_wal(dest_backup, arclog_path, rt->recovery_target_time,
- rt->recovery_target_xid, base_full_backup->tli);
- /* Set every incremental backup between corrupted backup and nearest FULL backup as orphans */
- if (corrupted_backup)
- {
- for (i = corrupted_backup_index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ for (i = base_full_backup_index; i >= dest_backup_index; i--)
pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
- /* Mark incremental OK backup as orphan */
- if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
- break;
- if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
- continue;
- else
+ pgBackupValidate(backup);
+ /* Maybe we should be more paranoid and check for !BACKUP_STATUS_OK? */
+ if (backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT)
- char *backup_id,
- *corrupted_backup_id;
+ corrupted_backup = backup;
+ corrupted_backup_index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* We do not validate WAL files of intermediate backups
+ * It`s done to speed up restore
+ */
+ }
+ /* There is no point in wal validation
+ * if there is corrupted backup between base_backup and dest_backup
+ */
+ if (!corrupted_backup)
+ /*
+ * Validate corresponding WAL files.
+ * We pass base_full_backup timeline as last argument to this function,
+ * because it's needed to form the name of xlog file.
+ */
+ validate_wal(dest_backup, arclog_path, rt->recovery_target_time,
+ rt->recovery_target_xid, rt->recovery_target_lsn,
+ base_full_backup->tli);
- backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_ORPHAN;
- pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(backup);
+ /* Set every incremental backup between corrupted backup and nearest FULL backup as orphans */
+ if (corrupted_backup)
+ {
+ for (i = corrupted_backup_index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
+ /* Mark incremental OK backup as orphan */
+ if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ break;
+ if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
+ continue;
+ else
+ {
+ char *backup_id,
+ *corrupted_backup_id;
- backup_id = base36enc_dup(backup->start_time);
- corrupted_backup_id = base36enc_dup(corrupted_backup->start_time);
+ backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_ORPHAN;
+ pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(backup);
- elog(WARNING, "Backup %s is orphaned because his parent %s is corrupted",
- backup_id, corrupted_backup_id);
+ backup_id = base36enc_dup(backup->start_time);
+ corrupted_backup_id = base36enc_dup(corrupted_backup->start_time);
- free(backup_id);
- free(corrupted_backup_id);
+ elog(WARNING, "Backup %s is orphaned because his parent %s is corrupted",
+ backup_id, corrupted_backup_id);
+ free(backup_id);
+ free(corrupted_backup_id);
+ }
@@ -312,7 +283,12 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
* produce corresponding error message
if (dest_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
- elog(INFO, "Backup %s is valid.", base36enc(dest_backup->start_time));
+ {
+ if (rt->restore_no_validate)
+ elog(INFO, "Backup %s is used without validation.", base36enc(dest_backup->start_time));
+ else
+ elog(INFO, "Backup %s is valid.", base36enc(dest_backup->start_time));
+ }
else if (dest_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT)
elog(ERROR, "Backup %s is corrupt.", base36enc(dest_backup->start_time));
else if (dest_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_ORPHAN)
@@ -327,6 +303,11 @@ do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
for (i = base_full_backup_index; i >= dest_backup_index; i--)
pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
+ if (rt->lsn_specified && parse_server_version(backup->server_version) < 100000)
+ elog(ERROR, "Backup %s was created for version %s which doesn't support recovery_target_lsn",
+ base36enc(dest_backup->start_time), dest_backup->server_version);
@@ -362,8 +343,9 @@ restore_backup(pgBackup *backup)
char list_path[MAXPGPATH];
parray *files;
int i;
- pthread_t restore_threads[num_threads];
- restore_files_args *restore_threads_args[num_threads];
+ /* arrays with meta info for multi threaded backup */
+ pthread_t *threads;
+ restore_files_arg *threads_args;
bool restore_isok = true;
if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
@@ -388,7 +370,7 @@ restore_backup(pgBackup *backup)
* this_backup_path = $BACKUP_PATH/backups/instance_name/backup_id
pgBackupGetPath(backup, this_backup_path, lengthof(this_backup_path), NULL);
- restore_directories(pgdata, this_backup_path);
+ create_data_directories(pgdata, this_backup_path, true);
* Get list of files which need to be restored.
@@ -397,46 +379,50 @@ restore_backup(pgBackup *backup)
pgBackupGetPath(backup, list_path, lengthof(list_path), DATABASE_FILE_LIST);
files = dir_read_file_list(database_path, list_path);
+ threads = (pthread_t *) palloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * num_threads);
+ threads_args = (restore_files_arg *) palloc(sizeof(restore_files_arg)*num_threads);
/* setup threads */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
- pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
- __sync_lock_release(&file->lock);
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
+ pg_atomic_clear_flag(&file->lock);
/* Restore files into target directory */
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- restore_files_args *arg = pg_malloc(sizeof(restore_files_args));
+ restore_files_arg *arg = &(threads_args[i]);
arg->files = files;
arg->backup = backup;
/* By default there are some error */
- arg->ret = 1;
+ threads_args[i].ret = 1;
elog(LOG, "Start thread for num:%li", parray_num(files));
- restore_threads_args[i] = arg;
- pthread_create(&restore_threads[i], NULL,
- (void *(*)(void *)) restore_files, arg);
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, restore_files, arg);
/* Wait theads */
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- pthread_join(restore_threads[i], NULL);
- if (restore_threads_args[i]->ret == 1)
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ if (threads_args[i].ret == 1)
restore_isok = false;
- pg_free(restore_threads_args[i]);
if (!restore_isok)
elog(ERROR, "Data files restoring failed");
+ pfree(threads);
+ pfree(threads_args);
/* cleanup */
parray_walk(files, pgFileFree);
+ if (log_level_console <= LOG || log_level_file <= LOG)
elog(LOG, "restore %s backup completed", base36enc(backup->start_time));
@@ -452,7 +438,7 @@ remove_deleted_files(pgBackup *backup)
parray *files;
parray *files_restored;
char filelist_path[MAXPGPATH];
- int i;
+ int i;
pgBackupGetPath(backup, filelist_path, lengthof(filelist_path), DATABASE_FILE_LIST);
/* Read backup's filelist using target database path as base path */
@@ -473,7 +459,7 @@ remove_deleted_files(pgBackup *backup)
if (parray_bsearch(files, file, pgFileComparePathDesc) == NULL)
+ if (log_level_console <= LOG || log_level_file <= LOG)
elog(LOG, "deleted %s", GetRelativePath(file->path, pgdata));
@@ -485,228 +471,14 @@ remove_deleted_files(pgBackup *backup)
- * Restore backup directories from **backup_database_dir** to **pg_data_dir**.
- *
- * TODO: Think about simplification and clarity of the function.
- */
-static void
-restore_directories(const char *pg_data_dir, const char *backup_dir)
- parray *dirs,
- *links;
- size_t i;
- char backup_database_dir[MAXPGPATH],
- to_path[MAXPGPATH];
- dirs = parray_new();
- links = parray_new();
- join_path_components(backup_database_dir, backup_dir, DATABASE_DIR);
- list_data_directories(dirs, backup_database_dir, true, false);
- read_tablespace_map(links, backup_dir);
- elog(LOG, "restore directories and symlinks...");
- for (i = 0; i < parray_num(dirs); i++)
- {
- pgFile *dir = (pgFile *) parray_get(dirs, i);
- char *relative_ptr = GetRelativePath(dir->path, backup_database_dir);
- Assert(S_ISDIR(dir->mode));
- /* First try to create symlink and linked directory */
- if (path_is_prefix_of_path(PG_TBLSPC_DIR, relative_ptr))
- {
- char *link_ptr = GetRelativePath(relative_ptr, PG_TBLSPC_DIR),
- *link_sep,
- *tmp_ptr;
- char link_name[MAXPGPATH];
- pgFile **link;
- /* Extract link name from relative path */
- link_sep = first_dir_separator(link_ptr);
- if (link_sep != NULL)
- {
- int len = link_sep - link_ptr;
- strncpy(link_name, link_ptr, len);
- link_name[len] = '\0';
- }
- else
- goto create_directory;
- tmp_ptr = dir->path;
- dir->path = link_name;
- /* Search only by symlink name without path */
- link = (pgFile **) parray_bsearch(links, dir, pgFileComparePath);
- dir->path = tmp_ptr;
- if (link)
- {
- const char *linked_path = get_tablespace_mapping((*link)->linked);
- const char *dir_created;
- if (!is_absolute_path(linked_path))
- elog(ERROR, "tablespace directory is not an absolute path: %s\n",
- linked_path);
- /* Check if linked directory was created earlier */
- dir_created = get_tablespace_created(link_name);
- if (dir_created)
- {
- /*
- * If symlink and linked directory were created do not
- * create it second time.
- */
- if (strcmp(dir_created, linked_path) == 0)
- {
- /*
- * Create rest of directories.
- * First check is there any directory name after
- * separator.
- */
- if (link_sep != NULL && *(link_sep + 1) != '\0')
- goto create_directory;
- else
- continue;
- }
- else
- elog(ERROR, "tablespace directory \"%s\" of page backup does not "
- "match with previous created tablespace directory \"%s\" of symlink \"%s\"",
- linked_path, dir_created, link_name);
- }
- /*
- * This check was done in check_tablespace_mapping(). But do
- * it again.
- */
- if (!dir_is_empty(linked_path))
- elog(ERROR, "restore tablespace destination is not empty: \"%s\"",
- linked_path);
- if (link_sep)
- elog(LOG, "create directory \"%s\" and symbolic link \"%.*s\"",
- linked_path,
- (int) (link_sep - relative_ptr), relative_ptr);
- else
- elog(LOG, "create directory \"%s\" and symbolic link \"%s\"",
- linked_path, relative_ptr);
- /* Firstly, create linked directory */
- dir_create_dir(linked_path, DIR_PERMISSION);
- join_path_components(to_path, pg_data_dir, PG_TBLSPC_DIR);
- /* Create pg_tblspc directory just in case */
- dir_create_dir(to_path, DIR_PERMISSION);
- /* Secondly, create link */
- join_path_components(to_path, to_path, link_name);
- if (symlink(linked_path, to_path) < 0)
- elog(ERROR, "could not create symbolic link \"%s\": %s",
- to_path, strerror(errno));
- /* Save linked directory */
- set_tablespace_created(link_name, linked_path);
- /*
- * Create rest of directories.
- * First check is there any directory name after separator.
- */
- if (link_sep != NULL && *(link_sep + 1) != '\0')
- goto create_directory;
- continue;
- }
- }
- elog(LOG, "create directory \"%s\"", relative_ptr);
- /* This is not symlink, create directory */
- join_path_components(to_path, pg_data_dir, relative_ptr);
- dir_create_dir(to_path, DIR_PERMISSION);
- }
- parray_walk(links, pgFileFree);
- parray_free(links);
- parray_walk(dirs, pgFileFree);
- parray_free(dirs);
- * Check that all tablespace mapping entries have correct linked directory
- * paths. Linked directories must be empty or do not exist.
- *
- * If tablespace-mapping option is supplied, all OLDDIR entries must have
- * entries in tablespace_map file.
- */
-static void
-check_tablespace_mapping(pgBackup *backup)
- char this_backup_path[MAXPGPATH];
- parray *links;
- size_t i;
- TablespaceListCell *cell;
- pgFile *tmp_file = pgut_new(pgFile);
- links = parray_new();
- pgBackupGetPath(backup, this_backup_path, lengthof(this_backup_path), NULL);
- read_tablespace_map(links, this_backup_path);
- elog(LOG, "check tablespace directories of backup %s",
- base36enc(backup->start_time));
- /* 1 - each OLDDIR must have an entry in tablespace_map file (links) */
- for (cell = tablespace_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
- {
- tmp_file->linked = cell->old_dir;
- if (parray_bsearch(links, tmp_file, pgFileCompareLinked) == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "--tablespace-mapping option's old directory "
- "doesn't have an entry in tablespace_map file: \"%s\"",
- cell->old_dir);
- }
- /* 2 - all linked directories must be empty */
- for (i = 0; i < parray_num(links); i++)
- {
- pgFile *link = (pgFile *) parray_get(links, i);
- const char *linked_path = link->linked;
- TablespaceListCell *cell;
- for (cell = tablespace_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
- if (strcmp(link->linked, cell->old_dir) == 0)
- {
- linked_path = cell->new_dir;
- break;
- }
- if (!is_absolute_path(linked_path))
- elog(ERROR, "tablespace directory is not an absolute path: %s\n",
- linked_path);
- if (!dir_is_empty(linked_path))
- elog(ERROR, "restore tablespace destination is not empty: \"%s\"",
- linked_path);
- }
- free(tmp_file);
- parray_walk(links, pgFileFree);
- parray_free(links);
* Restore files into $PGDATA.
-static void
+static void *
restore_files(void *arg)
int i;
- restore_files_args *arguments = (restore_files_args *)arg;
+ restore_files_arg *arguments = (restore_files_arg *)arg;
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(arguments->files); i++)
@@ -714,7 +486,7 @@ restore_files(void *arg)
char *rel_path;
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->files, i);
- if (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&file->lock, 1) != 0)
+ if (!pg_atomic_test_set_flag(&file->lock))
pgBackupGetPath(arguments->backup, from_root,
@@ -730,7 +502,6 @@ restore_files(void *arg)
elog(LOG, "Progress: (%d/%lu). Process file %s ",
i + 1, (unsigned long) parray_num(arguments->files), rel_path);
* For PAGE and PTRACK backups skip files which haven't changed
* since previous backup and thus were not backed up.
@@ -741,11 +512,11 @@ restore_files(void *arg)
(arguments->backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PAGE
|| arguments->backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK))
- elog(VERBOSE, "The file didn`t changed. Skip restore: %s", file->path);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "The file didn`t change. Skip restore: %s", file->path);
- /* Directories was created before */
+ /* Directories were created before */
if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
elog(VERBOSE, "directory, skip");
@@ -765,20 +536,31 @@ restore_files(void *arg)
* block and have BackupPageHeader meta information, so we cannot just
* copy the file from backup.
- elog(VERBOSE, "Restoring file %s, is_datafile %i, is_cfs %i", file->path, file->is_datafile?1:0, file->is_cfs?1:0);
+ elog(VERBOSE, "Restoring file %s, is_datafile %i, is_cfs %i",
+ file->path, file->is_datafile?1:0, file->is_cfs?1:0);
if (file->is_datafile && !file->is_cfs)
- restore_data_file(from_root, pgdata, file, arguments->backup);
+ {
+ char to_path[MAXPGPATH];
+ join_path_components(to_path, pgdata,
+ file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
+ restore_data_file(to_path, file,
+ arguments->backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA,
+ false);
+ }
copy_file(from_root, pgdata, file);
/* print size of restored file */
if (file->write_size != BYTES_INVALID)
- elog(LOG, "Restored file %s : %lu bytes",
- file->path, (unsigned long) file->write_size);
+ elog(LOG, "Restored file %s : " INT64_FORMAT " bytes",
+ file->path, file->write_size);
/* Data files restoring is successful */
arguments->ret = 0;
+ return NULL;
/* Create recovery.conf with given recovery target parameters */
@@ -787,9 +569,9 @@ create_recovery_conf(time_t backup_id,
pgRecoveryTarget *rt,
pgBackup *backup)
- char path[MAXPGPATH];
- FILE *fp;
- bool need_restore_conf = false;
+ char path[MAXPGPATH];
+ FILE *fp;
+ bool need_restore_conf = false;
if (!backup->stream
|| (rt->time_specified || rt->xid_specified))
@@ -831,6 +613,9 @@ create_recovery_conf(time_t backup_id,
if (rt->xid_specified)
fprintf(fp, "recovery_target_xid = '%s'\n", rt->target_xid_string);
+ if (rt->recovery_target_lsn)
+ fprintf(fp, "recovery_target_lsn = '%s'\n", rt->target_lsn_string);
if (rt->recovery_target_immediate)
fprintf(fp, "recovery_target = 'immediate'\n");
@@ -959,7 +744,8 @@ readTimeLineHistory_probackup(TimeLineID targetTLI)
entry = pgut_new(TimeLineHistoryEntry);
entry->tli = targetTLI;
/* LSN in target timeline is valid */
- entry->end = (uint32) (-1UL << 32) | -1UL;
+ /* TODO ensure that -1UL --> -1L fix is correct */
+ entry->end = (uint32) (-1L << 32) | -1L;
parray_insert(result, 0, entry);
return result;
@@ -974,16 +760,22 @@ satisfy_recovery_target(const pgBackup *backup, const pgRecoveryTarget *rt)
if (rt->time_specified)
return backup->recovery_time <= rt->recovery_target_time;
+ if (rt->lsn_specified)
+ return backup->stop_lsn <= rt->recovery_target_lsn;
return true;
satisfy_timeline(const parray *timelines, const pgBackup *backup)
- int i;
+ int i;
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(timelines); i++)
- TimeLineHistoryEntry *timeline = (TimeLineHistoryEntry *) parray_get(timelines, i);
+ TimeLineHistoryEntry *timeline;
+ timeline = (TimeLineHistoryEntry *) parray_get(timelines, i);
if (backup->tli == timeline->tli &&
backup->stop_lsn < timeline->end)
return true;
@@ -999,33 +791,40 @@ parseRecoveryTargetOptions(const char *target_time,
const char *target_xid,
const char *target_inclusive,
TimeLineID target_tli,
+ const char *target_lsn,
bool target_immediate,
const char *target_name,
- const char *target_action)
+ const char *target_action,
+ bool restore_no_validate)
- time_t dummy_time;
- TransactionId dummy_xid;
- bool dummy_bool;
+ time_t dummy_time;
+ TransactionId dummy_xid;
+ bool dummy_bool;
+ XLogRecPtr dummy_lsn;
* count the number of the mutually exclusive options which may specify
* recovery target. If final value > 1, throw an error.
