/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * pg_probackup.h: Backup/Recovery manager for PostgreSQL. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2009-2013, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION * Portions Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Postgres Professional * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PG_PROBACKUP_H #define PG_PROBACKUP_H #include "postgres_fe.h" #include #include "libpq-fe.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include "access/timeline.h" #include "access/xlogdefs.h" #include "access/xlog_internal.h" #include "catalog/pg_control.h" #include "storage/block.h" #include "storage/bufpage.h" #include "storage/checksum.h" #include "utils/pg_crc.h" #include "utils/parray.h" #include "utils/pgut.h" #include "datapagemap.h" /* Directory/File names */ #define DATABASE_DIR "database" #define BACKUPS_DIR "backups" #define PG_XLOG_DIR "pg_xlog" #define PG_TBLSPC_DIR "pg_tblspc" #define BACKUP_CONTROL_FILE "backup.control" #define BACKUP_CATALOG_CONF_FILE "pg_probackup.conf" #define BACKUP_CATALOG_PID "pg_probackup.pid" #define DATABASE_FILE_LIST "backup_content.control" #define PG_BACKUP_LABEL_FILE "backup_label" #define PG_BLACK_LIST "black_list" #define PG_TABLESPACE_MAP_FILE "tablespace_map" /* Direcotry/File permission */ #define DIR_PERMISSION (0700) #define FILE_PERMISSION (0600) /* 64-bit xid support for PGPRO_EE */ #ifndef PGPRO_EE #define XID_FMT "%u" #endif /* Information about single file (or dir) in backup */ typedef struct pgFile { mode_t mode; /* protection (file type and permission) */ size_t size; /* size of the file */ size_t read_size; /* size of the portion read (if only some pages are backed up, it's different from size) */ size_t write_size; /* size of the backed-up file. BYTES_INVALID means that the file existed but was not backed up because not modified since last backup. */ pg_crc32 crc; /* CRC value of the file, regular file only */ char *linked; /* path of the linked file */ bool is_datafile; /* true if the file is PostgreSQL data file */ char *path; /* path of the file */ char *ptrack_path; /* path of the ptrack fork of the relation */ int segno; /* Segment number for ptrack */ uint64 generation; /* Generation of the compressed file. Set to '-1' * for non-compressed files. If generation has changed, * we cannot backup compressed file partially. */ int is_partial_copy; /* for compressed files. Set to '1' if backed up * via copy_file_partly() */ volatile uint32 lock; /* lock for synchronization of parallel threads */ datapagemap_t pagemap; /* bitmap of pages updated since previous backup */ } pgFile; /* Current state of backup */ typedef enum BackupStatus { BACKUP_STATUS_INVALID, /* the pgBackup is invalid */ BACKUP_STATUS_OK, /* completed backup */ BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING, /* running backup */ BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, /* aborted because of unexpected error */ BACKUP_STATUS_DELETING, /* data files are being deleted */ BACKUP_STATUS_DELETED, /* data files have been deleted */ BACKUP_STATUS_DONE, /* completed but not validated yet */ BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT /* files are corrupted, not available */ } BackupStatus; typedef enum BackupMode { BACKUP_MODE_INVALID = 0, BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PAGE, /* incremental page backup */ BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK, /* incremental page backup with ptrack system*/ BACKUP_MODE_FULL /* full backup */ } BackupMode; typedef enum ProbackupSubcmd { INIT = 0, BACKUP, RESTORE, VALIDATE, SHOW, DELETE, SET_CONFIG, SHOW_CONFIG } ProbackupSubcmd; /* special values of pgBackup fields */ #define INVALID_BACKUP_ID 0 #define BYTES_INVALID (-1) typedef struct pgBackupConfig { uint64 system_identifier; char *pgdata; const char *pgdatabase; const char *pghost; const char *pgport; const char *pguser; int log_level; char *log_filename; char *error_log_filename; char *log_directory; int log_rotation_size; int log_rotation_age; uint32 retention_redundancy; uint32 retention_window; } pgBackupConfig; /* Information about single backup stored in backup.conf */ typedef struct pgBackup { BackupMode backup_mode; /* Mode - one of BACKUP_MODE_xxx above*/ time_t backup_id; /* Identifier of the backup. * Currently it's the same as start_time */ BackupStatus