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* pg_probackup.h: Backup/Recovery manager for PostgreSQL.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Postgres Professional
#include "postgres_fe.h"
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include "access/xlog_internal.h"
#include "utils/pg_crc.h"
#include "port/atomics.h"
#define FRONTEND
#include "port/atomics.h"
#include "utils/configuration.h"
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include "utils/parray.h"
#include "utils/pgut.h"
#include "datapagemap.h"
/* Directory/File names */
#define DATABASE_DIR "database"
#define BACKUPS_DIR "backups"
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000
#define PG_XLOG_DIR "pg_wal"
#define PG_LOG_DIR "log"
#define PG_XLOG_DIR "pg_xlog"
#define PG_LOG_DIR "pg_log"
#define PG_TBLSPC_DIR "pg_tblspc"
#define PG_GLOBAL_DIR "global"
#define BACKUP_CONTROL_FILE "backup.control"
#define BACKUP_CATALOG_CONF_FILE "pg_probackup.conf"
#define BACKUP_CATALOG_PID "backup.pid"
#define DATABASE_FILE_LIST "backup_content.control"
#define PG_BACKUP_LABEL_FILE "backup_label"
#define PG_BLACK_LIST "black_list"
#define PG_TABLESPACE_MAP_FILE "tablespace_map"
/* Timeout defaults */
/* Direcotry/File permission */
#define DIR_PERMISSION (0700)
#define FILE_PERMISSION (0600)
/* 64-bit xid support for PGPRO_EE */
#ifndef PGPRO_EE
#define XID_FMT "%u"
/* Check if an XLogRecPtr value is pointed to 0 offset */
#define XRecOffIsNull(xlrp) \
((xlrp) % XLOG_BLCKSZ == 0)
typedef enum CompressAlg
} CompressAlg;
#define INIT_FILE_CRC32(use_crc32c, crc) \
do { \
if (use_crc32c) \
INIT_CRC32C(crc); \
else \
} while (0)
#define COMP_FILE_CRC32(use_crc32c, crc, data, len) \
do { \
if (use_crc32c) \
COMP_CRC32C((crc), (data), (len)); \
else \
COMP_TRADITIONAL_CRC32(crc, data, len); \
} while (0)
#define FIN_FILE_CRC32(use_crc32c, crc) \
do { \
if (use_crc32c) \
FIN_CRC32C(crc); \
else \
} while (0)
/* Information about single file (or dir) in backup */
typedef struct pgFile
char *name; /* file or directory name */
mode_t mode; /* protection (file type and permission) */
size_t size; /* size of the file */
size_t read_size; /* size of the portion read (if only some pages are
backed up, it's different from size) */
int64 write_size; /* size of the backed-up file. BYTES_INVALID means
that the file existed but was not backed up
because not modified since last backup. */
/* we need int64 here to store '-1' value */
pg_crc32 crc; /* CRC value of the file, regular file only */
char *linked; /* path of the linked file */
bool is_datafile; /* true if the file is PostgreSQL data file */
char *path; /* absolute path of the file */
Oid tblspcOid; /* tblspcOid extracted from path, if applicable */
Oid dbOid; /* dbOid extracted from path, if applicable */
Oid relOid; /* relOid extracted from path, if applicable */
char *forkName; /* forkName extracted from path, if applicable */
int segno; /* Segment number for ptrack */
int n_blocks; /* size of the file in blocks, readed during DELTA backup */
bool is_cfs; /* Flag to distinguish files compressed by CFS*/
bool is_database;
bool exists_in_prev; /* Mark files, both data and regular, that exists in previous backup */
CompressAlg compress_alg; /* compression algorithm applied to the file */
volatile pg_atomic_flag lock; /* lock for synchronization of parallel threads */
datapagemap_t pagemap; /* bitmap of pages updated since previous backup */
bool pagemap_isabsent; /* Used to mark files with unknown state of pagemap,
* i.e. datafiles without _ptrack */
} pgFile;
/* Special values of datapagemap_t bitmapsize */
#define PageBitmapIsEmpty 0 /* Used to mark unchanged datafiles */
/* Current state of backup */
typedef enum BackupStatus
BACKUP_STATUS_INVALID, /* the pgBackup is invalid */