- int recovery_target_specified = 0;
+ int recovery_target_specified = 0;
pgRecoveryTarget *rt = pgut_new(pgRecoveryTarget);
/* fill all options with default values */
rt->time_specified = false;
rt->xid_specified = false;
rt->inclusive_specified = false;
+ rt->lsn_specified = false;
rt->recovery_target_time = 0;
rt->recovery_target_xid = 0;
+ rt->recovery_target_lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr;
rt->target_time_string = NULL;
rt->target_xid_string = NULL;
+ rt->target_lsn_string = NULL;
rt->recovery_target_inclusive = false;
rt->recovery_target_tli = 0;
rt->recovery_target_immediate = false;
rt->recovery_target_name = NULL;
rt->recovery_target_action = NULL;
+ rt->restore_no_validate = false;
/* parse given options */
if (target_time)
@@ -1034,7 +833,7 @@ parseRecoveryTargetOptions(const char *target_time,
rt->time_specified = true;
rt->target_time_string = target_time;
- if (parse_time(target_time, &dummy_time))
+ if (parse_time(target_time, &dummy_time, false))
rt->recovery_target_time = dummy_time;
elog(ERROR, "Invalid value of --time option %s", target_time);
@@ -1056,6 +855,17 @@ parseRecoveryTargetOptions(const char *target_time,
elog(ERROR, "Invalid value of --xid option %s", target_xid);
+ if (target_lsn)
+ {
+ recovery_target_specified++;
+ rt->lsn_specified = true;
+ rt->target_lsn_string = target_lsn;
+ if (parse_lsn(target_lsn, &dummy_lsn))
+ rt->recovery_target_lsn = dummy_lsn;
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid value of --lsn option %s", target_lsn);
+ }
if (target_inclusive)
rt->inclusive_specified = true;
@@ -1072,6 +882,11 @@ parseRecoveryTargetOptions(const char *target_time,
rt->recovery_target_immediate = target_immediate;
+ if (restore_no_validate)
+ {
+ rt->restore_no_validate = restore_no_validate;
+ }
if (target_name)
@@ -1095,123 +910,11 @@ parseRecoveryTargetOptions(const char *target_time,
/* More than one mutually exclusive option was defined. */
if (recovery_target_specified > 1)
- elog(ERROR, "At most one of --immediate, --target-name, --time, or --xid can be used");
+ elog(ERROR, "At most one of --immediate, --target-name, --time, --xid, or --lsn can be used");
/* If none of the options is defined, '--inclusive' option is meaningless */
- if (!(rt->xid_specified || rt->time_specified) && rt->recovery_target_inclusive)
+ if (!(rt->xid_specified || rt->time_specified || rt->lsn_specified) && rt->recovery_target_inclusive)
elog(ERROR, "--inclusive option applies when either --time or --xid is specified");
return rt;
- * Split argument into old_dir and new_dir and append to tablespace mapping
- * list.
- *
- * Copy of function tablespace_list_append() from pg_basebackup.c.
- */
-opt_tablespace_map(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg)
- TablespaceListCell *cell = pgut_new(TablespaceListCell);
- char *dst;
- char *dst_ptr;
- const char *arg_ptr;
- dst_ptr = dst = cell->old_dir;
- for (arg_ptr = arg; *arg_ptr; arg_ptr++)
- {
- if (dst_ptr - dst >= MAXPGPATH)
- elog(ERROR, "directory name too long");
- if (*arg_ptr == '\\' && *(arg_ptr + 1) == '=')
- ; /* skip backslash escaping = */
- else if (*arg_ptr == '=' && (arg_ptr == arg || *(arg_ptr - 1) != '\\'))
- {
- if (*cell->new_dir)
- elog(ERROR, "multiple \"=\" signs in tablespace mapping\n");
- else
- dst = dst_ptr = cell->new_dir;
- }
- else
- *dst_ptr++ = *arg_ptr;
- }
- if (!*cell->old_dir || !*cell->new_dir)
- elog(ERROR, "invalid tablespace mapping format \"%s\", "
- "must be \"OLDDIR=NEWDIR\"", arg);
- /*
- * This check isn't absolutely necessary. But all tablespaces are created
- * with absolute directories, so specifying a non-absolute path here would
- * just never match, possibly confusing users. It's also good to be
- * consistent with the new_dir check.
- */
- if (!is_absolute_path(cell->old_dir))
- elog(ERROR, "old directory is not an absolute path in tablespace mapping: %s\n",
- cell->old_dir);
- if (!is_absolute_path(cell->new_dir))
- elog(ERROR, "new directory is not an absolute path in tablespace mapping: %s\n",
- cell->new_dir);
- if (tablespace_dirs.tail)
- tablespace_dirs.tail->next = cell;
- else
- tablespace_dirs.head = cell;
- tablespace_dirs.tail = cell;
- * Retrieve tablespace path, either relocated or original depending on whether
- * -T was passed or not.
- *
- * Copy of function get_tablespace_mapping() from pg_basebackup.c.
- */
-static const char *
-get_tablespace_mapping(const char *dir)
- TablespaceListCell *cell;
- for (cell = tablespace_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
- if (strcmp(dir, cell->old_dir) == 0)
- return cell->new_dir;
- return dir;
- * Save create directory path into memory. We can use it in next page restore to
- * not raise the error "restore tablespace destination is not empty" in
- * restore_directories().
- */
-static void
-set_tablespace_created(const char *link, const char *dir)
- TablespaceCreatedListCell *cell = pgut_new(TablespaceCreatedListCell);
- strcpy(cell->link_name, link);
- strcpy(cell->linked_dir, dir);
- cell->next = NULL;
- if (tablespace_created_dirs.tail)
- tablespace_created_dirs.tail->next = cell;
- else
- tablespace_created_dirs.head = cell;
- tablespace_created_dirs.tail = cell;
- * Is directory was created when symlink was created in restore_directories().
- */
-static const char *
-get_tablespace_created(const char *link)
- TablespaceCreatedListCell *cell;
- for (cell = tablespace_created_dirs.head; cell; cell = cell->next)
- if (strcmp(link, cell->link_name) == 0)
- return cell->linked_dir;
- return NULL;
diff --git a/src/show.c b/src/show.c
index b6eee867..f240ce93 100644
--- a/src/show.c
+++ b/src/show.c
@@ -3,28 +3,40 @@
* show.c: show backup information.
- * Portions Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Postgres Professional
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Postgres Professional
#include "pg_probackup.h"
+#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
-static void show_backup_list(FILE *out, parray *backup_list);
-static void show_backup_detail(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup);
-static int do_show_instance(time_t requested_backup_id);
+#include "utils/json.h"
+static void show_instance_start(void);
+static void show_instance_end(void);
+static void show_instance(time_t requested_backup_id, bool show_name);
+static int show_backup(time_t requested_backup_id);
+static void show_instance_plain(parray *backup_list, bool show_name);
+static void show_instance_json(parray *backup_list);
+static PQExpBufferData show_buf;
+static bool first_instance = true;
+static int32 json_level = 0;
do_show(time_t requested_backup_id)
- if (instance_name == NULL
- && requested_backup_id != INVALID_BACKUP_ID)
+ if (instance_name == NULL &&
+ requested_backup_id != INVALID_BACKUP_ID)
elog(ERROR, "You must specify --instance to use --backup_id option");
if (instance_name == NULL)
@@ -38,10 +50,12 @@ do_show(time_t requested_backup_id)
join_path_components(path, backup_path, BACKUPS_DIR);
dir = opendir(path);
if (dir == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "cannot open directory \"%s\": %s", path, strerror(errno));
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot open directory \"%s\": %s",
+ path, strerror(errno));
- errno = 0;
- while ((dent = readdir(dir)))
+ show_instance_start();
+ while (errno = 0, (dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
char child[MAXPGPATH];
struct stat st;
@@ -54,73 +68,47 @@ do_show(time_t requested_backup_id)
join_path_components(child, path, dent->d_name);
if (lstat(child, &st) == -1)
- elog(ERROR, "cannot stat file \"%s\": %s", child, strerror(errno));
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot stat file \"%s\": %s",
+ child, strerror(errno));
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
instance_name = dent->d_name;
sprintf(backup_instance_path, "%s/%s/%s", backup_path, BACKUPS_DIR, instance_name);
- fprintf(stdout, "\nBACKUP INSTANCE '%s'\n", instance_name);
- do_show_instance(0);
+ show_instance(INVALID_BACKUP_ID, true);
+ if (errno)
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot read directory \"%s\": %s",
+ path, strerror(errno));
+ if (closedir(dir))
+ elog(ERROR, "Cannot close directory \"%s\": %s",
+ path, strerror(errno));
+ show_instance_end();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (requested_backup_id == INVALID_BACKUP_ID ||
+ show_format == SHOW_JSON)
+ {
+ show_instance_start();
+ show_instance(requested_backup_id, false);
+ show_instance_end();
return 0;
- return do_show_instance(requested_backup_id);
- * If 'requested_backup_id' is INVALID_BACKUP_ID, show brief meta information
- * about all backups in the backup instance.
- * If valid backup id is passed, show detailed meta information
- * about specified backup.
- */
-static int
-do_show_instance(time_t requested_backup_id)
- if (requested_backup_id != INVALID_BACKUP_ID)
- {
- pgBackup *backup;
- backup = read_backup(requested_backup_id);
- if (backup == NULL)
- {
- elog(INFO, "Requested backup \"%s\" is not found.",
- /* We do not need free base36enc's result, we exit anyway */
- base36enc(requested_backup_id));
- /* This is not error */
- return 0;
- }
- show_backup_detail(stdout, backup);
- /* cleanup */
- pgBackupFree(backup);
- }
- else
- {
- parray *backup_list;
- backup_list = catalog_get_backup_list(INVALID_BACKUP_ID);
- if (backup_list == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Failed to get backup list.");
- show_backup_list(stdout, backup_list);
- /* cleanup */
- parray_walk(backup_list, pgBackupFree);
- parray_free(backup_list);
- }
- return 0;
+ return show_backup(requested_backup_id);
static void
pretty_size(int64 size, char *buf, size_t len)
- int exp = 0;
+ int exp = 0;
/* minus means the size is invalid */
if (size < 0)
@@ -219,16 +207,111 @@ get_parent_tli(TimeLineID child_tli)
return result;
+ * Initialize instance visualization.
+ */
static void
-show_backup_list(FILE *out, parray *backup_list)
+ initPQExpBuffer(&show_buf);
+ if (show_format == SHOW_PLAIN)
+ return;
+ first_instance = true;
+ json_level = 0;
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(&show_buf, '[');
+ json_level++;
+ * Finalize instance visualization.
+ */
+static void
+ if (show_format == SHOW_JSON)
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(&show_buf, "\n]\n");
+ fputs(show_buf.data, stdout);
+ termPQExpBuffer(&show_buf);
+ * Show brief meta information about all backups in the backup instance.
+ */
+static void
+show_instance(time_t requested_backup_id, bool show_name)
+ parray *backup_list;
+ backup_list = catalog_get_backup_list(requested_backup_id);
+ if (show_format == SHOW_PLAIN)
+ show_instance_plain(backup_list, show_name);
+ else if (show_format == SHOW_JSON)
+ show_instance_json(backup_list);
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid show format %d", (int) show_format);
+ /* cleanup */
+ parray_walk(backup_list, pgBackupFree);
+ parray_free(backup_list);
+ * Show detailed meta information about specified backup.
+ */
+static int
+show_backup(time_t requested_backup_id)
+ pgBackup *backup;
+ backup = read_backup(requested_backup_id);
+ if (backup == NULL)
+ {
+ elog(INFO, "Requested backup \"%s\" is not found.",
+ /* We do not need free base36enc's result, we exit anyway */
+ base36enc(requested_backup_id));
+ /* This is not error */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (show_format == SHOW_PLAIN)
+ pgBackupWriteControl(stdout, backup);
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid show format %d", (int) show_format);
+ /* cleanup */
+ pgBackupFree(backup);
+ return 0;
+ * Plain output.
+ */
+ * Show instance backups in plain format.
+ */
+static void
+show_instance_plain(parray *backup_list, bool show_name)
int i;
+ if (show_name)
+ printfPQExpBuffer(&show_buf, "\nBACKUP INSTANCE '%s'\n", instance_name);
/* if you add new fields here, fix the header */
/* show header */
- fputs("============================================================================================================================================\n", out);
- fputs(" Instance Version ID Recovery time Mode WAL Current/Parent TLI Time Data Start LSN Stop LSN Status \n", out);
- fputs("============================================================================================================================================\n", out);
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(&show_buf,
+ "============================================================================================================================================\n");
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(&show_buf,
+ " Instance Version ID Recovery time Mode WAL Current/Parent TLI Time Data Start LSN Stop LSN Status \n");
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(&show_buf,
+ "============================================================================================================================================\n");
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backup_list); i++)
@@ -255,27 +338,163 @@ show_backup_list(FILE *out, parray *backup_list)
/* Get parent timeline before printing */
parent_tli = get_parent_tli(backup->tli);
- fprintf(out, " %-11s %-8s %-6s %-22s %-6s %-7s %3d / %-3d %5s %6s %2X/%-8X %2X/%-8X %-8s\n",
- instance_name,
- (backup->server_version[0] ? backup->server_version : "----"),
- base36enc(backup->start_time),
- timestamp,
- pgBackupGetBackupMode(backup),
- backup->stream ? "STREAM": "ARCHIVE",
- backup->tli,
- parent_tli,
- duration,
- data_bytes_str,
- (uint32) (backup->start_lsn >> 32),
- (uint32) backup->start_lsn,
- (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn >> 32),
- (uint32) backup->stop_lsn,
- status2str(backup->status));
+ appendPQExpBuffer(&show_buf,
+ " %-11s %-8s %-6s %-22s %-6s %-7s %3d / %-3d %5s %6s %2X/%-8X %2X/%-8X %-8s\n",
+ instance_name,
+ (backup->server_version[0] ? backup->server_version : "----"),
+ base36enc(backup->start_time),
+ timestamp,
+ pgBackupGetBackupMode(backup),
+ backup->stream ? "STREAM": "ARCHIVE",
+ backup->tli,
+ parent_tli,
+ duration,
+ data_bytes_str,
+ (uint32) (backup->start_lsn >> 32),
+ (uint32) backup->start_lsn,
+ (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn >> 32),
+ (uint32) backup->stop_lsn,
+ status2str(backup->status));
+ * Json output.
+ */
+ * Show instance backups in json format.
+ */
static void
-show_backup_detail(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup)
+show_instance_json(parray *backup_list)
- pgBackupWriteControl(out, backup);
+ int i;
+ PQExpBuffer buf = &show_buf;
+ if (!first_instance)
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, ',');
+ /* Begin of instance object */
+ json_add(buf, JT_BEGIN_OBJECT, &json_level);
+ json_add_value(buf, "instance", instance_name, json_level, false);
+ json_add_key(buf, "backups", json_level, true);
+ /*
+ * List backups.
