# you need os for unittest to work import os from sys import exit, argv, version_info import subprocess import shutil import six import testgres import hashlib import re import getpass import select import psycopg2 from time import sleep import re import json idx_ptrack = { 't_heap': { 'type': 'heap' }, 't_btree': { 'type': 'btree', 'column': 'text', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_seq': { 'type': 'seq', 'column': 't_seq', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_spgist': { 'type': 'spgist', 'column': 'text', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_brin': { 'type': 'brin', 'column': 'text', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_gist': { 'type': 'gist', 'column': 'tsvector', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_gin': { 'type': 'gin', 'column': 'tsvector', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_hash': { 'type': 'hash', 'column': 'id', 'relation': 't_heap' }, 't_bloom': { 'type': 'bloom', 'column': 'id', 'relation': 't_heap' } } warning = """ Wrong splint in show_pb Original Header: {header} Original Body: {body} Splitted Header {header_split} Splitted Body {body_split} """ def dir_files(base_dir): out_list = [] for dir_name, subdir_list, file_list in os.walk(base_dir): if dir_name != base_dir: out_list.append(os.path.relpath(dir_name, base_dir)) for fname in file_list: out_list.append( os.path.relpath(os.path.join( dir_name, fname), base_dir) ) out_list.sort() return out_list def is_enterprise(): # pg_config --help if os.name == 'posix': cmd = [os.environ['PG_CONFIG'], '--help'] elif os.name == 'nt': cmd = [[os.environ['PG_CONFIG']], ['--help']] p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) if b'postgrespro.ru' in p.communicate()[0]: return True else: return False class ProbackupException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, cmd): self.message = message self.cmd = cmd def __str__(self): return '\n ERROR: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(self.message), self.cmd) def slow_start(self, replica=False): # wait for https://github.com/postgrespro/testgres/pull/50 # self.start() # self.poll_query_until( # "postgres", # "SELECT not pg_is_in_recovery()", # suppress={testgres.NodeConnection}) if replica: query = 'SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()' else: query = 'SELECT not pg_is_in_recovery()' self.start() while True: try: if self.safe_psql('postgres', query) == 't\n': break except testgres.QueryException as e: if 'database system is starting up' in e[0]: continue else: raise e class ProbackupTest(object): # Class attributes enterprise = is_enterprise() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProbackupTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if '-v' in argv or '--verbose' in argv: self.verbose = True else: self.verbose = False self.test_env = os.environ.copy() envs_list = [ 'LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT', 'PGDATA', 'PGDATABASE', 'PGHOSTADDR', 'PGREQUIRESSL', 'PGSERVICE', 'PGSSLMODE', 'PGUSER', 'PGPORT', 'PGHOST' ] for e in envs_list: try: del self.test_env[e] except: pass self.test_env['LC_MESSAGES'] = 'C' self.test_env['LC_TIME'] = 'C' self.paranoia = False if 'PG_PROBACKUP_PARANOIA' in self.test_env: if self.test_env['PG_PROBACKUP_PARANOIA'] == 'ON': self.paranoia = True self.archive_compress = False if 'ARCHIVE_COMPRESSION' in self.test_env: if self.test_env['ARCHIVE_COMPRESSION'] == 'ON': self.archive_compress = True try: testgres.configure_testgres( cache_initdb=False, cached_initdb_dir=False, cache_pg_config=False, node_cleanup_full=False) except: pass self.helpers_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.dir_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.helpers_path, os.pardir) ) self.tmp_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'tmp_dirs') ) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'tmp_dirs')) except: pass self.user = self.get_username() self.probackup_path = None if 'PGPROBACKUPBIN' in self.test_env: if ( os.path.isfile(self.test_env["PGPROBACKUPBIN"]) and os.access(self.test_env["PGPROBACKUPBIN"], os.X_OK) ): self.probackup_path = self.test_env["PGPROBACKUPBIN"] else: if self.verbose: print('PGPROBACKUPBIN is not an executable file') if not self.probackup_path: probackup_path_tmp = os.path.join( testgres.get_pg_config()['BINDIR'], 'pg_probackup') if os.path.isfile(probackup_path_tmp): if not os.access(probackup_path_tmp, os.X_OK): print('{0} is not an executable