mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:52:21 +02:00
Make archive-get info messages consistent between C and Perl implementations.
The info messages were spread around and logged differently based on the execution path and in some cases logged nothing at all. Temporarily track the async server status with a flag so that info messages are not output in the async process. The async process will be refactored as a separate command to be exec'd in a future commit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,6 +67,10 @@
<p>Migrate control functions to detect stop files to C from Perl.</p>
<p>Make archive-get info messages consistent between C and Perl implementations.</p>
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ sub process
if (!defined($strSourceArchive))
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment not provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment not provided', ERROR_ASSERT);
# Make sure the destination file is defined
@ -83,20 +83,10 @@ sub process
if (!defined($strDestinationFile))
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment destination not provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);
confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment destination not provided', ERROR_ASSERT);
$iResult = archiveGetFile($strSourceArchive, $strDestinationFile, false);
# Info for the Postgres log
if ($iResult == 0)
&log(INFO, 'got WAL segment ' . $strSourceArchive);
&log(INFO, "unable to find ${strSourceArchive} in the archive");
# Return from function and log return values if any
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
// Set the result assuming the archive file will not be found
int result = 1;
@ -128,7 +129,9 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
walDestination = strNewFmt("%s/%s", strPtr(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath)), strPtr(walDestination));
// Async get can only be performed on WAL segments, history or other files must use synchronous mode
if (cfgOptionBool(cfgOptArchiveAsync) && regExpMatchOne(strNew(WAL_SEGMENT_REGEXP), walSegment))
bool asyncServer = false;
if (cfgOptionBool(cfgOptArchiveAsync) && walIsSegment(walSegment))
bool found = false; // Has the WAL segment been found yet?
bool queueFull = false; // Is the queue half or more full?
@ -146,8 +149,6 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s.ok", strPtr(walSegment)), .errorOnMissing = true);
LOG_INFO("unable to find WAL segment %s", strPtr(walSegment));
@ -175,8 +176,7 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
// Move (or copy if required) the file
storageMoveNP(source, destination);
// Log success
LOG_INFO("got WAL segment %s asynchronously", strPtr(walSegment));
// Return success
result = 0;
// Get a list of WAL segments left in the queue
@ -203,12 +203,13 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
// Fork off the async process
if (fork() == 0)
// Async process returns 0 unless there is an error
result = 0;
// Execute async process and catch exceptions
// In the async server
asyncServer = true;
result = 0;
// Get the version of PostgreSQL
unsigned int pgVersion = pgControlInfo(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptPgPath)).version;
@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
break; // {uncovered - async calls always return errors for now}
// Else mark async process as forked
@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
while (waitMore(wait));
// Else perform synchronous get
// Disable async if it was enabled
@ -281,6 +283,15 @@ cmdArchiveGet(void)
// Call synchronous get
result = perlExec();
// Log whether or not the file was found
if (!asyncServer) // {uncovered - async calls always return errors for now}
if (result == 0)
LOG_INFO("found %s in the archive", strPtr(walSegment));
LOG_INFO("unable to find %s in the archive", strPtr(walSegment));
@ -891,26 +891,17 @@ static const EmbeddedModule embeddedModule[] =
"if (!defined($strSourceArchive))\n"
"confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment not provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);\n"
"confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment not provided', ERROR_ASSERT);\n"
"my $strDestinationFile = ${$rstryCommandArg}[1];\n"
"if (!defined($strDestinationFile))\n"
"confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment destination not provided', ERROR_PARAM_REQUIRED);\n"
"confess &log(ERROR, 'WAL segment destination not provided', ERROR_ASSERT);\n"
"$iResult = archiveGetFile($strSourceArchive, $strDestinationFile, false);\n"
"if ($iResult == 0)\n"
"&log(INFO, 'got WAL segment ' . $strSourceArchive);\n"
"&log(INFO, \"unable to find ${strSourceArchive} in the archive\");\n"
"return logDebugReturn\n"
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->list=>: stryFileList = ()
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Common::walSegmentFind=>: strWalFileName = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetCheck=>: strArchiveFile = [undef], strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strCipherPass = [undef]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 1
P00 INFO: unable to find 700000007000000070000000 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 1
P00 INFO: unable to find 700000007000000070000000 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 1
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 1, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->new(): bAllowTemp = <true>, hRule = [undef], lBu
