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v0.10: Backup and archiving are functional This version has been put into production at Resonate, so it does work, but there are a number of major caveats. * No restore functionality, but the backup directories are consistent Postgres data directories. You'll need to either uncompress the files or turn off compression in the backup. Uncompressed backups on a ZFS (or similar) filesystem are a good option because backups can be restored locally via a snapshot to create logical backups or do spot data recovery. * Archiving is single-threaded. This has not posed an issue on our multi-terabyte databases with heavy write volume. Recommend a large WAL volume or to use the async option with a large volume nearby. * Backups are multi-threaded, but the Net::OpenSSH library does not appear to be 100% threadsafe so it will very occasionally lock up on a thread. There is an overall process timeout that resolves this issue by killing the process. Yes, very ugly. * Checksums are lost on any resumed backup. Only the final backup will record checksum on multiple resumes. Checksums from previous backups are correctly recorded and a full backup will reset everything. * The backup.manifest is being written as Storable because Config::IniFile does not seem to handle large files well. Would definitely like to save these as human-readable text. * Absolutely no documentation (outside the code). Well, excepting these release notes. * Lots of other little things and not so little things. Much refactoring to follow.
2014-03-06 03:53:13 +03:00
package pg_backrest_utility;
use threads;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(data_hash_build trim common_prefix wait_for_file date_string_get file_size_format execute
log log_file_set log_level_set
lock_file_create lock_file_remove
# Global constants
use constant
true => 1,
false => 0
use constant
OFF => 'OFF'
my $hLogFile;
my $strLogLevelFile = ERROR;
my $strLogLevelConsole = ERROR;
my %oLogLevelRank;
my $strLockFile;
my $hLockFile;
$oLogLevelRank{TRACE}{rank} = 6;
$oLogLevelRank{DEBUG}{rank} = 5;
$oLogLevelRank{INFO}{rank} = 4;
$oLogLevelRank{WARN}{rank} = 3;
$oLogLevelRank{ERROR}{rank} = 2;
$oLogLevelRank{ASSERT}{rank} = 1;
$oLogLevelRank{OFF}{rank} = 0;
sub lock_file_create
my $strLockFileParam = shift;
$strLockFile = $strLockFileParam;
if (defined($hLockFile))
confess &lock(ASSERT, "${strLockFile} lock is already held, cannot create lock ${strLockFile}");
sysopen($hLockFile, $strLockFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to open lock file ${strLockFile}");
if (!flock($hLockFile, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB))
return 0;
return $hLockFile;
sub lock_file_remove
if (defined($hLockFile))
unlink($strLockFile) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to remove lock file ${strLockFile}");
$hLockFile = undef;
$strLockFile = undef;
confess &log(ASSERT, "there is no lock to free");
# DATA_HASH_BUILD - Hash a delimited file with header
sub data_hash_build
my $strData = shift;
my $strDelimiter = shift;
my $strUndefinedKey = shift;
my @stryFile = split("\n", $strData);
my @stryHeader = split($strDelimiter, $stryFile[0]);
my %oHash;
for (my $iLineIdx = 1; $iLineIdx < scalar @stryFile; $iLineIdx++)
my @stryLine = split($strDelimiter, $stryFile[$iLineIdx]);
if (!defined($stryLine[0]) || $stryLine[0] eq "")
$stryLine[0] = $strUndefinedKey;
for (my $iColumnIdx = 1; $iColumnIdx < scalar @stryHeader; $iColumnIdx++)
if (defined($oHash{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"}))
confess "the first column must be unique to build the hash";
$oHash{"$stryHeader[0]"}{"$stryLine[0]"}{"$stryHeader[$iColumnIdx]"} = $stryLine[$iColumnIdx];
return %oHash;
# TRIM - trim whitespace off strings
sub trim
my $strBuffer = shift;
$strBuffer =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $strBuffer;
sub wait_for_file
my $strDir = shift;
my $strRegEx = shift;
my $iSeconds = shift;
my $lTime = time();
my $hDir;
while ($lTime > time() - $iSeconds)
opendir $hDir, $strDir or die "Could not open dir: $!\n";
my @stryFile = grep(/$strRegEx/i, readdir $hDir);
close $hDir;
if (scalar @stryFile == 1)
confess &log(ERROR, "could not find $strDir/$strRegEx after $iSeconds second(s)");
sub common_prefix
my $strString1 = shift;
my $strString2 = shift;
my $iCommonLen = 0;
my $iCompareLen = length($strString1) < length($strString2) ? length($strString1) : length($strString2);
for (my $iIndex = 0; $iIndex < $iCompareLen; $iIndex++)
if (substr($strString1, $iIndex, 1) ne substr($strString2, $iIndex, 1))
$iCommonLen ++;
return $iCommonLen;
# FILE_SIZE_FORMAT - Format file sizes in human-readable form
sub file_size_format
my $lFileSize = shift;
if ($lFileSize < 1024)
return $lFileSize . "B";
if ($lFileSize < (1024 * 1024))
return int($lFileSize / 1024) . "KB";
if ($lFileSize < (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
return int($lFileSize / 1024 / 1024) . "MB";
return int($lFileSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) . "GB";
# DATE_STRING_GET - Get the date and time string
sub date_string_get
my $strFormat = shift;
if (!defined($strFormat))
$strFormat = "%4d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d";
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
return(sprintf($strFormat, $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec));
# LOG_FILE_SET - set the file messages will be logged to
sub log_file_set
my $strFile = shift;
$strFile .= "-" . date_string_get("%4d%02d%02d") . ".log";
my $bExists = false;
if (-e $strFile)
$bExists = true;
open($hLogFile, '>>', $strFile) or confess "unable to open log file ${strFile}";
if ($bExists)
print $hLogFile "\n";
print $hLogFile "-------------------PROCESS START-------------------\n";
# LOG_LEVEL_SET - set the log level for file and console
sub log_level_set
my $strLevelFileParam = shift;
my $strLevelConsoleParam = shift;
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{"${strLevelFileParam}"}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "file log level ${strLevelFileParam} does not exist");
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{"${strLevelConsoleParam}"}{rank}))
confess &log(ERROR, "console log level ${strLevelConsoleParam} does not exist");
$strLogLevelFile = $strLevelFileParam;
$strLogLevelConsole = $strLevelConsoleParam;
# LOG - log messages
sub log
my $strLevel = shift;
my $strMessage = shift;
if (!defined($oLogLevelRank{"${strLevel}"}{rank}))
confess &log(ASSERT, "log level ${strLevel} does not exist");
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
if (!defined($strMessage))
$strMessage = "(undefined)";
if ($strLevel eq "TRACE")
$strMessage = " " . $strMessage;
elsif ($strLevel eq "DEBUG")
$strMessage = " " . $strMessage;
$strMessage = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) .
(" " x (7 - length($strLevel))) . "${strLevel} " . (" " x (2 - length(threads->tid()))) .
threads->tid() . ": ${strMessage}\n";
if ($oLogLevelRank{"${strLevel}"}{rank} <= $oLogLevelRank{"${strLogLevelConsole}"}{rank})
print $strMessage;
if ($oLogLevelRank{"${strLevel}"}{rank} <= $oLogLevelRank{"${strLogLevelFile}"}{rank})
if (defined($hLogFile))
print $hLogFile $strMessage;
return $strMessage;
# EXECUTE - execute a command
sub execute
my $strCommand = shift;
my $strOutput;
# print("$strCommand");
$strOutput = capture($strCommand) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to execute command ${strCommand}: " . $_);
return $strOutput;