file'.format( probackup_path_tmp)) else: self.probackup_path = probackup_path_tmp if not self.probackup_path: probackup_path_tmp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( self.dir_path, '../pg_probackup')) if os.path.isfile(probackup_path_tmp): if not os.access(probackup_path_tmp, os.X_OK): print('{0} is not an executable file'.format( probackup_path_tmp)) else: self.probackup_path = probackup_path_tmp if not self.probackup_path: print('pg_probackup binary is not found') exit(1) if os.name == 'posix': os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname( self.probackup_path) + ':' + os.environ['PATH'] elif os.name == 'nt': os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname( self.probackup_path) + ';' + os.environ['PATH'] self.probackup_old_path = None if 'PGPROBACKUPBIN_OLD' in self.test_env: if ( os.path.isfile(self.test_env['PGPROBACKUPBIN_OLD']) and os.access(self.test_env['PGPROBACKUPBIN_OLD'], os.X_OK) ): self.probackup_old_path = self.test_env['PGPROBACKUPBIN_OLD'] else: if self.verbose: print('PGPROBACKUPBIN_OLD is not an executable file') def make_simple_node( self, base_dir=None, set_replication=False, initdb_params=[], pg_options={}): real_base_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, base_dir) shutil.rmtree(real_base_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(real_base_dir) node = testgres.get_new_node('test', base_dir=real_base_dir) # bound method slow_start() to 'node' class instance node.slow_start = slow_start.__get__(node) node.should_rm_dirs = True node.init( initdb_params=initdb_params, allow_streaming=set_replication) # Sane default parameters node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'max_connections = 100') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'shared_buffers = 10MB') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'fsync = off') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'wal_level = logical') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'hot_standby = off') node.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', "log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] '") node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'log_statement = none') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'log_duration = on') node.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', 'log_min_duration_statement = 0') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'log_connections = on') node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'log_disconnections = on') # Apply given parameters for key, value in six.iteritems(pg_options): node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', '%s = %s' % (key, value)) # Allow replication in pg_hba.conf if set_replication: node.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', 'max_wal_senders = 10') return node def create_tblspace_in_node(self, node, tblspc_name, tblspc_path=None, cfs=False): res = node.execute( 'postgres', 'select exists' " (select 1 from pg_tablespace where spcname = '{0}')".format( tblspc_name) ) # Check that tablespace with name 'tblspc_name' do not exists already self.assertFalse( res[0][0], 'Tablespace "{0}" already exists'.format(tblspc_name) ) if not tblspc_path: tblspc_path = os.path.join( node.base_dir, '{0}'.format(tblspc_name)) cmd = "CREATE TABLESPACE {0} LOCATION '{1}'".format( tblspc_name, tblspc_path) if cfs: cmd += ' with (compression=true)' if not os.path.exists(tblspc_path): os.makedirs(tblspc_path) res = node.safe_psql('postgres', cmd) # Check that tablespace was successfully created # self.assertEqual( # res[0], 0, # 'Failed to create tablespace with cmd: {0}'.format(cmd)) def get_tblspace_path(self, node, tblspc_name): return os.path.join(node.base_dir, tblspc_name) def get_fork_size(self, node, fork_name): return node.execute( 'postgres', "select pg_relation_size('{0}')/8192".format(fork_name))[0][0] def get_fork_path(self, node, fork_name): return os.path.join( node.base_dir, 'data', node.execute( 'postgres', "select pg_relation_filepath('{0}')".format( fork_name))[0][0] ) def get_md5_per_page_for_fork(self, file, size_in_pages): pages_per_segment = {} md5_per_page = {} nsegments = size_in_pages/131072 if size_in_pages % 131072 != 0: nsegments = nsegments + 1 size = size_in_pages for segment_number in range(nsegments): if size - 131072 > 0: pages_per_segment[segment_number] = 131072 else: pages_per_segment[segment_number] = size size = size - 131072 for segment_number in range(nsegments): offset = 0 if segment_number == 0: file_desc = os.open(file, os.O_RDONLY) start_page = 0 end_page = pages_per_segment[segment_number] else: file_desc = os.open( file+'.