+ */
+ json_add(buf, JT_BEGIN_ARRAY, &json_level);
+ for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backup_list); i++)
+ {
+ pgBackup *backup = parray_get(backup_list, i);
+ TimeLineID parent_tli;
+ char timestamp[100] = "----";
+ char lsn[20];
+ if (i != 0)
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, ',');
+ json_add(buf, JT_BEGIN_OBJECT, &json_level);
+ json_add_value(buf, "id", base36enc(backup->start_time), json_level,
+ false);
+ if (backup->parent_backup != 0)
+ json_add_value(buf, "parent-backup-id",
+ base36enc(backup->parent_backup), json_level, true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "backup-mode", pgBackupGetBackupMode(backup),
+ json_level, true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "wal", backup->stream ? "STREAM": "ARCHIVE",
+ json_level, true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "compress-alg",
+ deparse_compress_alg(backup->compress_alg), json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add_key(buf, "compress-level", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%d", backup->compress_level);
+ json_add_value(buf, "from-replica",
+ backup->from_replica ? "true" : "false", json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add_key(buf, "block-size", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%u", backup->block_size);
+ json_add_key(buf, "xlog-block-size", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%u", backup->wal_block_size);
+ json_add_key(buf, "checksum-version", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%u", backup->checksum_version);
+ json_add_value(buf, "program-version", backup->program_version,
+ json_level, true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "server-version", backup->server_version,
+ json_level, true);
+ json_add_key(buf, "current-tli", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%d", backup->tli);
+ json_add_key(buf, "parent-tli", json_level, true);
+ parent_tli = get_parent_tli(backup->tli);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "%u", parent_tli);
+ snprintf(lsn, lengthof(lsn), "%X/%X",
+ (uint32) (backup->start_lsn >> 32), (uint32) backup->start_lsn);
+ json_add_value(buf, "start-lsn", lsn, json_level, true);
+ snprintf(lsn, lengthof(lsn), "%X/%X",
+ (uint32) (backup->stop_lsn >> 32), (uint32) backup->stop_lsn);
+ json_add_value(buf, "stop-lsn", lsn, json_level, true);
+ time2iso(timestamp, lengthof(timestamp), backup->start_time);
+ json_add_value(buf, "start-time", timestamp, json_level, true);
+ if (backup->end_time)
+ {
+ time2iso(timestamp, lengthof(timestamp), backup->end_time);
+ json_add_value(buf, "end-time", timestamp, json_level, true);
+ }
+ json_add_key(buf, "recovery-xid", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, XID_FMT, backup->recovery_xid);
+ if (backup->recovery_time > 0)
+ {
+ time2iso(timestamp, lengthof(timestamp), backup->recovery_time);
+ json_add_value(buf, "recovery-time", timestamp, json_level, true);
+ }
+ if (backup->data_bytes != BYTES_INVALID)
+ {
+ json_add_key(buf, "data-bytes", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, INT64_FORMAT, backup->data_bytes);
+ }
+ if (backup->wal_bytes != BYTES_INVALID)
+ {
+ json_add_key(buf, "wal-bytes", json_level, true);
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, INT64_FORMAT, backup->wal_bytes);
+ }
+ if (backup->primary_conninfo)
+ json_add_value(buf, "primary_conninfo", backup->primary_conninfo,
+ json_level, true);
+ json_add_value(buf, "status", status2str(backup->status), json_level,
+ true);
+ json_add(buf, JT_END_OBJECT, &json_level);
+ }
+ /* End of backups */
+ json_add(buf, JT_END_ARRAY, &json_level);
+ /* End of instance object */
+ json_add(buf, JT_END_OBJECT, &json_level);
+ first_instance = false;
diff --git a/src/status.c b/src/status.c
index 1c7c6038..155a07f4 100644
--- a/src/status.c
+++ b/src/status.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ get_pgpid(void)
snprintf(pid_file, lengthof(pid_file), "%s/postmaster.pid", pgdata);
- pidf = fopen(pid_file, "r");
+ pidf = fopen(pid_file, PG_BINARY_R);
if (pidf == NULL)
/* No pid file, not an error on startup */
diff --git a/src/util.c b/src/util.c
index f2c84f6e..cb8f9bf6 100644
--- a/src/util.c
+++ b/src/util.c
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ uint32
get_data_checksum_version(bool safe)
ControlFileData ControlFile;
- char *buffer;
- size_t size;
+ char *buffer;
+ size_t size;
/* First fetch file... */
buffer = slurpFile(pgdata, "global/pg_control", &size, safe);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ get_data_checksum_version(bool safe)
- * Convert time_t value to ISO-8601 format string
+ * Convert time_t value to ISO-8601 format string. Always set timezone offset.
time2iso(char *buf, size_t len, time_t time)
@@ -199,25 +199,23 @@ time2iso(char *buf, size_t len, time_t time)
struct tm *ptm = gmtime(&time);
time_t gmt = mktime(ptm);
time_t offset;
+ char *ptr = buf;
ptm = localtime(&time);
offset = time - gmt + (ptm->tm_isdst ? 3600 : 0);
- strftime(buf, len, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ptm);
+ strftime(ptr, len, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ptm);
- if (offset != 0)
+ ptr += strlen(ptr);
+ snprintf(ptr, len - (ptr - buf), "%c%02d",
+ (offset >= 0) ? '+' : '-',
+ abs((int) offset) / SECS_PER_HOUR);
+ if (abs((int) offset) % SECS_PER_HOUR != 0)
- buf += strlen(buf);
- sprintf(buf, "%c%02d",
- (offset >= 0) ? '+' : '-',
- abs((int) offset) / SECS_PER_HOUR);
- if (abs((int) offset) % SECS_PER_HOUR != 0)
- {
- buf += strlen(buf);
- sprintf(buf, ":%02d",
- abs((int) offset % SECS_PER_HOUR) / SECS_PER_MINUTE);
- }
+ ptr += strlen(ptr);
+ snprintf(ptr, len - (ptr - buf), ":%02d",
+ abs((int) offset % SECS_PER_HOUR) / SECS_PER_MINUTE);
@@ -237,6 +235,35 @@ timestamptz_to_time_t(TimestampTz t)
return result;
+/* Parse string representation of the server version */
+parse_server_version(char *server_version_str)
+ int nfields;
+ int result = 0;
+ int major_version = 0;
+ int minor_version = 0;
+ nfields = sscanf(server_version_str, "%d.%d", &major_version, &minor_version);
+ if (nfields == 2)
+ {
+ /* Server version lower than 10 */
+ if (major_version > 10)
+ elog(ERROR, "Server version format doesn't match major version %d", major_version);
+ result = major_version * 10000 + minor_version * 100;
+ }
+ else if (nfields == 1)
+ {
+ if (major_version < 10)
+ elog(ERROR, "Server version format doesn't match major version %d", major_version);
+ result = major_version * 10000;
+ }
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Unknown server version format");
+ return result;
const char *
status2str(BackupStatus status)
@@ -244,8 +271,9 @@ status2str(BackupStatus status)
@@ -295,26 +323,3 @@ remove_not_digit(char *buf, size_t len, const char *str)
buf[j] = '\0';
-/* Fill pgBackup struct with default values */
-pgBackup_init(pgBackup *backup)
- backup->backup_id = INVALID_BACKUP_ID;
- backup->backup_mode = BACKUP_MODE_INVALID;
- backup->status = BACKUP_STATUS_INVALID;
- backup->tli = 0;
- backup->start_lsn = 0;
- backup->stop_lsn = 0;
- backup->start_time = (time_t) 0;
- backup->end_time = (time_t) 0;
- backup->recovery_xid = 0;
- backup->recovery_time = (time_t) 0;
- backup->data_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
- backup->block_size = BLCKSZ;
- backup->wal_block_size = XLOG_BLCKSZ;
- backup->stream = false;
- backup->parent_backup = 0;
- backup->primary_conninfo = NULL;
- backup->server_version[0] = '\0';
diff --git a/src/utils/json.c b/src/utils/json.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3afbe9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/json.c
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ *
+ * json.c: - make json document.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Postgres Professional
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "json.h"
+static void json_add_indent(PQExpBuffer buf, int32 level);
+static void json_add_escaped(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *str);
+ * Start or end json token. Currently it is a json object or array.
+ *
+ * Function modifies level value and adds indent if it appropriate.
+ */
+json_add(PQExpBuffer buf, JsonToken type, int32 *level)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '[');
+ *level += 1;
+ break;
+ case JT_END_ARRAY:
+ *level -= 1;
+ if (*level == 0)
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '\n');
+ else
+ json_add_indent(buf, *level);
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, ']');
+ break;
+ json_add_indent(buf, *level);
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '{');
+ *level += 1;
+ break;
+ *level -= 1;
+ if (*level == 0)
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '\n');
+ else
+ json_add_indent(buf, *level);
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '}');
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * Add json object's key. If it isn't first key we need to add a comma.
+ */
+json_add_key(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *name, int32 level, bool add_comma)
+ if (add_comma)
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, ',');
+ json_add_indent(buf, level);
+ json_add_escaped(buf, name);
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, ": ");
+ * Add json object's key and value. If it isn't first key we need to add a
+ * comma.
+ */
+json_add_value(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *name, const char *value,
+ int32 level, bool add_comma)
+ json_add_key(buf, name, level, add_comma);
+ json_add_escaped(buf, value);
+static void
+json_add_indent(PQExpBuffer buf, int32 level)
+ uint16 i;
+ if (level == 0)
+ return;
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '\n');
+ for (i = 0; i < level; i++)
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, " ");
+static void
+json_add_escaped(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *str)
+ const char *p;
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '"');
+ for (p = str; *p; p++)
+ {
+ switch (*p)
+ {
+ case '\b':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\b");
+ break;
+ case '\f':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\f");
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\n");
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\r");
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\t");
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\\"");
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ appendPQExpBufferStr(buf, "\\\\");
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ((unsigned char) *p < ' ')
+ appendPQExpBuffer(buf, "\\u%04x", (int) *p);
+ else
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, *p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ appendPQExpBufferChar(buf, '"');
diff --git a/src/utils/json.h b/src/utils/json.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf5a7064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/json.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ *
+ * json.h: - prototypes of json output functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Postgres Professional
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "postgres_fe.h"
+#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
+ * Json document tokens.
+ */
+typedef enum
+} JsonToken;
+extern void json_add(PQExpBuffer buf, JsonToken type, int32 *level);
+extern void json_add_key(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *name, int32 level,
+ bool add_comma);
+extern void json_add_value(PQExpBuffer buf, const char *name, const char *value,
+ int32 level, bool add_comma);
+#endif /* PROBACKUP_JSON_H */
diff --git a/src/utils/logger.c b/src/utils/logger.c
index 0a4f835b..88ee9b6b 100644
--- a/src/utils/logger.c
+++ b/src/utils/logger.c
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
@@ -16,11 +15,13 @@
#include "logger.h"
#include "pgut.h"
+#include "pg_probackup.h"
+#include "thread.h"
/* Logger parameters */
-int log_level_console = LOG_NONE;
-int log_level_file = LOG_NONE;
+int log_level_console = LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE_DEFAULT;
+int log_level_file = LOG_LEVEL_FILE_DEFAULT;
char *log_filename = NULL;
char *error_log_filename = NULL;
@@ -74,12 +75,12 @@ void
init_logger(const char *root_path)
/* Set log path */
- if (LOG_LEVEL_FILE != LOG_OFF || error_log_filename)
+ if (log_level_file != LOG_OFF || error_log_filename)
if (log_directory)
strcpy(log_path, log_directory);
- join_path_components(log_path, root_path, "log");
+ join_path_components(log_path, root_path, LOG_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT);
@@ -138,11 +139,10 @@ exit_if_necessary(int elevel)
/* If this is not the main thread then don't call exit() */
+ if (main_tid != pthread_self())
#ifdef WIN32
- if (main_tid != GetCurrentThreadId())
- if (!pthread_equal(main_tid, pthread_self()))
@@ -166,15 +166,16 @@ elog_internal(int elevel, bool file_only, const char *fmt, va_list args)
time_t log_time = (time_t) time(NULL);
char strfbuf[128];
- write_to_file = elevel >= LOG_LEVEL_FILE && log_path[0] != '\0';
+ write_to_file = elevel >= log_level_file && log_path[0] != '\0';
write_to_error_log = elevel >= ERROR && error_log_filename &&
log_path[0] != '\0';
- write_to_stderr = elevel >= LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE && !file_only;
+ write_to_stderr = elevel >= log_level_console && !file_only;
- /*
- * There is no need to lock if this is elog() from upper elog().
- */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&log_file_mutex);
+ pthread_lock(&log_file_mutex);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ std_args = NULL;
+ error_args = NULL;
loggin_in_progress = true;
/* We need copy args only if we need write to error log file */
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ elog_internal(int elevel, bool file_only, const char *fmt, va_list args)
if (log_file == NULL)
if (log_filename == NULL)
- open_logfile(&log_file, "pg_probackup.log");
+ open_logfile(&log_file, LOG_FILENAME_DEFAULT);
open_logfile(&log_file, log_filename);
@@ -241,7 +242,6 @@ elog_internal(int elevel, bool file_only, const char *fmt, va_list args)
if (write_to_stderr)
write_elevel(stderr, elevel);
if (write_to_file)
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, std_args);
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ elog_stderr(int elevel, const char *fmt, ...)
* Do not log message if severity level is less than log_level.
* It is the little optimisation to put it here not in elog_internal().
- if (elevel < LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE && elevel < ERROR)
+ if (elevel < log_level_console && elevel < ERROR)
va_start(args, fmt);
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ elog(int elevel, const char *fmt, ...)
* Do not log message if severity level is less than log_level.
* It is the little optimisation to put it here not in elog_internal().
- if (elevel < LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE && elevel < LOG_LEVEL_FILE && elevel < ERROR)
+ if (elevel < log_level_console && elevel < log_level_file && elevel < ERROR)
va_start(args, fmt);
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ elog_file(int elevel, const char *fmt, ...)
* Do not log message if severity level is less than log_level.
* It is the little optimisation to put it here not in elog_internal().
- if (elevel < LOG_LEVEL_FILE && elevel < ERROR)
+ if (elevel < log_level_file && elevel < ERROR)
va_start(args, fmt);
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ pg_log(eLogType type, const char *fmt, ...)
* Do not log message if severity level is less than log_level.
* It is the little optimisation to put it here not in elog_internal().
- if (elevel < LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE && elevel < LOG_LEVEL_FILE && elevel < ERROR)
+ if (elevel < log_level_console && elevel < log_level_file && elevel < ERROR)
va_start(args, fmt);
diff --git a/src/utils/logger.h b/src/utils/logger.h
index 315c337a..0177c551 100644
--- a/src/utils/logger.h
+++ b/src/utils/logger.h
@@ -36,11 +36,13 @@ extern char *error_log_filename;
extern char *log_directory;
extern char log_path[MAXPGPATH];
extern int log_rotation_size;
extern int log_rotation_age;
-#define LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE ((log_level_console == LOG_NONE) ? INFO : log_level_console)
-#define LOG_LEVEL_FILE ((log_level_file == LOG_NONE) ? LOG_OFF : log_level_file)
#undef elog
extern void elog(int elevel, const char *fmt, ...) pg_attribute_printf(2, 3);
diff --git a/src/utils/pgut.c b/src/utils/pgut.c
index 56263cfa..37f249a2 100644
--- a/src/utils/pgut.c
+++ b/src/utils/pgut.c
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#define MAX_TZDISP_HOUR 15 /* maximum allowed hour part */
#define SECS_PER_MINUTE 60
#define MINS_PER_HOUR 60
const char *PROGRAM_NAME = NULL;
@@ -42,12 +43,6 @@ static char *password = NULL;
bool prompt_password = true;
bool force_password = false;
-#ifdef WIN32
-DWORD main_tid = 0;
-pthread_t main_tid = 0;
/* Database connections */
static PGcancel *volatile cancel_conn = NULL;
@@ -141,8 +136,10 @@ static const unit_conversion time_unit_conversion_table[] =
static size_t
option_length(const pgut_option opts[])
- size_t len;
+ size_t len;
for (len = 0; opts && opts[len].type; len++) { }
return len;
@@ -162,7 +159,7 @@ option_has_arg(char type)
static void
option_copy(struct option dst[], const pgut_option opts[], size_t len)
- size_t i;
+ size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
@@ -260,7 +257,8 @@ assign_option(pgut_option *opt, const char *optarg, pgut_optsrc src)
message = "a valid string. But provided: ";
case 't':
- if (parse_time(optarg, opt->var))
+ if (parse_time(optarg, opt->var,
+ opt->source == SOURCE_FILE))
message = "a time";
@@ -750,9 +748,12 @@ parse_uint64(const char *value, uint64 *result, int flags)
* Convert ISO-8601 format string to time_t value.
+ *
+ * If utc_default is true, then if timezone offset isn't specified tz will be
+ * +00:00.
-parse_time(const char *value, time_t *result)
+parse_time(const char *value, time_t *result, bool utc_default)
size_t len;
int fields_num,
@@ -874,7 +875,7 @@ parse_time(const char *value, time_t *result)
*result = mktime(&tm);
/* adjust time zone */
- if (tz_set)
+ if (tz_set || utc_default)
time_t ltime = time(NULL);
struct tm *ptm = gmtime(<ime);
@@ -983,6 +984,32 @@ parse_int(const char *value, int *result, int flags, const char **hintmsg)
return true;
+parse_lsn(const char *value, XLogRecPtr *result)
+ uint32 xlogid;
+ uint32 xrecoff;
+ int len1;
+ int len2;
+ len1 = strspn(value, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
+ if (len1 < 1 || len1 > MAXPG_LSNCOMPONENT || value[len1] != '/')
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid LSN \"%s\"", value);
+ len2 = strspn(value + len1 + 1, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
+ if (len2 < 1 || len2 > MAXPG_LSNCOMPONENT || value[len1 + 1 + len2] != '\0')
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid LSN \"%s\"", value);
+ if (sscanf(value, "%X/%X", &xlogid, &xrecoff) == 2)
+ *result = (XLogRecPtr) ((uint64) xlogid << 32) | xrecoff;
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid LSN \"%s\"", value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
static char *
longopts_to_optstring(const struct option opts[], const size_t len)
@@ -1053,7 +1080,7 @@ pgut_getopt(int argc, char **argv, pgut_option options[])
size_t len;
len = option_length(options);
- longopts = pgut_newarray(struct option, len + 1);
+ longopts = pgut_newarray(struct option, len + 1 /* zero/end option */);
option_copy(longopts, options, len);
optstring = longopts_to_optstring(longopts, len);
@@ -1095,20 +1122,22 @@ key_equals(const char *lhs, const char *rhs)
* Get configuration from configuration file.