BACKUP_STATUS_OK, /* completed backup */
BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, /* aborted because of unexpected error */
BACKUP_STATUS_RUNNING, /* running backup */
BACKUP_STATUS_MERGING, /* merging backups */
BACKUP_STATUS_DELETING, /* data files are being deleted */
BACKUP_STATUS_DELETED, /* data files have been deleted */
BACKUP_STATUS_DONE, /* completed but not validated yet */
BACKUP_STATUS_ORPHAN, /* backup validity is unknown but at least one parent backup is corrupted */
BACKUP_STATUS_CORRUPT /* files are corrupted, not available */
} BackupStatus;
typedef enum BackupMode
BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PAGE, /* incremental page backup */
BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_PTRACK, /* incremental page backup with ptrack system */
BACKUP_MODE_DIFF_DELTA, /* incremental page backup with lsn comparison */
BACKUP_MODE_FULL /* full backup */
} BackupMode;
typedef enum ShowFormat
} ShowFormat;
/* special values of pgBackup fields */
#define INVALID_BACKUP_ID 0 /* backup ID is not provided by user */
#define BYTES_INVALID (-1) /* file didn`t changed since previous backup, DELTA backup do not rely on it */
#define FILE_NOT_FOUND (-2) /* file disappeared during backup */
* An instance configuration. It can be stored in a configuration file or passed
* from command line.
typedef struct InstanceConfig
uint64 system_identifier;
uint32 xlog_seg_size;
char *pgdata;
const char *pgdatabase;
const char *pghost;
const char *pgport;
const char *pguser;
const char *master_host;
const char *master_port;
const char *master_db;
const char *master_user;
uint32 replica_timeout;
/* Wait timeout for WAL segment archiving */
uint32 archive_timeout;
/* Logger parameters */
LoggerConfig logger;
/* Retention options. 0 disables the option. */
uint32 retention_redundancy;
uint32 retention_window;
CompressAlg compress_alg;
int compress_level;
} InstanceConfig;
extern ConfigOption instance_options[];
extern InstanceConfig instance_config;
typedef struct pgBackup pgBackup;
/* Information about single backup stored in backup.conf */
struct pgBackup
BackupMode backup_mode; /* Mode - one of BACKUP_MODE_xxx above*/
time_t backup_id; /* Identifier of the backup.
* Currently it's the same as start_time */
BackupStatus status; /* Status - one of BACKUP_STATUS_xxx above*/
TimeLineID tli; /* timeline of start and stop baskup lsns */
XLogRecPtr start_lsn; /* backup's starting transaction log location */
XLogRecPtr stop_lsn; /* backup's finishing transaction log location */
time_t start_time; /* since this moment backup has status
time_t merge_time; /* the moment when merge was started or 0 */
time_t end_time; /* the moment when backup was finished, or the moment
* when we realized that backup is broken */
time_t recovery_time; /* Earliest moment for which you can restore
* the state of the database cluster using
* this backup */
TransactionId recovery_xid; /* Earliest xid for which you can restore
* the state of the database cluster using
* this backup */
* Amount of raw data. For a full backup, this is the total amount of
* data while for a differential backup this is just the difference
* of data taken.
* BYTES_INVALID means nothing was backed up.
int64 data_bytes;
/* Size of WAL files in archive needed to restore this backup */
int64 wal_bytes;
CompressAlg compress_alg;
int compress_level;
/* Fields needed for compatibility check */
uint32 block_size;
uint32 wal_block_size;
uint32 checksum_version;
char program_version[100];
char server_version[100];
bool stream; /* Was this backup taken in stream mode?
* i.e. does it include all needed WAL files? */
bool from_replica; /* Was this backup taken from replica */
time_t parent_backup; /* Identifier of the previous backup.