{0}'.format(segment_number), os.O_RDONLY ) start_page = max(md5_per_page)+1 end_page = end_page + pages_per_segment[segment_number] for page in range(start_page, end_page): md5_per_page[page] = hashlib.md5( os.read(file_desc, 8192)).hexdigest() offset += 8192 os.lseek(file_desc, offset, 0) os.close(file_desc) return md5_per_page def get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork(self, node, file, size=[]): if self.get_pgpro_edition(node) == 'enterprise': header_size = 48 else: header_size = 24 ptrack_bits_for_fork = [] page_body_size = 8192-header_size byte_size = os.path.getsize(file + '_ptrack') npages = byte_size/8192 if byte_size % 8192 != 0: print('Ptrack page is not 8k aligned') sys.exit(1) file = os.open(file + '_ptrack', os.O_RDONLY) for page in range(npages): offset = 8192*page+header_size os.lseek(file, offset, 0) lots_of_bytes = os.read(file, page_body_size) byte_list = [ lots_of_bytes[i:i+1] for i in range(len(lots_of_bytes)) ] for byte in byte_list: # byte_inverted = bin(int(byte, base=16))[2:][::-1] # bits = (byte >> x) & 1 for x in range(7, -1, -1) byte_inverted = bin(ord(byte))[2:].rjust(8, '0')[::-1] for bit in byte_inverted: # if len(ptrack_bits_for_fork) < size: ptrack_bits_for_fork.append(int(bit)) os.close(file) return ptrack_bits_for_fork def check_ptrack_sanity(self, idx_dict): success = True if idx_dict['new_size'] > idx_dict['old_size']: size = idx_dict['new_size'] else: size = idx_dict['old_size'] for PageNum in range(size): if PageNum not in idx_dict['old_pages']: # Page was not present before, meaning that relation got bigger # Ptrack should be equal to 1 if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1: if self.verbose: print( 'File: {0}\n Page Number {1} of type {2} was added,' ' but ptrack value is {3}. THIS IS BAD'.format( idx_dict['path'], PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum]) ) # print(idx_dict) success = False continue if PageNum not in idx_dict['new_pages']: # Page is not present now, meaning that relation got smaller # Ptrack should be equal to 1, # We are not freaking out about false positive stuff if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1: if self.verbose: print( 'File: {0}\n Page Number {1} of type {2} was deleted,' ' but ptrack value is {3}. THIS IS BAD'.format( idx_dict['path'], PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum]) ) continue # Ok, all pages in new_pages that do not have # corresponding page in old_pages are been dealt with. # We can now safely proceed to comparing old and new pages if idx_dict['new_pages'][ PageNum] != idx_dict['old_pages'][PageNum]: # Page has been changed, # meaning that ptrack should be equal to 1 if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1: if self.verbose: print( 'File: {0}\n Page Number {1} of type {2} was changed,' ' but ptrack value is {3}. THIS IS BAD'.format( idx_dict['path'], PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum]) ) print( ' Old checksumm: {0}\n' ' New checksumm: {1}'.format( idx_dict['old_pages'][PageNum], idx_dict['new_pages'][PageNum]) ) if PageNum == 0 and idx_dict['type'] == 'spgist': if self.verbose: print( 'SPGIST is a special snowflake, so don`t ' 'fret about losing ptrack for blknum 0' ) continue success = False else: # Page has not been changed, # meaning that ptrack should be equal to 0 if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 0: if self.verbose: print( 'File: {0}\n Page Number {1} of type {2} was not changed,' ' but ptrack value is {3}'.format( idx_dict['path'], PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] ) ) return success # self.assertTrue( # success, 'Ptrack has failed to register changes in data files' # ) def check_ptrack_recovery(self, idx_dict): size = idx_dict['size'] for PageNum in range(size): if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1: self.assertTrue( False, 'Recovery for Page Number {0} of Type {1}' ' was conducted, but ptrack value is {2}.' ' THIS IS BAD\n IDX_DICT: {3}'.format( PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum], idx_dict ) ) def check_ptrack_clean(self, idx_dict, size): for PageNum in range(size): if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 0: self.assertTrue( False, 'Ptrack for Page Number {0} of Type {1}' ' should be clean, but ptrack value is {2}.' '\n THIS IS BAD\n IDX_DICT: {3}'.format( PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum], idx_dict ) ) def run_pb(self, command, asynchronous=False, gdb=False, old_binary=False): if not self.probackup_old_path and old_binary: print('PGPROBACKUPBIN_OLD is not set') exit(1) if old_binary: binary_path = self.probackup_old_path else: binary_path = self.probackup_path try: self.cmd = [' '.join(map(str, [binary_path] + command))] if self.verbose: print(self.cmd) if gdb: return GDBobj([binary_path] + command, self.verbose) if asynchronous: return subprocess.Popen( self.