Simplify HRN_FORK_CHILD_BEGIN() by adding optional parameters with the common defaults.
Add _FD() to macros that retrieve file descriptors to make their purpose clearer.
It seems better to use TEST_PATH in combination with a constant string rather than have a number of different path constants. This improves readability and reduces confusion about which constant should be used.
Bug Fixes:
* Fix issues with leftover spool files from a prior restore. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stefan Fercot, Floris van Nee. Reported by Floris van Nee.)
* Fix issue when checking links for large numbers of tablespaces. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Avinash Vallarapu. Reported by Avinash Vallarapu.)
* Free no longer needed remotes so they do not timeout during restore. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Francisco Miguel Biete.)
* Fix help when a valid option is invalid for the specified command. (Reviewed by Stefan Fercot. Reported by Cynthia Shang.)
* Add PostgreSQL 14 support. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Add automatic GCS authentication for GCE instances. (Reviewed by Jan Wieck, Daniel Farina.)
* Add repo-retention-history option to expire backup history. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, David Steele.)
* Add db-exclude option. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Change archive expiration logging from detail to info level. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Remove stanza archive spool path on restore. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stefan Fercot.)
* Do not write files atomically or sync paths during backup copy. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost, Stefan Fercot, Cynthia Shang.)
Documentation Improvements:
* Update contributing documentation. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele, Stefan Fercot.)
* Consolidate RHEL/CentOS user guide into a single document. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Clarify that repo-s3-role is not an ARN. (Contributed by Isaac Yuen. Reviewed by David Steele.)
HRN_CFG_LOAD() handles the majority of test configuration loads and has various options for special cases.
It was not clear when to use harnessCfgLoadRaw() vs harnessCfgLoad(). Now "raw" functionality is granular and enabled by parameters, e.g. noStd.
The user guide was split primarily to provide documentation for the stop-auto option in PostgreSQL <= 9.5. Now that 9.5 is EOL there does not seem to be a good reason to generate an extra user guide. The stop-auto function is still documented in the reference.
Leave the stop-auto documentation in the user guide in case we want to manually generate documentation for older versions.
Also rename centos to rhel for most identifiers since that is the core platform we are building for, similar to how we label 'debian' builds even though we generally use Ubuntu. With CentOS set to become an upstream for RHEL later this year, we'll likely need to pick a new test distribution, perhaps Rocky Linux if that gets off the ground.
Replace all instances of strNew("") with strNew() and use strNewZ() for non-empty zero-terminated strings. Besides saving a useless parameter, this will allow smarter memory allocation in a future commit by signaling intent, in general, to append or not.
In the tests use STRDEF() or VARSTRDEF() where more appropriate rather than blindly replacing with strNewZ(). Also replace strLstAdd() with strLstAddZ() where appropriate for the same reason.
Bug Fixes:
* Fix option warnings breaking async archive-get/archive-push. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Lev Kokotov.)
* Fix memory leak in backup during archive copy. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Christian ROUX, Efremov Egor.)
* Fix stack overflow in cipher passphrase generation. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by bsiara.)
* Fix repo-ls / on S3 repositories. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Lesovsky Alexey.)
* Multiple repository support. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang, David Steele. Reviewed by Stefan Fercot, Stephen Frost.)
* GCS support for repository storage. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Add archive-header-check option. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost, Cynthia Shang. Suggested by Hans-Jürgen Schönig.)
* Include recreated system databases during selective restore. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Exclude content-length from S3 signed headers. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Suggested by Brian P Bockelman.)
* Consolidate less commonly used repository storage options. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Allow custom config-path default with ./configure --with-configdir. (Contributed by Michael Schout. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Log archive copy during backup. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stefan Fercot.)
Documentation Improvements:
* Update reference to include links to user guide examples. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Update selective restore documentation with caveats. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stefan Fercot.)
* Add compress-type clarification to archive-copy documentation. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stefan Fercot.)
* Add compress-level defaults per compress-type value. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Add note about required NFS settings being the same as PostgreSQL. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
Moving to YAML allows the configuration data to be read by C programs.
Also go back to using YAML::XS since it is the only implementation that has proper boolean support.
Bug Fixes:
* Fix resume after partial delete of backup by prior resume. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Tom Swartz.)
* Add repo-ls command. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stefan Fercot.)
* Add repo-get command. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot, David Steele. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Add archive-mode-check option. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by David Steele, Michael Banck.)
* Improve archive-get performance. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
The C code does not use doubles to represent seconds like the Perl code did so time can be represented as an integer which reduces the number of data types that config has to understand.
Also remove Variant doubles since they are no longer used.
