import os import shutil import gzip import unittest from .helpers.ptrack_helpers import ProbackupTest, ProbackupException, GdbException from datetime import datetime, timedelta import subprocess from sys import exit from time import sleep module_name = 'archive' class ArchiveTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase): # @unittest.expectedFailure # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_pgpro434_1(self): """Description in jira issue PGPRO-434""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'}) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select 1 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector from " "generate_series(0,100) i") result = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node) node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() # Recreate backup calagoue self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) # Make backup self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node) node.cleanup() # Restore Database self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=["--recovery-target-action=promote"]) node.slow_start() self.assertEqual( result, node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap"), 'data after restore not equal to original data') # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") # @unittest.expectedFailure def test_pgpro434_2(self): """ Check that timelines are correct. WAITING PGPRO-1053 for --immediate """ fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'} ) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() # FIRST TIMELINE node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select 1 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,100) i") backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select 100501 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,1) i") # SECOND TIMELIN node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote']) node.slow_start() if self.verbose: print(node.safe_psql( "postgres", "select redo_wal_file from pg_control_checkpoint()")) self.assertFalse( node.execute( "postgres", "select exists(select 1 " "from t_heap where id = 100501)")[0][0], 'data after restore not equal to original data') node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select 2 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(100,200) i") backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select 100502 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,256) i") # THIRD TIMELINE node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote']) node.slow_start() if self.verbose: print( node.safe_psql( "postgres", "select redo_wal_file from pg_control_checkpoint()")) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select 3 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(200,300) i") backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) result = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select 100503 as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,256) i") # FOURTH TIMELINE node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote']) node.slow_start() if self.verbose: print('Fourth timeline') print(node.safe_psql( "postgres", "select redo_wal_file from pg_control_checkpoint()")) # FIFTH TIMELINE node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote']) node.slow_start() if self.verbose: print('Fifth timeline') print(node.safe_psql( "postgres", "select redo_wal_file from pg_control_checkpoint()")) # SIXTH TIMELINE node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['--immediate', '--recovery-target-action=promote']) node.slow_start() if self.verbose: print('Sixth timeline') print(node.safe_psql( "postgres", "select redo_wal_file from pg_control_checkpoint()")) self.assertFalse( node.execute( "postgres", "select exists(select 1 from t_heap where id > 100500)")[0][0], 'data after restore not equal to original data') self.assertEqual( result, node.safe_psql( "postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap"), 'data after restore not equal to original data') # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_pgpro434_3(self): """ Check pg_stop_backup_timeout, needed backup_timeout Fixed in commit d84d79668b0c139 and assert fixed by ptrack 1.7 """ fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'} ) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() gdb = self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=[ "--archive-timeout=60", "--stream", "--log-level-file=info"], gdb=True) gdb.set_breakpoint('pg_stop_backup') gdb.run_until_break() node.append_conf( '', "archive_command = 'exit 1'") node.reload() gdb.continue_execution_until_exit() log_file = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'log/pg_probackup.log') with open(log_file, 'r') as f: log_content = self.assertNotIn( "ERROR: pg_stop_backup doesn't answer", log_content, "pg_stop_backup timeouted") log_file = os.path.join(node.logs_dir, 'postgresql.log') with open(log_file, 'r') as f: log_content = self.assertNotIn( 'FailedAssertion', log_content, 'PostgreSQL crashed because of a failed assert') # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_arhive_push_file_exists(self): """Archive-push if file exists""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'} ) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) wals_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node') if self.archive_compress: filename = '000000010000000000000001.gz' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) else: filename = '000000010000000000000001' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) with open(file, 'a') as f: f.write(b"blablablaadssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") f.flush() f.close() node.slow_start() node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,100500) i") log_file = os.path.join(node.logs_dir, 'postgresql.log') with open(log_file, 'r') as f: log_content = self.assertTrue( 'LOG: archive command failed with exit code 1' in log_content and 'DETAIL: The failed archive command was:' in log_content and 'INFO: pg_probackup archive-push from' in log_content and 'ERROR: WAL segment ' in log_content and '{0}" already exists.'