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.test_env ) else: self.output = subprocess.check_output( [binary_path] + command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=self.test_env ).decode('utf-8') if command[0] == 'backup': # return backup ID for line in self.output.splitlines(): if 'INFO: Backup' and 'completed' in line: return line.split()[2] else: return self.output except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise ProbackupException(e.output.decode('utf-8'), self.cmd) def run_binary(self, command, asynchronous=False): if self.verbose: print([' '.join(map(str, command))]) try: if asynchronous: return subprocess.Popen( command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.test_env ) else: self.output = subprocess.check_output( command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=self.test_env ).decode('utf-8') return self.output except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise ProbackupException(e.output.decode('utf-8'), command) def init_pb(self, backup_dir, old_binary=False): shutil.rmtree(backup_dir, ignore_errors=True) return self.run_pb([ 'init', '-B', backup_dir ], old_binary=old_binary ) def add_instance(self, backup_dir, instance, node, old_binary=False, options=[]): cmd = [ 'add-instance', '--instance={0}'.format(instance), '-B', backup_dir, '-D', node.data_dir ] return self.run_pb(cmd + options, old_binary=old_binary) def set_config(self, backup_dir, instance, old_binary=False, options=[]): cmd = [ 'set-config', '--instance={0}'.format(instance), '-B', backup_dir, ] return self.run_pb(cmd + options, old_binary=old_binary) def del_instance(self, backup_dir, instance, old_binary=False): return self.run_pb([ 'del-instance', '--instance={0}'.format(instance), '-B', backup_dir ], old_binary=old_binary ) def clean_pb(self, backup_dir): shutil.rmtree(backup_dir, ignore_errors=True) def backup_node( self, backup_dir, instance, node, data_dir=False, backup_type='full', options=[], asynchronous=False, gdb=False, old_binary=False ): if not node and not data_dir: print('You must provide ether node or data_dir for backup') exit(1) if node: pgdata = node.data_dir if data_dir: pgdata = data_dir cmd_list = [ 'backup', '-B', backup_dir, # "-D", pgdata, '-p', '%i' % node.port, '-d', 'postgres', '--instance={0}'.format(instance) ] if backup_type: cmd_list += ['-b', backup_type] return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, asynchronous, gdb, old_binary) def merge_backup( self, backup_dir, instance, backup_id, asynchronous=False, gdb=False, old_binary=False, options=[]): cmd_list = [ 'merge', '-B', backup_dir, '--instance={0}'.format(instance), '-i', backup_id ] return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, asynchronous, gdb, old_binary) def restore_node( self, backup_dir, instance, node=False, data_dir=None, backup_id=None, old_binary=False, options=[] ): if data_dir is None: data_dir = node.data_dir cmd_list = [ 'restore', '-B', backup_dir, '-D', data_dir, '--instance={0}'.format(instance) ] if backup_id: cmd_list += ['-i', backup_id] return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary) def show_pb( self, backup_dir, instance=None, backup_id=None, options=[], as_text=False, as_json=True, old_binary=False ): backup_list = [] specific_record = {} cmd_list = [ 'show', '-B', backup_dir, ] if instance: cmd_list += ['--instance={0}'.format(instance)] if backup_id: cmd_list += ['-i', backup_id] # AHTUNG, WARNING will break json parsing if as_json: cmd_list += ['--format=json', '--log-level-console=error'] if as_text: # You should print it when calling as_text=true return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary) # get show result as list of lines if as_json: data = json.loads(self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary)) # print(data) for instance_data in data: # find specific instance if requested if instance and instance_data['instance'] != instance: continue for backup