#################################################################################################################################### # DOC EXECUTE MODULE #################################################################################################################################### package BackRestDoc::Common::DocExecute; use parent 'BackRestDoc::Common::DocRender'; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT = qw(); use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Storable qw(dclone); use lib dirname($0) . '/../lib'; use pgBackRest::Common::Ini; use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Common::String; use pgBackRest::Config::Config; use pgBackRest::FileCommon; use lib dirname($0) . '/../test/lib'; use pgBackRestTest::Common::ExecuteTest; use pgBackRestTest::Common::HostTest; use BackRestDoc::Common::DocManifest; #################################################################################################################################### # Operation constants #################################################################################################################################### use constant OP_DOC_EXECUTE => 'DocExecute'; use constant OP_DOC_EXECUTE_BACKREST_CONFIG => OP_DOC_EXECUTE . '->backrestConfig'; use constant OP_DOC_EXECUTE_EXECUTE => OP_DOC_EXECUTE . '->execute'; use constant OP_DOC_EXECUTE_NEW => OP_DOC_EXECUTE . '->new'; use constant OP_DOC_EXECUTE_POSTGRES_CONFIG => OP_DOC_EXECUTE . '->postresConfig'; use constant OP_DOC_EXECUTE_SECTION_CHILD_PROCESS => OP_DOC_EXECUTE . '->sectionChildProcess'; #################################################################################################################################### # CONSTRUCTOR #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strType, $oManifest, $strRenderOutKey, $bExe ) = logDebugParam ( OP_DOC_EXECUTE_NEW, \@_, {name => 'strType'}, {name => 'oManifest'}, {name => 'strRenderOutKey'}, {name => 'bExe'} ); # Create the class hash my $self = $class->SUPER::new($strType, $oManifest, $strRenderOutKey); bless $self, $class; $self->{bExe} = $bExe; # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # execute #################################################################################################################################### sub execute { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oSection, $strHostName, $oCommand, $iIndent ) = logDebugParam ( OP_DOC_EXECUTE_EXECUTE, \@_, {name => 'oSection'}, {name => 'strHostName'}, {name => 'oCommand'}, {name => 'iIndent', default => 1} ); # Working variables my $strCommand; my $strOutput; if ($oCommand->fieldTest('actual-command')) { $strCommand = $oCommand->fieldGet('actual-command'); $strOutput = $oCommand->fieldGet('actual-output', false); } else { # Command variables $strCommand = trim($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-cmd')); my $strUser = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oCommand->paramGet('user', false, 'postgres')); my $bExeOutput = $oCommand->paramTest('output', 'y'); my $strVariableKey = $oCommand->paramGet('variable-key', false); my $iExeExpectedError = $oCommand->paramGet('err-expect', false); $strCommand = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace( ($strUser eq 'vagrant' ? '' : ('sudo ' . ($strUser eq 'root' ? '' : "-u ${strUser} "))) . $strCommand); # Add continuation chars and proper spacing $strCommand =~ s/[ ]*\n[ ]*/ \\\n /smg; if (!$oCommand->paramTest('show', 'n') && $self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection)) { # Make sure that no lines are greater than 80 chars foreach my $strLine (split("\n", $strCommand)) { if (length(trim($strLine)) > 80) { confess &log(ERROR, "command has a line > 80 characters:\n${strCommand}\noffending line: ${strLine}"); } } } &log(DEBUG, (' ' x $iIndent) . "execute: $strCommand"); if (!