2019-01-09 19:20:38 +02:00
-- An example of monitoring pgBackRest from within PostgreSQL
2018-04-13 14:31:33 -04:00
-- Use copy to export data from the pgBackRest info command into the jsonb
2019-01-09 19:20:38 +02:00
-- type so it can be queried directly by PostgreSQL.
2018-04-13 14:31:33 -04:00
-- Create monitor schema
create schema monitor;
-- Get pgBackRest info in JSON format
create function monitor.pgbackrest_info()
returns jsonb AS $$
data jsonb;
-- Create a temp table to hold the JSON data
create temp table temp_pgbackrest_data (data jsonb);
-- Copy data into the table directory from the pgBackRest into command
copy temp_pgbackrest_data (data)
from program
'pgbackrest --output=json info | tr ''\n'' '' ''' (format text);
select temp_pgbackrest_data.data
into data
from temp_pgbackrest_data;
drop table temp_pgbackrest_data;
return data;
end $$ language plpgsql;