mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:58:34 +02:00
Work on issue #48: Abandon threads and go to processes
Replaced IPC::System::Simple and Net::OpenSSH with IPC::Open3 to eliminate CPAN dependency for multiple distros. Using open3 will also be used for local processes so it make sense to switch now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ apt-get upgrade (reboot if required)
apt-get install ssh
apt-get install git
apt-get install cpanminus
* Install Postgres (instructions from http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/)
@ -54,10 +53,9 @@ sudo apt-get update
apt-get install postgresql-9.3
* Install required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in the next release):
* FOR MULTI-THREADING ONLY: Install additional required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in next release):
cpanm Net::OpenSSH
cpanm IPC::System::Simple
apt-get install cpanminus
cpanm threads (update this package when thread-max > 1)
cpanm Thread::Queue (update this package when thread-max > 1)
@ -71,9 +69,7 @@ PgBackRest can be installed anywhere but it's best (though not required) to inst
* Install PostgreSQL development libraries and additional Perl modules for regression tests (optional):
apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-9.3
cpanm DBI
cpanm DBD:Pg
apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl
### CentOS 6
@ -85,18 +81,15 @@ yum install perl-Time-HiRes
yum install perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib
yum install perl-IO-String
yum install perl-parent
yum install perl-JSON
yum install perl-Digest-SHA
* Install additional required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in next release):
* FOR MULTI-THREADING ONLY: Install additional required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in next release):
yum install gcc
yum install perl-CPAN
curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
cpanm IPC::System::Simple
cpanm Net::OpenSSH
For multi-threading you must also update:
yum install gcc
cpanm threads
cpanm Thread::Queue
@ -861,6 +854,8 @@ example: db-path=/data/db
* Moved version number out of the VERSION file to Version.pm to better support packaging. Suggested by Michael Renner.
* Replaced IPC::System::Simple and Net::OpenSSH with IPC::Open3 to eliminate CPAN dependency for multiple distros.
### v0.75: New repository format, info command and experimental 9.5 support
* IMPORTANT NOTE: This flag day release breaks compatibility with older versions of PgBackRest. The manifest format, on-disk structure, and the binary names have all changed. You must create a new repository to hold backups for this version of PgBackRest and keep your older repository for a time in case you need to do a restore. The `pg_backrest.conf` file has not changed but you'll need to change any references to `pg_backrest.pl` in cron (or elsewhere) to `pg_backrest` (without the `.pl` extension).
@ -252,14 +252,7 @@ eval
if (commandTest(CMD_BACKUP))
$oDb = new BackRest::Db
optionGet(OPTION_DB_HOST, false),
optionGet(OPTION_DB_USER, optionTest(OPTION_DB_HOST))
$oDb = new BackRest::Db();
# Run backup_init - parameters required for backup and restore commands
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
apt-get install ssh
apt-get install git
apt-get install cpanminus
* Install Postgres (instructions from http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/)
@ -56,10 +55,9 @@
apt-get install postgresql-9.3
* Install required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in the next release):
* FOR MULTI-THREADING ONLY: Install additional required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in next release):
cpanm Net::OpenSSH
cpanm IPC::System::Simple
apt-get install cpanminus
cpanm threads (update this package when thread-max > 1)
cpanm Thread::Queue (update this package when thread-max > 1)
@ -73,9 +71,7 @@
