mirror of https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_probackup.git synced 2025-02-03 14:01:57 +02:00
Zhuravlev Uriy aka stalkerg 07d4b8a030 Add threads for restore.
2016-02-29 21:49:53 +03:00

211 lines
12 KiB

# This is a test script for restore command of pg_arman.
# Load common rules
. sql/common.sh restore
# Parameters exclusive to this test
# Create some objects expected by pgbench
rm -rf ${TBLSPC_PATH}/pgbench
mkdir -p ${TBLSPC_PATH}/pgbench
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres > /dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF
pgbench -i -s ${SCALE} -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > ${TEST_BASE}/pgbench-${NUM}.log 2>&1
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0001 ######'
echo '###### recovery to latest from full backup ######'
pgbench_objs 0001
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-before.out
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-run.out 2>&1
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -j 4 --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-after.out
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0001-after.out
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0002 ######'
echo '###### recovery to latest from full + page backups ######'
pgbench_objs 0002
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-run.out 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b page -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-run.out 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-before.out
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -j 4 --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-after.out
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0002-after.out
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0003 ######'
echo '###### recovery to target timeline ######'
pgbench_objs 0003
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-before.out
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-run.out 2>&1
TARGET_TLI=`pg_controldata | grep " TimeLineID:" | awk '{print $4}'`
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --recovery-target-timeline=${TARGET_TLI} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
echo "checking recovery.conf..."
TARGET_TLI_IN_RECOVERY_CONF=`grep "recovery_target_timeline = " ${PGDATA_PATH}/recovery.conf | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e "s/'//g"`
echo 'OK: recovery.conf has the given target timeline.'
echo 'NG: recovery.conf does not have the given target timeline.'
pg_ctl stop -m immediate -D ${PGDATA_PATH}
exit 1
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-after.out
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-after.out
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0004 ######'
echo '###### recovery to target time ######'
pgbench_objs 0004
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-before.out
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-run.out 2>&1
TARGET_TIME=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --recovery-target-time="${TARGET_TIME}" --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-after.out
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0004-after.out
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0005 ######'
echo '###### recovery to target XID ######'
pgbench_objs 0005
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "CREATE TABLE tbl0005 (a text);" > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-run.out 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-before.out
TARGET_XID=`psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -tAq -c "INSERT INTO tbl0005 VALUES ('inserted') RETURNING (xmin);"`
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
# Enforce segment to be archived to ensure that recovery goes up to the
# wanted point. There is no way to ensure that all segments needed have
# been archived up to the xmin point saved earlier without that.
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c 'SELECT pg_switch_xlog()' > /dev/null 2>&1
# Fast mode is used to ensure that the last segment is archived as well.
pg_ctl stop -m fast > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --recovery-target-xid="${TARGET_XID}" --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-after.out
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM tbl0005;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-tbl.dump
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-after.out
if grep "inserted" ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0005-tbl.dump > /dev/null ; then
echo 'OK: recovery-target-xid options works well.'
echo 'NG: recovery-target-xid options does not work well.'
pg_ctl stop -m immediate -D ${PGDATA_PATH} > /dev/null 2>&1
exit 1
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0006 ######'
echo '###### recovery to latest from full + ptrack backups ######'
pgbench_objs 0006
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-run.out 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b ptrack -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-run.out 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-before.out
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-after.out
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0006-after.out
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0007 ######'
echo '###### recovery to latest from full + ptrack + ptrack backups ######'
pgbench_objs 0007
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b ptrack -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b ptrack -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1
pg_arman show -B ${BACKUP_PATH} > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-show.out 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-before.out
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-after.out
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0007-after.out
echo ''
echo '###### RESTORE COMMAND TEST-0008 ######'
echo '###### recovery with target inclusive false ######'
pgbench_objs 0008
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "CREATE TABLE tbl0008 (a text);" > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman backup -B ${BACKUP_PATH} -b full -j 4 -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d postgres --verbose > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_arman validate -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0003-run.out 2>&1
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-before.out
TARGET_XID=`psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -tAq -c "INSERT INTO tbl0008 VALUES ('inserted') RETURNING (xmin);"`
pgbench -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench > /dev/null 2>&1
# Enforce segment to be archived to ensure that recovery goes up to the
# wanted point. There is no way to ensure that all segments needed have
# been archived up to the xmin point saved earlier without that.
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c 'SELECT pg_switch_xlog()' > /dev/null 2>&1
# Fast mode is used to ensure that the last segment is archived as well.
pg_ctl stop -m fast > /dev/null 2>&1
pg_arman restore -B ${BACKUP_PATH} --recovery-target-xid="${TARGET_XID}" --recovery-target-inclusive=false --verbose >> ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-run.out 2>&1;echo $?
pg_ctl start -w -t 600 > /dev/null 2>&1
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM pgbench_branches;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-after.out
psql --no-psqlrc -p ${TEST_PGPORT} -d pgbench -c "SELECT * FROM tbl0008;" > ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-tbl.dump
diff ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-before.out ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-after.out
if grep "inserted" ${TEST_BASE}/TEST-0008-tbl.dump > /dev/null ; then
echo 'NG: recovery-target-inclusive=false does not work well.'
echo 'OK: recovery-target-inclusive=false works well.'
pg_ctl stop -m immediate -D ${PGDATA_PATH} > /dev/null 2>&1
exit 1
echo ''
# clean up the temporal test data
pg_ctl stop -m immediate > /dev/null 2>&1
rm -fr ${PGDATA_PATH}
rm -fr ${BACKUP_PATH}
rm -fr ${ARCLOG_PATH}
rm -fr ${TBLSPC_PATH}