.format(filename) in log_content, 'Expecting error messages about failed archive_command' ) self.assertFalse('pg_probackup archive-push completed successfully' in log_content) if self.get_version(node) < 100000: wal_src = os.path.join( node.data_dir, 'pg_xlog', '000000010000000000000001') else: wal_src = os.path.join( node.data_dir, 'pg_wal', '000000010000000000000001') if self.archive_compress: with open(wal_src, 'rb') as f_in, file, 'wb', compresslevel=1) as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) else: shutil.copyfile(wal_src, file) self.switch_wal_segment(node) sleep(5) with open(log_file, 'r') as f: log_content = self.assertTrue( 'pg_probackup archive-push completed successfully' in log_content, 'Expecting messages about successfull execution archive_command') # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_arhive_push_file_exists_overwrite(self): """Archive-push if file exists""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'} ) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) wals_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node') if self.archive_compress: filename = '000000010000000000000001.gz' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) else: filename = '000000010000000000000001' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) with open(file, 'a') as f: f.write(b"blablablaadssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") f.flush() f.close() node.slow_start() node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,100500) i") log_file = os.path.join(node.logs_dir, 'postgresql.log') with open(log_file, 'r') as f: log_content = self.assertTrue( 'LOG: archive command failed with exit code 1' in log_content and 'DETAIL: The failed archive command was:' in log_content and 'INFO: pg_probackup archive-push from' in log_content and '{0}" already exists.'.format(filename) in log_content, 'Expecting error messages about failed archive_command' ) self.assertFalse('pg_probackup archive-push completed successfully' in log_content) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node, overwrite=True) node.reload() self.switch_wal_segment(node) sleep(2) with open(log_file, 'r') as f: log_content = self.assertTrue( 'pg_probackup archive-push completed successfully' in log_content, 'Expecting messages about successfull execution archive_command') # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_archive_push_partial_file_exists(self): """Archive-push if stale .partial file exists""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums']) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() # this backup is needed only for validation to xid self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t1(a int)") xid = node.safe_psql( "postgres", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1) RETURNING (xmin)").rstrip() filename_orig = node.safe_psql( "postgres", "SELECT file_name " "FROM pg_walfile_name_offset(pg_current_wal_flush_lsn());").rstrip() # form up path to next .partial WAL segment wals_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node') if self.archive_compress: filename = filename_orig + '.gz' + '.partial' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) else: filename = filename_orig + '.partial' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) with open(file, 'a') as f: f.write(b"blahblah") f.flush() f.close() self.switch_wal_segment(node) sleep(15) # check that segment is archived if self.archive_compress: filename_orig = filename_orig + '.gz' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename_orig) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(file)) self.validate_pb( backup_dir, 'node', options=['--recovery-target-xid={0}'.format(xid)]) # log_file = os.path.join(node.logs_dir, 'postgresql.log') # with open(log_file, 'r') as f: # log_content = # self.assertIn( # 'Reusing stale destination temporary WAL file', # log_content) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_archive_push_partial_file_exists_not_stale(self): """Archive-push if .partial file exists and it is not stale""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums']) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t1()") self.switch_wal_segment(node) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t2()") filename_orig = node.safe_psql( "postgres", "SELECT file_name " "FROM pg_walfile_name_offset(pg_current_wal_flush_lsn());").rstrip() # form up path to next .partial WAL segment wals_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node') if self.archive_compress: filename = filename_orig + '.gz' + '.partial' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) else: filename = filename_orig + '.partial' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename) with open(file, 'a') as f: f.write(b"blahblah") f.flush() f.close() self.switch_wal_segment(node) sleep(4) with open(file, 'a') as f: f.write(b"blahblahblahblah") f.flush() f.close() sleep(10) # check that segment is NOT archived if self.archive_compress: filename_orig = filename_orig + '.gz' file = os.path.join(wals_dir, filename_orig) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(file)) # log_file = os.path.join(node.logs_dir, 'postgresql.log') # with open(log_file, 'r') as f: # log_content = # self.assertIn( # 'is not stale', # log_content) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.expectedFailure # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_replica_archive(self): """ make node without archiving, take stream backup and turn it into replica, set replica with archiving, make archive backup from replica """ fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') master = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'master'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'archive_timeout': '10s', 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s', 'max_wal_size': '32MB'}) self.init_pb(backup_dir) # ADD INSTANCE 'MASTER' self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master) master.slow_start() replica = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'replica')) replica.cleanup() master.psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,2560) i") self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'master', master, options=['--stream']) before = master.