* Install <postgres/> development libraries and additional Perl modules for regression tests (optional):
apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-9.3
cpanm DBI
cpanm DBD:Pg
apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl
@ -87,18 +83,15 @@
yum install perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib
yum install perl-IO-String
yum install perl-parent
yum install perl-JSON
yum install perl-Digest-SHA
* Install additional required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in next release):
* FOR MULTI-THREADING ONLY: Install additional required Perl modules using CPAN (will be removed in next release):
yum install gcc
yum install perl-CPAN
curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
cpanm IPC::System::Simple
cpanm Net::OpenSSH
For multi-threading you must also update:
yum install gcc
cpanm threads
cpanm Thread::Queue
@ -821,6 +814,9 @@ Run a <id>full</id> backup on the <id>db</id> stanza. <param>--type</param> can
<text>Moved version number out of the VERSION file to Version.pm to better support packaging. Suggested by Michael Renner.</text>
<text>Replaced IPC::System::Simple and Net::OpenSSH with IPC::Open3 to eliminate CPAN dependency for multiple distros.</text>
@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ sub backup
&log(DEBUG, "retrieving archive logs ${strArchiveStart}:${strArchiveStop}");
my $oArchive = new BackRest::Archive();
my $strArchiveId = $oArchive->getCheck($oFile);
my @stryArchive = $oArchive->range($strArchiveStart, $strArchiveStop, $oDb->db_version_get() < 9.3);
my @stryArchive = $oArchive->range($strArchiveStart, $strArchiveStop, $oDb->versionGet() < 9.3);
foreach my $strArchive (@stryArchive)
@ -594,7 +594,8 @@ my %oOptionRule =
&CMD_BACKUP => true
&CMD_BACKUP => true,
&CMD_REMOTE => true
@ -604,7 +605,8 @@ my %oOptionRule =
&CMD_BACKUP => true
&CMD_BACKUP => true,
&CMD_REMOTE => true
@ -9,27 +9,31 @@ use Carp qw(confess);
use Exporter qw(import);
use Fcntl qw(O_RDONLY);
use File::Basename;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);
use Net::OpenSSH;
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use lib dirname($0);
use BackRest::Config;
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::File;
use BackRest::Open3;
use BackRest::Utility;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_DB => 'Db';
use constant OP_DB => 'Db';
use constant OP_DB_INFO => OP_DB . "->info"; our @EXPORT = qw(OP_DB_INFO);
use constant OP_DB_INFO => OP_DB . "->info";
our @EXPORT = qw(OP_DB_INFO);
use constant OP_DB_EXECUTE_SQL => OP_DB . "->executeSql";
use constant OP_DB_VERSION_GET => OP_DB . "->versionGet";
# Postmaster process Id file
use constant FILE_POSTMASTER_PID => 'postmaster.pid'; push @EXPORT, qw(FILE_POSTMASTER_PID);
use constant FILE_POSTMASTER_PID => 'postmaster.pid';
@ -37,49 +41,14 @@ use constant FILE_POSTMASTER_PID => 'postmaster.pid'; push @EXPORT
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
my $bStartStop = shift; # Will start/stop be called?
my $strDbPath = shift; # Database path
my $strCommandPsql = shift; # PSQL command
my $strDbHost = shift; # Database host name
my $strDbUser = shift; # Database user name (generally postgres)
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Initialize variables
$self->{bStartStop} = $bStartStop;
$self->{strDbPath} = $strDbPath;
$self->{strCommandPsql} = $strCommandPsql;
$self->{strDbHost} = $strDbHost;
$self->{strDbUser} = $strDbUser;
# Connect SSH object if db host is defined
if ($self->{bStartStop} && defined($self->{strDbHost}) && !defined($self->{oDbSSH}))
&log(TRACE, "connecting to database ssh host $self->{strDbHost}");
# !!! This could be improved by redirecting stderr to a file to get a better error message
$self->{oDbSSH} = Net::OpenSSH->new($self->{strDbHost}, user => $self->{strDbUser});
$self->{oDbSSH}->error and confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to $self->{strDbHost}: " . $self->{oDbSSH}->error);
return $self;