in reversed(instance_data['backups']): # find specific backup if requested if backup_id: if backup['id'] == backup_id: return backup else: backup_list.append(backup) return backup_list else: show_splitted = self.run_pb( cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary).splitlines() if instance is not None and backup_id is None: # cut header(ID, Mode, etc) from show as single string header = show_splitted[1:2][0] # cut backup records from show as single list # with string for every backup record body = show_splitted[3:] # inverse list so oldest record come first body = body[::-1] # split string in list with string for every header element header_split = re.split(' +', header) # Remove empty items for i in header_split: if i == '': header_split.remove(i) continue header_split = [ header_element.rstrip() for header_element in header_split ] for backup_record in body: backup_record = backup_record.rstrip() # split list with str for every backup record element backup_record_split = re.split(' +', backup_record) # Remove empty items for i in backup_record_split: if i == '': backup_record_split.remove(i) if len(header_split) != len(backup_record_split): print(warning.format( header=header, body=body, header_split=header_split, body_split=backup_record_split) ) exit(1) new_dict = dict(zip(header_split, backup_record_split)) backup_list.append(new_dict) return backup_list else: # cut out empty lines and lines started with # # and other garbage then reconstruct it as dictionary # print show_splitted sanitized_show = [item for item in show_splitted if item] sanitized_show = [ item for item in sanitized_show if not item.startswith('#') ] # print sanitized_show for line in sanitized_show: name, var = line.partition(' = ')[::2] var = var.strip('"') var = var.strip("'") specific_record[name.strip()] = var return specific_record def validate_pb( self, backup_dir, instance=None, backup_id=None, options=[], old_binary=False, gdb=False ): cmd_list = [ 'validate', '-B', backup_dir ] if instance: cmd_list += ['--instance={0}'.format(instance)] if backup_id: cmd_list += ['-i', backup_id] return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary, gdb=gdb) def delete_pb( self, backup_dir, instance, backup_id=None, options=[], old_binary=False): cmd_list = [ 'delete', '-B', backup_dir ] cmd_list += ['--instance={0}'.format(instance)] if backup_id: cmd_list += ['-i', backup_id] return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary) def delete_expired( self, backup_dir, instance, options=[], old_binary=False): cmd_list = [ 'delete', '--expired', '--wal', '-B', backup_dir, '--instance={0}'.format(instance) ] return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, old_binary=old_binary) def show_config(self, backup_dir, instance, old_binary=False): out_dict = {} cmd_list = [ 'show-config', '-B', backup_dir, '--instance={0}'.format(instance) ] res = self.run_pb(cmd_list, old_binary=old_binary).splitlines() for line in res: if not line.startswith('#'): name, var = line.partition(' = ')[::2] out_dict[name] = var return out_dict def get_recovery_conf(self, node): out_dict = {} with open( os.path.join(node.data_dir, 'recovery.conf'), 'r' ) as recovery_conf: for line in recovery_conf: try: key, value = line.split('=') except: continue out_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip(" '").replace("'\n", "") return out_dict def set_archiving( self, backup_dir, instance, node, replica=False, overwrite=False, compress=False, old_binary=False): if replica: archive_mode = 'always' node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'hot_standby = on') else: archive_mode = 'on' node.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', 'archive_mode = {0}'.format(archive_mode) ) if os.name == 'posix': archive_command = '"{0}" archive-push -B {1} --instance={2} '.format( self.probackup_path, backup_dir, instance) elif os.name == 'nt': archive_command = '"{0}" archive-push -B {1} --instance={2} '.format( self.probackup_path.replace("\\","\\\\"), backup_dir.replace("\\","\\\\"), instance) if self.archive_compress or compress: archive_command = archive_command + '--compress ' if overwrite: archive_command = archive_command + '--overwrite ' if os.name == 'posix': archive_command = archive_command + '--wal-file-path %p --wal-file-name %f' elif os.name == 'nt': archive_command = archive_command + '--wal-file-path "%p" --wal-file-name "%f"' node.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', "archive_command = '{0}'".format( archive_command)) def set_replica( self, master, replica, replica_name='replica', synchronous=False ): replica.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', 'port = {0}'.format(replica.port)) replica.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'hot_standby = on') replica.append_conf('recovery.conf', 'standby_mode = on') replica.append_conf( 'recovery.conf', "primary_conninfo = 'user={0} port={1} application_name={2}" " sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1'".format( self.user, master.port, replica_name) ) if synchronous: master.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', "synchronous_standby_names='{0}'".format(replica_name) ) master.append_conf( 'postgresql.auto.conf', "synchronous_commit='remote_apply'" ) master.reload() def wrong_wal_clean(self, node, wal_size): wals_dir = os.path.join(self.backup_dir(node), 'wal') wals = [ f for f in os.listdir(wals_dir) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(wals_dir, f)) ] wals.sort() file_path = os.path.join(wals_dir, wals[-1]) if os.path.getsize(file_path) != wal_size: os.remove(file_path) def guc_wal_segment_size(self, node): var = node.execute( 'postgres', "select setting from pg_settings where name = 'wal_segment_size'" ) return int(var[0][0]) * self.guc_wal_block_size(node) def guc_wal_block_size(self, node): var = node.execute( 'postgres', "select setting from pg_settings where name = 'wal_block_size'" ) return int(var[0][0]) def get_pgpro_edition(self, node): if node.execute( 'postgres', "select exists (select 1 from" " pg_proc where proname = 'pgpro_edition')" )[0][0]: var = node.execute('postgres', 'select pgpro_edition()') return str(var[0][0]) else: return False def get_username(self): """ Returns current user name """ return getpass.getuser() def version_to_num(self, version): if not version: return 0 parts = version.split('.') while len(parts) < 3: parts.append('0') num = 0 for part in parts: num = num * 100 + int(re.sub("[^\d]", "", part)) return num def switch_wal_segment(self, node): """ Execute pg_switch_wal/xlog() in given node Args: node: an instance of PostgresNode or NodeConnection class """ if isinstance(node, testgres.PostgresNode): if self.version_to_num( node.safe_psql('postgres', 'show server_version') ) >= self.version_to_num('10.0'): node.safe_psql('postgres', 'select pg_switch_wal()') else: node.safe_psql('postgres', 'select pg_switch_xlog()') else: if self.version_to_num( node.execute('show server_version')[0][0] ) >= self.version_to_num('10.0'): node.execute('select pg_switch_wal()') else: node.execute('select pg_switch_xlog()') def wait_until_replica_catch_with_master(self, master, replica): if self.version_to_num( master.safe_psql( 'postgres', 'show server_version')) >= self.version_to_num('10.0'): master_function = 'pg_catalog.pg_current_wal_lsn()' replica_function = 'pg_catalog.pg_last_wal_replay_lsn()' else: master_function = 'pg_catalog.pg_current_xlog_location()' replica_function = 'pg_catalog.pg_last_xlog_replay_location()' lsn = master.safe_psql( 'postgres', 'SELECT {0}'.format(master_function)).rstrip() # Wait until replica catch up with master replica.poll_query_until( 'postgres', "SELECT '{0}'::pg_lsn <= {1}".format(lsn, replica_function)) def get_version(self, node): return self.version_to_num( testgres.get_pg_config()['VERSION'].split(" ")[1]) def get_bin_path(self, binary): return testgres.get_bin_path(binary) def del_test_dir(self, module_name, fname): """ Del testdir and optimistically try to del module dir""" try: testgres.clean_all() except: pass shutil.rmtree( os.path.join( self.tmp_path, module_name, fname ), ignore_errors=True ) try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name)) except: pass def pgdata_content(self, pgdata, ignore_ptrack=True, exclude_dirs=None): """ return dict with directory content. " " TAKE IT AFTER CHECKPOINT or BACKUP""" dirs_to_ignore = [ 'pg_xlog', 'pg_wal', 'pg_log', 'pg_stat_tmp', 'pg_subtrans', 'pg_notify' ] files_to_ignore = [ 'postmaster.pid', 'postmaster.opts', 'pg_internal.init', 'postgresql.auto.conf', 'backup_label', 'tablespace_map', 'recovery.conf', 'ptrack_control', 'ptrack_init', 'pg_control' ] if exclude_dirs: dirs_to_ignore = dirs_to_ignore + exclude_dirs # suffixes_to_ignore = ( # '_ptrack' # ) directory_dict = {} directory_dict['pgdata'] = pgdata directory_dict['files'] = {} directory_dict['dirs'] = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pgdata, followlinks=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in