$oCommand->paramTest('skip', 'y')) { if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection)) { # Check that the host is valid my $oHost = $self->{host}{$strHostName}; if (!defined($oHost)) { confess &log(ERROR, "cannot execute on host ${strHostName} because the host does not exist"); } my $oExec = $oHost->execute($strCommand, {iExpectedExitStatus => $iExeExpectedError, bSuppressError => $oCommand->paramTest('err-suppress', 'y'), iRetrySeconds => $oCommand->paramGet('retry', false)}); $oExec->begin(); $oExec->end(); if ($bExeOutput && defined($oExec->{strOutLog}) && $oExec->{strOutLog} ne '') { $strOutput = $oExec->{strOutLog}; # Trim off extra linefeeds before and after $strOutput =~ s/^\n+|\n$//g; if ($strCommand =~ / pgbackrest /) { $strOutput =~ s/^ //smg; $strOutput =~ s/^[0-9]{4}-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]\.[0-9]{3} T[0-9]{2} //smg; } } if (defined($iExeExpectedError)) { $strOutput .= trim($oExec->{strErrorLog}); } # Output is assigned to a var if (defined($strVariableKey)) { $self->{oManifest}->variableSet($strVariableKey, trim($oExec->{strOutLog})); } elsif (!$oCommand->paramTest('filter', 'n') && $bExeOutput && defined($strOutput)) { my $strHighLight = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oCommand->fieldGet('exe-highlight', false)); if (!defined($strHighLight)) { confess &log(ERROR, 'filter requires highlight definition: ' . $strCommand); } my $iFilterContext = $oCommand->paramGet('filter-context', false, 2); my @stryOutput = split("\n", $strOutput); undef($strOutput); # my $iFiltered = 0; my $iLastOutput = -1; for (my $iIndex = 0; $iIndex < @stryOutput; $iIndex++) { if ($stryOutput[$iIndex] =~ /$strHighLight/) { # Determine the first line to output my $iFilterFirst = $iIndex - $iFilterContext; # Don't go past the beginning $iFilterFirst = $iFilterFirst < 0 ? 0 : $iFilterFirst; # Don't repeat lines that have already been output $iFilterFirst = $iFilterFirst <= $iLastOutput ? $iLastOutput + 1 : $iFilterFirst; # Determine the last line to output my $iFilterLast = $iIndex + $iFilterContext; # Don't got past the end $iFilterLast = $iFilterLast >= @stryOutput ? @stryOutput -1 : $iFilterLast; # Mark filtered lines if any if ($iFilterFirst > $iLastOutput + 1) { my $iFiltered = $iFilterFirst - ($iLastOutput + 1); if ($iFiltered > 1) { $strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . " [filtered ${iFiltered} lines of output]"; } else { $iFilterFirst -= 1; } } # Output the lines for (my $iOutputIndex = $iFilterFirst; $iOutputIndex <= $iFilterLast; $iOutputIndex++) { $strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . $stryOutput[$iOutputIndex]; } $iLastOutput = $iFilterLast; } } if (@stryOutput - 1 > $iLastOutput + 1) { my $iFiltered = (@stryOutput - 1) - ($iLastOutput + 1); if ($iFiltered > 1) { $strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . " [filtered ${iFiltered} lines of output]"; } else { $strOutput .= (defined($strOutput) ? "\n" : '') . $stryOutput[@stryOutput - 1]; } } } } elsif ($bExeOutput) { $strOutput = 'Output suppressed for testing'; } } if (defined($strVariableKey) && !defined($self->{oManifest}->variableGet($strVariableKey))) { $self->{oManifest}->variableSet($strVariableKey, '[Test Variable]'); } $oCommand->fieldSet('actual-command', $strCommand); $oCommand->fieldSet('actual-output', $strOutput); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'strCommand', value => $strCommand, trace => true}, {name => 'strOutput', value => $strOutput, trace => true} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # backrestConfig #################################################################################################################################### sub backrestConfig { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oSection, $oConfig, $iDepth ) = logDebugParam ( OP_DOC_EXECUTE_BACKREST_CONFIG, \@_, {name => 'oSection'}, {name => 'oConfig'}, {name => 'iDepth'} ); # Working variables my $strFile; my $strConfig; if ($oConfig->fieldTest('actual-file')) { $strFile = $oConfig->fieldGet('actual-file'); $strConfig = $oConfig->fieldGet('actual-config'); } else { # Get filename $strFile = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('file')); &log(DEBUG, (' ' x $iDepth) . 