mirror of https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_probackup.git synced 2025-02-15 15:09:56 +02:00
Michael Paquier 37c3be1168 Refactor write/read calculation size of backups
This commit simplifies the way backup sizes are saved internally by
reusing the same variable for incremental and full backup, which were
using separated and exclusively used variables, resulted in a couple
of bytes wasted all the time. This was also reflected by a useless
column in the output table of subcommand "show".
2014-01-10 04:11:27 +09:00

1593 lines
42 KiB

* backup.c: backup DB cluster, archived WAL, serverlog.
#include "pg_rman.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "catalog/pg_control.h"
#include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
#include "pgut/pgut-port.h"
/* wait 10 sec until WAL archive complete */
/* Server version */
static int server_version = 0;
static bool in_backup = false; /* TODO: more robust logic */
/* List of commands to execute at error processing for snapshot */
static parray *cleanup_list;
* Backup routines
static void backup_cleanup(bool fatal, void *userdata);
static void delete_old_files(const char *root,
parray *files, int keep_files,
int keep_days, bool is_arclog);
static void backup_files(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
parray *files, parray *prev_files, const XLogRecPtr *lsn, bool compress, const char *prefix);
static parray *do_backup_database(parray *backup_list, pgBackupOption bkupopt);
static parray *do_backup_arclog(parray *backup_list);
static parray *do_backup_srvlog(parray *backup_list);
static void confirm_block_size(const char *name, int blcksz);
static void pg_start_backup(const char *label, bool smooth, pgBackup *backup);
static void pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup);
static void pg_switch_xlog(pgBackup *backup);
static bool pg_is_standby(void);
static void get_lsn(PGresult *res, XLogRecPtr *lsn);
static void get_xid(PGresult *res, uint32 *xid);
static void delete_arclog_link(void);
static void delete_online_wal_backup(void);
static bool dirExists(const char *path);
static void add_files(parray *files, const char *root, bool add_root, bool is_pgdata);
static int strCompare(const void *str1, const void *str2);
static void create_file_list(parray *files, const char *root, const char *prefix, bool is_append);
static TimeLineID get_current_timeline(void);
* Take a backup of database and return the list of files backed up.
static parray *
do_backup_database(parray *backup_list, pgBackupOption bkupopt)
int i;
parray *files; /* backup file list from non-snapshot */
parray *prev_files = NULL; /* file list of previous database backup */
FILE *fp;
char path[MAXPGPATH];
char label[1024];
XLogRecPtr *lsn = NULL;
char prev_file_txt[MAXPGPATH]; /* path of the previous backup
* list file */
bool has_backup_label = true; /* flag if backup_label is there */
/* repack the options */
bool smooth_checkpoint = bkupopt.smooth_checkpoint;
/* Leave in case of archive mode */
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_ARCHIVE)
return NULL;
/* Block backup operations on a standby */
if (pg_is_standby())
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("Backup cannot run on a standby."));
elog(INFO, _("database backup start"));
/* Initialize size summary */
current.data_bytes = 0;
* Obtain current timeline by scanning control file, theh LSN
* obtained at output of pg_start_backup or pg_stop_backup does
* not contain this information.
current.tli = get_current_timeline();
* In incremental backup mode, check if there is an already-validated
* full backup on current timeline.
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL)
pgBackup *prev_backup;
prev_backup = catalog_get_last_data_backup(backup_list, current.tli);
if (prev_backup == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("Valid full backup not found for "
"incremental backup. Either create a full backup "
"or validate existing one."));
/* notify start of backup to PostgreSQL server */
time2iso(label, lengthof(label), current.start_time);
strncat(label, " with pg_rman", lengthof(label));
pg_start_backup(label, smooth_checkpoint, &current);
/* If backup_label does not exist in $PGDATA, stop taking backup */
snprintf(path, lengthof(path), "%s/backup_label", pgdata);
if (!fileExists(path))
has_backup_label = false;
/* Leave if no backup file */
if (!has_backup_label)
if (verbose)
printf(_("backup_label does not exist, stop backup\n"));
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("backup_label does not exist in PGDATA."));
* List directories and symbolic links with the physical path to make
* mkdirs.sh, then sort them in order of path. Omit $PGDATA.
files = parray_new();
dir_list_file(files, pgdata, NULL, false, false);
if (!check)
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), MKDIRS_SH_FILE);
fp = fopen(path, "wt");
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't open make directory script \"%s\": %s"),
path, strerror(errno));
dir_print_mkdirs_sh(fp, files, pgdata);
if (chmod(path, DIR_PERMISSION) == -1)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't change mode of \"%s\": %s"), path,
/* clear directory list */
parray_walk(files, pgFileFree);
files = NULL;
* To take incremental backup, the file list of the last completed database
* backup is needed.