dirs_to_ignore] for file in files: if ( file in files_to_ignore or (ignore_ptrack and file.endswith('_ptrack')) ): continue file_fullpath = os.path.join(root, file) file_relpath = os.path.relpath(file_fullpath, pgdata) directory_dict['files'][file_relpath] = {'is_datafile': False} directory_dict['files'][file_relpath]['md5'] = hashlib.md5( open(file_fullpath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() # crappy algorithm if file.isdigit(): directory_dict['files'][file_relpath]['is_datafile'] = True size_in_pages = os.path.getsize(file_fullpath)/8192 directory_dict['files'][file_relpath][ 'md5_per_page'] = self.get_md5_per_page_for_fork( file_fullpath, size_in_pages ) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pgdata, topdown=False, followlinks=True): for directory in dirs: directory_path = os.path.join(root, directory) directory_relpath = os.path.relpath(directory_path, pgdata) found = False for d in dirs_to_ignore: if d in directory_relpath: found = True break # check if directory already here as part of larger directory if not found: for d in directory_dict['dirs']: # print("OLD dir {0}".format(d)) if directory_relpath in d: found = True break if not found: directory_dict['dirs'].append(directory_relpath) return directory_dict def compare_pgdata(self, original_pgdata, restored_pgdata): """ return dict with directory content. DO IT BEFORE RECOVERY""" fail = False error_message = 'Restored PGDATA is not equal to original!\n' # Compare directories for directory in restored_pgdata['dirs']: if directory not in original_pgdata['dirs']: fail = True error_message += '\nDirectory was not present' error_message += ' in original PGDATA: {0}\n'.format( os.path.join(restored_pgdata['pgdata'], directory)) for directory in original_pgdata['dirs']: if directory not in restored_pgdata['dirs']: fail = True error_message += '\nDirectory dissappeared' error_message += ' in restored PGDATA: {0}\n'.format( os.path.join(restored_pgdata['pgdata'], directory)) for file in restored_pgdata['files']: # File is present in RESTORED PGDATA # but not present in ORIGINAL # only backup_label is allowed if file not in original_pgdata['files']: fail = True error_message += '\nFile is not present' error_message += ' in original PGDATA: {0}\n'.format( os.path.join(restored_pgdata['pgdata'], file)) for file in original_pgdata['files']: if file in restored_pgdata['files']: if ( original_pgdata['files'][file]['md5'] != restored_pgdata['files'][file]['md5'] ): fail = True error_message += ( '\nFile Checksumm mismatch.\n' 'File_old: {0}\nChecksumm_old: {1}\n' 'File_new: {2}\nChecksumm_new: {3}\n').format( os.path.join(original_pgdata['pgdata'], file), original_pgdata['files'][file]['md5'], os.path.join(restored_pgdata['pgdata'], file), restored_pgdata['files'][file]['md5'] ) if original_pgdata['files'][file]['is_datafile']: for page in original_pgdata['files'][file]['md5_per_page']: if page not in restored_pgdata['files'][file]['md5_per_page']: error_message += ( '\n Page {0} dissappeared.\n ' 'File: {1}\n').format( page, os.path.join( restored_pgdata['pgdata'], file ) ) continue if original_pgdata['files'][file][ 'md5_per_page'][page] != restored_pgdata[ 'files'][file]['md5_per_page'][page]: error_message += ( '\n Page checksumm mismatch: {0}\n ' ' PAGE Checksumm_old: {1}\n ' ' PAGE Checksumm_new: {2}\n ' ' File: {3}\n' ).format( page, original_pgdata['files'][file][ 'md5_per_page'][page], restored_pgdata['files'][file][ 'md5_per_page'][page], os.path.join( restored_pgdata['pgdata'], file) ) for page in restored_pgdata['files'][file]['md5_per_page']: if page not in original_pgdata['files'][file]['md5_per_page']: error_message += '\n Extra page {0}\n File: {1}\n'.format( page, os.path.join( restored_pgdata['pgdata'], file)) else: error_message += ( '\nFile dissappearance.