+ * Return number of parsed options
pgut_readopt(const char *path, pgut_option options[], int elevel)
FILE *fp;
char buf[1024];
char key[1024];
char value[1024];
+ int parsed_options = 0;
if (!options)
- return;
+ return parsed_options;
if ((fp = pgut_fopen(path, "rt", true)) == NULL)
- return;
+ return parsed_options;
while (fgets(buf, lengthof(buf), fp))
@@ -1127,18 +1156,23 @@ pgut_readopt(const char *path, pgut_option options[], int elevel)
if (opt->allowed < SOURCE_FILE &&
opt->allowed != SOURCE_FILE_STRICT)
- elog(elevel, "option %s cannot specified in file", opt->lname);
+ elog(elevel, "option %s cannot be specified in file", opt->lname);
else if (opt->source <= SOURCE_FILE)
+ {
assign_option(opt, value, SOURCE_FILE);
+ parsed_options++;
+ }
if (!options[i].type)
- elog(elevel, "invalid option \"%s\"", key);
+ elog(elevel, "invalid option \"%s\" in file \"%s\"", key, path);
+ return parsed_options;
static const char *
@@ -1225,7 +1259,7 @@ get_next_token(const char *src, char *dst, const char *line)
- i = j = strcspn(s, "# \n\r\t\v");
+ i = j = strcspn(s, "#\n\r\t\v");
memcpy(dst, s, j);
@@ -1646,7 +1680,7 @@ pgut_execute_parallel(PGconn* conn,
elog(ERROR, "interrupted");
/* write query to elog if verbose */
+ if (log_level_console <= VERBOSE || log_level_file <= VERBOSE)
int i;
@@ -1708,7 +1742,7 @@ pgut_execute_extended(PGconn* conn, const char *query, int nParams,
elog(ERROR, "interrupted");
/* write query to elog if verbose */
+ if (log_level_console <= VERBOSE || log_level_file <= VERBOSE)
int i;
@@ -1766,7 +1800,7 @@ pgut_send(PGconn* conn, const char *query, int nParams, const char **params, int
elog(ERROR, "interrupted");
/* write query to elog if verbose */
+ if (log_level_console <= VERBOSE || log_level_file <= VERBOSE)
int i;
diff --git a/src/utils/pgut.h b/src/utils/pgut.h
index a9003f2f..0947fb7f 100644
--- a/src/utils/pgut.h
+++ b/src/utils/pgut.h
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
#include "pqexpbuffer.h"
+#include "access/xlogdefs.h"
#include "logger.h"
#if !defined(C_H) && !defined(__cplusplus)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ typedef enum pgut_optsrc
typedef struct pgut_option
char type;
- char sname; /* short name */
+ uint8 sname; /* short name */
const char *lname; /* long name */
void *var; /* pointer to variable */
pgut_optsrc allowed; /* allowed source */
@@ -94,13 +94,6 @@ extern const char *PROGRAM_VERSION;
extern const char *PROGRAM_URL;
extern const char *PROGRAM_EMAIL;
-/* ID of the main thread */
-#ifdef WIN32
-extern DWORD main_tid;
-extern pthread_t main_tid;
extern void pgut_help(bool details);
@@ -118,7 +111,7 @@ extern bool in_cleanup;
extern bool in_password; /* User prompts password */
extern int pgut_getopt(int argc, char **argv, pgut_option options[]);
-extern void pgut_readopt(const char *path, pgut_option options[], int elevel);
+extern int pgut_readopt(const char *path, pgut_option options[], int elevel);
extern void pgut_getopt_env(pgut_option options[]);
extern void pgut_atexit_push(pgut_atexit_callback callback, void *userdata);
extern void pgut_atexit_pop(pgut_atexit_callback callback, void *userdata);
@@ -212,9 +205,10 @@ extern bool parse_int32(const char *value, int32 *result, int flags);
extern bool parse_uint32(const char *value, uint32 *result, int flags);
extern bool parse_int64(const char *value, int64 *result, int flags);
extern bool parse_uint64(const char *value, uint64 *result, int flags);
-extern bool parse_time(const char *value, time_t *result);
+extern bool parse_time(const char *value, time_t *result, bool utc_default);
extern bool parse_int(const char *value, int *result, int flags,
const char **hintmsg);
+extern bool parse_lsn(const char *value, XLogRecPtr *result);
extern void convert_from_base_unit(int64 base_value, int base_unit,
int64 *value, const char **unit);
diff --git a/src/utils/thread.c b/src/utils/thread.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82c23764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/thread.c
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ *
+ * thread.c: - multi-platform pthread implementations.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Postgres Professional
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "thread.h"
+pthread_t main_tid = 0;
+#ifdef WIN32
+typedef struct win32_pthread
+ HANDLE handle;
+ void *(*routine) (void *);
+ void *arg;
+ void *result;
+} win32_pthread;
+static long mutex_initlock = 0;
+static unsigned __stdcall
+win32_pthread_run(void *arg)
+ win32_pthread *th = (win32_pthread *)arg;
+ th->result = th->routine(th->arg);
+ return 0;
+pthread_create(pthread_t *thread,
+ pthread_attr_t *attr,
+ void *(*start_routine) (void *),
+ void *arg)
+ int save_errno;
+ win32_pthread *th;
+ th = (win32_pthread *)pg_malloc(sizeof(win32_pthread));
+ th->routine = start_routine;
+ th->arg = arg;
+ th->result = NULL;
+ th->handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, win32_pthread_run, th, 0, NULL);
+ if (th->handle == NULL)
+ {
+ save_errno = errno;
+ free(th);
+ return save_errno;
+ }
+ *thread = th;
+ return 0;
+pthread_join(pthread_t th, void **thread_return)
+ if (th == NULL || th->handle == NULL)
+ return errno = EINVAL;
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(th->handle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ {
+ _dosmaperr(GetLastError());
+ return errno;
+ }
+ if (thread_return)
+ *thread_return = th->result;
+ CloseHandle(th->handle);
+ free(th);
+ return 0;
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+pthread_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mp)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (*mp == NULL)
+ {
+ while (InterlockedExchange(&mutex_initlock, 1) == 1)
+ /* loop, another thread own the lock */ ;
+ if (*mp == NULL)
+ {
+ if (pthread_mutex_init(mp, NULL))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ InterlockedExchange(&mutex_initlock, 0);
+ }
+ return pthread_mutex_lock(mp);
diff --git a/src/utils/thread.h b/src/utils/thread.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06460533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/thread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ *
+ * thread.h: - multi-platform pthread implementations.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2018, Postgres Professional
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "postgres_fe.h"
+#include "port/pthread-win32.h"
+/* Use native win32 threads on Windows */
+typedef struct win32_pthread *pthread_t;
+typedef int pthread_attr_t;
+#define PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT false
+extern int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg);
+extern int pthread_join(pthread_t th, void **thread_return);
+/* Use platform-dependent pthread capability */
+extern pthread_t main_tid;
+extern int pthread_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mp);
+#endif /* PROBACKUP_THREAD_H */
diff --git a/src/validate.c b/src/validate.c
index afc7f07d..404965c8 100644
--- a/src/validate.c
+++ b/src/validate.c
@@ -11,25 +11,26 @@
#include "pg_probackup.h"
-static void pgBackupValidateFiles(void *arg);
+#include "utils/thread.h"
+static void *pgBackupValidateFiles(void *arg);
static void do_validate_instance(void);
static bool corrupted_backup_found = false;
typedef struct
- parray *files;
- bool corrupted;
+ parray *files;
+ bool corrupted;
* Return value from the thread.
* 0 means there is no error, 1 - there is an error.
int ret;
-} validate_files_args;
+} validate_files_arg;
* Validate backup files.
@@ -42,8 +43,9 @@ pgBackupValidate(pgBackup *backup)
parray *files;
bool corrupted = false;
bool validation_isok = true;
- pthread_t validate_threads[num_threads];
- validate_files_args *validate_threads_args[num_threads];
+ /* arrays with meta info for multi threaded validate */
+ pthread_t *threads;
+ validate_files_arg *threads_args;
int i;
/* Revalidation is attempted for DONE, ORPHAN and CORRUPT backups */
@@ -77,36 +79,44 @@ pgBackupValidate(pgBackup *backup)
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
- __sync_lock_release(&file->lock);
+ pg_atomic_clear_flag(&file->lock);
+ /* init thread args with own file lists */
+ threads = (pthread_t *) palloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * num_threads);
+ threads_args = (validate_files_arg *)
+ palloc(sizeof(validate_files_arg) * num_threads);
/* Validate files */
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- validate_files_args *arg = pg_malloc(sizeof(validate_files_args));
+ validate_files_arg *arg = &(threads_args[i]);
arg->files = files;
arg->corrupted = false;
/* By default there are some error */
- arg->ret = 1;
+ threads_args[i].ret = 1;
- validate_threads_args[i] = arg;
- pthread_create(&validate_threads[i], NULL,
- (void *(*)(void *)) pgBackupValidateFiles, arg);
+ pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, pgBackupValidateFiles, arg);
/* Wait theads */
for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- pthread_join(validate_threads[i], NULL);
- if (validate_threads_args[i]->corrupted)
+ validate_files_arg *arg = &(threads_args[i]);
+ pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ if (arg->corrupted)
corrupted = true;
- if (validate_threads_args[i]->ret == 1)
+ if (arg->ret == 1)
validation_isok = false;
- pg_free(validate_threads_args[i]);
if (!validation_isok)
elog(ERROR, "Data files validation failed");
+ pfree(threads);
+ pfree(threads_args);
/* cleanup */
parray_walk(files, pgFileFree);
@@ -127,19 +137,19 @@ pgBackupValidate(pgBackup *backup)
* rather throw a WARNING and set arguments->corrupted = true.
* This is necessary to update backup status.
-static void
+static void *
pgBackupValidateFiles(void *arg)
- int i;
- validate_files_args *arguments = (validate_files_args *)arg;
+ int i;
+ validate_files_arg *arguments = (validate_files_arg *)arg;
pg_crc32 crc;
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(arguments->files); i++)
struct stat st;
+ pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->files, i);
- pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(arguments->files, i);
- if (__sync_lock_test_and_set(&file->lock, 1) != 0)
+ if (!pg_atomic_test_set_flag(&file->lock))
if (interrupted)
@@ -179,14 +189,13 @@ pgBackupValidateFiles(void *arg)
if (file->write_size != st.st_size)
- elog(WARNING, "Invalid size of backup file \"%s\" : %lu. Expected %lu",
- file->path, (unsigned long) file->write_size,
- (unsigned long) st.st_size);
+ elog(WARNING, "Invalid size of backup file \"%s\" : " INT64_FORMAT ". Expected %lu",
+ file->path, file->write_size, (unsigned long) st.st_size);
arguments->corrupted = true;
- crc = pgFileGetCRC(file);
+ crc = pgFileGetCRC(file->path);
if (crc != file->crc)
elog(WARNING, "Invalid CRC of backup file \"%s\" : %X. Expected %X",
@@ -198,6 +207,8 @@ pgBackupValidateFiles(void *arg)
/* Data files validation is successful */
arguments->ret = 0;
+ return NULL;
@@ -267,7 +278,7 @@ do_validate_all(void)
static void
- char *current_backup_id;
+ char *current_backup_id;
int i;
parray *backups;
pgBackup *current_backup = NULL;
@@ -279,55 +290,45 @@ do_validate_instance(void)
/* Get list of all backups sorted in order of descending start time */
backups = catalog_get_backup_list(INVALID_BACKUP_ID);
- if (backups == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Failed to get backup list.");
- /* Valiate each backup along with its xlog files. */
+ /* Examine backups one by one and validate them */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(backups); i++)
- pgBackup *base_full_backup = NULL;
current_backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, i);
- if (current_backup->backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
- {
- int j;
- for (j = i + 1; j < parray_num(backups); j++)
- {
- pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, j);
- if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
- {
- base_full_backup = backup;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- base_full_backup = current_backup;
+ /* Valiate each backup along with its xlog files. */
- /* There is no point in wal validation for corrupted backup */
+ /* Ensure that the backup has valid list of parent backups */
if (current_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
- if (base_full_backup == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Valid full backup for backup %s is not found.",
- base36enc(current_backup->start_time));
+ pgBackup *base_full_backup = current_backup;
+ if (current_backup->backup_mode != BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
+ {
+ base_full_backup = find_parent_backup(current_backup);
+ if (base_full_backup == NULL)
+ elog(ERROR, "Valid full backup for backup %s is not found.",
+ base36enc(current_backup->start_time));
+ }
/* Validate corresponding WAL files */
validate_wal(current_backup, arclog_path, 0,
- 0, base_full_backup->tli);
+ 0, 0, base_full_backup->tli);
/* Mark every incremental backup between corrupted backup and nearest FULL backup as orphans */
if (current_backup->status == BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT)
int j;
corrupted_backup_found = true;
current_backup_id = base36enc_dup(current_backup->start_time);
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
pgBackup *backup = (pgBackup *) parray_get(backups, j);
if (backup->backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
if (backup->status != BACKUP_STATUS_OK)
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index d5f8b248..aeeabf2a 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
# ptrack backup on replica should work correctly
# archive:
# immediate recovery and full recovery
+# backward compatibility:
+# previous version catalog must be readable by newer version
+# incremental chain from previous version can be continued
+# backups from previous version can be restored
# 10vanilla_1.3ptrack +
# 10vanilla+
# 9.6vanilla_1.3ptrack +
diff --git a/tests/archive.py b/tests/archive.py
index db08b45c..8b8eb71a 100644
--- a/tests/archive.py
+++ b/tests/archive.py
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
@@ -45,11 +45,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
# Recreate backup calagoue
@@ -65,11 +61,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result, node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap"),
@@ -97,7 +89,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
@@ -117,11 +109,8 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote'])
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
if self.verbose:
@@ -152,11 +141,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote'])
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
if self.verbose:
@@ -184,11 +169,8 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote'])
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
if self.verbose:
print('Fourth timeline')
@@ -200,10 +182,8 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote'])
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
if self.verbose:
print('Fifth timeline')
@@ -215,10 +195,8 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote'])
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
if self.verbose:
print('Sixth timeline')
@@ -269,7 +247,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'postgresql.auto.conf', "archive_command = '{0} %p %f'".format(
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
backup_dir, 'node', node,
@@ -330,7 +308,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
"create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, "
@@ -390,7 +368,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
"create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, "
@@ -426,7 +404,11 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.expectedFailure
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_replica_archive(self):
- """make node without archiving, take stream backup and turn it into replica, set replica with archiving, make archive backup from replica"""
+ """
+ make node without archiving, take stream backup and
+ turn it into replica, set replica with archiving,
+ make archive backup from replica
+ """
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
master = self.make_simple_node(
@@ -441,7 +423,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master)
- master.start()
+ master.slow_start()
replica = self.make_simple_node(
base_dir="{0}/{1}/replica".format(module_name, fname))
@@ -459,15 +441,18 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Settings for Replica
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'master', replica)
self.set_replica(master, replica, synchronous=True)
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True)
- replica.start()
+ replica.slow_start(replica=True)
# Check data correctness on replica
after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
- # Change data on master, take FULL backup from replica, restore taken backup and check that restored data equal to original data
+ # Change data on master, take FULL backup from replica,
+ # restore taken backup and check that restored data equal
+ # to original data
"insert into t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, "
@@ -496,12 +481,14 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
- # Change data on master, make PAGE backup from replica, restore taken backup and check that restored data equal to original data
+ # Change data on master, make PAGE backup from replica,
+ # restore taken backup and check that restored data equal
+ # to original data
"insert into t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, "
@@ -526,7 +513,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir, backup_id=backup_id)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -560,7 +547,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'master', master)
- master.start()
+ master.slow_start()
@@ -586,7 +573,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True)
- replica.start()
+ replica.slow_start(replica=True)
after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
@@ -641,7 +628,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'master', master)
- master.start()
+ master.slow_start()
@@ -668,7 +655,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica)
# self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True)
- replica.start()
+ replica.slow_start(replica=True)
after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
@@ -763,7 +750,8 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Check data correctness
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
@@ -795,7 +783,7 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.get_version(node) < self.version_to_num('10.0'):
return unittest.skip('You need PostgreSQL 10 for this test')
- pg_receivexlog_path = node.get_bin_path('pg_receivewal')
+ pg_receivexlog_path = self.get_bin_path('pg_receivewal')
pg_receivexlog = self.run_binary(
@@ -834,7 +822,8 @@ class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Check data correctness
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
result, node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap"),
'data after restore not equal to original data')
diff --git a/tests/backup_test.py b/tests/backup_test.py
index 5af59684..1fa74643 100644
--- a/tests/backup_test.py
+++ b/tests/backup_test.py
@@ -29,15 +29,11 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- # full backup mode
- # with open(path.join(node.logs_dir, "backup_full.log"), "wb") as backup_log:
- # backup_log.write(self.backup_node(node, options=["--verbose"]))
backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]
- self.assertEqual(show_backup['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(show_backup['Mode'], "FULL")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "FULL")
# postmaster.pid and postmaster.opts shouldn't be copied
excluded = True
@@ -61,29 +57,29 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# print self.show_pb(node)
show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]
- self.assertEqual(show_backup['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(show_backup['Mode'], "PAGE")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "PAGE")
# Check parent backup
backup_dir, 'node',
- backup_id=show_backup['ID'])["parent-backup-id"])
+ backup_id=show_backup['id'])["parent-backup-id"])
# ptrack backup mode
self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="ptrack")
show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]