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL)
pgBackup *prev_backup;
/* find last completed database backup */
prev_backup = catalog_get_last_data_backup(backup_list, current.tli);
pgBackupGetPath(prev_backup, prev_file_txt, lengthof(prev_file_txt),
prev_files = dir_read_file_list(pgdata, prev_file_txt);
* Do backup only pages having larger LSN than previous backup.
lsn = &prev_backup->start_lsn;
elog(LOG, _("backup only the page that there was of the update from LSN(%X/%08X).\n"),
(uint32) (*lsn >> 32), (uint32) *lsn);
/* initialize backup list from non-snapshot */
files = parray_new();
join_path_components(path, backup_path, SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_FILE);
* Check the existence of the snapshot-script.
* backup use snapshot when snapshot-script exists.
if (fileExists(path))
parray *tblspc_list; /* list of name of TABLESPACE backup from snapshot */
parray *tblspcmp_list; /* list of mounted directory of TABLESPACE in snapshot volume */
PGresult *tblspc_res; /* contain spcname and oid in TABLESPACE */
tblspc_list = parray_new();
tblspcmp_list = parray_new();
cleanup_list = parray_new();
* append 'pg_tblspc' to list of directory excluded from copy.
* because DB cluster and TABLESPACE are copied separately.
for (i = 0; pgdata_exclude[i]; i++); /* find first empty slot */
pgdata_exclude[i] = PG_TBLSPC_DIR;
* when DB cluster is not contained in the backup from the snapshot,
* DB cluster is added to the backup file list from non-snapshot.
parray_qsort(tblspc_list, strCompare);
if (parray_bsearch(tblspc_list, "PG-DATA", strCompare) == NULL)
add_files(files, pgdata, false, true);
/* remove the detected tablespace("PG-DATA") from tblspc_list */
parray_rm(tblspc_list, "PG-DATA", strCompare);
* select the TABLESPACE backup from non-snapshot,
* and append TABLESPACE to the list backup from non-snapshot.
* TABLESPACE name and oid is obtained by inquiring of the database.
tblspc_res = execute("SELECT spcname, oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE "
"spcname NOT IN ('pg_default', 'pg_global') ORDER BY spcname ASC", 0, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(tblspc_res); i++)
char *name = PQgetvalue(tblspc_res, i, 0);
char *oid = PQgetvalue(tblspc_res, i, 1);
/* when not found, append it to the backup list from non-snapshot */
if (parray_bsearch(tblspc_list, name, strCompare) == NULL)
char dir[MAXPGPATH];
join_path_components(dir, pgdata, PG_TBLSPC_DIR);
join_path_components(dir, dir, oid);
add_files(files, dir, true, false);
/* remove the detected tablespace from tblspc_list */
parray_rm(tblspc_list, name, strCompare);
* tblspc_list is not empty,
* so snapshot-script output the tablespace name that not exist.
if (parray_num(tblspc_list) > 0)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("snapshot-script output the name of tablespace that not exist"));
/* clear array */
parray_walk(tblspc_list, free);
/* backup files from non-snapshot */
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), DATABASE_DIR);
backup_files(pgdata, path, files, prev_files, lsn, current.compress_data, NULL);
/* notify end of backup */
/* create file list of non-snapshot objects */
create_file_list(files, pgdata, NULL, false);
/* backup files from snapshot volume */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(tblspcmp_list); i++)
char *spcname;
char *mp = NULL;
char *item = (char *) parray_get(tblspcmp_list, i);
parray *snapshot_files = parray_new();
* obtain the TABLESPACE name and the directory where it is stored.
* Note: strtok() replace the delimiter to '\0'. but no problem because
* it doesn't use former value
if ((spcname = strtok(item, "=")) == NULL || (mp = strtok(NULL, "\0")) == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("snapshot-script output illegal format: %s"), item);
if (verbose)
printf(_("backup files from snapshot: \"%s\"\n"), spcname);
/* tablespace storage directory not exist */
if (!dirExists(mp))
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("tablespace storage directory doesn't exist: %s"), mp);
* create the previous backup file list to take incremental backup
* from the snapshot volume.
if (prev_files != NULL)
prev_files = dir_read_file_list(mp, prev_file_txt);
/* when DB cluster is backup from snapshot, it backup from the snapshot */
if (strcmp(spcname, "PG-DATA") == 0)
/* append DB cluster to backup file list */
add_files(snapshot_files, mp, false, true);
/* backup files of DB cluster from snapshot volume */
backup_files(mp, path, snapshot_files, prev_files, lsn, current.compress_data, NULL);
/* create file list of snapshot objects (DB cluster) */
create_file_list(snapshot_files, mp, NULL, true);
/* remove the detected tablespace("PG-DATA") from tblspcmp_list */
parray_rm(tblspcmp_list, "PG-DATA", strCompare);
/* backup TABLESPACE from snapshot volume */
int j;
* obtain the oid from TABLESPACE information acquired by inquiring of database.