# Determine whether database operations are remote.
sub is_remote
my $self = shift;
# If the SSH object is defined then db is remote
return defined($self->{oDbSSH}) ? true : false;
# versionSupport
@ -95,32 +64,34 @@ sub versionSupport
push @EXPORT, qw(versionSupport);
# executeSql
sub psql_execute
sub executeSql
my $self = shift;
my $strScript = shift; # psql script to execute
my $strScript = shift; # psql script to execute (must be on a single line)
logDebug(OP_DB_EXECUTE_SQL, DEBUG_CALL, undef, {isRemote => optionRemoteTypeTest(DB), script => $strScript});
# Get the user-defined command for psql
my $strCommand = $self->{strCommandPsql} . " -c \"${strScript}\" postgres";
my $strCommand = optionGet(OPTION_COMMAND_PSQL) . " -c \"${strScript}\" postgres";
my $strResult;
# !!! Need to capture error output with open3 and log it
# Run remotely
if ($self->is_remote())
if (optionRemoteTypeTest(DB))
&log(TRACE, "psql execute: remote ${strScript}");
# Build param hash
my %oParamHash;
$strResult = $self->{oDbSSH}->capture($strCommand)
or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to execute remote psql command '${strCommand}'");
$oParamHash{'script'} = $strScript;
# Execute the command
$strResult = protocolGet()->command_execute(OP_DB_EXECUTE_SQL, \%oParamHash, true);
# Else run locally
&log(TRACE, "psql execute: ${strScript}");
$strResult = capture($strCommand) or confess &log(ERROR, "unable to execute local psql command '${strCommand}'");
$strResult = (new BackRest::Open3($strCommand))->capture();
return $strResult;
@ -135,7 +106,7 @@ sub tablespace_map_get
my $oHashRef = {};
data_hash_build($oHashRef, "oid\tname\n" . $self->psql_execute(
data_hash_build($oHashRef, "oid\tname\n" . $self->executeSql(
'copy (select oid, spcname from pg_tablespace) to stdout'), "\t");
return $oHashRef;
@ -215,7 +186,7 @@ sub info
$strDbVersion = '9.4';
# Leave 9.5 catalog version out until it stabilizes (then move 9.5 to the top of if list)
# Leave 9.5 catalog version out until it stabilizes (then move 9.5 to the top of the list)
elsif ($iControlVersion == 942) # && $iCatalogVersion == 201505311)
$strDbVersion = '9.5';
@ -271,9 +242,9 @@ sub info
# versionGet
sub db_version_get
sub versionGet
my $self = shift;
@ -283,9 +254,7 @@ sub db_version_get
$self->{fVersion} =
trim($self->psql_execute("copy (select (regexp_matches(split_part(version(), ' ', 2), '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'))[1]) to stdout"));
&log(DEBUG, "database version is $self->{fVersion}");
trim($self->executeSql("copy (select (regexp_matches(split_part(version(), ' ', 2), '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'))[1]) to stdout"));
my $strVersionSupport = versionSupport();
@ -294,6 +263,8 @@ sub db_version_get
confess &log(ERROR, "unsupported Postgres version ${$strVersionSupport}[0]", ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED);
logDebug(OP_DB_VERSION_GET, DEBUG_RESULT, {dbVersion => $self->{fVersion}});
return $self->{fVersion};
@ -306,7 +277,7 @@ sub backup_start
my $strLabel = shift;
my $bStartFast = shift;
if ($self->{fVersion} < 8.4 && $bStartFast)
@ -317,7 +288,7 @@ sub backup_start
&log(INFO, "executing pg_start_backup() with label \"${strLabel}\": backup will begin after " .
($bStartFast ? "the requested immediate checkpoint" : "the next regular checkpoint") . " completes");
my @stryField = split("\t", trim($self->psql_execute("set client_min_messages = 'warning';" .
my @stryField = split("\t", trim($self->executeSql("set client_min_messages = 'warning';" .
"copy (select to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ'), " .
"pg_xlogfile_name(xlog) from pg_start_backup('${strLabel}'" .
($bStartFast ? ', true' : '') . ') as xlog) to stdout')));
@ -334,8 +305,9 @@ sub backup_stop
&log(INFO, 'executing pg_stop_backup() and waiting for all WAL segments to be archived');
my @stryField = split("\t", trim($self->psql_execute("set client_min_messages = 'warning';" .
"copy (select to_char(clock_timestamp(), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ'), pg_xlogfile_name(xlog) from pg_stop_backup() as xlog) to stdout")));
my @stryField = split("\t", trim($self->executeSql("set client_min_messages = 'warning';" .
"copy (select to_char(clock_timestamp(), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US TZ')," .
" pg_xlogfile_name(xlog) from pg_stop_backup() as xlog) to stdout")));
return $stryField[1], $stryField[0];
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ use File::Copy qw(cp);
use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
use File::stat;
use IO::Handle;
use Net::OpenSSH;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package BackRest::Open3;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use Carp qw(confess);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX ':sys_wait_h';
use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib';
use BackRest::Exception;
use BackRest::Utility;
# Operation constants
use constant OP_OPEN3 => 'Open3';
use constant OP_OPEN3_NEW => OP_OPEN3 . "->new";
sub new
my $class = shift; # Class name
my $strCommand = shift; # Command to execute
# Debug
logDebug(OP_OPEN3_NEW, DEBUG_CALL, undef, {command => $strCommand});
# Create the class hash
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
# Store the command
or confess &log(ASSERT, 'strCommand parameter is required');
$self->{strCommand} = $strCommand;
return $self;
# run
sub run
my $self = shift;
my $bInput = shift;
# Execute the command
if (defined($bInput) && $bInput)
$self->{pId} = open3($self->{hIn}, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hError}, $self->{strCommand});
$self->{pId} = open3(undef, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hError}, $self->{strCommand});
# Create select objects
$self->{oErrorSelect} = IO::Select->new();
$self->{oOutSelect} = IO::Select->new();
# capture
sub capture
my $self = shift;
# Run the command without input
# While the process is running drain the stdout and stderr streams
my $strLine;
while(waitpid($self->{pId}, WNOHANG) == 0)
# Drain the stderr stream
if ($self->{oErrorSelect}->can_read(.1))
while ($strLine = readline($self->{hError}))
$self->{strErrorLog} .= $strLine;
# Drain the stdout stream
if ($self->{oOutSelect}->can_read(.1))
while ($strLine = readline($self->{hOut}))
$self->{strOutLog} .= $strLine;
# Check the exit status and output an error if needed
my $iExitStatus = ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} >> 8;
# Check exit status and output error
if ($iExitStatus != 0)
confess &log(ERROR, "unable to execute '$self->{strCommand}' (returned ${iExitStatus})" .
(defined($self->{strErrorLog}) ? "\n$self->{strErrorLog}" : ''));
return $self->{strOutLog};
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use Carp qw(confess);
use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw(WANT_GZIP Z_OK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_STREAM_END);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use IO::String qw();
use Net::OpenSSH qw();
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
@ -109,25 +109,18 @@ sub new
$self->{strHost} = $strHost;
$self->{strUser} = $strUser;
$self->{strCommand} = $strCommand . ' remote';
$self->{strCommand} = $strCommand;
# Set SSH Options
my $strOptionSSHCompression = 'Compression=no';
# Generate remote command
my $strCommandSSH = "ssh -o Compression=no ${strUser}\@${strHost} '" . $self->{strCommand} . "'";
&log(TRACE, 'connecting to remote ssh host ' . $self->{strHost});
# Make SSH connection
$self->{oSSH} = Net::OpenSSH->new($self->{strHost}, timeout => 600, user => $self->{strUser},
master_opts => [-o => $strOptionSSHCompression]);
$self->{oSSH}->error and confess &log(ERROR, "unable to connect to $self->{strHost}: " . $self->{oSSH}->error,
&log(TRACE, 'connected to remote ssh host ' . $self->{strHost});
# Execute remote command
($self->{hIn}, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hErr}, $self->{pId}) = $self->{oSSH}->open3($self->{strCommand});
# Open the remote command and read the greeting to make sure it worked
$self->{pId} = open3($self->{hIn}, $self->{hOut}, $self->{hErr}, $strCommandSSH);
&log(TRACE, 'connected to remote ssh host ' . $self->{strHost});
@ -194,7 +187,12 @@ sub greeting_read
if ($strLine ne $self->{strGreeting})
confess &log(ERROR, "protocol version mismatch: ${strLine}");
kill 'KILL', $self->{pId};
waitpid($self->{pId}, 0);
confess &log(ERROR, "protocol version mismatch: ${strLine}", ERROR_HOST_CONNECT);
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw(WANT_GZIP Z_OK Z_BUF_ERROR Z_STREAM_END);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use IO::String qw();
use Net::OpenSSH qw();
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ sub process
my $oArchive = new BackRest::Archive();
my $oInfo = new BackRest::Info();
my $oJSON = JSON::PP->new();
my $oDb = new BackRest::Db(false);
my $oDb = new BackRest::Db();
# Command string
my $strCommand = OP_NOOP;
@ -267,6 +266,10 @@ sub process
elsif ($strCommand eq OP_DB_EXECUTE_SQL)
$self->output_write($oDb->executeSql(paramGet(\%oParamHash, 'script')));
# Continue if noop or exit
elsif ($strCommand ne OP_NOOP && $strCommand ne OP_EXIT)
@ -522,10 +522,11 @@ sub BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteEnd
$strLine =~ s/^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\.[0-9]{3} T[0-9]{2} //;
if ($strLine !~ /^ TEST/ && $strLine !~ /\r$/)
if ($strLine !~ /^ TEST/)
$strLine =~ s/^ //;
$strLine =~ s/^ //;
$strLine =~ s/\r$//;
$strLine = BackRestTestCommon_ExecuteRegAll($strLine);
$strFullLog .= $strLine;
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 005 - rmt 1, cmp 0, exists 0
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [130]: archive.info does not exist but is required to get WAL segments
HINT: Is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?
HINT: Use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000090000000900000009 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000090000000900000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000900000009, expression ^000000090000000900000009(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
INFO: 000000090000000900000009 was not found in the archive repository
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 006 - rmt 1, cmp 0, exists 1
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [130]: archive.info does not exist but is required to get WAL segments
HINT: Is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?
HINT: Use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001, expression ^000000010000000100000001(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
DEBUG: archive_get: cp 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000002 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000002
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001, expression ^000000010000000100000002(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
DEBUG: archive_get: cp 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000003 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000003
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001, expression ^000000010000000100000003(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
DEBUG: archive_get: cp 000000010000000100000003-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 007 - rmt 1, cmp 1, exists 0
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [130]: archive.info does not exist but is required to get WAL segments
HINT: Is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?
HINT: Use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000090000000900000009 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000090000000900000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000900000009, expression ^000000090000000900000009(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
INFO: 000000090000000900000009 was not found in the archive repository
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 008 - rmt 1, cmp 1, exists 1
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [130]: archive.info does not exist but is required to get WAL segments
HINT: Is archive_command configured in postgresql.conf?
HINT: Use --no-archive-check to disable archive checks during backup if you have an alternate archiving scheme.
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001, expression ^000000010000000100000001(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
DEBUG: archive_get: cp 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031.gz [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000002 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000002
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001, expression ^000000010000000100000002(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
DEBUG: archive_get: cp 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031.gz [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000003 [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
INFO: getting WAL segment 000000010000000100000003
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->getCheck=>: archiveId = 9.3-1
DEBUG: File->list: backup:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001, expression ^000000010000000100000003(-[0-f]+){0,1}(\.gz){0,1}$, sort forward
DEBUG: archive_get: cp 000000010000000100000003-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031.gz [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 005 - rmt 1, cmp 0, arc_async 0
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000001, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.3 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment system-id 5947969990501855219 does not match archive system-id 5000900090001855000
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
WARN: WAL segment 000000010000000100000001 already exists in the archive with the same checksum
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
ERROR: [120]: WAL segment 000000010000000100000001 already exists in the archive
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000002, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000003
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000003, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000004
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000004, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000005, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.3 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment system-id 5947969990501855219 does not match archive system-id 5000900090001855000
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
WARN: WAL segment 000000010000000100000005 already exists in the archive with the same checksum
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
ERROR: [120]: WAL segment 000000010000000100000005 already exists in the archive
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000006
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000006
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000006 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000006, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000007
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000007
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000007
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000007 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000007, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000008
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000008
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000008
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000008 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000008, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000009, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = false, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.3 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment system-id 5947969990501855219 does not match archive system-id 5000900090001855000
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
WARN: WAL segment 000000010000000100000009 already exists in the archive with the same checksum
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
ERROR: [120]: WAL segment 000000010000000100000009 already exists in the archive
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000003-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000003
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000004-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000004
@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000006-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000007-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000007
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000008-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000008
@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -393,8 +393,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 007 - rmt 1, cmp 1, arc_async 0
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000001.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.3 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment system-id 5947969990501855219 does not match archive system-id 5000900090001855000
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
WARN: WAL segment 000000010000000100000001 already exists in the archive with the same checksum
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000001, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
ERROR: [120]: WAL segment 000000010000000100000001 already exists in the archive
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000002.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000003
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000003.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000004
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000004 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000004.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000005.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.3 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment system-id 5947969990501855219 does not match archive system-id 5000900090001855000
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
WARN: WAL segment 000000010000000100000005 already exists in the archive with the same checksum
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000005, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
ERROR: [120]: WAL segment 000000010000000100000005 already exists in the archive
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000006
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000006
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000006 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000006.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000007
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000007
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000007
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000007 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000007.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000008
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000008
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000008
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000008 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000008.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: File->copy: local db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009 to remote backup:archive:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/archive/db/9.3-1/0000000100000001/000000010000000100000009.gz, source_compressed = false, destination_compress = true, ignore_missing_source = false, destination_path_create = true, modification_time = [undef], mode = [undef], user = [undef], group = [undef]
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment version 9.3 does not match archive version 8.0
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
ERROR: [119]: WAL segment system-id 5947969990501855219 does not match archive system-id 5000900090001855000
HINT: are you archiving to the correct stanza?
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
WARN: WAL segment 000000010000000100000009 already exists in the archive with the same checksum
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
INFO: pushing WAL segment [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
DEBUG: File->hash: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000009, compressed = false, hash_type = sha1
ERROR: [120]: WAL segment 000000010000000100000009 already exists in the archive
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000003-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000003
@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000004-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000004
@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000005-4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000005
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000006-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000007-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000007
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000008-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000008
@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -393,8 +393,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000009-4518a0fdf41d796760b384a358270d4682589820, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000009
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 2, size 32MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 3, size 48MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000006-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: unable to connect to bogus: unable to establish master SSH connection: master process exited unexpectedly
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: protocol version mismatch: ssh: Could not resolve hostname bogus: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push --backup-host=bogus [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: unable to connect to bogus: unable to establish master SSH connection: master process exited unexpectedly
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: protocol version mismatch: ssh: Could not resolve hostname bogus: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
ERROR: local archive store max size has exceeded limit of 24MB - WAL segments will be discarded until the stop file ([TEST_PATH]/local/lock/db-archive.stop) is removed
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 3, size 48MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000006-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 0, default_compress = 0
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 2, size 32MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 3, size 48MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000006-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000001-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000001
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: unable to connect to bogus: unable to establish master SSH connection: master process exited unexpectedly
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: protocol version mismatch: ssh: Could not resolve hostname bogus: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --archive-max-mb=24 --no-fork --stanza=db archive-push --backup-host=bogus [TEST_PATH]/db/common/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000003
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: unable to connect to bogus: unable to establish master SSH connection: master process exited unexpectedly
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host = bogus, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host = bogus, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
ERROR: [124]: protocol version mismatch: ssh: Could not resolve hostname bogus: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
ERROR: local archive store max size has exceeded limit of 24MB - WAL segments will be discarded until the stop file ([TEST_PATH]/local/lock/db-archive.stop) is removed
DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 3, size 48MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000002-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000002
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ DEBUG: File->move: absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out/000000010000000
DEBUG: No fork on archive local for TESTING
DEBUG: starting async archive-push
DEBUG: File->manifest: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/local/archive/db/out
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --no-fork --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: archive to be copied to backup total 1, size 16MB
DEBUG: archive 000000010000000100000006-1c7e00fd09b9dd11fc2966590b3e3274645dd031, is WAL 1, source_compressed = 0, destination_compress 1, default_compress = 1
DEBUG: Archive->pushCheck: backup:archive:000000010000000100000006
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 005 - rmt 1, cmp 0, hardlink 0
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --manifest-save-threshold=3 --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
stanza db
status: ok
@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
full backup (resume)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-FULL-2]' (add and delete files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-FULL-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-FULL-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid database version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid system id)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid control version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid catalog version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add tablespace 1)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -736,8 +736,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (resume and add tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -943,8 +943,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - new diff)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1153,8 +1153,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - disabled)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --no-resume --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1364,8 +1364,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 115 (fail on used path)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1381,8 +1381,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on undef format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1394,8 +1394,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on mismatch format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1407,8 +1407,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', remap (remap all paths)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1483,8 +1483,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add files and remove tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1676,8 +1676,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (update files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1867,8 +1867,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (no updates)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2072,8 +2072,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (remove files - but won't affect manifest)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2262,8 +2262,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (remove files during backup)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2463,8 +2463,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2673,8 +2673,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (add files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2874,8 +2874,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-5]' (no tablespace remap)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-5] --no-tablespace --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-5]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-5]
@ -2935,8 +2935,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
stanza db
status: ok
@ -2952,8 +2952,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
@ -3266,8 +3266,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
stanza bogus
status: error (missing stanza path)
@ -3276,8 +3276,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 006 - rmt 1, cmp 0, hardlink 1
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --manifest-save-threshold=3 --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
stanza db
status: ok
@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
full backup (resume)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-FULL-2]' (add and delete files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-FULL-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-FULL-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid database version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -490,8 +490,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid system id)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid control version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -528,8 +528,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid catalog version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -547,8 +547,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add tablespace 1)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -750,8 +750,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (resume and add tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -977,8 +977,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - new diff)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1201,8 +1201,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - disabled)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --no-resume --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1426,8 +1426,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 115 (fail on used path)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1443,8 +1443,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on undef format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1456,8 +1456,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on mismatch format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1469,8 +1469,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', remap (remap all paths)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1545,8 +1545,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add files and remove tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1752,8 +1752,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (update files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1961,8 +1961,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (no updates)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2174,8 +2174,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (remove files - but won't affect manifest)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2386,8 +2386,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (remove files during backup)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2597,8 +2597,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2808,8 +2808,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (add files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -3027,8 +3027,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-5]' (no tablespace remap)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-5] --no-tablespace --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-5]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-5]