status; /* Status - one of BACKUP_STATUS_xxx above*/ TimeLineID tli; /* timeline of start and stop baskup lsns */ XLogRecPtr start_lsn; /* backup's starting transaction log location */ XLogRecPtr stop_lsn; /* backup's finishing transaction log location */ time_t start_time; /* since this moment backup has status * BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING */ time_t end_time; /* the moment when backup was finished, or the moment * when we realized that backup is broken */ time_t recovery_time; /* Earliest moment for which you can restore * the state of the database cluster using * this backup */ TransactionId recovery_xid; /* Earliest xid for which you can restore * the state of the database cluster using * this backup */ /* * Amount of raw data. For a full backup, this is the total amount of * data while for a differential backup this is just the difference * of data taken. * BYTES_INVALID means nothing was backed up. */ int64 data_bytes; /* Fields needed for compatibility check */ uint32 block_size; uint32 wal_block_size; uint32 checksum_version; bool stream; /* Was this backup taken in stream mode? * i.e. does it include all needed WAL files? */ time_t parent_backup; /* Identifier of the previous backup. * Which is basic backup for this * incremental backup. */ } pgBackup; /* Recovery target for restore and validate subcommands */ typedef struct pgRecoveryTarget { bool time_specified; time_t recovery_target_time; bool xid_specified; TransactionId recovery_target_xid; bool recovery_target_inclusive; } pgRecoveryTarget; /* Union to ease operations on relation pages */ typedef union DataPage { PageHeaderData page_data; char data[BLCKSZ]; } DataPage; /* * This struct and function definitions mirror ones from cfs.h, but doesn't use * atomic variables, since they are not allowed in frontend code. */ typedef struct { uint32 physSize; uint32 virtSize; uint32 usedSize; uint32 lock; pid_t postmasterPid; uint64 generation; uint64 inodes[RELSEG_SIZE]; } FileMap; extern FileMap* cfs_mmap(int md); extern int cfs_munmap(FileMap* map); /* * return pointer that exceeds the length of prefix from character string. * ex. str="/xxx/yyy/zzz", prefix="/xxx/yyy", return="zzz". */ #define GetRelativePath(str, prefix) \ ((strlen(str) <= strlen(prefix)) ? "" : str + strlen(prefix) + 1) /* * Return timeline, xlog ID and record offset from an LSN of the type * 0/B000188, usual result from pg_stop_backup() and friends. */ #define XLogDataFromLSN(data, xlogid, xrecoff) \ sscanf(data, "%X/%X", xlogid, xrecoff) /* in probackup.c */ /* path configuration */ extern char *backup_path; extern char *pgdata; extern char arclog_path[MAXPGPATH]; /* current settings */ extern pgBackup current; extern ProbackupSubcmd backup_subcmd; extern bool smooth_checkpoint; extern int num_threads; extern bool stream_wal; extern bool from_replica; extern bool progress; extern bool delete_wal; extern bool delete_expired; extern bool apply_to_all; extern bool force_delete; extern uint32 archive_timeout; extern uint64 system_identifier; extern uint32 retention_redundancy; extern uint32 retention_window; /* in dir.c */ /* exclude directory list for $PGDATA file listing */ extern const char *pgdata_exclude_dir[]; /* in backup.c */ extern int do_backup(void); extern BackupMode parse_backup_mode(const char *value); extern bool fileExists(const char *path); extern void process_block_change(ForkNumber forknum, RelFileNode rnode, BlockNumber blkno); /* in restore.c */ extern int do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id, const char *target_time, const char *target_xid, const char *target_inclusive, TimeLineID target_tli, bool is_restore); extern bool satisfy_timeline(const parray *timelines, const pgBackup *backup); extern bool satisfy_recovery_target(const pgBackup *backup, const pgRecoveryTarget *rt); extern parray * readTimeLineHistory_probackup(TimeLineID targetTLI); extern pgRecoveryTarget *parseRecoveryTargetOptions( const char *target_time, const char *target_xid, const char *target_inclusive); extern void opt_tablespace_map(pgut_option *opt, const char *arg); /* in init.c */ extern int do_init(void); /* in configure.c */ extern int do_configure(bool show_only); extern void pgBackupConfigInit(pgBackupConfig *config); extern void writeBackupCatalogConfig(FILE *out, pgBackupConfig *config); extern void writeBackupCatalogConfigFile(pgBackupConfig *config); extern