mirror of
synced 2025-01-26 11:54:25 +02:00
538 lines
19 KiB
538 lines
19 KiB
# you need os for unittest to work
import os
from sys import exit
import subprocess
import shutil
import six
from testgres import get_new_node
import hashlib
import re
idx_ptrack = {
't_heap': {
'type': 'heap'
't_btree': {
'type': 'btree',
'column': 'text',
'relation': 't_heap'
't_spgist': {
'type': 'spgist',
'column': 'text',
'relation': 't_heap'
't_brin': {
'type': 'brin',
'column': 'text',
'relation': 't_heap'
't_gist': {
'type': 'gist',
'column': 'tsvector',
'relation': 't_heap'
't_gin': {
'type': 'gin',
'column': 'tsvector',
'relation': 't_heap'
warning = """
Wrong splint in show_pb
Original Header:
Original Body:
Splitted Header
Splitted Body
# You can lookup error message and cmdline in exception object attributes
class ProbackupException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, cmd):
# print message
# self.message = repr(message).strip("'")
self.message = message
self.cmd = cmd
#need that to make second raise
def __str__(self):
return '\n ERROR: {0}\n CMD: {1}'.format(repr(self.message), self.cmd)
def dir_files(base_dir):
out_list = []
for dir_name, subdir_list, file_list in os.walk(base_dir):
if dir_name != base_dir:
out_list.append(os.path.relpath(dir_name, base_dir))
for fname in file_list:
out_list.append(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dir_name, fname), base_dir))
return out_list
class ShowBackup(object):
def __init__(self, line):
self.counter = 0
print split_line
self.id = self.get_inc(split_line)
# TODO: parse to datetime
if len(split_line) == 12:
self.recovery_time = "%s %s" % (self.get_inc(split_line), self.get_inc(split_line))
# if recovery time is '----'
self.recovery_time = self.get_inc(split_line)
self.mode = self.get_inc(split_line)
# print self.mode
self.wal = self.get_inc(split_line)
self.cur_tli = self.get_inc(split_line)
# slash
self.counter += 1
self.parent_tli = self.get_inc(split_line)
# TODO: parse to interval
self.time = self.get_inc(split_line)
# TODO: maybe rename to size?
self.data = self.get_inc(split_line)
self.start_lsn = self.get_inc(split_line)
self.stop_lsn = self.get_inc(split_line)
self.status = self.get_inc(split_line)
def get_inc(self, split_line):
# self.counter += 1
# return split_line[self.counter - 1]
return split_line
class ProbackupTest(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ProbackupTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.test_env = os.environ.copy()
envs_list = [
for e in envs_list:
del self.test_env[e]
self.test_env["LC_MESSAGES"] = "C"
self.test_env["LC_TIME"] = "C"
self.helpers_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
self.dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.helpers_path, os.pardir))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.dir_path, "tmp_dirs"))
self.probackup_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
def arcwal_dir(self, node):
return "%s/backup/wal" % node.base_dir
def backup_dir(self, node):
return os.path.abspath("%s/backup" % node.base_dir)
def make_simple_node(self, base_dir=None, set_replication=False,
set_archiving=False, initdb_params=[], pg_options={}):
real_base_dir = os.path.join(self.dir_path, base_dir)
shutil.rmtree(real_base_dir, ignore_errors=True)
node = get_new_node('test', base_dir=real_base_dir)
# Sane default parameters, not a shit with fsync = off from testgres
node.append_conf("postgresql.auto.conf", "{0} = {1}".format('shared_buffers', '10MB'))
node.append_conf("postgresql.auto.conf", "{0} = {1}".format('fsync', 'on'))
node.append_conf("postgresql.auto.conf", "{0} = {1}".format('wal_level', 'minimal'))
# Apply given parameters
for key, value in six.iteritems(pg_options):
node.append_conf("postgresql.auto.conf", "%s = %s" % (key, value))
# Allow replication in pg_hba.conf
if set_replication:
# Setup archiving for node
if set_archiving:
self.set_archiving_conf(node, self.arcwal_dir(node))
return node
def create_tblspace_in_node(self, node, tblspc_name, cfs=False):
res = node.execute(
"postgres", "select exists (select 1 from pg_tablespace where spcname = '{0}')".format(
# Check that tablespace with name 'tblspc_name' do not exists already
self.assertEqual(res[0][0], False, 'Tablespace "{0}" already exists'.format(tblspc_name))
tblspc_path = os.path.join(node.base_dir, '{0}'.format(tblspc_name))
cmd = "CREATE TABLESPACE {0} LOCATION '{1}'".format(tblspc_name, tblspc_path)
if cfs:
cmd += " with (compression=true)"
res = node.psql("postgres", cmd)
# Check that tablespace was successfully created
self.assertEqual(res[0], 0, 'Failed to create tablespace with cmd: {0}'.format(cmd))
def get_fork_size(self, node, fork_name):
return node.execute("postgres",
"select pg_relation_size('{0}')/8192".format(fork_name))[0][0]
