/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parray.c: pointer array collection. * * Copyright (c) 2009-2011, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "pg_probackup.h" /* members of struct parray are hidden from client. */ struct parray { void **data; /* poiter array, expanded if necessary */ size_t alloced; /* number of elements allocated */ size_t used; /* number of elements in use */ }; /* * Create new parray object. * Never returns NULL. */ parray * parray_new(void) { parray *a = pgut_new(parray); a->data = NULL; a->used = 0; a->alloced = 0; parray_expand(a, 1024); return a; } /* * Expand array pointed by data to newsize. * Elements in expanded area are initialized to NULL. * Note: never returns NULL. */ void parray_expand(parray *array, size_t newsize) { void **p; /* already allocated */ if (newsize <= array->alloced) return; p = pgut_realloc(array->data, sizeof(void *) * newsize); /* initialize expanded area to NULL */ memset(p + array->alloced, 0, (newsize - array->alloced) * sizeof(void *)); array->alloced = newsize; array->data = p; } void parray_free(parray *array) { if (array == NULL) return; free(array->data); free(array); } void parray_append(parray *array, void *elem) { if (array->used + 1 > array->alloced) parray_expand(array, array->alloced * 2); array->data[array->used++] = elem; } void parray_insert(parray *array, size_t index, void *elem) { if (array->used + 1 > array->alloced) parray_expand(array, array->alloced * 2); memmove(array->data + index + 1, array->data + index, (array->alloced - index - 1) * sizeof(void *)); array->data[index] = elem; /* adjust used count */ if (array->used < index + 1) array->used = index + 1; else array->used++; } /* * Concatinate two parray. * parray_concat() appends the copy of the content of src to the end of dest. */ parray * parray_concat(parray *dest, const parray *src) { /* expand head array */ parray_expand(dest, dest->used + src->used); /* copy content of src after content of dest */ memcpy(dest->data + dest->used, src->data, src->used * sizeof(void *)); dest->used += parray_num(src); return dest; } void parray_set(parray *array, size_t index, void *elem) { if (index > array->alloced - 1) parray_expand(array, index + 1); array->data[index] = elem; /* adjust used count */ if (array->used < index + 1) array->used = index + 1; } void * parray_get(const parray *array, size_t index) { if (index > array->alloced - 1) return NULL; return array->data[index]; } void * parray_remove(parray *array, size_t index) { void *val; /* removing unused element */ if (index > array->used) return NULL; val = array->data[index]; /* Do not move if the last element was removed. */ if (index < array->alloced - 1) memmove(array->data + index, array->data + index + 1, (array->alloced - index - 1) * sizeof(void *)); /* adjust used count */ array->used--; return val; } bool parray_rm(parray *array, const void *key, int(*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < array->used; i++) { if (compare(&key, &array->data[i]) == 0) { parray_remove(array, i); return true; } } return false; } size_t parray_num(const parray *array) { return array->used; } void parray_qsort(parray *array, int(*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { qsort(array->data, array->used, sizeof(void *), compare); } void parray_walk(parray *array, void (*action)(void *)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < array->used; i++) action(array->data[i]); } void * parray_bsearch(parray *array, const void *key, int(*compare)(const void *, const void *)) { return bsearch(&key, array->data, array->used, sizeof(void *), compare); }