@ -3088,8 +3088,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
stanza db
status: ok
@ -3105,8 +3105,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
@ -3419,8 +3419,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
stanza bogus
status: error (missing stanza path)
@ -3429,8 +3429,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 007 - rmt 1, cmp 1, hardlink 0
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --manifest-save-threshold=3 --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
stanza db
status: ok
@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
full backup (resume)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-FULL-2]' (add and delete files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-FULL-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-FULL-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid database version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid system id)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid control version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid catalog version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add tablespace 1)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -734,8 +734,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (resume and add tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -940,8 +940,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - new diff)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1148,8 +1148,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - disabled)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --no-resume --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1357,8 +1357,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 115 (fail on used path)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1374,8 +1374,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on undef format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1387,8 +1387,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on mismatch format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1400,8 +1400,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', remap (remap all paths)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1476,8 +1476,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add files and remove tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1667,8 +1667,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (update files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1856,8 +1856,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (no updates)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2059,8 +2059,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (remove files - but won't affect manifest)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2247,8 +2247,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (remove files during backup)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2446,8 +2446,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2654,8 +2654,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (add files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2853,8 +2853,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-5]' (no tablespace remap)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-5] --no-tablespace --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-5]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-5]
@ -2914,8 +2914,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
stanza db
status: ok
@ -2931,8 +2931,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
@ -3245,8 +3245,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
stanza bogus
status: error (missing stanza path)
@ -3255,8 +3255,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ run 008 - rmt 1, cmp 1, hardlink 1
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --manifest-save-threshold=3 --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
stanza db
status: ok
@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info db
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=db info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = db
@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
full backup (resume)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-FULL-2]' (add and delete files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-FULL-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-FULL-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-FULL-2]
@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid database version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -490,8 +490,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid system id)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid control version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -528,8 +528,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (invalid catalog version)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -547,8 +547,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add tablespace 1)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -748,8 +748,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (resume and add tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -974,8 +974,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - new diff)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1196,8 +1196,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (cannot resume - disabled)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --no-resume --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=0
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=0 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1419,8 +1419,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 115 (fail on used path)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1436,8 +1436,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on undef format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1449,8 +1449,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', expect exit 104 (fail on mismatch format)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1462,8 +1462,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
restore, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-2]', remap (remap all paths)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-2] --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-2]
@ -1538,8 +1538,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
incr backup (add files and remove tablespace 2)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1743,8 +1743,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (update files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -1950,8 +1950,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (no updates)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2161,8 +2161,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
incr backup (remove files - but won't affect manifest)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = incr
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2371,8 +2371,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (remove files during backup)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup --test --test-delay=1
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db --test --test-delay=1 remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2580,8 +2580,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
full backup
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=full --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = full
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -2789,8 +2789,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
diff backup (add files)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/backrest/pg_backrest.conf --no-start-stop --type=diff --stanza=db backup
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-1]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X --port=[PORT-1] -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --cmd-psql-option=--port=[PORT-1] --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-1]
INFO: backup start: type = diff
DEBUG: cluster path is [TEST_PATH]/db/common-2
DEBUG: File->path_create: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db, mode [undef]
@ -3006,8 +3006,8 @@ db-version="9.3"
restore delta, backup '[BACKUP-DIFF-5]' (no tablespace remap)
> [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --delta --set=[BACKUP-DIFF-5] --no-tablespace --stanza=db restore
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=db remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: File->exists: db:absolute:[TEST_PATH]/db/common-2/postmaster.pid
INFO: Restoring backup set [BACKUP-DIFF-5]
DEBUG: File->exists: backup:cluster:[TEST_PATH]/backrest/backup/db/[BACKUP-DIFF-5]
@ -3067,8 +3067,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
stanza db
status: ok
@ -3084,8 +3084,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza
@ -3398,8 +3398,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
stanza bogus
status: error (missing stanza path)
@ -3408,8 +3408,8 @@ DEBUG: safe exit called, terminating threads
info bogus
> ../bin/pg_backrest --config=[TEST_PATH]/db/pg_backrest.conf --stanza=bogus info --output=json
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Remote->new(): command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, host =, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Protocol->new(): blockSize = 4194304, command = [BACKREST_BIN_PATH]/pg_backrest --no-config "--cmd-psql=[PGSQL_BIN_PATH]/psql -X %option% -h [TEST_PATH]/db" --repo-remote-path=[TEST_PATH]/backrest --stanza=bogus remote, compressLevel = 6, compressLevelNetwork = 3, host =, isBackend = false, name = remote, user = [USER-2]
DEBUG: Info->listStanza: stanza = bogus
Reference in New Issue
Block a user