def get_fork_path(self, node, fork_name):
return os.path.join(node.base_dir, 'data',
node.execute("postgres", "select pg_relation_filepath('{0}')".format(fork_name))[0][0])
def get_md5_per_page_for_fork(self, file, size):
file = os.open(file, os.O_RDONLY)
offset = 0
md5_per_page = {}
for page in range(size):
md5_per_page[page] = hashlib.md5(os.read(file, 8192)).hexdigest()
offset += 8192
os.lseek(file, offset, 0)
return md5_per_page
def get_ptrack_bits_per_page_for_fork(self, node, file, size):
if self.get_pgpro_edition(node) == 'enterprise':
header_size = 48
header_size = 24
ptrack_bits_for_fork = []
byte_size = os.path.getsize(file + '_ptrack')
byte_size_minus_header = byte_size - header_size
file = os.open(file + '_ptrack', os.O_RDONLY)
os.lseek(file, header_size, 0)
lot_of_bytes = os.read(file, byte_size_minus_header)
for byte in lot_of_bytes:
byte_inverted = bin(ord(byte))[2:].rjust(8, '0')[::-1]
# byte_to_bits = (byte >> x) & 1 for x in range(7, -1, -1)
for bit in byte_inverted:
if len(ptrack_bits_for_fork) < size:
return ptrack_bits_for_fork
def check_ptrack_sanity(self, idx_dict):
success = True
if idx_dict['new_size'] > idx_dict['old_size']:
size = idx_dict['new_size']
size = idx_dict['old_size']
for PageNum in range(size):
if PageNum not in idx_dict['old_pages']:
# Page was not present before, meaning that relation got bigger
# Ptrack should be equal to 1
if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1:
print 'Page Number {0} of type {1} was added, but ptrack value is {2}. THIS IS BAD'.format(
PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum])
print idx_dict
success = False
if PageNum not in idx_dict['new_pages']:
# Page is not present now, meaning that relation got smaller
# Ptrack should be equal to 0, We are not freaking out about false positive stuff
#if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 0:
# print 'Page Number {0} of type {1} was deleted, but ptrack value is {2}'.format(
# PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum])
# Ok, all pages in new_pages that do not have corresponding page in old_pages
# are been dealt with. We can now safely proceed to comparing old and new pages
if idx_dict['new_pages'][PageNum] != idx_dict['old_pages'][PageNum]:
# Page has been changed, meaning that ptrack should be equal to 1
if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1:
print 'Page Number {0} of type {1} was changed, but ptrack value is {2}. THIS IS BAD'.format(
PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum])
print idx_dict
if PageNum == 0 and idx_dict['type'] == 'spgist':
print 'SPGIST is a special snowflake, so don`t fret about losing ptrack for blknum 0'
success = False
# Page has not been changed, meaning that ptrack should be equal to 0
if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 0:
print 'Page Number {0} of type {1} was not changed, but ptrack value is {2}'.format(
PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum])
print idx_dict
self.assertEqual(success, True)
def check_ptrack_recovery(self, idx_dict):
success = True
size = idx_dict['size']
for PageNum in range(size):
if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 1:
print 'Recovery for Page Number {0} of Type {1} was conducted, but ptrack value is {2}. THIS IS BAD'.format(
PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum])
print idx_dict
success = False
self.assertEqual(success, True)
def check_ptrack_clean(self, idx_dict, size):
success = True
for PageNum in range(size):
if idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum] != 0:
print 'Ptrack for Page Number {0} of Type {1} should be clean, but ptrack value is {2}. THIS IS BAD'.format(
PageNum, idx_dict['type'], idx_dict['ptrack'][PageNum])
print idx_dict
success = False
self.assertEqual(success, True)
def run_pb(self, command, async=False):
self.cmd = [' '.join(map(str,[self.probackup_path] + command))]
if async is True:
return subprocess.Popen(
[self.probackup_path] + command,
self.output = subprocess.check_output(
[self.probackup_path] + command,
if command[0] == 'backup':
# return backup ID
for line in self.output.splitlines():
if 'INFO: Backup' and 'completed' in line:
return line.split()[2]
# backup_id = line.split()[2]
# return {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output, 'backup_id': backup_id}
return self.output
# return {'cmd': cmd, 'output': output}
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise ProbackupException(e.output, e.cmd)
def init_pb(self, node):
return self.run_pb([
"-B", self.backup_dir(node),
"-D", node.data_dir
def clean_pb(self, node):
shutil.rmtree(self.backup_dir(node), ignore_errors=True)
def backup_pb(self, node=None, data_dir=None, backup_dir=None, backup_type="full", options=[], async=False):
if data_dir is None:
data_dir = node.data_dir