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = false, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = ({rxyParam => ({strCompressType => decompress}), strClass => pgBackRest::Storage::Filter::Gzip}), strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->copy(): xDestinationFile = [object], xSourceFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 0
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 0
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000001 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 0
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 0, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ P00 INFO: archive-push command end: aborted with exception [044]
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 INFO: archive-get command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: [000000010000000100000001, [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG] --no-compress --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-console=detail --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --no-log-timestamp --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --stanza=db
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000001 in the archive
P00 INFO: archive-get command end: completed successfully
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ P00 INFO: archive-push command end: aborted with exception [045]
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get --archive-async --archive-timeout=5 000000010000000100000002 [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 INFO: archive-get command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: [000000010000000100000002, [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG] --archive-async --archive-timeout=5 --no-compress --compress-level=3 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-console=detail --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --no-log-timestamp --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/repo --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/spool --stanza=db
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000002 asynchronously
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000002 in the archive
P00 INFO: archive-get command end: completed successfully
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002.partial
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet(): bCache = <true>, iProcessIdx =
P00 DEBUG: Protocol::Helper::protocolGet: found cached protocol
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetCheck=>: strArchiveFile = [undef], strArchiveId = 9.4-1, strCipherPass = <redacted>
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 1
P00 INFO: unable to find 700000007000000070000000 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 1
P00 INFO: unable to find 700000007000000070000000 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 1
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 1, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->new(): bAllowTemp = <true>, hRule = [undef], lBu
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = false, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = ({rxyParam => ({strCompressType => decompress}), strClass => pgBackRest::Storage::Filter::Gzip}), strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->copy(): xDestinationFile = [object], xSourceFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 0
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 0
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000001 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 0
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 0, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ P00 INFO: archive-push command end: aborted with exception [044]
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 INFO: archive-get command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: [000000010000000100000001, [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG] --no-compress --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-console=detail --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --no-log-timestamp --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-host=backup --repo1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --repo1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --repo1-host-user=[USER-1] --stanza=db
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000001
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000001 in the archive
P00 INFO: archive-get command end: completed successfully
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get 000000010000000100000001 [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ P00 INFO: archive-push command end: aborted with exception [045]
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-get --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh --archive-async --archive-timeout=5 000000010000000100000002 [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 INFO: archive-get command begin [BACKREST-VERSION]: [000000010000000100000002, [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG] --archive-async --archive-timeout=5 --cmd-ssh=/usr/bin/ssh --no-compress --compress-level=3 --compress-level-network=1 --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --db-timeout=45 --lock-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/lock --log-level-console=detail --log-level-file=trace --log-level-stderr=off --log-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/log --log-subprocess --no-log-timestamp --pg1-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base --protocol-timeout=60 --repo1-host=backup --repo1-host-cmd=[BACKREST-BIN] --repo1-host-config=[TEST_PATH]/backup/pgbackrest.conf --repo1-host-user=[USER-1] --spool-path=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/spool --stanza=db
