Info files required three copies in memory to be loaded (the original string, an ini representation, and the final info object). Not only was this memory inefficient but the Ini object does sequential scans when searching for keys making large files very slow to load.
This has not been an issue since and are very small, but it becomes a big deal when loading manifests with hundreds of thousands of files.
Instead of holding copies of the data in memory, use a callback to deliver the ini data directly to the object when loading. Use a similar method for save to avoid having an intermediate copy. Save is a bit complex because sections/keys must be written in alpha order or older versions of pgBackRest will not calculate the correct checksum.
Also move the load retry logic to helper functions rather than embedding it in the Info object. This allows for more flexibility in loading and ensures that stack traces will be available when developing unit tests.
Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.
ioReadLine() errors on eof because it has previously been used only for protocol reads.
Returning on eof is handy for reading lines from files where eof is not considered an error.
Checking the PostgreSQL-reported path and version against the pgBackRest configuration helps ensure that pgBackRest is operating against the correct cluster.
In Perl this functionality was in the Db object, but check seems like a better place for it in C.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
Previously the host id to use was pulled from the host-id option or defaulted to 1.
The stanza, check, and backup commands will all need the ability to address a specified pg host, so add functions to make that possible.
Previously, info files (e.g., were created in Perl and only loaded in C.
The upcoming stanza commands in C need to create these files so refactor the Info* objects to allow new, empty objects to be created. Also, add functions needed to initialize each Info* object to a valid state.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
Previously storageLocal() was being used internally but loading pg_control from remote storage is often required.
Also, storagePg() is more appropriate than storageLocal() for all current usage.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
The pg1-socket-path and pg1-port options were not being reset when options from a higher index were being pushed down for processing by a remote. Since remotes only talk to one cluster they always use the options in index 1. This requires moving options from the original index to 1 before starting the remote. All options already set on index 1 must be removed if they are not being overwritten.
Processing large datasets in a memory context can lead to high memory usage and long allocation times. Add a new MEM_CONTEXT_TEMP_RESET_BEGIN() macro that allows temp allocations to be automatically freed after N iterations.
Calculate the most common value in a list of variants. If there is a tie then the first value passed to mcvUpdate() wins.
mcvResult() can be called multiple times because it does not end processing, but there is a cost to calculating the result each time
since it is not stored.
Logging stayed in the backup log until the Perl code started. Fix this so it logs to the correct file and will still work after the Perl code is removed.
The Perl versions remain because they are still being used by the Perl stanza commands. Once the stanza commands are migrated they can be removed.
Contributed by Cynthia Shang.
Implement switch WAL and archive check in C but leave the rest in Perl for now.
The main idea was to have some real integration tests for the new database code so the rest of the migration can wait.
Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.
Migrate functionality from the Perl Db module to C. For now this is just enough to implement the WAL switch check.
Add the dbGet() helper function to get Db objects easily.
Create macros in harnessPq to make writing pq scripts easier by grouping commonly used functions together.
Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.
The cause of this error seems to be that a failed request takes so long that a subsequent retry at the http level uses outdated headers.
We're not sure if pgBackRest it to blame here (in one case a kernel downgrade fixed it, in another case an incorrect network driver was the problem) so add retries to hopefully deal with the issue if it is not too persistent. If SSL_write() has long delays before reporting an error then this will obviously affect backup performance.
Reported by sean0101n, Tim Garton, Jesper St John, Aleš Zelený.
Error codes were not being caught for SSL_write() so it was hard to see exactly what was happening in error cases. Report errors to aid in debugging.
Also add a retry for SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ. Even though we have not been able to reproduce this case it is required by SSL_write() so go ahead and implement it.
Multiple PostgreSQL hosts were supported via the host-id option but there are cases where it is useful to be able to directly specify the host id required, e.g. to iterate through pg* hosts when looking for candidate primaries and standbys during backup.
Keep trying to locate the WAL segment until timeout. This is useful for the check and backup commands which must wait for segments to arrive in the archive.
The remotes have their own config options (repo-host-config, etc.) so don't pass the local config* options.
This was a regression from the behavior of the Perl code and while there have been no field reports it caused breakage on test systems with multiple configurations.
If this option is set then ports appended to repo-s3-endpoint or repo-s3-host will be ignored.
Setting this option explicitly may be the only way to use a bare ipv6 address with S3 (since multiple colons confuse the parser) but we plan to improve this in the future.
This direct interface to libpq allows simple queries to be run against PostgreSQL and supports timeouts.
Testing is performed using a shim that can use scripted responses to test all aspects of the client code. The shim will be very useful for testing backup scenarios on complex topologies.
Reviewed by Cynthia Shang.
The local process is now entirely migrated to C. Since all major I/O operations are performed in the local process, the vast majority of I/O is now performed in C.
Contributed by David Steele, Cynthia Shang.
Add bool, array, and int64 as valid array subtypes.
Pretty print for the array subtype is not correct but is currently not in use (this can be seen at line 328 in typeJsonTest.c).
Discard all data passed to the filter. Useful for calculating size/checksum on a remote system when no data needs to be returned.
Update ioReadDrain() to automatically use the IoSink filter.
The HTTP server can use either content-length or transfer-encoding to indicate that there is content in the response. HEAD requests do not include content but return all the same headers as GET. In the HEAD case we were ignoring content-length but not transfer-encoding which led to unexpected eof errors on AWS S3. Our test server, minio, uses content-length so this was not caught in integration testing.
Ignore all content for HEAD requests (no matter how it is reported) and add a unit test for transfer-encoding to prevent a regression.
Found by Pavel Suderevsky.