* and do backup files of TABLESPACE from snapshot volume.
for (j = 0; j < PQntuples(tblspc_res); j++)
char dest[MAXPGPATH];
char prefix[MAXPGPATH];
char *name = PQgetvalue(tblspc_res, j, 0);
char *oid = PQgetvalue(tblspc_res, j, 1);
if (strcmp(spcname, name) == 0)
/* append TABLESPACE to backup file list */
add_files(snapshot_files, mp, true, false);
/* backup files of TABLESPACE from snapshot volume */
join_path_components(prefix, PG_TBLSPC_DIR, oid);
join_path_components(dest, path, prefix);
backup_files(mp, dest, snapshot_files, prev_files, lsn, current.compress_data, prefix);
/* create file list of snapshot objects (TABLESPACE) */
create_file_list(snapshot_files, mp, prefix, true);
/* remove the detected tablespace("PG-DATA") from tblspcmp_list */
parray_rm(tblspcmp_list, spcname, strCompare);
parray_concat(files, snapshot_files);
* tblspcmp_list is not empty,
* so snapshot-script output the tablespace name that not exist.
if (parray_num(tblspcmp_list) > 0)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("snapshot-script output the name of tablespace that not exist"));
/* clear array */
parray_walk(tblspcmp_list, free);
/* don't use 'parray_walk'. element of parray not allocate memory by malloc */
/* when snapshot-script not exist, DB cluster and TABLESPACE are backup
* at same time.
/* list files with the logical path. omit $PGDATA */
add_files(files, pgdata, false, true);
/* backup files */
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), DATABASE_DIR);
backup_files(pgdata, path, files, prev_files, lsn, current.compress_data, NULL);
/* notify end of backup */
/* create file list */
create_file_list(files, pgdata, NULL, false);
/* print summary of size of backup mode files */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
if (!S_ISREG(file->mode))
* Count only the amount of data. For a full backup, the total
* amount of data written counts while for an incremental
* backup only the data read counts.
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL)
current.data_bytes += file->read_size;
else if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
current.data_bytes += file->size;
/* Count total amount of data for backup */
if (file->write_size != BYTES_INVALID)
current.backup_bytes += file->write_size;
if (verbose)
printf(_("database backup completed(written: " INT64_FORMAT " Backup: " INT64_FORMAT ")\n"),
current.data_bytes, current.backup_bytes);
return files;
* Backup archived WAL incrementally.
static parray *
do_backup_arclog(parray *backup_list)
int i;
parray *files;
parray *prev_files = NULL; /* file list of previous database backup */
FILE *fp;
char path[MAXPGPATH];
char timeline_dir[MAXPGPATH];
char prev_file_txt[MAXPGPATH];
pgBackup *prev_backup;
int64 arclog_write_bytes = 0;
char last_wal[MAXFNAMELEN];
Assert(current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_ARCHIVE ||
current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL ||
current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL);
/* Block backup operations on a standby */
if (pg_is_standby())
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("Backup cannot run on a standby."));
if (verbose)
printf(_("archived WAL backup start\n"));
/* initialize size summary */
current.arclog_bytes = 0;
* Switch xlog if database is not backed up, current timeline of
* server is obtained here.
if ((uint32) current.stop_lsn == 0)
* Check if there is a full backup present on current timeline.
* For an incremental or full backup, we are sure that there is one
* so this error can be bypassed safely.
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_ARCHIVE &&
catalog_get_last_data_backup(backup_list, current.tli) == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("No valid full or incremental backup detected "
"on current timeline "));
* To take incremental backup, the file list of the last completed
* database backup is needed.
prev_backup = catalog_get_last_arclog_backup(backup_list, current.tli);
if (verbose && prev_backup == NULL)
printf(_("no previous full backup, performing a full backup instead\n"));
if (prev_backup)
pgBackupGetPath(prev_backup, prev_file_txt, lengthof(prev_file_txt),
prev_files = dir_read_file_list(arclog_path, prev_file_txt);
/* list files with the logical path. omit ARCLOG_PATH */
files = parray_new();
dir_list_file(files, arclog_path, NULL, true, false);
/* remove WALs archived after pg_stop_backup()/pg_switch_xlog() */
xlog_fname(last_wal, current.tli, current.stop_lsn);
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
char *fname;
if ((fname = last_dir_separator(file->path)))
fname = file->path;
/* to backup backup history files, compare tli/lsn portion only */
if (strncmp(fname, last_wal, 24) > 0)
parray_remove(files, i);
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), ARCLOG_DIR);
backup_files(arclog_path, path, files, prev_files, NULL,
current.compress_data, NULL);
/* create file list */
if (!check)
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), ARCLOG_FILE_LIST);
fp = fopen(path, "wt");
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't open file list \"%s\": %s"), path,
dir_print_file_list(fp, files, arclog_path, NULL);
/* print summary of size of backup files */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
if (!S_ISREG(file->mode))
current.arclog_bytes += file->read_size;
if (file->write_size != BYTES_INVALID)
current.backup_bytes += file->write_size;
arclog_write_bytes += file->write_size;
* Backup timeline history files to special directory.