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000002 asynchronously
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000002 in the archive
P00 INFO: archive-get command end: completed successfully
> [CONTAINER-EXEC] db-master [BACKREST-BIN] --config=[TEST_PATH]/db-master/pgbackrest.conf --stanza=db archive-push [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/000000010000000100000002.partial
@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->new(): bAllowTemp = <true>, hRule = [undef], lBu
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = false, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = ({rxyParam => ({strCompressType => decompress}), strClass => pgBackRest::Storage::Filter::Gzip}), strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->copy(): xDestinationFile = [object], xSourceFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 0
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000002
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 0
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000002 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 0
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 0, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->new(): bAllowTemp = <true>, hRule = [undef], lBu
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = false, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = ({rxyParam => ({strCompressType => decompress}), strClass => pgBackRest::Storage::Filter::Gzip}), strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->copy(): xDestinationFile = [object], xSourceFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 0
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000002
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 0
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000002 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 0
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 0, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->new(): bAllowTemp = <true>, hRule = [undef], lBu
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Local->openWrite(): bAtomic = false, bPathCreate = <false>, lTimestamp = [undef], rhyFilter = ({rxyParam => ({strCompressType => decompress}), strClass => pgBackRest::Storage::Filter::Gzip}), strCipherPass = [undef], strGroup = [undef], strMode = <0640>, strUser = [undef], xFileExp = [TEST_PATH]/db-master/db/base/pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG
P00 DEBUG: Storage::Base->copy(): xDestinationFile = [object], xSourceFile = [object]
P00 DEBUG: Archive::Get::File::archiveGetFile=>: iResult = 0
P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000002
P00 DEBUG: perl/exec::perlExec: => 0
P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000002 in the archive
P00 DEBUG: command/archive/get/get::cmdArchiveGet: => 0
P00 DEBUG: common/exit::exitSafe: (result: 0, error: false, signalType: 0)
P00 DEBUG: common/lock::lockRelease: (failOnNoLock: false)
@ -166,18 +166,7 @@ testRun(void)
harnessCfgLoad(strLstSize(argList), strLstPtr(argList));
TEST_RESULT_INT(cmdArchiveGet(), 1, "timeout getting WAL segment");
// Write out a bogus .error file to make sure it is ignored on the first loop
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String *errorFile = storagePathNP(storageSpool(), strNew(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/000000010000000100000001.error"));
// storagePutNP(storageNewWriteNP(storageSpool(), errorFile), bufNewStr(strNew("25\n" BOGUS_STR)));
// TEST_ERROR(cmdArchiveGet(), AssertError, BOGUS_STR);
// unlink(strPtr(errorFile));
// // Wait for the lock to be released
// lockAcquire(cfgOptionStr(cfgOptLockPath), cfgOptionStr(cfgOptStanza), cfgLockType(), 30, true);
// lockRelease(true);
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: unable to find 000000010000000100000001 in the archive");
// Check for missing WAL
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -188,7 +177,7 @@ testRun(void)
storageNewWriteNP(storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s.ok", strPtr(walSegment))), NULL);
TEST_RESULT_VOID(cmdArchiveGet(), "successful get of missing WAL");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: unable to find WAL segment 000000010000000100000001");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: unable to find 000000010000000100000001 in the archive");
storageExistsNP(storageSpool(), strNewFmt(STORAGE_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_IN "/%s.ok", strPtr(walSegment))), false,
@ -205,7 +194,7 @@ testRun(void)
TEST_RESULT_VOID(cmdArchiveGet(), "successful get");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000001 asynchronously");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000001 in the archive");
TEST_RESULT_BOOL(storageExistsNP(storageTest, walFile), true, "check WAL segment was moved");
storageRemoveP(storageTest, walFile, .errorOnMissing = true);
@ -229,7 +218,7 @@ testRun(void)
TEST_RESULT_VOID(cmdArchiveGet(), "successful get");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: got WAL segment 000000010000000100000001 asynchronously");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: found 000000010000000100000001 in the archive");
TEST_RESULT_BOOL(storageExistsNP(storageTest, walFile), true, "check WAL segment was moved");
@ -244,6 +233,7 @@ testRun(void)
TEST_RESULT_VOID(lockClear(true), "clear lock");
TEST_RESULT_INT(cmdArchiveGet(), 1, "timeout waiting for lock");
harnessLogResult("P00 INFO: unable to find 000000010000000100000001 in the archive");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
strLstAddZ(argList, BOGUS_STR);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user