2017-06-12 16:52:32 +02:00
# S3 Test Environment
package pgBackRestTest::Env::S3EnvTest;
use parent 'pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest';
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Storage::S3::Driver;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
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use pgBackRestTest::Common::VmTest;
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# initS3
sub initS3
my $self = shift;
my ($strBucket, $strEndPoint, $strRegion, $strAccessKeyId, $strSecretAccessKey) =
('pgbackrest-dev', 's3.amazonaws.com', 'us-east-1', 'accessKey1', 'verySecretKey1');
my $strS3ServerPath = $self->testPath() . '/s3server';
my $strS3ServerDataPath = "${strS3ServerPath}/data";
my $strS3ServerMetaPath = "${strS3ServerPath}/meta";
my $strS3ServerLogFile = "${strS3ServerPath}/server.log";
storageTest()->pathCreate($strS3ServerDataPath, {bCreateParent => true});
storageTest()->pathCreate($strS3ServerMetaPath, {bCreateParent => true});
$self->{strS3Command} = 'export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore" && aws s3 --no-verify-ssl';
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# Make sure the cert is visible
executeTest('sudo chmod o+r,o+x /root /root/scalitys3 && sudo chmod o+r /root/scalitys3/ca.crt');
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executeTest("echo ' ${strBucket}.${strEndPoint} ${strEndPoint}' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts");
executeTest('sudo sed -i "s/logLevel\"\: \"info\"/logLevel\"\: \"trace\"/" /root/scalitys3/config.json');
executeTest("sudo npm start --prefix /root/scalitys3 > ${strS3ServerLogFile} 2>&1 &");
executeTest("tail -f ${strS3ServerLogFile} | grep -m 1 \"server started\"");
executeTest("$self->{strS3Command} mb s3://pgbackrest-dev");
# Test variables
my $strFile = 'file.txt';
my $strFileContent = 'TESTDATA';
# Initialize the driver
return new pgBackRest::Storage::S3::Driver(
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$strBucket, $strEndPoint, $strRegion, $strAccessKeyId, $strSecretAccessKey,
{strCaFile => $self->vm() eq VM_CO7 ? '/root/scalitys3/ca.crt' : undef,
bVerifySsl => $self->vm() eq VM_U16 ? false : undef, lBufferMax => 1048576});
2017-06-12 16:52:32 +02:00