import unittest import os from .helpers.ptrack_helpers import ProbackupTest, ProbackupException from datetime import datetime, timedelta import subprocess module_name = 'false_positive' class FalsePositive(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase): # @unittest.skip("skip") @unittest.expectedFailure def test_validate_wal_lost_segment(self): """Loose segment located between backups. ExpectedFailure. This is BUG """ fname ='.')[3] node = self.make_simple_node(base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica', 'max_wal_senders': '2'} ) backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.start() self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) # make some wals node.pgbench_init(scale=2) pgbench = node.pgbench( stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, options=["-c", "4", "-T", "10"] ) pgbench.wait() pgbench.stdout.close() # delete last wal segment wals_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, "wal", 'node') wals = [f for f in os.listdir(wals_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wals_dir, f)) and not f.endswith('.backup')] wals = map(int, wals) os.remove(os.path.join(wals_dir, '0000000' + str(max(wals)))) ##### Hole Smokes, Batman! We just lost a wal segment and know nothing about it ##### We need archive-push ASAP self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.assertFalse('validation completed successfully' in self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'node')) ######## # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) @unittest.expectedFailure # Need to force validation of ancestor-chain def test_incremental_backup_corrupt_full_1(self): """page-level backup with corrupted full backup""" fname ='.')[3] node = self.make_simple_node(base_dir="{0}/{1}/node".format(module_name, fname), initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={'wal_level': 'replica', 'ptrack_enable': 'on'} ) backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.start() backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) file = os.path.join(backup_dir, "backups", "node", backup_id.decode("utf-8"), "database", "postgresql.conf") os.remove(file) try: self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type="page") # we should die here because exception is what we expect to happen self.assertEqual(1, 0, "Expecting Error because page backup should not be possible without valid full backup.\n Output: {0} \n CMD: {1}".format( repr(self.output), self.cmd)) except ProbackupException as e: self.assertEqual(e.message, 'ERROR: Valid backup on current timeline is not found. Create new FULL backup before an incremental one.\n', '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(e.message), self.cmd)) sleep(1) self.assertEqual(1, 0, "Expecting Error because page backup should not be possible without valid full backup.\n Output: {0} \n CMD: {1}".format( repr(self.output), self.cmd)) except ProbackupException as e: self.assertEqual(e.message, 'ERROR: Valid backup on current timeline is not found. Create new FULL backup before an incremental one.\n', '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(e.message), self.cmd)) self.assertEqual(self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'node')[0]['Status'], "ERROR") # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)