import os import unittest from .helpers.ptrack_helpers import ProbackupTest, idx_ptrack import time module_name = 'ptrack_vacuum_full' class SimpleTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase): # @unittest.skip("skip") # @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ptrack_vacuum_full(self): fname ='.')[3] node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'ptrack_enable': 'on', 'wal_level': 'replica', 'max_wal_senders': '2'}) backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() self.create_tblspace_in_node(node, 'somedata') # Create table and indexes res = node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create sequence t_seq; create table t_heap tablespace somedata " "as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,2560) i") for i in idx_ptrack: if idx_ptrack[i]['type'] != 'heap' and idx_ptrack[i]['type'] != 'seq': node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create index {0} on {1} " "using {2}({3}) tablespace somedata".format( i, idx_ptrack[i]['relation'], idx_ptrack[i]['type'], idx_ptrack[i]['column'])) node.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum t_heap') node.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint') self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-j10', '--stream']) for i in idx_ptrack: # get size of heap and indexes. size calculated in pages idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'] = self.get_fork_size(node, i) # get path to heap and index files idx_ptrack[i]['path'] = self.get_fork_path(node, i) # calculate md5sums of pages idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork( idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size']) node.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1') node.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum full t_heap') node.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint') # CHECK PTRACK SANITY success = True for i in idx_ptrack: # get new size of heap and indexes. size calculated in pages idx_ptrack[i]['new_size'] = self.get_fork_size(node, i) # update path to heap and index files in case they`ve changed idx_ptrack[i]['path'] = self.get_fork_path(node, i) # calculate new md5sums for pages idx_ptrack[i]['new_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork( idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['new_size']) # get ptrack for every idx idx_ptrack[i]['ptrack'] = self.get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork( node, idx_ptrack[i]['path'], [idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'], idx_ptrack[i]['new_size']]) # compare pages and check ptrack sanity, the most important part if not self.check_ptrack_sanity(idx_ptrack[i]): success = False self.assertTrue( success, 'Ptrack has failed to register changes in data files' ) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") # @unittest.expectedFailure def test_ptrack_vacuum_full_replica(self): fname ='.')[3] master = self.make_simple_node( base_dir="{0}/{1}/master".format(module_name, fname), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'ptrack_enable': 'on', 'wal_level': 'replica', 'max_wal_senders': '2', 'autovacuum': 'off', 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'} ) backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master) master.slow_start() self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'master', master, options=['--stream']) replica = self.make_simple_node( base_dir="{0}/{1}/replica".format(module_name, fname)) replica.cleanup() self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'master', replica) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica) self.set_replica(master, replica, 'replica', synchronous=True) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True) replica.slow_start(replica=True) # Create table and indexes master.safe_psql( "postgres", "create sequence t_seq; create table t_heap as select i as id, " "md5(i::text) as text, md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as " "tsvector from generate_series(0,256000) i") for i in idx_ptrack: if idx_ptrack[i]['type'] != 'heap' and idx_ptrack[i]['type'] != 'seq': master.safe_psql( "postgres", "create index {0} on {1} using {2}({3})".format( i, idx_ptrack[i]['relation'], idx_ptrack[i]['type'], idx_ptrack[i]['column'])) master.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum t_heap') master.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint') # Sync master and replica self.wait_until_replica_catch_with_master(master, replica) replica.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint') # Take FULL backup to clean every ptrack self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=[ '-j10', '--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port) ] ) # TODO: check that all ptrack are nullified for i in idx_ptrack: # get size of heap and indexes. size calculated in pages idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'] = self.get_fork_size(replica, i) # get path to heap and index files idx_ptrack[i]['path'] = self.get_fork_path(replica, i) # calculate md5sums of pages idx_ptrack[i]['old_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork( idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['old_size']) master.safe_psql('postgres', 'delete from t_heap where id%2 = 1') master.safe_psql('postgres', 'vacuum full t_heap') master.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint') # Sync master and replica self.wait_until_replica_catch_with_master(master, replica) replica.safe_psql('postgres', 'checkpoint') # CHECK PTRACK SANITY success = True for i in idx_ptrack: # get new size of heap and indexes. size calculated in pages idx_ptrack[i]['new_size'] = self.get_fork_size(replica, i) # update path to heap and index files in case they`ve changed idx_ptrack[i]['path'] = self.get_fork_path(replica, i) # calculate new md5sums for pages idx_ptrack[i]['new_pages'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork( idx_ptrack[i]['path'], idx_ptrack[i]['new_size']) # get ptrack for every idx idx_ptrack[i]['ptrack'] = self.get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork( replica, idx_ptrack[i]['path'], [idx_ptrack[i]['old_size'], idx_ptrack[i]['new_size']]) # compare pages and check ptrack sanity, the most important part if not self.check_ptrack_sanity(idx_ptrack[i]): success = False self.assertTrue( success, 'Ptrack has failed to register changes in data files' ) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)