- self.assertEqual(show_backup['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(show_backup['Mode'], "PTRACK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "PTRACK")
# Check parent backup
backup_dir, 'node',
- backup_id=show_backup['ID'])["parent-backup-id"])
+ backup_id=show_backup['id'])["parent-backup-id"])
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'], "OK")
# Clean after yourself
@@ -162,7 +158,7 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'],
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'],
# Clean after yourself
@@ -227,7 +223,7 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id)['status'], "CORRUPT")
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'], "ERROR")
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'], "ERROR")
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -250,12 +246,12 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node,
backup_type="full", options=["-j", "4"])
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'], "OK")
backup_dir, 'node', node,
backup_type="ptrack", options=["-j", "4"])
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'], "OK")
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -282,11 +278,11 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="full",
options=["-j", "4", "--stream"])
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'], "OK")
backup_dir, 'node', node,
backup_type="ptrack", options=["-j", "4", "--stream"])
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'], "OK")
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -342,7 +338,7 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'OK',
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'OK',
"Backup Status should be OK")
# Clean after yourself
@@ -415,7 +411,7 @@ class BackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'ERROR',
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'ERROR',
"Backup Status should be ERROR")
# Clean after yourself
diff --git a/tests/cfs_restore.py b/tests/cfs_restore.py
index 2004cb14..73553a30 100644
--- a/tests/cfs_restore.py
+++ b/tests/cfs_restore.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ restore
pg_probackup restore -B backupdir --instance instance_name
[-D datadir]
- [ -i backup_id | [{--time=time | --xid=xid } [--inclusive=boolean]]][--timeline=timeline] [-T OLDDIR=NEWDIR]
+ [ -i backup_id | [{--time=time | --xid=xid | --lsn=lsn } [--inclusive=boolean]]][--timeline=timeline] [-T OLDDIR=NEWDIR]
[-j num_threads] [--progress] [-q] [-v]
diff --git a/tests/compression.py b/tests/compression.py
index eff42963..aa275382 100644
--- a/tests/compression.py
+++ b/tests/compression.py
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -98,7 +99,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
page_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(page_result, page_result_new)
@@ -113,7 +115,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
ptrack_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(ptrack_result, ptrack_result_new)
@@ -187,7 +190,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -202,7 +206,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
page_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(page_result, page_result_new)
@@ -217,7 +222,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
ptrack_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(ptrack_result, ptrack_result_new)
@@ -294,7 +300,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -309,7 +316,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
page_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(page_result, page_result_new)
@@ -324,7 +332,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
ptrack_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(ptrack_result, ptrack_result_new)
@@ -401,7 +410,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -416,7 +426,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
page_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(page_result, page_result_new)
@@ -431,7 +442,8 @@ class CompressionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
ptrack_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(ptrack_result, ptrack_result_new)
diff --git a/tests/delete_test.py b/tests/delete_test.py
index 039f3606..4afb15ae 100644
--- a/tests/delete_test.py
+++ b/tests/delete_test.py
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ class DeleteTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
show_backups = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')
- id_1 = show_backups[0]['ID']
- id_2 = show_backups[1]['ID']
- id_3 = show_backups[2]['ID']
+ id_1 = show_backups[0]['id']
+ id_2 = show_backups[1]['id']
+ id_3 = show_backups[2]['id']
self.delete_pb(backup_dir, 'node', id_2)
show_backups = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['ID'], id_1)
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['ID'], id_3)
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['id'], id_1)
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['id'], id_3)
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ class DeleteTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(show_backups), 4)
# delete first page backup
- self.delete_pb(backup_dir, 'node', show_backups[1]['ID'])
+ self.delete_pb(backup_dir, 'node', show_backups[1]['id'])
show_backups = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')
self.assertEqual(len(show_backups), 2)
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['Mode'], "FULL")
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['Mode'], "FULL")
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['backup-mode'], "FULL")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['backup-mode'], "FULL")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['status'], "OK")
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ class DeleteTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(show_backups), 4)
# delete first page backup
- self.delete_pb(backup_dir, 'node', show_backups[1]['ID'])
+ self.delete_pb(backup_dir, 'node', show_backups[1]['id'])
show_backups = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')
self.assertEqual(len(show_backups), 2)
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['Mode'], "FULL")
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['Mode'], "FULL")
- self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['backup-mode'], "FULL")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['backup-mode'], "FULL")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[1]['status'], "OK")
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
diff --git a/tests/delta.py b/tests/delta.py
index 303c7c58..40450016 100644
--- a/tests/delta.py
+++ b/tests/delta.py
@@ -508,10 +508,7 @@ class DeltaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
"postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(restored_node.port))
- restored_node.start()
- while restored_node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ restored_node.slow_start()
result_new = restored_node.safe_psql(
"postgres", "select * from pgbench_accounts")
@@ -946,11 +943,8 @@ class DeltaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node_restored.port))
- node_restored.start()
+ node_restored.slow_start()
- while node_restored.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
result_new = node_restored.safe_psql(
"postgres", "select * from t_heap")
@@ -1191,7 +1185,7 @@ class DeltaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'OK',
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'OK',
"Backup Status should be OK")
# Clean after yourself
@@ -1264,7 +1258,7 @@ class DeltaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'ERROR',
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'ERROR',
"Backup Status should be ERROR")
# Clean after yourself
diff --git a/tests/exclude.py b/tests/exclude.py
index b85f64a7..48b7889c 100644
--- a/tests/exclude.py
+++ b/tests/exclude.py
@@ -43,25 +43,33 @@ class ExcludeTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
"WHERE oid = pg_my_temp_schema()")[0][0]
- temp_toast_schema_name = "pg_toast_" + temp_schema_name.replace("pg_", "")
+ temp_toast_schema_name = "pg_toast_" + temp_schema_name.replace(
+ "pg_", "")
conn.execute("create index test_idx on test (generate_series)")
- heap_path = conn.execute("select pg_relation_filepath('test')")[0][0]
+ heap_path = conn.execute(
+ "select pg_relation_filepath('test')")[0][0]
- index_path = conn.execute("select pg_relation_filepath('test_idx')")[0][0]
+ index_path = conn.execute(
+ "select pg_relation_filepath('test_idx')")[0][0]
heap_oid = conn.execute("select 'test'::regclass::oid")[0][0]
- toast_path = conn.execute("select pg_relation_filepath('{0}.{1}')".format(temp_toast_schema_name, "pg_toast_" + str(heap_oid)))[0][0]
+ toast_path = conn.execute(
+ "select pg_relation_filepath('{0}.{1}')".format(
+ temp_toast_schema_name, "pg_toast_" + str(heap_oid)))[0][0]
- toast_idx_path = conn.execute("select pg_relation_filepath('{0}.{1}')".format(temp_toast_schema_name, "pg_toast_" + str(heap_oid) + "_index"))[0][0]
+ toast_idx_path = conn.execute(
+ "select pg_relation_filepath('{0}.{1}')".format(
+ temp_toast_schema_name,
+ "pg_toast_" + str(heap_oid) + "_index"))[0][0]
temp_table_filename = os.path.basename(heap_path)
diff --git a/tests/expected/option_help.out b/tests/expected/option_help.out
index 4080f4b8..35f58406 100644
--- a/tests/expected/option_help.out
+++ b/tests/expected/option_help.out
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pg_probackup - utility to manage backup/recovery of PostgreSQL database.
pg_probackup show-config -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name
+ [--format=format]
pg_probackup backup -B backup-path -b backup-mode --instance=instance_name
[-C] [--stream [-S slot-name]] [--backup-pg-log]
@@ -49,26 +50,31 @@ pg_probackup - utility to manage backup/recovery of PostgreSQL database.
[--master-port=port] [--master-user=user_name]
pg_probackup restore -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name
[-D pgdata-dir] [-i backup-id] [--progress]
- [--time=time|--xid=xid [--inclusive=boolean]]
+ [--time=time|--xid=xid|--lsn=lsn [--inclusive=boolean]]
[--timeline=timeline] [-T OLDDIR=NEWDIR]
[--immediate] [--recovery-target-name=target-name]
+ [--no-validate]
pg_probackup validate -B backup-dir [--instance=instance_name]
[-i backup-id] [--progress]
- [--time=time|--xid=xid [--inclusive=boolean]]
+ [--time=time|--xid=xid|--lsn=lsn [--inclusive=boolean]]
+ [--recovery-target-name=target-name]
pg_probackup show -B backup-dir
[--instance=instance_name [-i backup-id]]
+ [--format=format]
pg_probackup delete -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name
[--wal] [-i backup-id | --expired]
+ pg_probackup merge -B backup-dir --instance=instance_name
+ -i backup-id
pg_probackup add-instance -B backup-dir -D pgdata-dir
diff --git a/tests/expected/option_version.out b/tests/expected/option_version.out
index a1257673..35e212c3 100644
--- a/tests/expected/option_version.out
+++ b/tests/expected/option_version.out
@@ -1 +1 @@
-pg_probackup 2.0.17
\ No newline at end of file
+pg_probackup 2.0.18
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/false_positive.py b/tests/false_positive.py
index 909d69fc..1884159b 100644
--- a/tests/false_positive.py
+++ b/tests/false_positive.py
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class FalsePositive(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
# Logical comparison
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class FalsePositive(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
# Logical comparison
diff --git a/tests/helpers/ptrack_helpers.py b/tests/helpers/ptrack_helpers.py
index a776599c..0d04d898 100644
--- a/tests/helpers/ptrack_helpers.py
+++ b/tests/helpers/ptrack_helpers.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import select
import psycopg2
from time import sleep
import re
+import json
idx_ptrack = {
't_heap': {
@@ -111,6 +112,39 @@ class ProbackupException(Exception):
return '\n ERROR: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(self.message), self.cmd)
+def slow_start(self, replica=False):
+ # wait for https://github.com/postgrespro/testgres/pull/50
+ # self.poll_query_until(
+ # "postgres",
+ # "SELECT not pg_is_in_recovery()",
+ # raise_operational_error=False)
+ self.start()
+ if not replica:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.poll_query_until(
+ "postgres",
+ "SELECT not pg_is_in_recovery()")
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.poll_query_until(
+ "postgres",
+ "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()")
+# while True:
+# try:
+# self.poll_query_until(
+# "postgres",
+# "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()")
+# break
+# except ProbackupException as e:
+# continue
class ProbackupTest(object):
# Class attributes
enterprise = is_enterprise()
@@ -204,6 +238,8 @@ class ProbackupTest(object):
node = testgres.get_new_node('test', base_dir=real_base_dir)
+ # bound method slow_start() to 'node' class instance
+ node.slow_start = slow_start.__get__(node)
node.should_rm_dirs = True
initdb_params=initdb_params, allow_streaming=set_replication)
@@ -578,6 +614,16 @@ class ProbackupTest(object):
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, async, gdb)
+ def merge_backup(self, backup_dir, instance, backup_id):
+ cmd_list = [
+ "merge",
+ "-B", backup_dir,
+ "--instance={0}".format(instance),
+ "-i", backup_id
+ ]
+ return self.run_pb(cmd_list)
def restore_node(
self, backup_dir, instance, node=False,
data_dir=None, backup_id=None, options=[]
@@ -598,7 +644,7 @@ class ProbackupTest(object):
def show_pb(
self, backup_dir, instance=None, backup_id=None,
- options=[], as_text=False
+ options=[], as_text=False, as_json=True
backup_list = []
@@ -613,63 +659,83 @@ class ProbackupTest(object):
if backup_id:
cmd_list += ["-i", backup_id]
+ if as_json:
+ cmd_list += ["--format=json"]
if as_text:
# You should print it when calling as_text=true
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options)
# get show result as list of lines
- show_splitted = self.run_pb(cmd_list + options).splitlines()
- if instance is not None and backup_id is None:
- # cut header(ID, Mode, etc) from show as single string
- header = show_splitted[1:2][0]
- # cut backup records from show as single list
- # with string for every backup record
- body = show_splitted[3:]
- # inverse list so oldest record come first
- body = body[::-1]
- # split string in list with string for every header element
- header_split = re.split(" +", header)
- # Remove empty items
- for i in header_split:
- if i == '':
- header_split.remove(i)
+ if as_json:
+ data = json.loads(self.run_pb(cmd_list + options))
+ # print(data)
+ for instance_data in data:
+ # find specific instance if requested
+ if instance and instance_data['instance'] != instance:
- header_split = [
- header_element.rstrip() for header_element in header_split
- ]
- for backup_record in body:
- backup_record = backup_record.rstrip()
- # split list with str for every backup record element
- backup_record_split = re.split(" +", backup_record)
- # Remove empty items
- for i in backup_record_split:
- if i == '':
- backup_record_split.remove(i)
- if len(header_split) != len(backup_record_split):
- print(warning.format(
- header=header, body=body,
- header_split=header_split,
- body_split=backup_record_split)
- )
- exit(1)
- new_dict = dict(zip(header_split, backup_record_split))
- backup_list.append(new_dict)
+ for backup in reversed(instance_data['backups']):
+ # find specific backup if requested
+ if backup_id:
+ if backup['id'] == backup_id:
+ return backup
+ else:
+ backup_list.append(backup)
return backup_list
- # cut out empty lines and lines started with #
- # and other garbage then reconstruct it as dictionary
- # print show_splitted
- sanitized_show = [item for item in show_splitted if item]
- sanitized_show = [
- item for item in sanitized_show if not item.startswith('#')
- ]
- # print sanitized_show
- for line in sanitized_show:
- name, var = line.partition(" = ")[::2]
- var = var.strip('"')
- var = var.strip("'")
- specific_record[name.strip()] = var
- return specific_record
+ show_splitted = self.run_pb(cmd_list + options).splitlines()
+ if instance is not None and backup_id is None:
+ # cut header(ID, Mode, etc) from show as single string
+ header = show_splitted[1:2][0]
+ # cut backup records from show as single list
+ # with string for every backup record
+ body = show_splitted[3:]
+ # inverse list so oldest record come first
+ body = body[::-1]
+ # split string in list with string for every header element
+ header_split = re.split(" +", header)
+ # Remove empty items
+ for i in header_split:
+ if i == '':
+ header_split.remove(i)
+ continue
+ header_split = [
+ header_element.rstrip() for header_element in header_split
+ ]
+ for backup_record in body:
+ backup_record = backup_record.rstrip()
+ # split list with str for every backup record element
+ backup_record_split = re.split(" +", backup_record)
+ # Remove empty items
+ for i in backup_record_split:
+ if i == '':
+ backup_record_split.remove(i)
+ if len(header_split) != len(backup_record_split):
+ print(warning.format(
+ header=header, body=body,
+ header_split=header_split,
+ body_split=backup_record_split)
+ )
+ exit(1)
+ new_dict = dict(zip(header_split, backup_record_split))
+ backup_list.append(new_dict)
+ return backup_list
+ else:
+ # cut out empty lines and lines started with #
+ # and other garbage then reconstruct it as dictionary
+ # print show_splitted
+ sanitized_show = [item for item in show_splitted if item]
+ sanitized_show = [
+ item for item in sanitized_show if not item.startswith('#')
+ ]
+ # print sanitized_show
+ for line in sanitized_show:
+ name, var = line.partition(" = ")[::2]
+ var = var.strip('"')
+ var = var.strip("'")
+ specific_record[name.strip()] = var
+ return specific_record
def validate_pb(
self, backup_dir, instance=None,
@@ -851,13 +917,26 @@ class ProbackupTest(object):
return num
def switch_wal_segment(self, node):
- """ Execute pg_switch_wal/xlog() in given node"""
- if self.version_to_num(
- node.safe_psql("postgres", "show server_version")
- ) >= self.version_to_num('10.0'):
- node.safe_psql("postgres", "select pg_switch_wal()")
+ """
+ Execute pg_switch_wal/xlog() in given node
+ Args:
+ node: an instance of PostgresNode or NodeConnection class
+ """
+ if isinstance(node, testgres.PostgresNode):
+ if self.version_to_num(
+ node.safe_psql("postgres", "show server_version")
+ ) >= self.version_to_num('10.0'):
+ node.safe_psql("postgres", "select pg_switch_wal()")
+ else:
+ node.safe_psql("postgres", "select pg_switch_xlog()")
- node.safe_psql("postgres", "select pg_switch_xlog()")
+ if self.version_to_num(
+ node.execute("show server_version")[0][0]
+ ) >= self.version_to_num('10.0'):
+ node.execute("select pg_switch_wal()")
+ else:
+ node.execute("select pg_switch_xlog()")
def get_version(self, node):
diff --git a/tests/merge.py b/tests/merge.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1be3dd8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/merge.py
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+import unittest
+import os
+from .helpers.ptrack_helpers import ProbackupTest
+module_name = "merge"
+class MergeTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_merge_full_page(self):
+ """
+ Test MERGE command, it merges FULL backup with target PAGE backups
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split(".")[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, "backup")
+ # Initialize instance and backup directory
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=["--data-checksums"]
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, "node", node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, "node", node)
+ node.start()
+ # Do full backup
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, "node", node)
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[0]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["backup-mode"], "FULL")
+ # Fill with data
+ with node.connect() as conn:
+ conn.execute("create table test (id int)")
+ conn.execute(
+ "insert into test select i from generate_series(1,10) s(i)")
+ conn.commit()
+ # Do first page backup
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, "node", node, backup_type="page")
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[1]
+ # sanity check
