2015-12-29 13:57:10 -05:00
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
2017-10-22 13:11:03 -04:00
vb.memory = 4096
2015-12-29 13:57:10 -05:00
vb.cpus = 8
2018-06-06 15:52:28 -04:00
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/bionic64"
2018-07-21 17:02:42 -04:00
config.vm.box_version = "20180719.0.0"
2017-06-09 17:51:41 -04:00
# vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
2018-07-21 17:02:42 -04:00
config.disksize.size = '64GB'
2015-12-29 13:57:10 -05:00
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
vb.name = "pgbackrest-test"
2015-12-29 13:57:10 -05:00
# Provision the VM
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Build Begin' && date
2016-09-08 17:29:26 -04:00
# Suppress "dpkg-reconfigure: unable to re-open stdin: No file or directory" warning
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2017-03-14 22:05:17 -04:00
# Assign a host name
sed -i 's/^127\.0\.0\.1\t.*/127\.0\.0\.1\tlocalhost pgbackrest-test/' /etc/hosts
hostnamectl set-hostname pgbackrest-test
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Update Apt' && date
2016-05-26 14:03:32 -04:00
apt-get update
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
echo 'Synchronize Date' && date
2017-03-14 22:05:17 -04:00
apt-get install -y ntpdate
ntpdate pool.ntp.org
2017-07-26 13:40:09 -04:00
echo 'Use Google DNS' && date
echo 'supersede domain-name-servers;' >> /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
/etc/init.d/networking restart
2018-04-18 18:47:43 -04:00
# Set time sync settings so builds don't fail with clock drift errors
2017-11-02 08:14:13 -04:00
2018-04-18 18:47:43 -04:00
echo 'Time Sync Settings' && date
2018-05-18 11:57:32 -04:00
sudo /etc/init.d/virtualbox-guest-utils stop
2018-06-26 16:56:05 -04:00
sudo /usr/sbin/VBoxService --timesync-set-on-restore --timesync-interval 5000 --timesync-set-threshold 1
2017-11-02 08:14:13 -04:00
2018-11-02 08:37:27 -04:00
# Mount tmpfs at /home/vagrant/test for faster testing
echo 'Mount tmpfs' && date
sudo -u vagrant mkdir -p -m 770 /home/vagrant/test
echo 'tmpfs /home/vagrant/test tmpfs size=2560M 0 1' >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
echo 'Install Perl Modules' && date
2017-06-12 10:52:32 -04:00
apt-get install -y libdbd-pg-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libxml-libxml-perl libxml-checker-perl libperl-critic-perl \
2018-04-08 10:19:24 -04:00
libdevel-nytprof-perl libyaml-libyaml-perl
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
echo 'Install Build Tools' && date
2018-11-08 21:41:41 -05:00
apt-get install -y devscripts build-essential lintian git lcov cloc txt2man debhelper libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libperl-dev \
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2017-06-12 10:52:32 -04:00
echo 'Install AWS CLI' && date
apt-get install -y python-pip
pip install --upgrade awscli
# Configure AWS CLI
2018-02-03 18:27:38 -05:00
sudo -i -u vagrant aws configure set region us-east-1
sudo -i -u vagrant aws configure set aws_access_key_id accessKey1
sudo -i -u vagrant aws configure set aws_secret_access_key verySecretKey1
2017-06-12 10:52:32 -04:00
# Create test alias for AWS CLI
2018-02-03 18:27:38 -05:00
echo '' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
echo '# Test alias for AWS CLI' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
2017-06-12 10:52:32 -04:00
echo 'alias s3-test="export PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore && aws s3 --endpoint-url= --no-verify-ssl"' \
2018-02-03 18:27:38 -05:00
>> /home/vagrant/.profile
2017-06-12 10:52:32 -04:00
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2017-06-24 10:59:00 -04:00
echo 'Install Devel::Cover' && date
2018-06-06 15:52:28 -04:00
dpkg -i /backrest/test/package/u18-libdevel-cover-perl_1.29-2_amd64.deb
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Install Docker' && date
2018-12-03 12:41:53 -05:00
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh
2018-02-03 18:27:38 -05:00
sudo usermod -aG docker vagrant
2016-05-26 14:03:32 -04:00
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
echo 'Install Dev Utilities' && date
2016-06-12 09:00:16 -04:00
apt-get install -y vim htop
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Install TeX Live' && date
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
apt-get install -y texlive-font-utils
2016-06-12 09:00:16 -04:00
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Create Postgres Group & pgBackRest User' && date
2018-02-03 18:27:38 -05:00
adduser --uid=5001 --ingroup=vagrant --disabled-password --gecos "" pgbackrest
2016-06-12 09:00:16 -04:00
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Build VM Images' && date
2017-03-01 09:36:33 -05:00
rm -rf /backrest/test/.vagrant/docker/*
rm -rf /backrest/test/.vagrant/libc/*
rm -rf /backrest/test/.vagrant/package/*
2018-02-03 18:27:38 -05:00
sudo su - vagrant -c '/backrest/test/test.pl --vm-build'
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
2017-04-10 12:31:30 -04:00
2016-10-03 09:15:29 -04:00
echo 'Build End' && date
2019-03-15 22:18:56 +04:00
# Useful commands
# Force remove all containers:
# docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
2015-12-29 13:57:10 -05:00
# Don't share the default vagrant folder
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
# Mount backrest path for testing
config.vm.synced_folder "..", "/backrest"