'process backrest config: ' . $strFile); if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection)) { # Check that the host is valid my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host')); my $oHost = $self->{host}{$strHostName}; if (!defined($oHost)) { confess &log(ERROR, "cannot configure backrest on host ${strHostName} because the host does not exist"); } # Reset all options if ($oConfig->paramTest('reset', 'y')) { delete(${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}) } foreach my $oOption ($oConfig->nodeList('backrest-config-option')) { my $strSection = $oOption->paramGet('section'); my $strKey = $oOption->paramGet('key'); my $strValue; if (!$oOption->paramTest('remove', 'y')) { $strValue = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(trim($oOption->valueGet(false))); } if (!defined($strValue)) { delete(${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}{$strKey}); if (keys(${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}) == 0) { delete(${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}); } &log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "reset ${strSection}->${strKey}"); } else { # Get the config options hash my $oOption = optionRuleGet(); # Make sure the specified option exists if (!defined($$oOption{$strKey})) { confess &log(ERROR, "option ${strKey} does not exist"); } # If this option is a hash and the value is already set then append to the array if ($$oOption{$strKey}{&OPTION_RULE_TYPE} eq OPTION_TYPE_HASH && defined(${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}{$strKey})) { my @oValue = (); my $strHashValue = ${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}{$strKey}; # If there is only one key/value if (ref(\$strHashValue) eq 'SCALAR') { push(@oValue, $strHashValue); } # Else if there is an array of values else { @oValue = @{$strHashValue}; } push(@oValue, $strValue); ${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}{$strKey} = \@oValue; } # else just set the value else { ${$self->{config}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{$strSection}{$strKey} = $strValue; } &log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "set ${strSection}->${strKey} = ${strValue}"); } } my $strLocalFile = "/home/vagrant/data/db-master/etc/pgbackrest.conf"; # Save the ini file iniSave($strLocalFile, $self->{config}{$strHostName}{$strFile}, true); $strConfig = fileStringRead($strLocalFile); $oHost->copyTo($strLocalFile, $strFile, $oConfig->paramGet('owner', false, 'postgres:postgres'), '640'); } else { $strConfig = 'Config suppressed for testing'; } $oConfig->fieldSet('actual-file', $strFile); $oConfig->fieldSet('actual-config', $strConfig); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'strFile', value => $strFile, trace => true}, {name => 'strConfig', value => $strConfig, trace => true}, {name => 'bShow', value => $oConfig->paramTest('show', 'n') ? false : true, trace => true} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # postgresConfig #################################################################################################################################### sub postgresConfig { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oSection, $oConfig, $iDepth ) = logDebugParam ( OP_DOC_EXECUTE_POSTGRES_CONFIG, \@_, {name => 'oSection'}, {name => 'oConfig'}, {name => 'iDepth'} ); # Working variables my $strFile; my $strConfig; if ($oConfig->fieldTest('actual-file')) { $strFile = $oConfig->fieldGet('actual-file'); $strConfig = $oConfig->fieldGet('actual-config'); } else { # Get filename $strFile = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('file')); if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection)) { # Check that the host is valid my $strHostName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oConfig->paramGet('host')); my $oHost = $self->{host}{$strHostName}; if (!defined($oHost)) { confess &log(ERROR, "cannot configure postgres on host ${strHostName} because the host does not exist"); } my $strLocalFile = '/home/vagrant/data/db-master/etc/postgresql.conf'; $oHost->copyFrom($strFile, $strLocalFile); if (!defined(${$self->{'pg-config'}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{base}) && $self->{bExe}) { ${$self->{'pg-config'}}{$strHostName}{$strFile}{base} = fileStringRead($strLocalFile); } my $oConfigHash = $self->{'pg-config'}{$strHostName}{$strFile}; my $oConfigHashNew; if (!defined($$oConfigHash{old})) { $oConfigHashNew = {}; $$oConfigHash{old} = {} } else { $oConfigHashNew = dclone($$oConfigHash{old}); } &log(DEBUG, (' ' x $iDepth) . 