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["backup-mode"], "PAGE")
+ # Fill with data
+ with node.connect() as conn:
+ conn.execute(
+ "insert into test select i from generate_series(1,10) s(i)")
+ count1 = conn.execute("select count(*) from test")
+ conn.commit()
+ # Do second page backup
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, "node", node, backup_type="page")
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[2]
+ page_id = show_backup["id"]
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
+ # sanity check
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["backup-mode"], "PAGE")
+ # Merge all backups
+ self.merge_backup(backup_dir, "node", page_id)
+ show_backups = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")
+ # sanity check
+ self.assertEqual(len(show_backups), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]["backup-mode"], "FULL")
+ # Drop node and restore it
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ # Check physical correctness
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
+ node.slow_start()
+ # Check restored node
+ count2 = node.execute("postgres", "select count(*) from test")
+ self.assertEqual(count1, count2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ def test_merge_compressed_backups(self):
+ """
+ Test MERGE command with compressed backups
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split(".")[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, "backup")
+ # Initialize instance and backup directory
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=["--data-checksums"]
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, "node", node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, "node", node)
+ node.start()
+ # Do full compressed backup
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, "node", node, options=[
+ '--compress-algorithm=zlib'])
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[0]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["backup-mode"], "FULL")
+ # Fill with data
+ with node.connect() as conn:
+ conn.execute("create table test (id int)")
+ conn.execute(
+ "insert into test select i from generate_series(1,10) s(i)")
+ count1 = conn.execute("select count(*) from test")
+ conn.commit()
+ # Do compressed page backup
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, "node", node, backup_type="page",
+ options=['--compress-algorithm=zlib'])
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[1]
+ page_id = show_backup["id"]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup["backup-mode"], "PAGE")
+ # Merge all backups
+ self.merge_backup(backup_dir, "node", page_id)
+ show_backups = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")
+ self.assertEqual(len(show_backups), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]["status"], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backups[0]["backup-mode"], "FULL")
+ # Drop node and restore it
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.slow_start()
+ # Check restored node
+ count2 = node.execute("postgres", "select count(*) from test")
+ self.assertEqual(count1, count2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ def test_merge_tablespaces(self):
+ """
+ Some test here
+ """
+ def test_merge_page_truncate(self):
+ """
+ make node, create table, take full backup,
+ delete last 3 pages, vacuum relation,
+ take page backup, merge full and page,
+ restore last page backup and check data correctness
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ set_replication=True,
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={
+ 'wal_level': 'replica',
+ 'max_wal_senders': '2',
+ 'checkpoint_timeout': '300s',
+ 'autovacuum': 'off'
+ }
+ )
+ node_restored = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node_restored".format(module_name, fname))
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node_restored.cleanup()
+ node.start()
+ self.create_tblspace_in_node(node, 'somedata')
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "create sequence t_seq; "
+ "create table t_heap tablespace somedata as select i as id, "
+ "md5(i::text) as text, "
+ "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector "
+ "from generate_series(0,1024) i;")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "vacuum t_heap")
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "delete from t_heap where ctid >= '(11,0)'")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "vacuum t_heap")
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page')
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
+ page_id = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[1]["id"]
+ self.merge_backup(backup_dir, "node", page_id)
+ self.validate_pb(backup_dir)
+ old_tablespace = self.get_tblspace_path(node, 'somedata')
+ new_tablespace = self.get_tblspace_path(node_restored, 'somedata_new')
+ self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node_restored,
+ options=[
+ "-j", "4",
+ "-T", "{0}={1}".format(old_tablespace, new_tablespace),
+ "--recovery-target-action=promote"])
+ # Physical comparison
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir)
+ self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
+ node_restored.append_conf(
+ "postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(node_restored.port))
+ node_restored.slow_start()
+ # Logical comparison
+ result1 = node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select * from t_heap")
+ result2 = node_restored.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select * from t_heap")
+ self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ def test_merge_delta_truncate(self):
+ """
+ make node, create table, take full backup,
+ delete last 3 pages, vacuum relation,
+ take page backup, merge full and page,
+ restore last page backup and check data correctness
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ set_replication=True,
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={
+ 'wal_level': 'replica',
+ 'max_wal_senders': '2',
+ 'checkpoint_timeout': '300s',
+ 'autovacuum': 'off'
+ }
+ )
+ node_restored = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node_restored".format(module_name, fname))
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node_restored.cleanup()
+ node.start()
+ self.create_tblspace_in_node(node, 'somedata')
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "create sequence t_seq; "
+ "create table t_heap tablespace somedata as select i as id, "
+ "md5(i::text) as text, "
+ "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector "
+ "from generate_series(0,1024) i;")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "vacuum t_heap")
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "delete from t_heap where ctid >= '(11,0)'")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "vacuum t_heap")
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='delta')
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
+ page_id = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[1]["id"]
+ self.merge_backup(backup_dir, "node", page_id)
+ self.validate_pb(backup_dir)
+ old_tablespace = self.get_tblspace_path(node, 'somedata')
+ new_tablespace = self.get_tblspace_path(node_restored, 'somedata_new')
+ self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node_restored,
+ options=[
+ "-j", "4",
+ "-T", "{0}={1}".format(old_tablespace, new_tablespace),
+ "--recovery-target-action=promote"])
+ # Physical comparison
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir)
+ self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
+ node_restored.append_conf(
+ "postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(node_restored.port))
+ node_restored.slow_start()
+ # Logical comparison
+ result1 = node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select * from t_heap")
+ result2 = node_restored.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select * from t_heap")
+ self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ def test_merge_ptrack_truncate(self):
+ """
+ make node, create table, take full backup,
+ delete last 3 pages, vacuum relation,
+ take page backup, merge full and page,
+ restore last page backup and check data correctness
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ set_replication=True,
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={
+ 'wal_level': 'replica',
+ 'max_wal_senders': '2',
+ 'checkpoint_timeout': '300s',
+ 'autovacuum': 'off'
+ }
+ )
+ node_restored = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node_restored".format(module_name, fname))
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node_restored.cleanup()
+ node.start()
+ self.create_tblspace_in_node(node, 'somedata')
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "create sequence t_seq; "
+ "create table t_heap tablespace somedata as select i as id, "
+ "md5(i::text) as text, "
+ "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector "
+ "from generate_series(0,1024) i;")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "vacuum t_heap")
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "delete from t_heap where ctid >= '(11,0)'")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "vacuum t_heap")
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='delta')
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
+ page_id = self.show_pb(backup_dir, "node")[1]["id"]
+ self.merge_backup(backup_dir, "node", page_id)
+ self.validate_pb(backup_dir)
+ old_tablespace = self.get_tblspace_path(node, 'somedata')
+ new_tablespace = self.get_tblspace_path(node_restored, 'somedata_new')
+ self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node_restored,
+ options=[
+ "-j", "4",
+ "-T", "{0}={1}".format(old_tablespace, new_tablespace),
+ "--recovery-target-action=promote"])
+ # Physical comparison
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir)
+ self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
+ node_restored.append_conf(
+ "postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(node_restored.port))
+ node_restored.slow_start()
+ # Logical comparison
+ result1 = node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select * from t_heap")
+ result2 = node_restored.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select * from t_heap")
+ self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
diff --git a/tests/option_test.py b/tests/option_test.py
index a66d346e..8bd473fa 100644
--- a/tests/option_test.py
+++ b/tests/option_test.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class OptionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.expectedFailure
def test_help_1(self):
"""help options"""
+ self.maxDiff = None
fname = self.id().split(".")[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
with open(os.path.join(self.dir_path, "expected/option_help.out"), "rb") as help_out:
@@ -199,7 +200,8 @@ class OptionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
# invalid option in pg_probackup.conf
- with open(os.path.join(backup_dir, "backups", "node", "pg_probackup.conf"), "a") as conf:
+ pbconf_path = os.path.join(backup_dir, "backups", "node", "pg_probackup.conf")
+ with open(pbconf_path, "a") as conf:
@@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ class OptionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
except ProbackupException as e:
- 'ERROR: invalid option "TIMELINEID"\n',
+ 'ERROR: invalid option "TIMELINEID" in file "{0}"\n'.format(pbconf_path),
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(e.message), self.cmd))
# Clean after yourself
diff --git a/tests/page.py b/tests/page.py
index 9a7260c2..ef7122b6 100644
--- a/tests/page.py
+++ b/tests/page.py
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import unittest
from .helpers.ptrack_helpers import ProbackupTest, ProbackupException
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import subprocess
-import time
module_name = 'page'
@@ -33,8 +31,7 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
node_restored = self.make_simple_node(
- base_dir="{0}/{1}/node_restored".format(module_name, fname),
- )
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node_restored".format(module_name, fname))
self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
@@ -49,32 +46,27 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
"create table t_heap tablespace somedata as select i as id, "
"md5(i::text) as text, "
"md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector "
- "from generate_series(0,1024) i;"
- )
+ "from generate_series(0,1024) i;")
- "vacuum t_heap"
- )
+ "vacuum t_heap")
self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- "delete from t_heap where ctid >= '(11,0)'"
- )
+ "delete from t_heap where ctid >= '(11,0)'")
- "vacuum t_heap"
- )
+ "vacuum t_heap")
backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page',
- options=['--log-level-file=verbose']
- )
+ options=['--log-level-file=verbose'])
- backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page'
- )
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page')
if self.paranoia:
pgdata = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
@@ -87,8 +79,7 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
"-j", "4",
"-T", "{0}={1}".format(old_tablespace, new_tablespace),
- "--recovery-target-action=promote"]
- )
+ "--recovery-target-action=promote"])
# Physical comparison
if self.paranoia:
@@ -97,21 +88,17 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
"postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(node_restored.port))
- node_restored.start()
- while node_restored.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node_restored.slow_start()
# Logical comparison
result1 = node.safe_psql(
- "select * from t_heap"
- )
+ "select * from t_heap")
result2 = node_restored.safe_psql(
- "select * from t_heap"
- )
+ "select * from t_heap")
self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
# Clean after yourself
@@ -175,7 +162,7 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_id=full_backup_id, options=["-j", "4"]),
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n'
' CMD: {1}'.format(repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -188,7 +175,7 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_id=page_backup_id, options=["-j", "4"]),
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n'
' CMD: {1}'.format(repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
page_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(page_result, page_result_new)
@@ -254,7 +241,8 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -271,7 +259,8 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
page_result_new = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(page_result, page_result_new)
@@ -349,10 +338,7 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
"postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(restored_node.port))
- restored_node.start()
- while restored_node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ restored_node.slow_start()
result_new = restored_node.safe_psql(
"postgres", "select * from pgbench_accounts")
@@ -526,3 +512,130 @@ class PageBackupTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ def test_parallel_pagemap(self):
+ """
+ Test for parallel WAL segments reading, during which pagemap is built
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ # Initialize instance and backup directory
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={
+ "hot_standby": "on"
+ }
+ )
+ node_restored = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node_restored".format(module_name, fname),
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node_restored.cleanup()
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ # Do full backup
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "FULL")
+ # Fill instance with data and make several WAL segments ...
+ with node.connect() as conn:
+ conn.execute("create table test (id int)")
+ for x in range(0, 8):
+ conn.execute(
+ "insert into test select i from generate_series(1,100) s(i)")
+ conn.commit()
+ self.switch_wal_segment(conn)
+ count1 = conn.execute("select count(*) from test")
+ # ... and do page backup with parallel pagemap
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page", options=["-j", "4"])
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "PAGE")
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
+ # Restore it
+ self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node_restored)
+ # Physical comparison
+ if self.paranoia:
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir)
+ self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
+ node_restored.append_conf(
+ "postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(node_restored.port))
+ node_restored.start()
+ # Check restored node
+ count2 = node_restored.execute("postgres", "select count(*) from test")
+ self.assertEqual(count1, count2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ node.cleanup()
+ node_restored.cleanup()
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ def test_parallel_pagemap_1(self):
+ """
+ Test for parallel WAL segments reading, during which pagemap is built
+ """
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ # Initialize instance and backup directory
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={}
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ # Do full backup
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "FULL")
+ # Fill instance with data and make several WAL segments ...
+ node.pgbench_init(scale=10)
+ # do page backup in single thread
+ page_id = self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page")
+ self.delete_pb(backup_dir, 'node', page_id)
+ # ... and do page backup with parallel pagemap
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page", options=["-j", "4"])
+ show_backup = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_backup['backup-mode'], "PAGE")
+ # Drop node and restore it
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ # Clean after yourself
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
diff --git a/tests/pgpro589.py b/tests/pgpro589.py
index a67f3dd4..bd40f16d 100644
--- a/tests/pgpro589.py
+++ b/tests/pgpro589.py
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class ArchiveCheck(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- backup_id = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['ID']
+ backup_id = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['id']
'ERROR', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id)['status'],
'Backup should have ERROR status')
diff --git a/tests/ptrack.py b/tests/ptrack.py
index 9c21ff55..c2d6abff 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack.py
@@ -268,7 +268,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Physical comparison
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
@@ -430,7 +431,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Physical comparison
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
@@ -503,7 +505,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Physical comparison
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
@@ -583,10 +586,7 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -604,13 +604,11 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
ptrack_result_new = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(ptrack_result, ptrack_result_new)
@@ -687,10 +685,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
full_result_new = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(full_result, full_result_new)
@@ -711,13 +707,11 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
ptrack_result_new = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(ptrack_result, ptrack_result_new)
@@ -811,7 +805,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_page_pgpro417(self):
- """Make archive node, take full backup, take page backup, delete page backup. Try to take ptrack backup, which should fail"""
+ """
+ Make archive node, take full backup, take page backup,
+ delete page backup. Try to take ptrack backup, which should fail
+ """
self.maxDiff = None
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
@@ -880,7 +877,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_full_pgpro417(self):
- """Make node, take two full backups, delete full second backup. Try to take ptrack backup, which should fail"""
+ """
+ Make node, take two full backups, delete full second backup.
