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# release.pl - PgBackRest Release Manager
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ };
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Storable;
use lib dirname($0) . '/lib';
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use lib dirname($0) . '/../test/lib';
use BackRestDoc::Common::Doc;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlSite;
use BackRestDoc::Latex::DocLatex;
use BackRestDoc::Markdown::DocMarkdown;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Local;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver;
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
# Usage
=head1 NAME
release.pl - pgBackRest Release Manager
release.pl [options]
General Options:
--help Display usage and exit
--version Display pgBackRest version
--quiet Sets log level to ERROR
--log-level Log level for execution (e.g. ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG)
Release Options:
--build Build the cache before release (should be included in the release commit)
--deploy Deploy documentation to website (can be done as docs are updated)
# Load command line parameters and config (see usage above for details)
my $bHelp = false;
my $bVersion = false;
my $bQuiet = false;
my $strLogLevel = 'info';
my $strHost = 'root@www.pgbackrest.org';
my $strUser = 'www-data';
my $strGroup = 'www-data';
my $strPath = '/data/http/backrest';
my $bBuild = false;
my $bDeploy = false;
GetOptions ('help' => \$bHelp,
'version' => \$bVersion,
'quiet' => \$bQuiet,
'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel,
'build' => \$bBuild,
'deploy' => \$bDeploy)
or pod2usage(2);
# Run in eval block to catch errors
# Display version and exit if requested
if ($bHelp || $bVersion)
print BACKREST_NAME . ' ' . BACKREST_VERSION . " Release Manager\n";
if ($bHelp)
print "\n";
exit 0;
# If neither build nor deploy is requested then error
if (!$bBuild && !$bDeploy)
confess &log(ERROR, 'neither --build nor --deploy requested, nothing to do');
# Set console log level
if ($bQuiet)
$strLogLevel = 'error';
logLevelSet(undef, uc($strLogLevel), OFF);
# Set the paths
my $strDocPath = dirname(abs_path($0));
my $strDocHtml = "${strDocPath}/output/html";
my $strDocExe = "${strDocPath}/doc.pl";
my $oStorageDoc = new pgBackRest::Storage::Local(
$strDocPath, new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
# Determine if this is a dev release
my $bDev = BACKREST_VERSION =~ /dev$/;
my $strVersion = $bDev ? 'dev' : BACKREST_VERSION;
if ($bBuild)
# Remove permanent cache file
$oStorageDoc->remove("${strDocPath}/resource/exe.cache", {bIgnoreMissing => true});
# Remove all docker containers to get consistent IP address assignments
v1.18: Stanza Upgrade, Refactoring, and Locking Improvements Bug Fixes: * Fixed an issue where read-only operations that used local worker processes (i.e. restore) were creating write locks that could interfere with parallel archive-push. (Reported by Jens Wilke.) Features: * Added the stanza-upgrade command to provide a mechanism for upgrading a stanza after upgrading to a new major version of PostgreSQL. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang.) * Added validation of pgbackrest.conf to display warnings if options are not valid or are not in the correct section. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang.) Refactoring: * Simplify locking scheme. Now, only the master process will hold write locks (for archive-push and backup commands) and not all local and remote worker processes as before. * Refactor Ini.pm to facilitate testing. * Do not set timestamps of files in the backup directories to match timestamps in the cluster directory. This was originally done to enable backup resume, but that process is now implemented with checksums. * Improved error message when the restore command detects the presence of postmaster.pid. (Suggested by Yogesh Sharma.) * Renumber return codes between 25 and 125 to avoid PostgreSQL interpreting some as fatal signal exceptions. (Suggested by Yogesh Sharma.) * The backup and restore commands no longer copy via temp files. In both cases the files are checksummed on resume so there's no danger of partial copies. * Allow functions to accept optional parameters as a hash. * Refactor File->list() and fileList() to accept optional parameters. * Refactor backupLabel() and add unit tests. * Silence some perl critic warnings. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang.)