* We do this after create file list, because copy_file() update
* pgFile->write_size to actual size.
join_path_components(timeline_dir, backup_path, TIMELINE_HISTORY_DIR);
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
if (!S_ISREG(file->mode))
if (strstr(file->path, ".history") ==
file->path + strlen(file->path) - strlen(".history"))
elog(LOG, _("(timeline history) %s"), file->path);
copy_file(arclog_path, timeline_dir, file, NO_COMPRESSION);
if (verbose)
printf(_("archived WAL backup completed(read: " INT64_FORMAT " write: " INT64_FORMAT ")\n"),
current.arclog_bytes, arclog_write_bytes);
return files;
* Take a backup of serverlog.
static parray *
do_backup_srvlog(parray *backup_list)
int i;
parray *files;
parray *prev_files = NULL; /* file list of previous database backup */
FILE *fp;
char path[MAXPGPATH];
char prev_file_txt[MAXPGPATH];
pgBackup *prev_backup;
int64 srvlog_write_bytes = 0;
if (!current.with_serverlog)
return NULL;
/* Block backup operations on a standby */
if (pg_is_standby())
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("Backup cannot run on a standby."));
if (verbose)
printf(_("serverlog backup start\n"));
/* initialize size summary */
current.srvlog_bytes = 0;
* To take incremental backup, the file list of the last completed database
* backup is needed.
prev_backup = catalog_get_last_srvlog_backup(backup_list,
if (verbose && prev_backup == NULL)
printf(_("no previous full backup, performing a full backup instead\n"));
if (prev_backup)
pgBackupGetPath(prev_backup, prev_file_txt, lengthof(prev_file_txt),
prev_files = dir_read_file_list(srvlog_path, prev_file_txt);
/* list files with the logical path. omit SRVLOG_PATH */
files = parray_new();
dir_list_file(files, srvlog_path, NULL, true, false);
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), SRVLOG_DIR);
backup_files(srvlog_path, path, files, prev_files, NULL, false, NULL);
/* create file list */
if (!check)
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), SRVLOG_FILE_LIST);
fp = fopen(path, "wt");
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't open file list \"%s\": %s"), path,
dir_print_file_list(fp, files, srvlog_path, NULL);
/* print summary of size of backup mode files */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
if (!S_ISREG(file->mode))
current.srvlog_bytes += file->read_size;
if (file->write_size != BYTES_INVALID)
current.backup_bytes += file->write_size;
srvlog_write_bytes += file->write_size;
if (verbose)
printf(_("serverlog backup completed(read: " INT64_FORMAT " write: " INT64_FORMAT ")\n"),
current.srvlog_bytes, srvlog_write_bytes);
return files;
do_backup(pgBackupOption bkupopt)
parray *backup_list;
parray *files_database;
parray *files_arclog;
parray *files_srvlog;
int ret;
/* repack the necesary options */
int keep_arclog_files = bkupopt.keep_arclog_files;
int keep_arclog_days = bkupopt.keep_arclog_days;
int keep_srvlog_files = bkupopt.keep_srvlog_files;
int keep_srvlog_days = bkupopt.keep_srvlog_days;
int keep_data_generations = bkupopt.keep_data_generations;
int keep_data_days = bkupopt.keep_data_days;
/* PGDATA and BACKUP_MODE are always required */
if (pgdata == NULL)
elog(ERROR_ARGS, _("Required parameter not specified: PGDATA "
"(-D, --pgdata)"));
/* A backup mode is needed */
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_INVALID)
elog(ERROR_ARGS, _("Required parameter not specified: BACKUP_MODE "
"(-b, --backup-mode)"));
/* ARCLOG_PATH is required for all the modes */
if (arclog_path == NULL)
_("Required parameter not specified: ARCLOG_PATH "
"(-A, --arclog-path)"));
/* SRVLOG_PATH is required only when backup serverlog */
if (current.with_serverlog && srvlog_path == NULL)
elog(ERROR_ARGS, _("required parameter not specified: SRVLOG_PATH "
"(-S, --srvlog-path)"));
#ifndef HAVE_LIBZ
if (current.compress_data)
elog(WARNING, _("requested compression not available in this "
"installation. Archive will not be compressed"));
current.compress_data = false;
/* Confirm data block size and xlog block size are compatible */
/* setup cleanup callback function */
in_backup = true;
/* show configuration actually used */
if (verbose)
printf(_("backup start\n"));
pgBackupWriteConfigSection(stderr, &current);
/* get exclusive lock of backup catalog */