* Which is basic backup for this
* incremental backup. */
pgBackup *parent_backup_link;
char *primary_conninfo; /* Connection parameters of the backup
* in the format suitable for recovery.conf */
/* Recovery target for restore and validate subcommands */
typedef struct pgRecoveryTarget
bool time_specified;
time_t recovery_target_time;
/* add one more field in order to avoid deparsing recovery_target_time back */
const char *target_time_string;
bool xid_specified;
TransactionId recovery_target_xid;
/* add one more field in order to avoid deparsing recovery_target_xid back */
const char *target_xid_string;
bool lsn_specified;
XLogRecPtr recovery_target_lsn;
/* add one more field in order to avoid deparsing recovery_target_lsn back */
const char *target_lsn_string;
TimeLineID recovery_target_tli;
bool recovery_target_inclusive;
bool inclusive_specified;
bool recovery_target_immediate;
const char *recovery_target_name;
const char *recovery_target_action;
bool restore_no_validate;
} pgRecoveryTarget;
typedef struct
const char *from_root;
const char *to_root;
parray *files_list;
parray *prev_filelist;
XLogRecPtr prev_start_lsn;
PGconn *backup_conn;
PGcancel *cancel_conn;
* Return value from the thread.
* 0 means there is no error, 1 - there is an error.
int ret;
} backup_files_arg;
* return pointer that exceeds the length of prefix from character string.
* ex. str="/xxx/yyy/zzz", prefix="/xxx/yyy", return="zzz".
#define GetRelativePath(str, prefix) \
((strlen(str) <= strlen(prefix)) ? "" : str + strlen(prefix) + 1)
* Return timeline, xlog ID and record offset from an LSN of the type
* 0/B000188, usual result from pg_stop_backup() and friends.
#define XLogDataFromLSN(data, xlogid, xrecoff) \
sscanf(data, "%X/%X", xlogid, xrecoff)
#define IsCompressedXLogFileName(fname) \
(strlen(fname) == XLOG_FNAME_LEN + strlen(".gz") && \
strspn(fname, "0123456789ABCDEF") == XLOG_FNAME_LEN && \
strcmp((fname) + XLOG_FNAME_LEN, ".gz") == 0)
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 110000
#define GetXLogSegNo(xlrp, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \
XLByteToSeg(xlrp, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes)
#define GetXLogRecPtr(segno, offset, wal_segsz_bytes, dest) \
XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(segno, offset, wal_segsz_bytes, dest)
#define GetXLogFileName(fname, tli, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \
XLogFileName(fname, tli, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes)
#define IsInXLogSeg(xlrp, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \
XLByteInSeg(xlrp, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes)
#define GetXLogSegNo(xlrp, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \
XLByteToSeg(xlrp, logSegNo)
#define GetXLogRecPtr(segno, offset, wal_segsz_bytes, dest) \
XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(segno, offset, dest)
#define GetXLogFileName(fname, tli, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \
XLogFileName(fname, tli, logSegNo)
#define IsInXLogSeg(xlrp, logSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes) \
XLByteInSeg(xlrp, logSegNo)
/* directory options */
extern char *backup_path;
extern char backup_instance_path[MAXPGPATH];
extern char arclog_path[MAXPGPATH];
/* common options */
extern int num_threads;
extern bool stream_wal;
extern bool progress;
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 100000
/* In pre-10 'replication_slot' is defined in receivelog.h */
extern char *replication_slot;
extern bool temp_slot;
/* backup options */
extern bool smooth_checkpoint;
extern bool is_remote_backup;
extern bool is_ptrack_support;
extern bool is_checksum_enabled;
extern bool exclusive_backup;
/* restore options */
extern bool restore_as_replica;
extern bool skip_block_validation;
/* delete options */
extern bool delete_wal;
extern bool delete_expired;
extern bool force_delete;
/* compression options */
extern bool compress_shortcut;
/* other options */
extern char *instance_name;
/* show options */
extern ShowFormat show_format;
