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New simpler configuration and consistent project/exe/path naming. * The repo-path option now always refers to the repository where backups and archive are stored, whether local or remote, so the repo-remote-path option has been removed. The new spool-path option can be used to define a location for queueing WAL segments when archiving asynchronously. Otherwise, a local repository is no longer required. * Implemented a new config format which should be far simpler to use. See the User Guide and Configuration Reference for details but for a simple configuration all options can now be placed in the stanza section. Options that are shared between stanzas can be placed in the [global] section. More complex configurations can still make use of command sections though this should be a rare use case. * The default configuration filename is now pgbackrest.conf instead of pg_backrest.conf. This was done for consistency with other naming changes but also to prevent old config files from being loaded accidentally. * The default repository name was changed from /var/lib/backup to /var/lib/pgbackrest. * Lock files are now stored in /tmp/pgbackrest by default. These days /run/pgbackrest would be the preferred location but that would require init scripts which are not part of this release. The lock-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Log files are now stored in /var/log/pgbackrest by default and no longer have the date appended so they can be managed with logrotate. The log-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Executable filename changed from pg_backrest to pgbackrest.
2016-04-14 09:30:54 -04:00
# doc.pl - PgBackRest Doc Builder
# Perl includes
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use English '-no_match_vars';
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess @_ };
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Storable;
2015-09-02 18:55:04 -04:00
use lib dirname($0) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/build/lib';
use lib dirname(dirname($0)) . '/test/lib';
use BackRestDoc::Common::Doc;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest;
use BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender;
use BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlSite;
use BackRestDoc::Latex::DocLatex;
use BackRestDoc::Markdown::DocMarkdown;
2015-09-02 18:55:04 -04:00
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
New simpler configuration and consistent project/exe/path naming. * The repo-path option now always refers to the repository where backups and archive are stored, whether local or remote, so the repo-remote-path option has been removed. The new spool-path option can be used to define a location for queueing WAL segments when archiving asynchronously. Otherwise, a local repository is no longer required. * Implemented a new config format which should be far simpler to use. See the User Guide and Configuration Reference for details but for a simple configuration all options can now be placed in the stanza section. Options that are shared between stanzas can be placed in the [global] section. More complex configurations can still make use of command sections though this should be a rare use case. * The default configuration filename is now pgbackrest.conf instead of pg_backrest.conf. This was done for consistency with other naming changes but also to prevent old config files from being loaded accidentally. * The default repository name was changed from /var/lib/backup to /var/lib/pgbackrest. * Lock files are now stored in /tmp/pgbackrest by default. These days /run/pgbackrest would be the preferred location but that would require init scripts which are not part of this release. The lock-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Log files are now stored in /var/log/pgbackrest by default and no longer have the date appended so they can be managed with logrotate. The log-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Executable filename changed from pg_backrest to pgbackrest.
2016-04-14 09:30:54 -04:00
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Local;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver;
New simpler configuration and consistent project/exe/path naming. * The repo-path option now always refers to the repository where backups and archive are stored, whether local or remote, so the repo-remote-path option has been removed. The new spool-path option can be used to define a location for queueing WAL segments when archiving asynchronously. Otherwise, a local repository is no longer required. * Implemented a new config format which should be far simpler to use. See the User Guide and Configuration Reference for details but for a simple configuration all options can now be placed in the stanza section. Options that are shared between stanzas can be placed in the [global] section. More complex configurations can still make use of command sections though this should be a rare use case. * The default configuration filename is now pgbackrest.conf instead of pg_backrest.conf. This was done for consistency with other naming changes but also to prevent old config files from being loaded accidentally. * The default repository name was changed from /var/lib/backup to /var/lib/pgbackrest. * Lock files are now stored in /tmp/pgbackrest by default. These days /run/pgbackrest would be the preferred location but that would require init scripts which are not part of this release. The lock-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Log files are now stored in /var/log/pgbackrest by default and no longer have the date appended so they can be managed with logrotate. The log-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Executable filename changed from pg_backrest to pgbackrest.
2016-04-14 09:30:54 -04:00
use pgBackRest::Version;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
# Usage
=head1 NAME
doc.pl - Generate pgBackRest documentation
New simpler configuration and consistent project/exe/path naming. * The repo-path option now always refers to the repository where backups and archive are stored, whether local or remote, so the repo-remote-path option has been removed. The new spool-path option can be used to define a location for queueing WAL segments when archiving asynchronously. Otherwise, a local repository is no longer required. * Implemented a new config format which should be far simpler to use. See the User Guide and Configuration Reference for details but for a simple configuration all options can now be placed in the stanza section. Options that are shared between stanzas can be placed in the [global] section. More complex configurations can still make use of command sections though this should be a rare use case. * The default configuration filename is now pgbackrest.conf instead of pg_backrest.conf. This was done for consistency with other naming changes but also to prevent old config files from being loaded accidentally. * The default repository name was changed from /var/lib/backup to /var/lib/pgbackrest. * Lock files are now stored in /tmp/pgbackrest by default. These days /run/pgbackrest would be the preferred location but that would require init scripts which are not part of this release. The lock-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Log files are now stored in /var/log/pgbackrest by default and no longer have the date appended so they can be managed with logrotate. The log-path option can be used to configure the lock directory. * Executable filename changed from pg_backrest to pgbackrest.
2016-04-14 09:30:54 -04:00
doc.pl [options]
General Options:
2016-05-03 16:28:20 -04:00
--help Display usage and exit
--version Display pgBackRest version
--quiet Sets log level to ERROR
--log-level Log level for execution (e.g. ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG)
--deploy Write exe.cache into resource for persistence
2016-05-03 16:28:20 -04:00
--no-exe Should commands be executed when building help? (for testing only)
--no-cache Don't use execution cache
--cache-only Only use the execution cache - don't attempt to generate it
--pre Pre-build containers for execute elements marked pre
--var Override defined variable
--var-key Override defined variable and use in cache key
2016-05-03 16:28:20 -04:00
--doc-path Document path to render (manifest.xml should be located here)
--out Output types (html, pdf, markdown)
--require Require only certain sections of the document (to speed testing)
--include Include source in generation (links will reference website)
--exclude Exclude source from generation (links will reference website)
Variable Options:
--dev Set 'dev' variable to 'y'
--debug Set 'debug' variable to 'y'
2016-05-03 16:28:20 -04:00
# Load command line parameters and config (see usage above for details)
2016-05-03 16:28:20 -04:00
my $bHelp = false;
my $bVersion = false;
my $bQuiet = false;
my $strLogLevel = 'info';
my $bNoExe = false;
my $bNoCache = false;
my $bCacheOnly = false;
my $rhVariableOverride = {};
my $rhKeyVariableOverride = {};
2016-05-03 16:28:20 -04:00
my $strDocPath;
my @stryOutput;
my @stryRequire;
my @stryInclude;
my @stryExclude;
my $bDeploy = false;
my $bDev = false;
my $bDebug = false;
my $bPre = false;
GetOptions ('help' => \$bHelp,
'version' => \$bVersion,
'quiet' => \$bQuiet,
'log-level=s' => \$strLogLevel,
'out=s@' => \@stryOutput,
'require=s@' => \@stryRequire,
'include=s@' => \@stryInclude,
'exclude=s@' => \@stryExclude,
'no-exe', \$bNoExe,
'deploy', \$bDeploy,
'no-cache', \$bNoCache,
'dev', \$bDev,
'debug', \$bDebug,
'pre', \$bPre,
'cache-only', \$bCacheOnly,
'key-var=s%', $rhKeyVariableOverride,
'var=s%', $rhVariableOverride,
'doc-path=s', \$strDocPath)
or pod2usage(2);
# Run in eval block to catch errors
# Display version and exit if requested
if ($bHelp || $bVersion)
print PROJECT_NAME . ' ' . PROJECT_VERSION . " Documentation Builder\n";
if ($bHelp)
print "\n";
exit 0;
# Disable cache when no exe
if ($bNoExe)
$bNoCache = true;
# Make sure options are set correctly for deploy
if ($bDeploy)
my $strError = 'cannot be specified for deploy';
or confess "--no-exe ${strError}";
or confess "--require ${strError}";
# one --include must be specified when --required is
if (@stryRequire && @stryInclude != 1)
confess "one --include is required when --require is specified";
# Set console log level
if ($bQuiet)
$strLogLevel = 'error';
# If --dev passed then set the dev var to 'y'
if ($bDev)
$rhVariableOverride->{'dev'} = 'y';
# If --debug passed then set the debug var to 'y'
if ($bDebug)
$rhVariableOverride->{'debug'} = 'y';
# Doesn't make sense to pass include and exclude
if (@stryInclude > 0 && @stryExclude > 0)
confess "cannot specify both --include and --exclude";
logLevelSet(undef, uc($strLogLevel), OFF);
# Get the base path
my $strBasePath = abs_path(dirname($0));
my $oStorageDoc = new pgBackRest::Storage::Local(
$strBasePath, new pgBackRest::Storage::Posix::Driver({bFileSync => false, bPathSync => false}));
if (!defined($strDocPath))
$strDocPath = $strBasePath;
my $strOutputPath = "${strDocPath}/output";
# Create the out path if it does not exist
if (!-e $strOutputPath)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to create path ${strOutputPath}");
# Merge key variables into the variable list and ensure there are no duplicates
foreach my $strKey (sort(keys(%{$rhKeyVariableOverride})))
if (defined($rhVariableOverride->{$strKey}))
confess &log(ERROR, "'${strKey}' canot be passed as --var and --key-var");
$rhVariableOverride->{$strKey} = $rhKeyVariableOverride->{$strKey};
# Load the manifest
my $oManifest = new BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest(
$oStorageDoc, \@stryRequire, \@stryInclude, \@stryExclude, $rhKeyVariableOverride, $rhVariableOverride,
$strDocPath, $bDeploy, $bCacheOnly, $bPre);
if (!$bNoCache)
# If no outputs were given
if (@stryOutput == 0)
@stryOutput = $oManifest->renderList();
if ($oManifest->isBackRest())
push(@stryOutput, 'man');
# Build host containers
if (!$bCacheOnly && !$bNoExe)
foreach my $strSource ($oManifest->sourceList())
if ((@stryInclude == 0 || grep(/$strSource/, @stryInclude)) && !grep(/$strSource/, @stryExclude))
&log(INFO, "source $strSource");
foreach my $oHostDefine ($oManifest->sourceGet($strSource)->{doc}->nodeList('host-define', false))
if ($oManifest->evaluateIf($oHostDefine))
my $strImage = $oManifest->variableReplace($oHostDefine->paramGet('image'));
my $strFrom = $oManifest->variableReplace($oHostDefine->paramGet('from'));
my $strDockerfile = "${strOutputPath}/doc-host.dockerfile";
&log(INFO, "Build vm '${strImage}' from '${strFrom}'");
"FROM ${strFrom}\n\n" . trim($oManifest->variableReplace($oHostDefine->valueGet())) . "\n");
executeTest("docker build -f ${strDockerfile} -t ${strImage} ${strBasePath}");
# Render output
for my $strOutput (@stryOutput)
2018-01-23 13:34:24 -05:00
if (!($strOutput eq 'man' && $oManifest->isBackRest()))
&log(INFO, "render ${strOutput} output");
if ($strOutput eq 'markdown')
my $oMarkdown =
new BackRestDoc::Markdown::DocMarkdown
2018-01-23 13:34:24 -05:00
elsif ($strOutput eq 'man' && $oManifest->isBackRest())
# Generate the command-line help
my $oRender = new BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender('text', $oManifest, !$bNoExe);
my $oDocConfig =
new BackRestDoc::Common::DocConfig(
new BackRestDoc::Common::Doc("${strBasePath}/xml/reference.xml"), $oRender);
2018-01-23 13:34:24 -05:00
"${strBasePath}/output/man", {strMode => '0770', bIgnoreExists => true, bCreateParent => true});
$oStorageDoc->put("${strBasePath}/output/man/" . lc(PROJECT_NAME) . '.1.txt', $oDocConfig->manGet($oManifest));
elsif ($strOutput eq 'html')
my $oHtmlSite =
new BackRestDoc::Html::DocHtmlSite
defined($oManifest->variableGet('project-favicon')) ?
"${strBasePath}/resource/html/" . $oManifest->variableGet('project-favicon') : undef,
defined($oManifest->variableGet('project-logo')) ?
"${strBasePath}/resource/" . $oManifest->variableGet('project-logo') : undef,
elsif ($strOutput eq 'pdf')
my $oLatex =
new BackRestDoc::Latex::DocLatex
# Cache the manifest (mostly useful for testing rendering changes in the code)
if (!$bNoCache && !$bCacheOnly)
# Exit with success
exit 0;
# Check for errors
or do
# If a backrest exception then return the code
exit $EVAL_ERROR->code() if (isException(\$EVAL_ERROR));
# Else output the unhandled error
print $EVAL_ERROR;
# It shouldn't be possible to get here
&log(ASSERT, 'execution reached invalid location in ' . __FILE__ . ', line ' . __LINE__);