ret = catalog_lock();
if (ret == -1)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't lock backup catalog."));
else if (ret == 1)
_("another pg_rman is running, skip this backup."));
/* initialize backup result */
current.status = BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING;
current.tli = 0; /* get from result of pg_start_backup() */
current.start_lsn = 0;
current.stop_lsn = 0;
current.start_time = time(NULL);
current.end_time = (time_t) 0;
current.data_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
current.arclog_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
current.srvlog_bytes = BYTES_INVALID;
current.backup_bytes = 0;
current.block_size = BLCKSZ;
current.wal_block_size = XLOG_BLCKSZ;
current.recovery_xid = 0;
current.recovery_time = (time_t) 0;
/* create backup directory and backup.ini */
if (!check)
if (pgBackupCreateDir(&current))
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't create backup directory."));
if (verbose)
printf(_("backup destination is initialized.\n"));
/* get list of backups already taken */
backup_list = catalog_get_backup_list(NULL);
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't process any more."));
/* set the error processing function for the backup process */
pgut_atexit_push(backup_cleanup, NULL);
/* backup data */
files_database = do_backup_database(backup_list, bkupopt);
/* backup archived WAL */
files_arclog = do_backup_arclog(backup_list);
/* backup serverlog */
files_srvlog = do_backup_srvlog(backup_list);
pgut_atexit_pop(backup_cleanup, NULL);
/* update backup status to DONE */
current.end_time = time(NULL);
current.status = BACKUP_STATUS_DONE;
if (!check)
/* Calculate the total data read */
if (verbose)
int64 total_read = 0;
/* WAL archives */
total_read += current.arclog_bytes;
/* Database data */
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL ||
current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL)
total_read += current.arclog_bytes;
/* Server logs */
if (current.with_serverlog)
total_read += current.srvlog_bytes;
if (total_read == 0)
printf(_("nothing to backup\n"));
printf(_("all backup completed(read: " INT64_FORMAT " write: "
INT64_FORMAT ")\n"),
total_read, current.backup_bytes);
* Delete old files (archived WAL and serverlog) after update of status.
delete_old_files(arclog_path, files_arclog, keep_arclog_files,
keep_arclog_days, true);
if (current.with_serverlog)
delete_old_files(srvlog_path, files_srvlog, keep_srvlog_files,
keep_srvlog_days, false);
/* Delete old backup files after all backup operation. */
pgBackupDelete(keep_data_generations, keep_data_days);
/* Cleanup backup mode file list */
if (files_database)
parray_walk(files_database, pgFileFree);
if (files_arclog)
parray_walk(files_arclog, pgFileFree);
if (files_srvlog)
parray_walk(files_srvlog, pgFileFree);
* If this backup is full backup, delete backup of online WAL.
* Note that sereverlog files which were backed up during first restoration
* don't be delete.
* Also delete symbolic link in the archive directory.
if (current.backup_mode == BACKUP_MODE_FULL)
/* release catalog lock */
return 0;
* get server version and confirm block sizes.
bool my_conn;
/* Leave if server has already been checked */
if (server_version > 0)
my_conn = (connection == NULL);
if (my_conn)
/* confirm server version */
server_version = PQserverVersion(connection);
if (server_version != PG_VERSION_NUM)
_("server version is %d.%d.%d, must be %s or higher."),
server_version / 10000,
(server_version / 100) % 100,
server_version % 100, PG_MAJORVERSION);
/* confirm block_size (BLCKSZ) and wal_block_size (XLOG_BLCKSZ) */
confirm_block_size("block_size", BLCKSZ);
confirm_block_size("wal_block_size", XLOG_BLCKSZ);
if (my_conn)
static void
confirm_block_size(const char *name, int blcksz)
PGresult *res;
char *endp;
int block_size;
res = execute("SELECT current_setting($1)", 1, &name);
if (PQntuples(res) != 1 || PQnfields(res) != 1)
elog(ERROR_PG_COMMAND, _("can't get %s: %s"),
name, PQerrorMessage(connection));
block_size = strtol(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), &endp, 10);
if ((endp && *endp) || block_size != blcksz)
_("%s(%d) is not compatible(%d expected)"),
name, block_size, blcksz);
* Notify start of backup to PostgreSQL server.