if backup_dir is None:
backup_dir = self.backup_dir(node)
cmd_list = [
"-B", backup_dir,
"-D", data_dir,
"-p", "%i" % node.port,
"-d", "postgres"
if backup_type:
cmd_list += ["-b", backup_type]
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options, async)
def restore_pb(self, node=None, backup_dir=None, data_dir=None, id=None, options=[]):
if data_dir is None:
data_dir = node.data_dir
if backup_dir is None:
backup_dir = self.backup_dir(node)
cmd_list = [
"-B", backup_dir,
"-D", data_dir
if id:
cmd_list += ["-i", id]
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options)
def show_pb(self, node, id=None, options=[], as_text=False):
backup_list = []
specific_record = {}
cmd_list = [
"-B", self.backup_dir(node),
if id:
cmd_list += ["-i", id]
if as_text:
# You should print it when calling as_text=true
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options)
# get show result as list of lines
show_splitted = self.run_pb(cmd_list + options).splitlines()
if id is None:
# cut header(ID, Mode, etc) from show as single string
header = show_splitted[1:2][0]
# cut backup records from show as single list with string for every backup record
body = show_splitted[3:]
# inverse list so oldest record come first
body = body[::-1]
# split string in list with string for every header element
header_split = re.split(" +", header)
# Remove empty items
for i in header_split:
if i == '':
for backup_record in body:
# split string in list with string for every backup record element
backup_record_split = re.split(" +", backup_record)
# Remove empty items
for i in backup_record_split:
if i == '':
if len(header_split) != len(backup_record_split):
print warning.format(
header=header, body=body,
header_split=header_split, body_split=backup_record_split)
new_dict = dict(zip(header_split, backup_record_split))
return backup_list
# cut out empty lines and lines started with #
# and other garbage then reconstruct it as dictionary
# print show_splitted
sanitized_show = [item for item in show_splitted if item]
sanitized_show = [item for item in sanitized_show if not item.startswith('#')]
# print sanitized_show
for line in sanitized_show:
name, var = line.partition(" = ")[::2]
var = var.strip('"')
var = var.strip("'")
specific_record[name.strip()] = var
return specific_record
def validate_pb(self, node, id=None, options=[]):
cmd_list = [
"-B", self.backup_dir(node),
if id:
cmd_list += ["-i", id]
# print(cmd_list)
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options)
def delete_pb(self, node, id=None, options=[]):
cmd_list = [
"-B", self.backup_dir(node),
if id:
cmd_list += ["-i", id]
# print(cmd_list)
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options)
def delete_expired(self, node, options=[]):
cmd_list = [
"delete", "--expired",
"-B", self.backup_dir(node),
return self.run_pb(cmd_list + options)
def show_config(self, node):
out_dict = {}
cmd_list = [
"-B", self.backup_dir(node),
res = self.run_pb(cmd_list).splitlines()
for line in res:
if not line.startswith('#'):
name, var = line.partition(" = ")[::2]
out_dict[name] = var
return out_dict
def get_recovery_conf(self, node):
out_dict = {}
with open(os.path.join(node.data_dir, "recovery.conf"), "r") as recovery_conf:
for line in recovery_conf:
key, value = line.split("=")
out_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip(" '").replace("'\n", "")
return out_dict
def set_archiving_conf(self, node, archive_dir=False, replica=False):
if not archive_dir:
archive_dir = self.arcwal_dir(node)
if replica:
archive_mode = 'always'
node.append_conf('postgresql.auto.conf', 'hot_standby = on')
archive_mode = 'on'
"wal_level = archive"
"archive_mode = {0}".format(archive_mode)
if os.name == 'posix':
"archive_command = 'test ! -f {0}/%f && cp %p {0}/%f'".format(archive_dir)
#elif os.name == 'nt':
# node.append_conf(
# "postgresql.auto.conf",
# "archive_command = 'copy %p {0}\\%f'".format(archive_dir)
# )
def wrong_wal_clean(self, node, wal_size):
wals_dir = os.path.join(self.backup_dir(node), "wal")
wals = [f for f in os.listdir(wals_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wals_dir, f))]
file_path = os.path.join(wals_dir, wals[-1])
if os.path.getsize(file_path) != wal_size:
def guc_wal_segment_size(self, node):
var = node.execute("postgres", "select setting from pg_settings where name = 'wal_segment_size'")
return int(var[0][0]) * self.guc_wal_block_size(node)
def guc_wal_block_size(self, node):
var = node.execute("postgres", "select setting from pg_settings where name = 'wal_block_size'")
return int(var[0][0])
def get_pgpro_edition(self, node):
if node.execute("postgres", "select exists(select 1 from pg_proc where proname = 'pgpro_edition')")[0][0]:
var = node.execute("postgres", "select pgpro_edition()")
return str(var[0][0])
return False