Note that not all double code was removed since we still need to display times to the user in seconds and it is possible for the times to be fractional. In the future this will likely be simplified by storing the original user input and using that value when the time needs to be displayed.
Bug Fixes:
* Allow [, #, and space as the first character in database names. (Reviewed by Stefan Fercot, Cynthia Shang. Reported by Jefferson Alexandre.)
* Create standby.signal only on PostgreSQL 12 when restore type is standby. (Fixed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by David Steele. Reported by Keith Fiske.)
* Expire history files. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Report page checksum errors in info command text output. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Add repo-azure-endpoint option. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Brian Peterson. Suggested by Brian Peterson.)
* Add pg-database option. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Improve info command output when a stanza is specified but missing. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, David Steele. Suggested by uspen.)
* Improve performance of large file lists in backup/restore commands. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Oscar.)
* Add retries to PostgreSQL sleep when starting a backup. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Suggested by Vitaliy Kukharik.)
Documentation Improvements:
* Replace RHEL/CentOS 6 documentation with RHEL/CentOS 8.
Bug Fixes:
* Error with hints when backup user cannot read pg_settings. (Reviewed by Stefan Fercot, Cynthia Shang. Reported by Mohamed Insaf K.)
* PostgreSQL 13 support. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Improve PostgreSQL version identification. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stephen Frost.)
* Improve working directory error message. (Reviewed by Stefan Fercot.)
* Add hint about starting the stanza when WAL segment not found. (Contributed by David Christensen. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Add hint for protocol version mismatch. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Suggested by loop-evgeny.)
Documentation Improvements:
* Add note that pgBackRest versions must match when running remotely. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Suggested by loop-evgeny.)
* Move info command text to the reference and link to user guide. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Suggested by Christophe Courtois.)
* Update yum repository path for CentOS/RHEL user guide. (Contributed by Heath Lord. Reviewed by David Steele.)
Bug Fixes:
* Suppress errors when closing local/remote processes. Since the command has completed it is counterproductive to throw an error but still warn to indicate that something unusual happened. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by argdenis.)
* Fix issue with = character in file or database names. (Reviewed by Bastian Wegge, Cynthia Shang. Reported by Brad Nicholson, Bastian Wegge.)
* Automatically retrieve temporary S3 credentials on AWS instances. (Contributed by David Steele, Stephen Frost. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, David Youatt, Aleš Zelený, Jeanette Bromage.)
* Add archive-mode option to disable archiving on restore. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost. Suggested by Stephen Frost.)
* PostgreSQL 13 beta3 support. Changes to the control/catalog/WAL versions in subsequent betas may break compatibility but pgBackRest will be updated with each release to keep pace.
* Asynchronous list/remove for S3/Azure storage. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stephen Frost.)
* Improve memory usage of unlogged relation detection in manifest build. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stephen Frost, Brad Nicholson, Oscar. Suggested by Oscar, Brad Nicholson.)
* Proactively close file descriptors after forking async process. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost, Cynthia Shang.)
* Delay backup remote connection close until after archive check. (Contributed by Floris van Nee. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Improve detailed error output. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Improve TLS error reporting. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stephen Frost.)
Documentation Bug Fixes:
* Add none to compress-type option reference and fix example. (Reported by Ugo Bellavance, Don Seiler.)
* Add missing azure type in repo-type option reference. (Fixed by Don Seiler. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Fix typo in repo-cipher-type option reference. (Fixed by Don Seiler. Reviewed by David Steele.)
Documentation Improvements:
* Clarify that expire must be run regularly when expire-auto is disabled. (Reviewed by Douglas J Hunley. Suggested by Douglas J Hunley.)
We use the Z suffix in many functions to indicate that we are expecting a zero-terminated string so make this function conform to the pattern.
As a bonus the new name is a bit shorter, which is a good quality in a commonly-used function.
Bug Fixes:
* Fix restore --force acting like --force --delta. This caused restore to replace files based on timestamp and size rather than overwriting, which meant some files that should have been updated were left unchanged. Normal restore and restore --delta were not affected by this issue. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Azure support for repository storage. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Don Seiler.)
* Add expire-auto option. This allows automatic expiration after a successful backup to be disabled. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, David Steele.)
* Asynchronous S3 multipart upload. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost.)
* Automatic retry for backup, restore, archive-get, and archive-push. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Disable query parallelism in PostgreSQL sessions used for backup control. (Reviewed by Stefan Fercot.)
* PostgreSQL 13 beta2 support. Changes to the control/catalog/WAL versions in subsequent betas may break compatibility but pgBackRest will be updated with each release to keep pace.
* Improve handling of invalid HTTP response status. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Improve error when pg1-path option missing for archive-get command. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Add hint when checksum delta is enabled after a timeline switch. (Reviewed by Matt Bunter, Cynthia Shang.)
* Use PostgreSQL instead of postmaster where appropriate. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
Documentation Bug Fixes:
* Fix incorrect example for repo-retention-full-type option. (Reported by Höseyin Sönmez.)
* Remove internal commands from HTML and man command references. (Reported by Cynthia Shang.)
Documentation Improvements:
* Update PostgreSQL versions used to build user guides. Also add version ranges to indicate that a user guide is accurate for a range of PostgreSQL versions even if it was built for a specific version. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost.)
* Update FAQ for expiring a specific backup set. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Update FAQ to clarify default PITR behavior. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
Bug Fixes:
* Fix issue checking if file links are contained in path links. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Christophe Cavallié.)
* Allow pg-path1 to be optional for synchronous archive-push. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Jerome Peng.)
* The expire command now checks if a stop file is present. (Fixed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Handle missing reason phrase in HTTP response. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Tenuun.)
* Increase buffer size for lz4 compression flush. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Eric Radman.)
* Ignore pg-host* and repo-host* options for the remote command. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Pavel Suderevsky.)
* Fix possibly missing pg1-* options for the remote command. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang. Reported by Andrew L'Ecuyer.)
* Time-based retention for full backups. The --repo-retention-full-type option allows retention of full backups based on a time period, specified in days. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang, Pierre Ducroquet. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Ad hoc backup expiration. Allow the user to remove a specified backup regardless of retention settings. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Zstandard compression support. Note that setting compress-type=zst will make new backups and archive incompatible (unrestorable) with prior versions of pgBackRest. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* bzip2 compression support. Note that setting compress-type=bz2 will make new backups and archive incompatible (unrestorable) with prior versions of pgBackRest. (Contributed by Stephen Frost. Reviewed by David Steele, Cynthia Shang.)
* Add backup/expire running status to the info command. (Contributed by Stefan Fercot. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Expire WAL archive only when repo-retention-archive threshold is met. WAL prior to the first full backup was previously expired after the first full backup. Now it is preserved according to retention settings. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
* Add local MD5 implementation so S3 works when FIPS is enabled. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang, Stephen Frost. Suggested by Brian Almeida, John Kelley.)
* PostgreSQL 13 beta1 support. Changes to the control/catalog/WAL versions in subsequent betas may break compatibility but pgBackRest will be updated with each release to keep pace. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* Reduce buffer-size default to 1MiB. (Reviewed by Stephen Frost.)
* Throw user-friendly error if expire is not run on repository host. (Contributed by Cynthia Shang. Reviewed by David Steele.)
Bug Fixes:
* Remove empty subexpression from manifest regular expression. MacOS was not happy about this though other platforms seemed to work fine. (Fixed by David Raftis.)
* Non-blocking TLS implementation. (Reviewed by Slava Moudry, Cynthia Shang, Stephen Frost.)
* Only limit backup copy size for WAL-logged files. The prior behavior could possibly lead to postgresql.conf or being truncated in the backup. (Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.)
* TCP keep-alive options are configurable. (Suggested by Marc Cousin.)
* Add io-timeout option.
When the Vagrant file was updated to use pgbackrest/ vs /backrest/ as the location for executing tests and building the documentation, parts of the contributing.xml (and hence the were not updated since some parts of the document are not actually executed when the is built from contributing.xml: those parts that are executed were updated but those parts that are not executed were not.
This commit fixes the contributing.xml issue but also removes test/ as its contents were out of date and redundant given that they are covered in
This macro was created before the String object existed so subsequent usage with String always included a lot of strPtr() wrapping.
TEST_RESULT_STR_Z() had already been introduced but a wholesale replacement of TEST_RESULT_STR() was not done since the priority was on the C migration.
Update all calls to (old) TEST_RESULT_STR() with one of the following variants: (new) TEST_RESULT_STR(), TEST_RESULT_STR_Z(), TEST_RESULT_Z(), TEST_RESULT_Z_STR().
Adding a dummy column which is always set by the P() macro allows a single macro to be used for parameters or no parameters without violating C's prohibition on the {} initializer.
-Wmissing-field-initializers remains disabled because it still gives wildly different results between versions of gcc.
This documentation shows how to build a development environment on Ubuntu 19.04 and should work for other Debian-based distros.
Note that this document is not included in automated testing due to some unresolved issues with Docker in Docker on Travis CI. We'll address this in the future when we add contributing documentation to the website.