mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 13:53:03 +02:00
Automatically enable backup checksum delta when anomalies (e.g. timeline switch) are detected.
There are a number of cases where a checksum delta is more appropriate than the default time-based delta: * Timeline has switched since the prior backup * File timestamp is older than recorded in the prior backup * File size changed but timestamp did not * File timestamp is in the future compared to the start of the backup * Online option has changed since the prior backup A practical example is that checksum delta will be enabled after a failover to standby due to the timeline switch. In this case, timestamps can't be trusted and our recommendation has been to run a full backup, which can impact the retention schedule and requires manual intervention. Now, a checksum delta will be performed if the backup type is incr/diff. This means more CPU will be used during the backup but the backup size will be smaller and the retention schedule will not be impacted. Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,16 @@
<release-item-contributor id="cynthia.shang"/>
<p>Automatically enable backup checksum delta when anomalies (e.g. timeline switch) are detected.</p>
@ -72,7 +72,11 @@ sub resumeClean
) =
@ -80,7 +84,11 @@ sub resumeClean
{name => 'oStorageRepo'},
{name => 'strBackupLabel'},
{name => 'oManifest'},
{name => 'oAbortedManifest'}
{name => 'oAbortedManifest'},
{name => 'bOnline'},
{name => 'bDelta'},
{name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false},
{name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false},
&log(DETAIL, 'clean resumed backup path: ' . $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackupLabel}"));
@ -91,6 +99,56 @@ sub resumeClean
# Get compress flag
my $bCompressed = $oAbortedManifest->boolGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS);
if (!$bDelta)
# Check to see if delta checksum should be enabled
$bDelta = $oAbortedManifest->checkDelta(
'resumed', $oAbortedManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE, undef, $bOnline),
$strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast);
# If delta is still false, check the files for anomalies
if (!$bDelta)
my @stryFileList = ();
foreach my $strName (sort(keys(%{$hFile})))
# Ignore files that will never be in the manifest but should be preserved
if ($strName eq FILE_MANIFEST_COPY ||
$strName eq '.')
if ($hFile->{$strName}{type} eq 'f')
# If the original backup was compressed then remove the extension before checking the manifest
my $strFile = $strName;
if ($bCompressed)
$strFile = substr($strFile, 0, length($strFile) - 3);
# To be preserved the file must exist in the new manifest and not be a reference to a previous backup and must
# have a checksum
if ($oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile) &&
push(@stryFileList, $strFile);
# If there are files in the list then check if delta should be enabled
if (@stryFileList)
$bDelta = $oManifest->checkDeltaFile(\@stryFileList, $oAbortedManifest, undef);
# Find paths and files to delete
my @stryFile;
@ -139,7 +197,7 @@ sub resumeClean
if (defined($strChecksum) &&
(cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA) ||
($bDelta ||
@ -189,7 +247,11 @@ sub resumeClean
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},
@ -504,6 +566,7 @@ sub process
# Find the previous backup based on the type
my $oLastManifest;
my $strBackupLastPath;
my $strTimelineLast;
@ -520,6 +583,12 @@ sub process
# If the repo is encrypted then use the passphrase in this manifest for the backup set
$strCipherPassBackupSet = $oLastManifest->cipherPassSub();
# Get archive segment timeline for determining if a timeline switch has occurred. Only defined for prior online backup.
$strTimelineLast = substr($oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP), 0, 8);
&log(INFO, 'last backup label = ' . $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL) .
', version = ' . $oLastManifest->get(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_VERSION));
@ -554,6 +623,7 @@ sub process
my $strBackupLabel;
my $oAbortedManifest;
my $strBackupPath;
my $strTimelineAborted;
foreach my $strAbortedBackup ($oStorageRepo->list(
STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {strExpression => backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), strSortOrder => 'reverse'}))
@ -659,6 +729,17 @@ sub process
$strCipherPassBackupSet = $oAbortedManifest->cipherPassSub();
# Get the archive segment timeline for determining if a timeline switch has occurred. Only defined for prior online
# backup.
$strTimelineAborted = substr($oAbortedManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP), 0, 8);
$strTimelineAborted = substr($oAbortedManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START), 0, 8);
@ -725,7 +806,8 @@ sub process
my $strLsnStart = undef;
my $iWalSegmentSize = undef;
my $hTablespaceMap = undef;
my $hDatabaseMap = undef;
my $hDatabaseMap = undef;
my $strTimelineCurrent = undef;
# If this is an offline backup
if (!cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE))
@ -767,6 +849,9 @@ sub process
$oBackupManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LSN_START, undef, $strLsnStart);
&log(INFO, "backup start archive = ${strArchiveStart}, lsn = ${strLsnStart}");
# Get the timeline from the archive
$strTimelineCurrent = substr($strArchiveStart, 0, 8);
# Get tablespace map
$hTablespaceMap = $oDbMaster->tablespaceMapGet();
@ -825,12 +910,10 @@ sub process
# Record checksum-page option in the manifest
# Build the manifest
$oBackupManifest->build($oStorageDbMaster, $strDbMasterPath, $oLastManifest, cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE),
cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA), $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, cfgOption(CFGOPT_EXCLUDE, false));
# Set the delta option.
# Build the manifest. The delta option may have changed from false to true during the manifest build so set it to the result.
cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_DELTA, $oBackupManifest->build(
$oStorageDbMaster, $strDbMasterPath, $oLastManifest, cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE), cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA), $hTablespaceMap,
$hDatabaseMap, cfgOption(CFGOPT_EXCLUDE, false), $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast));
@ -840,8 +923,10 @@ sub process
&log(WARN, "aborted backup ${strBackupLabel} of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed");
# Clean the backup path before resuming
$self->resumeClean($oStorageRepo, $strBackupLabel, $oBackupManifest, $oAbortedManifest);
# Clean the backup path before resuming. The delta option may have changed from false to true during the reseume clean
# so set it to the result.
cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_DELTA, $self->resumeClean($oStorageRepo, $strBackupLabel, $oBackupManifest, $oAbortedManifest,
cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE), cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA), $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineAborted));
# Else create the backup path
@ -850,6 +935,9 @@ sub process
$oStorageRepo->pathCreate(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strBackupLabel}");
# Set the delta option in the manifest
# Save the backup manifest
@ -556,6 +556,127 @@ sub isTargetTablespace
# checkDelta
# Determine if the delta option should be enabled. Only called if delta has not yet been enabled.
sub checkDelta
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->checkDelta', \@_,
{name => 'strLastBackupSource'},
{name => 'bOnlineSame'},
{name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false},
{name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false},
my $bDelta = false;
# Determine if a timeline switch has occurred
if (defined($strTimelineLast) && defined($strTimelineCurrent))
# If there is a prior backup, check if a timeline switch has occurred since then
if ($strTimelineLast ne $strTimelineCurrent)
&log(WARN, "a timeline switch has occurred since the ${strLastBackupSource} backup, enabling delta checksum");
$bDelta = true;
# If delta was not set above and there is a change in the online option, then set delta option
if (!$bDelta && !$bOnlineSame)
&log(WARN, "the online option has changed since the ${strLastBackupSource} backup, enabling delta checksum");
$bDelta = true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},
# checkDeltaFile
# Determine if the delta option should be enabled. Only called if delta has not yet been enabled.
sub checkDeltaFile
my $self = shift;
# Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info
) =
__PACKAGE__ . '->checkDeltaFile', \@_,
{name => 'stryFileList'},
{name => 'oPriorManifest', required => false},
{name => 'lTimeBegin', required => false},
my $bDelta = false;
# Loop though all files
foreach my $strName (@{$stryFileList})
# If $lTimeBegin is defined, then this is not an aborted manifest so check if modification time is in the future (in this
# backup OR the last backup) then enable delta and exit
if (defined($lTimeBegin) &&
(defined($oPriorManifest) &&
&log(WARN, "file $strName has timestamp in the future, enabling delta checksum");
$bDelta = true;
# If the time on the file is earlier than the last manifest time or the size is different but the timestamp is the
# same, then enable delta and exit
if (defined($oPriorManifest) && $oPriorManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName) &&
&log(WARN, "file $strName timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum");
$bDelta = true;
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},
# build
@ -577,6 +698,8 @@ sub build
@ -594,6 +717,8 @@ sub build
{name => 'hTablespaceMap', required => false},
{name => 'hDatabaseMap', required => false},
{name => 'rhExclude', required => false},
{name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false},
{name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false},
{name => 'strLevel', required => false},
{name => 'bTablespace', required => false},
{name => 'strParentPath', required => false},
@ -642,6 +767,14 @@ sub build
$hTablespaceMap->{$strOid} = "ts${strOid}";
# If there is a last manifest, then check to see if delta checksum should be enabled
if (defined($oLastManifest) && !$bDelta)
$bDelta = $self->checkDelta(
'last', $oLastManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE, undef, $bOnline),
$strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast);
@ -933,9 +1066,9 @@ sub build
$strFile = substr($strFile, length(MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA) + 1);
$oStorageDbMaster, $strLinkDestination, undef, $bOnline, $bDelta, $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, $rhExclude, $strFile,
$bTablespace, dirname("${strPath}/${strName}"), $strFilter, $iLevel + 1);
$bDelta = $self->build(
$oStorageDbMaster, $strLinkDestination, undef, $bOnline, $bDelta, $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, $rhExclude, undef,
undef, $strFile, $bTablespace, dirname("${strPath}/${strName}"), $strFilter, $iLevel + 1);
@ -971,6 +1104,17 @@ sub build
# Determine if delta checksum should be enabled
if (!$bDelta)
my @stryFileList = $self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE);
if (@stryFileList)
$bDelta = $self->checkDeltaFile(\@stryFileList, $oLastManifest, $lTimeBegin);
# Loop though all files
foreach my $strName ($self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE))
@ -1004,13 +1148,13 @@ sub build
# Otherwise the reference is to the previous backup
# Copy the checksum from previous manifest (if it exists - zero sized files don't have checksums)
@ -1024,7 +1168,7 @@ sub build
# Copy master flag from the previous manifest (if it exists)
@ -1068,7 +1212,11 @@ sub build
# Return from function and log return values if any
return logDebugReturn($strOperation);
return logDebugReturn
{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},
@ -2053,7 +2053,11 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
") =\n"
@ -2061,7 +2065,11 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"{name => 'oStorageRepo'},\n"
"{name => 'strBackupLabel'},\n"
"{name => 'oManifest'},\n"
"{name => 'oAbortedManifest'}\n"
"{name => 'oAbortedManifest'},\n"
"{name => 'bOnline'},\n"
"{name => 'bDelta'},\n"
"{name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false},\n"
"&log(DETAIL, 'clean resumed backup path: ' . $oStorageRepo->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . \"/${strBackupLabel}\"));\n"
@ -2069,6 +2077,52 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"my $hFile = $oStorageRepo->manifest(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . \"/${strBackupLabel}\");\n"
"my $bCompressed = $oAbortedManifest->boolGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_COMPRESS);\n"
"if (!$bDelta)\n"
"$bDelta = $oAbortedManifest->checkDelta(\n"
"'resumed', $oAbortedManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE, undef, $bOnline),\n"
"$strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast);\n"
"if (!$bDelta)\n"
"my @stryFileList = ();\n"
"foreach my $strName (sort(keys(%{$hFile})))\n"
"if ($strName eq FILE_MANIFEST_COPY ||\n"
"$strName eq '.')\n"
"if ($hFile->{$strName}{type} eq 'f')\n"
"my $strFile = $strName;\n"
"if ($bCompressed)\n"
"$strFile = substr($strFile, 0, length($strFile) - 3);\n"
"if ($oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile) &&\n"
"push(@stryFileList, $strFile);\n"
"if (@stryFileList)\n"
"$bDelta = $oManifest->checkDeltaFile(\\@stryFileList, $oAbortedManifest, undef);\n"
"my @stryFile;\n"
@ -2110,7 +2164,7 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"if (defined($strChecksum) &&\n"
"(cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA) ||\n"
"($bDelta ||\n"
@ -2156,7 +2210,11 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"return logDebugReturn($strOperation);\n"
"return logDebugReturn\n"
"{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},\n"
"sub processManifest\n"
@ -2415,6 +2473,7 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"my $oLastManifest;\n"
"my $strBackupLastPath;\n"
"my $strTimelineLast;\n"
@ -2428,6 +2487,11 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"{strCipherPass => $strCipherPassManifest});\n"
"$strCipherPassBackupSet = $oLastManifest->cipherPassSub();\n"
"$strTimelineLast = substr($oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP), 0, 8);\n"
"&log(INFO, 'last backup label = ' . $oLastManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LABEL) .\n"
"', version = ' . $oLastManifest->get(INI_SECTION_BACKREST, INI_KEY_VERSION));\n"
@ -2459,6 +2523,7 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"my $strBackupLabel;\n"
"my $oAbortedManifest;\n"
"my $strBackupPath;\n"
"my $strTimelineAborted;\n"
"foreach my $strAbortedBackup ($oStorageRepo->list(\n"
"STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP, {strExpression => backupRegExpGet(true, true, true), strSortOrder => 'reverse'}))\n"
@ -2557,6 +2622,15 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"$strCipherPassBackupSet = $oAbortedManifest->cipherPassSub();\n"
"$strTimelineAborted = substr($oAbortedManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_STOP), 0, 8);\n"
"$strTimelineAborted = substr($oAbortedManifest->get(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_ARCHIVE_START), 0, 8);\n"
@ -2615,6 +2689,7 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"my $iWalSegmentSize = undef;\n"
"my $hTablespaceMap = undef;\n"
"my $hDatabaseMap = undef;\n"
"my $strTimelineCurrent = undef;\n"
"if (!cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE))\n"
@ -2651,6 +2726,8 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"$oBackupManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP, MANIFEST_KEY_LSN_START, undef, $strLsnStart);\n"
"&log(INFO, \"backup start archive = ${strArchiveStart}, lsn = ${strLsnStart}\");\n"
"$strTimelineCurrent = substr($strArchiveStart, 0, 8);\n"
"$hTablespaceMap = $oDbMaster->tablespaceMapGet();\n"
"$hDatabaseMap = $oDbMaster->databaseMapGet();\n"
@ -2701,10 +2778,9 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"$oBackupManifest->build($oStorageDbMaster, $strDbMasterPath, $oLastManifest, cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE),\n"
"cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA), $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, cfgOption(CFGOPT_EXCLUDE, false));\n"
"cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_DELTA, $oBackupManifest->build(\n"
"$oStorageDbMaster, $strDbMasterPath, $oLastManifest, cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE), cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA), $hTablespaceMap,\n"
"$hDatabaseMap, cfgOption(CFGOPT_EXCLUDE, false), $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast));\n"
@ -2712,8 +2788,9 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"&log(WARN, \"aborted backup ${strBackupLabel} of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed\");\n"
"$self->resumeClean($oStorageRepo, $strBackupLabel, $oBackupManifest, $oAbortedManifest);\n"
"cfgOptionSet(CFGOPT_DELTA, $self->resumeClean($oStorageRepo, $strBackupLabel, $oBackupManifest, $oAbortedManifest,\n"
"cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE), cfgOption(CFGOPT_DELTA), $strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineAborted));\n"
@ -2722,6 +2799,8 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"$oStorageRepo->pathCreate(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . \"/${strBackupLabel}\");\n"
"my $lBackupSizeTotal =\n"
@ -12115,6 +12194,107 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"sub checkDelta\n"
"my $self = shift;\n"
") =\n"
"__PACKAGE__ . '->checkDelta', \\@_,\n"
"{name => 'strLastBackupSource'},\n"
"{name => 'bOnlineSame'},\n"
"{name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false},\n"
"my $bDelta = false;\n"
"if (defined($strTimelineLast) && defined($strTimelineCurrent))\n"
"if ($strTimelineLast ne $strTimelineCurrent)\n"
"&log(WARN, \"a timeline switch has occurred since the ${strLastBackupSource} backup, enabling delta checksum\");\n"
"$bDelta = true;\n"
"if (!$bDelta && !$bOnlineSame)\n"
"&log(WARN, \"the online option has changed since the ${strLastBackupSource} backup, enabling delta checksum\");\n"
"$bDelta = true;\n"
"return logDebugReturn\n"
"{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},\n"
"sub checkDeltaFile\n"
"my $self = shift;\n"
") =\n"
"__PACKAGE__ . '->checkDeltaFile', \\@_,\n"
"{name => 'stryFileList'},\n"
"{name => 'oPriorManifest', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'lTimeBegin', required => false},\n"
"my $bDelta = false;\n"
"foreach my $strName (@{$stryFileList})\n"
"if (defined($lTimeBegin) &&\n"
"($self->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP) > $lTimeBegin ||\n"
"(defined($oPriorManifest) &&\n"
"$oPriorManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_FUTURE, 'y'))))\n"
"&log(WARN, \"file $strName has timestamp in the future, enabling delta checksum\");\n"
"$bDelta = true;\n"
"if (defined($oPriorManifest) && $oPriorManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName) &&\n"
"$oPriorManifest->numericGet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strName, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE) &&\n"
"&log(WARN, \"file $strName timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum\");\n"
"$bDelta = true;\n"
"return logDebugReturn\n"
"{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},\n"
"sub build\n"
"my $self = shift;\n"
@ -12130,6 +12310,8 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
@ -12147,6 +12329,8 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"{name => 'hTablespaceMap', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'hDatabaseMap', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'rhExclude', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'strTimelineCurrent', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'strTimelineLast', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'strLevel', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'bTablespace', required => false},\n"
"{name => 'strParentPath', required => false},\n"
@ -12192,6 +12376,13 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"$hTablespaceMap->{$strOid} = \"ts${strOid}\";\n"
"if (defined($oLastManifest) && !$bDelta)\n"
"$bDelta = $self->checkDelta(\n"
"'last', $oLastManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE, undef, $bOnline),\n"
"$strTimelineCurrent, $strTimelineLast);\n"
@ -12446,9 +12637,9 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"$strFile = substr($strFile, length(MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA) + 1);\n"
"$oStorageDbMaster, $strLinkDestination, undef, $bOnline, $bDelta, $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, $rhExclude, $strFile,\n"
"$bTablespace, dirname(\"${strPath}/${strName}\"), $strFilter, $iLevel + 1);\n"
"$bDelta = $self->build(\n"
"$oStorageDbMaster, $strLinkDestination, undef, $bOnline, $bDelta, $hTablespaceMap, $hDatabaseMap, $rhExclude, undef,\n"
"undef, $strFile, $bTablespace, dirname(\"${strPath}/${strName}\"), $strFilter, $iLevel + 1);\n"
@ -12476,6 +12667,16 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"if (!$bDelta)\n"
"my @stryFileList = $self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE);\n"
"if (@stryFileList)\n"
"$bDelta = $self->checkDeltaFile(\\@stryFileList, $oLastManifest, $lTimeBegin);\n"
"foreach my $strName ($self->keys(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE))\n"
@ -12558,7 +12759,11 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"return logDebugReturn($strOperation);\n"
"return logDebugReturn\n"
"{name => 'bDelta', value => $bDelta, trace => true},\n"
"sub linkCheck\n"
@ -652,13 +652,14 @@ unit:
# ********************************************************************************************************************************
- name: backup
Backup/Common: full
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: unit-perl
total: 3
total: 4
Backup/Common: full
Backup/Backup: partial
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: info-unit-perl
@ -680,7 +681,7 @@ unit:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: all-perl
total: 9
total: 11
Manifest: partial
@ -138,19 +138,20 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, oStorage = <[object]>, strCipherPass = [undef], strCipherPassSub = [undef], strDbVersion = 9.4, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log/logfile from backup using 'pg_log/' exclusion
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log2 from backup using 'pg_log2' exclusion
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log2/logfile from backup using 'pg_log2' exclusion
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 INFO: exclude postgresql.auto.conf from backup using 'postgresql.auto.conf' exclusion
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], oPriorManifest = [undef], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%)
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->process: create backup path [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = <false>, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest
@ -176,21 +177,21 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreEx
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/pg_data/pg_stat_tmp
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/pg_data/pg_subtrans
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/pg_data/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 0, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 0, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --buffer-size=16384 --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --repo1-type=cifs --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 16384, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 3, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --buffer-size=16384 --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --repo1-type=cifs --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -595,19 +596,20 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, oStorage = <[object]>, strCipherPass = [undef], strCipherPassSub = [undef], strDbVersion = 9.4, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log/logfile from backup using 'pg_log/' exclusion
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log2 from backup using 'pg_log2' exclusion
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log2/logfile from backup using 'pg_log2' exclusion
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 INFO: exclude postgresql.auto.conf from backup using 'postgresql.auto.conf' exclusion
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], oPriorManifest = [undef], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%)
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->process: create backup path [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = <false>, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
