#################################################################################################################################### # CHECK MODULE #################################################################################################################################### package pgBackRest::Check::Check; use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Carp qw(confess); use English '-no_match_vars'; use pgBackRest::Archive::Common; use pgBackRest::Archive::Get::File; use pgBackRest::Backup::Info; use pgBackRest::Common::Exception; use pgBackRest::Common::Log; use pgBackRest::Common::Wait; use pgBackRest::Config::Config; use pgBackRest::Db; use pgBackRest::Manifest; use pgBackRest::Protocol::Helper; use pgBackRest::Protocol::Storage::Helper; #################################################################################################################################### # constructor #################################################################################################################################### sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ($strOperation) = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->new'); # Create the class hash my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'self', value => $self} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # process # # Validates the database configuration and checks that the archive logs can be read by backup. This will alert the user to any # misconfiguration, particularly of archiving, that would result in the inability of a backup to complete (e.g waiting at the end # until it times out because it could not find the WAL file). #################################################################################################################################### sub process { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my $strOperation = logDebugParam(__PACKAGE__ . '->process'); # Initialize the local variables my $iArchiveTimeout = cfgOption(CFGOPT_ARCHIVE_TIMEOUT); my $iResult = 0; my $strResultMessage = undef; my $strArchiveId = undef; my $strArchiveFile = undef; my $strWalSegment = undef; # Get the master database object to test to see if the manifest can be built my ($oDb) = dbMasterGet(); # Get the databse version to pass to the manifest constructor and the system-id in the event of a failure my ($strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId) = $oDb->info(); # Turn off console logging to control when to display the error logLevelSet(undef, OFF); # Loop through all defined databases and attempt to build a manifest for (my $iRemoteIdx = 1; $iRemoteIdx <= cfgOptionIndexTotal(CFGOPT_PG_HOST); $iRemoteIdx++) { # Make sure a db is defined for this index if (cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $iRemoteIdx)) || cfgOptionTest(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_HOST, $iRemoteIdx))) { eval { # Passing file location dev/null so that the save will fail if it is ever attempted. Pass a miscellaneus value for # encryption key since the file will not be saved. my $oBackupManifest = new pgBackRest::Manifest("/dev/null/manifest.chk", {bLoad => false, strDbVersion => $strDbVersion, iDbCatalogVersion => $iCatalogVersion, strCipherPass => 'x', strCipherPassSub => 'x'}); # Set required settings not set during manifest instantiation $oBackupManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_DB_ID, undef, 1); $oBackupManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_CONTROL, undef, $iControlVersion); $oBackupManifest->numericSet(MANIFEST_SECTION_BACKUP_DB, MANIFEST_KEY_SYSTEM_ID, undef, $ullDbSysId); $oBackupManifest->build( storageDb({iRemoteIdx => $iRemoteIdx}), cfgOption(cfgOptionIdFromIndex(CFGOPT_PG_PATH, $iRemoteIdx)), undef, cfgOptionValid(CFGOPT_ONLINE) && cfgOption(CFGOPT_ONLINE), false, $oDb->tablespaceMapGet()); return true; } or do { # Capture error information $strResultMessage = "Database: ${strDbVersion} ${ullDbSysId} " . exceptionMessage($EVAL_ERROR) . (($iResult != 0) ? "\n[$iResult] : $strResultMessage" : ""); $iResult = exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR); }; } } # Reset the console logging logLevelSet(undef, cfgOption(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE)); # If the manifest builds are ok, then proceed with the other checks if ($iResult == 0) { # Reinitialize the database object in order to check the configured replicas. This will throw an error if at least one is not # able to be connected to and warnings for any that cannot be properly connected to. ($oDb) = dbObjectGet(); # Validate the database configuration $oDb->configValidate(); # Turn off console logging to control when to display the error logLevelSet(undef, OFF); # Check backup.info - if the archive check fails below (e.g --no-archive-check set) then at least know backup.info succeeded eval { # Check that the backup info file is written and is valid for the current database of the stanza $self->backupInfoCheck(); return true; } # If there is an unhandled error then confess or do { # Capture error information $iResult = exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR); $strResultMessage = exceptionMessage($EVAL_ERROR); }; # Check archive.info if ($iResult == 0) { eval { # Check that the archive info file is written and is valid for the current database of the stanza ($strArchiveId) = archiveGetCheck(); return true; } or do { # Capture error information $iResult = exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR); $strResultMessage = exceptionMessage($EVAL_ERROR); }; } # If able to get the archive id then force archiving and check the arrival of the archived WAL file with the time specified if ($iResult == 0 && !$oDb->isStandby()) { $strWalSegment = $oDb->walSwitch(); eval { $strArchiveFile = walSegmentFind(storageRepo(), $strArchiveId, $strWalSegment, $iArchiveTimeout); return true; } # If this is a backrest error then capture the code and message else confess or do { # Capture error information $iResult = exceptionCode($EVAL_ERROR); $strResultMessage = exceptionMessage($EVAL_ERROR); }; } # Reset the console logging logLevelSet(undef, cfgOption(CFGOPT_LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE)); } # If the archiving was successful and backup.info check did not error in an unexpected way, then indicate success # Else, log the error. if ($iResult == 0) { if (!$oDb->isStandby()) { &log(INFO, "WAL segment ${strWalSegment} successfully stored in the archive at '" . storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_ARCHIVE . "/$strArchiveId/${strArchiveFile}") . "'"); } else { &log(INFO, 'switch ' . $oDb->walId() . ' cannot be performed on the standby, all other checks passed successfully'); } } else { # Log the captured error &log(ERROR, $strResultMessage, $iResult); # If a WAL switch was attempted, then alert the user that the WAL that did not reach the archive if (defined($strWalSegment) && !defined($strArchiveFile)) { &log(WARN, "WAL segment ${strWalSegment} did not reach the archive:" . (defined($strArchiveId) ? $strArchiveId : '') . "\n" . "HINT: Check the archive_command to ensure that all options are correct (especially --stanza).\n" . "HINT: Check the PostgreSQL server log for errors."); } } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'iResult', value => $iResult, trace => true} ); } #################################################################################################################################### # backupInfoCheck # # Check the backup.info file, if it exists, to confirm the DB version, system-id, control and catalog numbers match the database. #################################################################################################################################### sub backupInfoCheck { my $self = shift; # Assign function parameters, defaults, and log debug info my ( $strOperation, $strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId, ) = logDebugParam ( __PACKAGE__ . '->backupInfoCheck', \@_, {name => 'strDbVersion', required => false}, {name => 'iControlVersion', required => false}, {name => 'iCatalogVersion', required => false}, {name => 'ullDbSysId', required => false} ); # If the db info are not passed, then we need to retrieve the database information my $iDbHistoryId; if (!defined($strDbVersion) || !defined($iControlVersion) || !defined($iCatalogVersion) || !defined($ullDbSysId)) { # get DB info for comparison ($strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId) = dbMasterGet()->info(); } if (!isRepoLocal()) { $iDbHistoryId = protocolGet(CFGOPTVAL_REMOTE_TYPE_BACKUP)->cmdExecute( OP_CHECK_BACKUP_INFO_CHECK, [$strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId]); } else { $iDbHistoryId = (new pgBackRest::Backup::Info(storageRepo()->pathGet(STORAGE_REPO_BACKUP)))->check( $strDbVersion, $iControlVersion, $iCatalogVersion, $ullDbSysId); } # Return from function and log return values if any return logDebugReturn ( $strOperation, {name => 'iDbHistoryId', value => $iDbHistoryId, trace => true} ); } 1;