+ Try to take ptrack backup, which should fail
+ """
self.maxDiff = None
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
@@ -954,7 +954,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_create_db(self):
- """Make node, take full backup, create database db1, take ptrack backup, restore database and check it presense"""
+ """
+ Make node, take full backup, create database db1, take ptrack backup,
+ restore database and check it presense
+ """
self.maxDiff = None
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
@@ -1017,7 +1020,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
@@ -1046,7 +1050,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
@@ -1151,17 +1156,15 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node_restored.port))
- node_restored.start()
+ node_restored.slow_start()
- while node_restored.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
result_new = node_restored.safe_psql(
"postgres", "select * from t_heap")
@@ -1229,7 +1232,8 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ node_restored.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
@@ -1240,7 +1244,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_drop_tablespace(self):
- """Make node, create table, alter table tablespace, take ptrack backup, move table from tablespace, take ptrack backup"""
+ """
+ Make node, create table, alter table tablespace, take ptrack backup,
+ move table from tablespace, take ptrack backup
+ """
self.maxDiff = None
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
@@ -1321,7 +1328,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_ptrack_alter_tablespace(self):
- """Make node, create table, alter table tablespace, take ptrack backup, move table from tablespace, take ptrack backup"""
+ """
+ Make node, create table, alter table tablespace, take ptrack backup,
+ move table from tablespace, take ptrack backup
+ """
self.maxDiff = None
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
@@ -1379,16 +1389,14 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(restored_node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ restored_node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
"postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(restored_node.port))
- restored_node.start()
- while restored_node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ restored_node.slow_start()
result_new = restored_node.safe_psql(
@@ -1416,17 +1424,14 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(restored_node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ restored_node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
"postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(restored_node.port))
- restored_node.start()
- while restored_node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ restored_node.slow_start()
result_new = restored_node.safe_psql(
"postgres", "select * from t_heap")
@@ -1437,7 +1442,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_ptrack_multiple_segments(self):
- """Make node, create table, alter table tablespace, take ptrack backup, move table from tablespace, take ptrack backup"""
+ """
+ Make node, create table, alter table tablespace,
+ take ptrack backup, move table from tablespace, take ptrack backup
+ """
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
node = self.make_simple_node(
@@ -1446,9 +1454,10 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'wal_level': 'replica', 'max_wal_senders': '2',
- 'ptrack_enable': 'on', 'fsync': 'off', 'shared_buffers': '128MB',
- 'maintenance_work_mem': '1GB', 'autovacuum': 'off',
- 'full_page_writes': 'off'}
+ 'ptrack_enable': 'on', 'fsync': 'off',
+ 'autovacuum': 'off',
+ 'full_page_writes': 'off'
+ }
@@ -1514,17 +1523,14 @@ class PtrackTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
if self.paranoia:
- pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(restored_node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
+ pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(
+ restored_node.data_dir, ignore_ptrack=False)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
"postgresql.auto.conf", "port = {0}".format(restored_node.port))
- restored_node.start()
- while restored_node.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ restored_node.slow_start()
result_new = restored_node.safe_psql(
diff --git a/tests/ptrack_cluster.py b/tests/ptrack_cluster.py
index cf8702b8..784751ef 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack_cluster.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack_cluster.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1')
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'cluster t_heap using t_btree')
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1')
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'cluster t_heap using t_gist')
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j100', '--stream',
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j10', '--stream',
'--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port)])
master.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1')
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j100', '--stream',
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j10', '--stream',
'--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port)])
master.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1')
diff --git a/tests/ptrack_truncate.py b/tests/ptrack_truncate.py
index 51e90503..928608c4 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack_truncate.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack_truncate.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
# Make full backup to clean every ptrack
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
for i in idx_ptrack:
idx_ptrack[i]['ptrack'] = self.get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork(
node, idx_ptrack[i]['path'], [idx_ptrack[i]['old_size']])
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
# Make full backup to clean every ptrack
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
for i in idx_ptrack:
idx_ptrack[i]['ptrack'] = self.get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork(
replica, idx_ptrack[i]['path'], [idx_ptrack[i]['old_size']])
diff --git a/tests/ptrack_vacuum.py b/tests/ptrack_vacuum.py
index ad2f65bc..0409cae3 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack_vacuum.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack_vacuum.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
# Make full backup to clean every ptrack
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
for i in idx_ptrack:
idx_ptrack[i]['ptrack'] = self.get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork(
node, idx_ptrack[i]['path'], [idx_ptrack[i]['old_size']])
diff --git a/tests/ptrack_vacuum_bits_frozen.py b/tests/ptrack_vacuum_bits_frozen.py
index dc1e5fd8..f0cd3bbd 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack_vacuum_bits_frozen.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack_vacuum_bits_frozen.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum freeze t_heap')
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint')
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
# Take PTRACK backup to clean every ptrack
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j100',
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j10',
'--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port)])
master.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum freeze t_heap')
diff --git a/tests/ptrack_vacuum_full.py b/tests/ptrack_vacuum_full.py
index a49d6075..ec12c9e2 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack_vacuum_full.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack_vacuum_full.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1')
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum full t_heap')
diff --git a/tests/ptrack_vacuum_truncate.py b/tests/ptrack_vacuum_truncate.py
index 5fd85056..5c84c7e8 100644
--- a/tests/ptrack_vacuum_truncate.py
+++ b/tests/ptrack_vacuum_truncate.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork(
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j100', '--stream'])
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream'])
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id > 128;')
node.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum t_heap')
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'])
# Take PTRACK backup to clean every ptrack
- self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j100',
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=['-j10',
'--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port)])
master.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id > 128;')
diff --git a/tests/replica.py b/tests/replica.py
index 5d6ecfb1..d74c375c 100644
--- a/tests/replica.py
+++ b/tests/replica.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.set_replica(master, replica)
# Check data correctness on replica
- replica.start(["-t", "600"])
+ replica.slow_start(replica=True)
after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir, backup_id=backup_id)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'master', master)
# force more frequent wal switch
master.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'archive_timeout = 10')
- master.start()
+ master.slow_start()
replica = self.make_simple_node(
base_dir="{0}/{1}/replica".format(module_name, fname))
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Settings for Replica
self.set_replica(master, replica)
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True)
- replica.start(["-t", "600"])
+ replica.slow_start(replica=True)
# Check data correctness on replica
after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir, backup_id=backup_id)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port))
- node.start()
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'master', master)
# force more frequent wal switch
master.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'archive_timeout = 10')
- master.start()
+ master.slow_start()
replica = self.make_simple_node(
base_dir="{0}/{1}/replica".format(module_name, fname))
@@ -287,15 +287,7 @@ class ReplicaTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(replica.port))
- replica.start(["-t", "600"])
- time.sleep(1)
- self.assertEqual(
- master.safe_psql(
- "postgres",
- "select exists(select * from pg_stat_replication)"
- ).rstrip(),
- 't')
+ replica.start()
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
diff --git a/tests/restore_test.py b/tests/restore_test.py
index 4567f37b..c33a1e29 100644
--- a/tests/restore_test.py
+++ b/tests/restore_test.py
@@ -53,10 +53,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
recovery_conf = os.path.join(node.data_dir, "recovery.conf")
self.assertEqual(os.path.isfile(recovery_conf), True)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -104,10 +101,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -149,11 +143,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start(params=['-t', '10'])
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
pgbench = node.pgbench(
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
options=['-T', '10', '-c', '2', '--no-vacuum'])
@@ -181,11 +171,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(int(recovery_target_timeline), target_tli)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -234,11 +220,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -297,11 +279,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -366,11 +344,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -379,6 +353,153 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ def test_restore_to_lsn_inclusive(self):
+ """recovery to target lsn"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ if self.get_version(node) < self.version_to_num('10.0'):
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ return
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ node.pgbench_init(scale=2)
+ with node.connect("postgres") as con:
+ con.execute("CREATE TABLE tbl0005 (a int)")
+ con.commit()
+ backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ pgbench = node.pgbench(
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pgbench.wait()
+ pgbench.stdout.close()
+ before = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
+ with node.connect("postgres") as con:
+ con.execute("INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES (1)")
+ con.commit()
+ res = con.execute("SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn()")
+ con.commit()
+ con.execute("INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES (2)")
+ con.commit()
+ xlogid, xrecoff = res[0][0].split('/')
+ xrecoff = hex(int(xrecoff, 16) + 1)[2:]
+ target_lsn = "{0}/{1}".format(xlogid, xrecoff)
+ pgbench = node.pgbench(
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pgbench.wait()
+ pgbench.stdout.close()
+ node.stop()
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.assertIn(
+ "INFO: Restore of backup {0} completed.".format(backup_id),
+ self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node,
+ options=[
+ "-j", "4", '--lsn={0}'.format(target_lsn),
+ "--recovery-target-action=promote"]
+ ),
+ '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
+ repr(self.output), self.cmd))
+ node.slow_start()
+ after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
+ self.assertEqual(before, after)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM tbl0005")), 2)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ def test_restore_to_lsn_not_inclusive(self):
+ """recovery to target lsn"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ if self.get_version(node) < self.version_to_num('10.0'):
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ return
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ node.pgbench_init(scale=2)
+ with node.connect("postgres") as con:
+ con.execute("CREATE TABLE tbl0005 (a int)")
+ con.commit()
+ backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ pgbench = node.pgbench(
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pgbench.wait()
+ pgbench.stdout.close()
+ before = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
+ with node.connect("postgres") as con:
+ con.execute("INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES (1)")
+ con.commit()
+ res = con.execute("SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn()")
+ con.commit()
+ con.execute("INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES (2)")
+ con.commit()
+ xlogid, xrecoff = res[0][0].split('/')
+ xrecoff = hex(int(xrecoff, 16) + 1)[2:]
+ target_lsn = "{0}/{1}".format(xlogid, xrecoff)
+ pgbench = node.pgbench(
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ pgbench.wait()
+ pgbench.stdout.close()
+ node.stop()
+ node.cleanup()
+ self.assertIn(
+ "INFO: Restore of backup {0} completed.".format(backup_id),
+ self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node,
+ options=[
+ "--inclusive=false",
+ "-j", "4", '--lsn={0}'.format(target_lsn),
+ "--recovery-target-action=promote"]
+ ),
+ '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
+ repr(self.output), self.cmd))
+ node.slow_start()
+ after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
+ self.assertEqual(before, after)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM tbl0005")), 1)
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_restore_full_ptrack_archive(self):
"""recovery to latest from archive full+ptrack backups"""
@@ -420,11 +541,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -479,11 +596,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -535,11 +648,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
after = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches")
self.assertEqual(before, after)
@@ -602,11 +711,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
bbalance = node.execute(
"postgres", "SELECT sum(bbalance) FROM pgbench_branches")
delta = node.execute(
@@ -674,11 +779,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
options=["-j", "4", "--recovery-target-action=promote"]),
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
bbalance = node.execute(
"postgres", "SELECT sum(bbalance) FROM pgbench_branches")
delta = node.execute(
@@ -718,7 +819,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'], "OK")
# 1 - Try to restore to existing directory
@@ -769,10 +870,8 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT id FROM test")
self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 1)
@@ -785,8 +884,8 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page")
show_pb = self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')
- self.assertEqual(show_pb[1]['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(show_pb[2]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_pb[1]['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(show_pb[2]['status'], "OK")
@@ -802,10 +901,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT id FROM test OFFSET 1")
self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 2)
@@ -829,7 +925,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Full backup
self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'], "OK")
# Create tablespace
tblspc_path = os.path.join(node.base_dir, "tblspc")
@@ -845,8 +941,9 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# First page backup
self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page")
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Mode'], "PAGE")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['backup-mode'], "PAGE")
# Create tablespace table
with node.connect("postgres") as con:
@@ -862,8 +959,9 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Second page backup
backup_id = self.backup_node(
backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page")
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['Status'], "OK")
- self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['Mode'], "PAGE")
+ self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['status'], "OK")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['backup-mode'], "PAGE")
@@ -879,10 +977,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
count = node.execute("postgres", "SELECT count(*) FROM tbl")
self.assertEqual(count[0][0], 4)
@@ -933,10 +1028,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result = node.psql("postgres", 'select * from t_heap')
self.assertTrue('does not exist' in result[2].decode("utf-8"))
@@ -985,11 +1077,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result = node.psql("postgres", 'select * from t_heap')
self.assertTrue('does not exist' in result[2].decode("utf-8"))
@@ -1037,10 +1125,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(self.output), self.cmd))
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result = node.psql("postgres", 'select * from t_heap')
self.assertEqual(True, 'does not exist' in result[2].decode("utf-8"))
@@ -1095,10 +1180,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
pgdata_restored = self.pgdata_content(node.data_dir)
self.compare_pgdata(pgdata, pgdata_restored)
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result = node.psql("postgres", 'select * from t_heap')
self.assertTrue('does not exist' in result[2].decode("utf-8"))
@@ -1147,10 +1229,7 @@ class RestoreTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- node.start()
- while node.safe_psql(
- "postgres", "select pg_is_in_recovery()") == 't\n':
- time.sleep(1)
+ node.slow_start()
result_new = node.safe_psql("postgres", "select * from t_heap")
res = node.psql("postgres", "select * from t_heap_1")
diff --git a/tests/retention_test.py b/tests/retention_test.py
index 2d4cac37..652f7c39 100644
--- a/tests/retention_test.py
+++ b/tests/retention_test.py
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class RetentionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
def test_retention_redundancy_1(self):
"""purge backups using redundancy-based retention policy"""
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
- node = self.make_simple_node(base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
@@ -24,7 +25,9 @@ class RetentionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
- with open(os.path.join(backup_dir, 'backups', 'node', "pg_probackup.conf"), "a") as conf:
+ with open(os.path.join(
+ backup_dir, 'backups', 'node',
+ "pg_probackup.conf"), "a") as conf:
conf.write("retention-redundancy = 1\n")
# Make backups to be purged
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ class RetentionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
for wal_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node')):
if not wal_name.endswith(".backup"):
- #wal_name_b = wal_name.encode('ascii')
+ # wal_name_b = wal_name.encode('ascii')
self.assertEqual(wal_name[8:] > min_wal[8:], True)
self.assertEqual(wal_name[8:] > max_wal[8:], True)
@@ -68,7 +71,8 @@ class RetentionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
def test_retention_window_2(self):
"""purge backups using window-based retention policy"""
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
- node = self.make_simple_node(base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
diff --git a/tests/show_test.py b/tests/show_test.py
index 74bd0341..931da184 100644
--- a/tests/show_test.py
+++ b/tests/show_test.py
@@ -36,6 +36,35 @@ class OptionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ # @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_show_json(self):
+ """Status DONE and OK"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node,
+ options=["--log-level-console=panic"]),
+ None
+ )
+ self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.assertIn("OK", self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', as_text=True))
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_corrupt_2(self):
"""Status CORRUPT"""
@@ -81,3 +110,94 @@ class OptionTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ def test_no_control_file(self):
+ """backup.control doesn't exist"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ # delete backup.control file
+ file = os.path.join(
+ backup_dir, "backups", "node",
+ backup_id, "backup.control")
+ os.remove(file)
+ self.assertIn('control file "{0}" doesn\'t exist'.format(file), self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', as_text=True))
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ def test_empty_control_file(self):
+ """backup.control is empty"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ # truncate backup.control file
+ file = os.path.join(
+ backup_dir, "backups", "node",
+ backup_id, "backup.control")
+ fd = open(file, 'w')
+ fd.close()
+ self.assertIn('control file "{0}" is empty'.format(file), self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', as_text=True))
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ # @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_corrupt_control_file(self):
+ """backup.control contains invalid option"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ # corrupt backup.control file
+ file = os.path.join(
+ backup_dir, "backups", "node",
+ backup_id, "backup.control")
+ fd = open(file, 'a')
+ fd.write("statuss = OK")
+ fd.close()
+ self.assertIn('invalid option "statuss" in file'.format(file), self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', as_text=True))
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
diff --git a/tests/validate_test.py b/tests/validate_test.py
index 06ea1ea3..ab091c57 100644
--- a/tests/validate_test.py
+++ b/tests/validate_test.py
@@ -748,6 +748,93 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ # @unittest.skip("skip")
+ def test_validate_instance_with_corrupted_full_and_try_restore(self):
+ """make archive node, take FULL, PAGE1, PAGE2, FULL2, PAGE3 backups,
+ corrupt file in FULL backup and run validate on instance,
+ expect FULL to gain status CORRUPT, PAGE1 and PAGE2 to gain status ORPHAN,
+ try to restore backup with --no-validation option"""
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ node = self.make_simple_node(base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector from generate_series(0,10000) i")
+ file_path_t_heap = node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select pg_relation_filepath('t_heap')").rstrip()
+ # FULL1
+ backup_id_1 = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "insert into t_heap select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector from generate_series(0,10000) i")
+ # PAGE1
+ backup_id_2 = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page')
+ # PAGE2
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "insert into t_heap select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector from generate_series(20000,30000) i")
+ backup_id_3 = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page')
+ # FULL1
+ backup_id_4 = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ # PAGE3
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "insert into t_heap select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector from generate_series(30000,40000) i")
+ backup_id_5 = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page')
+ # Corrupt some file in FULL backup
+ file_full = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'backups/node', backup_id_1, 'database', file_path_t_heap)