@ -844,22 +846,22 @@ P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, o
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = true
P00 WARN: --no-online passed and postmaster.pid exists but --force was passed so backup will continue though it looks like the postmaster is running and the backup will probably not be consistent
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log/logfile from backup using 'pg_log/' exclusion
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log2 from backup using 'pg_log2' exclusion
P00 INFO: exclude pg_log2/logfile from backup using 'pg_log2' exclusion
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 INFO: exclude postgresql.auto.conf from backup using 'postgresql.auto.conf' exclusion
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-FULL-2] of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2], strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DETAIL: clean resumed backup path: [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file file.tmp
@ -890,24 +892,24 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreEx
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/pg_data/pg_stat_tmp
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/pg_data/pg_subtrans
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/pg_data/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 0, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, pg_data/zero_from_start, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 0, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, pg_data/zero_from_start, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 3, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -1425,24 +1427,24 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathExists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: build level 3 paths/links
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, 65536, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33001, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, 16384, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/17000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, 0, pg_data/global/pg_control, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/12000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, 21, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, 0, pg_data/postgresql.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, 9, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, 0, pg_data/changecontent.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, 4, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, 0, pg_data/changetime.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], root, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0660, root, [USER-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zero_from_start, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, 65536, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33001, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, 16384, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/17000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, 0, pg_data/global/pg_control, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/12000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, 21, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, 0, pg_data/postgresql.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, 9, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, 0, pg_data/changecontent.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, 4, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, 0, pg_data/changetime.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], root, [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0660, root, [USER-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zero_from_start, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=restore --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=backup local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 3, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=restore --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=backup local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -1452,76 +1454,76 @@ P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->init=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 65536, lSizeCurrent = 0, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 65536, lSizeCurrent = 0, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 - exists and matches backup (64KB, 33%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 65536, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 65536, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init - exists and matches backup (32KB, 49%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 98304, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 98304, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 - exists and matches backup (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 131072, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 131072, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 - exists and matches backup (32KB, 83%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 16384, lSizeCurrent = 163840, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 16384, lSizeCurrent = 163840, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 (16KB, 91%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 180224, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 180224, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp (8KB, 95%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 188416, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 188416, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 - exists and matches backup (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 21, lSizeCurrent = 196608, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 21, lSizeCurrent = 196608, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf - exists and matches backup (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 9, lSizeCurrent = 196629, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 9, lSizeCurrent = 196629, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196638, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196638, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 5, lSizeCurrent = 196645, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 5, lSizeCurrent = 196645, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat - exists and matches backup (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 4, lSizeCurrent = 196650, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 4, lSizeCurrent = 196650, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt - exists and matches backup (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196654, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196654, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196657, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196657, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196660, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196660, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196663, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196663, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 100%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196666, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196666, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start - exists and is zero size (0B, 100%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: no jobs found, stop local: iHostConfigIdx = [undef], iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->close=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196666, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196666, lSizeTotal = 196666, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% - exists and is zero size (0B, 100%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: all jobs complete
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/recovery.conf
@ -1802,24 +1804,24 @@ P00 DETAIL: remove link [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf
P00 DETAIL: remove link [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat
P00 DETAIL: remove link [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf
P00 INFO: cleanup removed 3 links
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 - exists and matches size 65536 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (64KB, 33%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (32KB, 49%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (32KB, 83%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 - exists and matches size 16384 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (16KB, 91%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 - exists and matches size 65536 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (64KB, 33%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (32KB, 49%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (32KB, 83%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 - exists and matches size 16384 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (16KB, 91%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp (8KB, 95%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 - exists and matches size 8192 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 - exists and matches size 8192 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf (9B, 99%) checksum dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt - exists and matches size 7 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt - exists and matches size 7 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt - exists and matches size 4 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt - exists and matches size 4 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION (3B, 100%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (0B, 100%)
P00 INFO: write [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/recovery.conf
P00 INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
P00 INFO: restore command end: completed successfully
@ -2045,12 +2047,14 @@ P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, o
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 1 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDelta(): bOnlineSame = true, strLastBackupSource = last, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], oPriorManifest = [object], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/zero_from_start, pg_data/zerosize.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt)
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->process: create backup path [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = <false>, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-1]/backup.manifest
@ -2059,10 +2063,10 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = <false>, bPathCreate = <f
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest(): bCompress = false, bHardLink = false, oBackupManifest = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-INCR-1], strDbCopyPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strDbMasterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strDbVersion = 9.4, strLsnStart = [undef], strType = incr
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 3, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -2468,21 +2472,21 @@ P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, o
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 1 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 11 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 2 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/11, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts11
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/11, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts11, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts11
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/2, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts2
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [hash], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/2, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts2, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts2
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-INCR-2] of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-INCR-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-INCR-2], strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DETAIL: clean resumed backup path: [TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file pg_data/changesize.txt
@ -2495,26 +2499,26 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = <false>, bPathCreate = <f
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest(): bCompress = false, bHardLink = false, oBackupManifest = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-INCR-2], strDbCopyPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strDbMasterPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strDbVersion = 9.4, strLsnStart = [undef], strType = incr
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 0, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, 14c44cef6287269b08d41de489fd492bb9fc795d, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/44000_init, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 0, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, 14c44cef6287269b08d41de489fd492bb9fc795d, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 3, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -3483,27 +3487,27 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreEx
P00 DEBUG: build level 5 paths/links
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001, 65536, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33001, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000, 16384, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/17000, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, 0, pg_data/global/pg_control, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/12000, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf, 21, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, 0, pg_data/postgresql.conf, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt, 11, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, 0, 0, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578, 0, 0, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f, 0, 0, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689, 0, 0, pg_data/changecontent.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt, 4, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, 0, pg_data/changetime.txt, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0660, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zerosize.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zero_from_start, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zero_from_start, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001, 65536, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33001, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/44000_init, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000, 16384, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/17000, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, 0, pg_data/global/pg_control, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/12000, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf, 21, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, 0, pg_data/postgresql.conf, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt, 11, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, 0, 0, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578, 0, 0, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f, 0, 0, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689, 0, 0, pg_data/changecontent.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt, 4, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, 0, pg_data/changetime.txt, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0660, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/PG_VERSION, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zerosize.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zero_from_start, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zero_from_start, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], 0, [BACKUP-DIFF-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=restore --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2 --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=backup local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 3, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=restore --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2 --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db --type=backup local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -3513,88 +3517,88 @@ P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->init=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 65536, lSizeCurrent = 0, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 65536, lSizeCurrent = 0, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 33%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/44000_init
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 65536, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/44000_init
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 65536, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/44000_init
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/44000_init (32KB, 49%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 98304, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 98304, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 131072, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 131072, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 83%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 16384, lSizeCurrent = 163840, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 16384, lSizeCurrent = 163840, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (16KB, 91%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 180224, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 180224, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp (8KB, 95%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 188416, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 188416, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 21, lSizeCurrent = 196608, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 21, lSizeCurrent = 196608, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 11, lSizeCurrent = 196629, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 11, lSizeCurrent = 196629, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196640, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196640, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 5, lSizeCurrent = 196647, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 5, lSizeCurrent = 196647, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 4, lSizeCurrent = 196652, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 4, lSizeCurrent = 196652, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196656, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196656, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196659, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196659, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196662, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196662, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196665, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 196665, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt (0B, 99%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zero_from_start
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zero_from_start
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zero_from_start (0B, 99%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strQueueIdx = 1
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% (0B, 99%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strQueueIdx = 2
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196668, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 99%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: no jobs found, stop local: iHostConfigIdx = [undef], iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->close=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196675, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 196675, lSizeTotal = 196682, strChecksum = d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt (7B, 100%) checksum d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: all jobs complete
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/recovery.conf
@ -3945,9 +3949,28 @@ P00 WARN: option repo1-retention-full is not set, the repository may run out o
HINT: to retain full backups indefinitely (without warning), set option 'repo1-retention-full' to the maximum.
P00 INFO: last backup label = [BACKUP-INCR-3], version = [VERSION-1]
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-INCR-3]
P01 INFO: backup file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (8B, 100%) checksum 9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501
P00 WARN: file pg_data/base/16384/17000 timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 36%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/44000_init (32KB, 54%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 72%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 90%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control (8KB, 95%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (8B, 99%) checksum 9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000: file size 8 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 INFO: incr backup size = 8B
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt (5B, 99%) checksum 09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2b.txt (8B, 99%) checksum e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 100%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 INFO: incr backup size = 176KB
P00 INFO: new backup label = [BACKUP-INCR-4]
P00 INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00 INFO: expire command begin
@ -4013,7 +4036,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -125,15 +125,16 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, oStorage = <[object]>, strCipherPass = [undef], strCipherPassSub = [undef], strDbVersion = 9.4, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], oPriorManifest = [undef], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%)
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->process: create backup path [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = <false>, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/backup.manifest
@ -153,20 +154,20 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreEx
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/pg_data/pg_clog
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/pg_data/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-1]/pg_data/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 0, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 0, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --buffer-size=16384 --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=1 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --pg1-port=9999 --pg1-socket-path==/test_socket_path --process=1 --protocol-timeout=2 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --repo1-type=cifs --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 16384, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 2, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --buffer-size=16384 --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=1 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --pg1-port=9999 --pg1-socket-path==/test_socket_path --process=1 --protocol-timeout=2 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --repo1-type=cifs --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -600,19 +601,21 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->get(): strCipherPass = [undef], xFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, oStorage = <[object]>, strCipherPass = [undef], strCipherPassSub = [undef], strDbVersion = 9.4, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-4], oPriorManifest = [undef], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%)
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-FULL-2] of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2], strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DETAIL: clean resumed backup path: [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDelta(): bOnlineSame = true, strLastBackupSource = resumed, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = <false>, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = [undef], strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest.copy
@ -949,19 +952,21 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->get(): strCipherPass = [undef], xFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, oStorage = <[object]>, strCipherPass = [undef], strCipherPassSub = [undef], strDbVersion = 9.4, strFileName = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-5], oPriorManifest = [undef], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%)
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-FULL-2] of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2], strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DETAIL: clean resumed backup path: [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDelta(): bOnlineSame = true, strLastBackupSource = resumed, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = <false>, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = [undef], strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/backup.manifest.copy
@ -1100,20 +1105,23 @@ P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, o
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = true
P00 WARN: --no-online passed and postmaster.pid exists but --force was passed so backup will continue though it looks like the postmaster is running and the backup will probably not be consistent
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/pg_hba.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/pg_stat, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_stat, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = false, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strPath = ../pg_config/postgresql.conf, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/pg_config/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], oPriorManifest = [undef], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/zero_from_start)
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-FULL-2] of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-FULL-2], strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DETAIL: clean resumed backup path: [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDelta(): bOnlineSame = true, strLastBackupSource = resumed, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [undef], oPriorManifest = [object], stryFileList = (pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf)
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file file.tmp
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file pg_data/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
@ -1136,23 +1144,23 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreEx
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/pg_data/pg_clog
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/pg_data/pg_stat
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = true, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-FULL-2]/pg_data/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 0, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, pg_data/zero_from_start, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 0, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, 9, dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, pg_data/zero_from_start, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -1606,23 +1614,23 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathExists=>: bExists = true
P00 DEBUG: build level 3 paths/links
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, 65536, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33001, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, 16384, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/17000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, 0, pg_data/global/pg_control, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/12000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, 21, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, 0, pg_data/postgresql.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, 9, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, 0, pg_data/changecontent.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, 4, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, 0, pg_data/changetime.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0660, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zero_from_start, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, 65536, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33001, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, 32768, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/33000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, 16384, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/17000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, 0, pg_data/global/pg_control, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, 8192, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/12000, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, 21, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, 0, pg_data/postgresql.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf, 9, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_hba.conf, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, 7, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, 0, pg_data/changecontent.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, 0, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, 4, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, 0, pg_data/changetime.txt, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0660, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, 0, pg_data/PG_VERSION, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/zero_from_start, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, 0, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], [undef], 0, 0, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, [undef], 0600, [USER-1], [GROUP-1], [MODIFICATION-TIME-6], 1, [BACKUP-FULL-2], 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strOp = restoreFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = backup
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh --command=restore --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-host=backup --repo1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --repo1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --repo1-host-user=[USER-2] --stanza=db --type=backup local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh --command=restore --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-host=backup --repo1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --repo1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --repo1-host-user=[USER-2] --stanza=db --type=backup local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -1632,72 +1640,72 @@ P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->init=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 65536, lSizeCurrent = 0, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 65536, lSizeCurrent = 0, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 - exists and matches backup (64KB, 39%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 65536, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 65536, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 - exists and matches backup (32KB, 59%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 98304, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 32768, lSizeCurrent = 98304, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 - exists and matches backup (32KB, 79%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 16384, lSizeCurrent = 131072, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 16384, lSizeCurrent = 131072, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 (16KB, 89%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1), strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 147456, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = true, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 147456, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 155648, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 8192, lSizeCurrent = 155648, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 - exists and matches backup (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 21, lSizeCurrent = 163840, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 21, lSizeCurrent = 163840, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf - exists and matches backup (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 9, lSizeCurrent = 163861, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 9, lSizeCurrent = 163861, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 163870, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 7, lSizeCurrent = 163870, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 5, lSizeCurrent = 163877, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], lSize = 5, lSizeCurrent = 163877, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat - exists and matches backup (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 4, lSizeCurrent = 163882, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 4, lSizeCurrent = 163882, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt - exists and matches backup (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163886, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163886, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163889, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163889, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163892, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163892, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163895, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 3, lSizeCurrent = 163895, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 100%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/zero_from_start
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 163898, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 163898, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start - exists and is zero size (0B, 100%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (0), strKey = pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: no jobs found, stop local: iHostConfigIdx = [undef], iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->close=>: iExitStatus = 0
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 163898, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P00 DEBUG: RestoreFile::restoreLog(): bCopy = false, bForce = false, bZero = false, iLocalId = 1, lModificationTime = [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], lSize = 0, lSizeCurrent = 163898, lSizeTotal = 163898, strChecksum = [undef], strDbFile = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% - exists and is zero size (0B, 100%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: all jobs complete
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/recovery.conf
@ -1855,23 +1863,23 @@ P00 DETAIL: remove link [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf
P00 DETAIL: remove link [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat
P00 DETAIL: remove link [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf
P00 INFO: cleanup removed 3 links
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 - exists and matches size 65536 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (64KB, 39%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (32KB, 59%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (32KB, 79%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 - exists and matches size 16384 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (16KB, 89%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 - exists and matches size 65536 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (64KB, 39%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (32KB, 59%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 - exists and matches size 32768 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (32KB, 79%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 - exists and matches size 16384 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (16KB, 89%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control.pgbackrest.tmp (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 - exists and matches size 8192 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 - exists and matches size 8192 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_hba.conf (9B, 99%) checksum dd4cea0cae348309f9de28ad4ded8ee2cc2e6d5b
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt - exists and matches size 7 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt - exists and matches size 7 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt - exists and matches size 4 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt - exists and matches size 4 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION - exists and matches size 3 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION (3B, 100%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-1] (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zero_from_start - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (0B, 100%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% - exists and matches size 0 and modification time [MODIFICATION-TIME-2] (0B, 100%)
P00 INFO: write [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/recovery.conf
P00 INFO: restore global/pg_control (performed last to ensure aborted restores cannot be started)
P00 INFO: restore command end: completed successfully
@ -2038,12 +2046,14 @@ P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, o
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 1 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDelta(): bOnlineSame = true, strLastBackupSource = last, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-7], oPriorManifest = [object], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/zero_from_start, pg_data/zerosize.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt)
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->process: create backup path [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->pathCreate(): bCreateParent = <false>, bIgnoreExists = <false>, strMode = <0750>, strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-1]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-1]/backup.manifest
@ -2054,10 +2064,10 @@ P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet(): bCache = <true>, iProcessIdx =
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet: found cached protocol
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-1], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
@ -2471,27 +2481,29 @@ P00 DEBUG: Manifest->new(): bLoad = false, iDbCatalogVersion = 201409291, o
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists(): strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postmaster.pid
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->exists=>: bExists = false
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = [undef], hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [undef], iLevel = <0>, oLastManifest = [object], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [undef], strLevel = [undef], strParentPath = [undef], strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [undef], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 1 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 11 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build: found tablespace 2 in offline mode
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDelta(): bOnlineSame = true, strLastBackupSource = last, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/1, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts1
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/11, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts11
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/11, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts11, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts11
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/2, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts2
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->build(): bDelta = false, bOnline = false, bTablespace = true, hDatabaseMap = [undef], hTablespaceMap = [hash], iLevel = 1, oLastManifest = [undef], oStorageDbMaster = [object], rhExclude = [undef], strFilter = [TS_PATH-1], strLevel = pg_tblspc/2, strParentPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc, strPath = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts2, strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Storage::Remote->manifest(): rhParam = [hash], strPathExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/tablespace/ts2
P00 DEBUG: Manifest->checkDeltaFile(): lTimeBegin = [MODIFICATION-TIME-8], oPriorManifest = [object], stryFileList = (pg_data/PG_VERSION, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, pg_data/global/pg_control, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/postgresql.conf, pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?%, pg_data/zero_from_start, pg_data/zerosize.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt)
P00 WARN: file pg_data/changetime.txt timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-INCR-2] of same type exists, will be cleaned to remove invalid files and resumed
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-INCR-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean(): bDelta = true, bOnline = false, oAbortedManifest = [object], oManifest = [object], oStorageRepo = [object], strBackupLabel = [BACKUP-INCR-2], strTimelineCurrent = [undef], strTimelineLast = [undef]
P00 DETAIL: clean resumed backup path: [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-2]
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->manifest(): strFilter = [undef], strPathExp = <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file pg_data/changesize.txt
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file pg_data/zerosize.txt
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->resumeClean: remove file pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->remove(): bIgnoreMissing = <true>, bRecurse = <false>, xstryPathFileExp = (<REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]/pg_data/changesize.txt, <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]/pg_data/zerosize.txt, <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt)
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->remove(): bIgnoreMissing = <true>, bRecurse = <false>, xstryPathFileExp = (<REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]/pg_data/changesize.txt, <REPO:BACKUP>/[BACKUP-INCR-2]/pg_data/zerosize.txt)
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->remove=>: bRemoved = true
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists(): strFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/backup/repo/backup/db/[BACKUP-INCR-2]/backup.manifest
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->exists=>: bExists = false
@ -2501,36 +2513,86 @@ P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet(): bCache = <true>, iProcessIdx =
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet: found cached protocol
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->new(): bConfessError = <true>, iSelectTimeout = <30>, strBackRestBin = <[BACKREST-BIN]>, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostAdd(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, iProcessMax = 1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, bogus, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-1], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 0, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001, pg_data/base/32768/33001, 65536, 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767, pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, 32768, 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000, pg_data/base/32768/33000, 32768, 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000, pg_data/base/16384/17000, 16384, e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control, pg_data/global/pg_control, 8192, 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 0, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000, pg_data/base/1/12000, 8192, 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf, pg_data/postgresql.conf, 21, 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt, pg_data/badchecksum.txt, 11, bogus, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt, pg_data/changesize.txt, 9, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, 7, [undef], 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, 7, 14c44cef6287269b08d41de489fd492bb9fc795d, 1, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, {iWalId => 65535, iWalOffset => 65535}, 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_tblspc/1
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt, pg_data/changecontent.txt, 7, 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat, pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, 5, e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt, pg_data/changetime.txt, 4, 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION, pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION, pg_data/PG_VERSION, 3, 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-2], 1, [undef], 1, 1), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->queueJob(): iHostConfigIdx = 1, rParam = ([TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt, pg_data/zerosize.txt, 0, [undef], 0, [BACKUP-INCR-2], 0, 3, [MODIFICATION-TIME-3], 1, [undef], 1, 0), rParamSecure = [undef], strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strOp = backupFile, strQueue = pg_data
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect: start local process: iHostConfigIdx = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iHostProcessIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Master->new(): iProcessIdx = 1, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->new(): iBufferMax = 4194304, iCompressLevel = 3, iCompressLevelNetwork = 1, iProtocolTimeout = 60, strCommand = [BACKREST-BIN] --command=backup --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --host-id=1 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/lock --log-level-file=trace --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/log --log-subprocess --pg1-host=db-master --pg1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --pg1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --pg1-host-user=[USER-1] --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --process=1 --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/backup/repo --stanza=db --type=db local, strId = local-1 process, strName = local
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->hostConnect=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->init: init local process: iDirection = 1, iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, iQueueIdx = 0, iQueueLastIdx = 2
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->init=>: bResult = true
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 65536, [undef], 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33001
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 39%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 32768, [undef], 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 59%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 32768, [undef], 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/33000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 79%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 16384, [undef], e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/17000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 (16KB, 89%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 8192, [undef], 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/global/pg_control
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 8192, [undef], 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/1/12000
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 21, [undef], 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/postgresql.conf
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (2, 11, 11, f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 11, 11, f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/badchecksum.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P00 WARN: resumed backup file pg_data/badchecksum.txt does not have expected checksum bogus. The file will be recopied and backup will continue but this may be an issue unless the resumed backup path in the repository is known to be corrupted.
NOTE: this does not indicate a problem with the PostgreSQL page checksums.
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt (11B, 28%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 9, 9, 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/changesize.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 7, 7, a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/changecontent.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 5, [undef], e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt (9B, 52%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 4, 4, 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 4, [undef], 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/changetime.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 3, [undef], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 3, [undef], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/16384/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 3, [undef], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/base/1/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (4, 3, [undef], 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/PG_VERSION
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt, strQueueIdx = 0
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt (4B, 63%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 0, 0, da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709, [undef]), strKey = pg_data/zerosize.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt, strQueueIdx = 1
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt (0B, 63%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt (0B, 99%)
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 7, 7, dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578, {bAlign => 0, bValid => 0}), strKey = pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: get job from queue: iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt, strQueueIdx = 2
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 81%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 99%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: job complete: iProcessId = 1, rResult = (1, 7, 7, d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f, {bAlign => 0, bValid => 0}), strKey = pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Local::Process->process: no jobs found, stop local: iHostConfigIdx = [undef], iHostIdx = 0, iProcessId = 1, strHostType = [undef]
@ -2547,14 +2609,14 @@ P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/base/32768/33
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767 to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/base/32768/33001 to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/base/32768/PG_VERSION to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/changecontent.txt to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/changetime.txt to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/global/pg_control to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/pg_stat/global.stat to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/postgresql.conf to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/special-@!#$^&*()-_+~`{}[]\|:;"<>',.?% to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest: reference pg_data/zero_from_start to [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest=>: lSizeTotal = 38
P00 INFO: incr backup size = 38B
P00 DEBUG: Backup::Backup->processManifest=>: lSizeTotal = 163923
P00 INFO: incr backup size = 160KB
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolDestroy(): bComplete = true, iRemoteIdx = [undef], strRemoteType = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolDestroy: found cached protocol: iRemoteIdx = 1, strRemoteType = db
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Command::Master->close=>: iExitStatus = 0
@ -2755,7 +2817,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -2776,9 +2838,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000={"checksum":"4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f",
@ -2860,15 +2922,29 @@ P00 INFO: last backup label = [BACKUP-FULL-2], version = [VERSION-1]
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-INCR-2] cannot be resumed: new backup-type 'diff' does not match aborted backup-type 'incr'
P00 WARN: diff backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt (11B, 28%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt (9B, 52%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt (4B, 63%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt (0B, 63%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 81%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: file pg_data/changetime.txt timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 39%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 59%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 79%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 (16KB, 89%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt (0B, 99%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 99%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt (7B, 100%) checksum d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 38B
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 160KB
P00 INFO: new backup label = [BACKUP-DIFF-1]
P00 INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00 INFO: expire command begin
@ -2955,7 +3031,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -2975,9 +3051,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000={"checksum":"4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f",
@ -3056,15 +3132,29 @@ P00 INFO: last backup label = [BACKUP-FULL-2], version = [VERSION-1]
P00 WARN: aborted backup [BACKUP-DIFF-1] cannot be resumed: resume is disabled
P00 WARN: diff backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt (11B, 28%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt (9B, 52%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt (4B, 63%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt (0B, 63%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 81%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: file pg_data/changetime.txt timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 39%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 59%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 79%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/17000 (16KB, 89%) checksum e0101dd8ffb910c9c202ca35b5f828bcb9697bed
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/global/pg_control (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/zerosize.txt (0B, 99%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 99%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt (7B, 100%) checksum d85de07d6421d90aa9191c11c889bfde43680f0f
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_tblspc/1/[TS_PATH-1]/16384/tablespace1.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 38B
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 160KB
P00 INFO: new backup label = [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
P00 INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00 INFO: expire command begin
@ -3151,7 +3241,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -3171,9 +3261,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000={"checksum":"4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f",
@ -3270,7 +3360,7 @@ P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%)
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
@ -3314,7 +3404,7 @@ P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 - exists a
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf - exists and matches backup (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt - exists and matches backup (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat - exists and matches backup (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt - exists and matches backup (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
@ -3457,9 +3547,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -3575,9 +3665,28 @@ P00 WARN: option repo1-retention-full is not set, the repository may run out o
HINT: to retain full backups indefinitely (without warning), set option 'repo1-retention-full' to the maximum.
P00 INFO: last backup label = [BACKUP-INCR-3], version = [VERSION-1]
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-INCR-3]
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (8B, 100%) checksum 9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501
P00 WARN: file pg_data/base/16384/17000 timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 44%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 88%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (8B, 99%) checksum 9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000: file size 8 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 INFO: incr backup size = 8B
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt (5B, 99%) checksum 09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2b.txt (8B, 99%) checksum e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 100%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 INFO: incr backup size = 144KB
P00 INFO: new backup label = [BACKUP-INCR-4]
P00 INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00 INFO: expire command begin
@ -3668,7 +3777,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -3688,9 +3797,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -3764,19 +3873,32 @@ P00 WARN: option repo1-retention-full is not set, the repository may run out o
HINT: to retain full backups indefinitely (without warning), set option 'repo1-retention-full' to the maximum.
P00 INFO: last backup label = [BACKUP-FULL-2], version = [VERSION-1]
P00 WARN: diff backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 21%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 38%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (8B, 53%) checksum 9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501
P00 WARN: file pg_data/base/16384/17000 timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 44%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 88%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (8B, 99%) checksum 9a53d532e27785e681766c98516a5e93f096a501
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000: file size 8 is not divisible by page size 8192
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt (5B, 63%) checksum 09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt (5B, 99%) checksum 09b5e31766be1dba1ec27de82f975c1b6eea2a92
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt: file size 5 is not divisible by page size 8192
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 71%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt (0B, 71%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2b.txt (8B, 86%) checksum e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt (0B, 99%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2b.txt (8B, 99%) checksum e324463005236d83e6e54795dbddd20a74533bf3
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2b.txt: file size 8 is not divisible by page size 8192
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 100%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 52B
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 144KB
P00 INFO: new backup label = [BACKUP-DIFF-3]
P00 INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00 INFO: expire command begin
@ -3867,7 +3989,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -3887,9 +4009,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -4077,9 +4199,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -4157,17 +4279,30 @@ P00 INFO: last backup label = [BACKUP-FULL-2], version = [VERSION-1]
P00 WARN: diff backup cannot alter compress option to 'true', reset to value in [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 WARN: diff backup cannot alter hardlink option to 'true', reset to value in [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 WARN: diff backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-FULL-2]
P00 WARN: file pg_data/changetime.txt timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 25%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 45%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33001 (64KB, 44%) checksum 6bf316f11d28c28914ea9be92c00de9bea6d9a6b
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000.32767 (32KB, 66%) checksum 21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c2ec5
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/33000 (32KB, 88%) checksum 4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/global/pg_control (8KB, 94%) checksum 4c77c900f7af0d9ab13fa9982051a42e0b637f6c
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/12000 (8KB, 99%) checksum 22c98d248ff548311eda88559e4a8405ed77c003
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.conf (21B, 99%) checksum 6721d92c9fcdf4248acff1f9a1377127d9064807
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P00 DETAIL: skip file removed by database db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 65%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt (0B, 65%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2c.txt (12B, 84%) checksum dfcb8679956b734706cf87259d50c88f83e80e66
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/1/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 DETAIL: match file from prior backup db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/zerosize.txt (0B, 99%)
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2c.txt (12B, 99%) checksum dfcb8679956b734706cf87259d50c88f83e80e66
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2c.txt: file size 12 is not divisible by page size 8192
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt (7B, 100%) checksum dc7f76e43c46101b47acc55ae4d593a9e6983578
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_tblspc/2/[TS_PATH-1]/32768/tablespace2.txt: file size 7 is not divisible by page size 8192
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 44B
P00 INFO: diff backup size = 144KB
P00 INFO: new backup label = [BACKUP-DIFF-4]
P00 INFO: backup command end: completed successfully
P00 INFO: expire command begin
@ -4259,7 +4394,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -4277,9 +4412,9 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000={"checksum":"4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f",
@ -4363,7 +4498,7 @@ P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/postgresql.con
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt (11B, 99%) checksum f927212cd08d11a42a666b2f04235398e9ceeb51
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (9B, 99%) checksum 7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: backup file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
@ -4485,7 +4620,7 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000={"checksum":"4a383e4fb8b5cd2a4e8fab91ef63dce48e532a2f",
@ -4576,8 +4711,8 @@ stanza: db
diff backup: [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
timestamp start/stop: [TIMESTAMP-STR]
wal start/stop: n/a
database size: 160KB, backup size: 38B
repository size: 160KB, repository backup size: 38B
database size: 160KB, backup size: 41B
repository size: 160KB, repository backup size: 41B
backup reference list: [BACKUP-FULL-2]
incr backup: [BACKUP-INCR-3]
@ -4597,8 +4732,8 @@ stanza: db
diff backup: [BACKUP-DIFF-3]
timestamp start/stop: [TIMESTAMP-STR]
wal start/stop: n/a
database size: 144KB, backup size: 52B
repository size: 144KB, repository backup size: 52B
database size: 144KB, backup size: 55B
repository size: 144KB, repository backup size: 55B
backup reference list: [BACKUP-FULL-2]
incr backup: [BACKUP-INCR-5]
@ -4611,8 +4746,8 @@ stanza: db
diff backup: [BACKUP-DIFF-4]
timestamp start/stop: [TIMESTAMP-STR]
wal start/stop: n/a
database size: 144KB, backup size: 43B
repository size: 144KB, repository backup size: 43B
database size: 144KB, backup size: 46B
repository size: 144KB, repository backup size: 46B
backup reference list: [BACKUP-FULL-2]
full backup: [BACKUP-FULL-3]
@ -5057,7 +5192,7 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -5146,7 +5281,7 @@ P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt - exist
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum 7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat - exists and matches backup (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt - exists and matches backup (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
@ -5189,7 +5324,7 @@ P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/badchecksum.txt - exist
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changesize.txt - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base2.txt - exists and matches backup (9B, 99%) checksum cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0
P01 DETAIL: restore zeroed file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000 (9B, 99%)
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changecontent.txt - exists and matches backup (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/pg_stat/global.stat - exists and matches backup (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/changetime.txt - exists and matches backup (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 DETAIL: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/32768/PG_VERSION - exists and matches backup (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
@ -5250,7 +5385,7 @@ P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/badchecksum.txt (1
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/changesize.txt (9B, 99%) checksum 3905d5be2ec8d67f41435dab5e0dcda3ae47455d
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base/base2.txt (9B, 99%) checksum cafac3c59553f2cfde41ce2e62e7662295f108c0
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base/16384/17000 (9B, 99%) checksum 7579ada0808d7f98087a0a586d0df9de009cdc33
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum 238a131a3e8eb98d1fc5b27d882ca40b7618fd2a
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/changecontent.txt (7B, 99%) checksum a094d94583e209556d03c3c5da33131a065f1689
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/pg_stat/global.stat (5B, 99%) checksum e350d5ce0153f3e22d5db21cf2a4eff00f3ee877
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/changetime.txt (4B, 99%) checksum 88087292ed82e26f3eb824d0bffc05ccf7a30f8d
P01 INFO: restore file [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/base/32768/PG_VERSION (3B, 99%) checksum 184473f470864e067ee3a22e64b47b0a1c356f29
@ -5541,7 +5676,7 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -5727,7 +5862,7 @@ pg_data/base/32768/33000.32767={"checksum":"21e2c7c1a326682c07053b7d6a5a40dbd49c
@ -1578,6 +1578,7 @@ incr backup - update files (backup host)
P00 WARN: option repo1-retention-full is not set, the repository may run out of space
HINT: to retain full backups indefinitely (without warning), set option 'repo1-retention-full' to the maximum.
P00 WARN: incr backup cannot alter 'checksum-page' option to 'false', reset to 'true' from [BACKUP-INCR-3]
P00 WARN: file pg_data/base/16384/17000 timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum
P00 WARN: page misalignment in file db-master:[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base-2/base/16384/17000: file size 8 is not divisible by page size 8192
+ supplemental file: [TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf
@ -1675,7 +1676,7 @@ option-archive-copy=true
@ -14,18 +14,23 @@ use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Storable qw(dclone);
use pgBackRest::Backup::Backup;
use pgBackRest::Backup::Common;
use pgBackRest::Common::Exception;
use pgBackRest::Common::Log;
use pgBackRest::Common::String;
use pgBackRest::Common::Wait;
use pgBackRest::Config::Config;
use pgBackRest::DbVersion;
use pgBackRest::Manifest;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRest::Storage::Helper;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ContainerTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::FileTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Common::RunTest;
use pgBackRestTest::Env::Host::HostBackupTest;
@ -186,6 +191,219 @@ sub run
$self->testResult(sub {$strDiffLabel eq $strNewDiffLabel}, true, 'new diff label in future');
if ($self->begin('resumeClean()'))
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_STANZA, $self->stanza());
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_REPO_PATH, $self->testPath() . '/repo');
$self->optionTestSet(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $self->testPath() . '/db');
my $lTime = time();
my $strFullLabel = backupLabelFormat(CFGOPTVAL_BACKUP_TYPE_FULL, undef, $lTime);
storageRepo()->pathCreate(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strFullLabel}", {bCreateParent => true});
my $strBackupPath = storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP . "/${strFullLabel}");
my $strBackupManifestFile = "$strBackupPath/" . FILE_MANIFEST;
my $strPath = "path";
my $strSubPath = "$strBackupPath/$strPath";
my $strInManifestNoChecksum = 'in_manifest_no_checksum';
my $strInManifestWithChecksum = 'in_manifest_with_checksum';
my $strInManifestWithReference = 'in_manifest_with_reference';
my $strExpectedManifest = $self->testPath() . '/expected.manifest';
my $strAbortedManifest = $self->testPath() . '/aborted.manifest';
my $oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
my $oAbortedManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
my $oBackup = new pgBackRest::Backup::Backup();
$oAbortedManifest->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_OPTION, MANIFEST_KEY_ONLINE, undef, false);
# Compression prior enabled, gzip file exists and not in manifest, dir exists and is in manifest, delta not enabled
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . '/' . BOGUS . '.gz',
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
storageRepo()->pathCreate($strSubPath, {bIgnoreExists => true});
my $hDefault = {};
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, $strPath, undef, $hDefault);
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, false, 'resumeClean, prior compression enabled, delta not enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {!storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . '/' . BOGUS . '.gz')}, true, ' gzip file removed');
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->pathExists($strSubPath)}, true, ' path not removed');
# Disable compression
$oManifest->remove(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_PATH, $strPath);
# Path and files to be removed (not in oManifest)
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/" . FILE_MANIFEST_COPY,
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strSubPath . "/" . BOGUS,
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/" . BOGUS,
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->pathExists($strSubPath) && storageRepo()->exists($strSubPath . "/" . BOGUS) &&
storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/" . BOGUS)},
true, 'dir and files to be removed exist');
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, true,
undef, undef)}, true, 'resumeClean, delta enabled, path and files to remove, manifest copy to remain');
$self->testResult(sub {!storageRepo()->pathExists($strSubPath) && !storageRepo()->exists($strSubPath . "/" . BOGUS)},
true, ' dir removed');
$self->testResult(sub {!storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/" . BOGUS) &&
storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/" . FILE_MANIFEST_COPY)}, true,
' file removed, manifest copy remains');
# Online changed, delta enabled
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, true, false,
undef, undef)}, true, 'resumeClean, online changed, delta enabled');
# Online does not change, only backup.manifest.copy exists, delta not enabled
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . '/' . BOGUS,
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithReference",
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestNoChecksum",
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}));
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum",
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}), 'test');
my ($strHash, $iSize) = storageRepo()->hashSize(storageRepo()->openRead($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum"));
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestNoChecksum,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestNoChecksum,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithReference,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithReference,
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithReference,
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestNoChecksum,
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestNoChecksum,
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oAbortedManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithReference,
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithReference,
$oManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithReference,
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, false, 'resumeClean, online not changed, delta not enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {!storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/" . BOGUS) &&
!storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestNoChecksum") &&
!storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithReference") &&
storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum") &&
storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/" . FILE_MANIFEST_COPY)}, true,
' file not in manifest or in manifest but no-checksum removed, file in manifest and manifest.copy remains');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM,
$strHash)}, true, ' checksum copied to manifest');
# Timestamp in the past for same-sized file with checksum.
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM)}, false, 'manifest checksum does not exist');
# Set the timestamp so that the new manifest appears to have a time in the past. This should enable delta.
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
# Set checksum page for code coverage
$oAbortedManifest->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, false);
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, true, ' resumeClean, timestamp in past, delta enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM,
$strHash) && $oManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, false)}, true, ' checksum copied to manifest');
# Timestamp different for same-sized file with checksum.
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, false, 'resumeClean, timestamp different but size the same, delta not enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM) && !storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum")},
false, ' checksum not copied to manifest, file removed');
# Size different, timestamp same for file with checksum.
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum",
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}), 'test');
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, true, 'resumeClean, size different, timestamp same, delta enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM) && !storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum")},
false, ' checksum not copied to manifest, file removed');
# Checksum page error and link to file.
storageRepo()->put(storageRepo()->openWrite($strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum",
{strMode => '0750', strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}), 'test');
testLinkCreate($strBackupPath . "/testlink", $strBackupPath . "/$strInManifestWithChecksum");
$self->testResult(sub {storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/testlink")}, true, 'link exists');
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
$oAbortedManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
# Set checksum page for code coverage
$oAbortedManifest->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, false);
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, false, ' resumeClean, delta not enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->test(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE_ERROR, 'E') && !storageRepo()->exists($strBackupPath . "/testlink")},
true, ' checksum page error copied to manifest, link removed');
# Checksum page=true
$oAbortedManifest->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum, MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, true);
$self->testResult(sub {$oBackup->resumeClean(storageRepo(), $strFullLabel, $oManifest, $oAbortedManifest, false, false,
undef, undef)}, false, ' resumeClean, checksum page = true');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->boolTest(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strInManifestWithChecksum,
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM_PAGE, true)}, true, ' checksum page set true in manifest');
@ -229,16 +229,11 @@ sub run
$self->testException(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, false, false)}, ERROR_FILE_MISSING,
"unable to stat '" . $self->{strDbPath} . "/" . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGTBLSPC . "': No such file or directory");
# bOnline = true tests - Compare the base manifest
# bOnline = true tests
$oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false);
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestBase, $oManifest)}, "", 'base manifest');
sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false)}, ERROR_ASSERT,
'manifest has already been built');
# Create expected manifest from base
my $oManifestExpected = dclone($oManifestBase);
@ -277,6 +272,10 @@ sub run
$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false);
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "", 'paths/files and different modes');
sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false)}, ERROR_ASSERT,
'manifest has already been built');
# Master = false (what can be copied from a standby vs the master)
my $strOidFile = '11111';
@ -1248,10 +1247,11 @@ sub run
$lTime + 20000);
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false)}, "[undef]",
'future timestamp warning', {strLogExpect =>
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false)}, true,
'future timestamp warning, enable delta checksum', {strLogExpect =>
"WARN: file " . MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . "/$strTest has timestamp in the future, enabling delta checksum\n" .
"WARN: some files have timestamps in the future - they will be copied to prevent possible race conditions"});
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "", 'manifest future subkey=y');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "", ' manifest future subkey=y');
# Future timestamp in last manifest
@ -1272,23 +1272,29 @@ sub run
# Create a new manifest
$oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest($strBackupManifestFile, {bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94,
iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false)}, "[undef]",
'last manifest future timestamp warning', {strLogExpect =>
# Last manifest is passed with online option=false, but passing true as current online status to invoke warning delta
# being enabled
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false)}, true,
'last manifest future timestamp warning - delta enabled for online mismatch', {strLogExpect =>
"WARN: the online option has changed since the last backup, enabling delta checksum\n" .
"WARN: some files have timestamps in the future - they will be copied to prevent possible race conditions"});
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "",
'last manifest future subkey=y, new manifest future subkey removed');
' last manifest future subkey=y, new manifest future subkey removed');
# Set online in last manifest to avoid delta warning being displayed in the rest of the tests
# File info in last manifest same as current
# Update reference in expected manifest
@ -1298,10 +1304,14 @@ sub run
$oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false);
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "",
'reference set to prior backup label');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false)}, false,
'delta is not enabled');
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "",
' reference set to prior backup label');
# Zero-sized file and size of file changed but timestamp did not
# Create a new file reference and a zero-sized file reference
my $strTestNew = $strTest . 'new';
my $strZeroFile = 'zero-file';
@ -1376,8 +1386,32 @@ sub run
$oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false);
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "", 'updates from last manifest');
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false)}, true,
'timestamp same, contents different, delta is enabled', {strLogExpect =>
"/$strTest timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum"});
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "", ' updates from last manifest');
# new timestamp less than last manifest timestamp for referenced file
$oManifestExpected->remove(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . $strTest,
$oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest(
{bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94, iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, $oLastManifest, true, false)}, true,
'time in past, delta enabled', {strLogExpect =>
"/$strTest timestamp in the past or size changed but timestamp did not, enabling delta checksum"});
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "",
' manifest compare');
# Reset the timestamp
# Timestamp in the lastManifest is different than built manifest (size and content the same)
@ -1395,7 +1429,7 @@ sub run
$oManifestExpected->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . $strTest . '2',
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, length($strTest));
$oManifestExpected->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . $strTest . '2',
$oManifestExpected->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . $strTest . '2',
@ -1417,6 +1451,12 @@ sub run
$oManifestExpected->remove(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, MANIFEST_TARGET_PGDATA . '/' . $strTestNew,
# Update the size in the last manifest to match the current and add the reference to the expected manifest
MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, length($strTest . 'more'));
# Default "master" is flipping because it's not something we read from disk
$oManifestExpected->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ":default", MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER, undef, true);
@ -1469,8 +1509,30 @@ sub run
iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
my $oManifestExpected = dclone($oManifestBase);
# Add a bogus file - all traces to be removed after the manifest has been built to simulate an inital manifest and avoid
# missing files error
storageDb()->put(storageDb()->openWrite($self->{strDbPath} . '/' . BOGUS,
{strMode => MODE_0750, strUser => TEST_USER, strGroup => TEST_GROUP, lTimestamp => $lTime}), '');
$oManifestExpected->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ":default", MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MODE, undef, MODE_0750);
$oManifestExpected->set(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ":default", MANIFEST_SUBKEY_USER, undef, TEST_USER);
$oManifestExpected->boolSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ":default", MANIFEST_SUBKEY_MASTER, undef, true);
$oManifest->build(storageDb(), $self->{strDbPath}, undef, true, false);
# Remove the initial file and reset the manifest portions relating to the file for the following tests
storageDb()->remove($self->{strDbPath} . '/' . BOGUS);
$oManifestExpected->remove(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ":default");
$oManifest->remove(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE . ":default");
$self->testResult(sub {$self->manifestCompare($oManifestExpected, $oManifest)}, "", 'build initial manifest');
# Add a file after building manifest
my $lTimeTest = $lTime + 10;
storageDb()->put(storageDb()->openWrite($self->{strDbPath} . '/' . $strTest,
@ -1586,6 +1648,65 @@ sub run
$self->testResult(sub {isChecksumPage($strFile)}, true,
"file '${strFile}' isChecksumPage=true");
if ($self->begin('checkDelta()'))
my $oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest($strBackupManifestFile, {bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94,
iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDelta('test', false, "000000010000000000000000", "000000020000000000000000")}, true,
"timeline switch, delta enabled",
{strLogExpect => "WARN: a timeline switch has occurred since the test backup, enabling delta checksum"});
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDelta('last', false, "000000010000000000000000", "000000010000000000000000")}, true,
"online option changed, delta enabled",
{strLogExpect => "WARN: the online option has changed since the last backup, enabling delta checksum"});
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDelta('test', true, "000000010000000000000000", undef)}, false,
"no last timeline, online same, delta not enabled");
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDelta('test', false, undef, "000000010000000000000000")}, true,
"no current timeline, online not same, delta enabled");
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDelta('test', true, undef, undef)}, false,
"no timelines, online same, delta not enabled");
if ($self->begin('checkDeltaFile()'))
# Additional tests to cover checkDeltaFile not covered by build tests
my $oManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest($strBackupManifestFile, {bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94,
iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
my @stryFileList = ($strFile . '1');
push(@stryFileList, $strFile);
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDeltaFile(\@stryFileList, undef, undef)}, false,
"no prior manifest, no time begin, delta not enabled");
my $oManifestPrior = new pgBackRest::Manifest($strBackupManifestFile, {bLoad => false, strDbVersion => PG_VERSION_94,
iDbCatalogVersion => $self->dbCatalogVersion(PG_VERSION_94)});
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile . '1', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP, $lTime);
$oManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile . '1', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, 0);
$oManifestPrior->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile . '1', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP, $lTime);
$oManifestPrior->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE, $strFile . '1', MANIFEST_SUBKEY_SIZE, 0);
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDeltaFile(\@stryFileList, $oManifestPrior, $lTime)}, true,
"prior manifest, time begin same, prior future is set, delta enabled", {strLogExpect =>
"WARN: file $strFile has timestamp in the future, enabling delta checksum"});
$self->testResult(sub {$oManifest->checkDeltaFile(\@stryFileList, $oManifestPrior)}, false,
"simulate aborted manifest, delta not enabled");
@ -968,32 +968,22 @@ sub run
# Also create tablespace 11 to be sure it does not conflict with path of tablespace 1
$oHostDbMaster->manifestTablespaceCreate(\%oManifest, 11);
# Change only the time on a valid file and update the timestamp in the expected manifest
# Change only the time to be in the past on a valid file and update the timestamp in the expected manifest
utime($lTime - 100, $lTime - 100, $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/changetime.txt')
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set time for file ".$oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/changetime.txt');
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/changetime.txt'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP} = $lTime - 100;
# Change the content of the changecontent file to be the same size but not the timestamp on the file
# Change the content of the changecontent file to be the same size but leave the timestamp the same on the file
storageDb()->put($oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/changecontent.txt', 'CHGCONT');
utime($lTime, $lTime, $oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/changecontent.txt')
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to set time for file ".$oHostDbMaster->dbBasePath() . '/changecontent.txt');
if ($bDeltaBackup)
# With --delta, the changetime file will not be recopied and the reference will remain to the last backup however,
# the changecontent file will be recopied since the checksum has changed so update the checksum and remove the reference
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/changecontent.txt'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} =
# Without --delta, the changetime reference will be removed since the timestamp has changed but since the timestamp on
# the changecontent did not change even though the contents did, it will still reference the prior backup - this may be
# a rare occurrence and not good but it is one reason to use --delta
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/changetime.txt'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP} = $lTime - 100;
# The changecontent & changetime files have conditions that will force the delta option to be turned on which should result
# in the reference of changecontent to be removed but the reference to changetime to stay since the checksum wouldn't change
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/changecontent.txt'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_CHECKSUM} =
$oManifest{&MANIFEST_SECTION_TARGET_FILE}{'pg_data/changetime.txt'}{&MANIFEST_SUBKEY_TIMESTAMP} = $lTime - 100;
$strBackup = $oHostBackup->backup(
$strType, 'resume and add tablespace 2',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user