""" The Test suite check behavior of pg_probackup utility, if password is required for connection to PostgreSQL instance. - https://confluence.postgrespro.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16777522 """ import os import unittest import signal import time from .helpers.ptrack_helpers import ProbackupTest, ProbackupException from testgres import StartNodeException module_name = 'auth_test' skip_test = False try: from pexpect import * except ImportError: skip_test = True class SimpleAuthTest(ProbackupTest, unittest.TestCase): # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_backup_via_unprivileged_user(self): """ Make node, create unprivileged user, try to run a backups without EXECUTE rights on certain functions """ fname = self.id().split('.')[3] node = self.make_simple_node( base_dir=os.path.join(module_name, fname, 'node'), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums']) backup_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, module_name, fname, 'backup') self.init_pb(backup_dir) self.add_instance(backup_dir, 'node', node) self.set_archiving(backup_dir, 'node', node) node.slow_start() node.safe_psql("postgres", "CREATE ROLE backup with LOGIN") try: self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-U', 'backup']) self.assertEqual( 1, 0, "Expecting Error due to missing grant on EXECUTE.") except ProbackupException as e: self.assertIn( "ERROR: query failed: ERROR: permission denied " "for function pg_start_backup", e.message, '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format( repr(e.message), self.cmd)) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION" " pg_start_backup(text, boolean, boolean) TO backup;") if self.get_version(node) < 100000: node.safe_psql( 'postgres', "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_switch_xlog() TO backup") else: node.safe_psql( 'postgres', "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_switch_wal() TO backup") try: self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-U', 'backup']) self.assertEqual( 1, 0, "Expecting Error due to missing grant on EXECUTE.") except ProbackupException as e: self.assertIn( "ERROR: query failed: ERROR: permission denied for function " "pg_create_restore_point\nquery was: " "SELECT pg_catalog.pg_create_restore_point($1)", e.message, '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format( repr(e.message), self.cmd)) node.safe_psql( "postgres", "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION" " pg_create_restore_point(text) TO backup;") try: self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-U', 'backup']) self.assertEqual( 1, 0, "Expecting Error due to missing grant on EXECUTE.") except ProbackupException as e: self.assertIn( "ERROR: query failed: ERROR: permission denied " "for function pg_stop_backup", e.message, '\n Unexpected Error Message: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format( repr(e.message), self.cmd)) if self.get_version(node) < self.version_to_num('10.0'): node.safe_psql( "postgres", "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stop_backup(boolean) TO backup") else: node.safe_psql( "postgres", "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION " "pg_stop_backup(boolean, boolean) TO backup") # Do this for ptrack backups node.safe_psql( "postgres", "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stop_backup() TO backup") self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-U', 'backup']) node.safe_psql("postgres", "CREATE DATABASE test1") self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-U', 'backup']) node.safe_psql( "test1", "create table t1 as select generate_series(0,100)") if self.ptrack: self.set_auto_conf(node, {'ptrack_enable': 'on'}) node.stop() node.slow_start() node.safe_psql( "postgres", "ALTER ROLE backup REPLICATION") # FULL self.backup_node( backup_dir, 'node', node, options=['-U', 'backup']) # PTRACK # self.backup_node( # backup_dir, 'node', node, # backup_type='ptrack', options=['-U', 'backup']) # Clean after yourself self.del_test_dir(module_name, fname) class AuthTest(unittest.TestCase): pb = None node = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(AuthTest, cls).setUpClass() cls.pb = ProbackupTest() cls.backup_dir = os.path.join(cls.pb.tmp_path, module_name, 'backup') cls.node = cls.pb.make_simple_node( base_dir="{}/node".format(module_name), set_replication=True, initdb_params=['--data-checksums', '--auth-host=md5'] ) modify_pg_hba(cls.node) cls.pb.init_pb(cls.backup_dir) cls.pb.add_instance(cls.backup_dir, cls.node.name, cls.node) cls.pb.set_archiving(cls.backup_dir, cls.node.name, cls.node) try: cls.node.slow_start() except StartNodeException: raise unittest.skip("Node hasn't started") cls.node.safe_psql( "postgres", "CREATE ROLE backup WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password'; " "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pg_catalog TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION current_setting(text) TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_is_in_recovery() TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_start_backup(text, boolean, boolean) TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stop_backup() TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stop_backup(boolean) TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_create_restore_point(text) TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_switch_xlog() TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION txid_current() TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION txid_current_snapshot() TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION txid_snapshot_xmax(txid_snapshot) TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ptrack_clear() TO backup; " "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ptrack_get_and_clear(oid, oid) TO backup;") cls.pgpass_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pgpass') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.node.cleanup() cls.pb.del_test_dir(module_name, '') @unittest.skipIf(skip_test, "Module pexpect isn't installed. You need to install it.") def setUp(self): self.cmd = ['backup', '-B', self.backup_dir, '--instance', self.node.name, '-h', '', '-p', str(self.node.port), '-U', 'backup', '-b', 'FULL' ] def tearDown(self): if "PGPASSWORD" in self.pb.test_env.keys(): del self.pb.test_env["PGPASSWORD"] if "PGPASSWORD" in self.pb.test_env.keys(): del self.pb.test_env["PGPASSFILE"] try: os.remove(self.pgpass_file) except OSError: pass def test_empty_password(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH03 - zero password length """ try: self.assertIn("ERROR: no password supplied", str(run_pb_with_auth([self.pb.probackup_path] + self.cmd, '\0\r\n')) ) except (TIMEOUT, ExceptionPexpect) as e: self.fail(e.value) def test_wrong_password(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH04 - incorrect password """ try: self.assertIn("password authentication failed", str(run_pb_with_auth([self.pb.probackup_path] + self.cmd, 'wrong_password\r\n')) ) except (TIMEOUT, ExceptionPexpect) as e: self.fail(e.value) def test_right_password(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH01 - correct password """ try: self.assertIn("completed", str(run_pb_with_auth([self.pb.probackup_path] + self.cmd, 'password\r\n')) ) except (TIMEOUT, ExceptionPexpect) as e: self.fail(e.value) def test_right_password_and_wrong_pgpass(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH05 - correct password and incorrect .pgpass (-W)""" line = ":".join(['', str(self.node.port), 'postgres', 'backup', 'wrong_password']) create_pgpass(self.pgpass_file, line) try: self.assertIn("completed", str(run_pb_with_auth([self.pb.probackup_path] + self.cmd + ['-W'], 'password\r\n')) ) except (TIMEOUT, ExceptionPexpect) as e: self.fail(e.value) def test_ctrl_c_event(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH02 - send interrupt signal """ try: run_pb_with_auth([self.pb.probackup_path] + self.cmd, kill=True) except TIMEOUT: self.fail("Error: CTRL+C event ignored") def test_pgpassfile_env(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH06 - set environment var PGPASSFILE """ path = os.path.join(self.pb.tmp_path, module_name, 'pgpass.conf') line = ":".join(['', str(self.node.port), 'postgres', 'backup', 'password']) create_pgpass(path, line) self.pb.test_env["PGPASSFILE"] = path try: self.assertEqual( "OK", self.pb.show_pb(self.backup_dir, self.node.name, self.pb.run_pb(self.cmd + ['-w']))["status"], "ERROR: Full backup status is not valid." ) except ProbackupException as e: self.fail(e) def test_pgpass(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH07 - Create file .pgpass in home dir. """ line = ":".join(['', str(self.node.port), 'postgres', 'backup', 'password']) create_pgpass(self.pgpass_file, line) try: self.assertEqual( "OK", self.pb.show_pb(self.backup_dir, self.node.name, self.pb.run_pb(self.cmd + ['-w']))["status"], "ERROR: Full backup status is not valid." ) except ProbackupException as e: self.fail(e) def test_pgpassword(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH08 - set environment var PGPASSWORD """ self.pb.test_env["PGPASSWORD"] = "password" try: self.assertEqual( "OK", self.pb.show_pb(self.backup_dir, self.node.name, self.pb.run_pb(self.cmd + ['-w']))["status"], "ERROR: Full backup status is not valid." ) except ProbackupException as e: self.fail(e) def test_pgpassword_and_wrong_pgpass(self): """ Test case: PGPB_AUTH09 - Check priority between PGPASSWORD and .pgpass file""" line = ":".join(['', str(self.node.port), 'postgres', 'backup', 'wrong_password']) create_pgpass(self.pgpass_file, line) self.pb.test_env["PGPASSWORD"] = "password" try: self.assertEqual( "OK", self.pb.show_pb(self.backup_dir, self.node.name, self.pb.run_pb(self.cmd + ['-w']))["status"], "ERROR: Full backup status is not valid." ) except ProbackupException as e: self.fail(e) def run_pb_with_auth(cmd, password=None, kill=False): try: with spawn(" ".join(cmd), encoding='utf-8', timeout=10) as probackup: result = probackup.expect(u"Password for user .*:", 5) if kill: probackup.kill(signal.SIGINT) elif result == 0: probackup.sendline(password) probackup.expect(EOF) return probackup.before else: raise ExceptionPexpect("Other pexpect errors.") except TIMEOUT: raise TIMEOUT("Timeout error.") except ExceptionPexpect: raise ExceptionPexpect("Pexpect error.") def modify_pg_hba(node): """ Description: Add trust authentication for user postgres. Need for add new role and set grant. :param node: :return None: """ hba_conf = os.path.join(node.data_dir, "pg_hba.conf") with open(hba_conf, 'r+') as fio: data = fio.read() fio.seek(0) fio.write('host\tall\tpostgres\t127.0.0.1/0\ttrust\n' + data) def create_pgpass(path, line): with open(path, 'w') as passfile: # host:port:db:username:password passfile.write(line) os.chmod(path, 0o600)