mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 14:01:57 +02:00
It was unclear what was being errored out at the beginning of the process. But it happens that it is just necessary to check if the backup running is only an archive or not, then return a NULL file list before continuing process. This should be part of some safety checks though.
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332 lines
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* pg_rman.h: Backup/Recovery manager for PostgreSQL.
#ifndef PG_RMAN_H
#define PG_RMAN_H
#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "pgut/pgut.h"
#include "access/xlogdefs.h"
#include "access/xlog_internal.h"
#include "utils/pg_crc.h"
#include "parray.h"
/* Query to fetch current transaction ID */
#define TXID_CURRENT_SQL "SELECT txid_current();"
/* Directory/File names */
#define DATABASE_DIR "database"
#define ARCLOG_DIR "arclog"
#define SRVLOG_DIR "srvlog"
#define RESTORE_WORK_DIR "backup"
#define PG_XLOG_DIR "pg_xlog"
#define PG_TBLSPC_DIR "pg_tblspc"
#define TIMELINE_HISTORY_DIR "timeline_history"
#define BACKUP_INI_FILE "backup.ini"
#define PG_RMAN_INI_FILE "pg_rman.ini"
#define MKDIRS_SH_FILE "mkdirs.sh"
#define DATABASE_FILE_LIST "file_database.txt"
#define ARCLOG_FILE_LIST "file_arclog.txt"
#define SRVLOG_FILE_LIST "file_srvlog.txt"
#define SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_FILE "snapshot_script"
#define PG_BACKUP_LABEL_FILE "backup_label"
#define PG_BLACK_LIST "black_list"
/* Snapshot script command */
#define SNAPSHOT_FREEZE "freeze"
#define SNAPSHOT_UNFREEZE "unfreeze"
#define SNAPSHOT_SPLIT "split"
#define SNAPSHOT_RESYNC "resync"
#define SNAPSHOT_MOUNT "mount"
#define SNAPSHOT_UMOUNT "umount"
/* Direcotry/File permission */
#define DIR_PERMISSION (0700)
#define FILE_PERMISSION (0600)
/* Exit code */
#define ERROR_ARCHIVE_FAILED 20 /* cannot archive xlog file */
#define ERROR_NO_BACKUP 21 /* backup was not found in the catalog */
#define ERROR_CORRUPTED 22 /* backup catalog is corrupted */
#define ERROR_ALREADY_RUNNING 23 /* another pg_rman is running */
#define ERROR_PG_INCOMPATIBLE 24 /* block size is not compatible */
#define ERROR_PG_RUNNING 25 /* PostgreSQL server is running */
#define ERROR_PID_BROKEN 26 /* postmaster.pid file is broken */
/* backup mode file */
typedef struct pgFile
time_t mtime; /* time of last modification */
mode_t mode; /* protection (file type and permission) */
size_t size; /* size of the file */
size_t read_size; /* size of the portion read (if only some pages are
backed up partially, it's different from size) */
size_t write_size; /* size of the backed-up file. BYTES_INVALID means
that the file existed but was not backed up
because not modified since last backup. */
pg_crc32 crc; /* CRC value of the file, regular file only */
char *linked; /* path of the linked file */
bool is_datafile; /* true if the file is PostgreSQL data file */
char path[1]; /* path of the file */
} pgFile;
typedef struct pgBackupRange
time_t begin;
time_t end; /* begin +1 when one backup is target */
} pgBackupRange;
#define pgBackupRangeIsValid(range) \
(((range)->begin != (time_t) 0) || ((range)->end != (time_t) 0))
#define pgBackupRangeIsSingle(range) \
(pgBackupRangeIsValid(range) && (range)->begin == ((range)->end))
#define IsValidTime(tm) \
((tm.tm_sec >= 0 && tm.tm_sec <= 60) && /* range check for tm_sec (0-60) */ \
(tm.tm_min >= 0 && tm.tm_min <= 59) && /* range check for tm_min (0-59) */ \
(tm.tm_hour >= 0 && tm.tm_hour <= 23) && /* range check for tm_hour(0-23) */ \
(tm.tm_mday >= 1 && tm.tm_mday <= 31) && /* range check for tm_mday(1-31) */ \
(tm.tm_mon >= 0 && tm.tm_mon <= 11) && /* range check for tm_mon (0-23) */ \
(tm.tm_year + 1900 >= 1900)) /* range check for tm_year(70-) */
/* Backup status */
/* XXX re-order ? */
typedef enum BackupStatus
BACKUP_STATUS_INVALID, /* the pgBackup is invalid */
BACKUP_STATUS_OK, /* completed backup */
BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING, /* running backup */
BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, /* aborted because of unexpected error */
BACKUP_STATUS_DELETING, /* data files are being deleted */
BACKUP_STATUS_DELETED, /* data files have been deleted */
BACKUP_STATUS_DONE, /* completed but not validated yet */
BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT /* files are corrupted, not available */
} BackupStatus;
typedef enum BackupMode
BACKUP_MODE_ARCHIVE, /* archive only */
BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL, /* incremental backup */
BACKUP_MODE_FULL /* full backup */
} BackupMode;
* pg_rman takes backup into the directroy $BACKUP_PATH/<date>/<time>.