+ with open(file_full, "rb+", 0) as f:
+ f.seek(84)
+ f.write(b"blah")
+ f.flush()
+ f.close
+ # Validate Instance
+ try:
+ self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'node', options=['--log-level-file=verbose'])
+ self.assertEqual(1, 0, "Expecting Error because of data files corruption.\n Output: {0} \n CMD: {1}".format(
+ repr(self.output), self.cmd))
+ except ProbackupException as e:
+ self.assertTrue(
+ 'INFO: Validating backup {0}'.format(backup_id_1) in e.message
+ and "INFO: Validate backups of the instance 'node'" in e.message
+ and 'WARNING: Invalid CRC of backup file "{0}"'.format(file_full) in e.message
+ and 'WARNING: Backup {0} data files are corrupted'.format(backup_id_1) in e.message,
+ '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(e.message), self.cmd))
+ self.assertEqual('CORRUPT', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id_1)['status'], 'Backup STATUS should be "CORRUPT"')
+ self.assertEqual('ORPHAN', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id_2)['status'], 'Backup STATUS should be "ORPHAN"')
+ self.assertEqual('ORPHAN', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id_3)['status'], 'Backup STATUS should be "ORPHAN"')
+ self.assertEqual('OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id_4)['status'], 'Backup STATUS should be "OK"')
+ self.assertEqual('OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node', backup_id_5)['status'], 'Backup STATUS should be "OK"')
+ node.cleanup()
+ restore_out = self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node,
+ options=["--no-validate"])
+ self.assertIn(
+ "INFO: Restore of backup {0} completed.".format(backup_id_5),
+ restore_out,
+ '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
+ repr(self.output), self.cmd))
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_validate_instance_with_corrupted_full(self):
"""make archive node, take FULL, PAGE1, PAGE2, FULL2, PAGE3 backups,
@@ -908,7 +995,8 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node)
target_xid = None
with node.connect("postgres") as con:
- res = con.execute("INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES ('inserted') RETURNING (xmin)")
+ res = con.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES ('inserted') RETURNING (xmin)")
target_xid = res[0][0]
@@ -1041,7 +1129,10 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip("skip")
def test_validate_corrupt_wal_between_backups(self):
- """make archive node, make full backup, corrupt all wal files, run validate to real xid, expect errors"""
+ """
+ make archive node, make full backup, corrupt all wal files,
+ run validate to real xid, expect errors
+ """
fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
node = self.make_simple_node(
base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
@@ -1083,7 +1174,7 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
walfile = node.safe_psql(
- 'select pg_walfile_name(pg_current_wal_location())').rstrip()
+ 'select pg_walfile_name(pg_current_wal_lsn())').rstrip()
if self.archive_compress:
walfile = walfile + '.gz'
@@ -1134,12 +1225,12 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'],
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'],
'Backup STATUS should be "OK"')
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'],
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'],
'Backup STATUS should be "OK"')
# Clean after yourself
@@ -1208,7 +1299,7 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'],
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'],
'Backup {0} should have STATUS "ERROR"')
# Clean after yourself
@@ -1316,7 +1407,7 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node1', data_dir=node2.data_dir)
'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(node2.port))
- node2.start()
+ node2.slow_start()
timeline_node1 = node1.get_control_data()["Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID"]
timeline_node2 = node2.get_control_data()["Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID"]
@@ -1405,7 +1496,7 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
except ProbackupException as e:
- self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['Status'] == 'ERROR')
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['status'] == 'ERROR')
self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page')
@@ -1440,14 +1531,19 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['Status'] == 'CORRUPT')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['Status'] == 'ERROR')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[7]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['status'] == 'CORRUPT')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['status'] == 'ERROR')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[7]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
os.rename(file_new, file)
@@ -1459,14 +1555,15 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['Status'] == 'ERROR')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[7]['Status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['status'] == 'ERROR')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[7]['status'] == 'OK')
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
@@ -1537,13 +1634,13 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['Status'] == 'CORRUPT')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['status'] == 'CORRUPT')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
os.rename(file_new, file)
file = os.path.join(
@@ -1562,13 +1659,72 @@ class ValidateTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase):
'\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(
repr(e.message), self.cmd))
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['Status'] == 'OK')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['Status'] == 'CORRUPT')
- self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['Status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[1]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[2]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[3]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[4]['status'] == 'OK')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[5]['status'] == 'CORRUPT')
+ self.assertTrue(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[6]['status'] == 'ORPHAN')
+ # Clean after yourself
+ self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
+ def test_file_size_corruption_no_validate(self):
+ fname = self.id().split('.')[3]
+ node = self.make_simple_node(
+ base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname),
+ # initdb_params=['--data-checksums'],
+ pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica'}
+ )
+ backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup')
+ self.init_pb(backup_dir)
+ self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node)
+ node.start()
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "create table t_heap as select 1 as id, md5(i::text) as text, "
+ "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector "
+ "from generate_series(0,1000) i")
+ node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ heap_path = node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select pg_relation_filepath('t_heap')").rstrip()
+ heap_size = node.safe_psql(
+ "postgres",
+ "select pg_relation_size('t_heap')")
+ backup_id = self.backup_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="full",
+ options=["-j", "4"], async=False, gdb=False)
+ node.stop()
+ node.cleanup()
+ # Let`s do file corruption
+ with open(os.path.join(backup_dir, "backups", 'node', backup_id, "database", heap_path), "rb+", 0) as f:
+ f.truncate(int(heap_size) - 4096)
+ f.flush()
+ f.close
+ node.cleanup()
+ try:
+ self.restore_node(
+ backup_dir, 'node', node,
+ options=["--no-validate"])
+ except ProbackupException as e:
+ self.assertTrue("ERROR: Data files restoring failed" in e.message, repr(e.message))
+ print "\nExpected error: \n" + e.message
# Clean after yourself
self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)
diff --git a/win32build.pl b/win32build.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14864181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32build.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+use JSON;
+our $repack_version;
+our $pgdir;
+our $pgsrc;
+if (@ARGV!=2) {
+ print STDERR "Usage $0 postgress-instalation-root pg-source-dir \n";
+ exit 1;
+our $liblist="";
+$pgdir = shift @ARGV;
+$pgsrc = shift @ARGV if @ARGV;
+our $arch = $ENV{'ARCH'} || "x64";
+$arch='Win32' if ($arch eq 'x86' || $arch eq 'X86');
+$arch='x64' if $arch eq 'X64';
+$conffile = $pgsrc."/tools/msvc/config.pl";
+die 'Could not find config.pl'
+ unless (-f $conffile);
+our $config;
+do $conffile;
+if (! -d "$pgdir/bin" || !-d "$pgdir/include" || !-d "$pgdir/lib") {
+ print STDERR "Directory $pgdir doesn't look like root of postgresql installation\n";
+ exit 1;
+our $includepath="";
+our $libpath="";
+our $libpath32="";
+print "\n\n";
+print $libpath."\n";
+print $includepath."\n";
+# open F,"<","META.json" or die "Cannot open META.json: $!\n";
+# {
+# local $/ = undef;
+# $decoded = decode_json();
+# $repack_version= $decoded->{'version'};
+# }
+# substitute new path in the project files
+exit 0;
+sub preprocess_project {
+ my $in = shift;
+ my $out = shift;
+ our $pgdir;
+ our $adddir;
+ my $libs;
+ if (defined $adddir) {
+ $libs ="$adddir;";
+ } else{
+ $libs ="";
+ }
+ open IN,"<",$in or die "Cannot open $in: $!\n";
+ open OUT,">",$out or die "Cannot open $out: $!\n";
+# $includepath .= ";";
+# $libpath .= ";";
+ while () {
+ s/\@PGROOT\@/$pgdir/g;
+ s/\@ADDLIBS\@/$libpath/g;
+ s/\@ADDLIBS32\@/$libpath32/g;
+ s/\@PGSRC\@/$pgsrc/g;
+ s/\@ADDINCLUDE\@/$includepath/g;
+ print OUT $_;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ close OUT;
+# my sub
+sub AddLibrary
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath .= $inc;
+ if ($libpath32 ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath32 .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath32 .= $inc;
+sub AddLibrary32
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath32 ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath32 .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath32 .= $inc;
+sub AddLibrary64
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath .= $inc;
+sub AddIncludeDir
+ # my ($self, $inc) = @_;
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($includepath ne '')
+ {
+ $includepath .= ';';
+ }
+ $includepath .= $inc;
+sub AddProject
+ # my ($self, $name, $type, $folder, $initialdir) = @_;
+ if ($config->{zlib})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{zlib} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{zlib} . '\lib\zdll.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{openssl})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{openssl} . '\include');
+ if (-e "$config->{openssl}/lib/VC/ssleay32MD.lib")
+ {
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\ssleay32.lib', 1);
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\libeay32.lib', 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # We don't expect the config-specific library to be here,
+ # so don't ask for it in last parameter
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\ssleay32.lib', 0);
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\libeay32.lib', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($config->{nls})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{nls} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{nls} . '\lib\libintl.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{gss})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{gss} . '\inc\krb5');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\krb5_32.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\comerr32.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\gssapi32.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{iconv})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{iconv} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{iconv} . '\lib\iconv.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{icu})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{icu} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{icu} . '\lib\icuin.lib');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{icu} . '\lib\icuuc.lib');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{icu} . '\lib\icudt.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icuin.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icuuc.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icudt.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{xml})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xml} . '\include');
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xml} . '\include\libxml2');
+ AddLibrary($config->{xml} . '\lib\libxml2.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{xslt})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xslt} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{xslt} . '\lib\libxslt.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{libedit})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{libedit} . '\include');
+ # AddLibrary($config->{libedit} . "\\" .
+ # ($arch eq 'x64'? 'lib64': 'lib32').'\edit.lib');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{libedit} . '\\lib32\edit.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{libedit} . '\\lib64\edit.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{uuid})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{uuid} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{uuid} . '\lib\uuid.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{zstd})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{zstd});
+ # AddLibrary($config->{zstd}. "\\".($arch eq 'x64'? "zstdlib_x64.lib" : "zstdlib_x86.lib"));
+ AddLibrary32($config->{zstd}. "\\zstdlib_x86.lib");
+ AddLibrary64($config->{zstd}. "\\zstdlib_x64.lib") ;
+ }
+ # return $proj;
diff --git a/win32build96.pl b/win32build96.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c869e485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32build96.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+use JSON;
+our $repack_version;
+our $pgdir;
+our $pgsrc;
+if (@ARGV!=2) {
+ print STDERR "Usage $0 postgress-instalation-root pg-source-dir \n";
+ exit 1;
+our $liblist="";
+$pgdir = shift @ARGV;
+$pgsrc = shift @ARGV if @ARGV;
+our $arch = $ENV{'ARCH'} || "x64";
+$arch='Win32' if ($arch eq 'x86' || $arch eq 'X86');
+$arch='x64' if $arch eq 'X64';
+$conffile = $pgsrc."/tools/msvc/config.pl";
+die 'Could not find config.pl'
+ unless (-f $conffile);
+our $config;
+do $conffile;
+if (! -d "$pgdir/bin" || !-d "$pgdir/include" || !-d "$pgdir/lib") {
+ print STDERR "Directory $pgdir doesn't look like root of postgresql installation\n";
+ exit 1;
+our $includepath="";
+our $libpath="";
+our $libpath32="";
+print "\n\n";
+print $libpath."\n";
+print $includepath."\n";
+# open F,"<","META.json" or die "Cannot open META.json: $!\n";
+# {
+# local $/ = undef;
+# $decoded = decode_json();
+# $repack_version= $decoded->{'version'};
+# }
+# substitute new path in the project files
+exit 0;
+sub preprocess_project {
+ my $in = shift;
+ my $out = shift;
+ our $pgdir;
+ our $adddir;
+ my $libs;
+ if (defined $adddir) {
+ $libs ="$adddir;";
+ } else{
+ $libs ="";
+ }
+ open IN,"<",$in or die "Cannot open $in: $!\n";
+ open OUT,">",$out or die "Cannot open $out: $!\n";
+# $includepath .= ";";
+# $libpath .= ";";
+ while () {
+ s/\@PGROOT\@/$pgdir/g;
+ s/\@ADDLIBS\@/$libpath/g;
+ s/\@ADDLIBS32\@/$libpath32/g;
+ s/\@PGSRC\@/$pgsrc/g;
+ s/\@ADDINCLUDE\@/$includepath/g;
+ print OUT $_;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ close OUT;
+# my sub
+sub AddLibrary
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath .= $inc;
+ if ($libpath32 ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath32 .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath32 .= $inc;
+sub AddLibrary32
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath32 ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath32 .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath32 .= $inc;
+sub AddLibrary64
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath .= $inc;
+sub AddIncludeDir
+ # my ($self, $inc) = @_;
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($includepath ne '')
+ {
+ $includepath .= ';';
+ }
+ $includepath .= $inc;
+sub AddProject
+ # my ($self, $name, $type, $folder, $initialdir) = @_;
+ if ($config->{zlib})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{zlib} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{zlib} . '\lib\zdll.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{openssl})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{openssl} . '\include');
+ if (-e "$config->{openssl}/lib/VC/ssleay32MD.lib")
+ {
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\ssleay32.lib', 1);
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\libeay32.lib', 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # We don't expect the config-specific library to be here,
+ # so don't ask for it in last parameter
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\ssleay32.lib', 0);
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\libeay32.lib', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($config->{nls})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{nls} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{nls} . '\lib\libintl.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{gss})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{gss} . '\inc\krb5');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\krb5_32.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\comerr32.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\gssapi32.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{iconv})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{iconv} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{iconv} . '\lib\iconv.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{icu})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{icu} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{icu} . '\lib\icuin.lib');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{icu} . '\lib\icuuc.lib');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{icu} . '\lib\icudt.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icuin.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icuuc.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icudt.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{xml})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xml} . '\include');
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xml} . '\include\libxml2');
+ AddLibrary($config->{xml} . '\lib\libxml2.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{xslt})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xslt} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{xslt} . '\lib\libxslt.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{libedit})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{libedit} . '\include');
+ # AddLibrary($config->{libedit} . "\\" .
+ # ($arch eq 'x64'? 'lib64': 'lib32').'\edit.lib');
+ AddLibrary32($config->{libedit} . '\\lib32\edit.lib');
+ AddLibrary64($config->{libedit} . '\\lib64\edit.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{uuid})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{uuid} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{uuid} . '\lib\uuid.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{zstd})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{zstd});
+ # AddLibrary($config->{zstd}. "\\".($arch eq 'x64'? "zstdlib_x64.lib" : "zstdlib_x86.lib"));
+ AddLibrary32($config->{zstd}. "\\zstdlib_x86.lib");
+ AddLibrary64($config->{zstd}. "\\zstdlib_x64.lib") ;
+ }
+ # return $proj;
diff --git a/win32build_2.pl b/win32build_2.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4f75553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32build_2.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+use JSON;
+our $repack_version;
+our $pgdir;
+our $pgsrc;
+if (@ARGV!=2) {
+ print STDERR "Usage $0 postgress-instalation-root pg-source-dir \n";
+ exit 1;
+our $liblist="";
+$pgdir = shift @ARGV;
+$pgsrc = shift @ARGV if @ARGV;
+our $arch = $ENV{'ARCH'} || "x64";
+$arch='Win32' if ($arch eq 'x86' || $arch eq 'X86');
+$arch='x64' if $arch eq 'X64';
+$conffile = $pgsrc."/tools/msvc/config.pl";
+die 'Could not find config.pl'
+ unless (-f $conffile);
+our $config;
+do $conffile;
+if (! -d "$pgdir/bin" || !-d "$pgdir/include" || !-d "$pgdir/lib") {
+ print STDERR "Directory $pgdir doesn't look like root of postgresql installation\n";
+ exit 1;
+our $includepath="";
+our $libpath="";
+print "\n\n";
+print $libpath."\n";
+print $includepath."\n";
+# open F,"<","META.json" or die "Cannot open META.json: $!\n";
+# {
+# local $/ = undef;
+# $decoded = decode_json();
+# $repack_version= $decoded->{'version'};
+# }
+# substitute new path in the project files
+exit 0;
+sub preprocess_project {
+ my $in = shift;
+ my $out = shift;
+ our $pgdir;
+ our $adddir;
+ my $libs;
+ if (defined $adddir) {
+ $libs ="$adddir;";
+ } else{
+ $libs ="";
+ }
+ open IN,"<",$in or die "Cannot open $in: $!\n";
+ open OUT,">",$out or die "Cannot open $out: $!\n";
+# $includepath .= ";";
+# $libpath .= ";";
+ while () {
+ s/\@PGROOT\@/$pgdir/g;
+ s/\@ADDLIBS\@/$libpath/g;
+ s/\@PGSRC\@/$pgsrc/g;
+ s/\@ADDINCLUDE\@/$includepath/g;
+ print OUT $_;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ close OUT;
+# my sub
+sub AddLibrary
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($libpath ne '')
+ {
+ $libpath .= ';';
+ }
+ $libpath .= $inc;
+sub AddIncludeDir
+ # my ($self, $inc) = @_;
+ $inc = shift;
+ if ($includepath ne '')
+ {
+ $includepath .= ';';
+ }
+ $includepath .= $inc;
+sub AddProject
+ # my ($self, $name, $type, $folder, $initialdir) = @_;
+ if ($config->{zlib})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{zlib} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{zlib} . '\lib\zdll.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{openssl})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{openssl} . '\include');
+ if (-e "$config->{openssl}/lib/VC/ssleay32MD.lib")
+ {
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\ssleay32.lib', 1);
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\VC\libeay32.lib', 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # We don't expect the config-specific library to be here,
+ # so don't ask for it in last parameter
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\ssleay32.lib', 0);
+ AddLibrary(
+ $config->{openssl} . '\lib\libeay32.lib', 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($config->{nls})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{nls} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{nls} . '\lib\libintl.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{gss})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{gss} . '\inc\krb5');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\krb5_32.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\comerr32.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{gss} . '\lib\i386\gssapi32.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{iconv})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{iconv} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{iconv} . '\lib\iconv.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{icu})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{icu} . '\include');
+ if ($arch eq 'Win32')
+ {
+ AddLibrary($config->{icu} . '\lib\icuin.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{icu} . '\lib\icuuc.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{icu} . '\lib\icudt.lib');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddLibrary($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icuin.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icuuc.lib');
+ AddLibrary($config->{icu} . '\lib64\icudt.lib');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($config->{xml})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xml} . '\include');
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xml} . '\include\libxml2');
+ AddLibrary($config->{xml} . '\lib\libxml2.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{xslt})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{xslt} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{xslt} . '\lib\libxslt.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{libedit})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{libedit} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{libedit} . "\\" .
+ ($arch eq 'x64'? 'lib64': 'lib32').'\edit.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{uuid})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{uuid} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{uuid} . '\lib\uuid.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{libedit})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{libedit} . '\include');
+ AddLibrary($config->{libedit} . "\\" .
+ ($arch eq 'x64'? 'lib64': 'lib32').'\edit.lib');
+ }
+ if ($config->{zstd})
+ {
+ AddIncludeDir($config->{zstd});
+ AddLibrary($config->{zstd}. "\\".
+ ($arch eq 'x64'? "zstdlib_x64.lib" : "zstdlib_x86.lib")
+ );
+ }
+ # return $proj;