static void
pg_start_backup(const char *label, bool smooth, pgBackup *backup)
PGresult *res;
const char *params[2];
params[0] = label;
/* 2nd argument is 'fast'*/
params[1] = smooth ? "false" : "true";
res = execute("SELECT pg_start_backup($1, $2)", 2, params);
if (backup != NULL)
get_lsn(res, &backup->start_lsn);
static void
wait_for_archive(pgBackup *backup, const char *sql)
PGresult *res;
char ready_path[MAXPGPATH];
char file_name[MAXFNAMELEN];
int try_count;
XLogRecPtr lsn;
TimeLineID tli;
res = execute(sql, 0, NULL);
/* Get LSN from execution result */
get_lsn(res, &lsn);
* Enforce TLI obtention if backup is not present as this code
* path can be taken as a callback at exit.
tli = get_current_timeline();
/* Fill in fields if backup exists */
if (backup != NULL)
backup->tli = tli;
backup->stop_lsn = lsn;
elog(LOG, _("%s(): tli=%X lsn=%X/%08X"),
__FUNCTION__, backup->tli,
(uint32) (backup->stop_lsn >> 32),
(uint32) backup->stop_lsn);
/* As well as WAL file name */
xlog_fname(file_name, tli, lsn);
snprintf(ready_path, lengthof(ready_path),
"%s/pg_xlog/archive_status/%s.ready", pgdata,
elog(LOG, "%s() wait for %s", __FUNCTION__, ready_path);
res = execute(TXID_CURRENT_SQL, 0, NULL);
if(backup != NULL){
get_xid(res, &backup->recovery_xid);
backup->recovery_time = time(NULL);
/* wait until switched WAL is archived */
try_count = 0;
while (fileExists(ready_path))
if (interrupted)
_("interrupted during waiting for WAL archiving"));
if (try_count > TIMEOUT_ARCHIVE)
_("switched WAL could not be archived in %d seconds"),
elog(LOG, "%s() .ready deleted in %d try", __FUNCTION__, try_count);
* Notify end of backup to PostgreSQL server.
static void
pg_stop_backup(pgBackup *backup)
"SELECT * FROM pg_stop_backup()");
* Force switch to a new transaction log file
static void
pg_switch_xlog(pgBackup *backup)
"SELECT * FROM pg_switch_xlog()");
* Check if node is a standby by looking at the presence of
* recovery.conf.
static bool
char path[MAXPGPATH];
snprintf(path, lengthof(path), "%s/recovery.conf", pgdata);
return fileExists(path);
* Get LSN from result of pg_start_backup() or pg_stop_backup().
static void
get_lsn(PGresult *res, XLogRecPtr *lsn)
uint32 xlogid;
uint32 xrecoff;
if (res == NULL || PQntuples(res) != 1 || PQnfields(res) != 1)
_("result of backup command is invalid: %s"),
* Extract timeline and LSN from results of pg_stop_backup()
* and friends.
XLogDataFromLSN(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), &xlogid, &xrecoff);
/* Calculate LSN */
*lsn = (XLogRecPtr) ((uint64) xlogid << 32) | xrecoff;
* Get XID from result of txid_current() after pg_stop_backup().
static void
get_xid(PGresult *res, uint32 *xid)
if(res == NULL || PQntuples(res) != 1 || PQnfields(res) != 1)
_("result of txid_current() is invalid: %s"),
if(sscanf(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), "%u", xid) != 1)
_("result of txid_current() is invalid: %s"),
elog(LOG, "%s():%s", __FUNCTION__, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
* Return true if the path is a existing regular file.
fileExists(const char *path)
struct stat buf;
if (stat(path, &buf) == -1 && errno == ENOENT)
return false;
else if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return false;
return true;
* Return true if the path is a existing directory.
static bool
dirExists(const char *path)
struct stat buf;
if (stat(path, &buf) == -1 && errno == ENOENT)
return false;
else if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
return false;
return true;
* Notify end of backup to server when "backup_label" is in the root directory
* of the DB cluster.
* Also update backup status to ERROR when the backup is not finished.
static void
backup_cleanup(bool fatal, void *userdata)
char path[MAXPGPATH];
if (!in_backup)
/* If backup_label exist in $PGDATA, notify stop of backup to PostgreSQL */
snprintf(path, lengthof(path), "%s/backup_label", pgdata);
if (fileExists(path))
if (verbose)
printf(_("backup_label exists, stop backup\n"));
pg_stop_backup(NULL); /* don't care stop_lsn on error case */
* Update status of backup.ini to ERROR.