* status == -1 indicates the pgBackup is invalid.
typedef struct pgBackup
/* Backup Level */
BackupMode backup_mode;
bool with_serverlog;
bool compress_data;
/* Status - one of BACKUP_STATUS_xxx */
BackupStatus status;
/* Timestamp, etc. */
TimeLineID tli;
XLogRecPtr start_lsn;
XLogRecPtr stop_lsn;
time_t start_time;
time_t end_time;
time_t recovery_time;
uint32 recovery_xid;
/* Size (-1 means nothing was backed up) */
int64 total_data_bytes;
int64 read_data_bytes;
int64 read_arclog_bytes;
int64 read_srvlog_bytes;
int64 write_bytes;
/* data/wal block size for compatibility check */
uint32 block_size;
uint32 wal_block_size;
/* if backup from standby or not */
bool is_from_standby;
} pgBackup;
typedef struct pgBackupOption
bool smooth_checkpoint;
int keep_arclog_files;
int keep_arclog_days;
int keep_srvlog_files;
int keep_srvlog_days;
int keep_data_generations;
int keep_data_days;
} pgBackupOption;
/* special values of pgBackup */
#define BYTES_INVALID (-1)
#define HAVE_DATABASE(backup) ((backup)->backup_mode >= BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL)
#define HAVE_ARCLOG(backup) ((backup)->backup_mode >= BACKUP_MODE_ARCHIVE)
#define TOTAL_READ_SIZE(backup) \
((HAVE_DATABASE((backup)) ? (backup)->read_data_bytes : 0) + \
(HAVE_ARCLOG((backup)) ? (backup)->read_arclog_bytes : 0) + \
((backup)->with_serverlog ? (backup)->read_srvlog_bytes : 0))
typedef struct pgTimeLine
TimeLineID tli;
XLogRecPtr end;
} pgTimeLine;
typedef struct pgRecoveryTarget
bool time_specified;
time_t recovery_target_time;
bool xid_specified;
unsigned int recovery_target_xid;
bool recovery_target_inclusive;
} pgRecoveryTarget;
typedef enum CompressionMode
} CompressionMode;
* return pointer that exceeds the length of prefix from character string.
* ex. str="/xxx/yyy/zzz", prefix="/xxx/yyy", return="zzz".
#define JoinPathEnd(str, prefix) \
((strlen(str) <= strlen(prefix)) ? "" : str + strlen(prefix) + 1)
* Return timeline, xlog ID and record offset from an LSN of the type
* 0/B000188, usual result from pg_stop_backup() and friends.
#define XLogDataFromLSN(data, xlogid, xrecoff) \
sscanf(data, "%X/%X", xlogid, xrecoff)
/* path configuration */
extern char *backup_path;
extern char *pgdata;
extern char *arclog_path;
extern char *srvlog_path;
/* common configuration */
extern bool verbose;
extern bool check;
/* current settings */
extern pgBackup current;
/* exclude directory list for $PGDATA file listing */
extern const char *pgdata_exclude[];
/* in backup.c */
extern int do_backup(pgBackupOption bkupopt);
extern BackupMode parse_backup_mode(const char *value, int elevel);
extern void check_server_version(void);
extern bool fileExists(const char *path);
/* in restore.c */
extern int do_restore(const char *target_time,
const char *target_xid,
const char *target_inclusive,
TimeLineID target_tli,
bool is_hard_copy);
/* in init.c */
extern int do_init(void);
/* in show.c */
extern int do_show(pgBackupRange *range, bool show_all);
/* in delete.c */
extern int do_delete(pgBackupRange *range, bool force);
extern void pgBackupDelete(int keep_generations, int keep_days);
/* in fetch.c */
extern char *slurpFile(const char *datadir,
const char *path,
size_t *filesize);
/* in validate.c */
extern int do_validate(pgBackupRange *range);
extern void pgBackupValidate(pgBackup *backup, bool size_only, bool for_get_timeline, bool with_database);
/* in catalog.c */
extern pgBackup *catalog_get_backup(time_t timestamp);
extern parray *catalog_get_backup_list(const pgBackupRange *range);
extern pgBackup *catalog_get_last_data_backup(parray *backup_list);
extern pgBackup *catalog_get_last_arclog_backup(parray *backup_list);
extern pgBackup *catalog_get_last_srvlog_backup(parray *backup_list);
extern int catalog_lock(void);
extern void catalog_unlock(void);
extern void catalog_init_config(pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupWriteConfigSection(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupWriteResultSection(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupWriteIni(pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupGetPath(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len, const char *subdir);
extern int pgBackupCreateDir(pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupFree(void *backup);
extern int pgBackupCompareId(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgBackupCompareIdDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
/* in dir.c */
extern void dir_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, const char *exclude[], bool omit_symlink, bool add_root);
extern void dir_list_file_internal(parray *files, const char *root, const char *exclude[],
bool omit_symlink, bool add_root, parray *black_list);
extern void dir_print_mkdirs_sh(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root);
extern void dir_print_file_list(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root, const char *prefix);
extern parray *dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt);
extern int dir_create_dir(const char *path, mode_t mode);
extern void dir_copy_files(const char *from_root, const char *to_root);
extern void pgFileDelete(pgFile *file);
extern void pgFileFree(void *file);
extern pg_crc32 pgFileGetCRC(pgFile *file);
extern int pgFileComparePath(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileComparePathDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileCompareMtime(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileCompareMtimeDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
/* in xlog.c */
extern bool xlog_is_complete_wal(const pgFile *file);
extern void xlog_fname(char *fname, size_t len, TimeLineID tli, XLogRecPtr *lsn);
/* in data.c */
extern bool backup_data_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
pgFile *file, const XLogRecPtr *lsn, bool compress);
extern void restore_data_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
pgFile *file, bool compress);
extern bool copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
pgFile *file, CompressionMode compress);
/* in util.c */
extern void time2iso(char *buf, size_t len, time_t time);
extern const char *status2str(BackupStatus status);
extern void remove_trailing_space(char *buf, int comment_mark);
extern void remove_not_digit(char *buf, size_t len, const char *str);
/* in pgsql_src/pg_ctl.c */
extern bool is_pg_running(void);
#endif /* PG_RMAN_H */