/* current settings */
extern pgBackup current;
/* in dir.c */
/* exclude directory list for $PGDATA file listing */
extern const char *pgdata_exclude_dir[];
/* in backup.c */
extern int do_backup(time_t start_time);
extern BackupMode parse_backup_mode(const char *value);
extern const char *deparse_backup_mode(BackupMode mode);
extern void process_block_change(ForkNumber forknum, RelFileNode rnode,
BlockNumber blkno);
extern char *pg_ptrack_get_block(backup_files_arg *arguments,
Oid dbOid, Oid tblsOid, Oid relOid,
BlockNumber blknum,
size_t *result_size);
/* in restore.c */
extern int do_restore_or_validate(time_t target_backup_id,
pgRecoveryTarget *rt,
bool is_restore);
extern bool satisfy_timeline(const parray *timelines, const pgBackup *backup);
extern bool satisfy_recovery_target(const pgBackup *backup,
const pgRecoveryTarget *rt);
extern pgRecoveryTarget *parseRecoveryTargetOptions(
const char *target_time, const char *target_xid,
const char *target_inclusive, TimeLineID target_tli, const char* target_lsn,
bool target_immediate, const char *target_name,
const char *target_action, bool restore_no_validate);
/* in merge.c */
extern void do_merge(time_t backup_id);
/* in init.c */
extern int do_init(void);
extern int do_add_instance(void);
/* in archive.c */
extern int do_archive_push(char *wal_file_path, char *wal_file_name,
bool overwrite);
extern int do_archive_get(char *wal_file_path, char *wal_file_name);
/* in configure.c */
extern void do_show_config(void);
extern void do_set_config(void);
extern void init_config(InstanceConfig *config);
/* in show.c */
extern int do_show(time_t requested_backup_id);
/* in delete.c */
extern void do_delete(time_t backup_id);
extern void delete_backup_files(pgBackup *backup);
extern int do_retention_purge(void);
extern int do_delete_instance(void);
/* in fetch.c */
extern char *slurpFile(const char *datadir,
const char *path,
size_t *filesize,
bool safe);
extern char *fetchFile(PGconn *conn, const char *filename, size_t *filesize);
/* in help.c */
extern void help_pg_probackup(void);
extern void help_command(char *command);
/* in validate.c */
extern void pgBackupValidate(pgBackup* backup);
extern int do_validate_all(void);
/* in catalog.c */
extern pgBackup *read_backup(time_t timestamp);
extern void write_backup(pgBackup *backup);
extern void write_backup_status(pgBackup *backup, BackupStatus status);
extern bool lock_backup(pgBackup *backup);
extern const char *pgBackupGetBackupMode(pgBackup *backup);
extern parray *catalog_get_backup_list(time_t requested_backup_id);
extern void catalog_lock_backup_list(parray *backup_list, int from_idx,
int to_idx);
extern pgBackup *catalog_get_last_data_backup(parray *backup_list,
TimeLineID tli);
extern void pgBackupWriteControl(FILE *out, pgBackup *backup);
extern void write_backup_filelist(pgBackup *backup, parray *files,
const char *root);
extern void pgBackupGetPath(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len,
const char *subdir);
extern void pgBackupGetPath2(const pgBackup *backup, char *path, size_t len,
const char *subdir1, const char *subdir2);
extern int pgBackupCreateDir(pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupInit(pgBackup *backup);
extern void pgBackupFree(void *backup);
extern int pgBackupCompareId(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgBackupCompareIdDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern pgBackup* find_parent_full_backup(pgBackup *current_backup);
extern int scan_parent_chain(pgBackup *current_backup, pgBackup **result_backup);
extern bool is_parent(time_t parent_backup_time, pgBackup *child_backup, bool inclusive);
extern int get_backup_index_number(parray *backup_list, pgBackup *backup);
extern CompressAlg parse_compress_alg(const char *arg);
extern const char* deparse_compress_alg(int alg);
/* in dir.c */
extern void dir_list_file(parray *files, const char *root, bool exclude,
bool omit_symlink, bool add_root);
extern void create_data_directories(const char *data_dir,
const char *backup_dir,
bool extract_tablespaces);