\n ' 'File: {0}\n').format( os.path.join(restored_pgdata['pgdata'], file) ) fail = True self.assertFalse(fail, error_message) def get_async_connect(self, database=None, host=None, port=5432): if not database: database = 'postgres' if not host: host = '' return psycopg2.connect( database='postgres', host='', port=port, async_=True ) def wait(self, connection): while True: state = connection.poll() if state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_OK: break elif state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_WRITE: select.select([], [connection.fileno()], []) elif state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_READ: select.select([connection.fileno()], [], []) else: raise psycopg2.OperationalError('poll() returned %s' % state) def gdb_attach(self, pid): return GDBobj([str(pid)], self.verbose, attach=True) class GdbException(Exception): def __init__(self, message=False): self.message = message def __str__(self): return '\n ERROR: {0}\n'.format(repr(self.message)) class GDBobj(ProbackupTest): def __init__(self, cmd, verbose, attach=False): self.verbose = verbose # Check gdb presense try: gdb_version, _ = subprocess.Popen( ['gdb', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate() except OSError: raise GdbException("Couldn't find gdb on the path") self.base_cmd = [ 'gdb', '--interpreter', 'mi2', ] if attach: self.cmd = self.base_cmd + ['--pid'] + cmd else: self.cmd = self.base_cmd + ['--args'] + cmd # Get version gdb_version_number = re.search( b"^GNU gdb [^\d]*(\d+)\.(\d)", gdb_version) self.major_version = int(gdb_version_number.group(1)) self.minor_version = int(gdb_version_number.group(2)) if self.verbose: print([' '.join(map(str, self.cmd))]) self.proc = subprocess.Popen( self.cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0, universal_newlines=True ) self.gdb_pid = self.proc.pid # discard data from pipe, # is there a way to do it a less derpy way? while True: line = self.proc.stdout.readline() if 'No such process' in line: raise GdbException(line) if not line.startswith('(gdb)'): pass else: break def set_breakpoint(self, location): result = self._execute('break ' + location) for line in result: if line.startswith('~"Breakpoint'): return elif line.startswith('=breakpoint-created'): return elif line.startswith('^error'): #or line.startswith('(gdb)'): break elif line.startswith('&"break'): pass elif line.startswith('&"Function'): raise GdbException(line) elif line.startswith('&"No line'): raise GdbException(line) elif line.startswith('~"Make breakpoint pending on future shared'): raise GdbException(line) raise GdbException( 'Failed to set breakpoint.\n Output:\n {0}'.format(result) ) def run_until_break(self): result = self._execute('run', False) for line in result: if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit"'): return raise GdbException( 'Failed to run until breakpoint.\n' ) def continue_execution_until_running(self): result = self._execute('continue') for line in result: if line.startswith('*running') or line.startswith('^running'): return if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit"'): continue if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="exited-normally"'): continue raise GdbException( 'Failed to continue execution until running.\n' ) def continue_execution_until_exit(self): result = self._execute('continue', False) for line in result: if line.startswith('*running'): continue if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit"'): continue if ( line.startswith('*stopped,reason="exited') or line == '*stopped\n' ): return raise GdbException( 'Failed to continue execution until exit.\n' ) def continue_execution_until_error(self): result = self._execute('continue', False) for line in result: if line.startswith('^error'): return if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="exited'): return raise GdbException( 'Failed to continue execution until error.\n') def continue_execution_until_break(self, ignore_count=0): if ignore_count > 0: result = self._execute( 'continue ' + str(ignore_count), False ) else: result = self._execute('continue', False) running = False for line in result: if line.startswith('*running'): running = True if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit"'): return 'breakpoint-hit' if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="exited-normally"'): return 'exited-normally' if running: return 'running' def stopped_in_breakpoint(self): output = [] while True: line = self.proc.stdout.readline() output += [line] if self.verbose: print(line) if line.startswith('*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit"'): return True return False # use for breakpoint, run, continue def _execute(self, cmd, running=True): output = [] self.proc.stdin.flush() self.proc.stdin.write(cmd + '\n') self.proc.stdin.flush() while True: line = self.proc.stdout.readline() output += [line] if self.verbose: print(repr(line)) if line.startswith('^done') or line.startswith('*stopped'): break if line.startswith('^error'): break if running and (line.startswith('*running') or line.startswith('^running')): # if running and line.startswith('*running'): break return output