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") # Settings for Replica self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'master', replica) self.set_replica(master, replica, synchronous=True) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True) replica.slow_start(replica=True) # Check data correctness on replica after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.assertEqual(before, after) # Change data on master, take FULL backup from replica, # restore taken backup and check that restored data equal # to original data master.psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(256,512) i") before = master.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") backup_id = self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=[ '--archive-timeout=30', '--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port), '--stream']) self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'replica') self.assertEqual( 'OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'replica', backup_id)['status']) # RESTORE FULL BACKUP TAKEN FROM replica node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node')) node.cleanup() self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir) node.append_conf( '', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port)) node.slow_start() # CHECK DATA CORRECTNESS after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.assertEqual(before, after) # Change data on master, make PAGE backup from replica, # restore taken backup and check that restored data equal # to original data master.psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(512,80680) i") before = master.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") master.safe_psql( "postgres", "CHECKPOINT") self.wait_until_replica_catch_with_master(master, replica) backup_id = self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'replica', replica, backup_type='page', options=[ '--archive-timeout=60', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-host=localhost', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port), '--stream']) self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'replica') self.assertEqual( 'OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'replica', backup_id)['status']) # RESTORE PAGE BACKUP TAKEN FROM replica node.cleanup() self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'replica', data_dir=node.data_dir, backup_id=backup_id) node.append_conf( '', 'port = {0}'.format(node.port)) node.slow_start() # CHECK DATA CORRECTNESS after = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.assertEqual(before, after) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.expectedFailure # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_master_and_replica_parallel_archiving(self): """ make node 'master 'with archiving, take archive backup and turn it into replica, set replica with archiving, make archive backup from replica, make archive backup from master """ fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') master = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'master'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'archive_timeout': '10s'} ) replica = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'replica')) replica.cleanup() self.init_pb(backup_dir) # ADD INSTANCE 'MASTER' self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'master', master) master.slow_start() master.psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,10000) i") # TAKE FULL ARCHIVE BACKUP FROM MASTER self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'master', master) # GET LOGICAL CONTENT FROM MASTER before = master.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") # GET PHYSICAL CONTENT FROM MASTER pgdata_master = self.pgdata_content(master.data_dir) # Settings for Replica self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'master', replica) # CHECK PHYSICAL CORRECTNESS on REPLICA pgdata_replica = self.pgdata_content(replica.data_dir) self.compare_pgdata(pgdata_master, pgdata_replica) self.set_replica(master, replica) # ADD INSTANCE REPLICA self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica) # SET ARCHIVING FOR REPLICA self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True) replica.slow_start(replica=True) # CHECK LOGICAL CORRECTNESS on REPLICA after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.assertEqual(before, after) master.psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0, 60000) i") master.psql( "postgres", "CHECKPOINT") backup_id = self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'replica', replica, options=[ '--archive-timeout=30', '--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port), '--stream']) self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'replica') self.assertEqual( 'OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'replica', backup_id)['status']) # TAKE FULL ARCHIVE BACKUP FROM MASTER backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'master', master) self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'master') self.assertEqual( 'OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'master', backup_id)['status']) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.expectedFailure # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_basic_master_and_replica_concurrent_archiving(self): """ make node 'master 'with archiving, take archive backup and turn it into replica, set replica with archiving, make archive backup from replica, make archive backup from master """ fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') master = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'master'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s', 'archive_timeout': '10s'} ) replica = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'replica')) replica.cleanup() self.init_pb(backup_dir) # ADD INSTANCE 'MASTER' self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'master', master) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'master', master) master.slow_start() master.psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,10000) i") # TAKE FULL ARCHIVE BACKUP FROM MASTER self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'master', master) # GET LOGICAL CONTENT FROM MASTER before = master.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") # GET PHYSICAL CONTENT FROM MASTER pgdata_master = self.pgdata_content(master.data_dir) # Settings for Replica self.restore_node( backup_dir, 'master', replica) # CHECK PHYSICAL CORRECTNESS on REPLICA pgdata_replica = self.pgdata_content(replica.data_dir) self.compare_pgdata(pgdata_master, pgdata_replica) self.set_replica(master, replica, synchronous=True) # ADD INSTANCE REPLICA # self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'replica', replica) # SET ARCHIVING FOR REPLICA # self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'replica', replica, replica=True) replica.slow_start(replica=True) # CHECK LOGICAL CORRECTNESS on REPLICA after = replica.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.assertEqual(before, after) master.psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,10000) i") # TAKE FULL ARCHIVE BACKUP FROM REPLICA backup_id = self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'master', replica, options=[ '--archive-timeout=30', '--master-host=localhost', '--master-db=postgres', '--master-port={0}'.format(master.port)]) self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'master') self.assertEqual( 'OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'master', backup_id)['status']) # TAKE FULL ARCHIVE BACKUP FROM MASTER backup_id = self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'master', master) self.validate_pb(backup_dir, 'master') self.assertEqual( 'OK', self.show_pb(backup_dir, 'master', backup_id)['status']) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.expectedFailure # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_archive_pg_receivexlog(self): """Test backup with pg_receivexlog wal delivary method""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'}) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() if self.get_version(node) < 100000: pg_receivexlog_path = self.get_bin_path('pg_receivexlog') else: pg_receivexlog_path = self.get_bin_path('pg_receivewal') pg_receivexlog = self.run_binary( [ pg_receivexlog_path, '-p', str(node.port), '--synchronous', '-D', os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node') ], asynchronous=True) if pg_receivexlog.returncode: self.assertFalse( True, 'Failed to start pg_receivexlog: {0}'.format( pg_receivexlog.communicate()[1])) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,10000) i") self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) # PAGE node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(10000,20000) i") self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page' ) result = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.validate_pb(backup_dir) # Check data correctness node.cleanup() self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() self.assertEqual( result, node.safe_psql( "postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap" ), 'data after restore not equal to original data') # Clean after yourself pg_receivexlog.kill() self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) # @unittest.expectedFailure # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_archive_pg_receivexlog_compression_pg10(self): """Test backup with pg_receivewal compressed wal delivary method""" fname ='.')[3] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums'], pg_options={ 'checkpoint_timeout': '30s'} ) self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() if self.get_version(node) < self.version_to_num('10.0'): return unittest.skip('You need PostgreSQL >= 10 for this test') else: pg_receivexlog_path = self.get_bin_path('pg_receivewal') pg_receivexlog = self.run_binary( [ pg_receivexlog_path, '-p', str(node.port), '--synchronous', '-Z', '9', '-D', os.path.join(backup_dir, 'wal', 'node') ], asynchronous=True) if pg_receivexlog.returncode: self.assertFalse( True, 'Failed to start pg_receivexlog: {0}'.format( pg_receivexlog.communicate()[1])) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "create table t_heap as select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(0,10000) i") self.backup_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) # PAGE node.safe_psql( "postgres", "insert into t_heap select i as id, md5(i::text) as text, " "md5(repeat(i::text,10))::tsvector as tsvector " "from generate_series(10000,20000) i") self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, backup_type='page' ) result = node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap") self.validate_pb(backup_dir) # Check data correctness node.cleanup() self.restore_node(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() self.assertEqual( result, node.safe_psql("postgres", "SELECT * FROM t_heap"), 'data after restore not equal to original data') # Clean after yourself pg_receivexlog.kill() self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname)