Remove embedded Perl from the distributed binary. This includes code, configure, Makefile, and packages. The distributed binary is now pure C.
Remove storagePathEnforceSet() from the C Storage object which allowed Perl to write outside of the storage base directory. Update mock/all and real/all integration tests to use storageLocal() where they were violating this rule.
Remove "c" option that allowed the remote to tell if it was being called from C or Perl.
Code to convert options to JSON for passing to Perl (perl/config.c) has been moved to LibC since it is still required for Perl integration tests.
Update build and installation instructions in the user guide.
Remove all Perl unit tests.
Remove obsolete Perl code. In particular this included all the Perl protocol code which required modifications to the Perl storage, manifest, and db objects that are still required for integration testing but only run locally. Any remaining Perl code is required for testing, documentation, or code generation.
Rename perlReq to binReq in define.yaml to indicate that the binary is required for a test. This had been the actual meaning for quite some time but the key was never renamed.
The tests and documentation have been using the core storage layer but soon that will depend entirely on the C library, creating a bootstrap problem (i.e. the storage layer will be needed to build the C library).
Create a simplified Posix storage layer to be used by documentation and the parts of the test code that build and execute the actual tests. The actual tests will still use the core storage driver so they can interact with any type of storage.