* end_time != 0 means backup finished
if (current.status == BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING && current.end_time == 0)
if (verbose)
printf(_("backup is running, update its status to ERROR\n"));
current.end_time = time(NULL);
current.status = BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR;
/* take incremental backup. */
static void
backup_files(const char *from_root,
const char *to_root,
parray *files,
parray *prev_files,
const XLogRecPtr *lsn,
bool compress,
const char *prefix)
int i;
struct timeval tv;
/* sort pathname ascending */
parray_qsort(files, pgFileComparePath);
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
/* backup a file or create a directory */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
int ret;
struct stat buf;
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
/* If current time is rewinded, abort this backup. */
if(tv.tv_sec < file->mtime){
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("current time may be rewound. Please retry with full backup mode."));
/* check for interrupt */
if (interrupted)
elog(ERROR_INTERRUPTED, _("interrupted during backup"));
/* print progress in verbose mode */
if (verbose)
if (prefix)
char path[MAXPGPATH];
join_path_components(path, prefix, file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
printf(_("(%d/%lu) %s "), i + 1, (unsigned long) parray_num(files), path);
printf(_("(%d/%lu) %s "), i + 1, (unsigned long) parray_num(files),
file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
/* stat file to get file type, size and modify timestamp */
ret = stat(file->path, &buf);
if (ret == -1)
if (errno == ENOENT)
/* record as skipped file in file_xxx.txt */
file->write_size = BYTES_INVALID;
if (verbose)
if (verbose)
_("can't stat backup mode. \"%s\": %s"),
file->path, strerror(errno));
/* if the entry was a directory, create it in the backup */
if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode))
char dirpath[MAXPGPATH];
join_path_components(dirpath, to_root, JoinPathEnd(file->path, from_root));
if (!check){
dir_create_dir(dirpath, DIR_PERMISSION);
if (verbose)
else if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
/* skip files which have not been modified since last backup */
if (prev_files)
pgFile *prev_file = NULL;
* If prefix is not NULL, the table space is backup from the snapshot.
* Therefore, adjust file name to correspond to the file list.
if (prefix)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < parray_num(prev_files); j++)
pgFile *p = (pgFile *) parray_get(prev_files, j);
char *prev_path;
char curr_path[MAXPGPATH];
prev_path = p->path + strlen(from_root) + 1;
join_path_components(curr_path, prefix, file->path + strlen(from_root) + 1);
if (strcmp(curr_path, prev_path) == 0)
prev_file = p;
pgFile **p = (pgFile **) parray_bsearch(prev_files, file, pgFileComparePath);
if (p)
prev_file = *p;
if (prev_file && prev_file->mtime == file->mtime)
/* record as skipped file in file_xxx.txt */
file->write_size = BYTES_INVALID;
if (verbose)
* We will wait until the next second of mtime so that backup
* file should contain all modifications at the clock of mtime.
* timer resolution of ext3 file system is one second.
if (tv.tv_sec == file->mtime)
/* update time and recheck */
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
while (tv.tv_sec <= file->mtime)
usleep(1000000 - tv.tv_usec);
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
/* copy the file into backup */
if (!(file->is_datafile
? backup_data_file(from_root, to_root, file, lsn, compress)
: copy_file(from_root, to_root, file,
/* record as skipped file in file_xxx.txt */
file->write_size = BYTES_INVALID;
if (verbose)
if (verbose)
/* print compression rate */
if (file->write_size != file->size)
printf(_("compressed %lu (%.2f%% of %lu)\n"),
(unsigned long) file->write_size,
100.0 * file->write_size / file->size,
(unsigned long) file->size);
printf(_("copied %lu\n"), (unsigned long) file->write_size);
if (verbose)
printf(_(" unexpected file type %d\n"), buf.st_mode);
* Delete files modified before than KEEP_xxx_DAYS or more than KEEP_xxx_FILES
* of newer files exist.
static void
delete_old_files(const char *root,
parray *files,
int keep_files,
int keep_days,
bool is_arclog)
int i;
int j;
int file_num = 0;
time_t days_threshold = current.start_time - (keep_days * 60 * 60 * 24);
if (verbose)
char files_str[100];
char days_str[100];
if (keep_files == KEEP_INFINITE)
strncpy(files_str, "INFINITE", lengthof(files_str));
snprintf(files_str, lengthof(files_str), "%d", keep_files);
if (keep_days == KEEP_INFINITE)
strncpy(days_str, "INFINITE", lengthof(days_str));
snprintf(days_str, lengthof(days_str), "%d", keep_days);
printf(_("delete old files from \"%s\" (files=%s, days=%s)\n"),
root, files_str, days_str);
/* Leave if both settings are set to infinite, there is nothing to do */
if (keep_files == KEEP_INFINITE && keep_days == KEEP_INFINITE)
elog(LOG, "%s() infinite", __FUNCTION__);
parray_qsort(files, pgFileCompareMtime);
for (i = parray_num(files) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
elog(LOG, "%s() %s", __FUNCTION__, file->path);
/* Delete completed WALs only. */
if (is_arclog && !xlog_is_complete_wal(file))
elog(LOG, "%s() not complete WAL", __FUNCTION__);
* If the mtime of the file is older than the threshold and there are
* enough number of files newer than the files, delete the file.