'process postgres config: ' . $strFile); foreach my $oOption ($oConfig->nodeList('postgres-config-option')) { my $strKey = $oOption->paramGet('key'); my $strValue = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace(trim($oOption->valueGet())); if ($strValue eq '') { delete($$oConfigHashNew{$strKey}); &log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "reset ${strKey}"); } else { $$oConfigHashNew{$strKey} = $strValue; &log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . "set ${strKey} = ${strValue}"); } } # Generate config text foreach my $strKey (sort(keys(%$oConfigHashNew))) { if (defined($strConfig)) { $strConfig .= "\n"; } $strConfig .= "${strKey} = $$oConfigHashNew{$strKey}"; } # Save the conf file if ($self->{bExe}) { fileStringWrite($strLocalFile, $$oConfigHash{base} . (defined($strConfig) ? "\n# pgBackRest Configuration\n${strConfig}\n" : '')); $oHost->copyTo($strLocalFile, $strFile, 'postgres:postgres', '640'); } $$oConfigHash{old} = $oConfigHashNew; } else { $strConfig = 'Config suppressed for testing'; } $oConfig->fieldSet('actual-file', $strFile); $oConfig->fieldSet('actual-config', $strConfig); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'strFile', value => $strFile, trace => true}, {name => 'strConfig', value => $strConfig, trace => true}, {name => 'bShow', value => $oConfig->paramTest('show', 'n') ? false : true, trace => true} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # sectionChildProcesss #################################################################################################################################### sub sectionChildProcess { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $oSection, $oChild, $iDepth ) = logDebugParam ( OP_DOC_EXECUTE_SECTION_CHILD_PROCESS, \@_, {name => 'oSection'}, {name => 'oChild'}, {name => 'iDepth'} ); &log(DEBUG, (' ' x ($iDepth + 1)) . 'process child: ' . $oChild->nameGet()); # Execute a command if ($oChild->nameGet() eq 'host-add') { if ($self->{bExe} && $self->isRequired($oSection) && !$oChild->paramTest('created', true)) { my $strName = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('name')); my $strUser = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('user')); my $strImage = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('image')); my $strOS = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('os', false)); my $strMount = $self->{oManifest}->variableReplace($oChild->paramGet('mount', false)); if (defined($self->{host}{$strName})) { confess &log(ERROR, 'cannot add host ${strName} because the host already exists'); } my $oHost = new pgBackRestTest::Common::HostTest($strName, $strImage, $strUser, $strOS, $strMount); $self->{host}{$strName} = $oHost; $self->{oManifest}->variableSet("host-${strName}-ip", $oHost->{strIP}); # Execute cleanup commands foreach my $oExecute ($oChild->nodeList('execute')) { $self->execute($oSection, $strName, $oExecute, $iDepth + 1); } $oHost->executeSimple("sh -c 'echo \"\" >> /etc/hosts\'", undef, 'root'); $oHost->executeSimple("sh -c 'echo \"# Test Hosts\" >> /etc/hosts'", undef, 'root'); # Add all other host IPs to this host foreach my $strOtherHostName (sort(keys($self->{host}))) { if ($strOtherHostName ne $strName) { my $oOtherHost = $self->{host}{$strOtherHostName}; $oHost->executeSimple("sh -c 'echo \"$oOtherHost->{strIP} ${strOtherHostName}\" >> /etc/hosts'", undef, 'root'); } } # Add this host IP to all other hosts foreach my $strOtherHostName (sort(keys($self->{host}))) { if ($strOtherHostName ne $strName) { my $oOtherHost = $self->{host}{$strOtherHostName}; $oOtherHost->executeSimple("sh -c 'echo \"$oHost->{strIP} ${strName}\" >> /etc/hosts'", undef, 'root'); } } $oChild->paramSet('created', true); } } # Skip children that have already been processed and error on others elsif ($oChild->nameGet() ne 'title') { confess &log(ASSERT, 'unable to process child type ' . $oChild->nameGet()); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation ); } 1;