2017-04-12 19:17:39 -04:00
executeTest('docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)', {bSuppressError => true});
# Generate deployment docs for RHEL/Centos 6
&log(INFO, "Generate RHEL/CentOS 6 documentation");
v1.04: Various Bug Fixes Bug Fixes: * Fixed an issue an where an extraneous remote was created causing threaded backup/restore to possibly timeout and/or throw a lock conflict. (Reported by Michael Vitale.) * Fixed an issue where db-path was not required for the check command so an assert was raised when it was missing rather than a polite error message. (Reported by Michael Vitale.) * Fixed check command to throw an error when database version/id does not match that of the archive. (Fixed by Cynthia Shang.) * Fixed an issue where a remote could try to start its own remote when the backup-host option was not present in pgbackrest.conf on the database server. (Reported by Lardière Sébastien.) * Fixed an issue where the contents of pg_xlog were being backed up if the directory was symlinked. This didn't cause any issues during restore but was a waste of space. * Fixed an invalid log() call in lock routines. Features: * Experimental support for non-exclusive backups in PostgreSQL 9.6 beta3. Changes to the control/catalog/WAL versions in subsequent betas may break compatibility but pgBackRest will be updated with each release to keep pace. Refactoring: * Enhancements to the protocol layer for improved reliability and error handling. * All remote types now take locks. The exceptions date to when the test harness and pgBackRest were running in the same VM and no longer apply. * Exceptions are now passed back from threads as messages when possible rather than raised directly. * Temp files created during backup are now placed in the same directory as the target file. * Output lock file name when a lock cannot be acquired to aid in debugging. * Reduce calls to protocolGet() in backup/restore. * Suppress banners on SSH protocol connections. * Improved remote error messages to identify the host where the error was raised.
2016-07-30 09:42:35 -04:00
executeTest("${strDocExe} --deploy --keyword=co6 --out=pdf");
executeTest("${strDocExe} --deploy --cache-only --keyword=co6 --out=pdf --var=\"project-name=Crunchy BackRest\"");
# Generate deployment docs for Debian
&log(INFO, "Generate Debian/Ubuntu documentation");
executeTest("${strDocExe} --deploy");
executeTest("${strDocExe} --deploy --cache-only --out=man --out=html --var=project-url-root=index.html");
if ($bDeploy)
# Generate deployment docs for the website history
&log(INFO, 'Generate website ' . ($bDev ? 'dev' : 'history') . ' documentation');
$strDocExe . ($bDev ? '' : ' --deploy --cache-only') . ' --out=html --var=project-url-root=index.html' .
($bDev ? ' --keyword=default --keyword=dev' : ' --exclude=release'));
# Deploy to server
&log(INFO, '...Deploy to server');
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} rm -rf ${strPath}/${strVersion}");
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} mkdir ${strPath}/${strVersion}");
executeTest("scp ${strDocHtml}/* ${strHost}:${strPath}/${strVersion}");
# Generate deployment docs for the main website
if (!$bDev)
&log(INFO, "Generate website documentation");
executeTest("${strDocExe} --deploy --cache-only --out=html");
&log(INFO, '...Deploy to server');
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} rm -rf ${strPath}/dev");
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} find ${strPath} -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec rm {} +");
executeTest("scp ${strDocHtml}/* ${strHost}:${strPath}");
# Update permissions
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} chown -R ${strUser}:${strGroup} ${strPath}");
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} find ${strPath} -type d -exec chmod 550 {} +");
executeTest("ssh ${strHost} find ${strPath} -type f -exec chmod 440 {} +");
# Exit with success
exit 0;
# Check for errors
or do
# If a backrest exception then return the code
exit $EVAL_ERROR->code() if (isException($EVAL_ERROR));
# Else output the unhandled error
print $EVAL_ERROR;
# It shouldn't be possible to get here
&log(ASSERT, 'execution reached invalid location in ' . __FILE__ . ', line ' . __LINE__);