if (file->mtime >= days_threshold)
elog(LOG, "%s() %lu is not older than %lu", __FUNCTION__,
file->mtime, days_threshold);
else if (file_num <= keep_files)
elog(LOG, "%s() newer files are only %d", __FUNCTION__, file_num);
/* Now we found a file should be deleted. */
if (verbose)
printf(_("delete \"%s\"\n"), file->path + strlen(root) + 1);
/* delete corresponding backup history file if exists */
file = (pgFile *) parray_remove(files, i);
for (j = parray_num(files) - 1; j >= 0; j--)
pgFile *file2 = (pgFile *)parray_get(files, j);
if (strstr(file2->path, file->path) == file2->path)
file2 = (pgFile *)parray_remove(files, j);
if (verbose)
printf(_("delete \"%s\"\n"),
file2->path + strlen(root) + 1);
if (!check)
if (!check)
static void
int i;
parray *files = parray_new();
char work_path[MAXPGPATH];
if (verbose)
printf(_("delete online WAL backup\n"));
snprintf(work_path, lengthof(work_path), "%s/%s/%s", backup_path,
/* don't delete root dir */
dir_list_file(files, work_path, NULL, true, false);
if (parray_num(files) == 0)
parray_qsort(files, pgFileComparePathDesc); /* delete from leaf */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
if (verbose)
printf(_("delete \"%s\"\n"), file->path);
if (!check)
parray_walk(files, pgFileFree);
* Remove symbolic links point archived WAL in backup catalog.
static void
int i;
parray *files = parray_new();
if (verbose)
printf(_("delete symbolic link in archive directory\n"));
dir_list_file(files, arclog_path, NULL, false, false);
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(files); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(files, i);
if (!S_ISLNK(file->mode))
if (verbose)
printf(_("delete \"%s\"\n"), file->path);
if (!check && remove(file->path) == -1)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't remove link \"%s\": %s"), file->path,
parray_walk(files, pgFileFree);
* Append files to the backup list array.
static void
add_files(parray *files, const char *root, bool add_root, bool is_pgdata)
parray *list_file;
int i;
list_file = parray_new();
/* list files with the logical path. omit $PGDATA */
dir_list_file(list_file, root, pgdata_exclude, true, add_root);
/* mark files that are possible datafile as 'datafile' */
for (i = 0; i < parray_num(list_file); i++)
pgFile *file = (pgFile *) parray_get(list_file, i);
char *relative;
char *fname;
/* data file must be a regular file */
if (!S_ISREG(file->mode))
/* data files are under "base", "global", or "pg_tblspc" */
relative = file->path + strlen(root) + 1;
if (is_pgdata &&
!path_is_prefix_of_path("base", relative) &&
!path_is_prefix_of_path("global", relative) &&
!path_is_prefix_of_path("pg_tblspc", relative))
/* name of data file start with digit */
fname = last_dir_separator(relative);
if (fname == NULL)
fname = relative;
if (!isdigit(fname[0]))
file->is_datafile = true;
parray_concat(files, list_file);
* Comparison function for parray_bsearch() compare the character string.
static int
strCompare(const void *str1, const void *str2)
return strcmp(*(char **) str1, *(char **) str2);
* Output the list of backup files to backup catalog
static void
create_file_list(parray *files, const char *root, const char *prefix, bool is_append)
FILE *fp;
char path[MAXPGPATH];
if (!check)
/* output path is '$BACKUP_PATH/file_database.txt' */
pgBackupGetPath(&current, path, lengthof(path), DATABASE_FILE_LIST);
fp = fopen(path, is_append ? "at" : "wt");
if (fp == NULL)
elog(ERROR_SYSTEM, _("can't open file list \"%s\": %s"), path,
dir_print_file_list(fp, files, root, prefix);
* Scan control file of given cluster at obtain the current timeline
* since last checkpoint that occurred on it.
static TimeLineID
char *buffer;
size_t size;
ControlFileData control_file;
/* First fetch file... */
buffer = slurpFile(pgdata, "global/pg_control", &size);
/* .. Then interpret it */
if (size != PG_CONTROL_SIZE)
elog(ERROR_CORRUPTED, "unexpected control file size %d, expected %d\n",
(int) size, PG_CONTROL_SIZE);
memcpy(&control_file, buffer, sizeof(ControlFileData));
/* Finally return the timeline wanted */
return control_file.checkPointCopy.ThisTimeLineID;