pgBackupConfig* readBackupCatalogConfigFile(void); /* in show.c */ extern int do_show(time_t requested_backup_id); /* in delete.c */ extern int do_delete(time_t backup_id); extern int do_retention_purge(void); /* in fetch.c */ extern char *slurpFile(const char *datadir, const char *path, size_t *filesize, bool safe); /* in help.c */ extern void help_pg_probackup(void); extern void help_command(char *command); /* in validate.c */ extern void pgBackupValidate(pgBackup* backup); /* in catalog.c */ extern pgBackup *read_backup(time_t timestamp); extern const char *pgBackupGetBackupMode(pgBackup *backup); extern parray *catalog_get_backup_list(time_t requested_backup_id); extern pgBackup *catalog_get_last_data_backup(parray *backup_list, TimeLineID tli); extern void catalog_lock(void); extern void pgBackupWriteControl(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup); extern void pgBackupWriteBackupControlFile(pgBackup *backup); extern void pgBackupGetPath(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len, const char *subdir); extern int pgBackupCreateDir(pgBackup *backup); extern void pgBackupFree(void *backup); extern int pgBackupCompareId(const void *f1, const void *f2); extern int pgBackupCompareIdDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2); /* in dir.c */ extern void dir_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, bool exclude, bool omit_symlink, bool add_root); extern void list_data_directories(parray *files, const char *path, bool is_root, bool exclude); extern void read_tablespace_map(parray *files, const char *backup_dir); extern void print_file_list(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root); extern parray *dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt); extern int dir_create_dir(const char *path, mode_t mode); extern bool dir_is_empty(const char *path); extern pgFile *pgFileNew(const char *path, bool omit_symlink); extern pgFile *pgFileInit(const char *path); extern void pgFileDelete(pgFile *file); extern void pgFileFree(void *file); extern pg_crc32 pgFileGetCRC(pgFile *file); extern int pgFileComparePath(const void *f1, const void *f2); extern int pgFileComparePathDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2); extern int pgFileCompareLinked(const void *f1, const void *f2); extern int pgFileCompareSize(const void *f1, const void *f2); /* in data.c */ extern bool backup_data_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file, XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn); extern void restore_data_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file, pgBackup *backup); extern void restore_compressed_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file); extern bool is_compressed_data_file(pgFile *file); extern bool backup_compressed_file_partially(pgFile *file, void *arg, size_t *skip_size); extern bool copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file); extern bool copy_file_partly(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file, size_t skip_size); extern bool calc_file_checksum(pgFile *file); /* parsexlog.c */ extern void extractPageMap(const char *datadir, XLogRecPtr startpoint, TimeLineID tli, XLogRecPtr endpoint, bool prev_segno); extern void validate_wal(pgBackup *backup, const char *archivedir, time_t target_time, TransactionId target_xid, TimeLineID tli); extern bool read_recovery_info(const char *archivedir, TimeLineID tli, XLogRecPtr start_lsn, XLogRecPtr stop_lsn, time_t *recovery_time, TransactionId *recovery_xid); extern bool wal_contains_lsn(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr target_lsn, TimeLineID target_tli); /* in util.c */ extern TimeLineID get_current_timeline(bool safe); extern void sanityChecks(void); extern void time2iso(char *buf, size_t len, time_t time); extern const char *status2str(BackupStatus status); extern void remove_trailing_space(char *buf, int comment_mark); extern void remove_not_digit(char *buf, size_t len, const char *str); extern XLogRecPtr get_last_ptrack_lsn(void); extern uint32 get_data_checksum_version(bool safe); extern char *base36enc(long unsigned int value); extern long unsigned int base36dec(const char *text); extern uint64 get_system_identifier(void); extern pg_time_t timestamptz_to_time_t(TimestampTz t); extern void pgBackup_init(pgBackup *backup); /* in status.c */ extern bool is_pg_running(void); #endif /* PG_PROBACKUP_H */