extern void read_tablespace_map(parray *files, const char *backup_dir);
extern void opt_tablespace_map(ConfigOption *opt, const char *arg);
extern void check_tablespace_mapping(pgBackup *backup);
extern void print_file_list(FILE *out, const parray *files, const char *root);
extern parray *dir_read_file_list(const char *root, const char *file_txt);
extern int dir_create_dir(const char *path, mode_t mode);
extern bool dir_is_empty(const char *path);
extern bool fileExists(const char *path);
extern size_t pgFileSize(const char *path);
extern pgFile *pgFileNew(const char *path, bool omit_symlink);
extern pgFile *pgFileInit(const char *path);
extern void pgFileDelete(pgFile *file);
extern void pgFileFree(void *file);
extern pg_crc32 pgFileGetCRC(const char *file_path, bool use_crc32c,
bool raise_on_deleted, size_t *bytes_read);
extern int pgFileComparePath(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileComparePathDesc(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileCompareLinked(const void *f1, const void *f2);
extern int pgFileCompareSize(const void *f1, const void *f2);
/* in data.c */
extern bool backup_data_file(backup_files_arg* arguments,
const char *to_path, pgFile *file,
XLogRecPtr prev_backup_start_lsn,
BackupMode backup_mode,
CompressAlg calg, int clevel);
extern void restore_data_file(const char *to_path,
pgFile *file, bool allow_truncate,
bool write_header,
uint32 backup_version);
extern bool copy_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root, pgFile *file);
extern void push_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path,
bool is_compress, bool overwrite);
extern void get_wal_file(const char *from_path, const char *to_path);
extern void calc_file_checksum(pgFile *file);
extern bool check_file_pages(pgFile *file, XLogRecPtr stop_lsn,
uint32 checksum_version, uint32 backup_version);
/* parsexlog.c */
extern void extractPageMap(const char *archivedir,
TimeLineID tli, uint32 seg_size,
XLogRecPtr startpoint, XLogRecPtr endpoint,
parray *files);
extern void validate_wal(pgBackup *backup,
const char *archivedir,
time_t target_time,
TransactionId target_xid,
XLogRecPtr target_lsn,
TimeLineID tli, uint32 seg_size);
extern bool read_recovery_info(const char *archivedir, TimeLineID tli,
uint32 seg_size,
XLogRecPtr start_lsn, XLogRecPtr stop_lsn,
time_t *recovery_time,
TransactionId *recovery_xid);
extern bool wal_contains_lsn(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr target_lsn,
TimeLineID target_tli, uint32 seg_size);
extern XLogRecPtr get_last_wal_lsn(const char *archivedir, XLogRecPtr start_lsn,
XLogRecPtr stop_lsn, TimeLineID tli,
bool seek_prev_segment, uint32 seg_size);
/* in util.c */
extern TimeLineID get_current_timeline(bool safe);
extern XLogRecPtr get_checkpoint_location(PGconn *conn);
extern uint64 get_system_identifier(const char *pgdata_path);
extern uint64 get_remote_system_identifier(PGconn *conn);
extern uint32 get_data_checksum_version(bool safe);
extern pg_crc32c get_pgcontrol_checksum(const char *pgdata_path);
extern uint32 get_xlog_seg_size(char *pgdata_path);
extern void set_min_recovery_point(pgFile *file, const char *backup_path,
XLogRecPtr stop_backup_lsn);
extern void copy_pgcontrol_file(const char *from_root, const char *to_root,
pgFile *file);
extern void sanityChecks(void);
extern void time2iso(char *buf, size_t len, time_t time);
extern const char *status2str(BackupStatus status);
extern void remove_trailing_space(char *buf, int comment_mark);
extern void remove_not_digit(char *buf, size_t len, const char *str);
extern const char *base36enc(long unsigned int value);
extern char *base36enc_dup(long unsigned int value);
extern long unsigned int base36dec(const char *text);
extern uint32 parse_server_version(const char *server_version_str);
extern uint32 parse_program_version(const char *program_version);
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define lseek _lseek
#define open _open
#define fstat _fstat
#define read _read
#define close _close
#define write _write
#define mkdir(dir,mode) _mkdir(dir)
#endif /* PG_PROBACKUP_H */